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Impress make an impression (on)

Perform give/put on a performance (of)
Decide make a decision (to/about/on)
Surprise come as a surprise (to)
Affect have an effect on
choose (from) have a choice of
research do research into
discuss have a discussion on / about
can be able to / be capable of
not intend have no intention of
Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. The factory is said _______ in a fire two years ago.
A. being destroyed B. to have been destroyed C. to have destroyed D. to destroy
2. By the end of this year my father _______ in this company for 12 years.
A. will work B. will have been working C. has been working D. has worked
3. –“Would you mind giving me a hand with this bag?” -“ _____________________”
A. Yes, I’ll do it now. B. No, not at all. C. Well, I’d love to D. Yes, I am.
4. Forget all and try your best next time- Lightning never _______ twice in the same place.
A. strikes B. attacks C. beats D. hits
5. _____ raiding for camels was a significant part of Bedouin life has been documented in Wilfed Thesiger’s Arabian Sands.
A. That B. Which C. What D. Where
6. The little boy pleaded _____ not to leave him alone in the dark.
A. on her mother B. her mother C. with her mother D. at his mother
7. _____, the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirties.
A. By and large B. Altogether C. To a degree D. Virtually
8. The TV station, in _______ to massive popular demand, decided not to discontinue the soap opera.
A. reaction B. response C. answer D. rely
9. His emotional problems _______ from the attitudes he encountered as a child, I think.
A. stem B. flourish C. root D. sprout
10. Pete was born and brought up in Cornwall and he knows the place like the _________.
A. nose on his face B. back of his hand C. hairs on his head D. teeth of his mouth
11. Tom: "I'm sorry. I won't be able to come". - Mary: “_______”.
A. Sounds like fun B. Well, never mind C. Oh, that's annoying D. Great
12. British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different as _____.
A. cats and dogs B. salt and pepper C. chalk and cheese D. here and there
13. Rows and silences are ______ and parcel of any marriage.
A. package B. stamps C. packet D. part
14. How do you account for the manager's fiery _______ yesterday afternoon?
A. output B. outburst C. outcry D. outlaw
15: Patient: "Can I make an appointment to see the doctor, please?" Receptionist: “________”
A. Not at the moment. He can't be disturbed. B. OK, you will need to check my diary.
C. OK, let me just check the diary. D. Have a seat and I'll be with you in an hour.
16. It’s not in my nature to _______ over the price of something.
A. haggle B. discuss C. challenge D. transact
17: ” Buy me a newspaper on your way back, _________?”
A. don’t you B. can’t you C. will you D. do you?
18. We usually do go by train, even though the car _________ is a lot quicker.
A. travel B. journey C. trip D. voyage
19. The sign says that all shoplifters will be ________.
A. persecuted B. disproved C. prosecuted D. prohibited
20. In elections, politicians try to get old people to vote for them, it’s called the _______ vote.
A. white B. blue C. old D. grey
21. In the end, I just lost my _________ and started gabbling incoherently.
A. head B. mind C. brain D. intelligence
22. John: “May I come in?” Peter: “ ________________”
A. Feel free B. Yes, no problem C. You’re welcome D. Sorry, you may not
23. When I got up yesterday morning, the sun was shining, but the ground was very wet. It …….
A. rained B. has been raining C. had rained D. had been raining
24. The villagers strongly recommend that a new school ___________ immediately.
A. must be built B. is going to be built C. be built D. will be built
25. The children can stay here __________ they don’t make too much noise.
A. whether B. providing C. unless D. until
26. _______ appear, they are really much larger than the Earth.
A. Small as the stars B. The stars as small C. As the small stars D. Despite of the small stars
27. I know his name, but I can’t recall it at the moment. It’s on the tip of _______.
A. brain B. tongue C. mind D. memory
Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
28. I think we can safely say now that we have got our money back, we are home and dry.
A. have been successful B. have not got wet C. have got no water D. have got home dry
29. Crime frequently increases during periods of social upheaval
A. ruin B. unrest C. havoc D. trends
30. The evening would have been more enjoyable if all the extraneous activities had been dropped from the program.
A. irrelevant B. excessive C. overextended D. exceptional
Complete each sentence with the correct form of ONE of the phrasal verbs below. Write your
answers in the numbered spaces provided below the passage. Each verb is used only once. (10 pts)
try out slip up carry on get by put out
take after get down look up go through turn down
1. If you’re finding it difficult to _____ on your salary, why don’t you ask for a raise?
2. I know what you’re _____ and I feel really sorry for you.
3. In many ways you _____ your father.
4. If you _____ you’ll get into trouble.
5. I proposed to her but she _____ me _____.
6. You’d better _____ your cigarette because smoking isn’t allowed in here.
7. If you _____ working so hard, you’ll make yourself ill.
8. Stop worrying about it. Don’t let this failure ____ you _____.
9. The car’s in quite good condition but you can _____ it _____ before you make any decision to
10. When I was in New York, I was able to _____ several old friends I hadn’t seen for years.

Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the column
on the right. (0) has been done as an example. (10 pts)
According to some (0) _____ (SCIENCE), high-risk sports can be scientists
particularly (1) _____ (VALUE) for certain types of people. Such activities 1. ________________
help them to learn that being (2) _____ (FRIGHT) doesn’t mean that they 2. ________________
have to lose control. The recent fashion for jumping from bridges attached 3. ________________
to a (3) _____ (LONG) of elastic rope, known as “bungee jumping”, has 4. ________________
now been tried by over one million people (4) _____ (WORLD) and interest 5. ________________
in it is continuing to grow. 6. ________________
Before the special elastic rope (5) _____ (TIGHT) around them, jumpers 7. ________________
reach speeds of nearly 160kph. First-timers are usually too (6) _____ 8. ________________
(TERROR) to open their mouths, and when they are finally (7) _____ 9. ________________
(LOW) safely to the ground, they walk around with broad smiles on their 10. ______________
faces, saying (8) _____ (REPEAT) how amazing it was. However, for some
people, it is only the (9) _____ (EMBARRASS) of refusing to jump at the
last minute that finally persuades them to conquer their fear of (10) _____
(HIGH) and push themselves off into space.


Write your answers in the spaces bellow. (2ms)
Is Photography Dead?
For a long time in the past photography was not regarded as an art. It was simply a skill and it
was criticized for being too mechanical and not creative enough. At last, however, photography is
now accepted as a unique and very important (1)...............of art.
The photograph's claim to be an objective record of reality is now seriously challenged, and
the important function of photography in modern-day society is consequently (2) ......threat. The
threat has suddenly become all the more serious as more and more photographers are (3)............... to
the new technology which computers offer. Moreover, a (n) (4) ............... number of colleges have
now begun to offer (5) .......... in computer imaging. All these developments (6)............... a
disturbing question. Is photography, as we know (7)................dead?
In spite of its complete transformation by new technological developments, however,
photography will continue to play a (8) ...............role in our culture. Although it may no longer
(9)............ to be realistic, modern photography can continue to provide us with fresh visral
(10) ...............about ourselves and the world in which we live.
1. A very friendly taxi driver drove us into town DRIVEN
We ………………….. ………..a very friendly taxi driver.
2. I haven't decided what sort of job I'd like to do when I leave college. MIND
I haven't made ……………………. the sort of job I'd like to do when I leave college.
3. Tony never took any notice of the advice people gave him. ATTENTION
Tony never ………………….. the advice people gave him.
4. Mary didn't ring us last night because she knew we were going out. WOULD
Mary ………………… us last night if she hadn't known we were going out.
5. Last Saturday my friend asked me, 'Do you want to see a film tonight?' WHETHER
Last Saturday my friend asked me …………….. a film that night.
6. The journey was shorter than I had expected. LONG
The journey was ……………… I had expected.
'7. There's been a rise of over ten per cent in the price of the tickets,' said Sue. GONE
Sue said that the price of the tickets ………………. than ten per cent this year.
8. He sings in the show and dances in it as well. ONLY
Not ………………. in the show, he also dances in it.
9. My mother thought it would be good for me to live abroad for some time. BENEFIT
My mother thought that I would …………………. abroad for some time.
10. I an sorry I didn't contact you, but I was very busy. TOUCH
I apologise for …………………. you, but I was very busy.
11. To this day no one has equaled his achievements in the field of technology. (unsurpassed)
→ To this day ………………………………………………………… in the field of technology.
12. Peter grimaced as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. (pulled)
→ Peter ……………………………………………………………….the foul-tasting medicine.
13. It’s unfortunately that the construction of the building will not be finished as originally planned.
→ The construction of the building …………………………………………………………
14. What he told me made me very curious to hear the rest of the history. (appetite)
→ What he told me ………………………………………………………………………….. the
15. They chose not to drive because they thought there would be too much snow. (fear)
→ They chose …………………………………………………………………….…. too much snow.
16. “I am happy you have passed the final exams. Congratulations!” Tom said to me.
 Tom congratulated ……………………………………………………………………………….
17. You ‘d better not swim too far from the shore,” the lifeguard said to us
 The lifeguard advised ……………………………………………………………………………
18. Birth rates have fallen sharply recently.
 There …………………………………………………………………………………………….
19. I didn’t hear the news until the next day.
 It was not …………………………………………………………………………………………
20. Although it rain torrentially all day, we all enjoyed the excursion.
 Despite ………………………………………………………………………………………….
21. He may choose to take early retirement. (option)
 ……………………………………………………………………………
22. He didn’t take any part in the conversation. (contribute)
 …………………………………………………………………………….
23. We lose our way because the signposts were confusing. (which)
 ……………………………………………………………………………..
24. He likes to be addressed as “Professor”. (call)
 ……………………………………………………………………………..

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