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Disusun oleh
Agam Fadhila





Here are attached some resumes or summaries from E-Book Chapter 5 as follows;

o Strategic analysis. Continuous scanning of the micro- and macro-environment of an organisation

is required, with particular emphasis on the changing needs of cus- tomers, actions and business
models of competitors, and opportunities afforded by new technologies
o Strategic objectives. Organisations must have a clear vision on whether digital media will
complement or replace other media, and their capacity for change. Clear objectives must be
defined and, in particular, goals for the online revenue contribu- tion should be set
o Strategy definition. Six key elements of digital business strategy that were reviewed are:
● Digital business priorities – significance to organisation (replace or complement)
and emphasis on buy--side or sell--side.
● Form of restructuring required.
● Business and revenue models.
● Marketplace restructuring.
● Market and product development strategies.
● Positioning and differentiation strategies.
o In addition to traditional strategy approaches, commentators have exhorted companies to apply
innovative techniques to achieve competitive advantage
o For many existing companies rapid transformation was neither desirable nor necessary and they
have made a more gradual approach to digital business practice
o Companies also have succeeded through applying established principles of business strategy,
planning and risk management
o In this chapter we seek to show how a digital business strategy can be created through following
these established principles, but also through careful consideration of how to best identify and
exploit the differences introduced by new electronic channels
o In a nutshell, digital business isn't just about defining 'how to do business online'; it defines 'how
to do business differently by applying digital technology to improve profitability and processes for
both customer-facing, partner-facing and internal communications
o For each of these components of strategy, we cover management actions to review and refine
digital business strategy
o A recurring theme through this chapter is the need to align digital business strategy with business
strategy while also identifying opportunities for digital business strategy to impact business
o Customer- centricity demands that organisations become a lot better at collecting and reacting
to customer insight and adapt their offering to best suit an ever- growing number of narrowing
customer segments - ever approaching the ideal of the completely personalised product
o One must always challenge the validity of every tool in the digital marketing armoury; adding,
changing and discarding as business and customers evolve
o Online discounts aren't valued by customers (in the age of price comparison, they focus on the
total price, rather than its components) and often do not reflect a real lower cost to the business
(lower costs to sell and serve are offset by lower transaction value and lower retention rates)
o It's important to test all aspects of the proposition: a very successful proposition at attracting
interest may convert badly if it can't be priced at a level that matches customer expectations
o Information systems strategy should use a combination of impact and alignment techniques to
govern digital business strategy. IS strategy can take a number of perspectives, of which those
that focus on information or knowledge management and technological and applications
infrastructure are most important.

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