L3 - Detailed Lesson Plan

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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

 identify the properties of a well-written text;

 revise faulty and weak paragraphs; and
 create an essay using the properties of a well-written text.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Properties of a Well-Written Text


 Jose & Larioque, 2016. Reading and Writing Skills. Books Atbp.
Publishing Corp
 Basilan, 2017. Reading and Writing Skills. Unlimited Books
Library Services & Publishing Inc.
 Lesson 6: Properties of a Well Written Text | Reading and
Writing. (n.d.). Www.youtube.com.

Materials: Desktop computer and PowerPoint Presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Classroom Management


- Before we proceed to our - Let’s bow our head and feel the
discussion, let us first have a presence of our Lord. (prayer)
prayer. _______ will you please
lead the prayer.

- Good morning class! - Good morning, Ma’am.

B. Review

- Review of the previous

discussion about the Patterns of
- Do you still remember what we - Yes Ma’am
have discussed last week?

- What is a paragraph or essay that - Ma’am, it’s Exemplification.

makes a point about a topic by
providing examples to support it?

- Very good.

- How about the two ways in - Ma’am, it’s Point by Point & Block
writing a comparison and contrast paragraph.

- Good job. (The teacher briefly

summarizes the eight patterns of
development.) It seems that you
are well-mastered on our
previous lesson. Because of that
let us move on to our next topic.

C. Lesson Proper

a. Activity

“Guess the Gibberish Words”

 The teacher will provide gibberish
words wherein students will
guess the word to identify every
property of a well-written text.

- Do you have any questions? - None, Ma’am.

b. Abstraction

Knowing the properties of a well-

written text is very important in writing a
poem because it organizes ideas and
help the reader to really understand the
text. A well-written text has four
properties such as organization,
coherence and cohesion, language used
and mechanics.
Organization is the arrangement of
ideas in a text.

A well-written text should possess

the property of being organized. In
order to attain organization, the flow
of the ideas must be logically and
accurately arranged. The first
sentence should be concatenated to
the succeeding sentences. In writing
a text, we can use either deductive or
inductive style to present the ideas
properly. Deductive style of writing
starts from general to specific. On the
contrary, inductive style of writing
begins from specific to broad ideas.
(The students listen attentively)
How can we say that a text is well-

 Physical Format – it is how the

text physically appears.
 Signal Words – a cue in ordering
of events and concepts.
 Structure – it is the complete
framework of the text.

Example of text without organization:

“Thomas Edison was simply the

one who created the first
commercially viable light bulb. What
made Edison’s light bulb successful
was his use of carbonized bamboo
as the filament. This made the bulb
lasts longer and it was cheap enough
to be available for the masses. He
only improved on previous works of
inventors who also worked on the
same project.”

Example text with organization:

“Although it is widely believed

that Thomas Edison invented in the
light bulb, in reality, he was simply
the one who created the first
commercially viable light bulb. Along
with his team, Edison improved the
previous works of inventors who also
worked on the same project.
Compared to previous version, what
made his light bulb successful was
his use of carbonized bamboo as the
filament. This made the bulb lasts
longer and it was cheap enough to
be available for the masses.” (The students listen attentively)


Coherence is the relationship of
ideas between sentences.
Cohesion is the grammatical
and lexical relationship
between different elements of a
text which hold it together.
To achieved this property, the
ideas should be logically, clearly, and
smoothly linked to one another. The
concepts of coherence and cohesion
are interrelated to each other but they
have distinct functions and uses.
Coherence occurs when ideas are
connected at the conceptual level
while Cohesion is the connection of
ideas at sentence level. Also,
coherence is the quality of being
logical, clearly organized, not
rumbling or confusing and cohesion
is the connection or relation of idea
which make them unified and


"I am a doctor. A doctor works in the

hospital. A hospital is a place where
patients go. The patient is a person
who is sick. Sick is an adjective."

Ways of Ordering Ideas to Achieve

Coherence (Cali, K”Learn NC)

1. Spatial order. Words used in

(The students listen attentively)
descriptive writing to signal spatial
relationships, such as above, below,
beside. nearby, beyond, inside, and

2. Time order. Words used in writing

narratives, and instructions to signal
chronological sequence, such as
before, after, first, next, then, when,
finally, while, as, during, earlier, later,
and meanwhile.

3. Numerical order. Words used in

expository writing to signal order of
importance, such as first, second,
also, finally, in addition, equally
important, and more or less

4. Cause/effect order. Words used in

expository writing to signal causal
relationships such as because, since,
for, so, as a result, consequently,
thus and hence.

5. Comparison/contrast order. Words

used in expository writing to signal
similarities and differences, such as
(for similarities) also, additionally, just
as, as if, as though, like and similarly;
and (for differences) but, yet, only,
although, whereas, in contrast,
conversely, however, on the other
hand, rather, instead, in spite of, and

6. General/specific order. Words

used in descriptive reports and
arguments to signal more specific
elaboration on an idea, such as for
example, such as like, namely, for
instance, that is, in fact, in other (The students listen attentively)
words, and indeed.


Using proper language is one of
the clearest indicators and sign of a
well-written text. This enables the
author and the writer to communicate
more to the readers. This helps the
readers to understand the text with
confusion of what is the meaning of
that word in a text.

There are different characteristics

of a language use that we need to
remember such as: the language
should be concrete and specific that
includes effective descriptions which
creates tangible image and objects
that the readers can visualize; the
language should be concise not
verbose which express the desire
message in just a few as possible;
the language should be familiar not
obscure for the reader to easily
understand the message of the text;
lastly, the use of language should
match with the situations presented
in the text.

Examples of concise not verbose:

Expletive: It was her last argument

that finally persuaded me.

Correction: Her last argument finally

persuaded me.

Expletive: There are likely to be many

researches raising questions about (The students listen attentively)
this methodological approach.

Correction: Many researchers are

likely to raise questions about this
methodological approach.

Expletive: It is inevitable that oil

prices will rise.

Correction: Oil prices will inevitably


Examples of familiar not obscure:

“The presently assigned paper

necessitates eloquently articulated
analysis of the Existentialist
perspective as it pertains to
contemporary living. You should
adumbrate the points which
represent the sine qua non of your
In the example, the author used
unfamiliar words in presenting his
idea. As a result, the readers had a
hard time to understand the meaning
of the text.

Mechanics is the last property of
a well-written text that deals with the
technical aspect of writing. In this
property, the writer should focus on
the correct spelling, abbreviations,
punctuations, and capitalizing a

In writing academic and formal texts,

the following should be observed:
(The students listen attentively)
a. Always use Standard English
b. Avoid using contractions (e.g.,
shouldn’t - must be ‘should not’).

 Incorrect: Don’t press the

Escape key.
 Correct: Do not press the
Escape key
c. Avoid using exclamation marks
unless they are part of a direct

 Incorrect: Configure the

system manually!
 Correct: Configure the system
d. Always put the whole name of an
abbreviation in the first mention.
Thereafter, use the abbreviation.

 U.S. for United States

 no. for number
e. Numbers from zero to ten should
be spelled and the rest should be
written as figures.

 Common units of time,

greater than one second, from
zero through nine: five
minutes, three days
 The zeroes in extreme values,
such as “million” and “billion,”
but precede these words with
a numeral, 3 million
instructions per second.

c. Application

- The teacher will present a sample

text in which students will (The students will actively participate)
determine the errors of it. Also,
students will try to re-write and
make correction out of it.

D. Evaluation

The following paragraphs are not well-written. Use the “Properties of a Well-Written
Text” as a guide and find the errors. Make corrections and rewrite the paragraph.

1. It is a fact that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. Statistics show

that in states with capital punishment, murder rates are the same or almost
the same in states without capital punishment. It is also true that it is more
expensive to put a person on death row than in life imprisonment because of
the costs of maximum security. Unfortunately, capital punishment has been
used unjustly. Statistics show that every execution is of a man and that nine
out of ten are black. So prejudice shows right through.
2. Sunday is my favorite day of the week. I like it because on Sunday, I watch
football. On other days, I also get to watch football but not all day. There are
other sports on other days to watch on TV. Sunday lunch is a favorite of mine
because I eat with my father in front of the TV. All other days, I have to eat at
the table which is less fun. Some days my dad doesn’t make it home from
work until after I’m in bed. Some weeks my dad travels, and I don’t see him
for several days. The highlight of the day is when we watch the Dolphins play.
Dad and I get so excited, we yell and cheer together. The thing that I like to
do best in the world is watch TV with my dad.
3. In Alice Walker’s “To Hell with Dying,” Mr. Sweet was a good companion for
the narrator and her siblings. Mr. Sweet always made the narrator feel
special. She loved to be around him and was overjoyed whenever he would
visit her. Mr. Sweet played with the children just as if he were a child himself.
Mr. Sweet also displayed a great deal of respect for the narrator and her
family. Even though his alcoholism

E. Assignment

Directions: Using the properties of a well-written text, write a short well-written

paragraph about your favorite song. Your essay will be graded using a rubric.

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
There is one There is one There is one The topic and
clear, well- clear, well- topic. Main ideas main ideas are
Focus & focused topic. focused topic. are somewhat not clear.
Details Main ideas Main ideas are clear.
are clear and clear but are not
are well well supported
supported by by detailed
detailed and information.
The The introduction The introduction There is no clear
introduction is states the main states the main introduction,
Organization inviting, states topic and topic. A structure, or
the main provides an conclusion is conclusion.
topic, and overview of the included.
provides an paper. A
overview of conclusion is
the paper. included.
Information is
relevant and
presented in a
logical order.
conclusion is
The author’s The author’s The author’s The author’s
purpose of purpose of purpose of purpose of
writing is very writing is writing is writing is
clear, and somewhat clear, somewhat clear, unclear.
there is strong and there is and there is
evidence of some evidence evidence of
attention to of attention to attention to
audience. The audience. The audience. The
author’s author’s author’s
Voice extensive knowledge knowledge
knowledge and/or and/or
and/or experience with experience with
experience the topic is/are the topic is/are
with the topic evident. limited.
is/are evident.
The author The author uses The author uses The writer uses
uses vivid vivid words and words that a limited
words and phrases. The communicate vocabulary.
phrases. The choice and clearly, but the Jargon or
Word Choice choice and placement of writing lacks clichés may be
placement of words is variety. present and
words seems inaccurate at detract from the
accurate, times and/or meaning.
natural, and seems
not forced. overdone.
All sentences Most sentences Most sentences Sentences
are well are well- are well sound awkward,
constructed constructed and constructed, but are distractingly
and have have varied they have a repetitive, or are
varied structure and similar structure difficult to
structure and length. The and/or length. understand. The
length. The author makes a The author author makes
author makes few errors in makes several numerous errors
no errors in grammar, errors in in grammar,
Mechanics, &
grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics,
mechanics, and/or spelling, mechanics, and/or spelling
and/or but they do not and/or spelling that interfere
spelling. interfere with that interfere with
understanding with understanding.

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