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9/20/2011 By Chris Ajua for Freedom Magazine


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( Biya and cohorts should watch this video carefully before October gets hold of them

Electronic Voting, How to Fight Paul Biya - the CPDM Election Fraud


he scenario is Elections in Cameroon, or in any country ruled by a dictatorship involved in election fraud, i.e., where the will of the people has been subverted by elections rigging and tyranny. The events are Presidential, Gubernatorial, Parliamentary, Divisional Officers elections, and even elections for the office of Mayor. It is the view of this writer that Governors and Divisional Officers should hold such high offices through free and fair elections by the people they serve. But before delving into the topic of electronic voting, one first has to consider the legality or constitutional basis for an individual to vote for a candidate and, as a corollary, to be voted into office. We consider especially one factor as defined by the Constitution, the Supreme Law of any nation, and that is, the question of the rights and privileges of a Cameroonian who is also a Dual Citizen of another sovereign nation to run for elected office in Cameroon. An accurate, strict and proactive interpretation of the Constitution is required to pre-empt problems that may arise in the post-election period that could plunge the country into chaos including civil war. We are all aware of the dangers of the loss of live and property in cases of civil unrest. And here is the crux of the matter: What is the REAL and TRUE citizenship status of Cameroon's current President, Paul Biya? It is alleged that Mr. Paul Biya, certain members of his family and even his government have DUAL CITIZENSHIP! If this allegation is true of Mr. Biya, then depending on the correct interpretation of Cameroon's Constitution, Mr. Paul Biya may not run, and may not have been running, for the post of the President of Cameroon. IF the Constitution of Cameroon does NOT allow a DUAL CITIZEN to run for the post of the President; AND IF Mr. Paul Biya holds DUAL CITIZENSHIP, then he may have been illegally elected to the Office of the President. Again depending on the correct and strict interpretation of the Constitution, Mr. Paul Biya could be considered an ALIEN, and possibly illegal, President of Cameroon! Now, let us return to the matter of electronic voting that can help the people of Cameroon fight election fraud, by way of rigging, and WIN. Attempting to use the various electronic voting systems common in advanced countries would not only be exorbitant according to costs in procurement of equipment, but one has to consider the costs associated with electoral personnel and voters' training, as well as associated costs, mainly salaries. In this regard, consideration has to be taken of relatively poor countries, Cameroon being our main example. Advanced electronic voting systems would be highly impractical in Cameroon as well due to the nonexistence of adequate technological infrastructure. Even with advanced electronic voting systems, as found in the United States and other developed countries, one can argue that there are many pros and cons associated with those systems. Of course, it is clear that any system, electro-mechanical or otherwise, can be manipulated, meaning that there always exist security flaws that make the systems vulnerable to tampering and other forms of attack such as denial of service and hacking. The systems themselves may be "impersonal or impartial" but the human beings who operate and manage them are, unfortunately, not. These people may have their own political agenda and one can never tell what programmers, developers, system and database administrators will do in their personal zeal to manipulate the outcome of an election. And hosting the systems in a "neutral country", or having them managed by "neutral administrators and observers" does not necessarily guarantee freedom and fairness to the outcome of the election.

Electronic Voting, How to Fight Paul Biya - the CPDM Election Fraud


The integrity of the hardware, firmware and software has to be inviolable for the elections in these cases to be considered "free and fair". With independent teams of monitors who are assumed not to be biased, the results of elections based on electronic voting can be assessed to be relatively "fair", an aspect relating to the vote count, for example. There may still exist questions as to whether the elections themselves were "free", the other aspect relating to whether voters were intimidated or not. However, there is a very simple, and highly efficient and effective way of combating election fraud by political parties, or the election fraud by a particular political party in this case the ruling CPDM party of Cameroon. Cameroon's CPDM party has had the ill-repute (or undesirable reputation and infamy) of rigging elections over many years. The method in this discourse may not apply to the next Cameroon Presidential Election of October 9th, 2011; but it is certainly worth considering for future implementation. There are many electronic voting methods and systems. The electronic voting method in this discourse involves using the telephone and the telephone network as well as setting up specialized database systems for this purpose. The main purposes of the database systems would be to collect, process, store, retrieve and transmit voter information; as well as for processing and accurately tallying the election results based on the real and authentic aspirations of the citizenry. First: Information collected on or about every eligible voter is stored in the database systems. Such information may include the voter's name, date of birth, residential address, telephone number, National Identification Number (similar to the Social Security Number used in the United States and other countries), voter registration number and party affiliation. Other categories of information may also be collected according to the directives of the Independent Electoral Commission. Since some voters may not have telephones, it will be permissible for a voter to use any cell phone or land line while casting their vote. Provision has to be made so that the election phone calls go to or terminate on toll free access numbers or for the state to handle the entire costs of the election phone transactions. Second: Each voter is issued certain voter documentation including a voter registration card, and a special security-coded card which may be used only for a particular election, whether presidential, parliamentary, mayoral or gubernatorial. This special security-coded election card will be similar to a calling card. It will include multiple toll free access telephone numbers, the voter's registration number and a covered security-coded number which is revealed only by scratching the surface of the card or by peeling off a masking tape. The voter registration card as well as the special security-coded card will include the National Identification Number of the citizen voter. In particular, the security-coded number is unique for a particular election and designed to have a checksum or parity byte based on a concatenation of the voter's National Identification Number AND their voter registration number, or other secure data generated via an algorithm. Third: The voting applications running on the telephone systems and the databases will permit the voter, via a series of simple menus, to cast their vote by entering information from their voter registration card and their special security-coded card. These simple menus will also permit the voter to enter their choice of candidate for a particular elected office such as the Office of the President.

Electronic Voting, How to Fight Paul Biya - the CPDM Election Fraud


Fourth: Obviously many voters will be assisted, by family and friends, with such a system since there will be voters who are literally handicapped or do not possess a telephone. A work-around for the lack of telephones by voters would be for the Independent Electoral Commission to set up special telephone lines at polling stations where voters can receive guided assistance in order to cast their votes. It is important that safety and security are provided at polling stations else many voters may avoid this important civic duty. It is this writer's hope that Cameroon's Parliament will enact a bill to put this ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEM into effect as soon as possible. Fifth: Upon the closing of all polling stations and at the appointed date and time, the appropriate agency, such as the Independent Electoral Commission or the Supreme Court, may announce the results of the election according to the laws, rules and regulations. Such an announcement of the winner of the election should then be FINAL and thus recorded in the national archives. In the event of a tie or very close votes, a run-off election between the two top candidates should be recommended and carried out by the Independent Electoral Commission within a specific time interval or before a certain date as specified in the Constitution. Conclusion: The implementation of a simple menu-driven telephone voting system is efficient, and time and cost effective. It permits voters to vote from almost any location where there is a telephone; and it eliminates the need for polling stations and specialized voting equipment. It also eliminates the special requirements for absentee ballots and the expenses associated with travelling to and from voting stations. Another advantage of such a system is that minute-by-minute results (tallying) can take place and the citizens can be informed on how the polls are going nation-wide. This information can be made public for national and international consumption via radio, newspapers, the Internet, television, magazines, and other means of mass communication. It substantially renders election fraud impotent because of its security features; and enhances the security and safety of the nation and its people before, during and following a peaceful, free and fair election. 2011, Chris K Ajua Washington, DC, USA.

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