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Bm@ee1 ee ——— WW#RLD FOOD INDIA VAOYKS 3°10 5" November | Processing for Prosperity Venue: Pragati Maidan, New Dethi PMG SAC er me eles PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR INDUSTRY POLICY ROUNDTABLES B2B/B2G/G2G MEETINGS EXHIBITIONS FOOD STREET THEMATIC SESSIONS vVvVvVY VV Vv STARTUP AWARDS Gea melon EY www, rb —— WORLD FOOD INDIA 2023 The Indian food processing sector has grown rapidly with an ‘average annual growth rate of 83 percent inthe last five years, The sector facilitates strong linkages between industry anc the agriculture sector through a wide range of activities, including farming, aggregation, processing, packaging, storage, and distriaution. The sector has alsa witnessed immense surge of ‘opportunities in its champion sectors lke frozen food, ready to ‘at/readtocookproducts, millets/nuti-cereals et. Recognising the potential of food processing sector in ‘transforming India as the food basket of the world the Ministry ‘of Foad Processing Industries, Government of Inéla has adopted ‘measures to channelise investments in food processing sub- ‘segments. This includes backward linkages, faod processing ae SL ————_— equipment, processing related RAD, cold chain storage solutions, start-ups, logistic & retall chains, encompassing the entire food processing value chain. \With the objective of introducing the worid to rich Indian food culture as well as promoting investments in the diverse food processing sector of the country, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries launched the first edition of World Food India in 207. In view of celebrating 023 asthe International Year ‘of Milets and to bring global facd processing industry tagether, the Ministry is organising the second edition 'Werid Food Incia 2023'from 3-5 November 2023 a Pragatl Maidan, NowDelh INDIA as Food Basket of the World iS) ny ©. Q, £ 6 ® @ En po Prose peter Sener Why visit WFI 2023 Who should attend + 828, B2G & 626 Meetings A + Showeasing India's State Pavilions : + International Country Pavillone + Exclusive CEO Roundtables Industry Roundtables with Policy Makers State & Country Sessions + Startup Awards & incubation Celts + Food Street for exclusively curated food experiences: + Food Startups & Innovators + Equipment Manufacturers & + Exporters and importers of Solution Providers Food Products + Food Packaging, Colé Chain + Ingredient Manufacturers & Logistics companies + Government + Investors, Private Equity Representatives & Firms & Venture Capitalists Delegates. Financial Institutions + Forsign Missions Abroad & + Trade & Media Partners Embassies Focused Kay Pillars of World Food India 2023 Poca ery Seager) Cars rr a Tey Sey eee SOE) Po) Prec) Cea Peers Peas a) space cory Prometion Peete Piso Penny poetry ead peer Branding on Poetic Ee ent rents icone eer faeces pee Sponsorship Opportunity Matrix "NR 100,00,000/- “INR 7500000 “In 5000 900 PLATINUM PARTNER | DIAMOND PARTNER Ets Beau ‘in 25,00 000/- ‘he Name/Loge ofthe ‘Company wil sppeer prominent on fling romotera ublity materia + Males fervaitor promotion + Hoarsings Branding at Event verve + Stage. backs & erty setocate ‘Tho Name/Loge af the Company wit appear prominently on flowing Promationa & publicty materi: + Malet for vistor promotion + Hoarangs Branding at Event venue + Stage tacos ety esate The Namo/Logo ofthe Company wil sp32ar prominent an follwing promstona 8 publllty materia: + Maiers for visitor promotion + Hoardings J Branding at Event verve + Stage bakers entry getossle. ‘he Nara/Log af the Company wil sppeer srominnty on falling Bromotionat | publi materia + Mailer or vstor promotion + Hoarcings Branding at Event verve + Stagg. backetops & ety ‘locate ‘he Partner Company shal, Deprovdea a 15080 complimentary ra indoor space ‘he Partner Company sal, ‘be pended 9689 m complimentary raw indoor space The Partner Company shall, be provided 3 60 sqm, complimentary aw indoor spece The Parin Company shall, bo prouded a 369 m, ‘complimentary aw indoor space ‘navguralsosioninues for ‘novgural sogsion nutes for navgura sesionInatas for (Ckdana eines ‘kang others (kD end others (xO end Tether Speciatroserad VIP seating | Spocialoserved iP soating | Speciaresorved VP seating | Spocatresorv VP seating ‘uring inaugural ana {ung nsugura ana ‘ung neugural and duenginacgural ana Valetctary Sessions Vatetctory Sessions Valectory Sessions Vletory Sesions Yes, slang wih ideo byte ot Yes Yes Yes x6 Opportunity topartcpate as, ‘speaker ata Sactorat Seminar Opportunity topartepate as speaker ata Sectors Seminar ‘Allrocoptins and wnches rostea pertaining othe ‘vent wt have the sponsoring company’s name and logo eeplayed onthe Backarons, ‘Aroceptions and wnchos hosted pertaining athe vent wit have the sponsoring company’s ame aralege dsplayedn the Backatoos ‘Aroceptions and unchos hosted aertaning tthe trent wi ave the Sponsocig eomaanys name and ogo asplayedon the Backerope Alrezgotions and unchos hosted pertaining tine vent vl have ne Sponsor companys name fad iogo displayed on tne Backstops Partnr Comaany wi bo ‘ven pasos ar ferent ‘oremonil funtion 253 emibion, Partner Company willbe ‘ven passes or ferent oremonil functions and eovien Partner Company willbe (ven pases for ferent oremonil functions ang tinotion Partnar Company wide (ven passes for ferent oremonat fnetions and ‘rho, erporate ogo hypertnk to the coraoratewobs too be Featured on Event website. Corporate ogo hypertink to the corporate webstto Be Teatureden Event wobste Corporat ogo hypernk to ‘Pe corporate webiteto Be featured on event website Corporate loge hypetink to the corporate website tobe featured on Event weoste Logo in Thank youPartner panel to boincorporatod at ‘orousevatonsin venue {aga in Thank you Partner™ afl fo bo Incorporatod at ‘oro eeatonein venue Logo in Thank you Partner? panel tobe incorporated at ‘rare lecatoneim venue Logo in Thank you Partner panel obo incorporate varus locatone nvanue + One Double Spread Colour Sdverieament invert Cataogve + Partner Company sretio tobeincorported nthe Event Catalog = ThankYou Partner acknowledgement on Event Catalogue + One Colour aaverssement Invent Catalogue, + Parner Company aotle te belncorpratodin the Even: Catalogue + ThankYou Partner acknowledgement on Event Cataiogve + One Colour advertisement Invent Catalogue + Partner Compary protte tobe incorperatedin tho Event Caraogve + Tank You Parner acknowledgement on Event Catalogue + One Colour advertisement Invent Catalogue + Partner Company profile toa incorporatedin the vent Catalogve + "Thank You Parner acknowledgement on Event Catalogue 7” 6 a» r a } OTHER SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES EVENING/ NETWORKING DINNER GES (INO) ‘+ ThePartner Company shall be provided 236 9. m. ‘of trade associations (eacng industry players, orelgn detegates complimentary raw indoor space ate vonve, ‘te, fom naa Abroad + Logos tthe partner company wil beincarporatedon thestage + _Acknawedgoment onthe Partners Page ofthe event website backdrops, hall facia, dlplayes oirty win the gos ofthe wth name and logo ofthe sponsor organizers + One Colour advertisement in Event Dkecton, ‘+ Lago in Thank You Parner backaop to be incorporated at ‘lous locations in venue + TheDinner wil behostedon one ofthe even days ata suitable venue during Wor Food naa 2023" The total number f invitees willbe approximately 20, which include Gov fficas members ne Gens (Qty 20,000 Units) (INO) ‘+ ThePartner Company sal be provided 8 36 9.m.complmentary + One Colour advertisement in Event Directoy. Sw indoor pace at tha venun. + Delegate Kt Bag wil be dstibuted to V's, Mosla & registered + TheParnas ogo wilbe exclusively esplayedon te Delegate Kt Bag, cetegates atthe event + Patners carat taste tobenlued the Delage Ki Bag + Logo in Thank You Parner panel 0 be incorporates at various {Fryer tobe provided by the Partner company) locations nvenve Eau eo oo ‘+ ThePartner Company shal be provided 36 9.mcomplimentery + One Colour advertisement in Event Directoy. Serer ea + Logo n Thank You Parner panel oe incorporates at various ‘+ Partner Company's name anc logo shall be printed on VIPs’ locetans mvenve Fantors/De.egates Miso badges. BEuonwnd 70 (Qty 4,000 units) i) ‘+ ThePartner Company sal be rovded @ 6 s,m. complimentary + Onepage rte uponthe sponsoring company ntheEent Decry rawvindoor pace a the venue + ne Fu Page colour advertisement inthe Event Diactory + Thispublleation shal serve the purpose ofan encyciopedia onthe | Eyent Drectory wil be sent tal incusta esociton ithe event fre vistors ‘ils of Food processing allog eqlpment &macnneros + ThePariner logo will appear srominenty onthe front cover af he ‘manufacturers doiomate missions me efter the avant, publeation + Logo in Thank You Parner backarop tbe Incorporated at valous locations at he venue Niu Ers0k a [oo ‘+ ThePartner Company sal te provided 6 a.m. complimentary + Lagoshallbelncorported onthe ParnesPagecn evento wi raw indoor space atthe venue. betrvadso the Patter companys webste + Partner Company'logo salle pnted onthe enyards ofall the + _ One Full Page Aaversementin the Event Drectory. partcrpanteincaing VPs, Exitos, Delegates, Media, ‘Logo in Thank You Parner backdrop to be Incorporated at Orgenize varlous locations at ne venue aes Gane (1No) + Aunique way to give VIP status to your logo, ‘the lounge and onthe protocol desk stusted inside, + The Partner Company shal be provides an 18 sq.m, + Video content provided by the Partner shall be played back on coplimentary Indoor shell space at the venue tho LED TVin the lounge + This willbe an exclusive lounge to wolcome and entertain + One Full page advertisement in Event Oiectory Industralists trade delegates, cplomats bureaucrats nd. Logon Thank Yau Partner” backdrop tobe incorgorated at ministers & oficiasof countries & states, ee eer + Partner Company og0 wil appear outside the entrance of FAIR GUIDE Garr na (1No} “+ ThePartner Company shalibe provided 18 sqm. complimentary + One colour advertisement willbe placed onthe back cover ef the Indoor shalt sace at the venue. Far Guo. “+The uid shall be distribved tall the vistors atthe fai groune + Logo inhank You Partner backdrop tobe incorporates at at the time of egsvation, varous locations at th vance. ‘+ ThoPartner Company's log shall appear on the font cover ofthe ude Pes enn Ina Coy “+ ThePartner Company shal be provided 2 36 a.m. complimentary = Gusness delegates anders ibe repeteedat ese counters. Faw indoor space atthe venue. + Logo in “Thank you Partner parkdro to ba incorporated at + Partnrs ogo will appear on the repstration panos atthe varlous locations in venue. envanes Coes EITa Ey “Mama & Logo ofthe Partner wilbe splayed in anyone the Golf = —Loga n“Thank you Partner nackdrop to ba incorporate at Carts atthe von to transport IPs and Dotogatoe. varlous locations at the varus. + One full-page colour advertisement in tho Event Catalogue “estas appicbie «| enanentmee dgpstiggier ee tonne & | speapemunns cor mretenensteancoretce | opetatzecaorseersnant B. Branding OpportuniticS [Sno | eardnsosoruntes | tonrarer ‘Bank F tobe acknowledged as "Banking Patna and logo to a | Gaemeaamaie be eiplayed as "Banking Partner” on Event webste ea Disaayof Banking Parner loge on backdrops banners 2, | Pre-event Branding hoardings, sremotonal material and publications. 7 Display of Banking Partners logo on panels placed at varlous oeatons at ne venue Display af Banking Parner'loge In are-conference backdrop land main conference vance 4, | Centorence Venue Brancing 5, | Exhibtion Hal & Conterence Hal Branding Display of Banking Partner log in sigrages & brandngs at the venue ‘Banking Patna’ logo (obo acknowiodged in Se eerie “hark You Saonso" pane at prominent locations C. Web Engager ert s mmm Se (ae eared ‘Content tebe provided by th Banking Patna. en ee Organised by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India, WFl 2017 witnessed the largest gathering of investors, manufactures, producers, food processors, policy makers, and organisations from the global food ecosystem. The event was inaugurated by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Sh, Narendra Medi on 3° November 2017 at New Dethi. Germany, Denmark and Japan were Partner Countries white Italy and Netherlands were the Focus Countries. Alively and vibrant Food Street’ showcased Indian and foreign cuisines using Indian ingredients, flavours and fragrances - the unique concept acted asa platform for quests to experience Indian food. Ci Mr. Jitendra Kumar Director YF P| em vert-toosintiaesovin & om 698667 = oemanenoe — @WorldFood India @WorldFood_India P @WorléFood india @ @worldfood India © @WorldFood India © @WorldFood India Invest india National Investment Promotion & Facilitation Agency va INVEST INDIA 1 fooaprocessing@investinglaorgin & 011-23048155 ¥ Investindia/companyiinvest-india_& wwwwinvestindia.gowin For Sponsorship & Participation queries: For Exhibition Participation Queries: For Exhibition Participation Queries: e Mr. Abhinav Singh Mr. Kunal Chaudhary Mr. Apoory Bhatnagar FICCI tiez0 Food Processing & CT Deputy Director rererescware) Deputy Director tert seat 1m abhinavsingh@iccicom f= kunaLchaudhary@riecicom w apoordhatnagar@fizcicom +91-98107 40351 1 491-9650282468 © +91-989146 49.9 ail

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