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What is philosophy?


PHILOSOPHY (western) - What is being?
- comes from the two Greek word Philia (love) and - Why do things exist, rather than not exist at all?
Sophia (wisdom) - What is the meaning and nature of reality?
- Love of Wisdom - What is the underlying principle of all that exist?
- Strong desire of a human person to posses’ - Is there nothing?
knowledge and apply it correctly.
Love – strong desire for a particular object SPECIAL METAPHYSICS
Wisdom – correct application of knowledge ▪ COSMOLOGY
- Comes from the Greek word kosmos (World),
- Science that studies beings in their ultimate - Specific subbranch of philosophy that studies the
causes, reasons and principles through the aid of world (or universe) , its origin, dynamics and
human reason alone. characteristics, as well as the laws that govern its
Beings – all things that exist (material or immaterial) ex: order
stones, trees, person, soul, God, or spirit Basic Questions in Cosmology
Philosophy is concerned with a reason and principles that - What is the origin of the world?
account for everything that exist. - What is the basic material of which the world is
- What is the origin of the world of everything that - In what consist of its fundamental from or principle
exists? of order?
- Why do these things exist rather than not exist at - Is the world or universe infinite?
- Is there God? If so, how can we justify the goodness ▪ PSYCHOLOGY OR ANTHROPOLOGY
of God in the face of evil? - Psyche (soul, mind), logos (Study)
- What is the meaning and purpose of life? Why do - Physical subbranch of philosophy that studies the
we have to suffer? soul or mind
- If one is suffering from unbearable pain, such as - Study of nature and the dynamics of the human
cancer, is it morally right to resort to euthanasia or person as a whole with emphasis on the way the
assisted suicide? person’s mind functions and the way she behaves
Philosophy attempts to understand things in critical and Basics Questions in Psychology
logical manner. - What is the nature of the human person?
- Is there such thing as human nature?
Philosophers’ opinion about the meaning of Philosophy - What is the meaning and purpose, if any, of life?
Karl Jas Pers – questions are more important than answers - Is there life after death?
because answers themselves will in turn become questions. - How do we account for the existence of sufferings
in the world
- Epistemology - Comes from the Greek word theos (God)
- Logic - Study of God , Justification of the goodness of God
- Ethics in the face of the existence of evil
METAPHYSICS - Theodicy was coined by the famous 18th century
- Greek word meta (beyond/after) physika philosopher named Gott fried Wilhel Leibniz in his
(physical/nature) , study of things beyond the 1710 work: Theodicee
physical; concepts or things that cannot be Basic Questions in Theology
experienced. - Is there God?
- Such as concept of God, freedom, and soul - What and who is God if he exists at all?
- Foundation of philosophy - How do we prove the existence of God?
- Aristotle calls it the first philosophy. - If God exists, how do we justify the existence of evil
- Study of that which exist beyond the physical and suffering in the world?
- Does a belief in God really necessary?
GENERAL METAPHYSICS/ ONTOLOGY - Episteme (knowledge), Logos (Study)
- Ontology – derived from Onto (being or that which - Study of nature and scope of knowledge and
is) Logos (knowledge/ study) justified belief
- Studies beings in their ultimate causes, reasons, - Analyzes the nature of knowledge and how it
and principles through the aid of reason alone. relates with the notions such as truth, belief and
- Studies the first principles or the essence of all justification.
Heraclitus – understands logos is reason or underlying
principle of all that is.
- How human person ought to act and search of a
Basic Questions in Epistemology right conduct and a good life.
- What is knowledge? No single absolute definition of Ethics since it is consistently
- What do we know? involving
- How is knowledge acquired? In Greek Tradition Ethics is…
- What are the structures and limits of knowledge? - Good life
- What makes justified beliefs justified? - Describing the nature of happiness
- “Being happy”
LOGIC For Judeo-Christian Tradition, Ethics is…
- Logos (science of correct thinking) - Righteousness before God; love of God and
- Studies of the principles and criteria if a valid neighbor
argument - “Doing what is right”
- Distinguish sound or good reasoning from unsound
Basic questions in logic ETHICS
- What is correct reasoning? - “theory” of right action and the greater good
- What distinguishes a good argument from a bad - “Systematic study” of underlying principles of
one? morality
- How can we detect a fallacy in argument? MORALITY
- What are the criteria in determining the validity of - “practice”, rightness or wrongness of human action
an argument? - “prescriptive” tells us what we ought to do and
- What are the types of logic? exhorts us to follow the right way.

ETHICS “Morality According to Terrance McConnell (1994)

- Ethos (custom or habit) is characterized as an ‘end-governed rational enterprise’
- Morality of human actions whose object is to equip people with a body of norms that
- Questions of how human persons ought to act, and make for peaceful and collectively satisfying coexistence by
search for a definition of a right conduct and good facilitating their living together and interacting in a way that
life is productive for the realization of the general benefit”
- Ethics (Theory) is not the same with morality ETHICS = SCIENCE OF MORALS
Basic Question in Ethics
- What is the right conduct as that which causes the TYPES OF ETHICS
realization of the greatest good? 1. Normative Ethics (Prescriptive in Nature)
- How do we determine a right conduct? - Seeks to set norms or standards that regulate right
- What is a good life and can we attain it? and wrong or good and bad conduct
- What is the difference between human act and - Normally attempts to develop guidelines or
actions that are based on extinct? theories that tell us how we ought to behave.
2. Metaethics (Descriptive in Nature)
Socrates – wonder is the only beginning of philosophy. - Aims to understand the nature and dynamics of
Aristotle – It is owing to their wonder that men both now ethical principles, and the way we learn and
begin and at first began to philosophize. acquire moral beliefs.


- Philosophic wonder : feeling of being perplexed METAETHICS = WHAT IS GOOD?
Aristotle writes: “for men were first led to study philosophy, 3. Applied Ethics
as indeed they are today, by wonder. Now, he who is - Actual application of ethical or moral theories for
perplexed and wonders believes himself to be ignorant… the purpose of deciding which ethical or moral
they took to philosophy to escape ignorance actions are appropriate in a given situation.
Casuists = adherents of applied ethics, may act in an
WESTERN PHILOSOPHY advisory capacity.
- Originated in Miletus, Ionia
Thales Different fields or Applied Ethics:
- the first philosopher in western world lived in - Business Ethics: ethical behavior in the corporate
Miletus word
- First to wonder - Biomedical and environmental ethics: issues
- First to put his philosophy into writing regarding health, welfare and the responsibility we
Asia Minor – moved to Croton have to the people in the environment.
- Social Ethics: principles and guidelines that
WHAT IS ETHICS regulate corporate welfare within society.
Ethics = ethos (customer or character)
- Studies the rightness or wrongness of a human
EXAMPLE done without advertence and the exercise of
A police officer shoots a terrorist who is about to blow up a free choice
crowded shopping mall. - Example: actions done in infancy ( peeing ), in
For Metaethics = the act of the police officer is morally sleep, in delirium, etc.
wrong because killing is not good. ETHICS IS FOCUSING IS ON THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE
For Normative Ethics = It is the right thing to do in this HUMAN ACT.
particular situation. ✓ It is to be noted that an act of man can become
Casuists = The police officer is just doing his best to fulfill his a human act by the advertence and consent of
the agent.
For example: Sensation of Hearing is by itself an
act of man.
But when performs the act with knowledge and
- Comes from the Greek word Mos (Mores)
- Customary Behavior
freely it becomes a human act.
Ethics and Morality can be used interchangeably.
Immoral = unethical; moral = ethical ✓ Human acts are moral acts.
Ethics ✓ For human acts, man is responsible, and they are
- Systematic study of the rightness and wrongness of imputed to him, as worthy of praise or blame, of
a human action reward or punishment. (two important words;
- Provide systems of moral principles and the responsibility & immutability)
reasons why these principles are valid ✓ Human acts tend to repeat and form habits in
Basic Ethical Principles man, which in turn, unite into his character.
1. Respect for persons ✓ THUS, A MAN IS WHAT HIS HUMAN ACTS MAKE
2. Truthfulness and confidentiality HIM ( you are what you do, you are what you
3. Autonomy and Informed consent constantly do in your life)
4. Beneficence REMEMBER:
5. Non-maleficence Every act you do knowingly and freely it entails
6. Justice responsibility in your act and imputed on you.
Morality By responsibility we must be ready to accept the effect
- The rightness or wrongness of a human action with our acts made by knowingly and freely.
- Principles of right and wrong
- In determining the morality of human actions, the
moral agent is guided by the broader rules or
principles of ethics
Ethics = Killing is wrong because it violates the basic ethical
REGRETS ARE THERE. (to avoid regret think it first)
principles of “respect for persons”
Morality = Do not kill because it is wrong

II. CLASSIFICATION (of human acts)

- there are some act that begin and are perfected in the
- MAN is a rational ANIMAL
will itself, and the rest begin in the will and are
- We humans being are rational at the same time
perfected by other faculties under control of the will.
we are animal.
- The term animal is being described as rational
- As human being we have so called faculties to
- for those that begins in the will and ends there; without
function who we really are
being carried out physically. (these are not seen
Higher faculties; which is reason
physically because it begins in the will and ends there)
- composed of: intellect and freewill
- these are those that find their adequate cause in the
Lower faculties; which is sensation
will the deliberate will alone. (EXAMPLE: Your intention
to study in your room.)
✓ Refers to the simple love of anything
- An act which proceeds from the deliberate free
✓ The first tendency of the will towards a thing,
will of man
whether realizable or not
- An act that proceeds from the knowing and
✓ Every human act begins with the wish to act
freely wiling human being ( any act therefore
Example: I do so long to see you tonight. (I wish to see
that we perform knowingly and freely is
you tonight)
considered as human act)
- Example: listening to a talk, studying this pdf (
you do it out of force, it’s all on your freewill)
✓ The purposive tendency of the will toward a
thing regarded as realizable, whether the thing is
- any activity that man performs in the absence of
actually done or not.
knowledge and freedom
Example: I will see you tonight.
- these are man’s animal act of sensation ( use of
the senses) and appetition ( bodily tendencies)
When you have an intention to do something it can be Example: effort to remember, effort to control anger
a true intention when put consent to it B. EXTERNAL
Example: You wish to study today (wish) ✓ Acts effected by bodily powers under command
I will study today ( you have the intention to study) of the will
In the act of studying what are the means to carry out Example: eating halo-halo, writing your answers
intention. C. MIXED
C. CONSENT ✓ Acts that involve the employment of bodily and
✓ The acceptance by the will of the means mental powers
necessary to carry out intention Example: solving a math problem
✓ It is the further intention of doing what is
necessary to realize the main intention. B. Based on the relation of human acts to reason (highest
✓ You identify different ways and means in order to faculty of man)
carry out an intention - human acts are either an agreement or disagreement
Example: I will see you tonight, I consent to how really to with the dictates of reason, and this relationship
see you. constitute the morality of human acts.
✓ The selection by the will of the precise means to B.1. GOOD (MORAL ACT)
be employed in carrying out an intention. ✓ When human acts are in harmony with the
✓ You choose the exact the precise means to be dictates of right reason.
employed The teacher tells you to watch a video and you did it.
Example: I will select riding my bike to see you tonight. B.2. EVIL (IMMORAL ACT)
✓ When human acts are in opposition with the
E. USE dictates of right reason.
✓ The employment by the will of bodily or mental The teacher tells you to watch a video and you did
powers or both to carry out its intention by the not do it.
means elected. B.3. INDIFFERENT (AMORAL ACT)
✓ It refers primarily to the command of a will; ✓ When they stand in no positive relation to the
commanding both mental and bodily powers to dictates of reason.
carry out the intention. (without the command Singing is indifferent act is neither good or evil. Moral
these mental and bodily powers will not work) or immoral.
In election you choose to riding the bike III. CONSTITUENTS OF THE HUMAN ACTS
In use you must command your feet to walk, and hand ✓ These refer to the essential elements or qualities
to ride the bike. for an act to be human
Example: To actually see you, I will command my mental ✓ These qualities are KNOWLEDGE, FREEDOM
and bodily powers to carry out my intention. AND VOLUNTARINESS.
F. FRUITION ✓ A human act proceeds from the deliberate will;
✓ The enjoyment of a thing willed and done it requires deliberation
✓ The will’s act of satisfaction in intention fulfilled ✓ Deliberation means advertence, or knowledge
✓ The satisfaction in yourself. in intellects of what one is about and what this
Example: I will experience this the moment I will actually means.
see you. ✓ Deliberation means knowledge.
- these are those that do not find their adequate cause in ABOUT TO DO.
the will-act but are perfected by the action of mental or ✓ THUS, NO HUMAN ACT IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT
bodily powers under orders from the will (EXAMPLE: KNOWLEDGE.
Using your mind, eyes, etc. in studying) MOTTO: WE THINKS FIRST, WE UNDERSTAND FIRST
- certain powers we need to use in the command of our BEFORE WE DO AN ACT.
will such as the act of memorizing you command when 2. FREEDOM
you study and memorize. ✓ A human act is an act determined (elicited or
-seeing is an act of man but looking becomes a human commanded) by the will and by nothing else
act. (there is a command of the will already) ✓ It is an act that is under control of the will, an act
that the will can do or leave undone
NOTE: mental and bodily powers will not work when ✓ Such an act is called a free act, thus, every
there is not command of the will to do so human act must be free
- call them Blind faculties of man 3. VOLUNTARINESS
- can only be activated once a human being uses his or ✓ A human act to be voluntary, or must have
free will in order to do these acts. voluntariness, simply means it must be a will act.
✓ This is to say that there must be both knowledge
A. INTERNAL and freedom in the agent or the doer of the
✓ Acts done by internal mental powers under action.
command of the will NOTE:
every HUMAN ACT is done FREELY. ✓ Indirect voluntariness – is present in that human
every HUMAN ACT is a MORAL ACT. act which is the foreseen result of another act
as moral acts we are held responsible to every act we directly willed.
do. ✓ will be present on the EFFECT of an act that
these acts we perform knowingly and freely are you directly willed
always IMPUTABLE in us and us alone. ✓ it is in the EFFECT not on what you are
think first before you do an act. actually DOING.
✓ this is only present as an EFFECT of an act that
VOLUNTARINESS – entails both present of KNOWLEDGE & you DIRECTLY WILLED.
A human act that is directly willed is called VOLUNTARY IN
A. PERFECT AND IMPERFECT While that which is indirectly willed is called VOLUNTARY
✓ Perfect – when the agent fully knows and fully
intends the act. (EXAMPLE: telling a lie to your
parents) EXAMPLE:
-full knowledge, full freedom
-fully understand, fully know what you are doing, A father kills a rabbit for dinner. He directly wills the act of
you fully perform the act killing as a means to an end to be achieved. He also
directly wills the dinner as an end to be achieved by this
means. (There is DIRECT VOLUNTARINESS in every aspect
✓ Imperfect – when the is some defect in the
agent’s knowledge, intention, or both. EXAMPLE: of the act.)
adding details in narrating an event
-there is some defect of your knowledge and Suppose that the rabbit is a pet of his children. It gave
freedom of the performance of the act them pleasure every time they played with it. The father
knows that if he kills the rabbit, it will cause his children
sorrow. Nevertheless, he kills the rabbit to have something
✓ Simple voluntariness – is present in a human act for dinner. (There is INDIRECT VOLUNTARINESS in the
sorrow experienced by the children.)
done, whether the agent likes or dislikes doing it.
(EXAMPLE: washing the dishes after the family
meal) The father’s direct act of killing the rabbit is called
VOLUNTARY IN SE while the result, sorrow of his children,

NOTE: whether or not you like or dislike doing it which he does not directly will, is called VOLUNTARY IN
but you fully know what you are doing and you CAUSA.
fully and freely perform it PERFECT
✓ Positive voluntariness – is present in a human
✓ Conditional voluntariness – is present in the act of doing, performing. It is present in an act
agent’s wish to do something other than that that the agent is OUGHT TO DO AND IS
which he is actually doing, but doing with dislike. DOING IT.
(EXAMPLE: washing the dishes with a wish of just (EXAMPLE: A student attends class on his schedule time.)
watching TV) – being a student you ought to attend and a class and
NOTE: is there a defect in your freedom? YES, when you are actually doing it is POSITIVE.
✓ Negative voluntariness – is present in a
-you are actually doing an act with dislike because human act of omitting, refraining from doing.
It is present in an act that the agent is NOT
you have something else other than doing what
you are actually doing. OUGHT TO DO BUT IS DOING IT.
(EXAMPLE: A student deliberately misses class)
For example, in Christians SIN
✓ Direct voluntariness – is present in a human act
SIN OF OMMISION: you are not doing what you are ought
willed in itself.
✓ you do this particular act by itself to do.
✓ you willed the performance of the act itself SIN OF COMMISION: you are doing what you are not to
nothing more and nothing else
✓ performing the act itself for the sake of the act
✓ Actual Voluntariness (intention) – is present
DIRECT: the act of studying if you willed it that in a human act willed HERE AND NOW.
you will actually study ✓ Right at this very moment, right there and
SIMPLE VOLUNTARINESS: when you do it either then
(EXAMPLE: The “I DO” vows of a man and a woman
with like or dislike doing it
PERFECT VOLUNTARINESS: If you fully know that during the marriage rites.)
you are actually studying and you fully and freely
✓ Virtual Voluntariness (intention) – is present
perform it.
in a human act done AS A RESULT OF (OR IN
VIRTUE OF) a formerly elicited actual
intention even if that intention be here and c. when he is bound to refrain from doing what causes the
now forgotten. evil effect. (na ka tali siya)
(EXAMPLE: The faithfulness of the husband/wife with
his/her spouse throughout their married life.) PRINCIPLE OF DOUBLE EFFECT (SECOND QUESTION)
➢ The agent may lawfully perform an act which has
✓ Habitual voluntariness (intention) – is present two effects, one good and one evil, when the
in a human act done IN AGREEMENT WITH, following conditions are met:
BUT NOT AS A RESULT OF, a formerly elicited a. when the evil effect does not come before the good
and UNREVOKED actual intention. effect so as to be a means to it
EXAMPLE: b. when there exists a reason, proportionately grave or
You make an intention to be baptized in a Catholic religion. weighty, which calls for the good effect
Years, passed by, you did not realize it nor you revoked it. c. when the agent intends the good effect exclusively, and
One day, you became seriously ill, fighting for your life. A merely permits the evil effect as a regrettable side-issue.
priest came over and baptized you in your unconscious
state. Here, the act of receiving baptism is in agreement TAKE AWAY:
with the actual intention once made and unrevoked. You From these two principles, we may deduce the following
passes the habitual voluntariness for the act of receiving thoughts before the performance of any act:
the sacrament of baptism. ✓ We must do good: we must avoid evil.
✓ We must never do what is evil, even though good
✓ Interpretative voluntariness (intention) – is that may be looked for and intended as a result of it.
voluntariness which in the JUDGEMENT OF
actually present if opportunity or ability for it - Refer to the things that may affect the human
were given. act’s essential qualities and thus lessen the
moral character of the act, and consequently
EXAMPLE: diminish the responsibility of the agent.
The small boy who has to be carried literally to school and - Essential qualities of an acts of man: Knowledge
kept there against his will has an INTRERPRETATIVE and Freedom
INTENTION of going to school. For parents and teachers
know that, if the boy could but realize the value of
➢ There are FIVE of them, namely:
schooling, he would certainly will to attend.
✓ Indirect voluntariness, or voluntariness in cause, is
present in that human act which is an effect,
foreseen or foreseeable of another act directly 5. HABIT
willed. ➢ Let us consider them.
- There is indirect voluntariness in an act as an
effect and a result of an act that is directly willed. 1. IGNORANCE
✓ When we bring together INDIRECT ➢ Generally, it means the lack or absence of
worthy of praise/blame, reward/punishment, two ➢ It can be classified into:
ethical questions on RESPONSIBILITY AND a. NEGATIVE IGNORANCE is the absence of intellectual
PERMISSIBILITY OF THE ACT are raised: knowledge in man.
✓ Example: A Philosophy teacher lacks knowledge about
Concept of Responsibility higher mathematics.
a. When is the agent responsible for the evil effect of a
cause directly willed? b. PRIVATIVE IGNORANCE is the absence of knowledge
- fully responsible ba, less responsible ba, naa bay the ought to be present.
punishment full or less. Example: A licensed civil engineer lacks knowledge about
strength of materials.
Concept of Permissibility of the act
b. When may one perform an act, not evil in itself, which
c. POSITIVE IGNORANCE is the presence of false
has two effects – good and evil?
knowledge. This is also called mistake or error.
-are we permitted to do it?
Example: Judging someone in the mail as an
acquaintance but really is not due to poor eyesight.
QUESTION) ✓ Before we will discuss the ethical principles
➢ The agent (doer of the action) is RESPONSIBLE governing ignorance let us first consider it in
(imputable) for the evil effect of a cause directly three ways.
willed when the following conditions are met:
a. when he can readily foresee the evil effect, at least in a A. Ignorance in its Object
general way (he knows it already before doing the act) ✓ This talks about the thing of which the agent may
b. when he is free to refrain from doing what causes the be ignorant about.
evil effect. (not being force) a. IGNORANCE OF LAW
✓ This refers to the ignorance of the existence of a For example: You are looking for a particular truth. You
duty, rule, or regulation are doing on a particular research there is a part of this
b. IGNORANCE OF FACT research that is lacking and wouldn’t be completed
✓ This refers to the ignorance of the nature or without that particular part. But this knowledge or truth
circumstances of an act as forbidden. It is also needed is found somewhere else may be far away from
lack of knowledge that what one is actually doing you. No matter what you are going to do it would be
comes under the prohibition of a known law. extremely difficult to posses it. This remains as a defect
c. IGNORANCE OF PENALTY on you and makes you ignorant about it.
✓ This is lack of knowledge of the precise sanction
-There is a consideration if and only if the agent is
B. Ignorance in its Subject INVINCIBLY IGNORANT he can be excuse from the law.
✓ This refers to the agent in whom ignorance
a. VINCIBLE IGNORANCE ✓ This refers to acts performed while ignorance
✓ This is ignorance that can be dismissed by the exists.
use of ordinary diligence.
✓ It is that which precedes all consent of the will.
✓ Prior to the performance of the act the agent is
✓ This results due to lack of proper diligence on the already an ignorant agent
agent, and is his fault. ✓ Ignorance exists before performance
✓ This is also called culpable ignorance. ✓
Degrees of Vincible Ignorance ✓ It is that which accompanies an act that would
a. crass (stupid/gross) ignorance – if it be the result of have been performed even if the ignorance did
total, lack of effort to dispel it not exist.
- the agent is not doing anything; does not make an effort ✓ An act done in concomitant ignorance is non-
b. simply vincible – if some efforts were done but not ✓ Ignorance exist while the agent is doing an act
persevering and whole-hearted effort, be unsuccessfully C. CONSEQUENT IGNORANCE
used to dispel it. ✓ It is that which follows upon an act of the will.
-the agent exerts a little effort ✓ The will may directly affect it or crossly neglect
to dispel it.
c. affected ignorance – if positive effort is made to retain ✓ Either the agent did not exerts efforts or he
it. exerts effort to retain his ignorance.
-the agent positively knows he’s ignorant; he positively
refuses to look into or ways and means in order to THE ETHICAL PRINCIPLES ON IGNORANCE
correct ignorance because he wish to retain his
ignorance. a. Invincible ignorance destroys the voluntariness of an
For example: I will not look into this rule para if mo abot act.
ang time mka reason out ko na wa mn ko kahibaw ani na ✓ An act, in so far as it proceeds from invincible
rule jd ignorance, lacks voluntariness, is not a human
act, and is not imputable to the agent.
B. INVINCIBLE IGNORANCE ✓ Type of ignorance can be excuse to any
✓ This is ignorance that ordinary and proper responsibility or imputability of the agent
diligence cannot dispel because: b. Vincible ignorance does not destroy the
a. the agent has no realization whatever of his lack of voluntariness of an act.
knowledge ✓ The agent has knowledge which bears indirectly
b. the agent who realizes his ignorance finds upon the act which he performs in ignorance,
ineffective his effort to dismiss it. and the act has, in consequence, at least indirect
✓ This is not the fault of the agent. voluntariness, and is a human act imputable to
✓ This is also called inculpable ignorance. the agent.
Culpa – fault or sin c. Vincible ignorance lessens the voluntariness of an act
✓ While vincible ignorance does not destroy the
Degrees of invincible ignorance voluntariness of an act, it lessens voluntariness,
a. physically invincible – if no human effort can dismiss and diminishes the responsibility of the agent.
it ✓ Does not mean you are excuse, you need to face
For example: even the pope cannot help you or even the responsibility, you need to face imputability
president cannot help you to dismiss your ignorance however in a lesser degree. Because the act you
do in the presence of vincible ignorance is a less
b. morally invincible – if it would be extremely difficult human act.
to dismiss it even with the aid of some good and prudent ✓ when talking about sanction you violate a rule
men. because you are possibly ignorant about that
rule. You are simply vincible ignorant of that a. Antecedent concupiscence lessens the voluntariness
particular rule. Then if the punishment is one of an act.
week you will have only less. You will still have a ✓ Antecedent concupiscence disturbs the mind
punishment but lesser. and hinders the calm judgement of the mind
d. Affected ignorance in one way lessens and in another upon the moral qualities of an act, thus,
way increases voluntariness. impairing knowledge needed for perfect
✓ Despite the bad will which it implies, it is still lack voluntariness.
of knowledge, direct and perfect, and lessen the ✓ It is a strong and sudden urge to action, and thus
voluntariness of the act that proceeds from it. it lessens the full and prompt control which the
✓ If being deliberately fostered to serve as an will exercise perfectly, hence, it impairs freedom.
excuse for sin against a law, it shows the strength ✓ Since knowledge and freedom are impaired by it,
of the will’s determination to persist in such sins, the voluntariness of an act is thereby lessened,
thus, increases the voluntariness of an act the and in consequence, diminishes the
proceeds from it. responsibility of the agent.
Even if there is a presence of antecedent concupiscence
in the performance of the act your act is still considered
Example: If being deliberately fostered aware jd totally a human act but lesser degree.
ang agent that I want to retain this as an excuse for sin
against a law. The more the human act becomes. Then EXAMPLE: You were so happy and with all the
this affected ignorance will INCREASE VOLUNTARINESS movements of your hands you hit someone and that
making the agent fully responsible for the act under the someone got injured. You are not using your will to hit
influence of affected ignorance. But If simply talk about that someone but you were able to hit that someone
lack of knowledge it could lessen voluntariness, because of the feeling you were having at the time. You
imputability and responsibility. will be held responsible for that but with lesser degree.

2. CONCUPISCENCE (PASSIONS) b. Antecedent concupiscence does not destroy the

✓ It refers to those badly appetites or tendencies, voluntariness of an act
which are called passions, viz.., love, hatred, joy, ✓ Although knowledge and freedom are lessened
grief, desire, horror, hope, despair, courage or by it, they are not destroyed; and the agent’s
daring, fear, and anger. responsibility, while diminished, is not cancelled.
It can be classified into: ✓ If the antecedent passion is so great as to make
a. Antecedent – when these passions spring into action control of the agent’s acts impossible, then the
unstimulated by the will-act. agent is temporarily insane, and his acts are not
-actions occur naturally: no use of will or knowledge. human acts but acts of man.
Example: the automatic feeling of awe over a wonderful If reason is in our mind. Passion is in our heart.
scenery If our brain or mind is where reason resides. Our heart is
b. Consequent – when these passions are directly or where our passions reside.
indirectly stirred up or fostered by the will What is in our mind always controls what is in our heart.
-the agent knows and retained it.
Example: getting angry on the teacher retained for a long c. Consequent concupiscence, however great, does not
time. lessen the voluntariness of an act.
➢ Consequent concupiscence is willed, directly or
EXAMPLE: indirectly, thus, the acts that proceed from it
ANTECEDENT: When watching a documentary and have their proper voluntariness.
seeing someone maltreating the other automatic the
feeling of anger would come out in you. But you are not 3.FEAR
dictating that you should be angry because I am watching ➢ It is the shrinking back of the mind from danger.
that one. ➢ It is the anxiety or worry of mind (from the slight
CONSEQUENT: But when you begin to foster it that disturbance to actual panic) brought about by
antecedent anger becomes consequent. You are aware the apprehension of imminent or coming evil.
that you are angry on a particular person or something It may be classified as:
and you foster it or retain it for a long time. a. From fear – when the actions are done caused by fear
Example: A student cheats because he is afraid of failing.
✓ From the descriptions metioned, antecedent b. With Fear – when fear is the accompanying
concupiscence is an act of man, and not a human circumstance in doing an act
act; it is a non-voluntary act, and the agent is not Example: A student cheating is afraid of being caught.
responsible for it while
consequent concupiscence is the fault of the THE ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF FEAR
aget, for it is willed, either directly or indirectly, An act from fear, however great, is simply voluntary,
i.e., either in se or in causa, and thus, the agent, although it is regularly also conditionally involuntary.
as a result, is responsible for it. ✓ Fear does not excuse an evil act which springs
from it.
THE ETHICAL PRINCIPLES ON CONCUPISCENCE ✓ The law of Church and State provides that an act
done from grave fear, unjustly suffered, and
excited directly in order to force the agent to do ➢ Morality is described as that quality of human
an act that is against his will, is an invalid act or acts which lead us to call some as good or evil,
one that may be invalidated. (not good)
When you say the agent is suffering from grave fear. We ✓ A thing is good inasmuch as it can answer a
can simply understand this one as a matter of life and tendency, appetite, or desire; otherwise, it is evil
death. (not good).
EXAMPLE: Blackmailing you do an act because you are ✓ In Ethics, we consider moral good or evil.
afraid of the blackmail. ✓ A human act always has a last end towards which it
A robber points a knife on you so whatever you are going tends.
to do you would not be held responsible because you are ✓
doing it with grave fear. • Objectively, the end is the Summum Bonum,
the Limitless Good, God.
• Subjectively, the end is the perfect happiness in
4. VIOLENCE the possession of the Summum Bonum.
➢ It is the external force applied by a free cause ✓ Thus, human acts are good inasmuch as they serve
(that is, by human beings) for the purpose of to carry the agent towards the attainment of this
compelling a person to perform an act which is end; otherwise, it is not good or evil.
against his will.
EXAMPLE: You are being harassed which you are force NORMS (STANDARD) OF MORALITY
to do the act. a. Divine Reason / Eternal Law – the ultimate norm
b. Human Reason / Conscience – the proximate norm.
Acts elicited by the will are nit subject to violence; ✓ Human acts are good or evil inasmuch as they agree
external acts caused by violence, to which due resistance or conflict with the Divine Reason.
is offered, are in no wise imputable to the agent. ✓ Conscience is the judgement of human reason
recognizing and applying the Eternal Law in human
5. HABIT acts.
➢ This refer to operative habit, which is lasting
readiness and facility, born of frequently ➢ From what has been said, morality can now be
repeated acts, for acting in a certain manner. defined strictly as the relation of human acts to
their norm.
THE ETHICAL PRINCIPLE OF HABIT ➢ Furthermore, morality is also defined as that
Habit does not destroy voluntariness; acts from habit are quality or property of a human act whereby it
always voluntary, at least in cause, as long as the habit is measures up to what it should be as a step
allowed to endure. towards the objective last end of human action,
With the use of your reason you can actually control your or fails so to measure up.
Whatever action done perform under habit will always DETERMINANTS OF MORALITY
be imputable and responsible on you for the effect. ➢ These determinants will decide whether a
human act measures up or does not measure
TAKE AWAY: up to the norm of morality.
There are only few instances wherein we can be excuse ✓ There are three determinants of morality, and the
from responsibility and imputability. human act to be morally good must be in
agreement with the norm of morality on all these
Ignorance three; it is evil if it does not agree with any of the
- one can be excuse under Invincibly ignorant. three.
Passions ✓ They are the object, the motive, and the
- We can be excuse when our passions makes us circumstances.
temporarily insane.
- You can be excuse when its under grave fear ✓ This refers to the act itself, the deed done
Violence or to be done.
- We can be excuse under violence ✓ There are certain acts that are intrinsically
Habit good or evil.
- We can never be excuse ✓ The morality of indifferent acts is
determined by the end (motive) for which it
SAYING: We think first before we do an act. We must be is done and the circumstances which affect
extra careful when doing an act because once it is done it.
you cannot take it back.
MORALITY OF HUMAN ACTS AND ITS DETERMINANNTS ✓ This refers to the agent’s personal intentions or
wishes to be achieved by the act over and
THE MORALITY OF HUMAN ACTS above what is naturally tends to.
An act which is good in itself may still be evil by reason f. A circumstance which is not gravely evil does not
of the agent’s motive for which it is done BUT an act entirely destroy the goodness of a good act.
which is evil in itself cannot be made good by reason of
the end for which it is performed.


a. A good act done for a good motive becomes better; it
will become best if done for several good motives.
b. An evil act done for an evil end becomes worse; it
will become worst if done for several evil motives.
c. A good act done for an evil end, is entirely evil if the
end is the whole motive of the act.
d. An evil act can never become good by reason of a
good end.
e. An indifferent act becomes good if done for a good
end, and evil if performed for an evil end.

✓ They are the conditions that affect an act, and
may affect it morally, although they do not
belong to the essence of the act as such.

Seven circumstances can be given: who, what, where,

with, what ally (means), how, when, why.


✓ Who is the agent? To whom is the act done?


✓ What is the extent of the act? Was the injury
slight or serious? Was the amount stolen large
or small?


✓ Where did the act took place?


✓ What is used in the performance of the act?


✓ How did the agent perform the act? Was he in
good or bad faith? Was his evil disposition
intensely malicious or only slightly so?


✓ How long did the agent retain an evil thought,
long period or momentarily?


✓ This is similar to the second determinant.


a. An indifferent act becomes good or evil by reason of
its circumstances.
b. A good act may become evil by reasons of
c. A good or evil act may become better or worse by
reason of circumstances, and may even become best or
worst from its circumstances.
d. An evil act can never be made good by circumstances.
e. A gravely evil circumstance destroys the entire
goodness of a good act.

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