T00690095-Data Analysis and Project Reflection

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Data Analysis and Project Reflection

TED TALK Group 10,

T00690095, Abdul Kader

Decision Analysis is one of the most effective and interesting courses for an MBA
degree. At the beginning of this semester, I was a bit concerned about the difficulty
level of this course as there is too much homework, cases, and critiques. I started
and watched every video that my professor uploaded before and after classes which
made this course easy to understand and find the solution to the cases. One thing I
found very effective for this course is group study as there are a lot of functions in
Excel and formulas. I learned so many things about Excel that I did not know before
this course. For instance, how to sort out big data, forecasting, and sensitivity report
analysis. Which is essential for taking major decisions or making a production plan.
We had a great day today. We presented a Ted Talk in front of many students and
prestigious guests of our university. We were rewarded 100 out of 100 which made
us amused and enthusiastic about our Ted Talk presentation. For this project, we
needed to find suitable data to work on it. We had thousands of options online, but
we selected construction in Kamloops data so that we can relate this outcome with
our current location that we clearly know. I think that made our research easy. We
were six members in group 10 and everyone was cooperative with our project and
helped in every possible way. We have shorted our data by the distribution of
building age and building type. We also found an outcome of how Kamloops had
been developed and building residences around the city center. Today, the spread
around is more apparent, but there is a congregation in certain regions. Currently,
this development has been spreading out of the outskirts. They are not depending
on the downtown only, there has been a movement towards Westside, Barnhart
vale, Dallas, Valleyview, etc.
I personally gave some ideas on how to demonstrate our data, for example, building
age and height. We knew we had to present our slides within five minutes and
based on this we sorted our slides which were really informative and attracted
audiences and guests. We practiced several times even in the same HOL room with
the microphone so that we knew how loudly we should talk and how to stand in
our posture so that everyone can understand and listen perfectly. Yes, practice
made our presentation perfect, and we were rewarded with one of the best Ted
talk groups. For our success, I would say the selection of interesting data and good
teamwork is the key. Last but not least, we are really thankful to our professor Trent
Tucker as we followed his presentation style and demonstration. He can make slides
from any simple data and present them interestingly. Finally, it was a great
experience that will help me in my future career. I will not feel nervous in Infront of
many audiences.

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