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Extrajudicial killing is the act of killing someone without having followed the appropriate legal processes. Around the
world, this topic has generated heated arguments, especially in nations that struggle with high rates of crime and
violence. While some contend that these killings are required to uphold peace and order, others fiercely disagree,
viewing them as a serious breach of fundamental human rights and a direct danger to the notions of justice. Extrajudicial
executions, first and foremost, are in direct opposition to the fundamental tenets of justice and fairness. No of what they
have done, everyone has the right to a fair trial and the chance to present their own defense. Extrajudicial killings deny
victims the opportunity to defend themselves, offer evidence of their innocence, and ask for forgiveness or atonement.

Furthermore, persons in positions of authority frequently use extrajudicial killings to silence critics and exert control.
They routinely violate human rights and undermine the foundations of democratic societies by focusing on political
dissidents, members of marginalized groups, and opponents of the government. Extrajudicial killings also help to keep a
culture of violence and fear alive. When a state approves of the use of unlawful force, it sends a dangerous message that
using violence to get justice is acceptable. This acceptance leads to mob justice, vigilantism, and a general collapse of law
and order in society.

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