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Digital Composting Assignments

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Digital Composting Assignments

Table of Contents

S# Session Page No.

1. Getting Started with Adobe After Effects CC 2015 3
2. Adding Various Digital Assets to Composition and Previewing
the Composition
3. Creating Animation Effects 5
4. Advanced Editing Techniques 6
5. Text Animation and Animation Effects 7
6. 3D in After Effects, Previewing, and Rendering Output 8

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Digital Composting Assignments

Getting Started with Adobe After Effects CC 2015

Task 1
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Create an Adobe-ID in and install a trial version of Adobe After Effects CC

Task 2
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Customize the workspace, so that the following panels are docked as per your wish:

 Project Panel
 Composition Panel
 Grouped Panel
 Preview Panel
 Timeline Panel

Conduct a detailed report on all the available buttons/options in the following bar/panel:

 Menu Bar
 Tool Bar
 Viewer Panel
 Project Panel
 Composition Panel

Task 3
Estimated Time: 2 hours
 Create a blank project named ‘sample-pro’ and save it to a favorite location.
 Close the project.
 Open the project named ‘sample-pro’ and close it again.


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Digital Composting Assignments

Adding Various Digital Assets to Composition and

Previewing the Composition
Task 1
Estimated Time: 2 hours
Make a collection of some videos, pictures, and audio file related to a single topic of your
interest such as favorite sport, favorite personality, incidents, and do the following:
 Open the project created during first session and import some images, videos, and
audio file to it.
 Interpret the various digital assets and make a comparison chart of all its properties.

Task 2
Estimated Time: 2 hours
 Create two layers, add some images to the first, and audio to the next.
 Take a snapshot of the video and add some Region of Interest on it.
 Preview the composition.


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Digital Composting Assignments

Creating Animation Effects

Task 1
Estimated Time: 2 hours
Create an animation that provides the following effect:
 Import five images and arrange them in Layers so that each will be displayed for 5
seconds each
 Image01 must be visible only after 3 seconds from the start of preview

 Image02 must have an increasing opacity values that is 5% at the 0th sec of start
time to 100% at start+5 sec

 Image03 must be appear at left top corner and move to left bottom of the corner of
the screen
 Image04 must rotate from 5 degree at time of appearance to 45 degree at

 Image05 must have a blur effect of 25%

Task 2
Estimated Time: 2 hours
Import an image that contains a front angle view of a wide road and another vector
graphics image of a cartoon character (of your interest) into a new project. Create the
following animation effect using puppet tools:

 Position the cartoon character so that it looks like standing on the road
 Place Deform pins on the cartoon character
 Place Starch pins on the cartoon so that parts apart from its hand are made rigid
 In case if the hand lies on any body part of the character, add sufficient Overlap pins
so that only the hand is animated
 Extend the hand in several keyframes in various levels
 Add animation effect so that the image containing the road appear first and the image
containing cartoon character appears after 5 seconds
 Preview the two images and view the entire animation of the character extending its
hand towards some object on the road

Task 3
Estimated Time: 2 hours
Import any video and create a movie with following time-based effect:
 Some portion of the video must be stretched to 20% of existing time.
 Some portion of the video will freeze without changing the speed for a specific time.
 Some portion of the video will freeze at the middle of a layer for 5 seconds.


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Digital Composting Assignments

Advanced Editing Techniques

Task 1
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Download a shaky video from any source, import the same to a new project, and do the
 Stabilize the motion using Track points
 Stabilize the motion using Null Object and Track points

Task 2
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Download a video taken using DSLR or CMOS – Sensor based cameras and do the
 Remove the distortion using Rolling Shutter Effect
 Apply Wrap Stabilizer Effect

Task 3
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Download a video that contains a moving object (for example, vehicle or ball) and do the
 Track the motion using Single Track point
 Track the motion using Multiple Track points

Task 4
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Download a video that contains human face (for example, News Reel or Interview with
some personality) and do the following using Face Tracking techniques:
 Track the outline of the face of a single person in the video
 Track the detailed features of a single person in the video


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Digital Composting Assignments

Text Animation and Animation Effects

Task 1
Estimated Time: 1 hour
 Import a video and apply any two existing Effects Presets
 Customize a preset and save it with a name (user-given)
 Search for the stored customized preset

Task 2
Estimated Time: 1 hour
Import a green-screen footage (say a person standing) and another background image
(say natural scenery). Do the following:
 Remove the green background
 Replace the background with the background you have imported
 Add some blending mode and make the composition to be real
 Repeat the above steps using Keylight technique

Task 3
Estimated Time: 1 hour
In a new project, add new text layer and do the following:
 Add a single line point text
 Add a paragraph text

 Animate both the text layers

Task 4
Estimated Time: 1 hour
For the text animated in the previous task, add the following Particle effects:
 Create a Cannon effect for
 Create Layer Exploder Effect
 Create a Particle Exploder Effect


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Digital Composting Assignments

3D in After Effects, Previewing, and Rendering

Task 1
Estimated Time: 2 hours
 Add 3D layer to any of the composition created during previous sessions

 Add Shadow effect to the 3D layer

Task 2
Estimated Time: 2 hours
Reconfigure any two Preview options, by changing the following options:

 New shortcut key

 Loop

 No audio

 Modified Range

 Modified Resolution

 Render the composition and export into several formats

 Check the statuses of the rendering
 Compare the file size, image quality, or resolution of each format


--- End of Assignments ---

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