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தேசிய வகை தமிழ்பப் ள்ளி போர்ட்டிக்சன்


அரையாண்டுத் தேர்வு 2022

அறிவியல் (தாள்1) - ஆண்டு 5

1 மணி நேரம் / 1 jam

பெயர் / NAMA: வகுப்பு / KELAS:

Instructions:This paper contains 30 questions. Each question is followed by four answer options, A,
B, C and D. For each question, choose one answer only.

1. The information below shows two manipulative skills.

 Using and handling science apparatus correctly.

 Keeping science apparatus and specimen correctly and safely.

Which of the following can be classified in the group?

A. Making observation B. Making Hypothesis

C. Cleaning science apparatus
D. Making inference

2. The diagram 1 shows the tool that should be in the science room.

Why the tool need to be in the science room?

A. To put out the fire from spreading.

B. To make the science room more beautiful.
C. As a source of energy in the absence of burner gas .
D. To produce good air ventilation in the science room
Diagram 1

3. The diagram 2,shows two types of science apparatus.

Diagram 2

What are M and N?

A Retort stand Conical flask
B Magnifying glass Beaker
C Clipper Florence flask
D Bunsen burner Test tube

4. Which of the following behaviour is not suitable to be practiced in the science room?
A. Arrange all the chairs after use.
B. Open the window when enter science room.
C. Do not bring food in the science room.
D. Playing and joking around with friends.

5. What we should do first once we enter the science lab?

A. Run and play inside the science lab.

B. Arrange the chairs and tables.
C. Open the doors and windows.
D. Send the science books to the teacher.

6. Which of the following is not science process skills?

A. Creating
B. Predicting
C. Measuring and using numbers
D. Using space – time relationship

7. Diagram 3, shows an investigation about water heating in two beakers containing

different amount of water.

What is the responding variable in this investigation?

A. The size of beaker

B. The amount of water
C. The time of heating
D. The temperature of water after heating

8. Based on the statement below, what is the scientific skill done by Kishor?

Kishor found that the plant in vase A wilted whereas the plant in
vase B still flourished after a week

A. Making inference
B. Making hypothesis
C. Making observations
D. Making conclusions

9. The statement below is made by Jeevashini for an investigation.

The longer the time of water heated,the higher the temperature of water.

Based on the statement above,what is the science process skills involved?

A. Predicting
B. Classifying
C. Making hypothesis
D. Interpreting data

10. Which animal in diagram 4, look after their young ?

Diagram 4

A. P and R C. P, R and S
B. Q and S D. Q, R and S

11. The diagram 5, shows an animal.

How does this animal ensure the survival of its species?

Diagram 5
A. Breast feeding C. Hides its young in the jungle
B. Carries its young on its body D. Carries its young in its mouth

12. Read the information shown below.

 Sharp spines
 Hard shell
 Sharp horns
When do these animals, use the above characteristics?

A. To ensure the survival of their C. To protect themselves from

species enemies
B. For mating D. To find food

13. Which of the following organisms is matched correctly to its specific characteristic to
protect itself from enemies?

Animal Specific characteristic

A Snail Has a hard shell

B Centipede Curls up its body

C Zebra Has horns

D Praying Mantis Camouflages

14. Diagram 6 , shows a specific behavior of crocodiles,

What is the purpose of this specific behaviour ?

A. Avoid competition

B. To clean its young’s body

C. Ensure the survival of its species

D. Breast feed its young more easily

15. Which of the following is human spine?



16. There are several parts of human body that have joints. What is the function of joints?
A. To support immune system
B. To prevent back pain

C. To support movement of the body
D. To protect the brain

17. Diagram 7, shows the skeleton system of human.


Di agram 7

18. What is the function of the “Blood vessel”?

A. To carry water to all part of body

B. Pump blood to the lungs
C. To support the movements of body
D. Transport blood throughout the body

19. What will happen if a person chokes on food?

A. He will not able to breathe properly

B. He will not able to move properly
C. He will not able to defecate properly
D. He will not able to eat properly

20. Diagram 8, shows a skeletal system of human. P

Which of the following protects the brain?

A. P Q

B. Q
C. R
D. S

21. The following chart shows the pathway of blood rich in oxygen the human body.

Lungs Q Whole body

What is the function of Q ?

A. Removes carbon dioxide

B. Transport oxygen to the whole body
C. Pumps blood rich in oxygen to whole body parts
D. Transports carbon dioxide to the whole body

22. Diagram 9, shows Mukilvarman cycling a bicycle.

What is the function of the tools worn by Mukilvarman?

A. protects skeletal system

B. Protects blood circulatory system
C. Protects digestive system
D. Protects respiratory system

23. Which of the following are matched correctly ?

24. Diagram 10, shows the number of four types of animals in a habitat.
The number of species

grasshopper Snake Lalang


Diagram 10

Based on the bar chart given above, choose the correct construction of the food chain.

A. Snake chicken grasshopper lalang

B. Snake grasshopper chicken lalang
C. Lalang grasshopper chicken snake
D. Lalang chicken snake grasshopper

25. Diagram 11, shows a food chain found in a paddy field.

Paddy Bird Snake Eagle

Diagram 11

Predict which animal will increase in the number if all the snakes were killed.

A. Bird
B. Paddy
C. Eagle
D. Bird and paddy

26. What would happen if the heart stops?

A. Oxygen will accumulate in the body.

B. Blood will flow in another direction.
C. Gases will not reach to the other body parts.
D. Blood vessels will expand.

27. Diagram 12, shows a food chain.Animal Y only eats plant X.

eaten by
Plant X Animal Y

What will happen if plant X extinct ?

A. Animal Y will increase.

B. Animal Y will extinct.
C. Animal Y will migrate.
D. Animal Y will eat other food.

28. Diagram 13, shows two types of animals.

Which statement explains the behaviour of the animals ?

A. Animals take care of their young

B. Animals protect their young
C. Animals feed their young
D. Animals ensure the survival of their species
29. Diagram 14 shows two animals

Diagram 14

What characteristics that these animals have to adapt themselves to the extreme cold
A. Have thick fur and small ears
B. Have small ears and thick layer of fat
C. Have small ears and long tail
D. Have thick layer of fat and long tail

30. Diagram 15 shows a food chain.

Diagram 15

The deer was suffered from diseases and dead in this habitat. Amongst below, which
one is true for the lion to ensure their survival of species?

A Lions eats amongst themselves
B Lions hibernates all the times
C Lions migrates to other places
D Lions eat plants

Subject Teacher Headmaster

Prepared by, Verified by, Approved by,

................................. .................................
(Ms. A.Sheela) (Mr.R.Ramasamy)
Senior Assistant of Curriculum
Subject Teacher



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