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161] NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartG A) Aare rea FTS(SEBON) B) Nepal Rastra Bank ©) Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) D) SHIFT StS Fae (Nepal Investment Board) 18, Money demand will decrease if the price level__ or if real GDP _ a) increases; increases b) decreases; increases «) decreases; decreases d) increases; decreases 19. Which is not a money market instrument? A) Call Money B) Commercial Paper C) Treasury Bill D) Debenture 20. The money demand curve is downward sloping because A) lower interest rates cause households and firms to switch from money to financial assets 8) lower interest rates cause households and firms to switch from financial assets to money. ©) lower interest rates cause households and firms to switch from money to bonds. D) lower interest rates cause households and firms to switch from money to shares 21. Which of the following is not a capital market instrument? A) Share B) Debenture ©) Treasury Bill D) Bonds 22. Money is A) the income a person earns over a period of time B) a person's assets net of liabilities at any point in time. © alliability that people are willing to accept in exchange for goods and services. D) an asset that people are generally willing to accept in exchange for goods and services. 23. Which of the following is not a derivative instrument? A) Forward Contract, B) Options Q) Swap D) Shares 24, Deposit issued by bank are usually negotiable and have specific maturity date and interest rate, hence itis dassified as A) indirect certificate Bdirect certificate ) negotiable certificate D) deposit certificate 25. Short term instruments are in - A) Capital Market B) Money Market C) Financial Market) Non-Financial market 26. Type of market in which short term instruments (ST7HIT GFT) are traded and purchased by ‘economic units, is classified as A) money markets B)capital markets ) debt markets D) economic markets 27. Inter Bank Lending (SReH Ha) sfmas ae awl Fs? A)7 days B) 30 days ©) 90 days D) 120 days 28. In treasury bills auction (fee), treasury bills are sold at A) premium basis B) discount basis, C) competitive basis D) federal basis, 29, What is the fullform of SLE in banking? A) Short Lending Finance B) Standing Liquidity Finance Q) Standing Liquidity Facility D) Short Liquidity Finance 30, acer Het Goh Fe (Capital market or! aie Sez? A) Facilitates trading of securities. B) Facilitate transaction settlement C) Improve effectiveness of capital allocation D) None of the above 31. Repo and Reverse Repo are Market instruments. A) Capital B) Money ©) Derivative D) Financial 32. Tae SITS tu ToT Aer Tel 1g GLAS Tips HRIER (unified transaction) T4 YE WaT Ty? A) 2076/08/15 B) 2076/08/18 © 2076/08/19 D) 2076/08/20 33. Which is not the difference between Capital market and money market? deeT HUl Ga Se Gott Su x Fal TAR) HLH Slat? A) Both are components of finance market 162|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartG B) Both are issued for at least one year ) Both are sources of finance D) Both give some rate of return/profit. 34, heel HUE Sm U ora Saal ASRS ah Pisa URAL FEHAT (preliminary agreement) A Ke (signature) =] PAL? A) 2076/03/20 B) 2076/03/25 C) 2076/03/29 D) 2076/04/01 35. Liquidity(@RTA) is high in ...........0...and risk(GTRA) is low in. A) Capital Market, Money Market B) Money Market, Capital Market © Capital Market, Capital Market D) Money Market, Money Market 36. Rate of return is high in. whereas risk is high in, A) Capital Market, Money Market B) Money Market, Capital Market C) Capital Market, Capital Market D) Money Market, Money Market 37. Time period of... less than 1 year where as heteregeneous instruments(Peh WHA] TIT, FD ate IM eosnnrnone A) Capital Market, Money Market 8) Money Market, Capital Market C) Capital Market, Capital Market D) Money Market, Money Market 38. NRB is regulator of ... and SEBON is regulator of... A) Capital Market, Money Market B) Money Market, Capital Market ©) Capital Market, Capital Market D) Money Market, Money Market 39, What is the full form of LIBOR? A) London InterBank Order Rate 8) London InterBank Offered Rate C) London InterBank Ordinary Rate D) London InterBank Organized Rate A0. Treasury bill market is a major component of money market in Nepal, started in the year... A) 1961-62 B) 1962-63 1963-64 D) 1965-66 41. When was Nepal Stock Exchange established? A) 1990 B) 1991 cy1993 D) 1996 42.40 fina oS antes er eat a? A) 2047Jestha 25 BS B) 2048 Jestha 25 By. ©) 2049 Jestha 25 BS. D) 2050 Jestha 25 8)S. 43. SEBON ©] Salt SAMA HoT SARI Ge]? AS 8) 6 Q7 Ds 44, How many departments are in SEBON? A2 B)3 a4 Ds 45, f8% FHA Global Findex Database STIR W 2017 F115 TF wal Tet GARHT 50 wees GEST 42 fare Hider at Areca afdara Faretiae) dep ara eT ARAB | Aas B) 40 C48 2) 50 46. Toren aries Saori GH we Aaa Shad aia GHG eT Ae! S? How much average time does it take in Nepal to reach commercial bank in city area? A) 25 minutes B) 16 minutes 22 minutes D) 20 minutes 47. Taree arfticg ) 20 59. Tule UE dae! Mepictel Ta Fara (Financial Indusion) Geet He aah Ses PENTA TIT Tae? A) United Nations Capital Development Fund B) United Nations Capital Fund ) International Monetary Fund D) World Bank 60. eit S151 SAsTe geruieva yr Molfad sa e244] (non-life insurance company) PIA] H+ ? Ay B) 18 19 D) 20 61. BeaRIgeH) EN His Hw? A) Around 22,000 B) Around 34,000 ) Around 38,000) Around 42,000 62. TT STAT AAAS STA HTT GaaTET HPA (Re Insurance Company) HaaET FA ? al B2 Q3 Da 63. The full form of ICAAP is... A) Internal Capital Adequacy Assessing Procedure B) Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Procedure ©) Internal Capital Adequacy Attaining Procedure D) Internal Capital Adequacy Available Procedure 64. Insurance Institute Nepal LtD) Bia STAT Us) Sl? A) 2075 Magh 10 B) 2075 Falgun 10 €) 2076 Shrawan 1D) 2076 Shrawan 10 65. Insurance Institute Nepal Lt) @-aaat fates eee waar aT BI? 164|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartG A) Si aftfe tao aE te D) None of the above 8) Star uiaia & Staal (insurer) Q titeg targeat TaR TTMTAWoint Investment of Commercial banks) Capital Market, Money Market and Insurance & Financial Literacy Answersheet 1c [2a [3 a [avd [5B [oa [7B Jaa [9D [10 ad [A fc [me [isc [tea [7A fiaD [19D [208 2c (220 [23d fac [se |26A |avA [ree foc [300 31.8 (320 [338 [34a [350 [3ac [378 [388 [39D [aoa ac [42d [43c [aaa [45a |ae8 faze [aaa [aoc [508 sie [sac [sac [sae [ssc |56A [578 [sac |SaA [60D 61.8 [62A [638 [OLA [65.8 165|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk MATHEMATCS & COMPUTER Mathematics (7 x2=14). 1. aah 12 efter mere 14 frien 420 ferex OF ata war] HA 9 ser TT 16 fea ofa OF aT WaT? A)36 fe B) 360 fer 03.6 fe D) 3600 fet 2. ud user calle 750 feree UP ews 4 5 Ser cai fa UPA steel 2 A) 375 fer B) 3750 fet o37fa D) 3705 fer 3. 20 Silel PAH HT 600 HY 5 Go HAH! YI Hie GS ? A) 8 1000 B) 8 1050 Q® 1100 D) & 900 4. Se ease eon eo? A) 36 Be 54 D) B60 By ee ‘et SAT WRT TS? A) 19 SFA B) 10 5H ©) 18 Sl D) 20 SHI 6. 600 STATENS 50 Fetch PA ear eaheepT Per | ae 15 FesTate set 180 Tata ATT BIST TT aw afer Garr apie fester FA re ? A) Sof B) 45fet 0 46fe b) 40f@t 7. USAMA HA GH AT 6 Wetepl Cel 10 AA MeSH 444 (eel 8 Ve Hl eel PU AT fe Fe aeTseM 2 A) fet By 5.57 Q oft D) 6.584 8. 30 AM Teet Use SAR 4 FETA Ga Ma] HT 3 FETA a I lel APT ATT 2 A)19 OAT B) 10 SHIT ©) 18 FI D) 20 9 9. WATS User HT TH A 20% 30 fer URS | Tel ga fret era ay whe FEAT at oT WPITAF? A) Sit By 151¢4 o 128 D) 164 10. PUQ Ay USUI GU A HUE 10815 et aw | ae) Ga Hel Gry ay a la esa A oer Hao? A) 171 By fet o12fet b) fet 11, FalaeIge ¢ eRawIGR Fell USeT HTH 6 FETA Was | Ud] AAawTGR Weeelel GH HH 15 FEAAT HbIIS 14 CRagIge Uae ela 4H Hesell ? ayia B)10fe4 ©) 12fe4 by 7fet 12, HEARSE & CRATE UST HHH HAE 20 FETE 50 Fe Te Ta] | Sa eh it HH YS TS] Us ferahs cRagignd aise 1 aif orm NeTaeIgRd Uae Hie fA Gee 7 Ast B) 1084 Q 128 D) 15! 13.C¢D fel 9 oH 20 fer Geral was | Gael HHT YS Rep} 12 feauls D a sisal 1c vaele “ates corey Ferrer Cer aT ewe 1 D Veet ORT aH apie fee Tr ere 7 A) 23867 B) 2084 Q aster b) 24f@4 14,3 Silel alle) ea X 2 site Neste] Yea WT UA SG 1 Aad 6 ile ASI 9 sitet level Yes RAT uy ofa iter eaten Aer 6 ater Tepret YER aA FS ? A) 33fter B) 63iteT Q sairer b) after 15, 6 Mel Gehept Her T 4 Siler HST) Aes VT RTT G 1 AAT 12 after AST 9 sier aeprepl HET AUG UY Hel siler WMlel Yes 12 site Meprepl YT ATER GS ? A) 233421 B) 262427 ©) 25ater D) 24aier 166|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk 16.9 shel Yell fa Darel 15 siler he feba Gls | 10 silel hal X 3 silel silyl Hey RRS | Gel UU 20 oiler situ fea DAT Hid tle Yate fea alep-ws 2 A) 4088eT B) 368ieT ©) 45atter D) 343ier 17,3 HT Be Fora Ware 4 rey PRT AMISH] | RT 4 iter aprfersreny Aer T 7 citer Sra eT TUR G | Tel Wh GST PRU TEI S 750 Wes WA Wael Hrfersepl eI Hier te? A)S 857 B) 578 8875 D) 8874 18. Ue, AHA aloo HUT TT Hers | Ul ga freA pa User Hr 24 FoF ORT ae Weer ofa afer fear yer rf ae ? A)36 72 B)72%36 = C24t48 D) 48% 24 19. Wel Ga GU 3 AHI Maw CR Gl GH Ske 2 Fe A Taw | Al Ga SA Mek RAT a TT ‘pie Fete ales glen ? ayer By 6/711 Q 65h D) 4/384 20.X, ¥ UZ I UNI GA BA 20, 30 F 40 FETAL TT TAHT | A Tel PTA YS AT x ct 5 Feta BES AY RZ alg Mle GH QU ofa fe aa? A)53 7h B) 66/714 © 56/Siet D) 54/380 21.4, BEC TUS BH PARE 30, 40 C60 FETT A GAS TT Tel HUT YS TET 10 FETS Ba BES [Ba asl 4 eras a BIgS aif Mc A RITES 4 c AT Olea fet HA TAT? Ajit B) 171e4 15h b) 23f@4 22. UST AleX RAT 8 fel. Veter Brea 80 feb. ara wf afebas 4A 5 Fer. Uelerel pla feb: ara arf ‘afeyet ? 430 ff. By 47 fee. fa, 55 fea. b) 50 f%.f4. 23. USeT THe 8 fel. Teter lea 80 feb. FF. SALAH l= UF 30 AM. ara ya we forex Tela mre veil 2 Aa fat. By 4 fe. o3fe b)1 fa. 24. USeT ACTS 56 F5.A. fear 4 fest aw ty Sarees 154 feo fet. fear apfe feat aes 2 Ayia B) 11h 1514 D) 1384 25, ula fetex Ueletate 10 freilfiter det ae Mews 10 Afar S000 Feces expt 14 fet feree Bol. H1 axa Hel Ale ala we wet Sta? A) 3300 B) 2900 © 3000 D) 3100 26.50 SFU CFI 8 TOT BUT AR UST BTA AT 12 FET PA HF G0 STATS CA HT BTR Gat HH 16 fer eT Ahr ehh HNL BTA TfTa 2 A)10 Buel B) 20 Wuey ©) 25 quel D) 16 Wel 27.3 SAT AIA aT 6 OT Herel Usel GT 5 PAT Mase YA 7 oT ASX 4 oa fed ale ory ofa fern aa? ays fet By 5/3 fet 3/5 fet D) 3 fet 28.29. elebaal aera] Wlaslebl Pld SRY Teh) UIA rayer wlaleare 7 der aaa 140 WUE) PUSS] | USC HA BRIA URAAUT Aref ela Wel CAPE ? 20 SUCH AH efcldcl KAR 2 A)49 ae B) 59 eT Q 50a D) 60 det 29. el HA HM 16 AAT LUWTeL TG HUT 10 FAT Ay Maes, 1 TT RUT ATER 6 Fe DT atabuks gure del 3 fer Ren v4 aegel or wade fe Fee arf wa 2 A)100 fest b) 110 fe 115 eat D) 120 fe 30.15 FETA 2 Fel CGekl Hea S 40001- UES | WS 4 aeT Sgetehl eT 10 Ae Al RI SG 12 FA L3 del egal Yeu ofa val 2 167|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk 4)3100 B) 4300 ©3900 D) 3500, 31.12 SA Hie Usel GH Vb 8 Geral eel 15 FEAT yRT aS HA 9 wer Uialerel eel 10 lars aires srar apes UR arf ple Feat cet 7 Ay fet By 8 fe C12 fer D) 10 fe 32. Wel Aeltel 20 Fer200 ferek UF ARS | otebT cited 25 PCA ae UA wrew | Ga Act Glee 20 Me ale UPA) SHUT Bs 2 A)60 ferex B) 80 feree ©) 20 ferex D) 40 feree 33. af 3 fee on ferret Ata Gfel A Star sifet 10 feo Tio ferftent aes v4 apie citcranl Fara 25 feo TIO faint ties Ule-w 2 A)? feb oT B) 8 fh a 085 fea D) 7.5 fo a 34. 8 OIG Holgeel 200 allies Bra tare HE 5 Fea ans UWA 6 SIA HoTgRe 10 FeHT pla fires Bacar tare Tra? 49300 aifitez B)400 Fee) 200 THER D) 500 afRereR 35.75 SHH HIP Gleb 10 qerepy eel HHT Hel Pa UT 12 FEAT RASA Tao | IL TM weAT Gs YUN Al HM eae 8 Verh] evel WR 15 AMT Vs S 44 ofa TP assualt ? A)190 ST B) 100 oF ©) 150 51 D) 200 SIT 36. AGT GT PH 2/5 GT 9 RAS e atal rH al Tere ARETE sAMGS, Fa Pfer 6 for Gat OM MSS HT SAR Cae R GM ass Hla fer aes 2 A)16fet B) 181¢4 ©) 19fe4 b) 17fe4 37.A, BC a PA SH PARE 10, 30% 40 PETA TH Bar] | a Fle ary YS ART 5 FETT AT ‘Bisel, Ba aH ley 10 fereeMls TBISS, tc Uae Fa HTH WT AA et SrA plat feTaT aT OTH Sa Ma? AN14 14901 B) 15.91fet ©) 16.1694 D) 18.18f¢4 38. P TQ ga Fret Goel TF 12 fester rf wa] | ale P Vata Sl TF 30 FeTAT Baws A Q Tate “plet Feta eTeRS? Ayelet B) 201¢4 ate D) atc 39. ALBA Hl GH 20 AAT QI Mas | Gael GI Yo Repl 12 Peauhs Bead HTH heal 1A Wadd ata ore 40 fern Ger ora ofa feta Tart ae 2 Aol B) 24fet © 3084 D) 2st 40.20 del sed 30 delel 27 AAT UTAH Way HT 10 ele 12 deel Heke A uF la Fe AL Uae]? A108 B) 121¢4 © 30fe4 D) 20fet 41,8 TC HANH) AAG 96 US 1 AS UT 7 Fe Hea fea GT Hh THA ara Vet ? A)110. B)160 170 D)180 42.20 del felled X 30 del eles) SU Hed B 2600 UE | Be Usel Heal You B 20 US 1A Wel fepararept Her ofa TS 7 A)80 B) 200 © 100 D) 150 43,3 FT AIT Al 6 GT evel UST DUT 5 FAA TT MAS MT 7 SAT AAT 4 AT evel MET BUT “ple Fee TF Bea 2 Ayaet By 5/387 Q 47h b) afer 44,15 Stel PATH! HRT 75 US HT Uw siker werrens aha TS 7 o4 D7 Aa B)5 45.8 100 ait 7 ster Fears ofa Star are ? A)70 B) 50 60 Db) 75 168|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk 46. Yel 20 sill WIel Ted B 100 US 44 100 Wise Yes wie Vell 2 A)700 B) 800 600 D) 500 47.15 SAT Aiea ha oH 10 aH wage 4A a GH Haas 30 oat aifweMs pla war ae? Ayater By Sit Q état D) 7fe4 48.10 Bl. BUSTh) Hed 300 US HW] 6 HM. HUSIe] Yes wie ued 2 A)180, B) 170 ©) 160 D) 150 49.6 ST APS 7 fa aE TH 14 ST Pra ofa ferent Baw]? avait By Sie o afta D) sft 50.4 SAT dete 200 f.41. AMTel 3 ACANT BRS 14 ld Hl dere 650 ALAM we stake aa? A)1S B) 25 O13 D) 18 51,20 OT Sart Wiel fet 6 WET PTA AR Gel HTH 24 TAT RANTS Ta] HT TS TA fais 9 Re SEC ELE ANS IeET? ANS B) 10 52 590 era 2 sR HT RTS Anoka By 171¢4 9 19fe D) 20f@4 53. Udel eRe 30 ora faenelfeng 40 fea qa ara & | ofa aria a Peat wiser Sl UA 100 fer gran? ANB B) 17 D) 21 54. Poe aa BP 6 el Be 30 GAA YET aNESH[ IA APP 10 TT eT A SETA ree? A)16 B) 17 O18 D) 19 55. Ufa Varese 400 fee. fA. fet TeTeHT Re Tear RTT OTT 48 fre ae | 24 fe fA. Ufa Wer! eel Seal oie MAcM SSH YU? A)800, B) 700 ©) 600 D) 500 50. feral a wr 2 aver aT wea | Claes Sh TH 3 TUNA TF Bes | ora ter x ite gal FIT WO Od GAGA A MSA? Ay yey B) 1.5 Wel 1.2 Wer D) 2 Wel 57. antag 56 feb. Pega 4 Pes are 49 Gag 154 H.R. ga ofa fea aw? A)16f¢ B) 101¢1 otter Db) 1911 58. USh Ga OH WH 3 ST cote 5 fer aS 4 5 OT Cae a Hee A Hla fer aS ? antes By ait 9 she D) 9f@4 50.8 OT UFeRel 5 FEMI 2000 m 2 HI Ore A ae 14 6 ST OeXel 10 AH ebfal Aer Oe wha] 7 A)2500 m*2 B) 2800 m42 © 2600 m*2 D) 3000 m*2 60.30 SAT BUG PA DUT feeb 12 TETEHT Vet 10 FEAT BASS WF Ul HM 40 ST HUTA 18 Fen Resa feral fal yuer pry Asus 2 A)1 Wey B) 3 Wey QO 5 Wer D) 7 Wey 61. fe 12 Gr Rae Goat PTA 12 TAT NIST He 9 GT HPT ifs apres wh ple fest are 2 Ayia B) 16fe4 Q 15% D) 18f@4 62.afe 5 OF SMEG Usel GI) Ga 6 fet GMS | HA GI Uo Pata aa ofa GrreR “anfgreary ? 169|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk A) 30 B) 29 O25 D) 28 63. Male Sal aS Ga SAA HUT: 10% 15 fet aS | ale ga Mel Ge el a oy wie esa “ufeuell ? A) fet By fet Q) sfet D) ofeT 64.4 THA HU 10 (AMT, B et 20 FETT c et 30 fe TH Ta | Ae ASA fire ET AR 4 TT DIN ofc Fe Blea 2 A) ie B) 2fe4 o siet D) fet 65.40 SFI Sree feetebt 5 Tcl axel a HA Tes 18 FTA AAS] AF 30 OF PHA Sls ST 10 fen Resa ferebl ephal TVeTeHT Set HTT AGUS 2 Ay Ber B) 13 Wvey C12 duel D) 14 Wel 66. 16 SHH HIF a BH 16 ETAT TS 1 12 ora el Sl ory opfal aa rl was? Ay oft By 20fet asf D) 36f@1 67. ie UicteIa aiken SATSTaKel B 500 HI 3 AH) MUR VAST S 105 HH? A) 5% B) 7% 03% D) 9% 68. aaa 18% AIC B 12920 Fs | ayioat ) ere gaat p) 13.589 69, a ee we Aytoatt B) 20.54 oC 12sah Db) 13.5ah 70.% 500 Bl Biel FE 10% HT Get 9 ASAT HHT SAT AMIG 2 Ay10.75 B) 205 125 D) 37.5 71. fe Wlarel rst 4 AUT 8% GT GXel Bo 192 Fw? A)100 B) 200 0120 D) 600 72. BA HAP ST 5% BT RA Hit FATT HTH 1/5 FS? Ay oat By sat Q tat py 3a 73. USel Uigal WA ¥ 65000 BU [US | 2 aVaHy Sede LH TaN 13% el Hla tot fafuall 2 A)16900 B) 16200 ©) 16400 D) 16600 7A4.% 20000 Ht 2 ANAT 16% GI Get A FEAT Shel SIT FS 2 A)6900 B) 6200 ©) 6400 D) 6600 75.8 5000 dT 15% Ufda eursiavel & 1500 SATs UIST bla WHY wy vet 2 ayia B) 2a o3at Db) 4a 76. YAASIgRe 2 ATHT 13% SITTER SUIsT S 16900 Higelly fil 44 Agere pla Heteel ATU! LSS | ‘A)69000 B) 62000 © 64000 D) 65000 77. eRe 2065 Ua PHA 1 TAS 5 ARE SOT alley 6.5 Ufa MUR ase ABc Apa AAT ‘SHUTS | 2070 Mel WS Ha ebT Pest Ga FAY Raa SA el VU Ue ? A)® 662500 B) & 663500 8 670000, D) & 650000 78. FA Cal 10 THAT SS TUM (150 VATA) A Is SA ales MEMO AUST hel FITS 2 Tat ta 8 FY 4 CAT IGA GA AUSTRR HHa UT IS 2? A)8% B) 9% © 10% D) 12% 79. GST SA 17,000 FT 15 WAR EAT BS HAT 25 UAT AMET A apf fase afr 2 A)® 11000 B) 8 22000 25000 D) ® 33000 80. 5 ASAT Mal TAT Ga ARB 560 FS LMT Mat 2/5 FS A Ula ler ee? A)E% B) 8% 0) 9% D) 10% 170|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk 81. Ub oldie Poll Aate B 1,5001- bel TB] AMY 5 UfeIRT TST GATT ABUT Ferep) Pee ell aebale YH: B 2,0001- aifteeil ral 2 ahead) Wage) aM 7 Ufa AAreTLAT BU fered A 1 zed) ga Slate) SHAT erToT & 925 |- Yair weil wl See pfeaia stahBed APA Hl gs asur IT TRI Fee 2 Azad 8) 3,5 a o4ead D) 6,7 ad 82.8 48,0001- alg Ufa ASAI Ufa SOUT emerge 2 DAT GIF acl chic HIGAMAI B 5760 ES? A)1OFIGAT B) 154fe4T 128fear b) 208fe41 83. a Wa 3 ahr SToTaAVT S 1035 | FS U5 ANAT Sel Va STAN F 1125 1- Fo wT TT HUG) ATT Ua LM Hie Sle? AY® 800.5% B) 8 900,6% 0% 900.5% D) ¥ 1000,6% 84.9 Ural 10 ati Heel dled gas HA Cre) CATsTaR wl leit ? AN14% B) 12% ©) 10% D) 8% 85.101 TUT 6% GATAaRe la LH! Hla VHA] MUR ATA X Asha ASH] We B 5508 - FS ? A)® 6000000 B) & 5000000 © ® 4000000 D) & 300000 86. HiT ASTRA HA THA 15 THAT aloa GS 7 A)3.34% B) 4.45% © 5.56% D) 6.67% 87. Ual GA VOUT 2 AAT GA MIR ars! PP ATMA S 90 at HA GF SMSS | Tal alten ‘TTR 15% CRT TAYE) Pe Ha ered ell PISS | ‘A)5,500 B) 3,500 ©) 4,000 D) 4,500 88. 10% Ailes —AePa SATTRLAT GH LHA F 60,000 alsa Fert S 79,860 FT ay la GAT A 2 aad B) 4a sat Dy eat 89. Use Ise SET Ue af 5% age ones | ad) 2 aeal ST 1025 OAT FBI AR Skea ited SU MIH SERA 10,000 Ht Yea St AIH! Sea His Pea 2 ‘422,000 B) 25,000 ©) 15,000 D) 10,000 90. UebstAl HIFa B 16,00,000 HI Usel GH MAS | iE 3 ated] Ha & 2,10,000 AMI stTsia Bibel Hae TATA 5% af Marra are 7 gad Fe fal weal 44 Geel arnt at ea TORT Ae 4)17,000 B) 25,000 ©) 18,200 D) 18,000 91. USAT USK] 3 af UVerIeh) TARVA 150,000 PAA 1 ale fare 3 aeley STG GPG HAR 2%,4% 5% RRR wa 3 atkot rca at Geren Sree abla yal Slear? AN1,67,777 B) 1,67,076 ©) 1,60,000 D) 1,67,000 92. FERS 2065 WISH 1 Ta 5 AE SAAT aN 6.5% MMU CATSTARAT NBI eh AT SHAT 7B 2070 “lel HIE FRI Fea Gad FAY fade! Fel Gal la XH UIseL? A)662500 B) 652500 C) 672500 D) 642500 93. HA Sart 10 THAT SUATOT (150%) a fale ge aaftles Gre ATTA Hla Eq Tew 2 Tae Giar 8 ae a HST Stowe GA eel HE YRS? A)9% B) 8% © 10% D) 12% 04. Ue ae Bare] 1/12 1 eke SAIS Aye SI USel Spe lS LA Teal 7 ae CATA) Ms ~S 902.5 TGS HAT SEAT hia THA THAT MATH! LVS ? A)670. B) 675 9570 D) 575, 95. Ugd F 1000 HA AH) GAT THT TS | Sel 5 THAT Ala AST A HAW S 1637.50 WT ARG UA Aaa cpl Waser ASR HAT Real WS 7 A)9.7% B) 8.85% ©) 10.65% D) 12.75% IWL|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk 96. Ha HHH) ele 8 WHT Vlad F ATs] Aiea Alea Gres 44 AToHGR ola elell ? 9.7% B) 8.85% ©) 10.65% D) 12.5% 07.3 aNenl 8 ufdctal & 2250 @) STURT afer erTaT feral Re afer gw 2 A)4.325 B) 44325 25 D) 24.325 98, Tel 8% Aika MIU AST OTSA ANT HA faa PRAT LH SHAT LT SL TAT Glad LH Glen gt ia aay fafae des erequell 2 ayo 7at B) aasavl 0106548 D) 12.5afh 09. pa deen wep af Staret 1/20 BT eet AST age Sitar 10 athe Part 1500 Gas HT Get SpA OA ST ART THM He PT aI? A)1500 B) 1675, 01570 D) 2575, 100. USM WIgdS HHH OKT ARV] RH SATIS 13/2% ale 8 % eIsal alley cAtst Bo 40.50 Fer TA Hl Hla STAT HT TARGET TSS ? 4)2700 B) 2800 ©) 2500 D) 3000 101. PA xpael ssi 20 ale Uae) clea ws HF TTA ofa eel 7 2sae doa Gres 444 A. Gal ga adie eats fae aa lal? Ayetetal vet B) alate seq) Oferta b) Ufeatert 3c 102, 20 FCAT Bl LH A Slee Gl TER] feel phe IT MATT eT GS 2 Ayoat B) 2008 © 108 D) 3004 103. qa wereail uaa uid & So ATS 10 encrere wae feet did MATAT GAM oa GD ? Aor B) 208% C108 p) 30a 104. S AMAT PETS 750 FS TMT A ATT 1/3 Fs HT APT FASTA PITIERT| A)672.51 B) 662.51 os7251 D) 562.51 105. & 500d) 15% Uidarl erotarel 2 aefepl aruRoT aatet Plepregely| A)180 B) 150 Q170 D) 160 106. S500 @t 2 atfept aS 500 HI fereert able ee? A)4180 B) 4550, Q 1700 D) 5000, 107. pa wel alfiey Sasi 16% cb1 axel cbf afer erate] aloe rs ? ayo B) 20.54 Qi2sat bp) 13.5af 108. 3 HEAT S 400 AS UGA 10% SATS le THA ST AGTH 2 ‘A)16000 B) 20000 ©) 18000 D) 17000 109. 4 ath uitarf 5% ar exe fa earch) Per & 1500 gs? ‘A)1000 B) 1250 ©) 1800 D) 1750 110. a ee Aye B) 20 O10 D) 13 111. HAH) psi 25 ale ep doa Gs UF ATTA la ell ? Ayo B) 21 12% D) 13 112. % 20001 10% Dferafepr eee 3 aehepy Tee SATS eH Te ? 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A)75% B) 70% ©) 80% D) 90% 2. 0.25 CS MAA ested le Bs 2 A)I5% B) 30% D) 25%, a Te Mea era apa ie rd 8 soo HEL 150: oF pra ee 2 A)30% B) 70% ©) 50% D) 40% 4, 45/100 CS WARIAM dee Chel Wis GS 2 A)30% B) 70% ©) 45% D) 40% 5. 120.15% Ts PRAT SOR Teal it Fs ? A)4/30 B) 3/20 O 5/17 Db) 15 6. ble SHAH) 25% el 600 Sl Gs ? A)2500 ST B) 2000 STAT ©) 1700 SAT D) 2400 OT 7. Wa tisatet yer 25% we fear Rava User tsar fears 1200 ferfaal + satet ge AfeereHT HT ahha WS ? A)1700 B) 2000 C) 1600 D) 2400 8. se a 20S PRR Ea FS? A)30% ©) 50% D) 40% 9. re Pra Pee do 2 ae er PE 600 eT eT RIL IT ‘ple fare Fag 2 A)1000 SAT B) 2000 STAT ©) 1700 SAT D) 1500 STAT 10. ROM MIs 25% Sas Far TOGA Sa ee area VT Ra STMT wh ference aH arfTat 2 A)30% B) 20% ©) 50% D) 40% 11.8 1500 I apfel Ufcigtt BO 300 Bad? A)30% B) 20%, ©) 50% D) 40%, 12. USI Uh AAG TFT GO 7500 PAIS X BO 5000 el TES HI THe let MAT TAIT ? 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RON) 413 25% ght Sal GUladTa SMU Gel Bula IA WA Reba] Sule bla Mia pu agua? A)B% B) 12%, D) 20%. 20. SAT SAA. ree 2500 eee ss & 7 fe ah Pera Pee ste 2645 SAT WS 14 YS 1 YA Hla SEX GeaTSs Py ? A)800,1000 B) 1500,1000 C) 1200,1500 D) 1500,1200 21.8.5 Bl Det HARTA 170 Ht 10 Wag GT TAR BS ? A)B% B) 12% O9% D) 20% 22. 140 Bl Hel U MART 500 BT 7 Ulta WT TA GS ? A)T7% B) 22%, ©) 25% D) 20% 23, USE APTS SPST WHT 15 VAT THVT, 25 Ufa VHA STATES, 35 Ula RH areifafscet wearer aft Feu aifes Let Go 45,000 FR weet CaP Aareng few wt eT HT fa SUT WES ? ‘A)1,60,000 B) 50,000 C) 1,80,000 D) 1,00,000 24. RST 150 Wg sits 80 ufc sig, 120 Toga CARARIRAAT 70 Hera t 130 Ogeat RAAT 90 MATTE ee ARS HY TT ONCE AT siebept Ufa eit Gre 2 A)72.75% B) 70% C) 80% D) 98% 25. He SU aretlenl 75 Ufderd aed eS) Gael sieeeél 20 ulerd eed 10 ulate gis gat ‘Sete ered Feel ebfel lett 2 A)68% B) 55%. 0) 42% D) 37.5% 26.7 UF Wdlatleb) GAT YUE 1,000 B | Sid ARB HI UI 20% ale sig HITS, CUT BEC oT U1 10% dG UC a D Hl Hl 25% ale Sheb HIS 1 Ue A el 600% Sig AIL] UU D ol bla sig earde dla? A)120 B) 110 090 D) 125 27. MTA 130 Woiget stoi awa 70 Wied, 125 YU get faa faa 60 Mieka F150 WgeT fDi FAG 80 WAet UME Fa] S AA THe Hae hfe Ula kg UT Aa VS 7 174|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk A)32.55% B) 55.55% ©) 60.62% D) 70.62% 28.4 UF Pala 8 % tle der gs | dl aol Giana gel Heel 50% tile CHT SATU Yforedl a-<¢ 240 al tiled afar fore 1 cE faye! ule aie gle? ore fap foie GACT Tent HEAT Ha OAT ie TeX SET | A)3000 B) 2400 C) 3500 D) 4000 29, SUNcb) HIRI cel 600 HI 25% aly wel Ue alah Hel Gla HU Weblel SHebl elgHl 10% wel aRal wa Gael ofa dea ise ? A)522 B) 875, O65 D) 775 30. Tel SRT Ue Teel 8 WAT ML Ta, ial Cearept 25 Uta RAIS ARTUR SAT GO 5,175 1- Sel VES HA TAT Boar ola Oe AA ele 2 ‘Ay88000 B) 4500 ©) 87500) ¥5100 Percentage Answetsheet 1¢ [2D [3A ]4C [& B [6D [7 C [8B [9A ]10B 1.8 [i2bD [13.c J14ac [15a [ied [17D [18a [19D 208 ap [22c [2c 24a [asp [2oB [27D [28a |29c [30 Profit and loss 1. 8.4575 Ul USAT 12% ge fear arian Ge Hla gw? A) 8580 B) % 549 QB 550 D) 8575, 2. USel MAM] HAYCTAL S 4500 X AUT B 210 HL faba Yeu ala Ges ? A)? 4780 B) 8 4750 geano D) 84775 3. & 370000 HI RIT ARLE] Pa HRA S 325600 Al faa steal ebfel feral NAT ges 2 A)20% B) 23% ©) 25% D) 12% 4. Usel WA! 12% we Ufo! Yer Fo 1320 WS 4A slfeba oa Pepreqeky ? A)® 1500 B) 8 1550 QB 1450 D) 8 1575 5. & 2400 UF aeqent abfal Ufa ge feat & 2000 HT elferes 2 A)50% B) 50/3% ©) 51/3% D) 53/3% 6. © 85000 UF HIER B 72250 A faebt Neal aie Maat Ge GS ? A)20% B) 13% 15% D) 12% 7. WS RAPS cifoat Tet S 260 B 15% Be fear ae fase AS Het Sle? A)® 250, B) 249 CP 248 D) 247 8. 20% ANAT Serept Ages & So TST Sa Ge UHT HY So ANT Ga PU aA age ETT “ole glell? A)® 200 B) & 250 OQ % 240 D) $230 9. BA FHT Siler BETA 25% Ge WA Sea S 100 AGI HS Fife TRY 10% Fe TA Sea BATT FO, TRH HATA ola Sle ? Al Reel site Aes ola Hraway afew Pat > A)® 1200, & 1400 B) & 1000, 01200 C) ® 1400, & 1600 D) & 1600, ® 1800 10. Ufa fe. & 70 oT axe feofrvel Hab eet) fawlar ofa Grr aR 5 ula we few ai ule FES 6 APT BS? AJB 70 B) S50 geo D) & 80 175|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk 11, SUT 2 del ASA PURE B 1200 XB 1350 Al FeaT USAT 20% AMP X GAH 29% APT HG A dae ofa viagra aad eA ele? A)9% B) 13%, ©) 10% D) 12%, 12. TRIPS SATIRE Usel TAA 30% APT RG X THA S 2600 HATA ARG UA she FAR fears ABT RES ? A)® 2000 B) ® 2500 © & 2400 D) 8 1900 13.408 9041 GH fetal REM 110% Nbr ee ail WA GH Hla yeu gail lar? Ae 79 By) 99 O39 Db) &80 14, 8 460000 UA RAT 1.25% Be fags WA Tet HH] alley Ge ole Stell ? A)® 5750 B) & 5700 O% 5760 D) 8 5000 15, Ub TUNA 100 ot Yrterl Ule asia & 30 HT aR Repl 5 eek Yate fAuEld sta ales Sten Ula cols fae fa aT 14 Ufesra ANT Ua TT Bae ? fel Goh & 33 AT awl ral ofa eRe ANCPT / RTT ICT? A)4.5% ABT B) 6% AIT © 8.5% AMT D) 12% “NT 16. Udel PAfeeiel B 3,000 I eel GRE AT 3 el egal dead Ufo 15 Ulead ARAN 17 Ula FANT Huw | dal eget Sea 1 hfe Calpe HUT 7 Wea MIC GS | Tal Pa AAMT a Piet AUS FU lel Acre ATT HOS 2 A)7.33% B) 8.33% 9% D) 15% 17 feud USI TANS 500 HT fa eRe 450 Hl all 4, Gael ANT / Aaa Hla Baw? AYR 70 PT B) © 70 Waar QF 50 -T D) & 50 aT 18, feoeoT ATR 100 Aer Baas & 2 AT fear | 50 ser FSS GIT MOET | tea aia eee Ufdueeh! & 3 AT dell 444 ciel Ulead AlGHH Glad ? A)20% B) 22%, ©) 25% D) 30%. 19. Wh OFT VARS Use TSS 1800 AT FET 10 HT AAI Tg Ts AAT AMT AT TA SE pier dary Tal? A)® 1800 B) 8 2100 OQ % 1500 D) ¥ 2700 20.9 Ue Are) 10 ulcer AMMTaT fafa aca aRAwen) Pet 1 cifepwanl Hea BO 7.50 HEAT fates wef s ofaeia aaah seit et at ares plan aka ahve eat 7 A)BO50 B) & 80 Q% 100 Dd) B44 21. USel Aldea B 90 G4 WAH fA 10 Were AHI RAR Sail 4A Su ela You da lel 2 AYR 55 B) & 98 Qe 99 D) & 100 22. Hate Ue Stel BAG BO 1320 AI Fee 12% aa Gad 4 Reh) AHA abla eM 2 A)® 1200 B) & 1500 © % 2500 D) ® 600 23. Ub GA IORI BSI Te B 5,000 A feolws Fel Use! 12% ARIAAL sk] AS) 8% AHI eS | eeale Taels G4 AHI al aH MUA WA Ula Usha] Huey la Sell 2 AYR 2,525 B) 8 1,500 Q% 2,000 D) & 3,000 24, DEP VIE STS 45000 FT FAL GO 60000 AT FeaT fel PT le 2 A)® 2,5250 B) & 1,5000 OQ % 2,0000 D) & 3,0000 25, $dal S 20000 HI Use Mg fA S 25500 Hl deko4 | Piste Gad GIG Wel al AMI ‘fet Ha 2 WAST Gad Prepreqena 7 AVAMPT S 5500,27.5% B) Wel S 5500,27.5% C) MeTS 2000,27.5% D) AMPTS 2000,23.5% 26. Hee Wel AST S 8g0 A faewl Tey Prange Vr xa Aer HAT Sle? A)4B% B) 44%, C) 43.18% D) 44.18% 176|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk 27. UST Tele USUI SAI BO 240 HI FAT 10 Mia eT FS 44 40 Wea AT AT eal Sra HAA agua? A)® 373.50 B) 8 373.75 C) 8 373.43 D) 8 373.34 28. Wel TAA FO 5600 TH efter aR Hage 5% FEAT SAS 10% ATT fer Tota Fas 1 SUMAN See CHAS sites TeTaTe 2% Fe Feet LA v4 ar eerhhorrept sifepa TT ‘fd Rell 2 A)® 5373.50 B) & 5973.75 8 5273.43 D) 8 5971.43, 29, FT Aa F 65000 Al User Aeralgaa fez 1 Alea ofS deal So 7500 Aaa MOS HA TAT at HeLa Hla sae) eel 2 ANS 57,250 B) 8 57,500 ©) 857,000 D) & 30,000 30. eR prusat ug ATO ge | Gard Veale User WH TSAR B 700 HT PHA ees] X 20 vAAa APT TR Saw FF GRRT MISS Hla ANT AR STALE Aj® 140 B) S145 Q% 150 D) B 160 31. Uf Ue B 12000 fa Yel AM AS] XS 15000 AT das | Fstellg Ml GRIER pia Ulead apr eit Slat? A)20% B) 2. ©) 25% D) 30% 32. coo Re Fs HA awe ES? A)B 100 B) S125 150 D) 8175, 33.8 1250 HT feel SAM B 1000 Hl dead ele Ufa APT al lea gas? APTI 20% By *INPT 22% yaar 22% py ar 20% 34, Tet UFeI PAYS F 25000 AT far 2 AY Tes B 5000 Mel GM ea Teel Hea faa Hod lel Sle X THeAg la Vleet Neary wel lel 2 A)ATT 20% B) AMBIT 22% ©) Alaa 22% =D) lau 20% 35, MfeireT S 500 TH Tapa 10% Ge Fes 30 coh Fear ST awa eT Hla Sle ? A)® 161000 B) & 162000 150000 Bb) 8 175000 36. 8 960 MI leh] Oe B 1200 HI ec able Ulalet ANT GAD 2? A)20% B) 22% ©) 25% D) 30% 37, Ip ey aretha woo eRe Ee cs ee Sar eon TE er ARM Hla Feet Pe ga? AYS 1280 B) 8 1250 Qe 1150 D) 8 1275 Profit & Loss AnswerSheet 18 2c BD AA ISB 6c [7D A [9 B [OD ac [2a [38 [wa [15a [ie8 [izp |iac [ise [20a ac [28 [23D [ae [25a [26c [27d [28d [298 [30A 31.C_ [32A [33D [340 [358 [36c [37a 177|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk Ratio and Proportion 1, 2ae1 URAUIgS 3:4 bl sequen GS Laat Gdale § Weed AM SeTUIK 5:7 Bs HA a RTS wid oid G1? A)39,52 B) 36,48 ©) 60,80 D) 30,40 2. Udl (2a—Sb/2a + 5B) =2/5, sift arb = 2 A)24:5 B) 37:6 0)35:6 D) 25:3 3. Ud) Usel Herel Hot 10 SAT US HA § del perl yer pla gro? ASS B) 50 Qs p) 40 4. 1545 2 DARE GA OU WAGUaH a Uaew He ae Te Hla Sar? ays B) 10 04 D)6 5. Udlp:q=3:4 UU Sp + 9q: 16p + 5q al A Panteqelky? Ay B72 O58 D) 1:8 6. Ua gy Siler TeMewebl SGU 3:4 SX dl Gg VSMSvSl aa 153 FS UA MSMES HA HA ST ? A)S5,78 B) 83,50 57,75 D) 0,133 7. Feder afeerewenl Are aeh 4:5ep SOTA X Heel Ane Ge 7.9 HT SeTUTAT w | TT Welhe AlReh GUAT & 5,000daTS 4 THe ATR omeeeH cole Hla Grea ? A)® 17,000 B) & 50,000 ©) ® 40,000 D) ® 25,000 8 pital ata ale Ays:1 Q2 D) 3:8 9. sree 400 PLP VE 5 LPL OFH 1 arrearage PRET A)40:8 B) 205 ©) 80:1 D) 90:1 10.12 Felted User bry 5 fee arf was] 49 ef tar 15 ora Hie Al ra Teh? ayatet By of © 10861 D) afer 11, SEIU 4:9 1 We HOTT Hla Tear 9:4 Hl SATA FST Aw ? Ayl4 B) 20 O15 D) 13 12. 4d) 64, oa arg ga 9 aa Ay24 B) 16 13.1 CRT AR TNA TE 44 Le MA aw a ae TT Te aa? A)62 B) 32 C48 14, Ua ake x arenes 7:4:9 HT SFI GO 1,20,000 HFT ATS TA, aeeetarmees) amen ate pla tha Tal? A)42,000, 24,000 ¥ 54,000 B) 10,000, 50,000 % 60,000 C) 45,000, 45,000 ¥ 30,000 D) 22,000, 25,000 % 75,000 15. 4h a: br ¢ = 2:5: 7 HU 3a -Ac/2a- b + BY AR Ue TTS! A)I7/11 B) 11/17 OQ-11/17 D)-17/11 16. 200.9 Y-tell fea Cited 24 del be foo Ufa Ay B) 5:2 Qs AS. SE 3 1 aera aeta eran a 42 tag ea rena eA Pr? Ays2 B43 O45 D) 5:3 46. fale! Sarg 48 gd BX Vale] aly 3 fle S 4 Male Mate) Sargel siguic Meret 2 Aas By 72 043 D)53 47.3 SFT HEGSHT S 117000 Hl GST TIA VICI AIR YS AVI] | TET 3 ST PAT 5:4:3, Bl STAT OS A HAS Hla chhel SAA TFN ALT LEH] ? A) 48750, 39000 ¥ 29250, B) 39000, 29250 % 24000 ©) 39000, 29250 ¥ 54000 1D) 54000, 42000 X 24000 48, 2 AAT 250 WET eq repre | A43, B72 oes D) 8:1 180|NRB Special MCQ BOOK SmartGk Ratio & Proportion Answersheet 1D f2c [38 [4D [5A fac ]7 B [8A [9A [104 11D [12D [138 [174A [15c [168 [17D [1aB [19C [2A 21B [228 [23D [24a [258 [26c 27a [28D |29c [308 31A [328 [33D [348 [358 [3c 37a [38D [39A [408 ac [42a [3c [44a [458 ]46c [47a [48d Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation) 1. Find the average wage 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50. A) 40 B) 50 30 D) 35 2._Find the A)M. from the following data) Wages [5 10 15 20 a 30 35 Workers [3 2 4 5 6 8 2 ‘A)2t B) 21.28 233 35 3._ Compute the arithmetic mean from the following dat) Height in em(x) [15 20 25 30 35 a0 No. of plants (f) [1 3 9 21 11 5 A) 21cm B) 19.86cm ©) 23.86cm, D) 18.96cm 4. find the AM. from the following datA) ‘Age group (Year) | 20-30 | 30-40 40-50 50-60 (60-70 No. of persons [3 18 26 7 6 ‘A) A2years B) 43.7 Iyears 45.7 1years D) A5years 5._Find the average temperature from the following data) Temperature(C) | 10-15 | 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 No.of days [10 24 26 20 20 A) 266C B) 25.5C a33C «DY 24a 6. Find the mean from the following data) Marks 10-20 [20-30 [30-40 [40-50 [50-60 [60-70 [70-80 | 80-90 No. of 3 2 5 10 5 3 1 1 student A) 26 B) 32 35 DE) 7._Find the mean from the following data) Classinterval_ [10-20 [10-30 [10-40 [1050 [10-60 [10-70 [10-80 | 10-90 Cum frequency | 4 16 56 7 124 137 146 150 A) 4633 B) 32.33 ©) 35.33 D) 394 &_Find the A)M. from the following data) Marks 0-20 0-40 0-60 0-80 0-400 No. of 10 25 ro 80 100 students Ay52 B) 54 O55 D)58 9._Calculate the weighted arithmetic mean of marks from following information Subjects Marks Weight Economics 75 7 ‘Accountancy 80 5

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