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"dahi" Indian youghurt is a super strong conditioner.

So it's recommended for rough frizzy

hair. you already have silky hair. if you want volume you should try henna which is soaked
overnight. but mind you it will leave some color. Since you have black hair, you might get
orange-brownish tint. if you soak it in a iron bowl, in tea, you might get a burgundy tinge. but
it will give volume. So once you apply henna, leave it for 1 - 3 hours. wash it off nicely with
plain water. let your hair air dry. massage your hair before bed with good amount of coconut
oil or mustard oil. Mustard oil is recommended for 2 reasons. it's more dense. and henna has
cold temperament, so leaving it on your head might impact your nasal system. Mustard oil
will give you that warmth and help you with it. henna will stain your cloth or carpet
permanently so have to be careful with it. a hand shower will be better to wash it off to
prevent cleaning the shower area later. let you scalp soak in mustard oil overnight, and then
shampoo it the next day. weekly once. so for example, soak henna on Thursday, apply on
Friday. oil your scalp and hair on Friday night. shampoo your hair on Saturday.
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