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ICT in Education-iii


Department of Educational Administration
An Assignment On
‘Impact of blended learning on Higher Education system in
Course Title: ICT in Education -III
Course Code: EA- 3105

Submitted by Submitted to

Name: Md. Rabiul Hasan Shamsul Arefin Rumi

Roll: ASH2029007M Assistant Professor
Year: 3, Term: 1 Department of Educational
Session: 2019-2020
Noakhali Science & Technology
Noakhali Science & Technology


Impact of blended learning on Higher Education system in Bangladesh.


ICT in Education-iii

Assignment related terminology:...............................................................................................................……….4
Quality education:................................................................................................................................................4
SDG (Sustainable development goals):...............................................................................................................4
Blended learning:.................................................................................................................................................5
Online learning:...................................................................................................................................................5
Concept of Blended learning:.........................................................................................................................................5
Blended learning history:.......................................................................................................................................6
Blended learning framework:.................................................................................................................................6
Importance of blended learning:............................................................................................................................7
How to construct a blended learning program and implication of classroom:......................................................8
Prerequisite of blended learning:...........................................................................................................................8
Blended learning classroom environment teacher and student responsibility:......................................................9
Teacher Responsibilities:.......................................................................................................................................9
Student Responsibilities:......................................................................................................................................10
Disadvantage of blended learning:.......................................................................................................................10
Current Higher education system in Bangladesh:.........................................................................................................10
Traditional Teaching Methods Used in Higher Education:.................................................................................11
Challenges Faced by the Current Education System:..........................................................................................11
Impact of Blended Learning on Higher Education System in Bangladesh:.................................................................12
Advantages of Blended Learning in Higher Education in Bangladesh:..............................................................12
Challenges Faced in Implementing Blended Learning in Bangladesh:...............................................................12
Research about blended learning in Bangladesh:.........................................................................................................13
Blended learning model use in higher education system in Bangladesh:............................................................15
Role of Technology in Blended Learning:....................................................................................................................17
Advantages of technology in blended learning:...................................................................................................17
Challenges of technology in blended learning:....................................................................................................18
Best Practices for Successful Implementation of Blended Learning in Higher Education in BD:...............................18
Role of blended learning to ensure quality education in higher education in Bangladesh:..........................................19
Role of blended learning in achieving SDGs goal no 4:...............................................................................................20

ICT in Education-iii

Impact of blended learning on Higher Education system in



The integration of internet and technology-based learning has become a necessity in modern
times, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Blended learning, a combination of traditional
and online learning, has gained popularity worldwide, including in Bangladesh's higher
education system. This study aims to explore the potentials and challenges of incorporating
blended learning after the pandemic in public universities in Bangladesh. The study involved
qualitative research, including interviews with 37 students and 7 teachers from fewer public
universities. The findings indicate that blended learning has the potential to increase access to
education, improve learning outcomes, and enhance student engagement. However, challenges
such as limited technology access and resistance to change among some faculty members exist.
The study recommends that universities in Bangladesh invest in technology infrastructure,
provide training for faculty, and incorporate blended learning into the higher education system to
improve education quality and accessibility.


the world has witnessed a remarkable transformation in the field of education due to the
advancement of technology. With the rise of computer technology and the internet, new teaching
and learning methods have emerged, including blended learning. Blended learning is a
combination of traditional classroom teaching and online learning, where students can access
educational content through digital platforms. This approach allows educators to take advantage
of the benefits of both methods, resulting in a more effective learning experience for students. In
this paper, we will explore the concept of blended learning and its potential to revolutionize
education. We will also discuss the challenges associated with its implementation and provide
recommendations for effective integration of blended learning in the education system.

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Assignment related terminology:

Education: Quality education:

Education is a process of acquiring Quality education refers to an education

knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits system that provides learners with the
that enable individuals to live and work knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes they
effectively in society. Education is essential need to succeed in their personal and
for personal and social development and is professional lives. A quality education
considered a fundamental right of every system is one that is inclusive, equitable,
human being. and accessible to all learners, regardless of
their socioeconomic status, gender, or
Here are some definitions of education cultural background. A quality education
provided by prominent writers: system also emphasizes the development of
critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving,
1. "Education is the most powerful weapon and communication skills, as well as a
which you can use to change the world." - commitment to lifelong learning. It supports
Nelson Mandela. learners to become active and engaged
members of their communities, and to
2. "Education is not the filling of a pail, but contribute positively to social and economic
the lighting of a fire." - William Butler development.
SDG (Sustainable development goals):
SDG stands for Sustainable Development
Pedagogy is the study of teaching and Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals
learning, encompassing the theories, are a set of 17 global goals adopted by the
practices, and strategies that inform the United Nations General Assembly in 2015
process of education. The term is often used as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
to refer to the art and science of teaching, Development. The SDGs are intended to be
with a particular focus on the methods and a universal call to action to end poverty,
techniques used to convey knowledge, protect the planet and ensure that all people
skills, and values to learners. Pedagogy is an enjoy peace and prosperity.
interdisciplinary field that draws on a wide
range of theoretical and practical Learning:
perspectives, including psychology,
sociology, philosophy, and education. It Learning refers to the process of acquiring
involves the development of instructional knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values
materials, the use of different teaching through study, experience, or teaching. Here
methods and strategies, and the assessment are some definitions of learning provided by
of student learning and progress. prominent authors:

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Blended learning:

 Here are some definitions: Blended learning, also known as hybrid

learning, refers to a learning approach that
1."Learning is not attained by chance, it combines traditional classroom instruction
must be sought for with ardor and attended with online learning activities. Blended
to with diligence." - Abigail Adams  learning can take many different forms, but
typically involves a mix of in-person and
2."Learning is a treasure that will follow its virtual learning experiences. "Blended
owner everywhere." - Chinese Proverb learning is an educational model that
combines online learning with traditional
3."Learning is the only thing the mind never classroom methods." - Clayton
exhausts, never fears, and never regrets." - Christensen "Blended learning is a
Leonardo da Vinci pedagogical approach that strategically
combines face-to-face classroom instruction
Overall, learning is a dynamic and ongoing with technology-mediated learning
process that plays a vital role in personal and activities." - Charles Graham 
professional development. While different
authors may emphasize different aspects of  
learning, most agree that it is essential for Online learning:
growth, development, and personal
Online learning, also known as e-learning or
distance learning, refers to a form of
education that takes place over the internet
or other digital platforms. Online learning
Technology refers to the application of allows students to participate in educational
scientific knowledge and tools for practical activities, such as lectures, discussions,
purposes, such as improving productivity, assignments, and assessments, without
solving problems, or enhancing our physically attending a traditional
understanding of the world. Technology classroom. Online learning can take many
includes a wide range of fields, from different forms, such as self-paced courses,
electronics and computing to biotechnology, webinars, video lectures, and online
nanotechnology. discussion forums. Some online courses are
entirely asynchronous, meaning that
"Technology is a tool that allows us to students can complete coursework at their
perform tasks more efficiently and own pace and on their own schedule, while
effectively than we could without it." - others may include synchronous
Naveen Jain components, such as live video conferences
or real-time discussions.

Concept of Blended learning:

Blended learning is an approach to education that combines face-to-face instruction with online
learning. It seeks to integrate the best of both worlds by leveraging the advantages of technology
while also maintaining the benefits of traditional classroom instruction. This approach has gained

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popularity in recent years, particularly as more and more institutions and educators recognize the
potential of technology to enhance learning outcomes and engagement.

Blended learning can take many forms, but generally involves a mix of in-person and online
learning activities. For example, a course might involve a combination of lectures, discussions,
group activities, and assessments that take place both in the classroom and online. The online
component might include pre-recorded video lectures, interactive activities, and discussion
forums where learners can engage with each other and with the instructor.
Here is some definition:
1."Blended learning is an educational model that combines online learning with traditional
classroom methods." - Clayton Christensen
2."Blended learning is a pedagogical approach that strategically combines face-to-face classroom
instruction with technology-mediated learning activities." - Charles Graham
3."Blended learning is a learning experience that integrates online and face-to-face activities in a
planned, pedagogically valuable manner." - Norman Vaughan
Overall, blended learning is a flexible and adaptable approach to education that can be tailored to
meet the needs of different learners and contexts. While different authors may emphasize
different aspects of blended learning, most agree that it is a promising approach that can help to
improve student learning outcomes and engagement.

Blended learning history:

blended learning has roots of online education in the early days. In the late 1990s and early
2000s, as the internet became more widely available, institutions began to experiment with
online learning as way to expand access to education and reach new learners.
At first, online learning was primarily used as a supplement to traditional classroom instruction.
For example, instructors might post lecture notes or readings online, or use email to
communicate with learners outside of class. Over time, however, online learning began to evolve
into a more sophisticated and integrated form of instruction.
In the mid-2000s, the term "blended learning" began to gain popularity as educators recognized
the potential of combining online and face-to-face instruction. The exact definition of blended
learning has evolved over time, but generally refers to an approach that combines online and in-
person learning activities in a way that is deliberate and strategic.
Today, blended learning is a widely accepted approach to education that is used in a variety of
settings, from K-12 schools to colleges and universities to corporate training programs. While
the specific implementation of blended learning can vary widely depending on the context and

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goals of the program, the underlying philosophy of blending the best of both online and face-to-
face instruction remains a key aspect of the approach.

Blended learning framework: selection phase involves identifying

A blended learning framework provides a the tools and platforms that will be
structure for designing and implementing used in the program, and ensuring
effective blended learning programs. While that learners and instructors are
there are many different models and trained to use them effectively.
frameworks for blended learning, they 5. Implementation: Once the program
typically include the following components: design is complete, the program is
ready to be implemented. This may
involve setting up online platforms,
1. Needs analysis: Before designing a scheduling face-to-face sessions, and
blended learning program, it is providing ongoing support to
important to conduct a needs learners and instructors.
analysis to identify the learning 6. Evaluation: Finally, it is important
objectives, the target audience, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the
the resources and constraints that blended learning program. This may
will impact the design. involve collecting feedback from
learners and instructors, analyzing
assessment results, and identifying
2. Content selection: Once the needs opportunities for improvement.
analysis is complete, the next step is 7. By following a blended learning
to select the content that will be framework, educators can ensure that
included in the program. This may their programs are well-designed,
include both online and face-to-face effective, and engaging for learners.
materials, such as readings, videos,
lectures, and interactive activities.
3. Instructional design: The Importance of blended learning:
instructional design phase involves Blended learning is a flexible approach to
creating a plan for how the content education that combines online and in-
will be presented and how learners person learning experiences. Here are some
will interact with it. This may key characteristics of blended learning:
include creating a schedule of online
and in-person activities, designing
assessments, and developing 1. Integration of online and face-to-
strategies for supporting learner face learning: Blended learning
engagement and motivation. programs intentionally combine
4. Technology selection: Blended online and face-to-face learning
learning programs rely on a variety experiences in a way that is cohesive
of technology tools and platforms to and complementary.
support learning. The technology
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2. Personalization: Blended learning participate in face-to-face sessions,

programs can be customized to meet while learners who prefer to work
the needs and preferences of independently can complete online
individual learners. Online activities.
components, for example, can be 5. Enhanced access: Blended learning
adapted to match learners' learning can increase access to education by
styles, pace, and interests. removing barriers such as
3. Flexibility: Blended learning allows geography, time, and cost. Learners
for flexibility in terms of where and who may not be able to attend
when learning takes place. Online traditional, in-person classes can still
components can be accessed from participate in a blended learning
anywhere with an internet program that incorporates online
connection, while in-person components.
components can be scheduled at
times and locations that are
convenient for learners. 6. Data-driven decision making:
Blended learning programs often
make use of data analytics and
4. Increased engagement: Blended assessment tools to track learner
learning can help increase learner progress and identify areas for
engagement by offering a variety of improvement. This allows instructors
learning experiences that cater to to make informed decisions about
different learning preferences. For how to optimize the program and
example, learners who prefer support learner success
interactive, hands-on activities can

How to construct a blended activities that align with the learning

learning program and implication objectives. Select
of classroom:
Constructing a blended learning program
3. a range of learning materials,
involves several steps that include planning,
including videos, readings, and
designing, implementing, and evaluating.
interactive activities.
Here are some steps to consider:
4. Determine the blend: Determine the
1. Identify learning objectives: Define blend of face-to-face and online
the learning objectives and determine learning activities that will be used to
the intended learning outcomes of deliver the program. Consider how to
the program. Ensure that the integrate these activities in a
objectives are measurable and meaningful way to support the
achievable. learning objectives.
2. Select appropriate content: Choose 5. Choose technology tools: Select the
the appropriate content and learning appropriate technology tools that will

ICT in Education-iii

be used to deliver the program. learning objectives that align with

These may include a learning the overall goals of the program.
management system (LMS), video This will help instructors design
conferencing software, and other effective learning experiences that
digital tools. incorporate both online and face-to-
6. Create a schedule: Develop a face components.
schedule for the program that 4. Well-designed curriculum: The
outlines the sequence and timing of curriculum for a blended learning
each activity. Ensure that there is program should be carefully
sufficient time for learners to designed to incorporate both online
complete online activities and and face-to-face components in a
participate in face-to-face sessions. way that is cohesive and effective.
7. Implement and evaluate: This includes selecting appropriate
Implement the program and evaluate learning activities and assessments
its effectiveness. Collect feedback for each modality.
from learners and instructors to 5. Trained instructors: Instructors
identify areas for improvement. who are responsible for delivering
8. blended learning experiences should
be trained in the use of technology
Prerequisite of blended learning: and in the pedagogical approaches
1. Before implementing a blended that are effective in a blended
learning program, there are several learning environment.
prerequisites that should be in place 6. Supportive learning environment:
to ensure its success. Here are some Learners should be provided with a
key prerequisites of blended supportive learning environment that
learning: includes access to appropriate
2. Technology infrastructure: technology and resources, as well as
Blended learning programs rely opportunities for interaction and
heavily on technology, so it's collaboration with peers and
essential to have a strong technology instructors.
infrastructure in place to support it. 7. Adequate resources and funding:
This includes high-speed internet, Blended learning programs can be
reliable devices, and a learning costly to implement and maintain, so
management system (LMS) or other it's important to have adequate
platform to deliver online content. resources and funding to support
3. Clear learning objectives: It's them over the long term.
important to have clearly defined

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Blended learning classroom environment teacher and student responsibility:

In a blended learning classroom environment, both teachers and students have important
responsibilities. Here are some of the key responsibilities of each:
Teacher Responsibilities:
1. Design and develop the blended learning program: Teachers must create a structured,
cohesive blended learning program that incorporates both online and in-person
2. Select appropriate online resources and tools: Teachers must select online resources
and tools that align with the learning objectives and cater to the needs and preferences of
their students.
3. Facilitate in-person and online instruction: Teachers must facilitate both in-person and
online instruction, ensuring that students are actively engaged and supported throughout
the learning process.
4. Monitor student progress and provide feedback: Teachers must monitor student
progress in both in-person and online components, provide feedback and guidance, and
adjust instruction as needed.
5. A positive classroom environment: Teachers must create a positive and
supportive classroom environment, encourage collaboration and communication among
students, and address any challenges or issues that arise.

Student Responsibilities:

1. Engage in online and in-person learning: Students must actively engage in both online
and in-person components of the blended learning program, completing all assignments
and participating in class discussions.
2. Manage time effectively: Students must manage their time effectively to ensure that they
complete all online and in-person assignments and meet deadlines.
3. Seek help when needed: Students must seek help from the teacher or other resources if
they encounter difficulties with any aspect of the blended learning program.
4. Collaborate with peers: Students must collaborate and communicate with their peers,
engaging in group work and online discussions to enhance their learning experience.
5. Take ownership of their learning: Students must take ownership of their own learning,
setting goals, monitoring their progress, and reflecting on their achievements and areas
for improvement

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Disadvantage of blended learning:

1. Technology Dependence: Blended learning is heavily reliant on technology, and
technical issues such as connectivity, software/hardware failure, or compatibility issues
can hinder the learning process.
2. Unequal Access to Technology: Some learners may not have access to the necessary
technology, such as a computer or reliable internet connection, which can limit their
ability to participate in blended learning.
3. Reduced Social Interaction: While blended learning provides opportunities for
collaboration, some learners may feel isolated due to reduced face-to-face interaction
with teachers and peers.
4. Lack of Discipline: Blended learning requires a high level of self-discipline and time
management skills, which can be challenging for some learners.
5. Inconsistent Quality: The quality of the blended learning experience can vary depending
on the design of the program, the technology used, and the skills and expertise of the
teachers and learners

Current Higher education system in Bangladesh:

Bangladesh has made significant progress in the field of higher education since its independence
in 1971. The country has a total of 46 public universities, 105 private universities, and 10
international universities as of 2021.
The University of Dhaka, established in 1921, is the oldest and most prestigious university in the
country. Other prominent public universities include the Bangladesh University of Engineering
and Technology (BUET), Jahangirnagar University, and the University of Chittagong.
Private universities have gained popularity in recent years, with many offering specialized
programs in fields such as engineering, business, and healthcare. Some of the leading private
universities in Bangladesh include BRAC University, North South University, and Independent
University etc.

Traditional Teaching Methods Used in Higher Education:

In Bangladesh, traditional teaching methods such as lectures, memorization, and rote learning are
still widely used in higher education. The focus is often on the acquisition of knowledge rather
than the development of critical thinking skills or practical application of knowledge. There is a
lack of emphasis on student-centered teaching methods, such as problem-based learning and
group discussions.

Challenges Faced by the Current Education System:

Despite the progress made in the field of higher education, Bangladesh still faces significant
challenges. Some of the key challenges include:

ICT in Education-iii

1. Limited Access: Access to higher education remains limited, particularly for students
from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many students are unable to afford the high costs of
tuition and living expenses associated with higher education.
2. Low Quality of Education: The quality of education in many institutions is low, and
there is a lack of focus on practical skills and critical thinking. This has resulted in a
mismatch between the skills of graduates and the needs of the job market.
3. Outdated Curriculum: The curriculum in many institutions is outdated and does not
reflect the current needs of the job market. There is a lack of emphasis on new
technologies and emerging fields of study.
4. Inadequate Infrastructure: Many institutions lack adequate infrastructure, such as
laboratories, libraries, and modern teaching facilities. This limits the ability of students to
engage in practical learning and research.
5. Political Interference: There is a tendency for political interference in the management
of higher education institutions, which can result in nepotism and corruption.

Overall, these challenges must be addressed to improve the quality and accessibility of
higher education in Bangladesh

Impact of Blended Learning on Higher Education System in Bangladesh:

Blended learning has the potential to revolutionize the higher education system in Bangladesh,
addressing some of the challenges faced by the traditional education system. we will discuss the
advantages and challenges of blended learning in higher education in Bangladesh.

Advantages of Blended Learning in Higher Education in Bangladesh:

1. Improved Access to Education: Blended learning can offer greater flexibility in terms
of access to education, allowing students who are unable to attend traditional classes due
to various reasons such as work, family, and location, to access education. This flexibility
is particularly important in Bangladesh, where there are limited higher education
institutions, and many students cannot afford to relocate to major cities to attend
2. Enhanced Learning Experience: Blended learning offers a more engaging and
interactive learning experience, integrating various teaching methods and materials such
as online lectures, videos, quizzes, and discussions, with traditional face-to-face
instruction. This blended approach can help students develop a deeper understanding of
the subject matter and improve their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

3. Cost-Effectiveness: Blended learning can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional

classroom-based instruction, as it reduces the need for physical infrastructure and
resources. This can help institutions in Bangladesh reduce their costs and make higher
education more affordable for students.

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Challenges Faced in Implementing Blended Learning in Bangladesh:

1. Limited Infrastructure: One of the major challenges in implementing blended learning
in Bangladesh is the limited infrastructure and resources, including limited access to
computers, internet connectivity, and digital learning materials. Many students in
Bangladesh come from disadvantaged backgrounds, which makes it difficult for them to
afford the necessary technology and equipment.

2. Limited Access to Technology: Another challenge is the limited access to technology,

especially in rural areas, where many students do not have access to computers and the
internet. This can make it difficult to implement blended learning and can result in
unequal access to education.

3. Resistance to Change: There may be resistance from some stakeholders, including

teachers and students, who may prefer the traditional classroom-based instruction.
Additionally, some institutions may be hesitant to adopt new technology and teaching
methods due to a lack of understanding or knowledge about how to implement them

Research about blended learning in Bangladesh:

A study was conducted by me, including interviews with 37 students and 4 Department members
from different universities in Bangladesh and 7 Teacher in NSTU, JNU. The data was analyzed
using thematic analysis.
Responses of the students about incorporating blended learning:
Question: 1. Do you have any idea about blended learning education system?

5.40% 2.71%


Yes No NO Comment

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Discussion: This question was i asked to know the opinion of the students of Higher Education
whether they know anything about the blended learning system in education.91.89%ofthem
responded positive as they have a little idea on it. On the other hand, 5.40% of the students do
not have any knowledge on that topic. And the 2.71 students put no comment about it

Question 2: “Blended learning can offer the flexibility of accessing the class content at your
convenient time.”- What is your view on this regard?




Agree Strongly agree Disagree No comment

Discussion: Students were asked to share their opinion on that statement “Blended learning can
offer the flexibility of accessing the class content at your convenient time.” 67.57%students told
that they are agreed with it. Another 27.2% of them expressed they are strongly agreed with it.
5.41%and more were no comment.

Question 3. Do you think that you would feel any difficulties to carry your class through
blended learning?



Yes No No Comment

This question was I asked to know the Thought of the students of Higher Education what they
feel any difficulties to carry their class through blended learning.73% of them responded positive
on it. On the other hand,.27% of the students responded No.

Responses of the teachers about incorporating blended learning:

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Question: 1. Do you have interest in incorporating blended learning education system in your


Yes No No Comment

Discussion: Teachers of the Higher university were asked if they have interest in incorporating
blended learning education system in their classroom or not. All of the teacher put positive.

Question: 2. Do you think that your university has sufficient funding for infrastructural support
to incorporate blended learning education system?



agree disagree Stongly disagree No opinion

Discussion: I asked some teacher if their university has sufficient funding for infrastructural
support to incorporate blended learning education system or not. 71.43% of the teachers
responded disagree. 28.57% of the teachers agree.

Question: 3. Do you have interest in incorporating blended learning education system in your

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yes no no comment

Discussion: I was asked if they have interest in incorporating blended learning education system
in their classroom or not. All the teacher put positive answer.

Blended learning model use in higher education system in Bangladesh:

Blended learning models are gaining popularity in the higher education system in Bangladesh
due to their ability to combine the benefits of face-to-face and online learning. Blended learning
is a flexible approach to education that uses a combination of traditional classroom teaching and
online learning resources to provide an improved learning experience for students.
There are several blended learning models that are used in higher education in Bangladesh. Each
model has its own unique features and benefits, making it suitable for different types of courses
and students. In this section, we will provide an overview of the blended learning models used in
Bangladesh and compare their different features.

Flipped Classroom Model:

The flipped classroom model is a popular blended learning model that involves students
completing online learning activities before attending class. This model is designed to shift the
focus of classroom time from lectures to more interactive and engaging activities, such as
discussions, group work, and problem-solving.
In this model, students are expected to review the course material online before coming to class.
During the class, the teacher facilitates discussions and group work, provides feedback and
support, and answers questions. The flipped classroom model is popular in Bangladesh due to its
ability to engage students in active learning, encourage collaboration and critical thinking, and
increase student participation.

Rotation Model:
The rotation model is another popular blended learning model used in higher education in
Bangladesh. This model involves students rotating between different learning activities, such as
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online lectures, group work, and individual assignments. The rotation model allows students to
work at their own pace and provides them with a more personalized learning experience.

In this model, students spend a portion of their class time engaging in online learning activities,
such as watching recorded lectures or completing interactive learning modules. They then rotate
to different stations within the classroom where they engage in group work or individual
assignments. This model is popular in Bangladesh due to its ability to provide students with a
more flexible and personalized learning experience.

Flex Model:
The flex model is a flexible blended learning model that allows students to choose how they
want to learn. In this model, students have the flexibility to choose when, where, and how they
want to engage with the course material. This model is designed to meet the diverse needs of
students and provide them with a more personalized learning experience.
In the flex model, students are given access to a variety of online learning resources, such as
videos, interactive learning modules, and online quizzes. They can choose which resources they
want to use and when they want to use them. Students also have the option to attend face-to-face
sessions, such as lectures or group work sessions. The flex model is popular in Bangladesh due
to its ability to provide students with a more personalized and flexible learning experience.

Self-Blend Model:
The self-blend model is a blended learning model that allows students to choose how much they
want to engage in online learning activities. In this model, students have the option to
supplement their traditional classroom learning with online learning activities. This model is
designed to provide students with more flexibility and control over their learning experience.
In the self-blend model, students have access to a variety of online learning resources, such as
videos, interactive learning modules, and online quizzes. They can choose which resources they
want to use and when they want to use them. Students can also attend face-to-face sessions, such
as lectures or group work sessions. The self-blend model is popular in Bangladesh due to its
ability to provide students with more flexibility and control over their learning experience.

Online Lab Model:

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The online lab model is a blended learning model that involves students completing online
learning activities in a virtual lab. This model is designed to provide students with a more
immersive and interactive learning experience, particularly in courses that require hands-on
training or laboratory work.

Role of Technology in Blended Learning:

The use of technology in blended learning has significantly enhanced the quality of education in
Bangladesh. Technology has allowed for a more personalized learning experience for students,
enabling them to access learning resources at their own pace and convenience. Several forms of
technology are being used in blended learning in Bangladesh, including learning management
systems (LMS), educational software, digital textbooks, online libraries, multimedia content, and
interactive simulations.

1. Advantages of technology in blended learning:

2. Enhanced learning experience: Technology has made learning more interactive and
engaging, making it easier for students to understand and retain information. The use of
multimedia content, interactive simulations, and other tools have made learning more
interesting and enjoyable.
3. Increased access to learning resources: The use of technology has enabled students to
access learning resources from anywhere and at any time. This has made education more
accessible and convenient for students who are unable to attend traditional classes due to
work, family, or other commitments.
4. Improved communication: Technology has facilitated communication between
students, teachers, and peers. This has made it easier for students to ask questions and get
feedback, leading to a more effective learning experience.

Challenges of technology in blended learning:

1. Limited access to technology: Despite the benefits of technology, not all students have
access to the necessary tools, such as computers or internet connectivity, to participate in
blended learning. This can create a digital divide, where some students are left behind
due to their lack of access to technology.
2. Limited technological infrastructure: Some educational institutions in Bangladesh may
lack the necessary technological infrastructure, such as high-speed internet connectivity
or modern computers, to support blended learning. This can make it difficult to
implement technology-based learning effectively.
3. Resistance to change: The implementation of technology-based learning may face
resistance from teachers, students, and educational institutions that are more accustomed
to traditional teaching methods. This can create a cultural barrier to the adoption of
blended learning and limit its effectiveness.

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Overall, the use of technology in blended learning has the potential to revolutionize education in
Bangladesh. However, addressing the challenges associated with technology is crucial for
ensuring that all students have equal access to quality education.

Best Practices for Successful Implementation of Blended Learning in Higher

Education in Bangladesh:
Blended learning has the potential to revolutionize the higher education system in Bangladesh,
but its successful implementation requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best
practices that can help ensure the successful implementation of blended learning in higher
education in Bangladesh:

1. Capacity building and training: One of the biggest challenges in implementing blended
learning is the lack of technical expertise among educators. Therefore, it is essential to
provide capacity building and training to educators to equip them with the necessary
skills and knowledge to effectively design and deliver blended learning courses.
2. Collaborative partnerships: Collaborative partnerships between universities and
industry can help address some of the challenges associated with blended learning
implementation. Industry partners can provide support in terms of technology
infrastructure, training, and expertise, while universities can provide the academic
expertise and resources.
3. Adapting to cultural and contextual factors: Successful implementation of blended
learning requires adapting to the cultural and contextual factors of the target audience. It
is important to consider the learning styles, preferences, and needs of the students when
designing blended learning courses.
4. Clear goals and objectives: Blended learning should be implemented with clear goals
and objectives. The goals should align with the learning outcomes and be communicated
to the students and educators clearly. This can help keep everyone on the same page and
ensure the success of the program.
5. Student-centered approach: Blended learning should be designed with a student-
centered approach. This means that the learning experience should be tailored to the
individual needs and preferences of the students. This can be achieved by providing
personalized learning paths, interactive content, and feedback mechanisms.
6. Quality assurance: Quality assurance is essential to ensure the success of blended
learning. A comprehensive quality assurance system should be put in place to monitor
and evaluate the program. This can include regular assessments, feedback mechanisms,
and continuous improvement processes.

Role of blended learning to ensure quality education in higher education in

Blended learning can play a significant role in ensuring quality education in higher education in
Bangladesh by addressing some of the key challenges faced by the traditional education system.

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Here are some ways in which blended learning can contribute to quality education:
1. Flexibility: Blended learning provides flexibility in terms of time and place, allowing
students to learn at their own pace and convenience. This can lead to better learning
outcomes as students are more likely to engage with the course material when they can
learn in a way that suits them.
2. Personalization: With the use of blended learning, teachers can personalize the learning
experience for each student, taking into account their learning style, pace, and abilities.
This can lead to a more effective and engaging learning experience for students, which is
likely to lead to better learning outcomes.
3. Access to resources: Blended learning can provide students with access to a wide range
of learning resources, including videos, simulations, and interactive activities, which can
enhance their understanding of complex concepts.
4. Collaborative learning: Blended learning can facilitate collaborative learning through
online discussions, group projects, and peer-to-peer feedback, which can enhance
students' communication and teamwork skills.
5. Assessment: Blended learning can provide more effective and efficient assessment tools,
including online quizzes and assignments, which can provide immediate feedback to
students and help teachers identify areas where students are struggling.
Overall, by leveraging the advantages of blended learning, higher education institutions in
Bangladesh can provide a more flexible, personalized, and engaging learning experience to their
students, which can lead to better learning outcomes and ensure quality education.

Role of blended learning in achieving SDGs goal no 4:

Blended learning can play a significant role in achieving SDG goal no. 4, which is to ensure
inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Here are some ways in which blended learning can contribute to achieving this goal:

1. Increased Access to Education: Blended learning can help overcome barriers to

education by providing flexible learning options that allow students to learn at their own
pace and from any location. This is particularly important in rural and remote areas where
access to education is limited.
2. Improved Quality of Education: Blended learning can provide a more engaging and
interactive learning experience, incorporating multimedia resources, collaborative
learning opportunities, and personalized learning paths that cater to individual student
3. Cost-Effectiveness: By reducing the need for physical infrastructure, such as classrooms
and textbooks, blended learning can help reduce the cost of education. This can make
education more affordable and accessible for students from low-income families.
4. Lifelong Learning: Blended learning can support the development of lifelong learning
skills, such as self-directed learning and critical thinking, by providing students with the

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opportunity to take control of their learning and explore topics beyond the classroom.
Overall, blended learning has the potential to help achieve SDG 4 by providing a flexible,
accessible, and high-quality education that is inclusive and equitable for all. However, it is
important to ensure that blended learning programs are designed and implemented in a way that
is effective and equitable, considering the needs and context of different learners and

Blended learning has the potential to significantly impact higher education in Bangladesh. It
provides an opportunity for increased access to education, enhanced learning experiences, and
cost-effectiveness. Although there are challenges to its implementation, such as limited
infrastructure and access to technology, the benefits outweigh the challenges. The different
models of blended learning, including the flipped classroom, rotation, flex, self-blend, and online
lab models, provide a variety of approaches to suit different disciplines and learning needs. Each
model has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is essential to choose the right model for the
specific learning needs and goals. The role of technology in blended learning cannot be
overstated. Technology provides opportunities for enhanced learning experiences, increased
access to learning resources, and more engaging and interactive learning environments.
However, the limited access to technology and technological infrastructure can be a significant
challenge in implementing blended learning in Bangladesh.
Successful implementation of blended learning in higher education requires clear goals and
objectives, a student-centered approach, quality assurance, and capacity building and training for
teachers and learners. Collaborative partnerships between higher education institutions, the
government, and private sector entities can also contribute to the success of blended learning
Blended learning can play a significant role in achieving SDG goal no. 4, ensuring quality
education for all. By providing increased access to education and enhancing the learning
experience, blended learning can contribute to achieving this goal.

Reference: Muhammed Shahriar Haque(East west university); Md Saifuddin Khalid Technical

University of Denmark. Boelens, R. DE Wever, B., & Voet, M (2017) https:// 4. European commission
2013. Blended learning at the university of west Indies. Policy on Blended Learning for Bangladesh.
University grant commission . Wikipedia.


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