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Marriage, over a long time, has borne a very common definition especially among school pupils
as the union of a man and a woman as husband and wife. As inadequate and incomplete as this
definition is, it however, captures the underlying identity and the crux of that concept – the union
of a man and a woman – though it appears economical in unravelling the other intricacies
embedded therein. Borrowing an insight from the teachings of the Church, it is the covenant by
which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and
which is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and the protection and education of
offspring, in their own interest and that of humanity at large. It is a lifelong sexually exclusive
relationship between a man and a woman that makes for the sustenance of the stewardship of the
earth. The transmission of human life, according to Pope Paul VI, is a most serious role in
which married people collaborate freely and responsibly with God the creator. This proves
marriage a divine institution designed to achieve a lifelong mutual companionship, procreation
and redemption, though regulated by laws, rules, sound customs, right beliefs, and attitudes that
prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accord status to their offsprings (if any).
Regrettably, the sanctity of this all important concept is gradually choked by a potpourri of
infiltrations accruing from disordered beliefs, traditions, terrible practices, aberrations, abuses
among many others, resulting to the poor upbringing of the very offspring that are the
unfortunate products of such unions. Families are now established even outside marriage. The
oneness of the family is threatened by modern day 'philosophical theories' and high growth of
decadence in the sphere of morality. Infiltration of myths and conspiracy theories into the society
have also played a large role in sullying this sacred spring. Divorce and single parenthood are
today a matter of choice. Tearfully, gay and so called spiritual marriages are almost the in thing.
These glitches have contributed in no small measure in keeping evil and corruption in the society
in an almost infinite regress because, sad enough, even those saddled with the responsibility of
correcting the errors are themselves either misinformed or uninformed. Most marriages today
obviously leave much to be desired and there is an urgent need to go back to the drawing board.
In trying to give a salvaging gleam to these and many more problems, the Echoes of Mercy Magazine in
this 9th edition has chosen the theme: MARRIAGE TODAY: RETHINKING THE FAMILY IDENTITY IN THE
FACE OF MODERN DAY CRISES IN THE SOCIETY, with emphasis chiefly on not just the mention of
marriage, but more so on the suffix ‘today’, which speedily alludes sparks of the disparaging nuances
between today’s marriages and what marriage and family ought to be. Moreover, seemingly unnoticed
is the fact that the majority of the crises we face today in government, religion and society at large, are
directly or otherwise, traceable to the family, whose only legal institution is by marriage.

There is no doubt that the consciousness of the sanctity and spirituality of marriage will go a
long way in setting aright civil, moral and religious lapses in the society. For this, we humbly
call on members of the general public who also feel the need to correct these errors of the present
day to pick up their pens and splash the knowledge on these modern day papers of degeneration
so as to bring back to this broken world the joy, sanctity and spirituality which the concepts of
marriage and family embody by throwing more light on any of the following article topics:
1. Spiritual Marriage: A reality or misconception?*(Interview Question)
2. Premarital sexual affairs: A necessity for marriage?
3. Abortion: Towards its implications and justification (Guest Writer)
4. Rethinking the place of contraceptives in marriage
5. Evaluating the pros and cons of interethnic marriage to social development
6. “Prophetic marriage”: marring or making the family?
7. The struggle for economic independence before marriage: a good or bad omen?
8. Re-examining the concept of wives as ori aku in Igbo worldview
9. Inter religious marriage: a path to ecumenism or a religious malpractice? (Guest
10. Role swapping among spouses in modern marriage: the lights and shadows
11. Arranged marriages: a re-evaluation in the light of the right to choice
12. Unearthing the demands of responsible parenthood
13. Value crises in today’s world: effects on family life
14. Gender insensitivity within the family: thesis or antithesis?
15. Marriage: a social construct or a divine institute?
16. The role of the Christian family in the third millennium world an insight from Familiaris
Consortio of Pope John Paul II
17. Marriage as communion between God and people (Man) (Guest Writer)
18. The principle and power of marital communion: a critical exposition
19. New consciousness: awakening the dignity and rights of women in the family
(Interview Question)
20. Substance abuse: a threat to a happy home
21. Frightening rise of domestic violence: who takes the blame?
22. An exposition of the Church’s teachings on marriage and divorce
23. A theological appraisal of traditional marriage in Igbo culture (Guest Writer)
24. Marriage in the contemporary world: pondering equality, hierarchy and submissiveness
among couples
25. The impact of catechesis on the modern marriage
26. Evaluating the sacramentality of court marriage (Guest Writer)
27. Re-examining the problem of divorce in marriages in the light of Amoris Laetitia
28. Sex education of children in families: a necessity
29. Transgenderism: A glance at the legal, social, and spiritual implications
30. Exploring the theology of Humanae Vitae and its implication for marriage
31. The procreative injunction of Gen. 1:28: implications for homosexual union
32. The effect of divorce on children
33. Single parenthood and its effects on children: A critical exposition

 All correspondences should be directed to the Editor-in-chief, echoes of Mercy
Magazine. Email: or
WhatsApp/ call 07067224210
 Article topics in bold letters are reserved for guest writers
 Articles are to be submitted in soft copy only, in not more than one and half pages of A4
paper with Times New Roman as the font face and 12 font size. Submission should be
made before 31st August, 2023.
 Submissions should be made through our emails or sent through the WhatsApp number
 Cartoons, Poems, Anecdotes, Puzzles and articles related to the central theme will also be
 Writers should kindly adhere strictly to the required number of pages and as well meet up
with the deadline
 One is at the liberty to rephrase the topics as this is just a guide.

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