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Parul University


Faculty Guide

Submitted by
Batch:- 2021-22 Enrolment No.:210614200300 MBA SEMESTER III/IV
Batch:- 2021-22 Enrolment No.:210614200309 MBA SEMESTER III/IV

Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology


Parul University, Limda, Waghodia

Students’ Declaration

We, Ankur Undhad and Sanjeevani Sharma, hereby declare that the report for
Comprehensive Project entitled “A Consumer Perception towards Titan watches in
Vadodara City” is a result of our own work and our indebtedness to other work

References, if any, have been duly acknowledged.

Place: Vadodara (Signature)

Date: Ankur Undhad

Sanjeevani Sharma

It is certified that the Comprehensive Project Report titled “CONSUMER

submitted in partial fulfilment of Master of Business Administration at
Parul University, Vadodara by Ankur Undhad and Sanjeevani Sharma
Enrolment No. 210614200300 and 210614200309 has been completed
under my guidance. This is certified further that to the best of our
knowledge the work reported here in does not form part of any other
project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award
conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.

Signature of the Students

Ankur Undhad Sanjeevani Sharma

Signature of the Guide Signature of the Director



MBA is a professional course. The main aim of doing MBA is developing the
managerial skills, which helps us to become a good manager in the life. In the
management field one cannot create success stories if he is not a good learner. One
needs to be a good learner to sharpen his knowledge in the particular field to achieve
and attain desired goals and heights. It gives us an immense satisfaction to study
about the Watch Industry. This precious time of project is fruitful to correlate theoretical
concept and industrial practices. We tried to highlight the present scenario of the
Watch Industry and the aspects related to the Watch Industry This particular project
gave us an opportunity to implement what we learnt within the four walls of classroom.
This project analysis not only enabled us to focus firmly on the current trend but also
helped to focus on future changes. This report has the basic information about the
project of Titan watch industry.

With immense please we are presenting " A Consumer Perception Towards Titan
Watches in Vadodara City " project report as a part of the curriculum of - Master of
Business Administration I wish to thank all the people that gave me unending Support.
We express my profound because of Director and Dr. Jayprakash Lamoria Project
guide and everyone those that have indirectly guided and helped us in preparation of
this project. We also wish to extend our gratitude to all or any staff and our colleagues
of College of management, who provided moral support, a conductive work
environment and the much - needed inspiration to conclude the project in time and a
special to our parents who are integral a part of the project.



01 About the Company / Industry / Sector 08

Overview of World Market
Overview of Indian / Gujarat Market
Growth of the Company / industry / Sector

02 About major Companies in the Industry 22

03 Product Profile (Major Products) 23


04 Introduction of the Study 26

4.1 Literature Review
4.2 Background of the Study
4.3 Problem Statement /Rationale / of the Study
4.4 Objectives of the Study
4.5 Hypothesis
05 Research Methodology 31

5.1 Research Design

5.2 Source/s of Data
5.3 Data Collection Method
5.4 Population
5.5 Sampling Method
5.6 Sampling Frame
5.7 Date Collection Instrument
06 Data Analysis and Interpretation 34
07 Results and Findings 53

08 Limitations of the Study 65

09 Conclusion/Suggestions 56

Annexure 57

Bibliography 61


01 Gender Table 6.1 36
02 Age Table 6.2 37
03 Education Qualification Table 6.3 38
04 Marital Status of the respondents Table 6.4
05 How happy are you with our product or service as Table 6.5 40
a whole?
06 What drew you to this watch in the first place? Table 6.6
07 Rate your perception on titan watches brand do Table 6.7
you prefer?
08 Rate your perception on titan watches designed Table 6.8
differentiate bases of
09 Rate your perception on why do you choose titan Table 6.9
watches than other brands.
10 Rate your perception on which type of design you Table 6.10
prefer most 45
11 Put tick mark for your choice.. Table 6.11 46
12 Rate your perception on at what percentage of Table 6.12 47
discount price you prefer.
13 How do you rate titan’s exclusive showrooms with Table 6.13 48
respect to the following?
14 In your most recent customer service experience
how did you contact the representative?
Table 6.14 49
15 Did the representative (select all the apply) Table 6.15 50
16 Are you satisfied with representative service? Table 6.16 51
17 Would you recommend to buy a Titan watch to Table 6.17 52

A wristwatch is now more of a fashion accessory than a necessity for

telling time. When compared to the small quartz clocks on mobile phones
and digital pagers, the mechanical wristwatch has become more of a
cultural artifact in recent years. Wristwatches, desk clocks, alarm clocks,
and even wall clocks are all a part of the timepieces industry. However,
the market for wrist watches made up the vast majority of the market for
time pieces, contributing around 89% of the entire watch market in the
nation by revenue, while the market for wall clocks made up the
remaining 11%. The primary purpose of this research is to evaluate how
clients in vadodara city feel about Titan Watches. The researcher used
a convenience sample of 176 people who purchased Titan Watches in
the study region as the primary data for this investigation.



Timepiece sales in India have increased at a quick clip over the last three years, with
a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.3 percent during fiscal years 2015 and
2016. Wristwatches, desk clocks, alarm clocks, and even wall clocks are all a part of
the timepieces industry. Although wristwatches did account for a sizable share of the
overall watch market, market for time pieces, which accounted for over 89% of the
country's entire watch market by revenue in FY'2016, while the market for wall clocks
accounted for the remaining 11%.

Time now is when a person's workday officially starts. Time constraints are often used
to determine the order in which certain tasks must be completed. As a result, the
passage of time is seen as a more modern aspect.

Neither a person nor a house can be found without a clock these days. In this way,
watches have become almost essential for all human beings, regardless of their
socioeconomic status. In this study, we examine how customers choose watches and
which brands they prefer, with a focus on Titan.

Customers like dealing with well-known, reputable companies. Customers that feel this
way about a company tend to be loyal, which may lead to repeat business and good
press. Knowing what customer perception is and how it might influence consumers'
choices to buy your goods or services is essential if you want to help boost your
company's sales and evaluate your audience.

This article defines customer perception, explains its significance, reviews elements
that affect it, explains how to enhance consumer perception of your brand, and
discusses several methods for gauging customer perception.

Answering the question, "What is consumer perception?"

What a company's customers think of it is what is known as "customer perception."

This entails the range of feelings and perspectives consumers have about a company's
goods and services, as well as the reputation of that company in general. An
organization's image in the eyes of its customers might go either way.

When consumers engage with your company's brand, goods, or services, they begin
the customer perception process. The steps involved are:

In the detecting phase, clients take at information about your product or service via
their five senses (sight, smell, taste, and sound), such as the kind of music playing in
a shop or restaurant.

Customers' brains arrange the data they get from their senses in accordance with their
own set of core ideas and values. When deciding where to dine, a client could take a
number of factors into account, including the cost of the meal, the restaurant's proximity
to their home, and the restaurant's commitment to environmentally friendly methods.

In the last phase, known as "reaction," clients make a decision to take some kind of
action. This might mean they buy from you, buy from a competitor, or decide not to buy
at all.

Why does how consumers feel matter?

Consumers are more inclined to do business with brands they have positive
impressions of. Building trust with your target audience may result in more sales and
ultimately more money for your business.

Whether customers remain loyal to your brand or defect to a rival is also influenced by
how your company is seen by the public. Customers are more likely to make more
purchases if they are left with a favourable impression of your business. Customers
that have positive associations with your brand may also be more inclined to purchase
further items and services from you.

Why do people think the way they do?

Several internal and external variables, such as:

Customer perceptions may be influenced by the brand's history and the quality of
service provided at each touchpoint. Maintaining a loyal client base requires continually

providing excellent service, which can be accomplished through establishing trust
between the brand and the consumer.

When deciding between service providers, pricing is a major factor for many
customers. It's crucial to implement strategic pricing plans based on market research,
competition practices, and your company's financial demands to avoid damaging your
brand's reputation with consumers via either charging too much or charging too little
for your products and services.

The opinion that buyers have of your brand may be affected by the quality of your
products. Customers will have a more favorable impression of your organization and
be more likely to return for future purchases if the quality of your goods or services
consistently surpasses their expectations.

Consumers are more likely to buy a product if it meets their needs and has
straightforward instructions. If you want customers to have a positive impression of
your company, make sure your items are easy to understand and utilize for a broad
variety of people.

Convenience is important to customers, and the location of your business may be a

deciding factor for some of them when it comes to buying your wares. Choose a
location that's handy for your target customers to travel to and from, with plenty of
parking nearby.

Customer service: The way you treat your clients and customers may have a significant
impact on their opinion of your company. Customers who encounter problems with a
product or service still have the potential to form a favourable impression of a business
if they have a pleasant experience with customer service.

Your marketing efforts tell the world who you are, what you stand for, and why you're
better than the rest. Your target demographic is taking in these signals from many
sources, and using them to form an opinion about your company.

Word-of-mouth advertising is one of the most powerful forms of advertising since it

directly influences consumers' perceptions of a company. Even if people have never
purchased with you before, they may get a favourable impression if they see your firm
mentioned in the news in connection with a charitable event.

Recommendations: People's decisions to buy your goods or services may be swayed

by the opinions of their friends, family, and other influential people. It's for this reason
that putting effort into initiatives that boost customer satisfaction may pay off in spades
by increasing sales and conversions.

Answering the Question, "How Can We Make Our Customers Feel Better?"

Here are five suggestions on how your business might gain favour with consumers:

One, find out what client’s think

The public's opinion of your company's name, goods, and services may be gleaned
via market research. What you can do is:

Survey your present clientele.

Invest in a local mailing list.

Share a link to a confidential survey on your social media pages.

Look for customer feedback about your business on review sites.

Your marketing and public relations efforts might benefit from hearing from customers
in their own words. If you have this information, you may focus your actions on what
matters most to the audience. If a poll finds that 70 percent of participants think your
prices are too expensive, you may want to rethink your approach to pricing and sales.

Second, use your findings into the design of new products.

If you know how the general public views you, you may tailor your offerings to the
demands of your clientele. It's possible you're thinking of updating your current items
so they have better functionality or additional features. In other cases, you may
introduce new items to the market to address customer demands. If, for instance, your
business already provides custom framing, you may expand into helping consumers
measure and arrange artwork for gallery walls.

Product Development Process: Its Meaning, Its Value, and Its Tips and Tricks

Third, prioritize your customers' needs

Superior service to clients may be more important than other factors like low prices or
convenient locations when determining where to make a purchase. Make sure your
company's customer service staff is ready to wow clients by doing the following:

Designing in-depth orientation and training courses for new hires

empowering delegates with the autonomy to craft workable solutions

Using undercover buyers as a test of the service quality

Conducting satisfaction surveys to get feedback from clients

Representatives who uphold the company's ideals should be rewarded.

By having routine training sessions that include role-playing exercises

Continue reading: Twenty Pointers for Better Customer Service

Increase the satisfaction of your customers.

Think about everything that your customers could encounter, from browsing your
website to actually visiting your shop. Each of these factors has the potential to
strengthen or weaken the company's relationship with its clientele. Examine the
customer's journey and pinpoint any points for improvement. If you work at a hair salon,
for instance, you may do things like:

The importance of creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere in the foyer

Serving food and drink to customers as they wait

Reducing customer wait times

Having a wide selection of hair care items for sale

Setting up a digital scheduling app and website for customers to use

Reminding clients by email or text message when it's time for follow-up care

A customer experience coordinator can assist your business figure out what to do next
and how to effectively introduce new features.

For more reading, see Customer Experience: A Definition and Analysis.

It's crucial to keep tabs on how the general public sees your brand once you've done
your first study. In order to keep tabs on what people are saying about the company's
wares, it's important to have an active presence on social media and review sites.
Hiring a PR expert or image consultant might be beneficial for bigger businesses.



Titan Company Limited, based in India, produces a variety of jewelry, timepieces, and
eyewear for the fashion industry. The company's corporate headquarters are located
in Electronic City, Bangalore, but its registered office is located in Hosur, Tamil Nadu.
Both locations are part of the Tata Group, which was founded as a joint venture with
the TIDCO.

Titan, formerly known as Titan Watches Limited, opened for business in 1984. Titan
entered the jewelry market in 1994 with Tanishq and the optical market with Titan
Eyeplus. Fastrack, a line of trendy accessories aimed towards young people, was
introduced in 2005. More than 80% of the company's total sales come from the jewelry
division, making it the biggest branded jewelry manufacturer in India. As of the year
2022[10], Titan controls 6% of the Indian jewelry market. As of this year, it also ranks
as the world's fifth-largest producer of watches.


Titan Watches Limited, the forerunner of today's Titan Company Limited, opened in
Chennai on July 26, 1984. Quartz analog electronic watch production began at a Hosur
facility funded by the State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu, Ltd. Titan
Company and Casio proposed production of 2 million digital and hybrid analog-digital
watches in a memorandum of understanding signed in November 1986. Dehradun,
Uttarakhand is home to a satellite case facility that has been operating since 1989 and
can produce a whopping 500,000 watch cases each year.


Titan Industries Ltd. replaced Titan Watch Co. as the company's official name in
September 1993 as it expanded into other product categories outside watches.

Titan introduced their Tanishq jewelry line in 1994.

Fastrack, the company's watch and accessories brand aimed at a younger

demographic in 1998 to take on Timex.


Titan's Dash line of children's wristwatches debuted in 2001. Poor sales caused the
company to pull the plug on the product in 2003. The firm and Moet Hennessy Louis
Vuitton Group signed a contract in 2004 under which the former would use the latter's
customer service centers in India to handle repairs and maintenance for the latter's
line of timepieces. Fastrack was marketed at urban teenagers as a separate
accessories brand in 2005. Fastrack set out to become a fashion label in 2008, when
it introduced a line of sunglasses; by 2009, it had expanded into other accessories
including handbags, belts, and wallets.


A piece of jewelry from Hyderabad's Tanishq shop.

When Titan wanted to go into the European market in 2011, it bought the Swiss
watchmaker Favre-Leuba.mTitan's Skinn brand, a new fragrance line, debuted in
2013. Later that year, the company expanded into the helmet market with the Fastrack
brand. The company rebranded as Titan Company Ltd that same year. It partnered
with Montblanc in 2014 to open up shop in the Indian market.

Titan expanded its prescription lens production to Noida, Kolkata, and Mumbai in 2016
so that it could better serve customers and reduce turnaround times for orders.

So that they could better serve their clients in that region, Titan combined its South
Indian-focused jewelry line, Gold Plus, with Tanishq in 2018. Titan's ethnic apparel

line, Taneira, has sarees produced by skilled artisans in one of India's many weaving
communities. The first products from the line hit shelves in 2016. In 2017, a shop was
launched in Bengaluru, and afterwards more locations opened in New Delhi and
Hyderabad. Titan has also lately (during the fourth quarter of 2016) revealed plans to
release many low-cost smartwatches under its Sonata and Fastrack labels.

Titan, in conjunction with Hewlett-Packard, released their first smartwatch, Juxt, in

2016, marking their entry into the wearable devices industry. Under its Fastrack brand
for young people's goods, the business introduced the Gesture Band fitness tracker in
2017. That same year, it put $3 million into CoveIo, a wearable technology firm located
in Singapore. New fitness tracker bands were introduced by the firm in 2018. As of
2018, the business has a 7.4% share of the global market for wearable devices. Titan
inaugurated its first international Tanishq shop in Dubai in November 2020, and the
company also has a dedicated website for the Dubai market.

Accolades and honors

Titan Company has won several awards at both national and international conventions.
Business Receives India's 2014 National Award for the Empowerment of People with
Disabilities for Being an Outstanding Employer of People with Disabilities

According to the 2014 Channel News Asia Sustainability Ranking, Titan is one of Asia's
100 most sustainable companies. "Hall of Fame" award at the 12th Franchisee Awards
2014 by Franchisee India Top Indian Company award in the Gems and Jewellery
Sector at the Dun & Bradstreet Corporate awards, 2014. The CII Assembly Casing
Team Won a Watch at the 24th Annual Kaizen National Awards.

Skeletal Edge won Japan's Design Council's Good Design Award in 2014.

Skeletal Edge won Red Dot's 2014 "Best Product design of the year-Watches &
Jewellery" award. The Indian Effies Award gave Fastrack the bronze award. Images
Retail Awards' "Most Admired Retailer of the Year" honor, in the Jewelry category
World Quality Congress recognizes Tanishq as a winner of its Global Awards for
Excellence in Quality Management & Leadership.

According to Interbrand's ranking of the 30 best retail brands in Asia Pacific, Tanishq
comes in at numbe. Eyewear Award for Customer service excellence at Golden Globe
Tigers Award Gold & Silver Awards at TRRAIN (Trust for Retailers and Retail
Associates of India) Retail Awards.

The 2014 Outdoor Advertising Convention Gold Award.

Engineering with a Pinpoint of Accuracy In 2013, Hosur was honored with three State
Safety Awards by the Tamil Nadu Government.

Interventions in the community

Titan ECHO (Educate to Carry Her Onwards) was an initiative founded by entrepreneur
and skater Rana Uppalapati in 2018 to generate money for the education of 25,000
female children in India.


Key Inflection Point

Titan was first introduced in March 1987, after production had begun in 1986. With the
introduction of analogue electronic Quartz watches, it became immediately popular
and ushered in a new era in the Indian watch industry. That opened the door for similar
applications in wristbands, cases, electronics, and step motors.


In Transit

For more than 25 years, the Titan Watch Project evolved into Titan Watches, and then
Titan Industries, and finally the Titan Company Limited. Each year of production saw
new advancements and technology as they reached the 15 million threshold. Titan
watches have sold over 150 million units in 32 countries since entering the European
market in 1993. The company then expanded into the Middle Eastern and Asia Pacific
regions. The company boasted a staggering 50% market share of the organized watch
industry, making it the biggest integrated own-brand watch maker in the world, daringly
taking on the Swiss Titan in the process.

The electronic sub assembly facility is located in Goa, India, and there are assembly
units in Dehradun, Pantnagar, and Roorkee. The primary production unit is located in
Hosur, Tamil Nadu.

As a consequence of a short-lived partnership between the years 1992 and 1998,

Timex overtook Titan as the world's most popular watch brand. Titan, after the end of
their cooperation, retrieved their stake in the company and were able to finally release
Sonata. Then came an equally perceptive selection of wrist wear, including luxury
watches by the labels Titan and Fastrack, as well as designer timescapes—outdoor
clocks that have come to define magnificent landmarks in a number of cities.

Swiss and Japanese manufacturers were shocked by our state-of-the-art production

facility, robust and constant market share, and highly skilled and devoted staff. The
community that Charles Correa, an internationally renowned architect, designed also
helped to emphasize the Tata ethos. An exceptional school that can accommodate
over 2,000 students and serves as a learning facility for nearby district schools was
constructed at Mathigiri, Tamil Nadu.


Developing the Wider Scope

Titan has broken into the glitzy side of things in addition to the watch industry. The
company branched out into jewelry in 1993, releasing the Tanishq brand in 1996 and,
ten years later, Goldplus, a standardized mass-market jewelry brand. After this first
diversification, other business initiatives were undertaken. Fastrack, a colorful and
young watch and accessory brand, launched in 2003; Precision Engineering, a line of
precision instruments, followed in 2005; and the Titan Eyeglasses Division, a line of
prescription eyewear with specialty retail locations, debuted in 2007.

Tanishq and Goldplus Titan Company struck the correct chord with their offerings of
traditional and designer jewelry to the domestic market, which considers gold as a top
investment. Tanishq's nearly 160 boutiques in 89 towns around the country showcase
a breathtaking world of fine, valuable designer items. In the rural and semi-urban
areas, Goldplus has a respectable 40 percent market share. These two businesses
are a source of pride for both India and Titan Company, as they successfully meet the
needs of price-conscious consumers.


The Latest Reprints

Titan's Mia line of jewelry is exquisite; it's inexpensive, stylish, and made for career
women. It was released in 2011. Mia's collection has over 500 different patterns and
is entirely hand-made out of 14-karat gold.

Titan entered the perfume business in 2013 with the introduction of SKINN, which
revolutionized the Indian fragrance sector by guaranteeing the finest quality and

carrying the Titan brand. Tanishq acquired Carat Lane in 2016 with the intention of
providing customers with stunning jewelry and a one-of-a-kind shopping experience in
line with modern values and preferences.

Titan waited exactly five years after acquiring the Swiss watch company Favre-Leuba
in 2011 to reintroduce the name, which had been ubiquitous in India during the 1960s
and 1970s.


Titan Company Ltd is the biggest watch maker in India and the fifth-largest in the world.
The organization's primary line of business is the production of timepieces, jewelry,
and optical goods. Titan Fastrack Sonata Nebula RAGA Regalia Octane & Xylys are
all watch names that are manufactured by this company. Roughly 32 nations get their
timepieces as exports. Titan Company has risen to the top of the jewelry and watch
industries because to its reputable brands and excellent service. In addition to selling
traditional Indian dress, the company also sells perfumes and other scented
accessories. The Tanishq brand name represents their line of fine jewelry.

The Tata Group and the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation formed Titan
Industries Ltd as a joint venture (TIDCO). Titan's retail network (including CaratLane)
will have 1854 locations as of the end of 2020, with a total retail space of approximately
2.4 million square feet serving 292 different communities. The organization of the
business is divided into four distinct divisions: Watches and wearables, Jewellery,
Eyewear, and Others, with "Others" being Accessories, Fragrances, and Indian Dress
Wear. Consequently, the Company has broken out its performance by business sector.
Titan Industries Ltd. was founded in 1984 and officially opened for business in 1986.
Based on early technological know-how from Europe and Japan, the business
established an integrated watch manufacturing plant in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, in 1987.

In October 1992, they provided the necessary financing via a right issue to its growth
programs. In 1995, the company branched out into jewelry under the Tanishq brand to
take advantage of the unbranded, fragmented urban jewelry market. Since 1997, the
firm has also been producing timepieces for a number of well-known foreign brands in
addition to the local market. Company's second watch label, Sonata, debuted in 1998.
The firm tapped into its strengths in production in 2003 and expanded into Precision
Engineering Products and Machine Building. Fastrack Eye-Gear sunglasses and
prescription eyeglasses were introduced as a new line of products for the company.

The company's Precision Engineering Department is an OEM supplier of dashboard
clocks to automakers in Europe and the United States. Moreover, the division offers
comprehensive packages for automation needs. Fastrack sunglasses and Tommy
Hilfiger watches were introduced by the firm in 2004–2005. They ventured into the
perfume market with the debut of Evolve, which can be purchased in the United Arab
Emirates, Oman, and Bahrain. During the year, the firm opened a new watch assembly
factory in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, with an annual assembly capacity of 2 million
timepieces. The firm saw an untapped market in India's smaller cities and rural areas,
so in 2005 they introduced a second jewelry line called Gold Plus. In fiscal year 2005–
06, the company's Retailing division and Customer Service division amalgamated into
a single unit called the Retailing Services Group. They introduced XYLYS, a new label
for the rapidly expanding premium Swiss-made industry. The cities of Mumbai, Delhi,
Bangalore, and Hyderabad played host to the brand's debut. The next year, they grew
even larger, opening locations in eleven other cities around the nation.

Titan introduced their brand new Octane range of international-styled chronograph

multifunction and retrograde watches in January 2008. The pieces in this series exude
ferocity and determination. Additionally, Titan Eye+, the company's optical business,
has partnered with Sankara Nethralaya for technical assistance in educating and
preparing optical retail staff. In Lahore, they opened a massive World of Titan
showroom in April 2008, and in Karachi, they opened a Titan-only shop. Titan joined
together with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF-India) in June 2008 to raise funds and
awareness for some of India's most critically endangered species via a line of specially
designed timepieces. In 2008-2009, the firm opened two Tanishq stores, one in
Chicago and one in New Jersey, marking its debut on the American jewelry scene.
They grew its storefront footprint by opening 135 more locations (totaling 1,823,350
square feet) across their watch, jewelry, and eyewear brands. Three of its domestically
based subsidiaries, Samrat Holdings Ltd, Questar Investments Ltd, and Titan Holdings
Ltd, were merged into the parent firm on April 1, 2007, following the terms of a plan of
amalgamation. As of the end of the 2009–10 fiscal year, the company's retail network
for watches, jewelry, and eyewear had grown by a net of 52 shops totaling 81267
square feet.

They implemented the brand's first large-format store, the latest addition to the Tanishq
Boutique Retail Chain. Usman Road Chennai, the center of jewelry shopping in
southern India, is home to a 20-thousand-square-foot store. Bheemavaram's lack of
consumer interest also led Gold Plus to shut one of its locations there. The optical shop
network was enlarged to include 82 locations. With a total built up area of 4500 sq mtrs
and an annual manufacturing capacity of 5.0 million watches, the firm opened a new
assembly operation in an excise duty free zone in Uttarakhand State on March 29,

The company's retail network grew by 122 shops (724503 square feet) in 2010-2011,
including locations selling watches, jewelry, and eyewear. They also released their
wares on the South African market. By the conclusion of the 2010–11 fiscal year, their
"World of Titan" franchise had 311 locations. They opened two large outlets in the cities
of Mumbai and Delhi. The year saw the introduction of many new watch lines from
Titan, including the fashion-forward Purple by Titan line, the nautically-inspired Raga
Aqua line, the luxurious Tycoon by Titan line, and the cutting-edge automatic watches
of the brand's Automatic Watches range. Tanishq (India) Ltd. was merged with the
corporation in January 2012 following the merger program. The company's new
integrated state-of-the-art Jewellery Unit, located in the excise free zone in Pantnagar
Uttarakand, began commercial production on March 29, 2012.

The new Pantnagar Unit, which was established at a cost of over Rs. 15 crore to
produce studded jewelry, is expected to earn a revenue of around Rs. 250 crore in the
current fiscal year, 2012–13. During the ET retail awards ceremony on January 18 in
Mumbai, the firm took home three honors. At the 12th annual Images Fashion Awards,
the brand took home two more honors. The organization has been given the seal of
approval from the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series: 2007 (OHAS:
2007). The jury for the Asian Centre for Corporate Governance & Sustainability's Best
Governed Firm 2012 award agreed unanimously on the company. At the 2012
Campaign India Digital Media Awards, the firm was named Client of the Year. In 2013
the company's name was changed from Titan Industries Ltd. to Titan Company Ltd.
On 16 December 2013 Titan Company announced the launching of 1000th retail
location in Bangalore. Titan has therefore become the first Indian speciality retailer to
build a thousand shops in seven distinct formats selling timepieces, jewelry, and

eyewear. The Company and Montblanc Services B.V. of the Netherlands formed a
joint venture in 2014 to launch a single-brand retail business in India. Titan Company
Ltd which is involved in production of watches/accessories jewelry precision
engineering and eyewear claimed that their jewellery division has inaugurated first
Karigar facility for jewellery manufacturing in Hosur.

The manufacture of world-class stainless steel cases began in Coimbatore in 2015,

adding another feather to the company's Manufacturing Excellence cap. Titan, one of
the world's largest watch manufacturers, stated on November 23 that it will be
collaborating with HP Inc., a global leader in information technology, to bring a line of
smart watches to the Indian market and a few other countries. Titan announced on 3
December 2015 that activities have begun at its joint venture with Montblanc Services
B.V Netherlands. While Titan owns 49% of Montblanc Services B.V., they only own
51% between them. The JV was established so that Montblanc could continue to
operate as a standalone retail brand in India. Portfolio investment program allows
foreign institutional investors (FIIs) and eligible foreign portfolio investors (RFPIs) to
contribute up to 35% of a company's paid-up capital, as announced by Titan on
December 10, 2015.

Acquisition of a controlling interest in Carat Lane Trading Pvt. Ltd. (Carat Lane) was
authorized by the Board of Directors of Titan Company at its meeting on 6 May 2016,
pending due diligence. Established on September 20, 2007, Carat Lane has quickly
risen to become a dominant player in the competitive online jewelry industry through
its eponymous website. Company has established omni-channel capabilities and
presently has 13 locations around the nation with plans to dramatically increase the
retail shop count in the future. On July 14th, 2016, Titan stated that it has signed a
Share Purchase Agreement to acquire a 62% share in Carat Lane Trading Pvt. Ltd for
a cash payment of Rs 357.24 crore. For the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2016,
Carat Lane earned Rs 141 crore in revenue.

In August 2016 Titan finalized the purchase of around 62% ownership in Carat Lane.
On October 12th, 2016, Titan Firm revealed that, from the outset, the company has
been investigating potential in the lifestyle category. Women's ethnic dress for special

occasions is one such area that is being tested out to learn more about shoppers'
preferences. The pilot which may involve putting up a few shops is planned to run
roughly 12 months at the conclusion of which the corporation will take a decision on
the next course of action. On January 16th, 2017, Titan Company stated that it will be
streamlining its operations by incorporating the Gold Plus network into its existing
Tanishq network. Titan said that its primary jewelry brand, Tanishq, has kept pace with
the changing preferences and expectations of consumers in the major cities of South
India. Titan Company has chosen to consolidate its portfolio by transferring the Gold
Plus network to become part of the Tanishq network due to the development of
consumers and Tanishq and the necessity to concentrate all energy and resources in
light of the current conditions.

Titan's second jewelry line, Gold Plus, was released in 2005 specifically for rural
residents of South India, who have more conservative tastes. Titan Company
announced to the stock exchanges on February 20, 2017, that the High Court of
Madras had approved the Scheme of Arrangement between Titan Company Limited
and Titan Engineering & Automation Limited, making Titan Engineering & Automation
Limited a wholly owned subsidiary of Titan Company pursuant to an order issued on
December 12, 2016. Titan's eyewear sector expanded to 95 additional locations in
2016–17. The corporation also made an announcement about same-day delivery of
eyeglasses. During the year, the firm invested in a piece of land where it plans to build
a factory to produce frames. As part of its foray into the watch market, the business
released four smart devices (the Juxt Juxt Pro, Sonata, Act Fastrack Activity Tracker
Band), all of which were met with widespread acclaim. As of 31 March 2018, the
corporation was a parent to one associate, five subsidiaries, and one joint venture. At
the 2018 Bengaluru Brand Summit & Hot Brands, Titan was recognized as one of the
top 10 Innovative Company Brands. At this year's Brand & Corporate Communicators
Meet, Titan took home seven medals for its outstanding communications.

At the seventh annual Innovation Practitioners Summit hosted by the American

Institute of Management and Administration (AIMA), Titan's Lens Analyser Project took
home the top award. Titan's Lens Analyser Project took first place in the innovation
category at the 2017 Qimpro Qualtech Award, which was held on December 1st. In
2018, the World of Titan was named the best Customer Experience Program in the

Retail Sector by the annual Customer Fest. The Raider Bivouac 9000 by Favre Leuba
was named the best new watch of 2018 by the website Watchstars. Tanishq Lean
Retailing wins ET Now global award for retail excellence. On March 31, 2018, the
Company operated 1480 shops totaling more than 1.9 million square feet of retail
space, generating retail revenue of more than Rs 15656 crore. As of 31 March 2019,
the firm has 1 associate, 1 joint venture, and 4 subsidiaries. Investment in fixed assets
was Rs 1095 crore for the fiscal year ending March 2019.

The Group's investment in Carat Lane Trading Private Limited, one of its subsidiaries,
grew by 3.08% during fiscal 2019 to a total of 69.47%. This rise in ownership % is the
result of a private offering of shares by Carat Lane Trading Private Limited to Titan
Company limited. On account of this deal, Carat Lane Trading Private Limited received
a cash payment of Rs 10,000,000,000. Additionally, on June 18th, 2018, for a total of
Rs 1850 lakhs, the Group sold all of its shares in Titan TimeProducts Limited to Danlaw
Technologies India Limited. In terms of square footage, the Company's 1595 shops
accounted for over 2.05 million square feet, resulting in a retail revenue of over Rs
19000 crore as of the 31st of March, 2019. Titan won first place in the "Evergreens
Category" of Pitch's Top 50 Brands for 2018. The "Shut the Fake up" campaign from
Fastrack was recognized by Afaqs for the 2018 Foxglove Awards. The "Brand Equity
Marketing Awards" named Sonata the "Best Brand Launch of the Year." At the 2019
IMAGES Fashion Awards, Tanishq took up the trophy for "Jewelry Retail Image of the
Year." Tanishq took home the trophy for best jewelry at this year's IREC conference.

The business allocated Rs 1197 crore to capex in FY2020. As of March 31, 2020, the
Company operated 1739 locations totaling over 2.27 million square feet of retail space,
generating retail sales of approximately Rs 20,000,000,000. As of March 31, 2020, the
firm has one associate, one joint venture, and six subsidiaries. The parent company
injected CHF 8.76 million into the share capital of its Swiss subsidiary Favre Leuba AG
during the current fiscal year (FY 2019-20). The Titan Watch Company Limited
operates as a wholly owned subsidiary of Favre Leuba AG. Jointly established with
Montblanc Services B.V. of the Netherlands, Montblanc India Retail Private Limited
(Montblanc) operates retail boutiques in India selling Montblanc branded items. The
Company owns 49% of Montblanc.

The Company increased its stake in Montblanc during FY2020 by Rs 7.74 crore via a
rights issuance. Certificate of Formation for Dubai-based Titan Holdings International
FZCO was issued on 22 October 2019 so that the company could begin conducting
business and making investments in the share capital of other companies and entities,
either as a joint venture partner or as a wholly owned subsidiary company, in order to
do so. In Fiscal Year 2019–20, the Company did not do any business. On December
15, 2019, Titan Holdings International FZCO established Titan Global Retail LLC as a
wholly-owned subsidiary. The Titan Grandmaster Collection debuted in Fiscal Year
2020–2021. Tanishq added 36 new shops in 2021-22. Store number 1 for Zoya There
were an additional 31 shops for CaratLane, and 10 for Mia by Tanishq. Titan EYEX, a
pioneering smart wearable device, was released. A number of new analog collections,
including Titan Solidarity Edge Ceramics, were introduced. high-octane stunt flying
There are a variety of women-oriented lifestyle magazines, such as Ladies' Edge,
Unending Beauty, and Raga Silver. As an example, it introduced the "Titan Smart"
watch. During the 2021-22 fiscal year, 33 new Titan World shops and the same number
of Helios outlets opened. Numerous Titan World Shops received facelifts.


India's Top 10 Largest Corporations.

In September 2021, when the 13th BRICS summit was held in India, the country's GDP
was $3.05 trillion, making it the sixth biggest in the world.

When it entered the club of developing economies in 2009 (together with Brazil,
Russia, China, and eventually South Africa), its GDP was $1.3 trillion, more than twice
what it is now.

Can you name any of the big sectors and firms that are growing alongside this GDP
expansion? This week, we're focusing on the most populous democracy in the world,
India, and showcasing its top 10 largest corporations.

Which Indian Corporations Have the Most Market Capitalization?

Considering that India just became a federal republic in 1950, the country's rapid rise
to one of the world's most powerful economies is remarkable.

With 361 million inhabitants, a per-capita income of just $64, and a literacy rate of 17%
in 1951, the nation was regarded comparatively destitute in comparison to the Western
world. The population reached 1.2 billion by 2021, the median household income was
$1,498 per year, and 74% of the people could read and write.

Because the Indian government was so protectionist up until the 1990s, much of the
expansion occurred inside the country. The country's large manufacturing, farming,
and communications sectors are all thriving because to its modern free market
principles and widespread cultural influence.



One from the Titan Octane line of timepieces.

Fastrack, Sonata, Raga, Octane, and Xylys are some of the namesake brands that fall
under the watches umbrella. The firm was granted the rights to sell and distribute
Tommy Hilfiger and Hugo Boss timepieces in 2011. [37] In 2012, Favre Leuba became
a legally recognized business. In 2018, the department brought in 2,126 crore, or 10%
of company revenue.

Titan Industries first entered the eyewear market in 2007 and has since expanded into
other fashion items such as watches and cuff links. Titan created the Titan Eye Plus
line of eyewear, which includes both sunglasses and prescription eyeglasses. [39] In
FY 2016–17, the segment contributed 415 crore, growing by a steady 8% year over


Tanishq was founded in 1995 by Xerxes Desai. Mia, a sub-brand of Tanishq,

specializes on jewelry for the workplace, whereas the debut of Zoya targeted the high-
end market. In 2017–18, Titan's overall income increased by 20.44% to 15,656 crore,
with jewelry sales contributing 13,036 crore. Titan's investment in CaratLane came in
2016. Titan controls 6% of the Indian jewelry industry in 2022. Titan entered the Indian
perfume industry in 2013 with six new fragrances marketed under the brand name
Skinn. They worked with famous perfumers like Olivier Pescheux and Alberto Morillas.

Corporations that are both wholly-owned and wholly-owned subsidiaries

Titan's engineering and automation division, Titan Engineering & Automation Limited,
is a fully owned subsidiary. Titan-Precision Engineering Division was the previous
name for this company. The firm has diversified into the machine-making, automated
manufacturing, and component-making industries. Titan purchased the Swiss
watchmaker Favre Leuba in 2011 and officially integrated it as a subsidiary in 2012.
The purchase price was around $2,000,000. It is headquartered in Solothurn,

For $50 million, Titan purchased a 62% share in CaratLane in 2016.

At present, Titan Watch Company Limited of Hong Kong is wholly owned by Favre
Leuba AG of Switzerland. Titan signed a partnership to distribute the Swiss premium
brand Montblanc at its stores in 2015. Titan owns 49% of Montblanc India Retail Private
Limited, while Montblanc Services B.V. is the majority shareholder with 51%.




The Tata family business was founded by Jamshedji Tata in 1868. For almost a
century, the Tata Group has been one of the most successful nation. Tata has been in
the forefront of every major industry in India, earning the company the nickname "First
Citizen of Corporate India." They were the first to establish India's steel industry, first
power plant, insurance in India, and first luxury retail chain.

Contributing to the expansion of the company's customer base, the maintenance of its
reputation, the suppression of rival claims to its name, and the selling of its more costly
watches. Titan's attempts to introduce international standards in India have been met
with enthusiasm from both consumers and industry experts. Brand of Consumer
Durables with the Highest Reputation. Currently. The perfect synthesis of cutting-edge
design, top-notch craftsmanship, and affordable prices. Team Titan enters the 21st
century with the enthusiasm, excitement, and energy necessary to establish a trend
out of its 100 million pleased customers and its history of rule breaking. Titan, with its
many offshoots, is the biggest watch factory in the world and the most important watch
factory in India. This company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Tata Groups. In the
Indian market, Titan is a front-runner.


Arati Birder's (2018) research, titled "A study on market study of sonata and Casio
watches," reports the results of a market analysis of these two watch brands there are
two major watch manufacturers. That's what they did with all the ads, websites, social
media, newspapers, journals, etc., at the end of the day, since that's what their market
position and presentation required. The socioeconomic cost was a major factor in this
study's results and its stated goals. Based on the chi-square analysis of the responses,
we may classify the respondents into three groups: high, medium, and poor
According to a research by Praveen Kumar. L (2015)

titled "Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards titan Consumers," businesses may win
back the devotion of their most devoted customers by offering attractive discounts and
other perks. In the end, researchers surveyed buyers to learn how satisfied they were
with their purchases and why. To sum up, I'd like to remark that the results of the
consumer survey have shed light on the preferences and preferences of the public with
respect to wristwatches.

According to Keller (2017)

Who conducted the study under consideration, "Brand awareness is the first and
prerequisite dimension of the entire brand knowledge system in consumers' minds,"
and it "reflects the ability to identify the brand under different conditions," including how
quickly and easily a brand name is recalled. The study's overarching goal is to assess
the extent to which the general public is familiar with the titan quartz watch.

Hello, Mrs. P. Dhanya, Mr. N. Naveen kumar (2020),

Fastrack now sells a variety of goods aimed towards people of all ages who still feel
youthful at heart. The overall purpose of this research is to issues that fastrack watch
users have run with. Questionnaires are employed as a data collection tool. Seeing the
need of innovation in today's rapidly developing market, Fastrack is not only
concentrating on large brands but also on those brands who are not doing well, and
new goods are being introduced to the marketplace.

According to P. Malathi and J. Kannan (2020),

Fastrack is the go-to label for today's youth. The study's purview includes a focus on
the value of extra features in fastrack watches, and it aims to conclude with a tally of
public opinion on the product's popularity, cost, and quality. The primary focus of this
study is descriptive. A thorough and organized questionnaire is used to gather first-
hand accounts. According to the findings, Fastrack Watch Company has been doing
well. A company may enhance sales.


Currently, the beginning of a human's workday is synchronized with the clock. Tasks
are often assigned based on a time constraint. Therefore, time is seen as a more
modern aspect in all fields. No one of days goes without a watch, and no house is
complete without a clock. As a result, people of all socioeconomic backgrounds
consider watches to be almost essential.

Though the watchmaking business has traditionally been associated with the West,
and notably Switzerland, the latter half of the twentieth century saw India emerge as a
major producer of timepieces. Titan Industries, a TATA group firm, is credited with
pioneering the Indian watch industry via the production and marketing of many
renowned watch brands.


Currently, the beginning of a human's workday is synchronized with the clock. Tasks
are often assigned based on a time constraint. Therefore, time is seen as a more
modern aspect in all fields. These days, nobody goes without a watch, and no house
is complete without a timepiece. As a result, people of all socioeconomic backgrounds
consider watches to be almost essential. Only in the West, and particularly in
Switzerland, did the watch business develop in the 18th and 19th centuries, but by the
middle of the 20th century, India had become a major producer of timepieces. Titan
Industries, a TATA group firm, has made significant contributions to the development
of the Indian watch sector.


 To analyse consumer perception towards Titan Watches.

 To identify the sources of awareness of Titan Watches by Titan industry.
 To a complete understanding of Titan's watch market share.
 To Interested in the level of brand loyalty among our target audience.
 To identify the marketing strength of Titan watches Industry.
 To obtain suggestion for the improvement of the watches product and services of Titan


H0: There is a significant different between consumer perception towards titan watches
in vadodara city

H1: There is no significant different between consumer perception towards titan

watches in vadodara city

H2: There is significant relationship between Price and Consumer perception towards titan

H3: There is no significant relationship between Price and Consumer perception towards titan

χ²= (50-25)2 + (50-75)2 =33.333

25 75

P-value = 1 - p (χ² (1) ≤ 33.333).

K 2 Number of categories

N 100 Sample size

χ² 33.333333 Chi square test statistic

DF 1 df = k-m-1 =2-0-1 = 1

Phi effect (Φ) 0.57735 Φ=√(χ2/n)

Goodness of fit, using χ² distribution

1. H0 hypothesis & H3 hypothesis

The null hypothesis (H0 & H3) are thus rejected due to the small p-value.

The data does not fit the statistical model.

Second, the P-value

The significance level is one, with a p-value of 7.764e9. This indicates that the
likelihood of making a type I mistake (that is, rejecting a true H0) is very low: 7.764e-9

A lower p-value indicates stronger support for H1 & H2.

Third, the numbers

The value of 2 for this test, 33.3333, is outside the 95% confidence interval. [-∞:

Amount of Influence

Large effects (phi = 0.58) have been detected. This suggests that the disparity between
the observed data and the predicted data is significant.


Methods for data collection

Primary Data

Secondary Data

Primary Data

Primary source of data was collected by questionnaire.

Secondary Data

Secondary source of data was collected from




Web’s logistics es


The sample technique utilized for data gathering is convenient sampling. The
convenience sampling method is a non-probability strategy.

Sampling size
Logistics indicates the numbers of people to be surveyed. Though large samples give
more reliable results than small samples but due to constraint of time and money,

Plan of analysis

Diagrammatic representation through graphs and charts

Logistics able inferences will be made after applying necessary statistical tools.

Findings & suggestions will be given to make the study more useful.


Exploratory research aims to broaden our understanding of a topic rather than

providing final, irrefutable solutions to existing issues. The objective of this kind of study
is to provide a clearer explanation for a phenomenon that is poorly understood at the


Primary Data

Secondary Data

Primary Data

For the most part, data was gathered via the use of questionnaires.

Secondary Data

Secondary resources such as print publications, online databases, and databases

were used.


This kind of survey collects information in real time as it is being provided by asking
respondents open-ended questions as they think of them.


This study's sample population comprises of gathered feedback from one hundred
event management customers. Customers were randomly picked from Vadodara to
participate in a survey and interview.


One hundred participants were chosen at random to provide information for this study.
We employed a random sampling strategy to choose our samples.


Questionnaires Method


Descriptive statistics



Procedure for Taking Samples

No chance

Contrarily, non-probability sampling entails selecting samples from a population in a

non-random fashion. Due to the fact that it does not require a complete survey frame,
non-probability sampling can collect data quickly, easily, and inexpensively.

Study the numbers:

Software: SPSS and Microsoft Excel

The SPSS Program

SPSS can be used to perform statistical analyses such as descriptive and bivariate
statistics, numerical result predictions, and group identification predictions. The
package features tools for data transformation, direct marketing, and data
visualization. The primary interface for the software is a spreadsheet-like
representation of public data.

SPSS is an application for analysing data that can be used in place of MS Excel. It
provides descriptive and bivariate statistics, numerical result predictions, and group
identification predictions. The package incorporates data transformation, direct
marketing, and data visualization tools. Open data is primarily displayed in a
spreadsheet-like format within the software.


Thoughts on Hypothesis Testing Methodology

Researchers use sample-based statistical tests to evaluate the validity of the null

Statisticians use data collected from large samples of the population to evaluate

All analyst’s consumer a randomly selected subset of the population when comparing
two hypotheses.

All population parameters are equal is an example of a null hypothesis, as is the claim
that all population mean returns are zero.

The current paradigm is challenged by a competing theory, or null hypothesis. Only

one of these possibilities is valid. Always, one of the two options is correct.

Strategy for Examining Hypotheses

 When trying to decide between multiple possible explanations, analysts must first
present competing hypotheses.
 Having collected the necessary data, the next step is to formulate an analysis plan
detailing the criteria that will be used to evaluate the results of the data collection.
 Third, you'll put into practice what you've learned in the first two steps by performing
the required procedures and analysing the sample data.
 The final step is to extrapolate from the data and decide whether or not the null
hypothesis can be rejected.


1. Gender
Table 6.1

Category Respondents Percentage

Male 132 75%

Female 44 25%


Male Female


In the surveyed, out of 176 respondents 132 male and 44 respondents were female.

2. Age

Table 6. 2
Category Respondents Percentage
Below 20 24 14%
20-30 years 50 28%
30-45 years 59 34%
40 years and 43 24%


Below 20 years
20-30 years
30-45 years



The following table shows that 34 percent of respondents are in the 30-45 age range,
14 percent are younger than 45 or older than this group, and 28 percent are in the 20-
29 age range.

3. Education Qualification
Table 6. 3

Category Respondents Percentage

Student 35 20%
Employed 79 45%
Unemployed 34 19%
Self-Employed 28 16%

16% 20%


Credentials in Education A glance at the bar graph above reveals that just 20% of
respondents have completed elementary school, while 45% have completed high
school, 19% have completed college, and 16% have completed graduate school.

4. Marital Status of the respondents
Table 6. 4

Category Respondents Percentage

Married 70 70%
Unmarried 30 30%




In the table, we can see seventy percentage respondents are married. persons are
married for every one hundred people in society.

5. How happy are you with our product or service as a whole?

Table 6. 5

Category Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 81 46%
Agree 88 50%
Neutral 7 4%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%

0% 0%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree


As seen in the graph, 46% of people are very satisfied with the overall quality of our
product or service. Half of those surveyed offered some kind of agreement (but not
strong agreement). Less than five percent of respondents disagree with the assertion.
No one who answered the survey really disagreed or disagreed with this.

6. What drew you to this watch in the first place?

Table 6.6

Criteria Number of Proportion

Price 21 12%

Features 14 8%

Design 102 58%

Availability 39 22%

Price Features Design Availability

22% 12%



just 12% of those surveyed were in favour of You were swayed by the watch's price
based on its visual design. In the beginning, 8% of responders lured you to this watch.
This isn't a significant number. For 58% of those polled, this watch's opening statement
was what attracted them in. According to the respondents, this watch pulled in 22
percent of them in the first place.

7. Rate your perception on titan watches brand do you prefer?

Table 6. 7

Criteria Frequency %

Titan 116 66%

Fastrack 53 30%

Sonata 7 4%

Total 176 100%





66% of those polled said Thirty percent of those polled preferred the Titan brand the
most. Fastrack is the brand that most people like. 40% of those who responded The
most preferred brand is Sonata.

8. Rate your perception on titan watches designed differentiate bases of?

Table 6. 8

Options Frequency %

Quality 101 57.5%

Attractiveness 66 37.5%

Market brand 79 45%


Wide variety of 26 15%

product design

Wide variety of product design

Market brand image



0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00%


Quality was mentioned by 57.5% of those polled. 37.5 percent of those polled said they
had Attract using a watch. 45 percent differentiate watches designed bases of market
brand image. 15% of those polled said they were concerned about wide variety of
product design range.

9. Rate your perception on why do you choose titan watches than other brands?

Table 6. 9

Options No. of Percentage


Product design 14 14%

Product quality 20 20%

Product price 50 50%

Product 8 8%

Other 8 8%

100 88


22 18
Product design Product quality Product price Product durablity Other

No. of respondent


When making choice on titan watches, 44 respondents say the product design are
most important to them: 88 respondents said that product quality was the most
significant element in their decision to selecting this product, 22 respondents stated
that product price were the most important, and 18 stated that product durability and 4
respondents stated that other factors were the most essential.

10. Rate your perception on which type of design you prefer most?

Table 6. 10

Options Frequency %

Smart watch 56 56

Wrist watch 44 44








56% of those polled said Smart watch. Wrist watch is favoured by 44% of those polled.

11. Put tick mark for your choice...

Table 6.11

Options Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly

Style range is 105 62 5 4
It is worth the 79 88 9 0
Advertised 88 71 17 0
collection is
available in store
Satisfied with 88 78 10
what you paid for
what you bought

Consumer Choice
Style range is good It is worth the money Adverstied collection Satisfied with what you
isavailable in store paidfor what you bought

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree


Style range is good mentioned by 105 respondents with strongly agree, 62 persons
were only agreeing and 9 persons were disagreeing or strongly disagree. 16
respondents of those polled said they had worth the money and 9 persons were
disagreeing 159 respondents said that advertised collation is available in store and 17
persons were disagreeing with it. 166 persons those polled said they were satisfied
with what they paid for what they bought and 10 respondents were strongly disagreeing
with it.

12. Rate your perception on at what percentage of discount price you prefer?

Table 6.12

Options Frequency %

5% to 10% 24 14%

10% to 15% 60 34%

20% to 30% 52 29%

30% to 40% 40 23%








5% to 10% 10% to 15% 20% to 30% 30% to 40%

Frequency %


In the survey, 14% of respondents indicated they would prefer 5% to 10% discount.
34%of respondents would prefer 10% to 15% discount. 29% of respondents indicated
they would prefer 20% to 30% and 23% of respondents they prefer highest discont.

13. How do you rate titan’s exclusive showrooms with respect to the following?

Table 6.13

Option Excellence Good Average Poor Worst

Ambience 132 41 3
Sales 100 64 12
After sales 92 68 16
Display of 76 80 12 4 4

Rate on exclusive showrooms








Ambience Sales Personnel After sales service Display of showrooms

Excellence Good Average Poor Worst


For 132 respondents are highly attract with showrooms internal environment.100
respondents would like sales personnel service and 92 respondents prefer after sales
service would be excellence. Only 76 respondents attract with showrooms display.80
respondents said that arrangement of showrooms display is Good.

14. In your most recent customer service experience how did you contact the

Table 6.14

Sr. Options Number of Proportion

Number responder
1 In person 40 22%
2 By person 52 30%
3 Through 72 41%
4 Other 4 2%
5 Not applicable 8 5%





just 22% of those surveyed were contact the representative through phone. 30% of
respondents were contact by phone. For 41% of those polled, this watch’s repairing or
maintenance directly visit retailer or dealer. According to the 7 percent respondents,
they were not contact representative or some of them contact differently from given

15. Did the representative (select all the apply)

Table 6.15

Options Frequency

Quickly identify the problem 108

Appear knowledgeable and competent 68

Help you understand the cause and 64

solution to the problem

Handle issue with courtesy and 68


Not applicable 12

Representaticve service

Not applicable

Handle issue with courtesy and professionalism

Help you understand the cause and solution to the


Appear knowledgeable and competent

Quickly identify the problem

0 20 40 60 80 100 120


108 respondents said that showrooms representative quickly identify the problem. 68
respondents were satisfying with representative knowledgeable and competent. 64
respondents said that representative helpful to understand problem and given best
solution. 68 respondents were happy with the representative courtesy and

16. Are you satisfied with representative service?

Table 6.16

Options Frequency %

Yes 172 98%

No 4 2%

Satisfied RS

Yes No


In the survey, 98% of respondents indicated they would satisfied with representative
service, while 2% of those surveyed said they would not.

17. Would you recommend to buy a Titan watch to others?

Table 6.17

Options Frequency %

Yes 44 44

No 56 56







Yes No

Frequency %


In the survey, 44% of respondents indicated they would suggest others purchase a
Titan watch, while 56% of those surveyed said they would not.


 Just 12% of those surveyed were in favour of You were swayed by the watch's price
based on its visual design. In the beginning, 8% of responders lured you to this watch.
This isn't a significant number. For 58% of those polled, this watch's opening statement
was what attracted them in. According to the respondents, this watch pulled in 22
percent of them in the first place.

 66% of those polled said Thirty percent of those polled preferred the Titan brand the
most. 40% of those who responded The most preferred brand is Sonata.

 When making a purchasing decision, 14 percent of respondents say the following

variables are most important to them: 20 percent of respondents said that store
location was the most significant element in their decision to buy this product, 50
percent stated that factors were the most important, and 16 percent stated that factors
were the most essential.

 56% of those polled said yes. Fossil is favoured by 44% of those polled, while Apple
is favoured by 54% of those polled.

 Connectivity was mentioned by 42% of those polled. 24 percent of those polled said
they had trouble using an intelligent wristwatch. Brightness Using a smartwatch, 20%
of respondents have encountered difficulties. 14% of those polled said they were
concerned about battery life while wearing a Titan watch. Features Using a Titan watch
will present a problem.

 In the survey, 44% of respondents indicated they would suggest others purchase a
Titan watch, while 56% of those surveyed said they would not.

 For 40% of those polled, the answer is yes; they exclusively use branded items. For
24% of those polled, the answer is no; for 20% of those polled, the answer is seldom;
and for 16% of those polled, the answer is only when quality matters.

 32% of those who said yes had previously used this brand; 68% of those who
responded no had previously used this brand.

 65 percent of those respondents said yes, 25 percent said no, and the rest said they
weren't sure whether the warranty affected their decision to buy a Titan watch.


The fact that the user's data is being gathered and a behavioural profile is being
created is the biggest drawback. The customer may be guided toward a set of
recommendations based on their profile. Consumers struggle with some choices due
to a lack of prior experience or information about the available options. There may also
be an intangible emotional factor at play throughout the decision-making process.


According to the results, consumers take great satisfaction in displaying their

possession of the most technically advanced, dependable, and high-performing
timepiece available to them. The quality, beauty, style, and novelty of a watch are
crucial to its success, since timepieces are a rapidly evolving commodity. The firm
must, therefore, continue its efforts to enhance the quality of its timepieces, launch
new types with a refreshed appearance, and decrease the price range of its goods in
order to maintain and grow its consumer base. Titan watches have been shown to
provide not only remarkable but also very satisfying performance. If the firm
implements its customers' ideas, it may become even more successful.


1. Gander
A. Male
B. Female

2. Age
A. 20 years and below
B. 20-30 years
C. 30-40 years
D. 40 years and above

3. Education Qualification
A. Student
B. Employed
C. Unemployed
D. Self-employed

4. Marital Status
A. Married
B. Unmarried

5. How happy are you with our product or service as a whole?

A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

6. What drew you to this watch in the first place?

A. Price
B. Features
C. Design
D. Availability

7. Rate your perception on titan watches brand do you prefer?
Highly Preferable Above Average Average Worst/
Preferable Preferable Un preferable

8. Rate your perception on titan watches designed differentiate bases of

A. Quality
B. Attractiveness
C. Market brand image

D. Wide variety of product design

9. Rate your perception on why do you choose titan watches than other brands.
A. Product design
B. Product quality
C. Product price
D. Product durability
E. Other

10. Rate your perception on which type of design you prefer most
A. Smart watch
B. Wrist watch

11. Put tick mark for your choice...

Options Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

agree Disagree
Style range is
It is worth the
collection is
available in store
Satisfied with
what you paid for
what you bought

12. Rate your perception on at what percentage of discount price you prefer.
A. 5% to 10%
B. 10% to 15%

C. 20% to 30%

D. 30% to 40%

13. How do you rate titan’s exclusive showrooms with respect to the following?
Excellence Good Above Poor Worst
After sales
Display of

14. In your most recent customer service experience how did you contact the

A. In person
B. By person
C. Through retailer/dealer
D. Other
E. Not applicable

15. Did the representative (select all the apply)

A. Quickly identify the problem
B. Appear knowledgeable and competent
C. Help you understand the cause and solution to the problem
D. Handle issue with courtesy and professionalism
E. Not applicable

16. Are you satisfied with representative service?

A. Yes
B. No

17. Would you recommend to buy a Titan watch to others?

A. Yes
B. No


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