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First of all, I would like to praise Allah SWT with His Almighty for giving me a chance in being
independent and paving the right way in order for me to complete this assignment.

Next, a special thanks to Ms Zati for this opportunity to learn more in-depth of reference
sources and for all the guides and help provided. It is indeed a new experience for me to
complete this compilation of reference resources and to apply all the lessons learned in this

Not to forget, the staffs of Perpustakaan Sultan Badlishah for their time spent in helping me
researching for the right materials in completing this book review.

Also, I would like to thank my parents and family in providing the materials and resources
needed in order to complete this assignment. Not to forget, the moral and finance support
offered to keep me in track for this assignment.

And lastly, I would like to applaud my KIM1201A classmates and my room mates for their
help and patience in answering my never-ending questions and curiosity. Also, for the late-
night working and early mornings spent to finish this assignment successfully.


Definition of Reference Sources

A book designed by arrangement and treatment of its subject matter as a consultation of

information and not for an act of leisure. It is restricted to the library building only.

Characteristics of a Reference Book

a) Related to a specific subject or information

b) Not meant for leisure or continuous reading
c) Consists of only general information that is basic but detailed and lack of specific
explanation or theory
d) Not lent out outside from library
e) Neatly organized information of a specific subject

Importance of reference sources

a. Provide users of general background informations

b. As a guide for users to begin their research
c. Act as a consultant for users with supporting data and statistics
d. Gives credit to the original provider of resources


2.1 Dictionary

Is a book that provides users with information that is specifically about words. Whether the
meaning, derivation (verb), spelling, pronunciation, syllabication, usage, and the current
status of the word.

Among the usage of a dictionary includes ;

o To check on the usage of a word

o Determining the etymological history of a word
o Verify spelling, syllabication or pronunciation of a word
o Defining words

Example of a dictionary


By ; Rajeev Menon

ISBN : 978-81-907475-9-2

This dictionary was published by Pacific Books International in

2009 that acts as a references sources for library studies. This
Delhi published dictionary’s objectives is to provide users the
explanation and definition of terms, concepts and modern
information of techniques that is related to modern libraries.

Dictionary of library science is especially useful for students

and teachers of library and information sciences, information
scientists, bibliographers and librarians.

This dictionary does not include any contents for its 316 pages of body, considering the
letters are arranged alphabetically. The author of this dictionary, Rajeev Menon should be
applauded for his effort in including every possible words that is related to library science in
every letters of the alphabet.

For example, one of the terms in the letter Z is for ZIP. As per explained by the author, it is
“a method of compressing large files for transfer and storage, which can be expanded back

for use with UNZIP”. Another example, is a phrase searching by the letter P. It means “a
search process that allows you to combine words so that you only get records where the
words are next to each other in the order specified.

Users that is involved in library science subject thus will find this 23cm tall dictionary useful
with it containing the most possible and frequently used terms in the library information

2.2 Encyclopedia

Is a form of informative book that concerned more subjects. A topic is given an overview,
definition, descriptions, background, and bibliographical references. Two types of
encyclopedia is a general encyclopedia and a subject encyclopedia.

Example of a subject encyclopedia



By : (General Editor ; Roger Hicks)

ISBN :1-57145-295-8

This encyclopedia were first published in the United States by

the year 2001. The publisher, Thunder Bay Press have
included more than 2,500 kinds of motorcycles by the year
1885 and 2001. This publisher’s objectives is that they tried to
be as objective as they can to cover each manufacturer’s
received amount.

Aside from the contents, this encyclopedia includes

introduction to the motorcycle’s evolution. According to the
book, variations that happened in the motorcycles evolution is, “…a motorcycle is not a
particularly difficult thing to make, especially if you can buy in some of the parts that you
need to make it. “

Among the types of motorcycle mentioned in the encyclopedia are American Ironhouse,
Ancillotti, Bailey Flyer, Beardmore Precision, Bombardier, Cagiva, Cemec, Chater-Lea,
Coventry Eagle, Daelim, De Dion Bouton, Della Ferrera, Elmeca-Gilera,Eso, etc.

Each kinds of motorcycles is give a description, definitions, background of origins and

additional information about them. Motorcycles lovers are recommended to take this book as
a reference in indulging selves into the automotive world of motorcycles.

This 30cm tall book included coloured illustrations of motorcycles alongside the information
of the subject itself. It also includes index to facilitate readers in searching of terms in the

2.3 Yearbook

Annual compendium of data and statistics of past events to record the year’s activities by
country, subject, or specialized area or organization.

Examples of Yearbook

The Republic of China Yearbook 1997

By: Government Information Office of Republic of China

ISBN: 957-00-8992-X

ISSN: 1013-0942

This yearbook is published by the Government

Information Office by the year 1997. As this book is a
government property book, it is published in the country of
the book’s origin, Republic of China.

This yearbook compiled the Republic of China’s activities

and celebration in the year 1997. This yearbook also
includes the map of Republic of China, National Symbols
and National Anthems. The content of this book also touches the common subjects for the
country that include topics such as Geography, People, Language, History, Government,
Political Parties and Elections, Mainland Affairs and National Unification Policy, National
Defense, Foreign Relations, The Economy, Finance and Banking, Agriculture,
Environmental Protection, Transportation, Public Health, Mass Media, Education, Science
and Technology, Social Welfare, Labor, Arts, Tourism, and etc.

Users may find details such as what has been accomplished by the nation until the date of
1997, and plans that is under development to build a better nation. As per quoted by the
Director –General of the Government Information Office, Chi Su’s comment on the book,
“The Republic of China Yearbook 1997 has been designed to help its readers
comprehensively understand what is happening in the ROC today.”

The citizens of Republic of China are encouraged to engaged in this book as it gives out
information that is confidential and important for the discoveries of the country. As it
compiles the activities that has happened by the year 1997, the younger generation of
Republic of China will get to learn a more in-depth information of the events in the country.

2.4 Almanac

A collection of various facts and statistics of data and information, past as well as current
information covering local, state, national and international affairs.

Example of an Almanac

Almanac of Famous People: 7th edition Volume 1

By : Jennifer Mossman

ISBN : 0-7876-4792-6

This almanac is a comprehensive reference guide to more

than 33, 000 famous and infamous newsmakers from Biblical
times to the present. Published and distributed by the Gale
Group Inc., this book is printed in the United States of
America, containing the most up-to-date entries of well-known
people by the year 2001.

The almanac contains key to abbreviations such as the

meaning of CORE, Committee (or Congress) on Racial
Equality ; ESP, Extra Sensory Perception; FL, Florida ; HBO,
Home Box Office; ILGWU, International Ladies Garment Workers Union, etc.

The form and contents of the entries were arranged according to the person’s name as
most famously known, the pseudonym, real name, married name, or group of affiliations in
brackets. The readers will also be provided with nicknames in quotation marks, the
nationality of the person currently or at time of death, the occupation, career, or best known
activity. Following after, a one-line descriptor, date and place of birth or death and lastly
alphabetically arranged codes for biographical reference sources which had the extra
information needed about an individual.

With the height of 24cm, this book includes illustrations, bibliographical references and an
index to facilitate readers. This 7th edition almanac is also available in electronic formats
such as a diskette/magnetic tape and is also available online.

2.5 Biography

A collection of simple profile of a person’s life as a subject as a reference to the future

generations and promote self-discovery. A biography may include such details of a person’s
name, gender, date and place of birth, summary of a person’s achievements, details about
their personal life, memberships, employment history including publications, offices and
positions held, honours, awards and contact details.

A biography is divided into 4 types :

o Autobiography - written by the individual himself

o Biography – written by another individual of an individual
o Diary – personal account or records of an individual’s daily life
o Memoirs – Reflections of the individual where anyone may write about a public figure

Example of a Biography

SONIA : a biography

By ; Rasheed Kidwai

ISBN : 0670049557

This book is categorized under biography as the life story of

an individual were written by another individual. By this book,
the life story of Sonia Gandhi was written by another individual
that is Rasheed Kidwai.

Sonia was a leader of a venerable Congress party in the

world of Indian politics. The author, Rasheed Kidwai is a
journalist that offers such information about this respected
individual. Although Sonia Gandhi is not well-known among
individuals around the world, she is instead an idol and an
influential individual in India. She is an Italian –born Indian that
is also the widow of the former Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi.

Published by the Penguin Viking in India, this biography was first shown to the public at the
year 2003. The preface of this biography gives a glimpses of the author’s journey and
discoveries in writing Sonia Gandhi’s personal life story and her challenges in the Indian
politics and government.

Although this book was published in New Delhi, and also the main subject of this biography
is and Indian, the author decided in writing this book in English instead. It is to widen the
number of readers to read this book.

Alongside this 22 cm book is also provided notes, bibliographical references and an index.
Bibliographical references are included in case the readers are interested in learning more
information of the subject, Sonia Gandhi.

2.6 Directory

Alphabetically listing of names and addresses of persons, organizations or institutions and

product or services. It is commonly used to find :

o Individual’s or firm’s address, email, telephone number

o The full name of an individual, a firm, or an organization
o A description of a particular manufacture’s product or a service
o Job position or title of an individual in an organization

Example of a Directory

Photoshop BRUSH Directory: A Beginner’s Guide to 4000 Selections and Settings

By: Susannah Hall

ISBN : 978-2-88893-165-2

This directory was published in the year 2011, by RotoVision

SA. Approximately 4000 selections and setting in using the
Photoshop Brush were provided in this Switzerland published

The contents of this book includes the introduction of Digital

Brush Art to the readers. The book next continued to
persuade readers in understanding the brushes of Photoshop
as for example, the settings of a brush, on using a pen and
tablet, using other brush tools, keyboard shortcuts, overview
of the brush libraries, and etc.

Alongside the brush directory were also included the default

brushes library. For example, basic brush, calligraphy brush, spatter, chalk, star, dune grass,
grass, scattered Maple leaves, scattered leaves, flowing stars, dry brush, watercolour small
round tip, wet sponge, and etc.

This directory main focus is to guide users in using the digital techniques in Adobe
Photoshop that also includes Photography. The 416 pages directory includes illustrations
and index alongside the main contents. The users are provided with colourful illustrations as
it is necessary for them to be directed in using the right practices and techniques in creating
an art using Adobe Photoshop.

With 23cm height, this book is a must for the art and design students and professionals that
acts as a handy directory. More than 4000 selections subjects are provided in this book to
direct the readers in understanding the competently used Adobe Photoshop.

2.7 Bibliography

A list of books and other materials that have some relationship to each other. Sometimes
used by authors to write a book.

Example of a Bibliography

Singapore National Bibliography

By : National Library Singapore

ISSN : 0129-315X

This bibliography is published quarterly, with annual cumulations. This chosen bibliography
is the edition of 1991 bibliography of books available in National Library of Singapore by the
year 1991. As a National Bibliography belongs to the Nation’s National Library, this
bibliography belongs to and was published by National Library of Singapore.

On the preface page, it is included of the coverage of the bibliography and arrangement of
the contents. The main categories that were included in the bibliography is are books and
pamphlets for sale; books and pamphlets not for sale; government publications; current
serials on first appearances; any other material that may reflect the social, cultural or other
aspects of the country; art catalouges, programmes are selectively included.

Items that are covered by this bibliography are mainly published in Malay, Chinese, Tamil
and English, the four languages of the Republic. The arrangement of this twenty-third annual
issue were comprised of two parts. Part 1 gives the computerised listing of entries in Malay,
English and other roman scripted languages. Meanwhile, Part 2 listed he manually compiled
Chinese and Tamil script entries. Three uniformed sections divided each parts into; a
Classified Sequence; An Author, Title, & Series Index; A Subject Index.

Suprisingly, this book does not provide any illustrated cover, although the title page did
include the title of the book, published by National Library Singapore in the year of 1991.
This 30cm tall book is used as a reference for the Singapore citizens and also the ones that
are interested in looking up for the books or material collections of the National Library
Singapore. Thus, this bibliography is important in developing the citizens’ idea of the Nation
Library’s owned materials and collections.

2.8 Handbook

A small book that can be held conveniently in hand to provide various information. May also
be called as a miscellany, manual, or companion.

Example of a Handbook

The Handbook for Leaders : 24 Lessons for Extraordinary Leadership

By: John H.Zenger, Joseph Folkman

ISBN : 0071435328

This handbook is published by McGraw-Hill in the year 2004.

This handbook is especially useful for employees of a company
in enhancing their performance in a corporate institute. Published
in the United States, this book is written fully in English in order
to increase the number of possible readers and thus making this
book’s readability is more worldwide available.

This handbook’s contents touches the subjects and issues of

enhancing the employees’ capability in becoming leaders in
order to maximize their available potentials. Among of the
contents available includes, extraordinary leadership that give
the readers a glimpse of the impression in becoming an extraordinary leader.

The main body started with how leaders can be made, great leaders that make a great
differences, making good leaders great, raising the leadership “tent”, characters in the
essence of leadership, leaders and personal capability, focusing on the results, and etc.

As seen in the table of contents, this handbook focused mainly on the subject of leader.
Thus it is useful mainly for employees in increasing their potentials to become an
extraordinary leader. Furthermore, this 23cm tall book is handy for them to gain inspirations
and create awareness of becoming a better employee and a great leader.

2.9 Online Dictionary

Dictionary available on the Internet online.

Example of an Online Dictionary is another reference resource that is available online. The user interface of
this website is user-friendly, thus making it easier for users in searching for desired terms or

This website provides users with a “Word of the Day” section in providing users with extra
information of unfrequently used words and terms. For example, the word of the day for 15
November is “attenuate”, pronounced uh-ten-yoo-yet. It is a verb, with definition of “to
weaken or reduce in force, intensity, effect, quantity, or value : to attenuate desire.”

Users are also able to view other words before today’s date, for example, the word for 11
November until 14 November.

Other than that, this website includes a popular section, slang and world trends of topics
related to words that users can click and view to gain new information.

Users are also able to browse the letter of the alphabets themselves.

For example, searching for the definition of “library”

Users are given the definition of library, examples of usage, and difficulty index for the terms.
Thus, making this online dictionary website useful to users.

2.10 Online Directory

Reference directory that is available online.

Examples of an Online Directory

One Stop Malaysia an online directory that is useful for Malaysians in providing the
directories of available services in Malaysia. The user interface is too, user-friendly in
making it easier for users to search for their desired directories.

This websites offered the

users categories of items or
services that is available for

For example, if the user to click in the category “Books”, the user will be directed to the
listings of bookstores or services related to books.

And if the user to click on one of the
service listed, the information of the
organization will be shown thus
making it useful for users in
contacting the organization.

For example, Kinokuniya. The

address, telephone number, website,
number of hits, featuring and number of visitors in searching the organization is shown.


There is many ways for users to gain information. Reference sources are one of the ways in
gaining information needed for users. Most of the reference sources are not allowed to be
outside of the library of information agencies. This is to protect the vulnerability of the

However, along with our more modernized years and technologies, these reference sources
provide a more treasured and valued information to users. We must try our best in
preserving the reference sources in able to keep the future generation occupied with the
nation’s history and treasure. These reference sources’ availability is also more open to the
public as they can now be accessed directly online or in libraries.

Lastly, the younger generations must show interest in learning more information through
reference sources as they provide them historical facts, statistics, or even a basic ways in
getting through our lives.


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