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“A Close to Nature Haven School”

S.Y. 2022-2023

Subject: ENGLISH 9 “Communicative Styles”
Learning competencies: Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various

Lesson 5: “Communicative Styles”

Objectives: After going through this module, you are expected to:
a. Identify different communicative styles in various situations.
b. Determine how communication styles help in effective communication.
Communicative (speech) style indicates the level of formality with which the person speaks.
The first two levels as identified by a Dutch linguist Martin Joos are intimate and casual.

 Intimate Communicative Style is defined as total absence of social interactions. This style is
used by participants who knew each other well or share a very close relationship, such as
between close friends, siblings, husband and wife, parents and children, and boyfriend and
girlfriend. The participants in this style do not need for clear articulation of words or additional
explanations. They may use words of endearment such as babe, love, dear, honey as a sign of

Husband: Hon, have you seen my red cap?

Wife: Uhmm, I guess it is in the closet.
Husband: Thanks, hon, I’ll check it.
Wife: Okay, hon.

 Casual Communicative Style uses a language used between friends, peers, colleagues, or
family. Most of the ambience with this style is relaxed and very light. And so, the participants
may use group language only members of the group can understand. Jargon, slang, or the
vernacular language are used. The tone is conversational and interruptions are very common.
Also, nicknames are used in addressing one another.

Classmate 1: Hey! What’s up? You seem so very busy.

Classmate 2: Yes, I have to finish some things up.
Classmate 1: Oh, I see. Wanna come for a milktea at the canteen?
Classmate 2: That’s interesting! I wish I could but I need to do this ASAP.
Classmate 1: Okay, just catch up when you’re done
 Frozen style is also known as the fixed speech. It uses the complex grammatical sentence
structure and vocabulary that are only known by experts in field. The use of language is fixed
and does not require any feedback from audience.
This type is often used in respectful situations or formal ceremonies such as weddings,
funerals, national pledges, school creeds, national anthem, and Miranda rights.

Groom:"I, ___, take you, ___, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in
bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."
Bride: "I, ___, take you, ___, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times
and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

 Formal Style- In this communicative style, the speaker is expected to use formal words and
expressions. It delivers in complete sentences with specific word usage. Also, elaboration of
complex sentences and noun phrases are evident with strong coherence, well-structured and
logically sequenced.
Formal Style disallows the use of ellipsis (omissions), contractions, and qualifying modal
adverbials such as probably, possibly, evidently, surely, certainly, and subjectively marks. It
intends to share information that conforms to professional rules, standards, and process. Also,
the speaker is prohibited to use slang terminologies.

 Consultative style is also known as the unplanned speech. This is used in semi-formal
communication and is considered as the most operational among the other styles.
This type of communicative style uses listener participation and feedback. There are two
defining features of this style – a.) The speaker supplies background information, and b) the
listener participates continuously.
This style is usually used in group discussion, business meetings, trade, and asking
someone who is more knowledgeable than you about certain matters such as Doctors,
Lawyers, Pharmacists, and Teachers.

Doctor: How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?

Patient: It is hard to breathe for the past few days. I always gasped for air.
Doctor: Let me check your X-RAY results. The result shows that you have Lung Carcinoma
and it is premalignant.
Patient: Is there something we can do about it, Doc?
Doctor: Yes! Since it is in premalignant state, we could try Chemotherapy. Also, from now
own, you should start minding your lifestyle.

" The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." -Exodus 14:14-
The Lord told the people they would not need to fight, and they did not. They needed simply
to rely on Him. That lesson is one we Christians ought to learn as we deal with our problems.
God will fight for and alongside us, as we seek to serve Him.
As we deal with our friends, family and other people around us, we need to make sure that
we can't offend them the way we communicate. Same with our Heavenly Father, let us not
do such things that can offend our Father in heaven. Let us look into positive aspect of our
life, for us to be more productive.
“A Close to Nature Haven School”
S.Y. 2022-2023


ACTIVITY1: Is it Intimate or Casual?

Identify each of the following lines as intimate or casual. Then, explain your answer in one or
two sentences.

Example: Let’s go to the beach, my dear. It’s goin’ to be a perfect place to unwind.
Answer: Intimate
Explanation: The word of endearment “my dear” implies that the person is speaking with
someone very close to him/her. It is a sign of intimate communicative style.

1. Hurry up friend, we’re getting late!

Answer: _______________
2. Babe, your favorite milk tea will be delivered in a while.
Answer: _______________
3. Congrats to us BFF! I can’t believe we made it!
Answer: _______________
4. Stop overthinking, my love. This, too, shall pass.
Answer: _______________
5. I’m so proud of you, Dzai and Dzong. Both of you did great!
Answer: _______________
ACTIVITY2: Where do I belong?
Direction: Below are statements used in different situations. Copy the statements and write
them in the appropriate column. The first one is done for you.
1. “I will send to your e-mail the Budget Proposal regarding this event, Mr. Wong.”
2. “By the power vested in me, I shall now pronounce you husband and wife.”
3. “Will I experience any side effects while taking these pills, Doc?”
4. “Hi classmate! Are you done with the assignment that Teacher Anne gave us?”
5. “Thank you for calling Timmy Tow Truck, how may I help you?”
6. “See yah later my sweet gummy bear! I can’t wait to have dinner with you.”
7. “The meeting will come to order. I welcome all of you to the stakeholders’ annual meeting.
Today’s agendum will be the election of the Chairman for this company.”
8. “It’s not you. The problem is with me. We need to separate ways, I love someone else. Good
bye and Thank you for the memories. I will never forget you.”
9. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you.”

FORMAL STYLE 1. “I will send to your e-mail the Budget Proposal regarding this event,
Mr. Wong.”





10. “What does the law say’s about this situation Atty.? What case should I file to them?”
ACTIVITY3: “Observe it”
Instruction: Observe the place around you. Notice how people talk to one another. Supply the
table below based on what type of communicative styles are evident. List as many sample
dialogues as you can. You can also jot down those from what you see and hear through your
Television and Radio Sets
ACTIVITY4: “Reflect on me”

Your journey through this lesson is about to end. On the empty journal below, reflect on how
communicative styles will impact your life now that you have understand them. You can write
what you think are the important concepts of the lessons, what you loved learning in the lesson,
the difficult ones, and how you would resolve the difficulties you have encountered.

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