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1.Be under the weather.

2.The ball is in your court.

3.Spill the beans.
4.Break a leg.
5.Pull someone’s leg.
6.Sit/Be on the fence.
7.Through thick and thin.
8.Once in a blue moon.
9.It’s the best thing since sliced bread.

10. Take it with a pinch of salt.

11. Come rain or shine.
12. Go down in flames.
13. See eye to eye.
14. Jump on the bandwagon.
15. As right as rain.
16. Hit the sack.
17. Miss the boat.
1. Be under the weather = To feel ill

2. The ball is in your court = It’s up to you

3. Spill the beans = To give away a secret

4. Break a leg = To wish someone luck

5. Pull someone’s leg = To play a practical joke

6. Sit/Be on the fence = To be undecided

7. Through thick and thin = To be loyal no matter what

8. Once in a blue moon = Rarely

9. It’s the best thing since sliced bread = It’s really, really good

10. Take it with a pinch of salt = Don’t take it too seriously

11. Come rain or shine = No matter what

12. Go down in flames = To fail spectacularly

13. See eye to eye (with someone) = To agree completely

14. Jump on the bandwagon = Following a trend

15. As right as rain = Perfect

16. Hit the sack = Go to bed

17. Miss the boat = It’s too late

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