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On behalf of the University of Benin team, we express our keen interest in participating in the
prestigious 2023 International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) International Humanitarian
Law (IHL) Competition for Universities. We believe that our team is a perfect fit for this es-
teemed event and would be honoured to represent our university on such a distinguished plat-

One of the key reasons our team should be selected to participate in the 2023 IHL Competition
is our unwavering passion for promoting and upholding the principles of IHL. We are deeply
committed to advancing the understanding of humanitarian law and advocating for the protec-
tion of victims of armed conflicts. Our team members are genuinely enthusiastic about contribut-
ing to the field of IHL and creating a positive impact in our community.

Furthermore, our team has a strong track record of success in moot court competitions and
other legal advocacy activities. We have honed our legal research, oral advocacy, and written
submission skills through rigorous training and practical experience. Our team's collective ex-
pertise in legal advocacy positions us well to excel in the IHL Competition.

Moreover, we are well-aware of the prestige and significance of the IHL Competition. As the
most respected and renowned competitions in the field of international humanitarian law, it of-
fers a unique opportunity to showcase our talents, learn from fellow participants, and network
with distinguished professionals in the field. We are excited about the opportunity to compete at
such a high level and contribute to the legacy of this esteemed competition.

In addition, our team is characterised by a collaborative and inclusive approach. We have estab-
lished effective communication channels and foster a positive team dynamic that encourages
creativity and innovation. Our diverse academic backgrounds allow us to bring a holistic and in-
terdisciplinary perspective to our understanding of IHL, which we believe will enable us to ana-
lyse complex issues and develop innovative solutions.

Furthermore, we have invested significant time and effort in preparing for the competition. We
have conducted extensive research, analysed case studies, and practiced rigorously to ensure
that we are fully prepared for the challenges of the competition. We are confident in our ability to
represent the University of Benin with professionalism, integrity, and excellence.

In conclusion, our team's passion for IHL, track record of success in legal advocacy, apprecia-
tion of the prestige of the competition, collaborative teamwork, interdisciplinary approach, and
preparedness make us a highly deserving candidate for selection in the 2023 IHL Competition
for Nigerian Universities. We are eager to participate and contribute to the competition, and we
would be honoured to represent the University of Benin on this esteemed platform.

Thank you for considering our team's application. We eagerly await your positive response

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