Starting Application in Various Environments

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Starting application in various environments

Windows NT has or not has had built in support for the
 32bit windows applications
 16bit windows applications
 Dos application
 Portable operating system interface based on UNIX

Thirty-two-bit windows application are Microsoft new

structure for application without the memory constrains
that 16-bit windows application have always had. these
32bit application have full access to all of NT resource,
and are; the firstest application that can be run on
windows NT.

POSIX is a source code compatible operating

environment constrain that allows the single source code
to be compiled for multiple system. The posix standard
was supposed to the way in which Unix application wow
built, reducing the amount of time that must be spent
sporting an application from one hardware platform
In addition to the two new application standards that
Microsoft included Microsoft enable windows
Lab practice

Finally Microsoft included support for OS application to

make it easier for developers and customers to migrate
that platform without feeling deserted and abandoned

32-bit windows applications

The win32 subsystem, which all 32bit windows
application run from is the narrative system for windows
NT and controls all input and output to other subsystem
thirty-two-bit windows application run directly in the
win32 subsystem and access to the complete system. Each
application always run within it own protected memory
space and is primitively multitasked with other
application running on it.

Each 32 bit windows application has the capability to

access to up 2gb of memory (the operating system reserve
another 2gb ) every application has one thread of
execution and can have multiple threads.
A thread smallest common denomitor a process can be
divided into a string a command executes in succession,
in Dows application there is only one thread thus items
are always proceeded in order.
Lab practice

In a multithread application however one thread can be

handling user input while another is printing a document
in the background. Because of all application are
primitively multitasked. Windows nt retains control of the
system, even if a single thread lock will not prevent
the other threads from running.

16bit windows application

Microsoft developed a technique called thinking to allow
16-bit application run in a 32-bit environment. This is
accomplished by converting references from a 16-bit
windows on 32 bits

The windows subsystem converts 26-bit API calls to 32bit

API calls handles cooperative multitasking for any 16-bit
application run within it, by default, windows crates one
WOW session when the first 16bit application is started.
This is where all 16-bit windows be run, unless NT is
instructed to start them in a separate memory space (most
easily accomplished by checking the check box on the run
dialogue box, or on the properties sheet of t
Lab practice

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Avgvi ‡mvbvi evsjv Avwg †Zvgvq fvjevwm wPiw`b †Zvgvi AvKvk

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Avgvi wbR evmv Kzwgjøv, Avwg †bvqvLvwj weÁvb I cÖhyw³
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†Zvgvq fvjevwm wPiw`b †Zvgvi AvKvk †Zvgvi evZvm Avgvi cªv‡Y
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Avwg †bvqvLvwj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek^we`¨vj‡q wkÿv cÖkvmb
wefv‡M cwo|

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