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Global institute of Science & Technology

OS Lab
Internal Sessional exam

1. Command and its output-

a) cat b) diff c) chmod d) mkdir e) rm

2. CPU scheduling algorithm – Round Robin using c program

3. CPU scheduling algorithm – SJF non preemptive using c program
4. CPU scheduling algorithm – SJF preemptive using c program
5. CPU scheduling algorithm – priority scheduling using c program
6. CPU scheduling algorithm – FCFS using c program
7. LRU Page Replacement Algorithm using c program
8. FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm using c program
9. Paging Technique of memory Management using c program

Global institute of Science & Technology

OS Lab
Internal Sessional exam

1. Command and its output-

a) cat b) diff c) chmod d) mkdir e) rm

2. CPU scheduling algorithm – Round Robin using c program

3. CPU scheduling algorithm – SJF non preemptive using c program
4. CPU scheduling algorithm – SJF preemptive using c program
5. CPU scheduling algorithm – priority scheduling using c program
6. CPU scheduling algorithm – FCFS using c program
7. LRU Page Replacement Algorithm using c program
8. FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm using c program
9. Paging Technique of memory Management using c program

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