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Subject Name: Software Engineering(4340702) Date: 03.07.2023

Subject Incharge: Sneha Bhimani Total Marks: 70

Q.1. (A) Define LifeCycle Model. 3
(B) Write a Note on a Waterfall Model. 4
(C)What is Agile Model.Expain XP and Scrum Model in Detail. 7
(A) Define :
I. System Software.
II. Application Software 3
(B) Expain Layered Approch of Software Engineering 4
(C) Define Umbrella Activity and Expain in Detail. 7

Q.2.(A) Define Cohesion & Coupling. 3

(B) What is UseCASE Diagram?
Make Usecase Diagram For Bank ATM System. 4
(C) Expain Class Diagram With Example. 7
(A) Difference Between Aggregation & Composition. 3
(B) Explain Sequence Diagram With Example. 4
(C)What is Activity Diagram ?Write Example For ATM System. 7

Q.3 (A) Define Line of Code. 3

(B) Write a Note on Gantt Chart 4
(C)Write a Note on COCOMO Model. 7
(A)Define Risk Managment. 3
(B) Draw a Flow Chart For ATM System. 4
(C)Write a Note on Project Size Estimation. 7

Q.4 (A) Define Code Inspection. 3

(B) Difference Between Alpha Testing & Beta Testing. 4
(C)Write a Note on Blackbox Testing & Beta Testing. 7
(A) Explain Codewalkthrough . 3
(B) Write a Note on Whitebox Testing. 4
(C) Describe :
I. Unit Testing
II. Integration Testing. 7

Q.5 (A) Write Difference Between Verification & Validation. 3

(B)Write Advantage & Disadvantage :
I. Prototype Model.
II. Spiral Model. 4
(c) List & Expain Requirement Gethering Activities And Expain All of Them. 7

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