How To Perform 3PAR Deinstallation

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How to perform 3PAR deinstallation

This procedure needs to be done onsite, direct connection to 3PAR

Precheck steps:
User : 3paradm
Password : 3pardata (You may have changed this)

CLI> showsys
CLI> showdate
… showcage, showcage –d, showpd, showpd –failed –degraded, shownode –d,
checkhealth –svc –detail

Confirm that all links to hosts connected and remote copy etc are down.
Restart the array to verify all is OK.

CLI> shutdownsys reboot

Login … run cheackhealth –svc

Check for errors.

Onsite steps:

The first step is to locate the correct Serial/RJ45 adapter:

This is normally the grey adapter, #180-0055-01 located in the supplemental

materials package with the 3Par unit.

Using the Serial adapter, connect to a console port on the back of the 3Par
InServ. Open your favorite terminal emulator(e.g. PuTTY). Use these settings:

Speed 57600, Data Bits 8, Stop Bits 1, Parity None, Flow Control XON/XOFF.

Press Enter and log on with user ‘console’. The default password is ‘cmp43pd’.
This only works before version 3.2.1. After 3.2.1 the passwords are encrypted
and you need HPE support to generate a 1 hour password to reinstall the system.

After logging in, note the menu options:

To initialize the array wiping data…. Do an ‘886’

From the menu list select option 8 Perform a De-Installation (first time)

if prompted ‘do you want to initialize all chunklets’ say no for speed or say
yes if you have a long time available! (Several hours)

You’ll only be asked for this once either first ‘8’ or second ‘8’
The array runs through a process and reboots.

From the menu list select option 8 Perform a De-Installation (second time)

if prompted ‘do you want to initialize all chunklets’ say no for speed or say
yes if you have a long time available! (Several hours)

the array shutsdown but stops at whack>

(blue leds on nodes)

whack> reset node1 (repeat for node2 &node3 if you have them)
whack> reset (currentnode node0)

Login in again as above

From the menu list select option 6 Set up system to wipe and re-run OOTB.

System runs through process and shutsdown.

Check blue leds.

Power off node and disk cages.

SEE more for details below:

Back In The Box (BITB)

9902109-2 login: console

Last login: Mon Oct 28 07:40:53 EDT 2013 on ttyS0

Usage of the 3PAR(R) InForm(tm) Operating System is subject to the terms of

the End-User License Agreement (EULA), with the exclusion of software licensed
under other terms. The EULA can be found in /usr/share/doc/tpd/copyright.

Many of the programs included with the 3PAR InForm(tm) Operating System are
freely redistributable; the exact distribution terms for each program
are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

No directory, logging in with HOME=/

3PAR Console Menu 9902109-2

1. Out Of The Box Procedure

2. Re-enter network configuration
3. Update the CBIOS
4. Enable or disable CLI error injections
5. Perform a Node-to-Node rescue
6. Set up the system to wipe and rerun ootb
7. Cancel a wipe
8. Perform a deinstallation
9. Update the system for recently added hardware (admithw)
10. Check system health (checkhealth)
11. Exit
> 8
Running this script will result in complete loss of data on this system.
It will ALL be gone. Completely. Only proceed if you really want to clear
everything to start from scratch.
Are you sure you want to continue with DELETING ALL DATA? (y/n) y

Deinstallation process will be started in 10 seconds. Once the cluster has

rebooted, log back in and select "Perform a deinstallation" again.

Broadcast messagStopping internet superserver: inetd.

Stopping Process Manager: 2014-06-15 20:32:28.64 EDT {16404} oom_adj disable
/proc/16404/oom_adj oomval = -17pm.
Unmounting /pr_mnt: done.
Stopping system manager: sysmgr.
Stopping network controller: netc.
Stopping node server: nodesvr.
Stopping persistent repository server: pr_svr.
Stopping disk scrubber: diskscrub.
Stopping CLI server: tpdtcl.
Saving the system clock.
Hardware Clock updated to Sun Jun 15 20:32:29 EDT 2014.
Stopping kernel log daemon....
Stopping system log daemon....
Asking all remaining processes to terminate...done.
Killing all remaining processes...failed.
Saving random seed...done.
Deconfiguring network interfaces...done.
Cleaning up ifupdown....
Will now unmount temporary filesystems:/dev umounted
Will now deactivate swap:swapoff on /dev/sda5
Will now unmount weak filesystems:/dev/sda3 umounted
Will now unmount local filesystems:/dev/sda7 umounted
/dev/sda7 umounted
umount2: Device or resource busy
umount: /dev/sda2 busy - remounted read-only
Mounting root filesystem read-only...done.
Will now restart.
BIOS disabled SERR and PERR on all PCI devices
BIOS put all HBAs in reset
Restarting system.
Trapped IO 0xcf9 write of 0xa
Rebooting due to IO 0xcf9 write of 0xe
Board ID = BoardIdEOSNode
EOS SAS Buffers Initialization Complete.
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD86A0 PeiVariable.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD9DA0 ReadOnlyVariableOnReadOnlyVariable2Thunk.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCD720 PchInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDADC0 PlatformEarlyInit.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCA0A0 CpuIoPei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD4740 IioDmiInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDECA0 CapsulePei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE1020 WdtPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE37A0 PchSmbusArpDisabled.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE47A0 PchSpiPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFF00100 UncoreInit.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD7420 CpuPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCB9A0 PcatSingleSegmentPciCfg2Pei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCD1A0 PciCfgOnPciCfg2Thunk.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD57A0 PlatformInfo.efi
Board ID = BoardIdEOSNode
EOS SAS Buffers Initialization Complete.
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD86A0 PeiVariable.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD9DA0 ReadOnlyVariableOnReadOnlyVariable2Thunk.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCD720 PchInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDADC0 PlatformEarlyInit.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCA0A0 CpuIoPei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD4740 IioDmiInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDECA0 CapsulePei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE1020 WdtPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE37A0 PchSmbusArpDisabled.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE47A0 PchSpiPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFF00100 UncoreInit.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007EEF4000 PeiCore.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007EEF2000 CpuIoPei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007EEEE000 DxeIpl.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007E874000 DxeCore.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFDB000 SectionExtractionDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F9000 CpuIoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFD9000 CpuIo2Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC9000 HiiDatabase.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC7000 DataHubDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC4000 Legacy8259.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC2000 Metronome.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F7000 RuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF95000 FvOnFv2Thunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF91000 FaultTolerantWriteDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF88000 SecurityStubDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF8A000 DpcDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF85000 AcpiSupportDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF7C000 DevicePathDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF78000 EbcDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB76000 ActiveBios.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB74000 PchSerialGpio.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB75000 WdtDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB70000 PciPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB6D000 SmbiosDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB6A000 S3SaveStateDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB67000 PlatformType.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB60000 IioInitialize.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB00000 BdsDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB5E000 DataHubStdErrDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F3000 PchSpiRuntime.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F1000 PchReset.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB48000 SetupBrowser.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3F000 Datahub2SmbiosThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3D000 LpcPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3B000 BootScriptSaveOnS3SaveStateThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3A000 PciHotPlug.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB2A000 FrameworkHiiOnUefiHiiThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB25000 PciHostBridge.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAF5000 PlatDriOverrideDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0ED000 FwBlockService.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAD0000 SmmAccess.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DACD000 MiscSubclass.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E8000 VariableRuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E5000 PcRtc.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E3000 MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E1000 CapsuleRuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAC6000 LegacyRegion.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAC3000 PchS3Support.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F1FD000 PchS3Peim.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAB8000 PlatformCpuPolicy.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA8E000 Platform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA8B000 AcpiVTD.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA46000 MpCpu.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA82000 LegacyRegion2OnLegacyRegionThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA44000 PchSmbusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D93E000 GenericMemoryTestDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D952000 SmartTimer.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D94F000 MemorySubClass.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8FB000 BootScriptExecutorDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8E8000 MpServicesOnFrameworkMpServicesThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8F4000 Eist.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8E6000 WatchdogTimer.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D869000 AcpiPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D867000 OemBadgingSupport.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D85E000 SnpDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D856000 MnpDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D850000 VlanConfigDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D84B000 ArpDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D843000 Dhcp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D83C000 Ip4ConfigDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D832000 Ip4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D81D000 Mtftp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D7B2000 Tcp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D829000 Udp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D7A4000 IScsiDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D815000 BlockIoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D825000 BiosSnp16.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D7A0000 BiosVideoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D812000 ConPlatformDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D78E000 ConSplitterDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D798000 GraphicsConsoleDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D784000 TerminalDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D794000 VgaClassDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D782000 DiskIoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D77D000
Loading driver at 0x0007D78C000 IntelPchLegacyInterrupt.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0DF000 SmmControl.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D77A000 SataController.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D76E000 AtaBusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D767000 AtaAtapiPassThruDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D777000 IncompatiblePciDevice.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D774000 IsaBusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D763000 IsaSerialDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D75F000 IsaFloppyDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D75D000 PilotIIPc8374.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D759000 PartitionDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D74F000 PciBus.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D74D000 EnglishDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D745000 EhciDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D740000 UsbKbDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D73C000 UsbMassStorageDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D739000 UsbMouseDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D732000 UhciDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D72B000 UsbBusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D728000 ScsiBus.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D724000 ScsiDisk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D720000 Ps2KeyboardDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D71D000 Ps2MouseDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D719000 AcpiS3SaveDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D70D000 PchInitDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D703000 LegacyBiosPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0DA000 SmmBase.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6FE000 SmmRelocate.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBEC000 SmmCoreDispatcher.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6FC000 PchSmbusSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBC5000 PchSmbusSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6F7000 PchSmiDispatcher.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBC1000 PchSmiDispatcher.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6F0000 PchSpiSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBBF000 PchSpiSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6E7000 LegacyBiosDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0D8000 IioSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBBD000 IioSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6F2000 IoTrap.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBBB000 IoTrap.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0D6000 AcpiSmmPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBB9000 AcpiSmmPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6E0000 CBiosDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0D4000 CBiosSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBB7000 CBiosSmm.efi
Current Date and Time: 2014-06-15 20:33:08 (UTC-4)

HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.

Bootstrap CPU0
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3
SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6
CPU speed: 1800.00 MHz
Bus speed: 100.00 MHz
Bus to CPU ratio: 1/18

Board reset reason: PCI_RESET

Previous reason : PCI_RESET

--> Starting: [0] CPU Interrupt Vector Initialization

--> Starting: [1] CPU SDRAM Memory Scan
--> Starting: [2] PCI Bus Initialization
--------- Starting PCI scan #2:

00.00.00 SandyBridge DMI2:

Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c00, Rev 0x07
Host/PCI bridge - Intel Device
00.01.00 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 1a:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c02, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 01-07
01.00.00 PEX8648 #0:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 02-07
02.01.00 PEX8648 #0 DS1 (slot 2):
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 03
03.00.00 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8020, Rev 0x58
Ethernet network controller
03.00.01 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8020, Rev 0x58
Ethernet network controller
03.00.04 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8022, Rev 0x58
Other network controller
03.00.05 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8022, Rev 0x58
Other network controller
03.00.06 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8021, Rev 0x58
Fibre Channel controller
03.00.07 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8021, Rev 0x58
Fibre Channel controller
02.04.00 PEX8648 #0 DS4:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 04
04.00.00 Harrier LPC2:
Vendor 3PAR, Device 0x0003, Rev 0x00
Large Memory Window 1 at 20:00000000
Disk cache controller
02.05.00 PEX8648 #0 DS5:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 05
05.00.00 Harrier LPC0:
Vendor 3PAR, Device 0x0003, Rev 0x00
Small Memory Window 1 at a0000000
Large Memory Window 1 at 10:00000000
Medium Memory Window 1 at 08:00000000
Disk cache controller
02.08.00 PEX8648 #0 DS8:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 06
06.00.00 Slot 0:
Vendor LSI, Device 0x0087, Rev 0x01
SAS mass storage controller
02.09.00 PEX8648 #0 DS9:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 07
07.00.00 Slot 1:
Vendor Emulex, Device 0xf100, Rev 0x03
Fibre Channel controller
07.00.01 Slot 1:
Vendor Emulex, Device 0xf100, Rev 0x03
Fibre Channel controller
00.01.01 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 1b:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c03, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 08
00.03.00 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3a:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c08, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 09
00.03.01 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3b:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c09, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0a
00.03.02 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3c:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c0a, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0b
00.03.03 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3d:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c0b, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0c
00.04.00 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH0:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c20, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.01 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH1:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c21, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.02 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH2:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c22, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.03 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH3:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c23, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.04 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH4:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c24, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.05 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH5:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c25, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.06 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH6:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c26, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.07 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH7:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c27, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.05.00 SandyBridge Memory Map/VTd:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c28, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.05.02 SandyBridge RAS:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c2a, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.05.04 SandyBridge IOAPIC:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c2c, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.11.00 PCH Virtual Root Port:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d3e, Rev 0x06
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0d
00.1c.00 PCH PCI Express Port 1:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d10, Rev 0xb6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0e
00.1c.06 PCH PCI Express Port 7:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d1c, Rev 0xb6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0f
0f.00.00 Intel 82574 #0:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x10d3, Rev 0x00
Ethernet network controller
00.1c.07 PCH PCI Express Port 8:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x244e, Rev 0xb6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 10
10.00.00 Intel 82574 #1:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x10d3, Rev 0x00
Ethernet network controller
00.1e.00 PCH DMI to PCI Bridge:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d25, Rev 0xa6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 11
00.1f.00 PCH LPC:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d41, Rev 0x06
PCI/ISA bridge
00.1f.02 PCH SATA:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d02, Rev 0x06
SATA mass storage controller
00.1f.03 PCH SMBus:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d22, Rev 0x06
System Management Bus controller

PCI address allocations:

16-bit I/O space: [ 1000 .. 503f]
32-bit prefetchable memory: [ (none) ]
32-bit non-prefetchable memory: [ 90000000 .. c15fffff]
64-bit prefetchable memory: [10:00000000 .. 2f:ffffffff]
36-bit prefetchable memory: [08:00000000 .. 0b:ffffffff]

PCI bus scan and allocation completed in 2 passes.

PCIe 1.0.0: Serial EEPROM contents verified.

--> Starting: [3] Serial Port Initialization
--> Starting: [4] Remote Console Initialization
--> Starting: [5] Random Number Generator Init
--> Starting: [6] CPU SDRAM Memory Test
--> Starting: [7] Process NVRAM values
Prior reset 2014-06-12 20:31:17
Last reset 2014-06-12 20:41:25
This reset 2014-06-15 20:32:53
Time now 2014-06-15 20:33:12
--> Starting: [9] CPU APIC Initialization
CPU 0 [0] Microcode check...
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU speed: 1800.00 MHz
Bus speed: 100.00 MHz
Bus to CPU ratio: 1/18
CPU 0 [0] Done

CPU 4 [4] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 4 [4] shutting down.

CPU 6 [6] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 6 [6] shutting down.

CPU 9 [9] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 9 [9] shutting down.

CPU a [a] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU a [a] shutting down.

CPU 2 [2] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 2 [2] shutting down.

CPU 5 [5] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 5 [5] shutting down.

CPU 7 [7] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 7 [7] shutting down.

CPU 8 [8] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 8 [8] shutting down.
CPU b [b] starting up.
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU b [b] shutting down.

CPU 3 [3] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 3 [3] shutting down.

CPU 1 [1] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 1 [1] shutting down.

*** Error: IRQ 26 is overloaded 5

*** Error: IRQ 26 is overloaded 5
Programming PCI interrupt lines
APIC INT Vend.Dev Bus.Dev.Func Slot INT AIRQ Vec ind MSI
0 02 MB 2 ee 10
0 03 MB 3 7a 18
0 04 MB 4 7b 20
0 08 MB 8 7c 40
0 09 MB 9 75 48
0 0d MB 13 7e 68
0 0e MB 14 76 70
0 0f MB 15 77 78
0 11 8086.1d02 0.1f.2 MB B 17 90 88
0 12 MB 18 7d 90
0 16 MB 22 78 b0
0 17 MB 23 79 b8
1 00 1000.0087 6.0.0 0 A 24 30 00 0x00 -> 0xfec01020
1 01 10df.f100 7.0.0 1 A 25 31 08 0x01 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8020 3.0.0 2 A 26 32 10 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8020 3.0.1 2 A 26 33 12 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8022 3.0.4 2 A 26 34 14 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8021 3.0.7 2 A 26 35 16 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 0a 10df.f100 7.0.1 1 B 34 36 50 0x0a -> 0xfec01020
1 10 1590.0003 5.0.0 MB A 40 c0 80 0x10 -> 0xfec01020
1 14 1590.0003 4.0.0 MB A 44 c4 a0 0x14 -> 0xfec01020
1 16 8086.10d3 f.0.0 MB A 46 91 b0 0x16 -> 0xfec01020
1 17 8086.10d3 10.0.0 MB A 47 92 b8 0x17 -> 0xfec01020
Timer Interrupt test: PASS
--> Starting: [10] CPU SDRAM ECC Initialization
--> Starting: [11] Board GPIO Init
--> Starting: [12] Node Fan Test
--> Starting: [14] Power Supply and Battery Init
--> Starting: [15] Power Supply and Battery Test
--> Starting: [16] PROM Checksum Test
PROM checksum: PASS
--> Starting: [17] Ethernet PROM Test
eth0 PROM contents: PASS
eth0 PROM checksum: PASS
eth1 PROM contents: PASS
eth1 PROM checksum: PASS
--> Starting: [18] Real Time Clock Test
--> Starting: [19] Board GPIO Test
FPGA Scratchpad Test [ ]....] PASS
NEMOE Loopback Test [ ]..........] PASS
--> Starting: [20] Ethernet Loopback Test
eth0 device registers: PASS
eth1 device registers: PASS
eth0 loopback All zeros: PASS
eth0 loopback All ones: PASS
eth0 loopback Walking ones: PASS
eth0 loopback Walking zeros: PASS
eth0 loopback Random pattern: PASS
eth1 loopback All zeros: PASS
eth1 loopback All ones: PASS
eth1 loopback Walking ones: PASS
eth1 loopback Walking zeros: PASS
eth1 loopback Random pattern: PASS
--> Starting: [21] Verify PCI Configuration
--> Starting: [22] Mass Storage Initialization
--> Starting: [23] Mass Storage Drive Test
AHCI: skipping register test
AHCI: skipping controller test
AHCI0 seek test: PASS
AHCI0 read test: PASS
AHCI: skipping DMA read test
--> Starting: [24] BIOS Automatic Update
--> Starting: [25] Fibre HBA Automatic Update
--> Starting: [26] Cluster Manager Reset
--> Starting: [27] Cluster Memory Initialization
Harrier ASIC found at 5.0.0. CSR at 0xc0000000
Set0 DC DIMM 0.0.0 (J0300): Part #36HVS51272PZ-80EH1 SN:dc8ee0d6
Set0 DC DIMM 0.1.0 (J0301): Part #36HVS51272PZ-80EH1 SN:dc8ee0d5 SPD Passed
Initializing Harrier at 5.0.0...
CSR=00:c0000000 SMW=00:a0000000 LMW=10:00000000 MMW=08:00000000
Running BIST Test: [GOOD]
CMA1: LPC1 is not Up, Trying LPC0
DMA PM using LPC2 CMA0 using LPC0 CMA1 using LPC0
RPC PM using LPC2 CMA0 using LPC0 CMA1 using LPC0
Set0 DC DIMM 0.0.0 (J0300): 4096 MB CL4/6
Set0 DC DIMM 0.1.0 (J0301): 4096 MB CL4/6
Present 1 Set 0, Side 0 Base = 00:00000000 Size = 00:ffffffff
Present 1 Set 0, Side 1 Base = 01:00000000 Size = 01:ffffffff
Testing CMA interrupts: [............................]
Zero 32M cluster memory window: [ ]................]
Zero 8192M cluster memory window:
[ ]....................................]
Scan cluster memory for errors:
[ ]....................................]
CMA0 Cluster Memory is configured: 8192 MB CL4
Total Cluster Memory configured: 8192 MB
Harrier LPC Port Test: [............]
--> Starting: [28] Cluster Memory Diagnostic
Testing CMA0 SMW data lines with walking 1
Testing CMA0 SMW data lines with walking 0
Testing CMA0 MMW data lines with walking 1
Testing CMA0 MMW data lines with walking 0
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 1, channel 0
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 1, channel 1
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 0, channel 0
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 0, channel 1
Testing CMA0 Opcode: Zero ECC XOR PAR OR CRC
Testing CMA0 SRC Interrupts CM->CM PM->CM CM->PM PM->PM
Testing CMA0 SMW address lines with walking 1
Testing CMA0 SMW address lines with walking 0
Testing CMA0 MMW address lines with walking 1 (first 4 GB only)
Testing CMA0 MMW address lines with walking 0 (first 4 GB only)
Testing CMA0 with random XOR (all Cluster Memory)
8191 MB
[ ]...........................
--> Starting: [29] Cluster PCI Diagnostic
--> Starting: [30] DIMM Information Collection
--> Skipping: [31] Manufacturing Centerpanel GPIO Test
--> Starting: [32] Serial Port Loopback Test
Serial Port 0 [ ]................] PASS
Serial Port 1 [ ]................] PASS
Serial Port 2 [ ]................] PASS
--> Skipping: [33] Manufacturing Serial Port Test
--> Starting: [34] Environmental Initialization
--> Starting: [35] Environmental Temperature and Voltage Test
Expected Reading Lo Limit Hi Limit Status
NODE 12.00V: 12.12 V 11.37 V 12.62 V Within Tolerance
NODE AUX 12.00V: 12.08 V 11.37 V 12.60 V Within Tolerance
HBA 12.00V: 12.06 V 11.35 V 12.64 V Within Tolerance
NODE 5.00V: 4.99 V 4.73 V 5.25 V Within Tolerance
NODE AUX 5.00V: 4.99 V 4.73 V 5.25 V Within Tolerance
NODE 3.30V: 3.32 V 3.12 V 3.47 V Within Tolerance
HBA 3.30V: 3.34 V 3.10 V 3.49 V Within Tolerance
FPGA 3.30V: 3.26 V 3.12 V 3.48 V Within Tolerance
PCIe SW 2.50V: 2.48 V 2.37 V 2.63 V Within Tolerance
PHY0 1.90V: 1.87 V 1.80 V 2.00 V Within Tolerance
PHY1 1.90V: 1.92 V 1.80 V 2.00 V Within Tolerance
CPU PLL 1.80V: 1.78 V 1.70 V 1.89 V Within Tolerance
PCIe SW 1.50V: 1.48 V 1.42 V 1.59 V Within Tolerance
NODE 1.20V: 1.19 V 1.13 V 1.26 V Within Tolerance
PCH 1.10V: 1.09 V 1.04 V 1.17 V Within Tolerance
CPU 1.05/1.0V: 1.05 V 0.95 V 1.10 V Within Tolerance
NODE 1.00V: 0.99 V 0.89 V 1.05 V Within Tolerance
CPU VCCP 0.85V: 0.95 V 0.70 V 1.20 V Within Tolerance
CPU VSA 0.90V: 0.91 V 0.69 V 1.20 V Within Tolerance
DDR2 VDDQ 1.80V: 1.82 V 1.70 V 1.89 V Within Tolerance
DDR2 VTT 0.90V: 0.89 V 0.85 V 0.95 V Within Tolerance
DDR3 VDDQ 1.37V: 1.36 V 1.29 V 1.44 V Within Tolerance
DDR3 VTT 0.68V: 0.68 V 0.64 V 0.72 V Within Tolerance
Node Input 12.00V: 12.03 V 11.40 V 12.60 V Within Tolerance
Node InputCurrent: 12.08 A 0.00 A 22.00 A Within Tolerance
Node Input Power: 145.3 W 0.0 W 264.0 W Within Tolerance
LM87 Int Temp: 41 C 0 C 68 C Within Tolerance
LM87 Ext Temp: 38 C -4 C 60 C Within Tolerance
LM92 Temp: 46 C 0 C 64 C Within Tolerance
LM94 Int Temp: 35 C 0 C 72 C Within Tolerance
LM94 Ext Temp: 31 C 0 C 67 C Within Tolerance
CPU Package Temp: 43 C 0 C 101 C Within Tolerance
DIMM0 Temp: 40 C 0 C 80 C Within Tolerance
--> Starting: [36] Test CPU Operation
--> Skipping: [37] Manufacturing Cluster Link Initialization
--> Skipping: [38] Manufacturing Cluster Link Test
--> Starting: [39] PCI Fibre Channel/SAS Adapter Test
FC HBA QLogic 8021 at 3.0.6 (PCI slot 2) [4.9.29]

Register test [ ]........] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]............] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]............] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

FC HBA QLogic 8021 at 3.0.7 (PCI slot 2) [4.9.29]

Register test [ ]........] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]............] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]............] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

SAS HBA LSI 0087 at 6.0.0 (PCI slot 0) [Ver: 11.00]

Register test [ ]..] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]........] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]........] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

FC HBA Emulex f100 at 7.0.0 (PCI slot 1) [U3D2.01X14]

Register test [ ]........] PASS

Memory test [ ]..] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]...] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

FC HBA Emulex f100 at 7.0.1 (PCI slot 1) [U3D2.01X14]
Register test [ ]........] PASS

Memory test [ ]..] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]...] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

--> Starting: [40] PCI iSCSI Adapter Test
--> Starting: [41] System Error Reporting Init
--> Skipping: [43] Manufacturing CP EEPROM Test
--> Starting: [44] Certify OS Startup
--> Skipping: [45] Table Execution Summary
HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.
| CPU 1 x 1.80 GHz Sandy Bridge hexa core HT dual
| Control Cache Size 7.100 GB (cpu mem type 11) CL9
| Pair0 DIMM0 (J0155): 8192 MB CL5/10
| Data Cache Size 8 GB CL4/6
| Set0 DC DIMM 0.0.0 (J0300): 4096 MB CL4/6
| Set0 DC DIMM 0.1.0 (J0301): 4096 MB CL4/6
| Slot ID 2 [4 Node HP 3PAR 7400 Centerplane]
| FPGA Eos v0.e
| SATA0 Disk OCZ D2RSTKSS1M19-0050 9S0GD9SEA227QQIZ 50 GB
| PCI Slot 0 LSI-SAS 9205-8e
| PCI Slot 1 Emulex LPe12002 VM80175440 2-port
| PCI Slot 2 QLogic QLE8242 PCGLT0ARC2U4EB 2-port
| Board 920-200040.91 FXN 2012/30/Tue 00103456 ac:16:2d:36:04:b0
| Cluster serial 9902109 ac:16:2d:36:04:b1
| Board reset reason PCI_RESET
| Current Time 2014-06-15 20:34:22 (UTC-4)
Booting from device 0, AHCI0
Setting FSB WDT Boot Complete State.
GRUB loading.
Welcome to GRUB!

ress ESC to display the GRUB menu... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
1 0
Booting ''

Linux version 2.6.18-prep-3pardata ( (gcc version 4.4.5

(Debian 4.4.5-8) ) #1 SMP Tue Oct 1 13:01:00 PDT 2013
Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-prep-3pardata ro
console=ttyS0,57600 acpi_hest=off acpi=ht genapic=phys aerdriver.forceload=y
pci=aer root=/dev/sda3
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
BIOS-e820: 0000000000010000 - 000000000009ec00 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000000009ec00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000000e0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000007b6b3000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000007b6b3000 - 000000007d6b4000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 000000007d6b4000 - 000000007f0ff000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f0ff000 - 000000007f1ff000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f1ff000 - 000000007f6ff000 (ACPI NVS)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f6ff000 - 000000007f7f3000 (ACPI data)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f7f3000 - 000000007f800000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f800000 - 000000007fc00000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000080000000 - 0000000090000000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000fed1c000 - 00000000fed20000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000ffc00000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000100000000 - 0000000280000000 (usable)
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xff800000
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xffa00000
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xffc00000
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xffe00000
DMI present.
Memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) notwithin permissible range
disabling kdump
ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x408
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
Processor #0 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x20] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x02] enabled)
Processor #2 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x22] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x04] lapic_id[0x04] enabled)
Processor #4 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x05] lapic_id[0x24] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x06] lapic_id[0x06] enabled)
Processor #6 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x07] lapic_id[0x26] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x08] lapic_id[0x08] enabled)
Processor #8 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x09] lapic_id[0x28] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0a] lapic_id[0x0a] enabled)
Processor #10 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0b] lapic_id[0x2a] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0c] lapic_id[0x0c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0d] lapic_id[0x2c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0e] lapic_id[0x0e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0f] lapic_id[0x2e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x10] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
Processor #1 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x11] lapic_id[0x21] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x12] lapic_id[0x03] enabled)
Processor #3 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x13] lapic_id[0x23] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x14] lapic_id[0x05] enabled)
Processor #5 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x15] lapic_id[0x25] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x16] lapic_id[0x07] enabled)
Processor #7 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x17] lapic_id[0x27] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x18] lapic_id[0x09] enabled)
Processor #9 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x19] lapic_id[0x29] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1a] lapic_id[0x0b] enabled)
Processor #11 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1b] lapic_id[0x2b] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1c] lapic_id[0x0d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1d] lapic_id[0x2d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1e] lapic_id[0x0f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1f] lapic_id[0x2f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x20] lapic_id[0x40] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x21] lapic_id[0x60] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x22] lapic_id[0x42] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x23] lapic_id[0x62] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x24] lapic_id[0x44] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x25] lapic_id[0x64] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x26] lapic_id[0x46] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x27] lapic_id[0x66] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x28] lapic_id[0x48] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x29] lapic_id[0x68] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2a] lapic_id[0x4a] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2b] lapic_id[0x6a] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2c] lapic_id[0x4c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2d] lapic_id[0x6c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2e] lapic_id[0x4e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2f] lapic_id[0x6e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x30] lapic_id[0x41] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x31] lapic_id[0x61] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x32] lapic_id[0x43] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x33] lapic_id[0x63] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x34] lapic_id[0x45] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x35] lapic_id[0x65] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x36] lapic_id[0x47] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x37] lapic_id[0x67] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x38] lapic_id[0x49] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x39] lapic_id[0x69] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3a] lapic_id[0x4b] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3b] lapic_id[0x6b] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3c] lapic_id[0x4d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3d] lapic_id[0x6d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3e] lapic_id[0x4f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3f] lapic_id[0x6f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x00] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x01] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x02] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x03] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x04] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x05] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x06] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x07] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x08] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x09] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x10] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x11] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x12] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x13] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x14] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x15] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x16] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x17] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x18] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x19] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x20] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x21] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x22] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x23] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x24] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x25] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x26] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x27] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x28] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x29] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x30] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x31] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x32] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x33] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x34] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x35] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x36] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x37] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x38] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x39] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a301 base: 0xfed00000
Using ACPI for processor (LAPIC) configuration information
Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4
Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
OEM ID: 3PAR Product ID: 7400 APIC at: 0xFEE00000
I/O APIC #8 Version 32 at 0xFEC00000.
I/O APIC #9 Version 32 at 0xFEC01000.
clustered_apic_check: bootapic = ffffffff803895c0
Setting APIC routing to flat
Processors: 12
Nosave address range: 000000000009e000 - 000000000009f000
Nosave address range: 000000000009f000 - 00000000000a0000
Nosave address range: 00000000000a0000 - 00000000000e0000
Nosave address range: 00000000000e0000 - 0000000000100000
Nosave address range: 000000007b6b3000 - 000000007d6b4000
Nosave address range: 000000007f0ff000 - 000000007f1ff000
Nosave address range: 000000007f1ff000 - 000000007f6ff000
Nosave address range: 000000007f6ff000 - 000000007f7f3000
Nosave address range: 000000007f800000 - 000000007fc00000
Nosave address range: 000000007fc00000 - 0000000080000000
Nosave address range: 0000000080000000 - 0000000090000000
Nosave address range: 0000000090000000 - 00000000fed1c000
Nosave address range: 00000000fed1c000 - 00000000fed20000
Nosave address range: 00000000fed20000 - 00000000ffc00000
Nosave address range: 00000000ffc00000 - 0000000100000000
Allocating PCI resources starting at 98000000 (gap: 90000000:6ed1c000)
SMP: Allowing 32 CPUs, 20 hotplug CPUs
Built 1 zonelists. Total pages: 2047658
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-prep-3pardata ro
console=ttyS0,57600 acpi_hest=off acpi=ht genapic=phys aerdriver.forceload=y
pci=aer root=/dev/sda3
ACPI HEST support disabled
Initializing CPU#0
PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 12, 32768 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 1048576 (order: 11, 8388608 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes)
Checking aperture...
PCI-DMA: Using software bounce buffering for IO (SWIOTLB)
Placing software IO TLB between 0xa936000 - 0xe936000
Memory: 8108792k/10485760k available (2995k kernel code, 230620k reserved,
1413k data, 248k init)
Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency..
3591.46 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182928)
kdb version 4.4 by Keith Owens, Scott Lurndal. Copyright SGI, All Rights
kdb_cmd[0]: defcmd archkdb "" "First line arch debugging"
kdb_cmd[7]: defcmd archkdbcpu "" "archkdb with only tasks on cpus"
kdb_cmd[14]: defcmd archkdbshort "" "archkdb with less detailed backtrace"
kdb_cmd[21]: defcmd archkdbcommon "" "Common arch debugging"
Mount-cache hash table entries: 256
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
using mwait in idle threads.
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
SMP alternatives: switching to UP code
Using IO-APIC 8
Using IO-APIC 9
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1 vector=0x61 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x1, vector = 0x61, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x0 vector=0xee src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x0, vector = 0xee, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x3 vector=0x7a src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x3, vector = 0x7a, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x4 vector=0x7b src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x4, vector = 0x7b, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x5 vector=0x65 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x5, vector = 0x65, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x6 vector=0x66 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x6, vector = 0x66, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x7 vector=0x67 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x7, vector = 0x67, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x8 vector=0x7c src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x8, vector = 0x7c, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x9 vector=0x75 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x9, vector = 0x75, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xa vector=0x6a src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xa, vector = 0x6a, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xb vector=0x6b src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xb, vector = 0x6b, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xc vector=0x6c src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xc, vector = 0x6c, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xd vector=0x7e src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xd, vector = 0x7e, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xe vector=0x76 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xe, vector = 0x76, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xf vector=0x77 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xf, vector = 0x77, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x71 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 16 sharing vector 0x71 and IRQ 16
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x10, vector = 0x70, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x12 vector=0x72 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 18 sharing vector 0x72 and IRQ 18
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x12 vector=0x7d src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x12, vector = 0x7d, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x13 vector=0x73 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 19 sharing vector 0x73 and IRQ 19
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x13 vector=0x73 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x13, vector = 0x73, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x16 vector=0x78 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x16, vector = 0x78, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x17 vector=0x79 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x17, vector = 0x79, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x18 vector=0x74 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 24 sharing vector 0x74 and IRQ 24
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x18 vector=0x30 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x18, vector = 0x30, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x19 vector=0x7f src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 25 sharing vector 0x7F and IRQ 25
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x19 vector=0x31 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x19, vector = 0x31, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x82 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 26 sharing vector 0x82 and IRQ 26
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x35 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x1a, vector = 0x35, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1f vector=0x83 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 31 sharing vector 0x83 and IRQ 31
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1f vector=0x87 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x1f, vector = 0x87, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x22 vector=0x84 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 34 sharing vector 0x84 and IRQ 34
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x22 vector=0x36 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x22, vector = 0x36, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x28 vector=0x85 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 40 sharing vector 0x85 and IRQ 40
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x28 vector=0xc0 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x28, vector = 0xc0, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2c vector=0x86 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 44 sharing vector 0x86 and IRQ 44
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2c vector=0xc4 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x2c, vector = 0xc4, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2e vector=0x88 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 46 sharing vector 0x88 and IRQ 46
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2e vector=0x91 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x2e, vector = 0x91, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2f vector=0x89 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 47 sharing vector 0x89 and IRQ 47
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2f vector=0x92 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x2f, vector = 0x92, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x0 vector=0xee src=BIOS_Misc
..TIMER: vector=0xEE apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
Using local APIC timer interrupts.
Detected 6.235 MHz APIC timer.
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 1/12 APIC 0x2
Initializing CPU#1
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.47 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182946)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 1
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 2/12 APIC 0x4
Initializing CPU#2
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.47 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182954)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 3/12 APIC 0x6
Initializing CPU#3
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.47 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182943)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 3
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 4/12 APIC 0x8
Initializing CPU#4
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.51 BogoMIPS (lpj=7183024)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 4
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 5/12 APIC 0xa
Initializing CPU#5
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.41 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182833)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 5
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 6/12 APIC 0x1
Initializing CPU#6
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.38 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182766)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 7/12 APIC 0x3
Initializing CPU#7
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.29 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182581)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 1
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 8/12 APIC 0x5
Initializing CPU#8
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.09 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182187)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 9/12 APIC 0x7
Initializing CPU#9
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.22 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182456)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 3
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 10/12 APIC 0x9
Initializing CPU#10
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.30 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182606)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 4
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 11/12 APIC 0xb
Initializing CPU#11
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.38 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182768)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 5
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
Brought up 12 CPUs
time.c: Using 14.318180 MHz WALL HPET GTOD HPET/TSC timer.
time.c: Detected 1795.732 MHz processor.
tpd_tsc_init: 12 cpus initialized
checking if image is initramfs... it is
Freeing initrd memory: 2120k freed
NET: Registered protocol family 16
PCI: Using MMCONFIG at 80000000
ACPI: Interpreter disabled.
SCSI subsystem initialized
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
PCI: Found 0000:00:00.0 [8086/3c00] 000600 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:01.0 [8086/3c02] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:01.1 [8086/3c03] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.0 [8086/3c08] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.1 [8086/3c09] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.2 [8086/3c0a] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.3 [8086/3c0b] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.0 [8086/3c20] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.1 [8086/3c21] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.2 [8086/3c22] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.3 [8086/3c23] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.4 [8086/3c24] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.5 [8086/3c25] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.6 [8086/3c26] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.7 [8086/3c27] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:05.0 [8086/3c28] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:05.2 [8086/3c2a] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:05.4 [8086/3c2c] 000800 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:11.0 [8086/1d3e] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1c.0 [8086/1d10] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1c.6 [8086/1d1c] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1c.7 [8086/244e] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1e.0 [8086/1d25] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1f.0 [8086/1d41] 000601 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:1f.2 [8086/1d02] 000106 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:1f.3 [8086/1d22] 000c05 00
PCI: Found 0000:01:00.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:01.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:04.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:05.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:08.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:09.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.0 [1077/8020] 000200 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.1 [1077/8020] 000200 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.4 [1077/8022] 000280 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.5 [1077/8022] 000280 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.6 [1077/8021] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.7 [1077/8021] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:04:00.0 [1590/0003] 00ff00 00
PCI: Found 0000:05:00.0 [1590/0003] 00ff00 00
PCI: Found 0000:06:00.0 [1000/0087] 000107 00
PCI: Found 0000:07:00.0 [10df/f100] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:07:00.1 [10df/f100] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:0f:00.0 [8086/10d3] 000200 00
PCI: Found 0000:10:00.0 [8086/10d3] 000200 00
PCI: Transparent bridge - 0000:00:1c.7
PCI: Transparent bridge - 0000:00:1e.0
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:01.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:01.1[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.1[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.2[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.3[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.0[A] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.1[B] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.2[C] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.3[D] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.4[A] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.5[B] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.6[C] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.7[D] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:11.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1c.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1c.6[C] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1c.7[D] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1f.2[B] -> IRQ 115
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1f.3[C] -> IRQ 125
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[A] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:01:00.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.0[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.1[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.4[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.5[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.6[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.7[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:04:00.0[A] -> IRQ 196
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:05:00.0[A] -> IRQ 192
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:06:00.0[A] -> IRQ 48
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:07:00.0[A] -> IRQ 49
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:07:00.1[B] -> IRQ 54
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:0f:00.0[A] -> IRQ 145
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:10:00.0[A] -> IRQ 146
DMAR:Host address width 46
DMAR:DRHD base: 0x000000fbff8000 flags: 0x1
IOMMU fbff8000: ver 1:0 cap d2078c106f0462 ecap f020fe
DMAR:RMRR base: 0x0000007f1f9000 end: 0x0000007f1fbfff
DMAR:ATSR flags: 0x0
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1d.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1d.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1a.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1a.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.02] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.02] not found
PCI-GART: No AMD northbridge found.
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[B] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:01.0[B] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[A] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:04.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[B] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:05.0[B] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[A] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:08.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[B] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:09.0[B] -> IRQ 112
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 262144 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 262144 bind 65536)
TCP reno registered
Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996
io scheduler noop registered
io scheduler anticipatory registered
io scheduler deadline registered
io scheduler cfq registered (default)
IRQ AUTO vector=0x8a src=Kernel_Misc
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
request_irq: irq = 8 irqflags = IRQF_DISABLED
Real Time Clock Driver v1.12ac
Linux agpgart interface v0.101 (c) Dave Jones
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a ST16650V2
brd: module loaded
loop: loaded (max 8 devices)
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x13 vector=0x73 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x73 irq=0x13 vector=0x73
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 6 ports 6 Gbps 0x1 impl SATA mode
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: flags: 64bit ncq sntf stag led clo pio slum part ems
scsi0 : ahci
scsi1 : ahci
scsi2 : ahci
scsi3 : ahci
scsi4 : ahci
scsi5 : ahci
ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xc1522000 port 0xc1522100 irq 115
ata2: DUMMY
ata3: DUMMY
ata4: DUMMY
ata5: DUMMY
ata6: DUMMY
ata1: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
ata1.00: ATA-8: D2RSTKSS1M19-0050, 3.00E, max UDMA/133
ata1.00: 97696368 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
Vendor: ATA Model: D2RSTKSS1M19-005 Rev: 3.00
Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 05
SCSI device sda: 97696368 512-byte hdwr sectors (50021 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back
SCSI device sda: 97696368 512-byte hdwr sectors (50021 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back
sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 < sda5 sda6 sda7 >
sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sda
sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
LKCD: Crash dump driver initialized.
LKCD: block device driver registered
LKCD: dump gzip safety buffer: ffff81027e9cf000, 4096
Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
ip_conntrack version 2.4 (8192 buckets, 65536 max) - 280 bytes per conntrack
ctnetlink v0.90: registering with nfnetlink.
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
TCP bic registered
NET: Registered protocol family 1
NET: Registered protocol family 10
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
NET: Registered protocol family 17
Freeing unused kernel memory: 248k freed
Loading, please wait...
mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device
W: devtmpfs not available, falling back to tmpfs for /dev
Begin: Loading essential drivers ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ... done.
Begin: Mounting root file systemkjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
... Begin: Running /scripts/local-top ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done.

INIT: version 2.88 booting

Setting hostname to '9902109-2'...done.

Files under mount point '/lib/init/rw' will be hidden. ... (warning).
Starting the hotplug events dispatcher: udevdudevd[1820]: libudevd version 125
nss_auth_helper: system call error: connect: /tmp/auth_helper_socket:
Connection refused

Synthesizing the initial hotplug events...udevd[1821]: libnss_auth_helper:
system call error: connect: /tmp/auth_helper_socket: Connection refused

udevd[1821]: libnss_auth_helper: system call error: connect:

/tmp/auth_helper_socket: Connection refused

Waiting for /dev to be fully populated...e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network
Driver - 1.3.10-k2
e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation.
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2e vector=0x91 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x91 irq=0x2e vector=0x91
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: Disabling ASPM L0s
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: eth0: (PCI Express:2.5GB/s:Width x1) ac:16:2d:36:04:b0
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: eth0: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: eth0: MAC: 3, PHY: 8, PBA No: FFFFFF-0FF
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2f vector=0x92 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x92 irq=0x2f vector=0x92
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: Disabling ASPM L0s
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: eth1: (PCI Express:2.5GB/s:Width x1) ac:16:2d:36:04:b1
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: eth1: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: eth1: MAC: 3, PHY: 8, PBA No: FFFFFF-0FF
Setting parameters of disc: (none).
Activating swap:swapon on /dev/sAdding 2104472k swap on /dev/sda5. Priority:-1
extents:1 across:2104472k
swapon: /dev/sda5: found swap signature: version 1, page-size 4, same byte
swapon: /dev/sda5: pagesiEXT3 FS on sda3, ze=4096, swapsizinternal journal
e=2154987520, devsize=2154991104
Will now check root file system:fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /] fsck.ext3 -y -C0 /dev/sda3
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
root1: clean, 32642/262944 files, 405875/1050249 blocks
Cleaning up ifupdown....
Will now activate lvm and md swap:done.
Will now check all file systems.
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
Checking all file systems.
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /altroot] fsck.ext3 -y -C0 /dev/sda2
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
root0: clean, 33653/262944 files, 373876/1050249 blocks
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /common] fsck.ext3 -y -C0 /dev/sda7
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
log: clean, 247/1218224 files, 398738/4863670 blocks
Dkjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on sda2, internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
one checking filkjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on sda7, internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
e systems. A log is being saved in /var/log/fsck/checkfs if that location is
Setting kernel variables ... /etc/sysctl.conf...done.
Will now mount local filesystems:.
Will now activate swapfile swap:done.
Cleaning up temporary files...Cleaning /tmp...done.
Cleaning /var/run...done.
Cleaning /var/lock...done.
Checking minimum space in /tmp...done.
/opt/tpd/bin/flash --noconfirm /opt/tpd/bios/replace-scriptonly

Currently in the main SPI flash memory: [5632 KB]

HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.

SPI image loaded: [8192 KB]

HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.

will be written to the main flash memory.

SPI image in flash is already current with specified file.
Use '--force' to downgrade the SPI image.
Setting up networking....
Configuring network interfaces...done.
Cleaning up temporary files....
Setting console screen modes and fonts.
cannot (un)set powersave mode
/etc/rcS.d/ line 240: /dev/tty1: No such file or directory
Couldnt get a file descriptor referring
INIT: Entering runlevel: 2

init: stty: standard input: Invalid argument

init: Starting system log daemon....
init: Starting kernel log daemon....
init: Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
init: Starting Machine Check Exceptions decoder: mcelog.
init: Starting internet superserver: inetd.
init: Enabling S.M.A.R.T..../dev/sda...done.
init: Starting S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd.
init: kernel.core_pattern = /var/core/proc/core.%e.%p
init: Saving kernel crash dump (if any):
init: No dump to save
init: done.
init: Rotating pfpart files:done.
init: Tuning TCP to improve throughput:
init: net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
init: net.core.wmemLKCD: Configuring dump device
_max = 8388608
LKCD: Block device (8,6) successfully configured for dumping using polling I/O
init: net.core.rLKCD: single-stage dumper set up for dev 806

mem_default = 65LKCD: Dump Level 0xf

init: net.cLKCD: GZIP compression initalized
ore.wmem_default = 65536
init: net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 8388608
init: net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 8388608
init: net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 8388608 8388608 8388608
init: Configuring kernel crash dump: Configuring for 2.6 based kernel via sysfs
init: /opt/tpd/bin/confnemoe: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
igdump: successfNEMOE: mod init 1.0 Oct 1 2013 13:34:08
ul dump configurNEMOE: finding fpga
init: done.
NEMOE: mapped fpga type 4 revision 14
NEMOE: GPIOs 61 12
NEMOE: finding nemoe record in shared memory
NEMOE: creating device node
NEMOE: creating proc entries
NEMOE: initializing polling
NEMOE: initializing nenet interface
NEMOE: initializing watchdog timer
NEMOE: initializing IRQ
NEMOE: completed initialization
init: Loading nemoe kernel module: done.
init: Validating: 3PAR NEMOE 4.10 - Release version 17:50:47 May 31 2013
init: NEMOE indicates the specified firmware is already installed.
init: kernel.tpd_no_mvec_msi = 0
init: kernel.tpd_msix_enableflg = 1
init: MSIX mode selected
Loading TPD InformOS v3.1.2.484 compiled on Oct 1 2013 at 13:43:37 by releng
in release format
Registering tpd_dump_event
BIOS SMI log initialized at va=0xffff8100006a0000 pa=0x00000000006a0000
Board Series: 0x901
FPGA mapped 0xff000000 to va 0xffffc20012b80000
CP: 4-node backplane 2
CP: This node is in slot 2
CP: Node mask: f
board_series = 0901
Creating EOS event thread.
EOS thread created.
EOS: Post autofix oscillation(0)...
EOS: Post autofix oscillation(1)...
Eos Enable FPGA Interrupt Handler
SCI: Init handler
BIOS reports control cache mapped under 4GB is 2040 MB
Eagle could not be located on the PCI bus
Could not locate Osprey on the PCI bus
Harrier 0 found ver 1 on PCI 4.0.0 irq 196.
CSR [0x00000000c1100000]
SCM 0000000000000000 to 0000000000000000 size 0000000000000000
LCM 0000002000000000 to 0000003000000000 size 0000001000000000
MRW 0000000000000000 to 0000000000000000 size 0000000000000000
Harrier 1 found ver 1 on PCI 5.0.0 irq 192.
CSR [0x00000000c0000000]
SCM 00000000a0000000 to 00000000c0000000 size 0000000020000000
LCM 0000001000000000 to 0000002000000000 size 0000001000000000
MRW 0000000800000000 to 0000000c00000000 size 0000000400000000
zxcv: rec 0, dev 0, bus 0, index 2, pci ffff8102643fcc00, reg ffffc2001ed00000
zxcv: rec 1, dev 0, bus 2, index 0, pci ffff8102643fcc60, reg ffffc2001ed20000
Harrier successfully added 1 devices
Harrier 0 has SCM mapped on pci bus 0x5 (0), MRW on pci bus 0x5 (0).
Harrier 0 Memory DMA Engine uses LPC# 2
Local PCIe DMA Engine uses LPC# 2
Store Forward uses LPC# 2
Clear HAR0 LPC0 error: 0x00000006 eid=0x02000000 hwe=0x00000000
New HAR0 LPC0 error: 0x00000000
Clear HAR0 LPC2 error: 0x00000006 eid=0x02000000 hwe=0x00000000
New HAR0 LPC2 error: 0x00000000
Try to enable msix interrupts for Harrier
Try to enable msix interrupts for Harrier
Harrier request IRQS for 32 entries
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdf
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdf to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xd0
Harrier: assigned vec 0xd0 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdd
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdd to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdc
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdc to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdb
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdb to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xda
Harrier: assigned vec 0xda to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc7
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc7 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc6
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc6 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc5
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc5 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc4
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc4 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xd5
Harrier: assigned vec 0xd5 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xbf
Harrier: assigned vec 0xbf to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xcf
Harrier: assigned vec 0xcf to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xce
Harrier: assigned vec 0xce to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xcd
Harrier: assigned vec 0xcd to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xcc
Harrier: assigned vec 0xcc to Harrier
PCI CONFIG for Harrier 0, Bus 0 @ 0x50: 00da7005 fee00000 00000000 000040df
PCI CONFIG for Harrier 0, Bus 2 @ 0x50: 00da7005 fee00000 00000000 000040df
++Harrier0 vector[0] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[1] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[2] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[3] 0xd0
++Harrier0 vector[4] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[5] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[6] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[7] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[8] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[9] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[10] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[11] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[12] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[13] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[14] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[15] 0xd0
++Harrier0 vector[16] 0xdd
++Harrier0 vector[17] 0xdc
++Harrier0 vector[18] 0xdb
++Harrier0 vector[19] 0xda
++Harrier0 vector[20] 0xc7
++Harrier0 vector[21] 0xc6
++Harrier0 vector[22] 0xc5
++Harrier0 vector[23] 0xc4
++Harrier0 vector[24] 0xd5
++Harrier0 vector[25] 0xbf
++Harrier0 vector[26] 0xcf
++Harrier0 vector[27] 0xce
++Harrier0 vector[28] 0xcd
++Harrier0 vector[29] 0xcc
++Harrier0 vector[30] 0xd0
++Harrier0 vector[31] 0xd0
har_pci_total_cm cm_size[0] = 0x2000 MB
har_pci_total_cm cm_size[1] = 0x0 MB
BIOS reporting 8192 MBytes of Cluster Memory
Harrier Mirror Memory size 128MB
har_init_comm node 2
eagle_get_link_mapping using 4-way EOS X connect
eagle_get_link_mapping using 4-way EOS X connect
CP: version 0 center plane
CP: 4way-CP 7400
eagle_get_link_mapping using 4-way EOS X connect
DEFAULT port2 ealk [-1] on node2 (0, 2)
DEFAULT port4 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 0)
DEFAULT port5 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 1)
DEFAULT port6 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 2)
DEFAULT port7 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 3)
node_2_link_send: 1 0 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
node_2_link_recv: 0 1 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
link_send_2_node: 1 0 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
node_2_xcbq_send: 9 8 0 11 -1 -1 -1 -1
xcbq_2_node_send: 2 -1 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
ealink_2_dev_id: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
node_2_dev_id: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
node_2_dev_id_rmt: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
link_2_link_lpbk: 1 0 3 2 5 4 7
xcbadr_2_xcbq: 2 0 4 -1
xcbadr_2_pcibus: 0 1 2 -1
Initial default mapping complete
CP: 4way-CP 7400
harlink_ctl_root: 1 1 3 1 3 3 3
CM DIMM0: J0300 4096MB, interleaved 00:00000000 to 02:00000000, S/N dc8ee0d6,
CM DIMM1: J0301 4096MB, interleaved 00:00000000 to 02:00000000, S/N dc8ee0d5,
Info cluster_mem_setup_rsvd - total cm size 0x200000000,
device mem size 0x200000000, 0x0
CM: prefill memory from 0x1000000000(0x40000 blocks) and 0x1001600000(0x7fa8000
blocks) using xcbq[0]
Clear Cluster Memory in 3604ms
Info: total eagle memory: 0x200000000 B
Info: cache memory left : 0x1c8000000 B
Info: scratch buffer : 0x1000204000, 0xc000B
Info: control structures: 0x38000000 bytes (0x380MB)
Info: eagle_init_cmp: cmp_init with
***ASIC 0***
mirsz: 0x30000000, non_mirr_sz: 0x1c8000000
tpci_pa: 0x808000000, ea_pa: 0x1008000000
local_pa 0x838000000, local_eapa 0x1038000000
CMP: Number of Cluster Memory Pages 516096
CMP: allocated: 153MB bytes at 0xffffc2006fc04000 for cmp structures
CMP: PCI Address Mirror: 0x00000808000000 Local: 0x00000838000000
CMP: Eagle Address Mirror: 0x00001008000000 Local: 0x00001038000000
CMP: Eagle Address Start: 0x00001008000000 End: 0x00001200000000
CMP: Page Count Mirror: 0x0000000000c000 Local: 0x00000000072000
CMP: PFN Start Mirror: 0000000004202496 Local: 0000000004251648
ea_gbpool_init 128 pools
Set xcbq_shutdown to 1 for node 0
Set xcbq_shutdown to 1 for node 1
Set xcbq_shutdown to 1 for node 3
*** eagle_setup_mir_record: HW mirror is enabled.
*** rm_init_config: initializing remote mirror configuration
CRDIT: allocate 233472 wait cache entries
Info: global_tpd_init: cmp_start_threads...
BIOS page addr 0xffff810000069000
Shutdown thread: 4232
PCI slot 0: LSI-SAS 9205-8e 1000.0087 06.00.0 1 24 FCAL
PCI slot 1: Emulex LPe12002 10df.f100 07.00.* 2 25 FCAL
PCI slot 2: QLogic QLE8242 1077.8020 03.00.* 2 26 FCoE
IDE0: OCZ D2RSTKSS1M19-0050 9S0GD9SEA227QQIZ 3.00E 48 GB
BIOS reports control cache is 2040 MB
BIOS indicates 12 CPUs expected
tpd_file_read error = -9
mfg_hp_readfile: no EEPROM update
SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom parse error (cs=7f80)
SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom checksum error (cs=7f80)
SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom lower half all 0x00
SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom upper half all 0xFFHardware Revision:
Part Identifier:
World Wide Name:
Assembly Serial Number:
Assembly Part Number:
Saleable Serial Number:
Saleable Product Number:
Spare Part Number:
Initialized serial link for EOS
Internal Serial: install intr fpga-serial(3) on irq 121
Internal Serial: initialize UART ports
FPGA Serial Port 0 at pci 0xffffc20012b80400
FPGA Serial Port 1 at pci 0xffffc20012b80420
FPGA Serial Port 2 at pci 0xffffc20012b80440
Enable serial interrupts
Har power to 0xff: 1
before enabling error interrupt
After enabling error interrupt
init_tpd_main: starting SCSI initialization
QLIS: found 2 devices
QLCNA one-time setup done
File /opt/tpd/fw/hba/emfc/emfw-f100: Finished processing
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x19 vector=0x31 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x31 irq=0x19 vector=0x31
Port 2:2:2: device_id 0x8021 io_mem 0xffffc2007c580000 200000
Port 2:2:2: atio_in_ptr ffffc2007c63f17c atio_out_ptr ffffc2007c63f27c
host_status ffffc2007c63f500
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x35 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x35
Port 2:2:2 - qlh ffff810234250000 HBA Type 8200 Port 0 IRQ 53 Bus #2 FW
not initialized [Suspended Mode]
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x34 src=BIOS_Kernel_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x34
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x18 vector=0x30 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x30 irq=0x18 vector=0x30
Port 2:2:2 - Function 4, first 10G iscsi (4)
Port 2:2:2 - qlp 0xffff810233ff0000 HBA Type 8022 Port 0 IRQ 52 Bus #0
FW not initialized [Suspended Mode]
Port 2:2:1: device_id 0x8021 io_mem 0xffffc2007cb80000 200000
Port 2:2:1: atio_in_ptr ffffc2007cc3f97c atio_out_ptr ffffc2007cc3fa7c
host_status ffffc2007cc3fd00
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x34 busy
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x33 src=BIOS_Kernel_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x33
Port 2:2:1 - qlh ffff8102338b0000 HBA Type 8200 Port 0 IRQ 51 Bus #0 FW
not initialized [Suspended Mode]
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x34 busy
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x33 busy
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x32 src=BIOS_Kernel_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x32
Port 2:2:1 - Function 5, second 10G iscsi (5)
Port 2:2:1 - qlp 0xffff810233940000 HBA Type 8022 Port 0 IRQ 50 Bus #2
FW not initialized [Suspended Mode]
Port 2:0:1 - llss ffff810233810000 port ffff810233820000 HBA Type 9205-8e
Memory c1040000 IRQ 48 Bus #2 FW rev [Initiator Mode]
Port 2:1:1 - emh ffff810234680000 HBA Type f100 Port ffffc200109e8000 IRQ 49
Bus #0 Port 2:1:1 - FW rev 2.01.X.14 [Initiator Mode]
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x22 vector=0x36 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x36 irq=0x22 vector=0x36
Set xcbq_shutdown to 0 for node 3
Port 2:1:2 - emh ffff810233540000 HBA Type f100 Port ffffc200109f0000 IRQ 54
Bus #2 Port 2:1:2 - FW rev 2.01.X.14 [Initiator Mode]
Port 2:0:2 - llss port ffff810233440000 [Initiator Mode]
SCSI install done (8092ms taken)
BIOS indicates 12 CPUs expected
Started eagle_cm_patrol_thread pid 0x118d
this_node_total_cm_gb 8
patrol_delay 2688mS
Starting eagle_cm_patrol_thread....
Num Srcs 14 Src Size 16384
CM: starting protocol to join cluster.
Starting scan mir log thread 0x11cb
Setting recovery log scan delay to 117 ms
init: Loading tpd kernel module: done.
init: Mapping IRQs to cpus: passed.
init: Loading tpd kernel patch modules: 94154_92259 102478
init: Configuring powerfail device /dev/pfail_storage: 801
init: done.
init: Initializing eanet0: done.
init: Rotating PM logs: done.
init: Rotating PR event logs: done.
init: Starting Process Manager: pm.
init: Rotating pr_sync_ide logs: done.
init: Starting PR Sync IDE: pr_sync_ide.
init: rsync daemon not enabled in /etc/default/rsync, not starting... ...
init: Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local).

3PAR(R) InForm(tm) OS 9902109-2 ttyS0

9902109-2 login: console
Last login: Sun Jun 15 20:32:09 EDT 2014 on ttyS0

Usage of the 3PAR(R) InForm(tm) Operating System is subject to the terms of

the End-User License Agreement (EULA), with the exclusion of software licensed
under other terms. The EULA can be found in /usr/share/doc/tpd/copyright.

Many of the programs included with the 3PAR InForm(tm) Operating System are
freely redistributable; the exact distribution terms for each program
are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

No directory, logging in with HOME=/

3PAR Console Menu 9902109-2

1. Out Of The Box Procedure

2. Re-enter network configuration
3. Update the CBIOS
4. Enable or disable CLI error injections
5. Perform a Node-to-Node rescue
6. Set up the system to wipe and rerun ootb
7. Cancel a wipe
8. Perform a deinstallation
9. Update the system for recently added hardware (admithw)
10. Check system health (checkhealth)
11. Exit
> 8
At this point, all chunklets in the system will be initialized to clear volume
data. This is estimated to take about 471 minutes.

Wait for all chunklets to be initialized? (y/n) n


Node 0:

Node 1:

Node 3:

Broadcast message from root@9902109-2 (ttyS0) (Sun Jun 15 20:35:37 2014):

The system is going down for system halt NOW!

INIT: SwitchingStopping internet superserver: inetd.

Stopping Process Manager: 2014-06-15 20:35:38.87 EDT {6144} oom_adj disable
/proc/6144/oom_adj oomval = -17
Stopping system manager: sysmgr.
Stopping network controller: netc.
Stopping node server: nodesvr.
Stopping persistent repository server: pr_svr.
Stopping disk scrubber: diskscrub.
Stopping CLI server: tpdtcl.
Saving the system clock.
Hardware Clock updated to Sun Jun 15 20:35:39 EDT 2014.
Stopping kernel log daemon....
Stopping system log daemon....
Asking all remaining processes to terminate...done.
Killing all remaining processes...failed.
Saving random seed...done.
Deconfiguring network interfaces...done.
Cleaning up ifupdown....
Will now unmount temporary filesystems:/dev umounted
Will now deactivate swap:swapoff on /dev/sda5
Will now unmount weak filesystems:/dev/sda3 umounted
Will now unmount local filesystems:/dev/sda7 umounted
/dev/sda7 umounted
umount2: Device or resource busy
umount: /dev/sda2 busy - remounted read-only
Mounting root filesystem read-only...done.
Will now halt.
BIOS disabled SERR and PERR on all PCI devices
BIOS put all HBAs in reset
System halted.

--- SMI request via SMI_CMD

2014-06-15 20:35:56 (UTC-4)
CPU b [11] rip: 0xffffffff800732cd
CPU a [10] rip: 0xffffffff800732cd
CPU 9 [9] rip: 0xffffffff800732cd
CPU 8 [8] rip: 0xffffffff800732cd
CPU 7 [7] rip: 0xffffffff800732cd
CPU 6 [6] rip: 0xffffffff800732cd
CPU 5 [5] rip: 0xffffffff800732cd
CPU 4 [4] rip: 0xffffffff800732cd
CPU 3 [3] rip: 0xffffffff800732cd
CPU 2 [2] rip: 0xffffffff800732cd
->CPU 1 [1] rip: 0xffffffff8007a751
CPU 0 [0] rip: 0xffffffff800732cd
BIOS disabled SERR and PERR on all PCI devices
BIOS put all HBAs in reset
Disabled FSBC boot watchdog.

SATA port ready for hot plug.

The OS was executing. Not all commands may work.

SMI Whack>reset node 3

Resetting node in slot 3 using NEMOE...
SMI Whack>reset node 1
Resetting node in slot 1 using NEMOE...
SMI Whack>reset node 0
Resetting node in slot 0 using NEMOE...

SMI Whack>reset

SBoard ID = BoardIdEOSNode
EOS SAS Buffers Initialization Complete.
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD86A0 PeiVariable.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD9DA0 ReadOnlyVariableOnReadOnlyVariable2Thunk.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCD720 PchInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDADC0 PlatformEarlyInit.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCA0A0 CpuIoPei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD4740 IioDmiInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDECA0 CapsulePei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE1020 WdtPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE37A0 PchSmbusArpDisabled.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE47A0 PchSpiPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFF00100 UncoreInit.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD7420 CpuPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCB9A0 PcatSingleSegmentPciCfg2Pei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCD1A0 PciCfgOnPciCfg2Thunk.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD57A0 PlatformInfo.efi
Board ID = BoardIdEOSNode
EOS SAS Buffers Initialization Complete.
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD86A0 PeiVariable.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD9DA0 ReadOnlyVariableOnReadOnlyVariable2Thunk.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCD720 PchInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDADC0 PlatformEarlyInit.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCA0A0 CpuIoPei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD4740 IioDmiInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDECA0 CapsulePei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE1020 WdtPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE37A0 PchSmbusArpDisabled.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE47A0 PchSpiPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFF00100 UncoreInit.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007EEF4000 PeiCore.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007EEF2000 CpuIoPei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007EEEE000 DxeIpl.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007E874000 DxeCore.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFDB000 SectionExtractionDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F9000 CpuIoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFD9000 CpuIo2Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC9000 HiiDatabase.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC7000 DataHubDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC4000 Legacy8259.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC2000 Metronome.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F7000 RuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF95000 FvOnFv2Thunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF91000 FaultTolerantWriteDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF88000 SecurityStubDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF8A000 DpcDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF85000 AcpiSupportDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF7C000 DevicePathDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF78000 EbcDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB76000 ActiveBios.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB74000 PchSerialGpio.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB75000 WdtDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB70000 PciPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB6D000 SmbiosDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB6A000 S3SaveStateDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB67000 PlatformType.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB60000 IioInitialize.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB00000 BdsDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB5E000 DataHubStdErrDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F3000 PchSpiRuntime.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F1000 PchReset.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB48000 SetupBrowser.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3F000 Datahub2SmbiosThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3D000 LpcPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3B000 BootScriptSaveOnS3SaveStateThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3A000 PciHotPlug.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB2A000 FrameworkHiiOnUefiHiiThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB25000 PciHostBridge.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAF5000 PlatDriOverrideDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0ED000 FwBlockService.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAD0000 SmmAccess.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DACD000 MiscSubclass.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E8000 VariableRuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E5000 PcRtc.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E3000 MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E1000 CapsuleRuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAC6000 LegacyRegion.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAC3000 PchS3Support.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F1FD000 PchS3Peim.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAB8000 PlatformCpuPolicy.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA8E000 Platform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA8B000 AcpiVTD.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA46000 MpCpu.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA82000 LegacyRegion2OnLegacyRegionThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA44000 PchSmbusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D93E000 GenericMemoryTestDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D952000 SmartTimer.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D94F000 MemorySubClass.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8FB000 BootScriptExecutorDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8E8000 MpServicesOnFrameworkMpServicesThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8F4000 Eist.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8E6000 WatchdogTimer.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D869000 AcpiPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D867000 OemBadgingSupport.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D85E000 SnpDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D856000 MnpDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D850000 VlanConfigDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D84B000 ArpDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D843000 Dhcp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D83C000 Ip4ConfigDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D832000 Ip4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D81D000 Mtftp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D7B2000 Tcp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D829000 Udp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D7A4000 IScsiDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D815000 BlockIoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D825000 BiosSnp16.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D7A0000 BiosVideoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D812000 ConPlatformDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D78E000 ConSplitterDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D798000 GraphicsConsoleDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D784000 TerminalDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D794000 VgaClassDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D782000 DiskIoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D77D000
Loading driver at 0x0007D78C000 IntelPchLegacyInterrupt.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0DF000 SmmControl.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D77A000 SataController.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D76E000 AtaBusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D767000 AtaAtapiPassThruDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D777000 IncompatiblePciDevice.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D774000 IsaBusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D763000 IsaSerialDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D75F000 IsaFloppyDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D75D000 PilotIIPc8374.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D759000 PartitionDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D74F000 PciBus.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D74D000 EnglishDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D745000 EhciDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D740000 UsbKbDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D73C000 UsbMassStorageDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D739000 UsbMouseDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D732000 UhciDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D72B000 UsbBusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D728000 ScsiBus.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D724000 ScsiDisk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D720000 Ps2KeyboardDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D71D000 Ps2MouseDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D719000 AcpiS3SaveDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D70D000 PchInitDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D703000 LegacyBiosPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0DA000 SmmBase.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6FE000 SmmRelocate.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBEC000 SmmCoreDispatcher.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6FC000 PchSmbusSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBC5000 PchSmbusSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6F7000 PchSmiDispatcher.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBC1000 PchSmiDispatcher.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6F0000 PchSpiSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBBF000 PchSpiSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6E7000 LegacyBiosDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0D8000 IioSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBBD000 IioSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6F2000 IoTrap.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBBB000 IoTrap.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0D6000 AcpiSmmPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBB9000 AcpiSmmPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6E0000 CBiosDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0D4000 CBiosSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBB7000 CBiosSmm.efi
Current Date and Time: 2014-06-15 20:37:13 (UTC-4)

HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.

Bootstrap CPU0
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3
SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6
CPU speed: 1800.00 MHz
Bus speed: 100.00 MHz
Bus to CPU ratio: 1/18

Board reset reason: EXTERNAL_RESET

Previous reason : PCI_RESET

--> Starting: [0] CPU Interrupt Vector Initialization

--> Starting: [1] CPU SDRAM Memory Scan
--> Starting: [2] PCI Bus Initialization
--------- Starting PCI scan #2:

00.00.00 SandyBridge DMI2:

Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c00, Rev 0x07
Host/PCI bridge - Intel Device
00.01.00 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 1a:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c02, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 01-07
01.00.00 PEX8648 #0:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 02-07
02.01.00 PEX8648 #0 DS1 (slot 2):
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 03
03.00.00 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8020, Rev 0x58
Ethernet network controller
03.00.01 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8020, Rev 0x58
Ethernet network controller
03.00.04 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8022, Rev 0x58
Other network controller
03.00.05 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8022, Rev 0x58
Other network controller
03.00.06 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8021, Rev 0x58
Fibre Channel controller
03.00.07 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8021, Rev 0x58
Fibre Channel controller
02.04.00 PEX8648 #0 DS4:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 04
04.00.00 Harrier LPC2:
Vendor 3PAR, Device 0x0003, Rev 0x00
Large Memory Window 1 at 20:00000000
Disk cache controller
02.05.00 PEX8648 #0 DS5:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 05
05.00.00 Harrier LPC0:
Vendor 3PAR, Device 0x0003, Rev 0x00
Small Memory Window 1 at a0000000
Large Memory Window 1 at 10:00000000
Medium Memory Window 1 at 08:00000000
Disk cache controller
02.08.00 PEX8648 #0 DS8:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 06
06.00.00 Slot 0:
Vendor LSI, Device 0x0087, Rev 0x01
SAS mass storage controller
02.09.00 PEX8648 #0 DS9:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 07
07.00.00 Slot 1:
Vendor Emulex, Device 0xf100, Rev 0x03
Fibre Channel controller
07.00.01 Slot 1:
Vendor Emulex, Device 0xf100, Rev 0x03
Fibre Channel controller
00.01.01 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 1b:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c03, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 08
00.03.00 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3a:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c08, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 09
00.03.01 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3b:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c09, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0a
00.03.02 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3c:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c0a, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0b
00.03.03 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3d:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c0b, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0c
00.04.00 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH0:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c20, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.01 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH1:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c21, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.02 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH2:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c22, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.03 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH3:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c23, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.04 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH4:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c24, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.05 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH5:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c25, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.06 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH6:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c26, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.07 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH7:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c27, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.05.00 SandyBridge Memory Map/VTd:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c28, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.05.02 SandyBridge RAS:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c2a, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.05.04 SandyBridge IOAPIC:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c2c, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.11.00 PCH Virtual Root Port:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d3e, Rev 0x06
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0d
00.1c.00 PCH PCI Express Port 1:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d10, Rev 0xb6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0e
00.1c.06 PCH PCI Express Port 7:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d1c, Rev 0xb6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0f
0f.00.00 Intel 82574 #0:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x10d3, Rev 0x00
Ethernet network controller
00.1c.07 PCH PCI Express Port 8:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x244e, Rev 0xb6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 10
10.00.00 Intel 82574 #1:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x10d3, Rev 0x00
Ethernet network controller
00.1e.00 PCH DMI to PCI Bridge:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d25, Rev 0xa6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 11
00.1f.00 PCH LPC:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d41, Rev 0x06
PCI/ISA bridge
00.1f.02 PCH SATA:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d02, Rev 0x06
SATA mass storage controller
00.1f.03 PCH SMBus:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d22, Rev 0x06
System Management Bus controller

PCI address allocations:

16-bit I/O space: [ 1000 .. 503f]
32-bit prefetchable memory: [ (none) ]
32-bit non-prefetchable memory: [ 90000000 .. c15fffff]
64-bit prefetchable memory: [10:00000000 .. 2f:ffffffff]
36-bit prefetchable memory: [08:00000000 .. 0b:ffffffff]

PCI bus scan and allocation completed in 2 passes.

PCIe 1.0.0: Serial EEPROM contents verified.

--> Starting: [3] Serial Port Initialization
--> Starting: [4] Remote Console Initialization
--> Starting: [5] Random Number Generator Init
--> Starting: [6] CPU SDRAM Memory Test
--> Starting: [7] Process NVRAM values
Prior reset 2014-06-12 20:41:25
Last reset 2014-06-15 20:32:53
This reset 2014-06-15 20:36:58
Time now 2014-06-15 20:37:17
--> Starting: [9] CPU APIC Initialization
CPU 0 [0] Microcode check...
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU speed: 1800.00 MHz
Bus speed: 100.00 MHz
Bus to CPU ratio: 1/18
CPU 0 [0] Done

CPU 6 [6] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3
SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6
CPU 6 [6] shutting down.

CPU 9 [9] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 9 [9] shutting down.

CPU a [a] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU a [a] shutting down.

CPU 3 [3] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 3 [3] shutting down.

CPU 7 [7] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 7 [7] shutting down.

CPU 2 [2] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 2 [2] shutting down.

CPU 8 [8] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 8 [8] shutting down.

CPU b [b] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU b [b] shutting down.

CPU 4 [4] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3
SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6
CPU 4 [4] shutting down.

CPU 1 [1] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 1 [1] shutting down.

CPU 5 [5] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 5 [5] shutting down.

*** Error: IRQ 26 is overloaded 5

*** Error: IRQ 26 is overloaded 5
Programming PCI interrupt lines
APIC INT Vend.Dev Bus.Dev.Func Slot INT AIRQ Vec ind MSI
0 02 MB 2 ee 10
0 03 MB 3 7a 18
0 04 MB 4 7b 20
0 08 MB 8 7c 40
0 09 MB 9 75 48
0 0d MB 13 7e 68
0 0e MB 14 76 70
0 0f MB 15 77 78
0 11 8086.1d02 0.1f.2 MB B 17 90 88
0 12 MB 18 7d 90
0 16 MB 22 78 b0
0 17 MB 23 79 b8
1 00 1000.0087 6.0.0 0 A 24 30 00 0x00 -> 0xfec01020
1 01 10df.f100 7.0.0 1 A 25 31 08 0x01 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8020 3.0.0 2 A 26 32 10 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8020 3.0.1 2 A 26 33 12 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8022 3.0.4 2 A 26 34 14 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8021 3.0.7 2 A 26 35 16 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 0a 10df.f100 7.0.1 1 B 34 36 50 0x0a -> 0xfec01020
1 10 1590.0003 5.0.0 MB A 40 c0 80 0x10 -> 0xfec01020
1 14 1590.0003 4.0.0 MB A 44 c4 a0 0x14 -> 0xfec01020
1 16 8086.10d3 f.0.0 MB A 46 91 b0 0x16 -> 0xfec01020
1 17 8086.10d3 10.0.0 MB A 47 92 b8 0x17 -> 0xfec01020
Timer Interrupt test: PASS
--> Starting: [10] CPU SDRAM ECC Initialization
--> Starting: [11] Board GPIO Init
--> Starting: [12] Node Fan Test
--> Starting: [14] Power Supply and Battery Init
--> Starting: [15] Power Supply and Battery Test
--> Starting: [16] PROM Checksum Test
PROM checksum: PASS
--> Starting: [17] Ethernet PROM Test
eth0 PROM contents: PASS
eth0 PROM checksum: PASS
eth1 PROM contents: PASS
eth1 PROM checksum: PASS
--> Starting: [18] Real Time Clock Test
--> Starting: [19] Board GPIO Test
FPGA Scratchpad Test [ ]....] PASS
NEMOE Loopback Test [ ]..........] PASS
--> Starting: [20] Ethernet Loopback Test
eth0 device registers: PASS
eth1 device registers: PASS
eth0 loopback All zeros: PASS
eth0 loopback All ones: PASS
eth0 loopback Walking ones: PASS
eth0 loopback Walking zeros: PASS
eth0 loopback Random pattern: PASS
eth1 loopback All zeros: PASS
eth1 loopback All ones: PASS
eth1 loopback Walking ones: PASS
eth1 loopback Walking zeros: PASS
eth1 loopback Random pattern: PASS
--> Starting: [21] Verify PCI Configuration
--> Starting: [22] Mass Storage Initialization
--> Starting: [23] Mass Storage Drive Test
AHCI: skipping register test
AHCI: skipping controller test
AHCI0 seek test: PASS
AHCI0 read test: PASS
AHCI: skipping DMA read test
--> Starting: [24] BIOS Automatic Update
--> Starting: [25] Fibre HBA Automatic Update
--> Starting: [26] Cluster Manager Reset
--> Starting: [27] Cluster Memory Initialization
Harrier ASIC found at 5.0.0. CSR at 0xc0000000
Set0 DC DIMM 0.0.0 (J0300): Part #36HVS51272PZ-80EH1 SN:dc8ee0d6
Set0 DC DIMM 0.1.0 (J0301): Part #36HVS51272PZ-80EH1 SN:dc8ee0d5 SPD Passed
Initializing Harrier at 5.0.0...
CSR=00:c0000000 SMW=00:a0000000 LMW=10:00000000 MMW=08:00000000
Running BIST Test: [GOOD]
CMA1: LPC1 is not Up, Trying LPC0
DMA PM using LPC2 CMA0 using LPC0 CMA1 using LPC0
RPC PM using LPC2 CMA0 using LPC0 CMA1 using LPC0
Set0 DC DIMM 0.0.0 (J0300): 4096 MB CL4/6
Set0 DC DIMM 0.1.0 (J0301): 4096 MB CL4/6
Present 1 Set 0, Side 0 Base = 00:00000000 Size = 00:ffffffff
Present 1 Set 0, Side 1 Base = 01:00000000 Size = 01:ffffffff
Testing CMA interrupts: [............................]
Zero 32M cluster memory window: [ ]................]
Zero 8192M cluster memory window:
[ ]....................................]
Scan cluster memory for errors:
[ ]....................................]
CMA0 Cluster Memory is configured: 8192 MB CL4
Total Cluster Memory configured: 8192 MB
Harrier LPC Port Test: [............]
--> Starting: [28] Cluster Memory Diagnostic
Testing CMA0 SMW data lines with walking 1
Testing CMA0 SMW data lines with walking 0
Testing CMA0 MMW data lines with walking 1
Testing CMA0 MMW data lines with walking 0
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 1, channel 0
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 1, channel 1
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 0, channel 0
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 0, channel 1
Testing CMA0 Opcode: Zero ECC XOR PAR OR CRC
Testing CMA0 SRC Interrupts CM->CM PM->CM CM->PM PM->PM
Testing CMA0 SMW address lines with walking 1
Testing CMA0 SMW address lines with walking 0
Testing CMA0 MMW address lines with walking 1 (first 4 GB only)
Testing CMA0 MMW address lines with walking 0 (first 4 GB only)
Testing CMA0 with random XOR (all Cluster Memory)
8191 MB
[ ]...........................
--> Starting: [29] Cluster PCI Diagnostic
--> Starting: [30] DIMM Information Collection
--> Skipping: [31] Manufacturing Centerpanel GPIO Test
--> Starting: [32] Serial Port Loopback Test
Serial Port 0 [ ]................] PASS
Serial Port 1 [ ]................] PASS
Serial Port 2 [ ]................] PASS
--> Skipping: [33] Manufacturing Serial Port Test
--> Starting: [34] Environmental Initialization
--> Starting: [35] Environmental Temperature and Voltage Test
Expected Reading Lo Limit Hi Limit Status
NODE 12.00V: 12.12 V 11.37 V 12.62 V Within Tolerance
NODE AUX 12.00V: 12.08 V 11.37 V 12.60 V Within Tolerance
HBA 12.00V: 12.06 V 11.35 V 12.64 V Within Tolerance
NODE 5.00V: 4.99 V 4.73 V 5.25 V Within Tolerance
NODE AUX 5.00V: 4.99 V 4.73 V 5.25 V Within Tolerance
NODE 3.30V: 3.32 V 3.12 V 3.47 V Within Tolerance
HBA 3.30V: 3.34 V 3.10 V 3.49 V Within Tolerance
FPGA 3.30V: 3.26 V 3.12 V 3.48 V Within Tolerance
PCIe SW 2.50V: 2.48 V 2.37 V 2.63 V Within Tolerance
PHY0 1.90V: 1.87 V 1.80 V 2.00 V Within Tolerance
PHY1 1.90V: 1.92 V 1.80 V 2.00 V Within Tolerance
CPU PLL 1.80V: 1.78 V 1.70 V 1.89 V Within Tolerance
PCIe SW 1.50V: 1.48 V 1.42 V 1.59 V Within Tolerance
NODE 1.20V: 1.19 V 1.13 V 1.26 V Within Tolerance
PCH 1.10V: 1.09 V 1.04 V 1.17 V Within Tolerance
CPU 1.05/1.0V: 1.05 V 0.95 V 1.10 V Within Tolerance
NODE 1.00V: 0.99 V 0.89 V 1.05 V Within Tolerance
CPU VCCP 0.85V: 0.94 V 0.70 V 1.20 V Within Tolerance
CPU VSA 0.90V: 0.91 V 0.69 V 1.20 V Within Tolerance
DDR2 VDDQ 1.80V: 1.82 V 1.70 V 1.89 V Within Tolerance
DDR2 VTT 0.90V: 0.89 V 0.85 V 0.95 V Within Tolerance
DDR3 VDDQ 1.37V: 1.36 V 1.29 V 1.44 V Within Tolerance
DDR3 VTT 0.68V: 0.68 V 0.64 V 0.72 V Within Tolerance
Node Input 12.00V: 12.03 V 11.40 V 12.60 V Within Tolerance
Node InputCurrent: 11.92 A 0.00 A 22.00 A Within Tolerance
Node Input Power: 143.3 W 0.0 W 264.0 W Within Tolerance
LM87 Int Temp: 40 C 0 C 68 C Within Tolerance
LM87 Ext Temp: 36 C -4 C 60 C Within Tolerance
LM92 Temp: 44 C 0 C 64 C Within Tolerance
LM94 Int Temp: 35 C 0 C 72 C Within Tolerance
LM94 Ext Temp: 32 C 0 C 67 C Within Tolerance
CPU Package Temp: 44 C 0 C 101 C Within Tolerance
DIMM0 Temp: 40 C 0 C 80 C Within Tolerance
--> Starting: [36] Test CPU Operation
--> Skipping: [37] Manufacturing Cluster Link Initialization
--> Skipping: [38] Manufacturing Cluster Link Test
--> Starting: [39] PCI Fibre Channel/SAS Adapter Test
FC HBA QLogic 8021 at 3.0.6 (PCI slot 2) [4.9.29]

Register test [ ]........] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]............] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]............] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

FC HBA QLogic 8021 at 3.0.7 (PCI slot 2) [4.9.29]

Register test [ ]........] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]............] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]............] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

SAS HBA LSI 0087 at 6.0.0 (PCI slot 0) [Ver: 11.00]

Register test [ ]..] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]........] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]........] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

FC HBA Emulex f100 at 7.0.0 (PCI slot 1) [U3D2.01X14]

Register test [ ]........] PASS

Memory test [ ]..] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]...] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

FC HBA Emulex f100 at 7.0.1 (PCI slot 1) [U3D2.01X14]

Register test [ ]........] PASS

Memory test [ ]..] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]...] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

--> Starting: [40] PCI iSCSI Adapter Test
--> Starting: [41] System Error Reporting Init
--> Skipping: [43] Manufacturing CP EEPROM Test
--> Starting: [44] Certify OS Startup
--> Skipping: [45] Table Execution Summary
HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.
| CPU 1 x 1.80 GHz Sandy Bridge hexa core HT dual
| Control Cache Size 7.100 GB (cpu mem type 11) CL9
| Pair0 DIMM0 (J0155): 8192 MB CL5/10
| Data Cache Size 8 GB CL4/6
| Set0 DC DIMM 0.0.0 (J0300): 4096 MB CL4/6
| Set0 DC DIMM 0.1.0 (J0301): 4096 MB CL4/6
| Slot ID 2 [4 Node HP 3PAR 7400 Centerplane]
| FPGA Eos v0.e
| SATA0 Disk OCZ D2RSTKSS1M19-0050 9S0GD9SEA227QQIZ 50 GB
| PCI Slot 0 LSI-SAS 9205-8e
| PCI Slot 1 Emulex LPe12002 VM80175440 2-port
| PCI Slot 2 QLogic QLE8242 PCGLT0ARC2U4EB 2-port
| Board 920-200040.91 FXN 2012/30/Tue 00103456 ac:16:2d:36:04:b0
| Cluster serial 9902109 ac:16:2d:36:04:b1
| Board reset reason EXTERNAL_RESET
| Current Time 2014-06-15 20:38:27 (UTC-4)
Booting from device 0, AHCI0
Setting FSB WDT Boot Complete State.
GRUB loading.
elcome to GRUB!

ress ESC to display the GRUB menu... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

2 1 0
Booting ''

Linux version 2.6.18-prep-3pardata ( (gcc version 4.4.5

(Debian 4.4.5-8) ) #1 SMP Tue Oct 1 13:01:00 PDT 2013
Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-prep-3pardata ro
console=ttyS0,57600 acpi_hest=off acpi=ht genapic=phys aerdriver.forceload=y
pci=aer root=/dev/sda3
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
BIOS-e820: 0000000000010000 - 000000000009ec00 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000000009ec00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000000e0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000007b6b3000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000007b6b3000 - 000000007d6b4000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 000000007d6b4000 - 000000007f0ff000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f0ff000 - 000000007f1ff000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f1ff000 - 000000007f6ff000 (ACPI NVS)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f6ff000 - 000000007f7f3000 (ACPI data)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f7f3000 - 000000007f800000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f800000 - 000000007fc00000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000080000000 - 0000000090000000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000fed1c000 - 00000000fed20000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000ffc00000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000100000000 - 0000000280000000 (usable)
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xff800000
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xffa00000
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xffc00000
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xffe00000
DMI present.
Memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) notwithin permissible range
disabling kdump
ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x408
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
Processor #0 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x20] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x02] enabled)
Processor #2 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x22] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x04] lapic_id[0x04] enabled)
Processor #4 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x05] lapic_id[0x24] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x06] lapic_id[0x06] enabled)
Processor #6 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x07] lapic_id[0x26] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x08] lapic_id[0x08] enabled)
Processor #8 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x09] lapic_id[0x28] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0a] lapic_id[0x0a] enabled)
Processor #10 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0b] lapic_id[0x2a] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0c] lapic_id[0x0c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0d] lapic_id[0x2c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0e] lapic_id[0x0e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0f] lapic_id[0x2e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x10] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
Processor #1 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x11] lapic_id[0x21] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x12] lapic_id[0x03] enabled)
Processor #3 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x13] lapic_id[0x23] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x14] lapic_id[0x05] enabled)
Processor #5 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x15] lapic_id[0x25] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x16] lapic_id[0x07] enabled)
Processor #7 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x17] lapic_id[0x27] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x18] lapic_id[0x09] enabled)
Processor #9 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x19] lapic_id[0x29] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1a] lapic_id[0x0b] enabled)
Processor #11 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1b] lapic_id[0x2b] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1c] lapic_id[0x0d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1d] lapic_id[0x2d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1e] lapic_id[0x0f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1f] lapic_id[0x2f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x20] lapic_id[0x40] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x21] lapic_id[0x60] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x22] lapic_id[0x42] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x23] lapic_id[0x62] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x24] lapic_id[0x44] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x25] lapic_id[0x64] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x26] lapic_id[0x46] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x27] lapic_id[0x66] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x28] lapic_id[0x48] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x29] lapic_id[0x68] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2a] lapic_id[0x4a] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2b] lapic_id[0x6a] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2c] lapic_id[0x4c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2d] lapic_id[0x6c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2e] lapic_id[0x4e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2f] lapic_id[0x6e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x30] lapic_id[0x41] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x31] lapic_id[0x61] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x32] lapic_id[0x43] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x33] lapic_id[0x63] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x34] lapic_id[0x45] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x35] lapic_id[0x65] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x36] lapic_id[0x47] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x37] lapic_id[0x67] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x38] lapic_id[0x49] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x39] lapic_id[0x69] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3a] lapic_id[0x4b] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3b] lapic_id[0x6b] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3c] lapic_id[0x4d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3d] lapic_id[0x6d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3e] lapic_id[0x4f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3f] lapic_id[0x6f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x00] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x01] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x02] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x03] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x04] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x05] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x06] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x07] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x08] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x09] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x10] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x11] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x12] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x13] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x14] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x15] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x16] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x17] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x18] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x19] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x20] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x21] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x22] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x23] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x24] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x25] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x26] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x27] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x28] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x29] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x30] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x31] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x32] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x33] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x34] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x35] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x36] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x37] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x38] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x39] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a301 base: 0xfed00000
Using ACPI for processor (LAPIC) configuration information
Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4
Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
OEM ID: 3PAR Product ID: 7400 APIC at: 0xFEE00000
I/O APIC #8 Version 32 at 0xFEC00000.
I/O APIC #9 Version 32 at 0xFEC01000.
clustered_apic_check: bootapic = ffffffff803895c0
Setting APIC routing to flat
Processors: 12
Nosave address range: 000000000009e000 - 000000000009f000
Nosave address range: 000000000009f000 - 00000000000a0000
Nosave address range: 00000000000a0000 - 00000000000e0000
Nosave address range: 00000000000e0000 - 0000000000100000
Nosave address range: 000000007b6b3000 - 000000007d6b4000
Nosave address range: 000000007f0ff000 - 000000007f1ff000
Nosave address range: 000000007f1ff000 - 000000007f6ff000
Nosave address range: 000000007f6ff000 - 000000007f7f3000
Nosave address range: 000000007f800000 - 000000007fc00000
Nosave address range: 000000007fc00000 - 0000000080000000
Nosave address range: 0000000080000000 - 0000000090000000
Nosave address range: 0000000090000000 - 00000000fed1c000
Nosave address range: 00000000fed1c000 - 00000000fed20000
Nosave address range: 00000000fed20000 - 00000000ffc00000
Nosave address range: 00000000ffc00000 - 0000000100000000
Allocating PCI resources starting at 98000000 (gap: 90000000:6ed1c000)
SMP: Allowing 32 CPUs, 20 hotplug CPUs
Built 1 zonelists. Total pages: 2047658
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-prep-3pardata ro
console=ttyS0,57600 acpi_hest=off acpi=ht genapic=phys aerdriver.forceload=y
pci=aer root=/dev/sda3
ACPI HEST support disabled
Initializing CPU#0
PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 12, 32768 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 1048576 (order: 11, 8388608 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes)
Checking aperture...
PCI-DMA: Using software bounce buffering for IO (SWIOTLB)
Placing software IO TLB between 0xa936000 - 0xe936000
Memory: 8108792k/10485760k available (2995k kernel code, 230620k reserved,
1413k data, 248k init)
Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency..
3591.44 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182880)
kdb version 4.4 by Keith Owens, Scott Lurndal. Copyright SGI, All Rights
kdb_cmd[0]: defcmd archkdb "" "First line arch debugging"
kdb_cmd[7]: defcmd archkdbcpu "" "archkdb with only tasks on cpus"
kdb_cmd[14]: defcmd archkdbshort "" "archkdb with less detailed backtrace"
kdb_cmd[21]: defcmd archkdbcommon "" "Common arch debugging"
Mount-cache hash table entries: 256
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
using mwait in idle threads.
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
SMP alternatives: switching to UP code
Using IO-APIC 8
Using IO-APIC 9
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1 vector=0x61 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x1, vector = 0x61, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x0 vector=0xee src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x0, vector = 0xee, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x3 vector=0x7a src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x3, vector = 0x7a, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x4 vector=0x7b src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x4, vector = 0x7b, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x5 vector=0x65 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x5, vector = 0x65, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x6 vector=0x66 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x6, vector = 0x66, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x7 vector=0x67 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x7, vector = 0x67, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x8 vector=0x7c src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x8, vector = 0x7c, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x9 vector=0x75 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x9, vector = 0x75, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xa vector=0x6a src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xa, vector = 0x6a, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xb vector=0x6b src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xb, vector = 0x6b, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xc vector=0x6c src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xc, vector = 0x6c, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xd vector=0x7e src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xd, vector = 0x7e, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xe vector=0x76 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xe, vector = 0x76, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xf vector=0x77 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xf, vector = 0x77, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x71 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 16 sharing vector 0x71 and IRQ 16
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x10, vector = 0x70, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x12 vector=0x72 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 18 sharing vector 0x72 and IRQ 18
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x12 vector=0x7d src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x12, vector = 0x7d, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x13 vector=0x73 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 19 sharing vector 0x73 and IRQ 19
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x13 vector=0x73 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x13, vector = 0x73, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x16 vector=0x78 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x16, vector = 0x78, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x17 vector=0x79 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x17, vector = 0x79, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x18 vector=0x74 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 24 sharing vector 0x74 and IRQ 24
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x18 vector=0x30 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x18, vector = 0x30, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x19 vector=0x7f src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 25 sharing vector 0x7F and IRQ 25
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x19 vector=0x31 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x19, vector = 0x31, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x82 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 26 sharing vector 0x82 and IRQ 26
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x35 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x1a, vector = 0x35, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1f vector=0x83 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 31 sharing vector 0x83 and IRQ 31
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1f vector=0x87 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x1f, vector = 0x87, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x22 vector=0x84 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 34 sharing vector 0x84 and IRQ 34
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x22 vector=0x36 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x22, vector = 0x36, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x28 vector=0x85 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 40 sharing vector 0x85 and IRQ 40
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x28 vector=0xc0 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x28, vector = 0xc0, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2c vector=0x86 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 44 sharing vector 0x86 and IRQ 44
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2c vector=0xc4 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x2c, vector = 0xc4, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2e vector=0x88 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 46 sharing vector 0x88 and IRQ 46
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2e vector=0x91 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x2e, vector = 0x91, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2f vector=0x89 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 47 sharing vector 0x89 and IRQ 47
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2f vector=0x92 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x2f, vector = 0x92, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x0 vector=0xee src=BIOS_Misc
..TIMER: vector=0xEE apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
Using local APIC timer interrupts.
Detected 6.235 MHz APIC timer.
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 1/12 APIC 0x2
Initializing CPU#1
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.38 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182765)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 1
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 2/12 APIC 0x4
Initializing CPU#2
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.40 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182817)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 3/12 APIC 0x6
Initializing CPU#3
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.41 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182836)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 3
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 4/12 APIC 0x8
Initializing CPU#4
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.48 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182962)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 4
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 5/12 APIC 0xa
Initializing CPU#5
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.53 BogoMIPS (lpj=7183075)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 5
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 6/12 APIC 0x1
Initializing CPU#6
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.52 BogoMIPS (lpj=7183047)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 7/12 APIC 0x3
Initializing CPU#7
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.49 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182994)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 1
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 8/12 APIC 0x5
Initializing CPU#8
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.56 BogoMIPS (lpj=7183134)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 9/12 APIC 0x7
Initializing CPU#9
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.36 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182725)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 3
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 10/12 APIC 0x9
Initializing CPU#10
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.20 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182402)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 4
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 11/12 APIC 0xb
Initializing CPU#11
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.31 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182620)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 5
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
Brought up 12 CPUs
time.c: Using 14.318180 MHz WALL HPET GTOD HPET/TSC timer.
time.c: Detected 1795.720 MHz processor.
tpd_tsc_init: 12 cpus initialized
checking if image is initramfs... it is
Freeing initrd memory: 2120k freed
NET: Registered protocol family 16
PCI: Using MMCONFIG at 80000000
ACPI: Interpreter disabled.
SCSI subsystem initialized
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
PCI: Found 0000:00:00.0 [8086/3c00] 000600 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:01.0 [8086/3c02] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:01.1 [8086/3c03] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.0 [8086/3c08] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.1 [8086/3c09] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.2 [8086/3c0a] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.3 [8086/3c0b] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.0 [8086/3c20] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.1 [8086/3c21] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.2 [8086/3c22] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.3 [8086/3c23] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.4 [8086/3c24] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.5 [8086/3c25] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.6 [8086/3c26] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.7 [8086/3c27] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:05.0 [8086/3c28] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:05.2 [8086/3c2a] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:05.4 [8086/3c2c] 000800 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:11.0 [8086/1d3e] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1c.0 [8086/1d10] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1c.6 [8086/1d1c] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1c.7 [8086/244e] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1e.0 [8086/1d25] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1f.0 [8086/1d41] 000601 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:1f.2 [8086/1d02] 000106 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:1f.3 [8086/1d22] 000c05 00
PCI: Found 0000:01:00.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:01.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:04.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:05.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:08.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:09.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.0 [1077/8020] 000200 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.1 [1077/8020] 000200 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.4 [1077/8022] 000280 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.5 [1077/8022] 000280 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.6 [1077/8021] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.7 [1077/8021] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:04:00.0 [1590/0003] 00ff00 00
PCI: Found 0000:05:00.0 [1590/0003] 00ff00 00
PCI: Found 0000:06:00.0 [1000/0087] 000107 00
PCI: Found 0000:07:00.0 [10df/f100] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:07:00.1 [10df/f100] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:0f:00.0 [8086/10d3] 000200 00
PCI: Found 0000:10:00.0 [8086/10d3] 000200 00
PCI: Transparent bridge - 0000:00:1c.7
PCI: Transparent bridge - 0000:00:1e.0
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:01.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:01.1[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.1[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.2[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.3[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.0[A] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.1[B] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.2[C] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.3[D] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.4[A] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.5[B] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.6[C] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.7[D] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:11.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1c.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1c.6[C] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1c.7[D] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1f.2[B] -> IRQ 115
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1f.3[C] -> IRQ 125
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[A] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:01:00.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.0[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.1[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.4[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.5[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.6[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.7[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:04:00.0[A] -> IRQ 196
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:05:00.0[A] -> IRQ 192
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:06:00.0[A] -> IRQ 48
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:07:00.0[A] -> IRQ 49
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:07:00.1[B] -> IRQ 54
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:0f:00.0[A] -> IRQ 145
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:10:00.0[A] -> IRQ 146
DMAR:Host address width 46
DMAR:DRHD base: 0x000000fbff8000 flags: 0x1
IOMMU fbff8000: ver 1:0 cap d2078c106f0462 ecap f020fe
DMAR:RMRR base: 0x0000007f1f9000 end: 0x0000007f1fbfff
DMAR:ATSR flags: 0x0
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1d.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1d.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1a.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1a.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.02] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.02] not found
PCI-GART: No AMD northbridge found.
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[B] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:01.0[B] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[A] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:04.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[B] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:05.0[B] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[A] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:08.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[B] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:09.0[B] -> IRQ 112
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 262144 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 262144 bind 65536)
TCP reno registered
Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996
io scheduler noop registered
io scheduler anticipatory registered
io scheduler deadline registered
io scheduler cfq registered (default)
IRQ AUTO vector=0x8a src=Kernel_Misc
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
request_irq: irq = 8 irqflags = IRQF_DISABLED
Real Time Clock Driver v1.12ac
Linux agpgart interface v0.101 (c) Dave Jones
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a ST16650V2
brd: module loaded
loop: loaded (max 8 devices)
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x13 vector=0x73 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x73 irq=0x13 vector=0x73
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 6 ports 6 Gbps 0x1 impl SATA mode
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: flags: 64bit ncq sntf stag led clo pio slum part ems
scsi0 : ahci
scsi1 : ahci
scsi2 : ahci
scsi3 : ahci
scsi4 : ahci
scsi5 : ahci
ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xc1522000 port 0xc1522100 irq 115
ata2: DUMMY
ata3: DUMMY
ata4: DUMMY
ata5: DUMMY
ata6: DUMMY
ata1: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
ata1.00: ATA-8: D2RSTKSS1M19-0050, 3.00E, max UDMA/133
ata1.00: 97696368 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
Vendor: ATA Model: D2RSTKSS1M19-005 Rev: 3.00
Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 05
SCSI device sda: 97696368 512-byte hdwr sectors (50021 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back
SCSI device sda: 97696368 512-byte hdwr sectors (50021 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back
sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 < sda5 sda6 sda7 >
sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sda
sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
LKCD: Crash dump driver initialized.
LKCD: block device driver registered
LKCD: dump gzip safety buffer: ffff81027e9ce000, 4096
Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
ip_conntrack version 2.4 (8192 buckets, 65536 max) - 280 bytes per conntrack
ctnetlink v0.90: registering with nfnetlink.
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
TCP bic registered
NET: Registered protocol family 1
NET: Registered protocol family 10
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
NET: Registered protocol family 17
Freeing unused kernel memory: 248k freed
Loading, please wait...
mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device
W: devtmpfs not available, falling back to tmpfs for /dev
Begin: Loading essential drivers ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ... done.
Begin: Mounting root file systemkjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
... Begin: Running /scripts/local-top ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done.

INIT: version 2.88 booting

Setting hostname to '9902109-2'...done.

Files under mount point '/lib/init/rw' will be hidden. ... (warning).
Starting the hotplug events dispatcher: udevdudevd[1810]: libudevd version 125
nss_auth_helper: system call error: connect: /tmp/auth_helper_socket:
Connection refused

Synthesizing the initial hotplug events...udevd[1811]: libnss_auth_helper:
system call error: connect: /tmp/auth_helper_socket: Connection refused

udevd[1811]: libnss_auth_helper: system call error: connect:

/tmp/auth_helper_socket: Connection refused

Waiting for /dev to be fully populated...e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network
Driver - 1.3.10-k2
e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation.
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2e vector=0x91 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x91 irq=0x2e vector=0x91
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: Disabling ASPM L0s
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: eth0: (PCI Express:2.5GB/s:Width x1) ac:16:2d:36:04:b0
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: eth0: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: eth0: MAC: 3, PHY: 8, PBA No: FFFFFF-0FF
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2f vector=0x92 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x92 irq=0x2f vector=0x92
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: Disabling ASPM L0s
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: eth1: (PCI Express:2.5GB/s:Width x1) ac:16:2d:36:04:b1
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: eth1: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: eth1: MAC: 3, PHY: 8, PBA No: FFFFFF-0FF
Setting parameters of disc: (none).
Activating swap:swapon on /dev/sAdding 2104472k swap on /dev/sda5. Priority:-1
extents:1 across:2104472k
swapon: /dev/sda5: found swap signature: version 1, page-size 4, same byte
swapon: /dev/sda5: pagesiEXT3 FS on sda3, ze=4096, swapsizinternal journal
e=2154987520, devsize=2154991104
Will now check root file system:fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /] fsck.ext3 -y -C0 /dev/sda3
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
root1: clean, 32641/262944 files, 405875/1050249 blocks
Cleaning up ifupdown....
Will now activate lvm and md swap:done.
Will now check all file systems.
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
Checking all file systems.
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /altroot] fsck.ext3 -y -C0 /dev/sda2
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
root0: clean, 33653/262944 files, 373876/1050249 blocks
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /common] fsck.ext3 -y -C0 /dev/sda7
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
log: clean, 224/1218224 files, 397483/4863670 blocks
Dkjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on sda2, internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
one checking filkjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on sda7, internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
e systems. A log is being saved in /var/log/fsck/checkfs if that location is
Setting kernel variables ... /etc/sysctl.conf...done.
Will now mount local filesystems:.
Will now activate swapfile swap:done.
Cleaning up temporary files...Cleaning /tmp...done.
Cleaning /var/run...done.
Cleaning /var/lock...done.
Checking minimum space in /tmp...done.
/opt/tpd/bin/flash --noconfirm /opt/tpd/bios/replace-scriptonly

Currently in the main SPI flash memory: [5632 KB]

HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.

SPI image loaded: [8192 KB]

HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.

will be written to the main flash memory.

SPI image in flash is already current with specified file.
Use '--force' to downgrade the SPI image.
Setting up networking....
Configuring network interfaces...done.
Cleaning up temporary files....
Setting console screen modes and fonts.
cannot (un)set powersave mode
/etc/rcS.d/ line 240: /dev/tty1: No such file or directory
Couldnt get a file descriptor referring
INIT: Entering runlevel: 2

init: stty: standard input: Invalid argument

init: Starting system log daemon....
init: Starting kernel log daemon....
init: Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
init: Starting Machine Check Exceptions decoder: mcelog.
init: Starting internet superserver: inetd.
init: Enabling S.M.A.R.T..../dev/sda...done.
init: Starting S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd.
init: kernel.core_pattern = /var/core/proc/core.%e.%p
init: Saving kernel crash dump (if any):
init: No dump to save
init: done.
init: Rotating pfpart files:done.
init: Tuning TCP to improve throughput:
init: net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
init: net.core.wmemLKCD: Configuring dump device
_max = 8388608
LKCD: Block device (8,6) successfully configured for dumping using polling I/O
init: net.core.rLKCD: single-stage dumper set up for dev 806

mem_default = 65LKCD: Dump Level 0xf

init: net.cLKCD: GZIP compression initalized
ore.wmem_default = 65536
init: net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 8388608
init: net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 8388608
init: net.nemoe: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
ipv4.tcp_mem = 8NEMOE: mod init 1.0 Oct 1 2013 13:34:08
NEMOE: finding fpga
388608 8388608 8388608
init: CoNEMOE: mapped fpga type 4 revision 14
nfiguring kernel crash dump: ConNEMOE: GPIOs 61 12
figuring for 2.6NEMOE: finding nemoe record in shared memory
based kernel viNEMOE: creating device node
a sysfs
init: /NEMOE: creating proc entries
opt/tpd/bin/confNEMOE: initializing polling
NEMOE: initializing nenet interface
igdump: successfNEMOE: initializing watchdog timer
ul dump configurNEMOE: initializing IRQ
init: done.
NEMOE: completed initialization
init: Loading nemoe kernel module: done.
init: Validating: 3PAR NEMOE 4.10 - Release version 17:50:47 May 31 2013
init: NEMOE indicates the specified firmware is already installed.
init: kernel.tpd_no_mvec_msi = 0
init: kernel.tpd_msix_enableflg = 1
init: MSIX mode selected
Loading TPD InformOS v3.1.2.484 compiled on Oct 1 2013 at 13:43:37 by releng
in release format
Registering tpd_dump_event
BIOS SMI log initialized at va=0xffff8100006a0000 pa=0x00000000006a0000
Board Series: 0x901
FPGA mapped 0xff000000 to va 0xffffc20012b80000
CP: 4-node backplane 2
CP: This node is in slot 2
CP: Node mask: f
board_series = 0901
Creating EOS event thread.
EOS thread created.
EOS: Post autofix oscillation(0)...
EOS: Post autofix oscillation(1)...
Eos Enable FPGA Interrupt Handler
SCI: Init handler
BIOS reports control cache mapped under 4GB is 2040 MB
Eagle could not be located on the PCI bus
Could not locate Osprey on the PCI bus
Harrier 0 found ver 1 on PCI 4.0.0 irq 196.
CSR [0x00000000c1100000]
SCM 0000000000000000 to 0000000000000000 size 0000000000000000
LCM 0000002000000000 to 0000003000000000 size 0000001000000000
MRW 0000000000000000 to 0000000000000000 size 0000000000000000
Harrier 1 found ver 1 on PCI 5.0.0 irq 192.
CSR [0x00000000c0000000]
SCM 00000000a0000000 to 00000000c0000000 size 0000000020000000
LCM 0000001000000000 to 0000002000000000 size 0000001000000000
MRW 0000000800000000 to 0000000c00000000 size 0000000400000000
zxcv: rec 0, dev 0, bus 0, index 2, pci ffff810263e70c00, reg ffffc2001ed00000
zxcv: rec 1, dev 0, bus 2, index 0, pci ffff810263e70c60, reg ffffc2001ed20000
Harrier successfully added 1 devices
Harrier 0 has SCM mapped on pci bus 0x5 (0), MRW on pci bus 0x5 (0).
Harrier 0 Memory DMA Engine uses LPC# 2
Local PCIe DMA Engine uses LPC# 2
Store Forward uses LPC# 2
Clear HAR0 LPC0 error: 0x00000006 eid=0x02000000 hwe=0x00000000
New HAR0 LPC0 error: 0x00000000
Clear HAR0 LPC2 error: 0x00000006 eid=0x02000000 hwe=0x00000000
New HAR0 LPC2 error: 0x00000000
Try to enable msix interrupts for Harrier
Try to enable msix interrupts for Harrier
Harrier request IRQS for 32 entries
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdf
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdf to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xd0
Harrier: assigned vec 0xd0 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdd
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdd to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdc
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdc to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdb
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdb to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xda
Harrier: assigned vec 0xda to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc7
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc7 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc6
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc6 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc5
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc5 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc4
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc4 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xd5
Harrier: assigned vec 0xd5 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xbf
Harrier: assigned vec 0xbf to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xcf
Harrier: assigned vec 0xcf to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xce
Harrier: assigned vec 0xce to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xcd
Harrier: assigned vec 0xcd to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xcc
Harrier: assigned vec 0xcc to Harrier
PCI CONFIG for Harrier 0, Bus 0 @ 0x50: 00da7005 fee00000 00000000 000040df
PCI CONFIG for Harrier 0, Bus 2 @ 0x50: 00da7005 fee00000 00000000 000040df
++Harrier0 vector[0] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[1] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[2] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[3] 0xd0
++Harrier0 vector[4] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[5] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[6] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[7] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[8] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[9] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[10] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[11] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[12] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[13] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[14] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[15] 0xd0
++Harrier0 vector[16] 0xdd
++Harrier0 vector[17] 0xdc
++Harrier0 vector[18] 0xdb
++Harrier0 vector[19] 0xda
++Harrier0 vector[20] 0xc7
++Harrier0 vector[21] 0xc6
++Harrier0 vector[22] 0xc5
++Harrier0 vector[23] 0xc4
++Harrier0 vector[24] 0xd5
++Harrier0 vector[25] 0xbf
++Harrier0 vector[26] 0xcf
++Harrier0 vector[27] 0xce
++Harrier0 vector[28] 0xcd
++Harrier0 vector[29] 0xcc
++Harrier0 vector[30] 0xd0
++Harrier0 vector[31] 0xd0
har_pci_total_cm cm_size[0] = 0x2000 MB
har_pci_total_cm cm_size[1] = 0x0 MB
BIOS reporting 8192 MBytes of Cluster Memory
Harrier Mirror Memory size 128MB
har_init_comm node 2
eagle_get_link_mapping using 4-way EOS X connect
eagle_get_link_mapping using 4-way EOS X connect
CP: version 0 center plane
CP: 4way-CP 7400
eagle_get_link_mapping using 4-way EOS X connect
DEFAULT port2 ealk [-1] on node2 (0, 2)
DEFAULT port4 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 0)
DEFAULT port5 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 1)
DEFAULT port6 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 2)
DEFAULT port7 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 3)
node_2_link_send: 1 0 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
node_2_link_recv: 0 1 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
link_send_2_node: 1 0 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
node_2_xcbq_send: 9 8 0 11 -1 -1 -1 -1
xcbq_2_node_send: 2 -1 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
ealink_2_dev_id: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
node_2_dev_id: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
node_2_dev_id_rmt: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
link_2_link_lpbk: 1 0 3 2 5 4 7
xcbadr_2_xcbq: 2 0 4 -1
xcbadr_2_pcibus: 0 1 2 -1
Initial default mapping complete
CP: 4way-CP 7400
harlink_ctl_root: 1 1 3 1 3 3 3
CM DIMM0: J0300 4096MB, interleaved 00:00000000 to 02:00000000, S/N dc8ee0d6,
CM DIMM1: J0301 4096MB, interleaved 00:00000000 to 02:00000000, S/N dc8ee0d5,
Info cluster_mem_setup_rsvd - total cm size 0x200000000,
device mem size 0x200000000, 0x0
CM: prefill memory from 0x1000000000(0x40000 blocks) and 0x1001600000(0x7fa8000
blocks) using xcbq[0]
Clear Cluster Memory in 3608ms
Info: total eagle memory: 0x200000000 B
Info: cache memory left : 0x1c8000000 B
Info: scratch buffer : 0x1000204000, 0xc000B
Info: control structures: 0x38000000 bytes (0x380MB)
Info: eagle_init_cmp: cmp_init with
***ASIC 0***
mirsz: 0x30000000, non_mirr_sz: 0x1c8000000
tpci_pa: 0x808000000, ea_pa: 0x1008000000
local_pa 0x838000000, local_eapa 0x1038000000
CMP: Number of Cluster Memory Pages 516096
CMP: allocated: 153MB bytes at 0xffffc2006fc04000 for cmp structures
CMP: PCI Address Mirror: 0x00000808000000 Local: 0x00000838000000
CMP: Eagle Address Mirror: 0x00001008000000 Local: 0x00001038000000
CMP: Eagle Address Start: 0x00001008000000 End: 0x00001200000000
CMP: Page Count Mirror: 0x0000000000c000 Local: 0x00000000072000
CMP: PFN Start Mirror: 0000000004202496 Local: 0000000004251648
ea_gbpool_init 128 pools
Set xcbq_shutdown to 1 for node 0
Set xcbq_shutdown to 1 for node 1
Set xcbq_shutdown to 1 for node 3
*** eagle_setup_mir_record: HW mirror is enabled.
*** rm_init_config: initializing remote mirror configuration
CRDIT: allocate 233472 wait cache entries
Info: global_tpd_init: cmp_start_threads...
BIOS page addr 0xffff810000069000
Shutdown thread: 4200
PCI slot 0: LSI-SAS 9205-8e 1000.0087 06.00.0 1 24 FCAL
PCI slot 1: Emulex LPe12002 10df.f100 07.00.* 2 25 FCAL
PCI slot 2: QLogic QLE8242 1077.8020 03.00.* 2 26 FCoE
IDE0: OCZ D2RSTKSS1M19-0050 9S0GD9SEA227QQIZ 3.00E 48 GB
BIOS reports control cache is 2040 MB
BIOS indicates 12 CPUs expected
tpd_file_read error = -9
mfg_hp_readfile: no EEPROM update
SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom parse error (cs=7f80)
SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom checksum error (cs=7f80)
SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom lower half all 0x00
SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom upper half all 0xFFHardware Revision:
Part Identifier:
World Wide Name:
Assembly Serial Number:
Assembly Part Number:
Saleable Serial Number:
Saleable Product Number:
Spare Part Number:
Initialized serial link for EOS
Internal Serial: install intr fpga-serial(3) on irq 121
Internal Serial: initialize UART ports
FPGA Serial Port 0 at pci 0xffffc20012b80400
FPGA Serial Port 1 at pci 0xffffc20012b80420
FPGA Serial Port 2 at pci 0xffffc20012b80440
Enable serial interrupts
Har power to 0xff: 1
before enabling error interrupt
After enabling error interrupt
init_tpd_main: starting SCSI initialization
QLIS: found 2 devices
QLCNA one-time setup done
Port 2:2:2: device_id 0x8021 io_mem 0xffffc2007c300000 200000
Port 2:2:2: atio_in_ptr ffffc2007c3bf17c atio_out_ptr ffffc2007c3bf27c
host_status ffffc2007c3bf500
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x35 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x35
File /opt/tpd/fw/hba/emfc/emfw-f100: Finished processing
Port 2:2:2 - qlh ffff810234ab0000 HBA Type 8200 Port 0 IRQ 53 Bus #0 FW
not initialized [Suspended Mode]
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x34 src=BIOS_Kernel_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x34
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x19 vector=0x31 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x31 irq=0x19 vector=0x31
Port 2:2:2 - Function 4, first 10G iscsi (4)
Port 2:2:2 - qlp 0xffff8102342a0000 HBA Type 8022 Port 0 IRQ 52 Bus #2
Set xcbq_shutdown to 0 for node 3
FW not initialized [Suspended Mode]
Port 2:2:1: device_id 0x8021 io_mem 0xffffc2007cb80000 200000
Port 2:2:1: atio_in_ptr ffffc2007cc3f97c atio_out_ptr ffffc2007cc3fa7c
host_status ffffc2007cc3fd00
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x34 busy
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x33 src=BIOS_Kernel_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x33
Port 2:2:1 - qlh ffff810233d90000 HBA Type 8200 Port 0 IRQ 51 Bus #2 FW
not initialized [Suspended Mode]
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x34 busy
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x33 busy
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x32 src=BIOS_Kernel_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x32
Port 2:2:1 - Function 5, second 10G iscsi (5)
Port 2:2:1 - qlp 0xffff810233e40000 HBA Type 8022 Port 0 IRQ 50 Bus #0
FW not initialized [Suspended Mode]
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x18 vector=0x30 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x30 irq=0x18 vector=0x30
Port 2:0:1 - llss ffff810233fb0000 port ffff810233fc0000 HBA Type 9205-8e
Memory c1040000 IRQ 48 Bus #2 FW rev [Initiator Mode]
Port 2:1:1 - emh ffff810233cb8000 HBA Type f100 Port ffffc200109e8000 IRQ 49
Bus #0 Port 2:1:1 - FW rev 2.01.X.14 [Initiator Mode]
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x22 vector=0x36 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x36 irq=0x22 vector=0x36
Port 2:1:2 - emh ffff810233418000 HBA Type f100 Port ffffc200109f0000 IRQ 54
Bus #2 Port 2:1:2 - FW rev 2.01.X.14 [Initiator Mode]
Port 2:0:2 - llss port ffff810233a60000 [Initiator Mode]
SCSI install done (8144ms taken)
BIOS indicates 12 CPUs expected
Started eagle_cm_patrol_thread pid 0x1171
this_node_total_cm_gb 8
patrol_delay 2688mS
Starting eagle_cm_patrol_thread....
Num Srcs 14 Src Size 16384
CM: starting protocol to join cluster.
Starting scan mir log thread 0x11ad
Setting recovery log scan delay to 117 ms
init: Loading tpd kernel module: done.
init: Mapping IRQs to cpus: passed.
init: Loading tpd kernel patch modules: 94154_92259 102478
init: Configuring powerfail device /dev/pfail_storage: 801
init: done.
init: Initializing eanet0: done.
init: Rotating PM logs: done.
init: Rotating PR event logs: done.
init: Starting Process Manager: pm.
init: Rotating pr_sync_ide logs: done.
init: Starting PR Sync IDE: pr_sync_ide.
init: rsync daemon not enabled in /etc/default/rsync, not starting... ...
init: Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local).

3PAR(R) InForm(tm) OS 9902109-2 ttyS0

9902109-2 login: console
Last login: Sun Jun 15 20:35:22 EDT 2014 on ttyS0

Usage of the 3PAR(R) InForm(tm) Operating System is subject to the terms of

the End-User License Agreement (EULA), with the exclusion of software licensed
under other terms. The EULA can be found in /usr/share/doc/tpd/copyright.

Many of the programs included with the 3PAR InForm(tm) Operating System are
freely redistributable; the exact distribution terms for each program
are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

No directory, logging in with HOME=/

3PAR Console Menu 9902109-2

1. Out Of The Box Procedure

2. Re-enter network configuration
3. Update the CBIOS
4. Enable or disable CLI error injections
5. Perform a Node-to-Node rescue
6. Set up the system to wipe and rerun ootb
7. Cancel a wipe
8. Perform a deinstallation
9. Update the system for recently added hardware (admithw)
10. Check system health (checkhealth)
11. Exit
> 6


Doing this will cause the system to shut down, and is the first step of
several processes that lead to the loss of ALL data on the system.

Are you sure you want to proceed? y

Broadcast message from root@9902109-2 (ttyS0) (Sun Jun 15 20:40:16 2014):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!

Stopping internet superserver: inetd.

Stopping Process Manager: 2014-06-15 20:40:17.65 EDT {5726} oom_adj disable
/proc/5726/oom_adj oomval = -17
Stopping system manager: sysmgr.
Stopping network controller: netc.
Stopping node server: nodesvr.
Stopping persistent repository server: pr_svr.
Stopping disk scrubber: diskscrub.
Stopping CLI server: tpdtcl.
Saving the system clock.
Hardware Clock updated to Sun Jun 15 20:40:18 EDT 2014.
Stopping kernel log daemon....
Stopping system log daemon....
Asking all remaining processes to terminate...done.
Killing all remaining processes...failed.
Saving random seed...done.
Deconfiguring network interfaces...done.
Cleaning up ifupdown....
Will now unmount temporary filesystems:/dev umounted
Will now deactivate swap:swapoff on /dev/sda5
Will now unmount weak filesystems:/dev/sda3 umounted
Will now unmount local filesystems:/dev/sda7 umounted
/dev/sda7 umounted
umount2: Device or resource busy
umount: /dev/sda2 busy - remounted read-only
Mounting root filesystem read-only...done.
Will now restart.
BIOS disabled SERR and PERR on all PCI devices
BIOS put all HBAs in reset
Restarting system.
Trapped IO 0xcf9 write of 0xa
Rebooting due to IO 0xcf9 write of 0xe
Board ID = BoardIdEOSNode
EOS SAS Buffers Initialization Complete.
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD86A0 PeiVariable.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD9DA0 ReadOnlyVariableOnReadOnlyVariable2Thunk.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCD720 PchInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDADC0 PlatformEarlyInit.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCA0A0 CpuIoPei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD4740 IioDmiInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDECA0 CapsulePei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE1020 WdtPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE37A0 PchSmbusArpDisabled.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE47A0 PchSpiPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFF00100 UncoreInit.efi
Board ID = BoardIdEOSNode
EOS SAS Buffers Initialization Complete.
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD86A0 PeiVariable.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD9DA0 ReadOnlyVariableOnReadOnlyVariable2Thunk.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCD720 PchInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDADC0 PlatformEarlyInit.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFCA0A0 CpuIoPei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFD4740 IioDmiInitPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFDECA0 CapsulePei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE1020 WdtPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE37A0 PchSmbusArpDisabled.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFFE47A0 PchSpiPeim.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFF00100 UncoreInit.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007EEF4000 PeiCore.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007EEF2000 CpuIoPei.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007EEEE000 DxeIpl.efi
Loading PEIM at 0x0007E874000 DxeCore.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFDB000 SectionExtractionDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F9000 CpuIoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFD9000 CpuIo2Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC9000 HiiDatabase.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC7000 DataHubDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC4000 Legacy8259.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DFC2000 Metronome.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F7000 RuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF95000 FvOnFv2Thunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF91000 FaultTolerantWriteDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF88000 SecurityStubDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF8A000 DpcDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF85000 AcpiSupportDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF7C000 DevicePathDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DF78000 EbcDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB76000 ActiveBios.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB74000 PchSerialGpio.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB75000 WdtDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB70000 PciPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB6D000 SmbiosDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB6A000 S3SaveStateDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB67000 PlatformType.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB60000 IioInitialize.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB00000 BdsDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB5E000 DataHubStdErrDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F3000 PchSpiRuntime.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0F1000 PchReset.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB48000 SetupBrowser.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3F000 Datahub2SmbiosThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3D000 LpcPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3B000 BootScriptSaveOnS3SaveStateThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB3A000 PciHotPlug.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB2A000 FrameworkHiiOnUefiHiiThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DB25000 PciHostBridge.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAF5000 PlatDriOverrideDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0ED000 FwBlockService.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAD0000 SmmAccess.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DACD000 MiscSubclass.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E8000 VariableRuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E5000 PcRtc.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E3000 MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0E1000 CapsuleRuntimeDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAC6000 LegacyRegion.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAC3000 PchS3Support.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F1FD000 PchS3Peim.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DAB8000 PlatformCpuPolicy.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA8E000 Platform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA8B000 AcpiVTD.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA46000 MpCpu.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA82000 LegacyRegion2OnLegacyRegionThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007DA44000 PchSmbusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D93E000 GenericMemoryTestDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D952000 SmartTimer.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D94F000 MemorySubClass.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8FB000 BootScriptExecutorDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8E8000 MpServicesOnFrameworkMpServicesThunk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8F4000 Eist.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D8E6000 WatchdogTimer.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D869000 AcpiPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D867000 OemBadgingSupport.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D85E000 SnpDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D856000 MnpDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D850000 VlanConfigDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D84B000 ArpDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D843000 Dhcp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D83C000 Ip4ConfigDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D832000 Ip4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D81D000 Mtftp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D7B2000 Tcp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D829000 Udp4Dxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D7A4000 IScsiDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D815000 BlockIoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D825000 BiosSnp16.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D7A0000 BiosVideoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D812000 ConPlatformDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D78E000 ConSplitterDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D798000 GraphicsConsoleDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D784000 TerminalDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D794000 VgaClassDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D782000 DiskIoDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D77D000
Loading driver at 0x0007D78C000 IntelPchLegacyInterrupt.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0DF000 SmmControl.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D77A000 SataController.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D76E000 AtaBusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D767000 AtaAtapiPassThruDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D777000 IncompatiblePciDevice.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D774000 IsaBusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D763000 IsaSerialDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D75F000 IsaFloppyDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D75D000 PilotIIPc8374.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D759000 PartitionDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D74F000 PciBus.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D74D000 EnglishDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D745000 EhciDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D740000 UsbKbDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D73C000 UsbMassStorageDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D739000 UsbMouseDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D732000 UhciDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D72B000 UsbBusDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D728000 ScsiBus.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D724000 ScsiDisk.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D720000 Ps2KeyboardDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D71D000 Ps2MouseDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D719000 AcpiS3SaveDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D70D000 PchInitDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D703000 LegacyBiosPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0DA000 SmmBase.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6FE000 SmmRelocate.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBEC000 SmmCoreDispatcher.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6FC000 PchSmbusSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBC5000 PchSmbusSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6F7000 PchSmiDispatcher.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBC1000 PchSmiDispatcher.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6F0000 PchSpiSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBBF000 PchSpiSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6E7000 LegacyBiosDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0D8000 IioSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBBD000 IioSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6F2000 IoTrap.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBBB000 IoTrap.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0D6000 AcpiSmmPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBB9000 AcpiSmmPlatform.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007D6E0000 CBiosDxe.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007F0D4000 CBiosSmm.efi
Loading driver at 0x0007FBB7000 CBiosSmm.efi
Current Date and Time: 2014-06-15 20:40:57 (UTC-4)

HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.

Bootstrap CPU0
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3
SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6
CPU speed: 1800.00 MHz
Bus speed: 100.00 MHz
Bus to CPU ratio: 1/18

Board reset reason: PCI_RESET

Previous reason : EXTERNAL_RESET

--> Starting: [0] CPU Interrupt Vector Initialization

--> Starting: [1] CPU SDRAM Memory Scan
--> Starting: [2] PCI Bus Initialization
--------- Starting PCI scan #2:

00.00.00 SandyBridge DMI2:

Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c00, Rev 0x07
Host/PCI bridge - Intel Device
00.01.00 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 1a:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c02, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 01-07
01.00.00 PEX8648 #0:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 02-07
02.01.00 PEX8648 #0 DS1 (slot 2):
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 03
03.00.00 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8020, Rev 0x58
Ethernet network controller
03.00.01 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8020, Rev 0x58
Ethernet network controller
03.00.04 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8022, Rev 0x58
Other network controller
03.00.05 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8022, Rev 0x58
Other network controller
03.00.06 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8021, Rev 0x58
Fibre Channel controller
03.00.07 Slot 2:
Vendor QLogic, Device 0x8021, Rev 0x58
Fibre Channel controller
02.04.00 PEX8648 #0 DS4:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 04
04.00.00 Harrier LPC2:
Vendor 3PAR, Device 0x0003, Rev 0x00
Large Memory Window 1 at 20:00000000
Disk cache controller
02.05.00 PEX8648 #0 DS5:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 05
05.00.00 Harrier LPC0:
Vendor 3PAR, Device 0x0003, Rev 0x00
Small Memory Window 1 at a0000000
Large Memory Window 1 at 10:00000000
Medium Memory Window 1 at 08:00000000
Disk cache controller
02.08.00 PEX8648 #0 DS8:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 06
06.00.00 Slot 0:
Vendor LSI, Device 0x0087, Rev 0x01
SAS mass storage controller
02.09.00 PEX8648 #0 DS9:
Vendor PLX, Device 0x8648, Rev 0xbb
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 07
07.00.00 Slot 1:
Vendor Emulex, Device 0xf100, Rev 0x03
Fibre Channel controller
07.00.01 Slot 1:
Vendor Emulex, Device 0xf100, Rev 0x03
Fibre Channel controller
00.01.01 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 1b:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c03, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 08
00.03.00 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3a:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c08, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 09
00.03.01 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3b:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c09, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0a
00.03.02 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3c:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c0a, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0b
00.03.03 SandyBridge PCIe Root Port 3d:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c0b, Rev 0x07
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0c
00.04.00 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH0:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c20, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.01 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH1:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c21, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.02 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH2:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c22, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.03 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH3:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c23, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.04 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH4:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c24, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.05 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH5:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c25, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.06 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH6:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c26, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.04.07 SandyBridge DMA Engine CH7:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c27, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.05.00 SandyBridge Memory Map/VTd:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c28, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.05.02 SandyBridge RAS:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c2a, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.05.04 SandyBridge IOAPIC:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x3c2c, Rev 0x07
Base system controller
00.11.00 PCH Virtual Root Port:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d3e, Rev 0x06
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0d
00.1c.00 PCH PCI Express Port 1:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d10, Rev 0xb6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0e
00.1c.06 PCH PCI Express Port 7:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d1c, Rev 0xb6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 0f
0f.00.00 Intel 82574 #0:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x10d3, Rev 0x00
Ethernet network controller
00.1c.07 PCH PCI Express Port 8:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x244e, Rev 0xb6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 10
10.00.00 Intel 82574 #1:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x10d3, Rev 0x00
Ethernet network controller
00.1e.00 PCH DMI to PCI Bridge:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d25, Rev 0xa6
PCI/PCI bridge, bus 11
00.1f.00 PCH LPC:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d41, Rev 0x06
PCI/ISA bridge
00.1f.02 PCH SATA:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d02, Rev 0x06
SATA mass storage controller
00.1f.03 PCH SMBus:
Vendor Intel, Device 0x1d22, Rev 0x06
System Management Bus controller

PCI address allocations:

16-bit I/O space: [ 1000 .. 503f]
32-bit prefetchable memory: [ (none) ]
32-bit non-prefetchable memory: [ 90000000 .. c15fffff]
64-bit prefetchable memory: [10:00000000 .. 2f:ffffffff]
36-bit prefetchable memory: [08:00000000 .. 0b:ffffffff]

PCI bus scan and allocation completed in 2 passes.

PCIe 1.0.0: Serial EEPROM contents verified.

--> Starting: [3] Serial Port Initialization
--> Starting: [4] Remote Console Initialization
--> Starting: [5] Random Number Generator Init
--> Starting: [6] CPU SDRAM Memory Test
--> Starting: [7] Process NVRAM values
Prior reset 2014-06-15 20:32:53
Last reset 2014-06-15 20:36:58
This reset 2014-06-15 20:40:41
Time now 2014-06-15 20:41:00
--> Starting: [9] CPU APIC Initialization
CPU 0 [0] Microcode check...
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU speed: 1800.00 MHz
Bus speed: 100.00 MHz
Bus to CPU ratio: 1/18
CPU 0 [0] Done

CPU 7 [7] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 7 [7] shutting down.

CPU 9 [9] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 9 [9] shutting down.

CPU b [b] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU b [b] shutting down.

CPU 3 [3] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 3 [3] shutting down.

CPU 5 [5] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 5 [5] shutting down.

CPU 6 [6] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 6 [6] shutting down.

CPU 1 [1] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 1 [1] shutting down.
CPU 4 [4] starting up.
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 4 [4] shutting down.

CPU 2 [2] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 2 [2] shutting down.

CPU a [a] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU a [a] shutting down.

CPU 8 [8] starting up.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz
Family 6, Model 45, Stepping 7, Features bfebfbff:3

SKU Info: Max Frequency Ratio 18, Max Core Count 6

CPU 8 [8] shutting down.

*** Error: IRQ 26 is overloaded 5

*** Error: IRQ 26 is overloaded 5
Programming PCI interrupt lines
APIC INT Vend.Dev Bus.Dev.Func Slot INT AIRQ Vec ind MSI
0 02 MB 2 ee 10
0 03 MB 3 7a 18
0 04 MB 4 7b 20
0 08 MB 8 7c 40
0 09 MB 9 75 48
0 0d MB 13 7e 68
0 0e MB 14 76 70
0 0f MB 15 77 78
0 11 8086.1d02 0.1f.2 MB B 17 90 88
0 12 MB 18 7d 90
0 16 MB 22 78 b0
0 17 MB 23 79 b8
1 00 1000.0087 6.0.0 0 A 24 30 00 0x00 -> 0xfec01020
1 01 10df.f100 7.0.0 1 A 25 31 08 0x01 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8020 3.0.0 2 A 26 32 10 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8020 3.0.1 2 A 26 33 12 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8022 3.0.4 2 A 26 34 14 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 02 1077.8021 3.0.7 2 A 26 35 16 0x02 -> 0xfec01020
1 0a 10df.f100 7.0.1 1 B 34 36 50 0x0a -> 0xfec01020
1 10 1590.0003 5.0.0 MB A 40 c0 80 0x10 -> 0xfec01020
1 14 1590.0003 4.0.0 MB A 44 c4 a0 0x14 -> 0xfec01020
1 16 8086.10d3 f.0.0 MB A 46 91 b0 0x16 -> 0xfec01020
1 17 8086.10d3 10.0.0 MB A 47 92 b8 0x17 -> 0xfec01020
Timer Interrupt test: PASS
--> Starting: [10] CPU SDRAM ECC Initialization
--> Starting: [11] Board GPIO Init
--> Starting: [12] Node Fan Test
--> Starting: [14] Power Supply and Battery Init
--> Starting: [15] Power Supply and Battery Test
--> Starting: [16] PROM Checksum Test
PROM checksum: PASS
--> Starting: [17] Ethernet PROM Test
eth0 PROM contents: PASS
eth0 PROM checksum: PASS
eth1 PROM contents: PASS
eth1 PROM checksum: PASS
--> Starting: [18] Real Time Clock Test
--> Starting: [19] Board GPIO Test
FPGA Scratchpad Test [ ]....] PASS
NEMOE Loopback Test [ ]..........] PASS
--> Starting: [20] Ethernet Loopback Test
eth0 device registers: PASS
eth1 device registers: PASS
eth0 loopback All zeros: PASS
eth0 loopback All ones: PASS
eth0 loopback Walking ones: PASS
eth0 loopback Walking zeros: PASS
eth0 loopback Random pattern: PASS
eth1 loopback All zeros: PASS
eth1 loopback All ones: PASS
eth1 loopback Walking ones: PASS
eth1 loopback Walking zeros: PASS
eth1 loopback Random pattern: PASS
--> Starting: [21] Verify PCI Configuration
--> Starting: [22] Mass Storage Initialization
--> Starting: [23] Mass Storage Drive Test
AHCI: skipping register test
AHCI: skipping controller test
AHCI0 seek test: PASS
AHCI0 read test: PASS
AHCI: skipping DMA read test
--> Starting: [24] BIOS Automatic Update
--> Starting: [25] Fibre HBA Automatic Update
--> Starting: [26] Cluster Manager Reset
--> Starting: [27] Cluster Memory Initialization
Harrier ASIC found at 5.0.0. CSR at 0xc0000000
Set0 DC DIMM 0.0.0 (J0300): Part #36HVS51272PZ-80EH1 SN:dc8ee0d6
Set0 DC DIMM 0.1.0 (J0301): Part #36HVS51272PZ-80EH1 SN:dc8ee0d5 SPD Passed
Initializing Harrier at 5.0.0...
CSR=00:c0000000 SMW=00:a0000000 LMW=10:00000000 MMW=08:00000000
Running BIST Test: [GOOD]
CMA1: LPC1 is not Up, Trying LPC0
DMA PM using LPC2 CMA0 using LPC0 CMA1 using LPC0
RPC PM using LPC2 CMA0 using LPC0 CMA1 using LPC0
Set0 DC DIMM 0.0.0 (J0300): 4096 MB CL4/6
Set0 DC DIMM 0.1.0 (J0301): 4096 MB CL4/6
Present 1 Set 0, Side 0 Base = 00:00000000 Size = 00:ffffffff
Present 1 Set 0, Side 1 Base = 01:00000000 Size = 01:ffffffff
Testing CMA interrupts: [............................]
Zero 32M cluster memory window: [ ]................]
Zero 8192M cluster memory window:
[ ]....................................]
Scan cluster memory for errors:
[ ]....................................]
CMA0 Cluster Memory is configured: 8192 MB CL4
Total Cluster Memory configured: 8192 MB
Harrier LPC Port Test: [............]
--> Starting: [28] Cluster Memory Diagnostic
Testing CMA0 SMW data lines with walking 1
Testing CMA0 SMW data lines with walking 0
Testing CMA0 MMW data lines with walking 1
Testing CMA0 MMW data lines with walking 0
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 1, channel 0
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 1, channel 1
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 0, channel 0
Testing CMA0 SMW ECC lines with walking 0, channel 1
Testing CMA0 Opcode: Zero ECC XOR PAR OR CRC
Testing CMA0 SRC Interrupts CM->CM PM->CM CM->PM PM->PM
Testing CMA0 SMW address lines with walking 1
Testing CMA0 SMW address lines with walking 0
Testing CMA0 MMW address lines with walking 1 (first 4 GB only)
Testing CMA0 MMW address lines with walking 0 (first 4 GB only)
Testing CMA0 with random XOR (all Cluster Memory)
8191 MB
[ ]...........................
--> Starting: [29] Cluster PCI Diagnostic
--> Starting: [30] DIMM Information Collection
--> Skipping: [31] Manufacturing Centerpanel GPIO Test
--> Starting: [32] Serial Port Loopback Test
Serial Port 0 [ ]................] PASS
Serial Port 1 [ ]................] PASS
Serial Port 2 [ ]................] PASS
--> Skipping: [33] Manufacturing Serial Port Test
--> Starting: [34] Environmental Initialization
--> Starting: [35] Environmental Temperature and Voltage Test
Expected Reading Lo Limit Hi Limit Status
NODE 12.00V: 12.12 V 11.37 V 12.62 V Within Tolerance
NODE AUX 12.00V: 12.08 V 11.37 V 12.60 V Within Tolerance
HBA 12.00V: 12.06 V 11.35 V 12.64 V Within Tolerance
NODE 5.00V: 4.99 V 4.73 V 5.25 V Within Tolerance
NODE AUX 5.00V: 4.99 V 4.73 V 5.25 V Within Tolerance
NODE 3.30V: 3.32 V 3.12 V 3.47 V Within Tolerance
HBA 3.30V: 3.34 V 3.10 V 3.49 V Within Tolerance
FPGA 3.30V: 3.26 V 3.12 V 3.48 V Within Tolerance
PCIe SW 2.50V: 2.48 V 2.37 V 2.63 V Within Tolerance
PHY0 1.90V: 1.87 V 1.80 V 2.00 V Within Tolerance
PHY1 1.90V: 1.92 V 1.80 V 2.00 V Within Tolerance
CPU PLL 1.80V: 1.78 V 1.70 V 1.89 V Within Tolerance
PCIe SW 1.50V: 1.48 V 1.42 V 1.59 V Within Tolerance
NODE 1.20V: 1.19 V 1.13 V 1.26 V Within Tolerance
PCH 1.10V: 1.09 V 1.04 V 1.17 V Within Tolerance
CPU 1.05/1.0V: 1.05 V 0.95 V 1.10 V Within Tolerance
NODE 1.00V: 0.99 V 0.89 V 1.05 V Within Tolerance
CPU VCCP 0.85V: 0.94 V 0.70 V 1.20 V Within Tolerance
CPU VSA 0.90V: 0.91 V 0.69 V 1.20 V Within Tolerance
DDR2 VDDQ 1.80V: 1.82 V 1.70 V 1.89 V Within Tolerance
DDR2 VTT 0.90V: 0.89 V 0.85 V 0.95 V Within Tolerance
DDR3 VDDQ 1.37V: 1.36 V 1.29 V 1.44 V Within Tolerance
DDR3 VTT 0.68V: 0.68 V 0.64 V 0.72 V Within Tolerance
Node Input 12.00V: 12.03 V 11.40 V 12.60 V Within Tolerance
Node InputCurrent: 11.77 A 0.00 A 22.00 A Within Tolerance
Node Input Power: 141.5 W 0.0 W 264.0 W Within Tolerance
LM87 Int Temp: 41 C 0 C 68 C Within Tolerance
LM87 Ext Temp: 37 C -4 C 60 C Within Tolerance
LM92 Temp: 44 C 0 C 64 C Within Tolerance
LM94 Int Temp: 35 C 0 C 72 C Within Tolerance
LM94 Ext Temp: 32 C 0 C 67 C Within Tolerance
CPU Package Temp: 44 C 0 C 101 C Within Tolerance
DIMM0 Temp: 40 C 0 C 80 C Within Tolerance
--> Starting: [36] Test CPU Operation
--> Skipping: [37] Manufacturing Cluster Link Initialization
--> Skipping: [38] Manufacturing Cluster Link Test
--> Starting: [39] PCI Fibre Channel/SAS Adapter Test
FC HBA QLogic 8021 at 3.0.6 (PCI slot 2) [4.9.29]

Register test [ ]........] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]............] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]............] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

FC HBA QLogic 8021 at 3.0.7 (PCI slot 2) [4.9.29]

Register test [ ]........] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]............] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]............] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

SAS HBA LSI 0087 at 6.0.0 (PCI slot 0) [Ver: 11.00]

Register test [ ]..] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]........] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]........] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

FC HBA Emulex f100 at 7.0.0 (PCI slot 1) [U3D2.01X14]

Register test [ ]........] PASS

Memory test [ ]..] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]...] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

FC HBA Emulex f100 at 7.0.1 (PCI slot 1) [U3D2.01X14]

Register test [ ]........] PASS

Memory test [ ]..] PASS

PCI walking bits [ ]...] PASS

PCI pattern test [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 walking bits [ ]...] PASS

CM0.2 pattern test [ ]...] PASS

--> Starting: [40] PCI iSCSI Adapter Test
--> Starting: [41] System Error Reporting Init
--> Skipping: [43] Manufacturing CP EEPROM Test
--> Starting: [44] Certify OS Startup
--> Skipping: [45] Table Execution Summary
HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.
| CPU 1 x 1.80 GHz Sandy Bridge hexa core HT dual
| Control Cache Size 7.100 GB (cpu mem type 11) CL9
| Pair0 DIMM0 (J0155): 8192 MB CL5/10
| Data Cache Size 8 GB CL4/6
| Set0 DC DIMM 0.0.0 (J0300): 4096 MB CL4/6
| Set0 DC DIMM 0.1.0 (J0301): 4096 MB CL4/6
| Slot ID 2 [4 Node HP 3PAR 7400 Centerplane]
| FPGA Eos v0.e
| SATA0 Disk OCZ D2RSTKSS1M19-0050 9S0GD9SEA227QQIZ 50 GB
| PCI Slot 0 LSI-SAS 9205-8e
| PCI Slot 1 Emulex LPe12002 VM80175440 2-port
| PCI Slot 2 QLogic QLE8242 PCGLT0ARC2U4EB 2-port
| Board 920-200040.91 FXN 2012/30/Tue 00103456 ac:16:2d:36:04:b0
| Cluster serial 9902109 ac:16:2d:36:04:b1
| Board reset reason PCI_RESET
| Current Time 2014-06-15 20:42:10 (UTC-4)
Booting from device 0, AHCI0
Setting FSB WDT Boot Complete State.
GRUB loading.
elcome to GRUB!

ress ESC to display the GRUB menu... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

2 1 0
Booting ''

Linux version 2.6.18-prep-3pardata ( (gcc version 4.4.5

(Debian 4.4.5-8) ) #1 SMP Tue Oct 1 13:01:00 PDT 2013
Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-prep-3pardata ro
console=ttyS0,57600 acpi_hest=off acpi=ht genapic=phys aerdriver.forceload=y
pci=aer root=/dev/sda3
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
BIOS-e820: 0000000000010000 - 000000000009ec00 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000000009ec00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000000e0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000007b6b3000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000007b6b3000 - 000000007d6b4000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 000000007d6b4000 - 000000007f0ff000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f0ff000 - 000000007f1ff000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f1ff000 - 000000007f6ff000 (ACPI NVS)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f6ff000 - 000000007f7f3000 (ACPI data)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f7f3000 - 000000007f800000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 000000007f800000 - 000000007fc00000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000080000000 - 0000000090000000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000fed1c000 - 00000000fed20000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 00000000ffc00000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000100000000 - 0000000280000000 (usable)
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xff800000
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xffa00000
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xffc00000
phys_pmd_init: ADDR 0xffe00000
DMI present.
Memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) notwithin permissible range
disabling kdump
ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x408
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
Processor #0 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x20] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x02] enabled)
Processor #2 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x22] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x04] lapic_id[0x04] enabled)
Processor #4 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x05] lapic_id[0x24] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x06] lapic_id[0x06] enabled)
Processor #6 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x07] lapic_id[0x26] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x08] lapic_id[0x08] enabled)
Processor #8 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x09] lapic_id[0x28] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0a] lapic_id[0x0a] enabled)
Processor #10 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0b] lapic_id[0x2a] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0c] lapic_id[0x0c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0d] lapic_id[0x2c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0e] lapic_id[0x0e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x0f] lapic_id[0x2e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x10] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
Processor #1 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x11] lapic_id[0x21] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x12] lapic_id[0x03] enabled)
Processor #3 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x13] lapic_id[0x23] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x14] lapic_id[0x05] enabled)
Processor #5 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x15] lapic_id[0x25] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x16] lapic_id[0x07] enabled)
Processor #7 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x17] lapic_id[0x27] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x18] lapic_id[0x09] enabled)
Processor #9 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x19] lapic_id[0x29] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1a] lapic_id[0x0b] enabled)
Processor #11 6:13 APIC version 21
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1b] lapic_id[0x2b] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1c] lapic_id[0x0d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1d] lapic_id[0x2d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1e] lapic_id[0x0f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x1f] lapic_id[0x2f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x20] lapic_id[0x40] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x21] lapic_id[0x60] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x22] lapic_id[0x42] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x23] lapic_id[0x62] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x24] lapic_id[0x44] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x25] lapic_id[0x64] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x26] lapic_id[0x46] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x27] lapic_id[0x66] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x28] lapic_id[0x48] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x29] lapic_id[0x68] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2a] lapic_id[0x4a] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2b] lapic_id[0x6a] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2c] lapic_id[0x4c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2d] lapic_id[0x6c] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2e] lapic_id[0x4e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x2f] lapic_id[0x6e] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x30] lapic_id[0x41] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x31] lapic_id[0x61] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x32] lapic_id[0x43] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x33] lapic_id[0x63] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x34] lapic_id[0x45] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x35] lapic_id[0x65] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x36] lapic_id[0x47] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x37] lapic_id[0x67] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x38] lapic_id[0x49] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x39] lapic_id[0x69] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3a] lapic_id[0x4b] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3b] lapic_id[0x6b] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3c] lapic_id[0x4d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3d] lapic_id[0x6d] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3e] lapic_id[0x4f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x3f] lapic_id[0x6f] disabled)
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x00] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x01] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x02] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x03] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x04] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x05] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x06] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x07] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x08] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x09] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x0f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x10] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x11] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x12] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x13] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x14] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x15] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x16] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x17] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x18] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x19] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x1f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x20] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x21] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x22] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x23] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x24] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x25] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x26] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x27] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x28] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x29] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x2f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x30] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x31] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x32] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x33] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x34] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x35] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x36] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x37] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x38] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x39] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3a] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3b] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3c] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3d] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3e] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x3f] high level lint[0x1])
ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a301 base: 0xfed00000
Using ACPI for processor (LAPIC) configuration information
Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4
Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
OEM ID: 3PAR Product ID: 7400 APIC at: 0xFEE00000
I/O APIC #8 Version 32 at 0xFEC00000.
I/O APIC #9 Version 32 at 0xFEC01000.
clustered_apic_check: bootapic = ffffffff803895c0
Setting APIC routing to flat
Processors: 12
Nosave address range: 000000000009e000 - 000000000009f000
Nosave address range: 000000000009f000 - 00000000000a0000
Nosave address range: 00000000000a0000 - 00000000000e0000
Nosave address range: 00000000000e0000 - 0000000000100000
Nosave address range: 000000007b6b3000 - 000000007d6b4000
Nosave address range: 000000007f0ff000 - 000000007f1ff000
Nosave address range: 000000007f1ff000 - 000000007f6ff000
Nosave address range: 000000007f6ff000 - 000000007f7f3000
Nosave address range: 000000007f800000 - 000000007fc00000
Nosave address range: 000000007fc00000 - 0000000080000000
Nosave address range: 0000000080000000 - 0000000090000000
Nosave address range: 0000000090000000 - 00000000fed1c000
Nosave address range: 00000000fed1c000 - 00000000fed20000
Nosave address range: 00000000fed20000 - 00000000ffc00000
Nosave address range: 00000000ffc00000 - 0000000100000000
Allocating PCI resources starting at 98000000 (gap: 90000000:6ed1c000)
SMP: Allowing 32 CPUs, 20 hotplug CPUs
Built 1 zonelists. Total pages: 2047658
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-prep-3pardata ro
console=ttyS0,57600 acpi_hest=off acpi=ht genapic=phys aerdriver.forceload=y
pci=aer root=/dev/sda3
ACPI HEST support disabled
Initializing CPU#0
PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 12, 32768 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 1048576 (order: 11, 8388608 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes)
Checking aperture...
PCI-DMA: Using software bounce buffering for IO (SWIOTLB)
Placing software IO TLB between 0xa936000 - 0xe936000
Memory: 8108792k/10485760k available (2995k kernel code, 230620k reserved,
1413k data, 248k init)
Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency..
3591.45 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182916)
kdb version 4.4 by Keith Owens, Scott Lurndal. Copyright SGI, All Rights
kdb_cmd[0]: defcmd archkdb "" "First line arch debugging"
kdb_cmd[7]: defcmd archkdbcpu "" "archkdb with only tasks on cpus"
kdb_cmd[14]: defcmd archkdbshort "" "archkdb with less detailed backtrace"
kdb_cmd[21]: defcmd archkdbcommon "" "Common arch debugging"
Mount-cache hash table entries: 256
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
using mwait in idle threads.
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
SMP alternatives: switching to UP code
Using IO-APIC 8
Using IO-APIC 9
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1 vector=0x61 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x1, vector = 0x61, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x0 vector=0xee src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x0, vector = 0xee, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x3 vector=0x7a src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x3, vector = 0x7a, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x4 vector=0x7b src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x4, vector = 0x7b, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x5 vector=0x65 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x5, vector = 0x65, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x6 vector=0x66 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x6, vector = 0x66, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x7 vector=0x67 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x7, vector = 0x67, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x8 vector=0x7c src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x8, vector = 0x7c, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x9 vector=0x75 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x9, vector = 0x75, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xa vector=0x6a src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xa, vector = 0x6a, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xb vector=0x6b src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xb, vector = 0x6b, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xc vector=0x6c src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xc, vector = 0x6c, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xd vector=0x7e src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xd, vector = 0x7e, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xe vector=0x76 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xe, vector = 0x76, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0xf vector=0x77 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0xf, vector = 0x77, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x71 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 16 sharing vector 0x71 and IRQ 16
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x10, vector = 0x70, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x12 vector=0x72 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 18 sharing vector 0x72 and IRQ 18
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x12 vector=0x7d src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x12, vector = 0x7d, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x13 vector=0x73 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 19 sharing vector 0x73 and IRQ 19
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x13 vector=0x73 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x13, vector = 0x73, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x16 vector=0x78 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x16, vector = 0x78, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x17 vector=0x79 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x17, vector = 0x79, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x18 vector=0x74 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 24 sharing vector 0x74 and IRQ 24
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x18 vector=0x30 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x18, vector = 0x30, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x19 vector=0x7f src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 25 sharing vector 0x7F and IRQ 25
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x19 vector=0x31 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x19, vector = 0x31, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x82 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 26 sharing vector 0x82 and IRQ 26
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x35 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x1a, vector = 0x35, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1f vector=0x83 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 31 sharing vector 0x83 and IRQ 31
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1f vector=0x87 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x1f, vector = 0x87, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x22 vector=0x84 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 34 sharing vector 0x84 and IRQ 34
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x22 vector=0x36 src=BIOS_HBA
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x22, vector = 0x36, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x28 vector=0x85 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 40 sharing vector 0x85 and IRQ 40
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x28 vector=0xc0 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x28, vector = 0xc0, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2c vector=0x86 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 44 sharing vector 0x86 and IRQ 44
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2c vector=0xc4 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x2c, vector = 0xc4, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2e vector=0x88 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 46 sharing vector 0x88 and IRQ 46
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2e vector=0x91 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x2e, vector = 0x91, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2f vector=0x89 src=Kernel_Misc
GSI 47 sharing vector 0x89 and IRQ 47
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2f vector=0x92 src=BIOS_Misc
setup_IO_APIC_irqs: irq = 0x2f, vector = 0x92, delivery_mode 0, dest_mode 0,
dest 0
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x0 vector=0xee src=BIOS_Misc
..TIMER: vector=0xEE apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
Using local APIC timer interrupts.
Detected 6.235 MHz APIC timer.
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 1/12 APIC 0x2
Initializing CPU#1
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.44 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182898)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 1
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 2/12 APIC 0x4
Initializing CPU#2
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.37 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182759)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 3/12 APIC 0x6
Initializing CPU#3
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.34 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182692)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 3
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 4/12 APIC 0x8
Initializing CPU#4
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.30 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182618)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 4
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 5/12 APIC 0xa
Initializing CPU#5
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.24 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182482)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 5
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 6/12 APIC 0x1
Initializing CPU#6
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.25 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182512)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 7/12 APIC 0x3
Initializing CPU#7
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.27 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182551)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 1
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 8/12 APIC 0x5
Initializing CPU#8
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.38 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182765)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 9/12 APIC 0x7
Initializing CPU#9
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.46 BogoMIPS (lpj=7182924)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 3
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 10/12 APIC 0x9
Initializing CPU#10
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.56 BogoMIPS (lpj=7183133)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 4
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
Booting processor 11/12 APIC 0xb
Initializing CPU#11
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 3591.53 BogoMIPS (lpj=7183078)
CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K
CPU: L2 cache: 256K
CPU: L3 cache: 15360K
CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
CPU: Processor Core ID: 5
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2428L 0 @ 1.80GHz stepping 07
Brought up 12 CPUs
time.c: Using 14.318180 MHz WALL HPET GTOD HPET/TSC timer.
time.c: Detected 1795.729 MHz processor.
tpd_tsc_init: 12 cpus initialized
checking if image is initramfs... it is
Freeing initrd memory: 2120k freed
NET: Registered protocol family 16
PCI: Using MMCONFIG at 80000000
ACPI: Interpreter disabled.
SCSI subsystem initialized
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
PCI: Found 0000:00:00.0 [8086/3c00] 000600 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:01.0 [8086/3c02] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:01.1 [8086/3c03] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.0 [8086/3c08] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.1 [8086/3c09] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.2 [8086/3c0a] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:03.3 [8086/3c0b] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.0 [8086/3c20] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.1 [8086/3c21] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.2 [8086/3c22] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.3 [8086/3c23] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.4 [8086/3c24] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.5 [8086/3c25] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.6 [8086/3c26] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:04.7 [8086/3c27] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:05.0 [8086/3c28] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:05.2 [8086/3c2a] 000880 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:05.4 [8086/3c2c] 000800 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:11.0 [8086/1d3e] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1c.0 [8086/1d10] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1c.6 [8086/1d1c] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1c.7 [8086/244e] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1e.0 [8086/1d25] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:00:1f.0 [8086/1d41] 000601 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:1f.2 [8086/1d02] 000106 00
PCI: Found 0000:00:1f.3 [8086/1d22] 000c05 00
PCI: Found 0000:01:00.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:01.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:04.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:05.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:08.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:02:09.0 [10b5/8648] 000604 01
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.0 [1077/8020] 000200 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.1 [1077/8020] 000200 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.4 [1077/8022] 000280 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.5 [1077/8022] 000280 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.6 [1077/8021] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:03:00.7 [1077/8021] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:04:00.0 [1590/0003] 00ff00 00
PCI: Found 0000:05:00.0 [1590/0003] 00ff00 00
PCI: Found 0000:06:00.0 [1000/0087] 000107 00
PCI: Found 0000:07:00.0 [10df/f100] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:07:00.1 [10df/f100] 000c04 00
PCI: Found 0000:0f:00.0 [8086/10d3] 000200 00
PCI: Found 0000:10:00.0 [8086/10d3] 000200 00
PCI: Transparent bridge - 0000:00:1c.7
PCI: Transparent bridge - 0000:00:1e.0
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:01.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:01.1[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.1[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.2[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:03.3[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.0[A] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.1[B] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.2[C] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.3[D] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.4[A] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.5[B] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.6[C] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:04.7[D] -> IRQ 135
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:11.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1c.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1c.6[C] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1c.7[D] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1f.2[B] -> IRQ 115
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:00:1f.3[C] -> IRQ 125
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[A] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:01:00.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.0[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.1[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.4[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.5[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.6[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:03:00.7[A] -> IRQ 53
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:04:00.0[A] -> IRQ 196
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:05:00.0[A] -> IRQ 192
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:06:00.0[A] -> IRQ 48
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:07:00.0[A] -> IRQ 49
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:07:00.1[B] -> IRQ 54
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:0f:00.0[A] -> IRQ 145
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:10:00.0[A] -> IRQ 146
DMAR:Host address width 46
DMAR:DRHD base: 0x000000fbff8000 flags: 0x1
IOMMU fbff8000: ver 1:0 cap d2078c106f0462 ecap f020fe
DMAR:RMRR base: 0x0000007f1f9000 end: 0x0000007f1fbfff
DMAR:ATSR flags: 0x0
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1d.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1d.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1a.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:1a.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.00] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.02] not found
DMAR:Device scope device [0000:00:02.02] not found
PCI-GART: No AMD northbridge found.
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[B] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:01.0[B] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[A] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:04.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[B] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:05.0[B] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[A] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:08.0[A] -> IRQ 112
PCI: using PPB 0000:00:01.0[B] to get irq 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: 0000:02:09.0[B] -> IRQ 112
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 262144 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 262144 bind 65536)
TCP reno registered
Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996
io scheduler noop registered
io scheduler anticipatory registered
io scheduler deadline registered
io scheduler cfq registered (default)
IRQ AUTO vector=0x8a src=Kernel_Misc
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x10 vector=0x70 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x70 irq=0x10 vector=0x70
request_irq: irq = 8 irqflags = IRQF_DISABLED
Real Time Clock Driver v1.12ac
Linux agpgart interface v0.101 (c) Dave Jones
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a ST16650V2
brd: module loaded
loop: loaded (max 8 devices)
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x13 vector=0x73 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x73 irq=0x13 vector=0x73
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 6 ports 6 Gbps 0x1 impl SATA mode
ahci 0000:00:1f.2: flags: 64bit ncq sntf stag led clo pio slum part ems
scsi0 : ahci
scsi1 : ahci
scsi2 : ahci
scsi3 : ahci
scsi4 : ahci
scsi5 : ahci
ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xc1522000 port 0xc1522100 irq 115
ata2: DUMMY
ata3: DUMMY
ata4: DUMMY
ata5: DUMMY
ata6: DUMMY
ata1: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
ata1.00: ATA-8: D2RSTKSS1M19-0050, 3.00E, max UDMA/133
ata1.00: 97696368 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32)
ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
Vendor: ATA Model: D2RSTKSS1M19-005 Rev: 3.00
Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 05
SCSI device sda: 97696368 512-byte hdwr sectors (50021 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back
SCSI device sda: 97696368 512-byte hdwr sectors (50021 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write back
sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4 < sda5 sda6 sda7 >
sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sda
sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
LKCD: Crash dump driver initialized.
LKCD: block device driver registered
LKCD: dump gzip safety buffer: ffff81027e9b3000, 4096
Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
ip_conntrack version 2.4 (8192 buckets, 65536 max) - 280 bytes per conntrack
ctnetlink v0.90: registering with nfnetlink.
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
TCP bic registered
NET: Registered protocol family 1
NET: Registered protocol family 10
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
NET: Registered protocol family 17
Freeing unused kernel memory: 248k freed
Loading, please wait...
mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device
W: devtmpfs not available, falling back to tmpfs for /dev
Begin: Loading essential drivers ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ... done.
Begin: Mounting root file systemkjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
... Begin: Running /scripts/local-top ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done.

INIT: version 2.88 booting

Setting hostname to '9902109-2'...done.

Files under mount point '/lib/init/rw' will be hidden. ... (warning).
Starting the hotplug events dispatcher: udevdudevd[1807]: libudevd version 125
nss_auth_helper: system call error: connect: /tmp/auth_helper_socket:
Connection refused

Synthesizing the initial hotplug events...udevd[1808]: libnss_auth_helper:
system call error: connect: /tmp/auth_helper_socket: Connection refused

udevd[1808]: libnss_auth_helper: system call error: connect:

/tmp/auth_helper_socket: Connection refused

Waiting for /dev to be fully populated...e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network
Driver - 1.3.10-k2
e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Intel Corporation.
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2e vector=0x91 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x91 irq=0x2e vector=0x91
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: Disabling ASPM L0s
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: eth0: (PCI Express:2.5GB/s:Width x1) ac:16:2d:36:04:b0
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: eth0: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection
e1000e 0000:0f:00.0: eth0: MAC: 3, PHY: 8, PBA No: FFFFFF-0FF
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x2f vector=0x92 src=BIOS_Misc
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x92 irq=0x2f vector=0x92
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: Disabling ASPM L0s
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: eth1: (PCI Express:2.5GB/s:Width x1) ac:16:2d:36:04:b1
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: eth1: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection
e1000e 0000:10:00.0: eth1: MAC: 3, PHY: 8, PBA No: FFFFFF-0FF
Setting parameters of disc: (none).
Activating swap:swapon on /dev/sAdding 2104472k swap on /dev/sda5. Priority:-1
extents:1 across:2104472k
swapon: /dev/sda5: found swap signature: version 1, page-size 4, same byte
swapon: /dev/sda5: pagesiEXT3 FS on sda3, ze=4096, swapsizinternal journal
e=2154987520, devsize=2154991104
Will now check root file system:fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /] fsck.ext3 -y -C0 /dev/sda3
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
root1: clean, 32640/262944 files, 405875/1050249 blocks
Cleaning up ifupdown....
Will now activate lvm and md swap:done.
Will now check all file systems.
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
Checking all file systems.
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /altroot] fsck.ext3 -y -C0 /dev/sda2
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
root0: clean, 33653/262944 files, 373876/1050249 blocks
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /common] fsck.ext3 -y -C0 /dev/sda7
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
log: clean, 233/1218224 files, 397617/4863670 blocks
Dkjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on sda2, internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
one checking filkjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on sda7, internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
e systems. A log is being saved in /var/log/fsck/checkfs if that location is
Setting kernel variables ... /etc/sysctl.conf...done.
Will now mount local filesystems:.
Will now activate swapfile swap:done.
Cleaning up temporary files...Cleaning /tmp...done.
Cleaning /var/run...done.
Cleaning /var/lock...done.
Checking minimum space in /tmp...done.
/opt/tpd/bin/flash --noconfirm /opt/tpd/bios/replace-scriptonly

Currently in the main SPI flash memory: [5632 KB]

HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.

SPI image loaded: [8192 KB]

HP SPI Image 2.4.0. Release version. 11:23:38 Apr 16 2013.

will be written to the main flash memory.

SPI image in flash is already current with specified file.
Use '--force' to downgrade the SPI image.
Setting up networking....
Configuring network interfaces...done.
Cleaning up temporary files....
Setting console screen modes and fonts.
cannot (un)set powersave mode
/etc/rcS.d/ line 240: /dev/tty1: No such file or directory
Couldnt get a file descriptor referring
INIT: Entering runlevel: 2

init: stty: standard input: Invalid argument

init: Starting system log daemon....
init: Starting kernel log daemon....
init: Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
init: Starting Machine Check Exceptions decoder: mcelog.
init: Starting internet superserver: inetd.
init: Enabling S.M.A.R.T..../dev/sda...done.
init: Starting S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd.
init: kernel.core_pattern = /var/core/proc/core.%e.%p
init: Saving kernel crash dump (if any):
init: No dump to save
init: done.
init: Rotating pfpart files:done.
init: Tuning TCP to improve throughput:
init: net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
init: net.core.wmemLKCD: Configuring dump device
_max = 8388608
LKCD: Block device (8,6) successfully configured for dumping using polling I/O
init: net.core.rLKCD: single-stage dumper set up for dev 806

mem_default = 65LKCD: Dump Level 0xf

init: net.cLKCD: GZIP compression initalized
ore.wmem_default = 65536
init: net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 8388608
init: net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 8388608
init: net.nemoe: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
ipv4.tcp_mem = 8NEMOE: mod init 1.0 Oct 1 2013 13:34:08
NEMOE: finding fpga
388608 8388608 8388608
init: CoNEMOE: mapped fpga type 4 revision 14
nfiguring kernel crash dump: ConNEMOE: GPIOs 61 12
figuring for 2.6NEMOE: finding nemoe record in shared memory
based kernel viNEMOE: creating device node
a sysfs
init: /NEMOE: creating proc entries
opt/tpd/bin/confNEMOE: initializing polling
igdump: successfNEMOE: initializing nenet interface
ul dump configurNEMOE: initializing watchdog timer
init: donNEMOE: initializing IRQ
NEMOE: completed initialization
init: Loading nemoe kernel module: done.
init: Validating: 3PAR NEMOE 4.10 - Release version 17:50:47 May 31 2013
init: NEMOE indicates the specified firmware is already installed.
init: kernel.tpd_no_mvec_msi = 0
init: kernel.tpd_msix_enableflg = 1
init: MSIX mode selected
Loading TPD InformOS v3.1.2.484 compiled on Oct 1 2013 at 13:43:37 by releng
in release format
Registering tpd_dump_event
BIOS SMI log initialized at va=0xffff8100006a0000 pa=0x00000000006a0000
Board Series: 0x901
FPGA mapped 0xff000000 to va 0xffffc20012b80000
CP: 4-node backplane 2
CP: This node is in slot 2
CP: Node mask: f
board_series = 0901
Creating EOS event thread.
EOS thread created.
EOS: Post autofix oscillation(0)...
EOS: Post autofix oscillation(1)...
Eos Enable FPGA Interrupt Handler
SCI: Init handler
BIOS reports control cache mapped under 4GB is 2040 MB
Eagle could not be located on the PCI bus
Could not locate Osprey on the PCI bus
Harrier 0 found ver 1 on PCI 4.0.0 irq 196.
CSR [0x00000000c1100000]
SCM 0000000000000000 to 0000000000000000 size 0000000000000000
LCM 0000002000000000 to 0000003000000000 size 0000001000000000
MRW 0000000000000000 to 0000000000000000 size 0000000000000000
Harrier 1 found ver 1 on PCI 5.0.0 irq 192.
CSR [0x00000000c0000000]
SCM 00000000a0000000 to 00000000c0000000 size 0000000020000000
LCM 0000001000000000 to 0000002000000000 size 0000001000000000
MRW 0000000800000000 to 0000000c00000000 size 0000000400000000
zxcv: rec 0, dev 0, bus 0, index 2, pci ffff810264661c00, reg ffffc2001ed00000
zxcv: rec 1, dev 0, bus 2, index 0, pci ffff810264661c60, reg ffffc2001ed20000
Harrier successfully added 1 devices
Harrier 0 has SCM mapped on pci bus 0x5 (0), MRW on pci bus 0x5 (0).
Harrier 0 Memory DMA Engine uses LPC# 2
Local PCIe DMA Engine uses LPC# 2
Store Forward uses LPC# 2
Clear HAR0 LPC0 error: 0x00000006 eid=0x02000000 hwe=0x00000000
New HAR0 LPC0 error: 0x00000000
Clear HAR0 LPC2 error: 0x00000006 eid=0x02000000 hwe=0x00000000
New HAR0 LPC2 error: 0x00000000
Try to enable msix interrupts for Harrier
Try to enable msix interrupts for Harrier
Harrier request IRQS for 32 entries
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdf
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdf to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xd0
Harrier: assigned vec 0xd0 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdd
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdd to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdc
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdc to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xdb
Harrier: assigned vec 0xdb to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xda
Harrier: assigned vec 0xda to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc7
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc7 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc6
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc6 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc5
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc5 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xc4
Harrier: assigned vec 0xc4 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xd5
Harrier: assigned vec 0xd5 to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xbf
Harrier: assigned vec 0xbf to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xcf
Harrier: assigned vec 0xcf to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xce
Harrier: assigned vec 0xce to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xcd
Harrier: assigned vec 0xcd to Harrier
har_pci_hdlr_install: vec 0xcc
Harrier: assigned vec 0xcc to Harrier
PCI CONFIG for Harrier 0, Bus 0 @ 0x50: 00da7005 fee00000 00000000 000040df
PCI CONFIG for Harrier 0, Bus 2 @ 0x50: 00da7005 fee00000 00000000 000040df
++Harrier0 vector[0] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[1] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[2] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[3] 0xd0
++Harrier0 vector[4] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[5] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[6] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[7] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[8] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[9] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[10] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[11] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[12] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[13] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[14] 0xdf
++Harrier0 vector[15] 0xd0
++Harrier0 vector[16] 0xdd
++Harrier0 vector[17] 0xdc
++Harrier0 vector[18] 0xdb
++Harrier0 vector[19] 0xda
++Harrier0 vector[20] 0xc7
++Harrier0 vector[21] 0xc6
++Harrier0 vector[22] 0xc5
++Harrier0 vector[23] 0xc4
++Harrier0 vector[24] 0xd5
++Harrier0 vector[25] 0xbf
++Harrier0 vector[26] 0xcf
++Harrier0 vector[27] 0xce
++Harrier0 vector[28] 0xcd
++Harrier0 vector[29] 0xcc
++Harrier0 vector[30] 0xd0
++Harrier0 vector[31] 0xd0
har_pci_total_cm cm_size[0] = 0x2000 MB
har_pci_total_cm cm_size[1] = 0x0 MB
BIOS reporting 8192 MBytes of Cluster Memory
Harrier Mirror Memory size 128MB
har_init_comm node 2
eagle_get_link_mapping using 4-way EOS X connect
eagle_get_link_mapping using 4-way EOS X connect
CP: version 0 center plane
CP: 4way-CP 7400
eagle_get_link_mapping using 4-way EOS X connect
DEFAULT port2 ealk [-1] on node2 (0, 2)
DEFAULT port4 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 0)
DEFAULT port5 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 1)
DEFAULT port6 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 2)
DEFAULT port7 ealk [-1] on node2 (1, 3)
node_2_link_send: 1 0 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
node_2_link_recv: 0 1 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
link_send_2_node: 1 0 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
node_2_xcbq_send: 9 8 0 11 -1 -1 -1 -1
xcbq_2_node_send: 2 -1 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
ealink_2_dev_id: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
node_2_dev_id: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
node_2_dev_id_rmt: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
link_2_link_lpbk: 1 0 3 2 5 4 7
xcbadr_2_xcbq: 2 0 4 -1
xcbadr_2_pcibus: 0 1 2 -1
Initial default mapping complete
CP: 4way-CP 7400
harlink_ctl_root: 1 1 3 1 3 3 3
CM DIMM0: J0300 4096MB, interleaved 00:00000000 to 02:00000000, S/N dc8ee0d6,
CM DIMM1: J0301 4096MB, interleaved 00:00000000 to 02:00000000, S/N dc8ee0d5,
Info cluster_mem_setup_rsvd - total cm size 0x200000000,
device mem size 0x200000000, 0x0
CM: prefill memory from 0x1000000000(0x40000 blocks) and 0x1001600000(0x7fa8000
blocks) using xcbq[0]
Clear Cluster Memory in 3608ms
Info: total eagle memory: 0x200000000 B
Info: cache memory left : 0x1c8000000 B
Info: scratch buffer : 0x1000204000, 0xc000B
Info: control structures: 0x38000000 bytes (0x380MB)
Info: eagle_init_cmp: cmp_init with
***ASIC 0***
mirsz: 0x30000000, non_mirr_sz: 0x1c8000000
tpci_pa: 0x808000000, ea_pa: 0x1008000000
local_pa 0x838000000, local_eapa 0x1038000000
CMP: Number of Cluster Memory Pages 516096
CMP: allocated: 153MB bytes at 0xffffc2006fc04000 for cmp structures
CMP: PCI Address Mirror: 0x00000808000000 Local: 0x00000838000000
CMP: Eagle Address Mirror: 0x00001008000000 Local: 0x00001038000000
CMP: Eagle Address Start: 0x00001008000000 End: 0x00001200000000
CMP: Page Count Mirror: 0x0000000000c000 Local: 0x00000000072000
CMP: PFN Start Mirror: 0000000004202496 Local: 0000000004251648
ea_gbpool_init 128 pools
Set xcbq_shutdown to 1 for node 0
Set xcbq_shutdown to 1 for node 1
Set xcbq_shutdown to 1 for node 3
*** eagle_setup_mir_record: HW mirror is enabled.
*** rm_init_config: initializing remote mirror configuration
CRDIT: allocate 233472 wait cache entries
Info: global_tpd_init: cmp_start_threads...
Shutdown thread: 4198
BIOS page addr 0xffff810000069000
PCI slot 0: LSI-SAS 9205-8e 1000.0087 06.00.0 1 24 FCAL
PCI slot 1: Emulex LPe12002 10df.f100 07.00.* 2 25 FCAL
PCI slot 2: QLogic QLE8242 1077.8020 03.00.* 2 26 FCoE
IDE0: OCZ D2RSTKSS1M19-0050 9S0GD9SEA227QQIZ 3.00E 48 GB
BIOS reports control cache is 2040 MB
BIOS indicates 12 CPUs expected
tpd_file_read error = -9
mfg_hp_readfile: no EEPROM update

SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom parse error (cs=7f80)

SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom checksum error (cs=7f80)
SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom lower half all 0x00
SDC: parse_mfg_eeprom upper half all 0xFFHardware Revision:
Part Identifier:
World Wide Name:
Assembly Serial Number:
Assembly Part Number:
Saleable Serial Number:
Saleable Product Number:
Spare Part Number:
Initialized serial link for EOS
Internal Serial: install intr fpga-serial(3) on irq 121
Internal Serial: initialize UART ports
FPGA Serial Port 0 at pci 0xffffc20012b80400
FPGA Serial Port 1 at pci 0xffffc20012b80420
FPGA Serial Port 2 at pci 0xffffc20012b80440
Enable serial interrupts
Har power to 0xff: 1
before enabling error interrupt
After enabling error interrupt
init_tpd_main: starting SCSI initialization
QLIS: found 2 devices
QLCNA one-time setup done
Port 2:2:2: device_id 0x8021 io_mem 0xffffc2007c300000 200000
File /opt/tpd/fw/hba/emfc/emfw-f100: Finished processing
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x19 vector=0x31 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x31 irq=0x19 vector=0x31
Port 2:2:2: atio_in_ptr ffffc2007c3bf17c atio_out_ptr ffffc2007c3bf27c
host_status ffffc2007c3bf500
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x35 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x35
Port 2:2:2 - qlh ffff810234ac0000 HBA Type 8200 Port 0 IRQ 53 Bus #0 IRQ
IOAPIC irq=0x18 vector=0x30 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x30 irq=0x18 vector=0x30
FW not initialized [Suspended Mode]
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x34 src=BIOS_Kernel_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x34
Port 2:2:2 - Function 4, first 10G iscsi (4)
Set xcbq_shutdown to 0 for node 3
Port 2:2:2 - qlp 0xffff810233ee0000 HBA Type 8022 Port 0 IRQ 52 Bus #2
FW not initialized [Suspended Mode]
Port 2:2:1: device_id 0x8021 io_mem 0xffffc2007cb80000 200000
Port 2:2:1: atio_in_ptr ffffc2007cc3f97c atio_out_ptr ffffc2007cc3fa7c
host_status ffffc2007cc3fd00
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x34 busy
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x33 src=BIOS_Kernel_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x33
Port 2:2:1 - qlh ffff810233f80000 HBA Type 8200 Port 0 IRQ 51 Bus #0 FW
not initialized [Suspended Mode]
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x34 busy
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x33 busy
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x1a vector=0x32 src=BIOS_Kernel_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x35 irq=0x1a vector=0x32
Port 2:2:1 - Function 5, second 10G iscsi (5)
Port 2:2:1 - qlp 0xffff810233ff0000 HBA Type 8022 Port 0 IRQ 50 Bus #2
FW not initialized [Suspended Mode]
Port 2:0:1 - llss ffff810233d70000 port ffff810233d80000 HBA Type 9205-8e
Memory c1040000 IRQ 48 Bus #0 FW rev [Initiator Mode]
Port 2:1:1 - emh ffff8102346d8000 HBA Type f100 Port ffffc200109e8000 IRQ 49
Bus #2 Port 2:1:1 - FW rev 2.01.X.14 [Initiator Mode]
IRQ IOAPIC irq=0x22 vector=0x36 src=BIOS_HBA
MSI PCI dev->irq=0x36 irq=0x22 vector=0x36
Port 2:1:2 - emh ffff810233468000 HBA Type f100 Port ffffc200109f0000 IRQ 54
Bus #2 Port 2:1:2 - FW rev 2.01.X.14 [Initiator Mode]
Port 2:0:2 - llss port ffff810233b00000 [Initiator Mode]
SCSI install done (7684ms taken)
BIOS indicates 12 CPUs expected
Started eagle_cm_patrol_thread pid 0x116f
this_node_total_cm_gb 8
patrol_delay 2688mS
Starting eagle_cm_patrol_thread....
Num Srcs 14 Src Size 16384
CM: starting protocol to join cluster.
Starting scan mir log thread 0x11ac
Setting recovery log scan delay to 117 ms
init: Loading tpd kernel module: done.
init: Mapping IRQs to cpus: passed.
init: Loading tpd kernel patch modules: 94154_92259 102478
init: Configuring powerfail device /dev/pfail_storage: 801
init: done.
init: Initializing eanet0: done.
init: Rotating PM logs: done.
init: Rotating PR event logs: done.
init: Starting Process Manager: pm.
init: Rotating pr_sync_ide logs: done.
init: Starting PR Sync IDE: pr_sync_ide.
init: rsync daemon not enabled in /etc/default/rsync, not starting... ...
init: Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local).

3PAR(R) InForm(tm) OS 9902109-2 ttyS0

9902109-2 login: console
Last login: Sun Jun 15 20:40:10 EDT 2014 on ttyS0

Usage of the 3PAR(R) InForm(tm) Operating System is subject to the terms of

the End-User License Agreement (EULA), with the exclusion of software licensed
under other terms. The EULA can be found in /usr/share/doc/tpd/copyright.

Many of the programs included with the 3PAR InForm(tm) Operating System are
freely redistributable; the exact distribution terms for each program
are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

No directory, logging in with HOME=/

3PAR Console Menu 9902109-2

1. Out Of The Box Procedure

2. Re-enter network configuration
3. Update the CBIOS
4. Enable or disable CLI error injections
5. Perform a Node-to-Node rescue
6. Set up the system to wipe and rerun ootb
7. Cancel a wipe
8. Perform a deinstallation
9. Update the system for recently added hardware (admithw)
10. Check system health (checkhealth)
11. Exit
> 11

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