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Date:    30th June 2023

Puppy Parents Name(s):  DILIP GULATI


Contact Tel No (s):  0846477334

Email Address:
12, 6th Avenue, Edenburg, Rivonia, 2128
Postal Address:    ______________________________________ 

Puppy’s Name (s):  YELLOW

Date of birth :    2nd March 2023


Date of adoption :  23rd April 2023


Breed of Puppy:    Labrador Retriever


Pups vaccine history:  ______________________________________ 

(or scan vaccine booklet)  ______________________________________ 

What are you hoping to

achieve from Puppy class? Socinalization

Do you have any concerns

with your puppy currently? No

Puppy class venue :  Fourways ✔ Rivonia  Bryanpark  Chartwell  Sloppy Kisses

Bryanston (Mount Street)  Midrand    Family Vet (Fourways Crossing) 

Puppy class Time and  8am

Date: Payment method :  Cash    ✔ Eft 


I, the undersigned, acknowledge that I will be fully responsible for any actions of my puppy/puppy in my 
possession whilst at the Puppy class venue.  The puppy should be on lead unless instructed differently by the 
trainer.  Every reasonable effort is made to ensure your safety and the safety of your puppy but there are 
inherent hazards that exist puppy training, I acknowledge that we participate at our own risk and will have no 
claim against the trainer or the Practice where the classes are held should an accident or injury occur. 

We ensure that our classes are manageable in size, this benefits the handler and particularly the puppy. Once
your space is booked and paid for we will not be able to refund you for classes missed.  

Signature:  Dilip Gulati


OR: Tick that you have read and agree: ✔

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