German Expressionism

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German Expressionism:

Germans were badly defeated in world war 1 and they faced extreme consequences after that
also. They were shocked, exploited, and they faced economic disaster, inflation etc. they used
the cinema as a true sense of art and depicted their extreme emotions and feelings. They used
High and Dutch angles. They used deep shadows and did extreme comparison of light and dark.

Metropolis was a film made in 1927 based on German expressionism directed by Fritz Lang. It
was the first science-fiction film ever made in history. This movie focuses on the difference
between the elite class and the workers and the wealthy class who influence the city and who
spoil the city. The story revolves around a mad scientist who created an android out of love and
desperation which drives the scientist to use the robot against his men and was creating a
bloodshed and started the revolt. The main theme of the movie was to make a connection
between robot, art and human. It is also a personal interest on mine because in those days a
person who has tried to make a movie based on science fiction and made it successful and it is
been a surprise that without the power of technology like we have now it is impossible to make
such a movie that has made different people think about science and also the director had
made it possible by having different camera styles and technical practices.
In the movie, Freder’s search is based on a personal voice and the difficulties between the hunt
of an individual voice and the tension of getting hold to the voice which he expected in the
articulated values of the family and the society. Today there are many kinds of movies like that,
but everything today is done because of the strong grip of the technology, but in that period
the grip of the technology was not to good, but he made the movie by believing on himself and
the art skill. This made him to make the movie about the human and technologies. The story of
metropolis is a movie which shows a woman through femininity, the use of technology and
sexuality this fiction movie is a movie of trademark movie and it is a futuristic technology of fear
and fantasy and fascination with the technology. Lang has connected the movie with the
relationship between the female sexuality, male oriented vision and the flow of technology.
The movie was totally influenced by the German expressionism in the cinema and by the end of
the 18th century the cinema had ways to express the issues that were relevant to the culture
and the society and it was by combining both art and technology. It was the filmmakers who
made the story with more exaggeration, violence and a distortion with the sharp camera angles
and the shadows painted with a radical type of a landscape which make a good disturbing visual
characteristics representation on the screen. Although the search of voice by Freder was not
completed and the tensions were more of pursuing a unique and individual voice and the
expected voice was not yet found.
But Freder's search had made inter-relating connections with his personal history and it was
because of the loss of his mother who had died when he was born, and he made dissident
against his brutal and a cold- blooded dictating father, he maintained a good relationship with
his coworkers as his brothers, his fascination with the human robot interaction and he also had
a great respect towards the achievements of his father on the field of architecture, but finally
he started to think about his search for his love. The movie Metropolis is a film of growing
realization of the major Germany 's industrial entrepreneurship and which also gave the
explanation for the public which are the upper class in general. In Metropolis the
representation of the characters in the film like the human-robot like monster with no immortal
features and a temperature scale and a clock which displays a total span of life it has. And the
movie does not bring any kind of value to the public, but it shows the final goal of chaos and
death to the people.
Each and every person has the power of technology and to operate the M machine which goes
around the clock and which appears in a small and irrelevant of the next the power and the
upper class are the most who are able to hold the power of technology and the work flow of
the support which they get by the technology, but it depends on who's control the technology
is in.

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