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தேசிய வகை தமிழ்ப்பள்ளி போர்ட்டிக்சன்


அரையாண்டுத் தேர்வு 2022

அறிவியல் (தாள்2) - ஆண்டு 5

1 மணி நேரம் / 1 jam

பெயர் / NAMA: வகுப்பு / KELAS:

Section B ( 40 marks)
Answer the Subjective questions

1. Match the function of the main human skeleton correctly.

Function Main skeleton

protect the brain ribs

protect the internal organs skull

supports the body 2. hand and leg bones State

how do
for support and movement backbone these
themselves from enemies.

/ 4 marks

/ 3 marks

Match each phrase to the correct animals.

lay many eggs

incubates its eggs

produce slimy eggs

/ 3 marks


4. Diagram 1 shows an investigation carried out by Azim. Three containers

containing 30ml of water are left under the sunlight for 30 minutes.

Table 1 shows the result of the investigation.

Containers W X Y
Initial volume of water (ml) 30 30 30
Final volume of water (ml) 20 8 0

(a) State one measurement tool used to measure the volume of water in this
investigation. (1 mark)

(b) What is the aim of this investigation? (2marks)


(c) What is the pattern of change in final volume of water in the containers based on the
information in Table 1? (1 mark)

(d) Match the following information with the correct variable in this investigation.

Information Variables
 Manipulated variable
The size of containers
 Responding variable
The final volume of containers 
 Constant variable


(e) What is the hypothesis that can be made based on this investigation ? (2marks)

/8 marks


5. Diagram 1 shows organs and uman skeleton

(a) Name X, Y and Z.(3 marks)

i. X:_____________________________________________
ii. Y: _____________________________________________
iii. Z :_____________________________________________

(b) Match according to the correct function. (3 marks)

i) Protects the lungs and the heart   X

ii) Pumps blood to the whole body   Y

iii) A place of exchange between   Z
oxygen and carbon dioxide

(c) Diagram 2 shows the human blood circulatory system .

(d) Which blood vessels transport blood rich in oxygen and blood rich in carbon
dioxide? (2 marks)
(i) Blood rich in oxygen
(ii) Blood rich in carbon dioxide

(e) Which blood vessels transport pumped blood (2marks)

(i) From the heart
(ii) To the heart
(f) If the blood vessels K and M are blocked , what would happen ? (2 marks)



/ 12 marks

6. (a) The following information shows specific characteristics of an animal to protect
itself from enemies. Match the information to the correct animals. (1 mark)

(b) State the name of other animals that have specific characteristics in Diagram 1 .
(2 marks)

(c) Aira found a millipede at her grandfather’s orchard. When she touches it, the
millipede rolls itself in a circle. Why? (1 mark)


/ 4 marks

7. Diagram below shows a food web.

(a) Give the meaning of : (2 marks)
i) Food chain

ii) Food web


(b) Based on the diagram above, which is the producer? (1 marks)


(c) How many food chains are there in the diagram above? (1 marks)

(d) What would happen if all of the tigers in the area die? ( 2 marks)

/ 6 marks

Prepared by, Verified by, Approved by,

……………………………. (Ms. ................................. .................................

A.Sheela) (Mr.G.Kannan) (Mr.R.Ramasamy)
Subject Teacher Senior Assistant of Curriculum Headmaster

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