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UNIT TEST 1 - MAY 2021

Class: XII Duration: 1½ Hrs.
Date: 04/05/2021 Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:

This question paper contains 17 questions.

 Marks are indicated against each question
 Answers to the questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50 to 75 words.
 Answers to the questions carrying 4 marks may be about 150 words.
 Answers to the questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.
1. Tamanna has two kids-Yash and Yashika, studying in different schools. On (1)
comparing the two schools, Tamanna realizes that the management of Yash’s
school is better in many ways, like the syllabus for each term is completed
well in advance, the results for the weekly exams are given on time, the
teachers seem to be more joyful and contented and so on.
Identify the feature of management.
(a)Management is a group activity
(b)Management is all pervasive
(c)Management is a goal oriented process
(d)Management is an intangible force

2. Razia and Ria are the team members of Kanha who works as a team leader in an (1)
IT company. Kanha observes that both Razia and Ria are in constant conflict with
each other due to their personal prejudices. Many a times, this conflict between
them influences their work performance adversely. Kanha always resolves such
situations by emphasizing on the principle of primacy of organizational goals over
individual interests.
Identify the related feature of principles of management described in the given

3. Sachin, the director of Apex engaged in manufacturing furniture. He (1)

decided to keep one-third seats reserved for specially disadvantaged section
of society. Which objective of management is mentioned in the above case?
(a) Economic objective
(b) Social objective
(c) Organisational objective
(d) Personal objective

4. Identify the feature of management as a science when the principles are based (1)
on cause and effect relationship.

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(a) Based on practice and creativity
(b) Universal validity
(c) Systematised body of knowledge
(d) Based on existence of theoretical knowledge

5. Identify the feature of management depicted by the image given here (1)
(a)Management is a group activity
(b)Management is goal oriented
(c)Management is pervasive
(d)Management is dynamic

6. The style of singing of Arijit Singh and Honey Singh are different to each (1)
other, however they acquired same knowledge of ragas. Identify the feature
of art discussed above.
(a) Based on practice and creativity
(b) Universal validity
(c) Existence of theoretical knowledge
(d) Personalised application

7. Beta Ltd. manufacturer’s files and folders from old clothes to discourage the (1)
use of plastic files and folders. For this, they employ people from nearby
villages where very less job opportunities are available. An employee, Satish,
designed a plan for cost reduction but it was not welcomed by the production
manager. Another employee gave some suggestions for improvements in
design, but the production manager did not appreciate it.
Which principle of management is violated in the above paragraph?

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8. Which of the following statements is true with reference to principles of (1)
(a)The principles of management have evolved
(b)The principles of management are in the continuous process of evolution
(c)The principles of management are yet to be evolved
(d)None of the above

9. Tina works in an export house, where maximum emphasis is placed on (1)

cutting down of cost. The company employs less labour to keep the cost of
production low. As a result, the export house has to bear huge losses
sometimes due to delay in completion of an export order.
Identify the concept of management being ignored by the export house.

10. Match the following on the basis of the meaning of: (1)
(a) Formal lines of authority from highest to lowest (i) Decentralization
(b)Systematic dispersal of decision making authority (ii) Division of work
(iii) Scalar Chain
(iv) Centralisation

11. State the objective of time study, method study and fatigue study. (3)

12. “Successful organisations do not achieve their goals by chance but by (3)
following a deliberate process”.
Do you agree with this statement? State the process mentioned in the

13. “These managers are subordinate to top managers and superior to the first (4)
line managers”.
Identify the level of management given in the above statement and state any
three functions of the level of management identified.

14. State any four significance of principles of management. (4)

15. Neema and Vinu are working in the same organisation. They perform similar (4)
jobs and have similar experience. However, they are paid salaries at different
Which principle of management is violated in the above paragraph? Explain
the principle of management violated.

16. Explain the importance of coordination in an organisation. (6)

17. Sakaar Foundation is an NGO (Non- Governmental Organization) working to (6)

improve the lives of children with medical needs, the homeless and victims of
natural disasters. Apart from donations in cash, they collect dry ration, old
clothes, shoes, toys, books, medicines etc. from donors. At Sakaar
Foundation,’s office in Lucknow the material collected is segregated, classified
and put in shelves and boxes that are labelled systematically. There is a

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specific place for each of these items and volunteers put everything at their
respective places. The volunteer work is divided into specific jobs like fund
raising, field visits, and social media updates and so on. Each volunteer is
part of a particular team, depending on their competency and training. Each
volunteer becomes specialized in his or her respective field, leading to efficient
utilization of human effort. The management of Sakaar Foundation does not
close its ears to any constructive suggestions made by the volunteers. There
is an equal division of work and responsibility between volunteers and
management. All the daylong the management work side by side the
volunteers helping, encouraging and smoothing the way for them.
By quoting the lines, identify and explain one principle of ‘Scientific
Management’ and two principles of ‘General Management’ adopted by Sakaar


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