Assigment TQM Version 2

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2. Quality Management Problem

3. Quality Management Procedure

4. Quality Management Data

5. Toyota Total Quality Management Solution

The competitive nature of business has always driven stakeholders to work tirelessly every
day to enhance the standards and procedures used to produce their goods or services. Client
satisfaction must be a top priority for businesses since it encourages customer loyalty, which
raises sales. The implementation of the complete quality management technique in their
production process is the organization's most frequent plan. The TQM approach focuses on
the customer, employee, process, and the seamless fusion of the aforementioned components.
Total quality management is a method of management that emphasizes the satisfaction of a
company's customers in order to focus on the long-term greatness of a business..

5.1. The Application of Total Quality Management Approach at TMC

Toyota Motor Corporation has long been the largest automaker in the world, and its success
may be attributed to its pursuit of business excellence. By utilizing just-in-time
manufacturing procedures and concentrating on producing the highest-quality goods at a
cheaper cost and with a short lead time, TM Cavoids reduces waste in its line production
(Sorin-George & Shinji, 2017). However, the company's application of the TQM approach is
credited with its business excellence. Here are a few examples of the company's notable
TQM implementations and how they helped to achieve business excellence.

 Focusing on customers
By putting the needs of the client first, Toyota Motor Corporation has been able to reach its
current levels of commercial excellence. The business thinks that the degree of client
satisfaction with its products determines how well it does. As a result, the business operates
customer feedback centres all around the world to find out what the demands of the
customers are. As a result, the business has been able to create products that cater to clients'
demands, which increases client loyalty; an illustration would be some of its cars for persons
with impairments.

 Strong Leadership

The company's executives have helped to ensure that the production processes are designed
to meet the needs of all stakeholders, including the community, and have contributed to the
business excellence of the company. More importantly, a solid leadership foundation makes a
big contribution to putting Total Quality Management's guiding principles into practise. By
concentrating on creating high-quality items that also increase income, the executives'
preoccupation with being the best has also contributed to the organization's excellence
(Kumar et al., 2016). It contributes to its market share expansion.

 Improving Continuously

The pursuit of business excellence has been the primary goal of Toyota Motor Corporation
through the application of the TQM principles. Because of this, the company's strategy has
always been to fix any production-line bottlenecks in order to increase production efficiency.
The company aims for quality in both the visible and unseen components of its production
system. As a result, the staff members are continually eager to learn and grow, even in the
slightest ways.

 Workers focus
Worker focus strategies at Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) suggest a connection between
business excellence and whole management quality. The automated and human production
systems at the company are both upgraded as a result of the workplace upheaval. The
business values the role those human workers played in the development of the
manufacturing system. As a result, there is a family-like atmosphere among the staff as well
as between the staff and management.

 Constant Learning

The culture of lifelong learning that has existed at Toyota Motor Corporation from the pre-
war era is another practise that has been noted. The business has always been in the lead
when it comes to finding the best techniques and incorporating them into the company's
production processes. Executives from the company have also been constantly moving to spy
on rivals and pick their brains. That is clear from some of the well-known visits conducted by
TMC executives to manufacturers in Europe and the United States as part of a benchmarking

 Making Decisions Based on Facts

One of the main benefits of whole quality management is that it focuses all production-
related activities, including decision-making. The business uses a decision-making process
that is fact-based in order to generate goods that satisfy customers (Sorin-George & Shinji,
2017). The problem's underlying cause was discovered during the problem identification
procedure. Following that, the responsible parties take informed decisions to solve the issue.
This guarantees that the outcome will lead to the manufacture of the highest quality items to
satisfy consumers' wants and requests.

There are several elements in the case study of Toyota Motor Company that are compatible
with the material from the reading when you look closely at how it uses total quality
management to achieve business excellence. Customer satisfaction is heavily emphasized in
the text's definition of Total Quality Management (TQM) as the primary factor in its long-
term success. Toyota Motor Corporation's emphasis on customer satisfaction is one of the
well-known trends that can be found in the case study and is comparable to the text. Its Total
Quality Management strategies are almost all focused on achieving business excellence by
ensuring the manufacturing of high-quality products that satisfy consumers. That underlines
how crucial client happiness is to the success of any company.

6. Analysis of TQM Toyota

Toyota uses TQM to all of its operations, even though its main TQM goals are to improve
product quality and decrease product variability (Figure 1). These include product
management, product engineering, manufacturing, inspection, sales, service, market
research, profile design, engineering design, research and development, evaluation,
production planning, and product engineering (Amasaka 2014). Examining projected
performance and attributes during the development stage allows for the assurance of the
absence of structural or engineering faults (Amasaka 2014). The quality of processes,
materials, individual parts, and finished products is monitored based on objective metrics
during production-related stages, from planning to inspection (Amasaka 2014). This is
crucial since every part of an automobile, from the engine to the paint, must undergo quality
control if it is to be long-lasting and dependable. A thorough and thorough commitment to
quality at these stages helps to ensure that the business's products meet the needs of the
customers, which promotes client satisfaction and loyalty.

Figure 1. Analysis of TQM Toyota’s (Amasaka 2014, p. 1138).

In a same vein, quality control is necessary at the sales, service, market research, and product
management stages in order to increase satisfaction. Toyota does this by regularly surveying its
customers on their satisfaction, inviting them to contribute ideas and proposals for quality
improvement, and offering maintenance services after the sale (Amasaka 2014). Utilizing
customer complaints to find and fix issues is a crucial component of Toyota's quality management
system. Since the 1970s, warranty claim reduction initiatives and the Dynamic Assurance System
(DAS) have served this goal (Toyota Motor Corporation 2012b). Overall, because its principles
are implemented across the entire organization, Toyota serves as an example of best practices in

7. Implementation of TQM in Toyota

Toyota's method for implementing quality management has four main characteristics. First, the
business employs quality assurance and control techniques that are based on in-depth study and
testing (Toyota Motor Corporation 2012b). Second, by creating quality circles, providing training,
and conducting internal audits, the corporation actively involves its staff in the quality control
process (Toyota Motor Corporation 2012b). Third, Toyota's adoption of TQM tools is consistent
with its customer-focused business philosophy. According to Toyota Motor Corporation (2012b),
there are particular committees, such as the Customer Delight (CD) Quality Improvement
Committee and the Customer Satisfaction (CS) Improvement Committee, that are charged with
continuously enhancing customer centricity. Last but not least, Toyota has a systematic approach
to quality assurance that encompasses all of the organization's facilities, divisions, and
departments. These traits are all compatible with how TQM is defined and how its core
methodology works. As a result, they take care of potential obstacles to TQM implementation
success and enable the business to gain from the system.

8. Toyota production system (House of Quality)

(Total Quality Management Approach, n.d.)
Two main pillars:
 JIT (the most visible and highly publicised elements of TPS) (the most visible and
highly publicised characteristics of TPS)
 The Jidoka (never letting a defect pass to the next station; and freeing people from
 Base: Heijunka - Leveling out the volume and variety of production schedule. For the
system to remain stable and to accommodate the smallest amount of inventory,
levelled production is required. Part shortages will result from significant increases in
the manufacturing of some varieties while ignoring others unless enormous inventories
are maintained.
 JIT refers to eliminating as much inventory as possible from operations to protect them
from production-related issues.
 Making a single item at the rate of client demand, or takt, is the optimum one-piece
flow (German for meter).
 Smaller buffers make quality flaws more obvious right away, which reinforces jidoka
and can stop production (Andon). Once the issue has been resolved, the production
line is restarted.
 The Andon and less inventory make workers work faster.
 If the same issue recurs, management becomes aware of the seriousness of the
situation and makes an investment in Total Productive Maintenance, where everyone
is taught how to clean, inspect, and repair equipment.
 In a conventional system, there is no sense of urgency if a machine malfunctions
because maintenance is scheduled to fix it while production continues to burn up
 Because system stability can only be achieved via constant improvement, people are
the focus of the home.
 By continually posing the question of why the issue actually arises, people must be
taught to recognise waste and address issues at their source. n.d. (Toyota Production

9. Result and Discussion

Toyota employs workers with a variety of skills in a centralized maintenance department. The
advantages of decentralized maintenance come from the application of MTs. These MTs have
mastered their fields. However, the restricted availability of maintenance staff necessitates
the use of individuals with several skill sets.
Toyota also gathers information for research and identifying trends. For identifying and
establishing standards and methods for preventive maintenance, there should be enough data
on the trend and pattern of equipment performance available. The expenses of preventative
maintenance and repairs, run-to-failure versus preventive maintenance, and failure history
might all be calculated using this data. (The Toyota Total Productive Maintenance website,
n.d). Additionally, organizations need to assess how organizational structure and processes
affect preventive maintenance. A significant impact on staff morale, productivity, and
effectiveness can result from changes in these. Preventive maintenance management requires
a long-term commitment to the objective and pays off in the end, as Toyota has
At Toyota, a tool's shadow was painted on the wall to show where it should be placed.
SOPs pasted externally; Kanban cards.
Signals from Andon.
• Toyota's office auditing system.
• System for one-page reports

10. Conclusion

Another noteworthy accomplishment of the work is the in-depth analysis of Toyota's

TQM approach, which provides a case study of TQM implementation done right. Toyota
has used TQM for many years to raise the caliber of its products and increase customer
satisfaction. The Toyota TQM processes are effective because the company's TQM
methodology is adhered to in its TQM approach. For instance, Kiran (2017) emphasizes
that the characteristics essential to successful implementation include client attention,
comprehensiveness, and the usage of trustworthy tools. As a result, by examining
Toyota's TQM strategy, the study explored industry best practices that might be applied
to attempts to enhance quality in numerous different contexts.

11. References

Total Quality Management Approach. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Toyota Production System. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Toyota Total Productive Maintanance. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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