Chemical Characteristics of Fish Nugget With Mangr

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Aquatic Procedia 7 (2016) 265 – 270

2nd International Symposium on Aquatic Products Processing and Health,


Chemical Characteristics of Fish Nugget with

Mangrove Fruit Flour Substitution

Ulfah Amalia*, Yudomenggolo Sastro Darmanto, Sumardianto, Laras Rianingsih

Department of Fish Products Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH Tembalang,
Semarang, 50275 , Indonesia


Mangrove fruit has been widely used in various countries. In Indonesia the fruit is not used optimally. The advantages of
utilization mangrove fruit in the processing of fish nuggets could reduce imports. The different proportion (0 %, 20 %, 30 %,
40 %) of mangrove fruit flour as a substitued for wheat flour gave significant effect (P < 0.05) on the value of water content, fat
content, protein content and ash content. The higher substitution of mangrove fruit flour raised protein content of fish nugget
products. Thus, its showed that mangrove fruit flour are potentially to improve the nutritional value of fish nugget.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Science and Editorial Board of ISAPPROSH 2015.
Peer-review under responsibility of the science and editorial board of ISAPPROSH 2015
Keywords: Fish nugget; flour; mangrove fruit; nutritional value; protein

1. Introduction

Mangrove is one of fisheries raw has been used in various countries, in the Solomon Islands the fruit is often
used as a vegetable and sold in the market, in Cambodia made malaria drugs even in some countries, this plant is
used to make paint, perfume and as a cure for cancer or tumors (Duke and Allen, 2006). Mangrove fruit species
[Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L) Lam.] which are conventionally processed into cakes, mixed with rice or eaten directly
with coconut flavoring contains high carbohydrates, even beyond the different kinds of foods commonly consumed
carbohydrate source communities such as rice, corn cassava or sago. Mangrove fruit also potent to decreasing blood
glucose level after processing into flour contained 7.50% soluble dietary fiber and 38.60% insoluble dietary fiber.
Thus the mangrove fruit flour is a candidate as functional food source especially antidiabetic (Hardoko et al., 2015).
In addition, the previous study Fortuna (2005) have showed the energy content of mangrove fruit of this kind was
371 cal · 100 g–1, is higher than rice (360 cal · 100 g–1) and corn (307 cal · 100 g–1). Carbohydrates are the main

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +62 813 2596 9510.

E-mail address:

2214-241X © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the science and editorial board of ISAPPROSH 2015
266 Ulfah Amalia et al. / Aquatic Procedia 7 (2016) 265 – 270

source of calories for humans. As many as 60 % to 80 % of the calories obtained from carbohydrates body
(Hwanhlem et al., 2014). Some of the mangrove plant parts are used for food purposes. Fruits of Bruguiera
gymnorhiza, Phoenix, Paludosa, Sonneratia alba, Sonneratia caseolaris, and Terminalia catappa are used as
vegetables (Pattanaik et al., 2008).
Mangroves are unique inter-tidal ecosystems of the tropics, which support genetically diverse groups of aquatic
and terrestrial organisms (Hwanhlem et al., 2014). An important ecological function attributed to mangroves is the
export of leaf litter carried by currents to adjacent coastal waters, where they can be a potential source of organic
matter and nutrients for commercially important fisheries (Day et al., 2012). In Indonesia, mangrove fruits can
combine with fish on fish nugget production. The advantages of utilization mangrove fruit flour in fish nuggets can
be reduce wheat imports. This study aims to determine the substitution effect of mangrove fruit flour on chemical
characteristic of fish nuggets.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Preparation of Mangrove Fruit Flour (MFF)

Mangrove fruit used for this study were Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L) Lam. which taken the old half that with long
brownish-green color of approximately 15 cm, obtained from Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia.. The fruit must be had
a good physical condition, no damage. The first stage began by boil mangrove fruits (500 g) with 1 500 mL of water
at 80 ºC for 30 min then peel skin and soaking mangrove fruit for 48 h with change of water every 4 h. After
soaking, mangrove fruit were cut into slices and dry under the sun. The second stage began by grinding of mangrove
fruit slices using a food processor (Philips HR-7627) until became a flour.

2.2. Fish nugget preparation and processing

By catched trash fish was selected from Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia. About 300 g fish meat was
obtained from 1 kg whole round fish. The meat was conditioned in a refrigerator at (4 + 1) ºC for about 4 h till
further use. The meat was cut into small pieces and minced with a mincer (Kenwood Model A920 PK001). This fish
minced was used in nugget formulations. For this study, there were four nugget formulations with different
treatment in terms of additional Mangrove Fruit Flour (MFF) as a substitute for some wheat flour and bread flour.
Table 1 shows the nugget formulation in this study.

Table 1. The nugget formulation with different additional of mangrove fruit flour
Nugget Formulation
Control (A) MFF 20 % (B) MFF 30 % (C) MFF 40 % (D)

Fish minced (%) 45 45 45 45

MFF (%) - 20 30 40
Wheat flour (%) 15 - - -
Bread flour (%) 25 20 10 -
Crushed ice (%) 5 5 5 5
Condiments (%) 5 5 5 5
Battermix (%) 5 5 5 5
Breadcrumb (%) 5 5 5 5

Fig. 1. shows the method of fish nugget processing. All components except battermix and breadcrumb were
thoroughly mixed to provide a uniform blend. The dough was formed and steamed at 80 ºC for 30 min. The fish
nugget samples were formed into characteristic shapes (4 × 2 × 1) cm and were chilled to below –18 ºC for 30 min.
The frozen pieces of nugget were dipped in the prepared battermix for 10 s (wheat flour 80 %, tapioca flour 5 %, salt
2 %, skim powder 13 %). This battered nuggets were covered with breadcrumb and packed in polyethylene bags and
stored at –18 ºC to –20 ºC until use. Fish nuggets and ready to be analyzed chemically as well organoleptic.
Chemical test to be performed is the proximate test (water, crude ash, lipid, crude protein and carbohydrates) and
tannin levels. The experimental design research is completely randomized design of the factors with two
replications. The factors to be observed was the substitution of MFF (0 %, 20 %, 30 % and 40 %). The main
Ulfah Amalia et al. / Aquatic Procedia 7 (2016) 265 – 270 267

parameters tested were fish nugget texture.

Prepare fish minced

Put into a blender

Add MFF, wheat flour, bread flour and The substitution of MFF treatments :
condiment, add crushed ice and process for - Control (A) - MFF 30 % (C)
(5 to 7) min - MFF 20 % (B) - MFF 40 % (D)


Shape dough into characteristic shape

(4 × 2 × 1) cm

Freezing at –20 °C Put frozen shaped dough into battermix

Pack with plastic (PE/PS) Breading with bread crumb

Storing (in a freezer)

Fig. 1. The flow chart of fish nugget processing

2.3. Procedure analyses

The determination of the proximate composition, i. e : crude protein, lipid, water, carbohydrates, crude ash, and
tannin levels were analyzed in duplicate. For the analyses, 25 fish nuggets were taken out randomly from frozen
storage + (–20) ºC overnight, and batter and breading were removed from the fish nuggets for chemical quality
analyses. The crude protein was determined by the Kjeldahl method, lipids, water content, crude ash content were
extracted by the method of AOAC (2005). The determination of tanin levels was conducted by titration method
(Sudarmadji et al., 1989).

2.4. Statistical analyses

Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), using the SPSS 10.0 for Windows. An
independent sample t-test was used to determine differences between A, B, C and D . Duncans multiple range test for
chemical quality.
268 Ulfah Amalia et al. / Aquatic Procedia 7 (2016) 265 – 270

3. Results and discussions

3.1. Proximate composition of Mangrove Fruit Flour

Mangrove Fruit Flour (MFF) containing 11.84 % of water; 0.27 % of crude ash; 0.31 % of lipid; 1.48 % of crude
protein; 86.10 % of carbohydrate; 0.39 % of crude fiber; 1.98 mg · kg–1 of HCN; 0.21 % of tannins; 29.96 % of
amylose; 26.08 % of amylopectin; and 14.75 % of total sugar (Hidayat, 2014).

3.2. Proximate composition of Fish Nuggets

x The crude protein content

The crude protein levels of fish nuggets in the present study ranged from 12.91 % to 22.5%. This data meets
quality requirements according to SNI 7758-2013 about fish nuggets protein content that is at least 5 % (BSN,
2013). The previous research about fish nuggets (Agustini et al., 2009), the levels of proteins that are not much
different from the results of the present study is equal to 16.53 %. The substitution treatment of MFF give a
noticeable difference in the crude protein content of fish nuggets (p < 0.05). The higher substitution of MFF will
raise the crude protein content of the fish nugget. Figures 2 and Figure 3 show the condition of mangrove tree
and fruit mangrove as raw material for MFF.

Fig. 2. Mangrove tree

Fig. 3. Mangrove fruit

x Lipid content

Fish nuggets with 40 % MFF showed the significant increase of lipid level (p < 0.05) compared with other
treatments. Indonesia National Standard number 7758-2013 states that the maximum lipid value of fish nuggets was
15 %. When compared with the research of (Agustini et al., 2009), lipid content of fish nuggets was 13.89 %, so
there was a considerable difference in which the present study was 2.56 % of lipid value. This difference may be due
Ulfah Amalia et al. / Aquatic Procedia 7 (2016) 265 – 270 269

to differences in fish as raw materials and also the addition of MFF. Fish was used in processing of fish nugget had
low lipid. The mangrove fruit flour was also had a low lipid was about 0.95 %. The crude protein, lipid, and crude
ash contents of fish nuggets increased significantly as a result of the substitution of MFF treatment (p < 0.05).
Similarly, an increasing effect of MFF substituing treatment on proximate analysis parameters was established by
Thomas et al. (2006).

Table 2. Chemical characteristic of fish nuggets

Fish Nuggets Crude Protein*) Lipid*) Carbohydrate*) Water content*) Ash content*) Tannin*)
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Control (A) 12.915a ± 0.403 2.230a.± 0.170 43.080a.± 0.863 39.475a ± 0.332 2.300a ± 0.042 -
MFF 20 % (B) 17.440b ± 0.297 2.370ab.± 0.014 39.255b.± 0.559 38.315 ab ± 0.841 2.620b ± 0.028 0.285a ± 0.092
MFF 30 % (C) 19.755c ± 1.039 2.430ab.± 0.014 37.450b.± 1.683 37.670b ± 0.636 2.695b ± 0.021 b
2.140 ± 0.042
MFF 40 % (D) 22.540d± 0.325 2.560b.± 0.042 34.155c.± 0.318 37.930b ± 0.028 2.815c ± 0.021 3.245c ± 0.205
Mean ± SD

x Water contents

The water contents were slightly lower in fish nuggets. The control fish nugget had the highest water contents was
about 39.475 %, it was due to the high carbohydrate content in MFF. Therefore, there was more free water available to
facilitate the movement of particles in MFF substitued. The water binding capacities of the dry ingredients used in fish
nuggets gave high effect to the viscosity of batter. This results contrast with the research which use different flour in
nugget processing, stated that the control batter, soy and rice flour added batters had significantly the same effect on
water retention (Dogan et al., 2005). Obviously the fish nuggets had significantly (p < 0.05) higher protein ratio
compared to other groups. In this study, the total of crude protein content has been determined to be 17.44 % in 20 %
MFF substitution; 19.76 % in 30 % MFF substitution and 22.54 % in 40 % MFF substitution. The remaining
percentages of the total proximate analyses are thought to be due to protein. In general, fish are known to have high
amounts of protein in their muscle. The one of the fish nugget processing step was mixing ingredients of fish nuggets
with MFF can be seen in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Mixing dough nuggets Fig. 5. Fish nuggets without breadcrumb

x Ash contents

The ash content indicates mineral content in a sample. The ash content of fish nuggets were given MFF does not
comply with the requirements of Indonesia National Standard of fish nuggets that is required maximum 2.5 % of ash
content. Products nugget control has a lower ash content and meets the BSN standard in comparison to nuggets
given substitutional of MFF (p < 0.05). The higher substitution of MFF on processing of fish nuggets increasing ash
contents. Carbohydrates contents of fish nuggets decreased with the substitution of MFF (p < 0.05). This is due to
the increased levels of protein and other components of the substitution of MFF. The water content measured at the
nugget is ranged from 37.6 % to 39.47 %. Based on Indonesia National Standard of 7758-2013, water content of fish
nuggets requires the maximum value allowed is 60 %, so the fish nuggets in this study meet the requirements of
Indonesia Natinal Standard. Fish nuggets from Agustini et al. (2009) had 48.87% of water content. The substitution
of MFF will decreases the water content of fish nuggets, but the percentage difference of MFF (20, 30 and 40) %
made no difference in the water content of the product nuggets (p < 0.05). The decrease of water contents of fish
nugget is due to increased levels of protein, lipid and ashes.
270 Ulfah Amalia et al. / Aquatic Procedia 7 (2016) 265 – 270

x Tannin levels

In this study, mangrove fruit was treated with boiling its at 90 ºC for 20 min to remove the tannin content. The
boiling mangrove fruit with rice ash was one way to decrease beany and bitter flavor in mangrove flour so its can be
added to food as a supplement to enhance the beneficial health properties (Jariyah et al., 2014). When mangrove
fruit soaked in the water, the diffusion and osmosis were happened. The diffussion can be happened with dissolution
of residual substances in fruit. It was characterized by color changing of water condittion or bubbly. The osmosis
occurs with a low levels of water solution was move into the high solvent content of the fruit so the fruit would
contain high levels of water and a little swell. Osmosis process will stop if the levels of the two substances has
reached equilibrium. The higher substitution of MFF in the process of making fish nuggets measured levels of
tannin is also higher (p < 0.05). Tannin levels measured in the present study products ranged from 0.28 % to 3.24 %.

4. Conclusion

Mangrove fruit flour can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in the processing of fish nuggets due to the high
protein content.The formulation selected of fish nugget was substituted with 40 % mangrove fruit flour. According
to the chemical characteristics, fish nuggets with substitued of mangrove fruit flour fulfill the requirements
according to the Indonesia National Standard of Fish Nuggets.


This research was supported by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University (2014)

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