L2 - Scientific Methods

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Lecture Two:
Scientific Methods
Research Methods:
An important ‘part’ of science

Think about the bigger picture

Understanding behavior as a “science”
requires both parts (Methods and Stats/Analysis)
Finding common ground can facilitate instruction

Methods Analysis SCIENCE

“Rules” “Data” “Decisions”
Finding Common Ground

Counterbalancing Degrees of freedom

Operational definition Control, causality Significance

Individual Variability, error
Constructs ANOVA
Validity, reliability
Methods Scales of measurement
Hypothesis development Power, effect size

Research ethics Sample size Normal distribution

Methodology Parametric

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• The development of the scientific method is usually credited to Roger
Bacon, a philosopher and scientist from 13th-century England, although
some argue that the Italian scientist Galileo Galilee played an important
role in formulating the scientific method.
• Later contributions to the scientific method were made by the
philosophers Francis Bacon and René Descartes.
• Although some disagreement exists regarding the exact characteristics of
the scientific method, most agree that it is characterized by the following
• Empirical approach
• Observations
• Questions
• Hypotheses
• Experiments
• Analyses
• Conclusions
• Replication
Empirical Approach
• The scientific method is firmly based on the empirical
• Derived from experiment and observation rather than theory
• The empirical approach is an evidence-based approach that
relies on direct observation and experimentation in the
acquisition of new knowledge (see Kazdin, 2003a).
• In the empirical approach, scientific decisions are made based
on the data derived from direct observation and
• The empirical approach, with its emphasis on direct,
systematic, and careful observation, is best thought of as the
guiding principle behind all research conducted in accordance
with the scientific method.
• An important component in any scientific investigation is
• In this sense, observation refers to two distinct concepts—
being aware of the world around us and making careful
• Observations of the world around us often give rise to the
questions that are addressed through scientific research.
– For example, the Newtonian observation that apple
fall from trees stimulated much research into the
effects of gravity.
• Therefore, a keen eye to your surroundings can often provide
you with many ideas for research studies.

• In the context of science, observation means more than just

observing the world around us to get ideas for research.
• Observation also refers to the process of making careful and
accurate measurements, which is a distinguishing feature of
well-conducted scientific investigations.
• When making measurements in the context of research,
scientists typically take great precautions to avoid making
biased observations.
• An important aspect of measurement is an operational definition.
• Researchers define key concepts and terms in the context of their
research studies by using operational definitions.
• By using operational definitions, researchers ensure that everyone
is talking about the same phenomenon.
– For example, if a researcher wants to study the effects
of exercise on stress levels, it would be necessary for
the researcher to define what “exercise” is. Does
exercise refer to jogging, weight lifting, swimming,
jumping rope, or all of the above?
– By defining “exercise” for the purposes of the study,
the researcher makes sure that everyone is referring
to the same thing.
Modes of Collecting Data

Observation, Case Studies,

• Observation differs from most other forms of data collection--
researcher does not manipulate variables or directly question
• The advantages of observation:
– observing natural behavior
– refining hypotheses
– allowing for observation of behavior that cannot be
produced in an artificial environment for ethical or practical
• The disadvantages of observation:
– studies do not produce quantitative data
– do not allow for cause and effect statements
– may be very time consuming
– can be prone to researcher bias.
Case Studies
• Case studies allow for the development of novel hypotheses
– provide detailed descriptions of rare events
– explore the intricacies of existing theories of causation.
• Case studies cannot directly indicate cause and effect
relationships or test hypotheses
– findings from case studies cannot be generalized to a
wider population.
• Famous case studies, like that of Phineas Gage, and
researchers using case studies, like Jean Piaget, have helped
establish entire fields of psychology.
– Phineas Gage helped researchers understand the
relationship between brain areas and personality
– Piaget developed a model of development based on his
Surveys and Interviews
• The survey method of data collection is likely the most common of the research
• The benefits of this method include low cost, large sample size, and efficiency.
• The major problem with this method is accuracy: since surveys depend on
subjects' motivation, honesty, memory, and ability to respond, they are very
susceptible to bias.
– You CAN and MUST combat bias in a number of ways
• Power analysis
• Language
• Incentive
• Transparency
• Sampling methods
• A researcher must have a strong understanding of how to properly frame survey
questions in order to gather reliable and relevant information.
– Psychological measurement is its own discipline--- reliable measures are
– Reliability AND validity
• After getting a research idea, perhaps from making
observations of the world around us, the next step in the
research process involves translating that research idea into
an answerable question.
• The term “answerable” is particularly important in this
respect, and it should not be overlooked.
• would obviously be a frustrating and ultimately unrewarding
endeavor to attempt to answer an unanswerable research
question through scientific investigation.
– “Is there an exact replica of me in another
• A proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations
• A tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not
yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or
phenomena "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental
testing becomes a scientific theory"
• The next step in the scientific method is coming up with a
hypothesis, which is simply an educated—and testable—guess
about the answer to your research question.
• A key feature of all hypotheses is that each must make a
• These predictions are then tested by gathering and analyzing
data, and
• the hypotheses can either be supported or refuted (falsified)
on the basis of the data.
Setting up your Hypothesis
• Independent variable
– The first domino to fall
• Dependent variable
– Is related to or “caused” by the Independent
• “If, then” wording helps to identify these variables
• Use the term “cause” RARELY (only in experiments)
• Confounding variables (IMPORTANT TO KEEP IN MIND!)
– Think of the phrase “above and beyond”
– It’s like preparing yourself in advance for criticism
of others
• Example… physician racism and # of doctor’s visits
• After articulating the hypothesis, the next step involves
actually conducting the experiment (or research study).
– For example, if the study involves investigating the
effects of exercise on levels of cholesterol, the
researcher would design and conduct a study that
would attempt to address that question.
– a key aspect of conducting a research study is
measuring the phenomenon of interest in an
accurate and reliable manner
• After conducting the study and gathering the data, the next
step involves analyzing the data, which generally calls for the
use of statistical techniques.
• The type of statistical techniques used by a researcher depends
on the design of the study, the type of data being gathered, and
the questions being asked.
• Although a detailed discussion of statistics is beyond the scope
of this course, it is important to be aware of the role of
statistics in conducting a research study.
• In short, statistics help researchers minimize the likelihood of
reaching an erroneous conclusion about the relationship
between the variables being studied.

• A key decision that researchers must make with the assistance

of statistics is whether the null hypothesis should be rejected.
• The null hypothesis always predicts that there will be no
difference between the groups.
• Therefore, rejecting the null hypothesis means that there is a
difference between the groups.
• In general, most researchers seek to reject the null hypothesis
because rejection means the phenomenon being studied had
some effect.
– Eg. exercise-cholesterol
• After analyzing the data and determining whether to reject the
null hypothesis, the researcher is now in a position to draw
some conclusions about the results of the study.
• For example, if the researcher rejected the null hypothesis, the
researcher can conclude that the phenomenon being studied
had an effect—a statistically significant effect, to be more
• It is important that researchers make only those conclusions
that can be supported by the data analyses.
• Going beyond the data is a cardinal sin that researchers must
be careful to avoid.
• Replication essentially means conducting the same research
study a second time to see whether the same results are
• The same researcher may attempt to replicate previously
obtained results, or perhaps other researchers may undertake
that task.
• Replication illustrates an important point about scientific
research—namely, that researchers should avoid drawing
broad conclusions based on the results of a single research
study because it is always possible that the results of that
particular study were an aberration [A state or condition
markedly different from the norm].
• In other words, it is possible that the results of the research
study were obtained by chance or error and, therefore, that the
results may not accurately represent the actual state of things.
• The importance of replication in research cannot be overstated.
• Replication serves several integral purposes, including
establishing the reliability (i.e., consistency) of the research
study’s findings and determining whether the same results can
be obtained with a different group of participants.
• This last point refers to whether the results of the original
study are generalizable to other groups of research
• If the results of a study are replicated, the researchers—and the
field in which the researchers work—can have greater
confidence in the reliability and generalizability of the original
• The question asked is either “basic” or
• “Try again…” NEVER with the same data set
– *data mining*
• Literature review is ESSENTIAL
– It’s the “educated” piece of an “educated
• Data can be analyzed in a NUMBER of ways
– The type of analysis MUST be determined
before the research is conducted
• Results are to be interpreted in the context of
previous literature
• If you are ADDING something to the existing
conversation, you PUBLISH results
(regardless of hypothesis correctness)

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