Final Exam - Leadership - BSA2025-3

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Course: Leadership
Semester 1 (2021-2022)

Question 1 (3 marks):
What is power? Is power good or bad in an organization? How should a leader use their
power? Give at least 03 arguments to justify your viewpoint. Support your viewpoint with
real examples.
(Write a short essay from 1000 to 2000 words to answer the question)

Question 2 (3 marks):
Do you believe that time is an important situational factor to consider in selecting a
leadership style for the situation? Give at least 02 arguments to justify your viewpoint.
Support your viewpoint with real examples.
(Write a short essay from 1000 to 2000 words to answer the question)

Question 3 (4 marks):
It is argued that “Leading by examples is most suitable in the Vietnamese context for
effective leadership”. Do you agree or disagree? Give at least 02 real examples to justify
your viewpoint.

(Write a short essay from 1500 to 4000 words to answer the question)

1. Set the page size to A4 with margins of 2.54 cm all around. Please insert page numbers.
2. Cover page should have basic information including course name, student name, ID,
class, ….
3. The main body of the text should be in Times New Roman, 13 points, double-spaced
and fully justified.
5. Reference should follow APA style.

6. The file should be named using this rule: Student ID_Full name_Leadership Final
E.g: Student ID_Nguyen Van A_Leadership Final Exam.pdf
7. The assignment MUST be uploaded to the following Google Forms as an attachment.
Please go to the following Google Forms link, fill in all required information and upload
the file.
Leadership Final Exam_BSA2025-3 (
8. Deadline for submission will be before 21:00, 28th December, 2021.
9. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Any assignment that is more than 15% similar to others
in the same class will receive a 0 (zero) mark.

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