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Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson

Kesia Kerspay 02/07/2021 Pre-Intermediate 60 minutes

Lesson Type:
Grammar Lesson

Lesson Topic:
Life events: Present Perfect with just, already, and yet

Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…
Identify and use the Present Perfect tense. Select the correct form of Spoken in pairs or interacted through class activities, implementing and
Present Perfect containing words ending in just, already and yet to practicing Present perfect tense through worksheet activities to
describe differing experiences in order to complete coherent sentences differentiate and describe differing experiences.
in order to discuss and make morning plans.

Example sentences
She hasn’t finished her homework yet.

She has just finished her homework.

She has already finished her homework.

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Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
1. Students may become confused about the present participles of
verbs as some verbs follow a regular pattern and others follow an 1. In addition, I will also write down the four principle parts of a
irregular pattern. verb: present, past, present and past participle.
2. The concept of the present perfect tense is not very clear to most 2. I will present a well-constructed timeline and labels to
students. demonstrate the concept of a present perfect tense.
3. Due to the nature of the lesson, it is likely that the students will 3. Place students in pairs consisting of different nationalities
become distracted. students can than work together in order to complete the task.
4. I will also use games to keep the students engaged.

Target language analysis:

1. What is the use or function of this The present perfect tense is used to describe an event or action that will be completed in the
language? (Include a timeline if present.

2. In which context are you introducing In the context of life events.

the language? Example
She has not finished her homework yet.

She has just finished her homework.

2 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan

She has already finished her homework.

3. Which concept checking questions When describing Present Perfect tense with the words just, already and yet.
will you ask to ensure students Example:
understand the meaning?
She has not finished her homework yet.

She has just finished her homework.

She has already finished her homework at school.

1. Did she do her homework? (Yes/No)

2. Did she finish her homework now? (Yes/ No)
3. Is her homework done? (Yes/ No)

5. What is the form of the target The present perfect of any verb is composed of two elements: the appropriate form of the auxiliary
language? (Include positive, negative verb to have (present tense), plus the past participle of the main verb. The past participle of a
and question forms if appropriate) regular verb is base+ed, e.g. played, arrived, looked.

See example below:

 She's eaten in lots of expensive restaurants.
 I've travelled around India.
 They've read all the Harry Potter books.
 She hasn't eaten at that restaurant in a long time.
 Kim hasn't worked on Fridays since she joined the company.
 I have not forgiven you!
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6. How will your students work out the After introducing the infinitive form for each verb, ask students to identify the infinitive form for
rules for the structure? each word. Use three timelines to show the differences between past to present, life experience,
and recent events. Students should also be able to switch between positive and negative question

4 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan

This exercise will help me develop a plan for how to elicit a certain amount of information from a
person during a certain time.
This board will serve as my main prop when I try to elicit a structure or prompt my students if they
are not aware of this grammatical form.
Presentation Meaning 1
7. What will you teach about the Activities that can be done with the present perfect include reading comprehension and role play.
pronunciation of the structure? It's a good idea to practice switching between the past simple and present perfect by comparing
and contrasting time expressions. This will help develop the student’s ability to identify and
produce key sounds in English. It will also teach the students how to improve their listening skills
and self-esteem.
This class will focus on contractions that may appear within the Presence Perfect Tense.

In Russian, the letter “w” is used as a “v” in English. Also, the word “vot” is pronounced as “what”
in English and vice versa, the letter "v" in English is "w" in Russian.

Example: “wodka” in Russia is pronounced as “Vodka” in English.

Russians also don’t open their mouths widely to produce the “a” sound where the English do. It
then ends up sounding like “bad” instead of “bed”

Words like there is, is pronounce as (zeris) and there are is pronounced (zera) which is Russian
roots and is usually correct for them.

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Stage Name Stage Aim Time Interaction Teacher’s procedure Students will…

Warmer This time is 12 S-S  Teacher divides students into pairs. Identify the topic of the
used to allow minutes OCFB  Teacher discusses the lesson and plays a lesson and start to refresh
students to song as an example of a present perfect. their vocabulary.
transition into  Link: Familiarize themselves
English and with other students in the
then to prepare iHiDw class. Create a bond with
the students for  Teacher show pictures of Hannah doing other students. Identify the
the topic of their various activities in her daily life and get grammar lesson.
lesson. the students to discuss these activities in Gain confidence to stand
pairs. (Fig.1) and read aloud the
 When activity is completed students will information they have
than present their information to the class. received.
Feel they are part of an
engaging and interacting
team. Become familiar with
present perfect forms in
Construct an association of
these present perfect forms
to describe activities
Then, discuss the reasons
why they would do certain
activities at certain times of
the day.

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Presentation: To introduce the 5 T-S 1. The teacher will provide every student After reviewing several
Meaning 1 student to the minutes OCFB with a piece of paper. examples, try to formulate a
target tense of 2. Teacher will use the same pictures with strategy to improve their
present perfect the ‘daily life events’. (Fig. 1). grammar.
tense, which will 3. Teacher will elicit Hannah's activities and This activity will help
allow them to will get the students to work in pairs to students consolidate their
develop their own share any elements of their daily life and knowledge of the target
analyzing skills in see if they share the same elements. structure. They will also be
order to identify 4. For this lesson, the teacher will write one able to answer the CCQs.
the meaning of side of the board sentences in a past
the grammar. tense. This will be very familiar to the
5. This activity will introduce the concept of
completing a set of tasks and actions from
7am to 8pm. After reviewing the tasks and
actions, Teacher will ask students to
provide correct answers in present tense.
6. Teacher will then ask the class to draft the
sentence that will be used in the class.
After doing this, Teacher will ask the
students to write the sentence on the
7. For the remainder of the tasks, Teacher
will present the timeline and chorus the
corresponding example sentence.

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Presentation: To allow students 5 T-S 1. Teacher hands out a worksheet titled: Write Be introduced to the lesson
Meaning 2 to identify and minutes T sentences in present tense. (Fig.3). of grammar
implement 2. Teach the students to conjugate verbs into Be able to complete the
present perfect the present tense. correct verb present perfect
sentences 3. Teacher will have the students fill out the tense.
through worksheet. Create a deeper
association within 4. Teacher will than allow students to check understanding.
a action or their answers with their fellow class mate.
through an 5. Teacher will than give the correct answers.
activity 6. Students are to recognize the structure of
the present perfect sentences

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Presentation: To ensure students 5 minutes T-S 1. The target structure of the See the right target form on the
Form to establish the board will be presented in board when unscrambling the
proper structure of the form of a question. sentences.
a grammatical (Fig.4).
form. 2. Positive Structure: 'Pronoun'
will have + 'Past Participle'.
3. The target structure will be
presented in the form of a
positive and negative
4. The target structure will be
presented in the form of a
question. The question will
have the following structure:
Positive Structure: Will the
word "pronoun" have "Past
Participle" or not?
5. For this assignment,
students will have to correct
the sentences.

Presentation: To enable the 5 minutes T-S 1. Using the form shown on the Reproduce the sounds that the
Pronunciation students to identify board, the teacher will teacher typically makes during
the contractions chorus example sentences class by drilling the contractions.
that are used within that focus on the structure of Using connected speech will help
a target structure. contractions. students to follow through with the
2. Teacher will make use of sentence sequence.
connected speech in a

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continuous sequence in Teacher will concentrate and
normal conversation. correct students by avoiding short
3. Teacher can physically cuts.
show students how to At the end of this section students
position the tongue and will be able to shape the mouth
mouth in order to produce correctly to produce the sound
correct pronunciation if effectively.
students find it difficult.
4. If difficulty is experienced
amongst a few students,
teacher can use drilling in
order to practice
5. Teacher will use CIC to
isolate and tone down
certain sounds and
6. This method will help ensure
that the students are
sounding the actual sounds
the way they actually
supposed to.

Practice: To allow the 10 Ss-Ss 1. In this game, the teacher will This course will help students
Controlled students to practice minutes divide the class into two develop their listening and
Practice saying the target teams and have them line reproducing skills in the Present
structure, listening up one after the other. (Fig. Perfect tense.
to it and finally 5).
building it for visual 2. Teacher will then lay out 2
purposes. piles of word cards that will
create multiple conversation

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structured sentences in
present perfect tense.
3. Teacher will then ask one of
the students to repeat a
target sentence to the other
4. The students who received
the message have to
scramble to come up with
something that they thought
they heard!
5. The first student to answer
the question or sentence
that is closest to the answer
will have a point.
6. The second students to go
to the back and try to
answer the question will also
earn a point.

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Production: To allow the 20 Ss-Ss 1. Teacher will pair Use the existing vocabulary and
Freer Practice students to minutes students together grammar and the new target
develop their possibly a weaker structure to communicate with a
confidence in using student with a partner. They will develop
the target stronger one. confidence in handling real-world
structures. 2. Teacher will model a situations.
demonstrating to the
class how to proceed
with the activity.
3. Each student will
have a choice of
model scenarios to
aid struggling
students. Students
will be told that they
can use target
structures to create
their own scenario.
4. Teacher will monitor
class closely for
mistakes that will be
addressed after the
activity is completed.
5. Teacher will also
monitor to check
which students are
struggling. Teacher
will prompt, elicit and
correct vocabulary,
pronunciation and
target structure for
12 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan
struggling student
followed by praise
when student correct
their sentence.

Cooler This activity 3 minutes T-S 1. Teacher will divide the This lesson will help them
encourages the students into the same develop their knowledge of the
students to reflect teams each team will have present tense form of sentences.
on their progress the same number of points.
and leave the 2. Teacher will use Fig.2. Rub
classroom with a out the answers given before
positive note. and use it to test the
students progress.
13 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan
3. The team with the fastest
time to lift up their hands and
give the answer their
corresponding Present
Perfect Participle will win a

Lesson Rationale (700-1000 words):

You should cover: why you have structured the lesson in the way that you have, what each activity will contribute towards the learning aims
and how this will be achieved, other activities that you considered including and why you chose not to use them, what you would do if any of
your activities didn’t work in the way you have planned


I decided the concept of the PPP format it allows me to introduce new information in a systematic way. This method works by allowing students
to develop an awareness of certain aspects of new language that they may not otherwise have learned. Although it can be beneficial for students
to have an open mind when it comes to learning the language, it can also be restrictive when it comes to discovering the grammar structure.
Therefore, I decided to implement a guided discovery exercise within the presentation stage. This method is more suitable for students who
already have a basic knowledge base in the language. It encourages them to use their existing knowledge and develop a stronger level of


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This activity encourages students to discuss their decisions and develop a sense of exploration. The warmer helps students develop their
listening and speaking skills. It also stimulates their English. As long as they are able to do so, there is no right or wrong answer. It is also a
great way to introduce them to the concept of debating and encourages them to consider their own decisions.

The guided discovery Presentation stage is the most crucial part of the procedure. According to Karishma (2021) these methods should be
used “Deductive Method, Inductive method, Inductive Deductive Method and Incidental Method”. It involves carefully explaining the rules to the
students. This stage is also loaded with rules that are incredibly strict, which makes it hard to teach without being overly repetitive. It is where I
engage my students in formulating rules that they will eventually fit into their existing mental structures. This step is typically preceded by a
discussion about the rules and their significance to them.

Presentation: Meaning 2 is designed to introduce the concepts of Present Perfect tense. It provides the students with an opportunity to visualize
the meaning for themselves. It allows them to question themselves and answer their own question. The concept checking questions provided
by the teacher validates that the student’s comprehension of the grammar is full proof and solid.

Form also allows the students to establish the correct grammar structure and sentence structure. This step highlights the various forms that
may arise during this stage. This stage provides the students with an opportunity to develop potential grammatical contractions. It highlights
the various forms that may cause problems in the future.

Pronunciation emphasis on the contraction of the target structure, which is quite significant. In connected speech, words are often spoken in
continuous sequences. They are often pronounced in isolated or context-specific ways. Unlike allophonic speech, connected speech processes
can affect the sounds that they make. Many native speakers have shortcuts that are not found in written English. Connected speech will
particularly help the students generally develop sentence fluency and avoid having a pretty hard time remembering the words, which is fairly
15 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan
significant. As with all subjects, the students will generally be able to use their existing pronunciation skills to particularly improve their sentence
fluency, which is the goal.

For the practice stage, I have chosen to particularly play a game called Word Game, contrary to popular belief. This game is basically simple
to generally play and it gets the students moving around in a subtle way. It is also very effective in terms of teaching various aspects of the
language, which for the most part is quite significant.
Production mostly is done on the basis of the students'' ability to for intense purposes identify and use the future perfect tense to actually discuss
plans, which is important. This activity will help students develop their vocabulary and provide them with creative tools to help them produce
fluid conversations, which is quite significant.

The cooler game is a great way to keep the students engaged as it will have been very taxing on them. This lesson will also focus on the past
participles. The teacher wants the students to remember how hard these can be for English learners. For the cooler I decided to divide the class
into the same groups as previously. To prevent issues, the teacher will make sure that the students use their dictionaries when reviewing past
participles. I will also make a list of commonly used verbs on the board's four principle parts. I know that these can be challenging to learn, but
as a teacher I decided that they could be included in game form at the end for the cooler. It is always best to end of your lesson on a positive
note and the game will let the students relax and have more fun with it than stress on it being difficult. In the next session we will add to the
board to broaden their vocabulary more.

16 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan

Bibliography (if needed):

Karishma, (2021). Methods of teaching English grammar. [Online]. Available at:
grammar/ [Accessed 04 June 2021]

All Images taken from ‘Google – Images’.

Youtube: Present Perfect song. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 10 June 2021]

17 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan

Materials (include all the materials you plan to use in your lesson, referenced):

Fig.1: Life events

18 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan

Past tense sentences from the teacher.
Past tense Present tense

I washed my face. Example: I have washed my face

I took a shower.
I ate breakfast.
I drove to school.
I went to school.
I completed my activities in class.
I went home.
I have finished my homework.
I was happy.
I went shopping.
I drove my bike.
I ate dinner.
I watched television.
I went to sleep.

Fig.2: Presentation Meaning 1

Write sentences in present tense worksheet

Instructions for Routine Activity Sentences

Grammar Lesson:
Present Perfect tense for Daily activities.
To get the students making sentences with correct form of the present perfect tense for daily
Answer Keys:
Hannah goes to math class on a Monday.
Hannah takes a piano lesson on a Tuesday.
Hannah spend time with the family on a Wednesday.
Hannah goes to basketball practice on a Thursday,
Hannah goes to singing lessons on a Friday.
Hannah go skating on a Saturday on a Saturday.
Hannah goes to a church on a Sunday.

Hannah’s Schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Take a Take a Family time Basketball Singing Skating Church
math class piano class practice lessons service

Write the above in Present Perfect Sentences.



Fig.3: Presentation Meaning 2: Write sentences in present tense.

Present perfect tense sentences on the board.

Positive sentences
I have been to school.
I have been to math class three times this week.
Hannah has studied two foreign languages.
You have grown taller since the last time I saw you.
The government has become more interested in Science and Math education.
Japanese has become one of the most popular courses at the university since the Asian studies program was established.
My English has really improved since I moved to England.
Hannah has walked on the skating court.
Hannah has learned how to read.
Hannah has learned how to sing a note.
Negative sentences
Hannah has not finished his homework yet.
Hannah hasn’t mastered Japanese so she can’t communicate with you.
Hannah has still not arrived.
The rain hasn’t stopped.
I have never been to the movies.
She has never traveled by bus alone.
He has not changed his residence.
We have not come to help you.
I have not enjoyed the trip to the hill station.
They have not accepted our invitation.
Interrogative Sentences
Why have you moved to England?
Has she taken the lunch?
Has the government announced a scholarship for students?
Have you cleaned your room?
Have you done your homework?
Have you cleaned the table?
Why have you come so late?
Have you enjoyed your day with your family?

Fig.4: Presentation form

15 i-to-i LOVE TEFL Lesson Plan

Have you ever Have you ever Have you done Have you ever
Have you ever
lied to your cheated on a your told your friend
lost your keys?
friend? test? homework yet? a joke before?

Yes I have No i have not Yes i have

I have not lied Yes i have lost
played a joke cheated on a completed my
to my friend. my keys
on my friend. test. homework.

Fig.5: Word Card Game

Freer Practice

Example of Conversation
Teacher: Have you done your homework yet?
Student: Sorry ma’am, I have not done it yet, I will do it now.

Fig.6: Teachers example

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