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1. Nautical chart - A nautical chart or hydrographic chart is a graphic representation of a sea

region or water body and adjacent coasts or banks

2. Harbour chart - It provides water depths, locations of dangers to navigation, locations and
characteristics of aids to navigation, anchorages, and other features.

3. Sailing chart scale- has a scale of between 1:50 000 to 1:150 000.

4. Navigational chart symbols -

5. 4types of navigational chart -

* land navigation chart

* marine navigation chart

* aeronautic navigation chart

* space navigation chart

6.What are the types of nautical chart projection.-

* MERCATOR projection, most commonly used for ocean and coastal navigation.

*POLYCONIC projection which is utilized on the Great Lakes and Inland Rivers.
7. Different kinds of navigational chart and purpose.-

Berthing - allows safe and secure mooring that can then facilitate the unloading or loading of
cargo or people from vessels.

Harbour - enables increased levels of safety and efficiency for mariners worldwide.

Approach - supplies, installs and maintains navigation, weather and communication systems for
the aviation, marine and highway sectors.

Coastal General - a navigational method concerning the vessel's movement in relation to the
approximate shore, the visible objects in the sea (islets, rocks, buoys, light vessels) and the sea

Sailing Charts - It provides water depths, locations of dangers to navigation, locations and
characteristics of aids to navigation, anchorages, and other features.

8. Example of navigation chart -

9. Navigation chart uses - to provide navigation related data to assist mariners in course
plotting, danger avoidance and information interchange.

10. Parts of nautical charts -A nautical chart presents most of the information used by the
marine navigator, including latitude and longitude scales, topographical features,
navigation aids such as lighthouses and radio beacons, magnetic information, indications of
reefs and shoals, water depth, and warning notices.
11. What is navigational charts - It is a map that depicts the configuration of the shoreline
and seafloor. It provides water depths, locations of dangers to navigation, locations and
characteristics of aids to navigation, anchorages, and other features.

12. 4 types of nautical chart -

* General Charts

They cover a great area of coastline and sea and are mainly used in ocean navigation. Their
scale ranges from 1/30,000,000 to 1/3,000,000.

*Medium coastal charts

These charts are used for medium-sized routes. In terms of scale, they are between
1/3.000.000 and 1/200.000.

*Coastal navigation charts

As their name suggests, they are necessary for navigating by surveying the coastline. They have
a scale between 1/200.000 and 1/50.000.

Aproaches (landfall navigation)

These navigational charts are intended to help navigators to approach harbours and other
geographical features, and to avoid accidents. Their scale is 1/25,000.

*River charts

In this case the scale has a value of 1/50,000 or even higher. Due to the high accuracy required
for navigation, they are only used for reference and rarely for position determination. They
are used for navigable rivers with pilotage areas.

13. How do you use a nautical chart - Bring along a ruler to use with your chart. Using the
chartplotter or a GPS position from a cellphone, plot your position on the paper chart as you go
along. To plot your course on paper, simply take the latitude and longitude coordinates from
the GPS. Find the corresponding coordinates on the edges of the chart.

14. What is navigation map use for - represents the route instructions, as it were,
throughout the conceptual model. The conceptual navigation map shows “routes” the user
can or is required to take through the configuration to perform and conclude all the required
steps for accomplishing a goal.

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