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1909 – EWM and Quality End User Document

Now also standard inspection types are supported without inspection rule in SAP S/4HANA 1909 
with embedded EWM:-

Scenario.: We will follow the Production process: -

1. We will Accept the Quality

2. We Will Reject the quality

Prerequisite: - Material Master should have the Inspection Setup.

Business Case 1 – When we accept the UD

Step 1 : Create the Production Order:

T- Code CO01

Production Created released and saved >>>>>> Order number 1000057 saved

Step 2 : Perform MIGO in S4 with reference to Production Order.

Step 3:- With respect to Inbound delivery we will perform the GR in EWM using T- code

Points Needs to check here:-

1. Inspection lot should be created – Which you can see in item details :-

2. Now check the stock in EWM and S4 both should be in syn and stock type should be Quality

To check the stock in EWM we will use the T- code /N/SCWM/MON and in S4 – MMBE


Step 4:- Perform the Result Recording using QA32

Clear the UD
Step 6: - Go Back to QA32 to post the stock in EWM by using Follow- up function
Step 7 :- Check the Inbound delivery document flow should be updated and you should have
open WT and stock should be in GR zone with stock type Unrestricted
Stock in GR ZONE with stock type F2 in EWM

S4 stock :-

Step 8 :- By confirming the WT , stock will be posted in the specific BIN as per bin search

Create the WO and post the stock

Check the monitor should be updated with storage bin
Business Case 2: - When we reject UD .

Step 1:- Create and Release the Production Order: Use T- code CO01

Order created and Released successfully:

Step 2:- Create the GR in S4: Using T- Code MIGO.

Upon posting the GR. Inbound Delivery Document will created & distributed to EWM.

Step 3:- Go to EWM and receive the stock by posting GR for batch – 0000000206 : T- code
Once done check the document flow you will see the inspection lot is created.

Now We will start tracking the stock type .

Step 4. :- Go To MON and check the stock for your material and batch.

Check the stock in S4 should be in Quality.

Step 5: Now process the UD : Using T- Code QA32.

Select the record and click on UD.

And save it.

Now go back to QA32 and select the UD again now post into EWM by using follow up action.

Save it, you will document flow is updated in EWM – Inbound Delivery.
Step 6:- Check the inbound delivery document flow and the stock status both in S4 and EWM

A. Inbound delivery doc flow:-

B. Check the stock status in S4.

C. Check EWM Monitor should be in block stock.

Step 7 : Now stock is no more in quality and its in blocked stock. Depends on business what they want
to do. In this example I will scrap the stock.

To scrap the stock, will create WT.

Create the Wo and respective WT

Create and save.

Put away completed This Step will help you to bring the stock in scrap bin from scrap bin you have to
scrap it from the system which is shown below.

Step 8 :- Scrap the stock from the system:-

Scrap the stock from system using T- Code /N/SCWM/ADGI

No stock available

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