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Edmund Leach

• Engineer by initial education.
• Contractor
• Yami of Botel Tobago, an island off the coast
of Formosa
• In 1939 he was going to study the Kachin
BIOGRAPHY Hills of Burma, but World War II intervened
• Joined the Burma Army
• After he left the Army in 1946, he became a
lecturer in social anthropology at the
London School of Economics
• In 1954, he published Political
Systems of Highland Burma. It
challenged the theories of social
structure and cultural change.
BIOGRAPHY… • In 1961, he published Pul Eliya, a
Village in Ceylon. It was about
theories of kinship as ideal systems
• Botel Tobago (an island off
• Kurdistan (the part which is
Field work now northern Iraq)
• Burma (Myanmar)
• Ceylon (Sri Lanka).
Areas of study

Initial interest in Kinship His Essay on structuralism

studies. Later.. To gave an analysis of works
structuralism and of thinkers like..
analyzed Levi’Strauss Durkheim, Malinowski,
works. Brown and Levi’ Strauss
Areas of study
• Food, Dress pattern, Houses are a form of communication….
• He linked food restrictions with sexual restrictions
• Food and sex metaphors
• Sex behavior, food behavior, speech behavior
• He presents comparison of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.–
presented the NATURE CULTURE comparisons
• This was in the context of myths..
• Capability of human children speaking is NATURE.
• Learning different languages that unintelligible is CULTURAL
• All other ‘CODES’ are types of Language or communication.
• Leach used MUSIC to explain structure

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