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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation

Equipment and Related Ancillary Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland

Central Province

Government of Zimbabwe


For the

Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation

Equipment and Related Ancillary Services at
Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

22 May 2023

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation
Equipment and Related Ancillary Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland
Central Province

Tender Document for the Procurement of: Supply, Delivery and Installation of
Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary Services at Various Projects in
Mashonaland Central Province.

Procurement Reference No: MLAFWRD/IRRIG/CB/24/23

Procuring Entity: Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural


Date of Issue: 22 May 2023

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation
Equipment and Related Ancillary Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland
Central Province

Table of Contents

Part 1: Bidding Procedures

Part 2: Statement of Requirements

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.


References to the Act are to the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act
[Chapter22:23] and references to the Regulations are to the Public Procurement and Disposal of
Public Assets (General) Regulations (Statutory Instrument No. 5 of 2018). The terms and
requirements in the Act and Regulations govern the submission of Bids and should be read by all
Procurement Reference Number: MLAFWRD/IRRIG/CB/24/23
Preparation of Bids
You are requested to bid for the supply of the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation
Equipment and Related Ancillary Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central
Province. Specified in the Statement of Requirements below, by completing and returning the
following documentation:
1. the Bid Submission Sheet in this Part;
2. the Statement of Requirements in Part 2;
3. a copy of every document necessary to demonstrate eligibility in terms of section 28 (1) of the
4. Supplier Registration number showing that you are registered with the Procurement Regulatory
Authority of Zimbabwe;
5. A bid security from a registered commercial Bank;
6. Copies of company documents such as: Certificate of Incorporation, CR14, CR6, Valid tax
clearance certificate, VAT registration or proof of registration with ZIMRA.
7. Spoc fees payment receipt must be attached as failure to do so is an automatic
8. Bids to be well fastened preferably spiral binding.
9. Bids purchase receipt of the Standard Bidding document must be attached.
This Competitive Bid is subject to review by the Special Oversight Committee, therefore bidders are
also required to pay an administration fee of USD 350.00 in terms of section 54 of the Act and as set
out in Part IV of the Fifth Schedule to the Regulations. Bidders shall pay the administration fees to
PRAZ and provide proof of payment for such.
You are advised to carefully read the complete Bidding Document, as well as the General Conditions
of Contract which are available on the Authority’s website, before preparing your Bid. Part 3:
Contract is provided not for completion at this stage but to enable Bidders to note the Contract terms
they will enter into if their Bid is successful.
The standard forms in this document may be retyped for completion but the Bidder is responsible for
their accurate reproduction. All pages of the Bid must be clearly marked with the Procurement
Reference Number above and the Bidder’s name and any reference number.
Lots and Packages
The requirement are divided into lots and packages and Bidders can respond to all the Lots, see
Statement of Requirements contained herein.
Number of bids allowed

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

No Bidder may submit more than one bid, either individually or as a joint venture partner in another
Bid, except as a subcontractor. Where the procurement is divided into lots and packages, only one Bid
can be submitted. A conflict of interest will be deemed to arise if bids are received from more than
one Bidder owned, directly or indirectly, by the same person.

Clarification of the bidding document may be requested in writing by any Bidder before 12 June
2023 and should be sent to:

The Director, Procurement Management Unit

Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development
Private Bag 7701

Validity of Bids
The minimum period for which the Bidder’s bid must remain valid is 90 days from the deadline for
the submission of bids.
Submission of Bids
Bids must be submitted in writing in a sealed envelope to the address below, no later than the date and
time of the deadline below. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to ensure that they receive a receipt
confirming submission of their bid that has correct details of the Bidder and the number of the Bid.
The Bidder must mark the envelope with the Bidder’s name and address and the Procurement
Reference Number.
The Bidder must prepare one original of the documents comprising the Bid and clearly mark it
“ORIGINAL.” In addition, two copies of the Bid, which must be clearly marked “COPY.” In the
event of any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original will prevail.
Late bids will be rejected. The Procuring Entity reserves the right to extend the bid submission
deadline but will notify all potential bidders who have collected the bidding documents of the
amended bid submission deadline.
Date of deadline: 13 July 2023 Deadline Time: 1000hrs
Submission address: Hand deliver to Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural
Development room 161 Ngungunyana Building, 1 Borrowdale Rd Harare.
OR By post to:
The Director:
Management Unit
Ministry of Lands,
Agriculture, Fisheries,

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Water and Rural

Private Bag 7701

Means of acceptance: Sealed bids are to be placed in a marked

bid box or in room 161.

Bid opening
Bidders and their representatives may witness the opening of bids, which will take place at the
submission address immediately following the deadline.
Withdrawal, amendment or modification of Bids
A Bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its Bid after it has been submitted by sending a written
notice, duly signed by an authorized representative. However, no Bid may be withdrawn, substituted,
or modified in the interval between the deadline for submission of Bids and the expiration of the
period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder or any extension of that period.
Delivery Requirements
The delivery period required (from the date of contract signing) and the final destination for delivery
are as indicated in the Delivery Schedule in Part 2.
Bid Prices and Discounts
The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Bid Submission Form and in the Price Schedules
must conform to the requirements specified below.
Prices must be quoted as specified in the Price Schedule included in Part 2 Statement of
Requirements. In quoting prices, the Bidder is free to use transportation through carriers registered in
any eligible country and similarly may obtain insurance services from any eligible country. Prices
quoted must include the following costs and components:
(a) For Goods
(i) the price of the Goods and the cost of delivery to the final destination,
including the relevant INCOTERM, as stated in the Delivery Schedule;
(ii) the custom duties to be paid on the Goods on entry in Zimbabwe, if not
already included;
(iii) Any other applicable import taxes;
(iv) any sales and other taxes due within Zimbabwe which will be payable on the
Goods, if not already included;
(v) any rebate or mark-up of the local agent or representative.
(b) for Related Services, (other than inland transportation and other services required to convey
the Goods to their final destination), whenever such Related Services are specified in the
Schedule of Requirements: the price of each item comprising the Related Services (inclusive
of any applicable taxes).
Bid Security
The Bidder must include either: A bid security of USD 2000.00 in the following form

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Option 1---------------------- A Bank Certified Cheque

Option 2---------------------- A Bank Guarantee
Option 3---------------------- A Cash deposit to PRAZ

If option 3 is chosen, bidders must also submit proof of payment to PRAZ and a non-refundable
establishment fee of USD 200.00 in line with PART IV of the Procurement Regulations [S.I.193 of
Please note: the required Bid Bond [Option 2-Bank Guarantee] should include the following features
in order for it to be considered valid: -
• Letter head of a registered Commercial Bank (i.e. the Supplier of the Bid Bond/Surety).
• The Header to clearly state that it is a Bid Security Bond.
• Purpose of the Bid Bond to be clearly stated.
• The date when the Common Seal of the said Surety was effected to be stated.
• Conditions of the said Obligation to be stated.
• The physical address of the Surety to be stated.
• The validity period of the Bid Bond to be clearly stated.
• Signature of Surety and the date when it was endorsed to be clearly Shown
• It must be an original document and date stamped.
The Bid Bonds of the unsuccessful bidders will be released immediately after award of Bid while that
of the winning bidder will only be released after submission of the Performance Bond as specified
For all the above the, Bidders shall submit proof of compliance. Failure to do so will lead to automatic
disqualification of the bid. This is to cover Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural
Resettlement in case the supplier withdraws the bid after submission, or is unable to honour his/her
proposal after award of bids.

Performance Bond/ Security

After award of the tender, and before the contract is signed, the winning bidder must produce an
adequate form of security acceptable to the Government of Zimbabwe, through Ministry of Lands,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development (MLAFWRD) to guarantee that the work will
be continued in case of failure of performance by the supplier, i.e. in the event of delay or failure to
meet performance requirements, including latent defects. This guarantee will be in the form of a
Performance Bond equivalent to the value of 10% of the total cost of the supplier's proposal, valid
for at least 90 days and endorsed by a registered Commercial Bank.
The Performance Bond or Security can be the form of:-

 Certified Commercial Bank Cheque OR

 Bank Guarantee endorsed by a Commercial Bank only OR

After the public opening of the bids, the information relating to the examination, clarification,
evaluation and comparison of bids and recommendation shall not be disclosed to bidders or other
persons not officially concerned with such process until the award of contract is announced. No

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Bidder shall contact the employer on any matter relating to his/her bid, from time of the bid opening
to the time the bid is awarded.
Any Bidder in possession of confidential bid information will be obliged to reveal the source of
information and/or face disqualification of his/her bid.

Arithmetical Corrections and Costing Errors in Bids

In the event of there being any errors of extension, addition or conversion in the bidder’s bidding
document as provided for in section 51 of the PPDPA Act, the errors shall be corrected on the basis:-

1.1 If there is a discrepancy between words and the amount in figures, the amount in words shall be
accepted or prevail.

1.2 If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and total price that is obtained by multiplying
the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall be accepted or prevail and the total price shall be
corrected and shall be multiplied with the quantity to arrive at the total price.

1.3 If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals, the
subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected.

1.4 Where a bid price has been corrected, the corrected price shall be used for evaluating the bids
and awarding of the bid.

The Competitive Bid shall be awarded on a LOT by LOT basis

Evaluation of Bids
Bids will be evaluated using the following methodology:
1. Preliminary examination to confirm that all documents required have been provided, to confirm
the eligibility of Bidders in terms of section 28 (1) of the Regulations and to confirm that the Bid
is administratively compliant in terms of section 28 (2) of the Regulations.
2. Technical evaluation to determine substantial responsiveness to the specifications in the
Statement of Requirements;
3. Financial evaluation and comparison to determine the evaluated price of bids and to determine the
lowest evaluated bid.
Bids failing any stage will be eliminated and not considered in subsequent stages.

Review by the Special Procurement Oversight Committee

Section 54 of the Act provides for review by the Special Procurement Oversight Committee for certain
especially sensitive or especially valuable contracts. This Competitive Bid will be subject to review
by the Special Oversight Committee, therefore at least two identical copies of the bid document are
required, where the copies are not identical, the contents of the bid marked original will alone be

Evaluation criteria
The Procuring Entity’s evaluation of a Bid will take into account, in addition to the Bid Price, the
following criteria and methodologies.

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

(a) Delivery schedule: The specified services are required to be delivered by the date indicated in
the Delivery Schedule in Part 2. Bids offering delivery after the date shall be treated as non-
(b) Deviation in payment schedule: The payment schedule is stated in the Special Conditions of
Contract (SCC) in Part 3. A Bidder may propose a deviation from the schedule and if the
deviation is considered acceptable to the Procuring Entity, the Bid will be evaluated by
calculating interest earned for any earlier payments involved in the terms outlined in the Bid as
compared with those stipulated in the SCC, at the rate of interest indicated by the Reserve Bank
of Zimbabwe on the closing date for submission of bids.
Eligibility and Qualification Criteria
Bidders are required to meet the criteria in section 28 of the Act to be eligible to participate in public
procurement and to be qualified for the proposed contract. They must therefore provide any available
documentation and certify their eligibility in the Bid Submission Sheet.
To be eligible, Bidders must: -
1. Have the legal capacity to enter into a contract.
2. Bidders must submit certified copies of CR1, CR6 and CR14 or documents from country of origin
proving registration, registered address and registered directors from the registrar of companies.
3. Not be insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have had business activities
suspended and not be the subject of legal proceedings for any of these circumstances; bidders
must submit 2018 Audited Financial Statements.
4. Have fulfilled their obligations to pay taxes and social security contributions in Zimbabwe;
Bidders must submit current tax clearance certificate and proof of NSSA registration or
5. Not have a conflict of interest in relation to this procurement requirement.
6. Bidders must submit a statement that they are not conflicted.
7. Not be debarred from participation in public procurement under section 72 (6) of the Act and
section 74(1) (c), (d) or (e) of the Regulations or declared ineligible under section 99 of the Act;
8. Have the nationality of an eligible country as specified in the Special Conditions of Contract;
bidders must submit that they are of a nationality of eligible country.
9. Have been registered with the Authority as a Supplier and have paid the applicable Supplier
Registration Fee set out in Part III of the Fifth Schedule to the Regulations; bidders must submit
proof of PRAZ registration.
10. Declare on any non-performance of a contract that may have occurred as a result of contractor
11. Not be on suspension based on non-execution of bids.
12. Not have any litigation history.
13. Be Registered with the Irrigation Institute of Zimbabwe is mandatory.
14. Have three similar related works with contactable referees in each lot.
15. The Ministry has no advance payment and payment terms are strictly thirty (30) days after
16. The payment to be done in ZWL dollars using the prevailing RBZ Auction rate of the day
on payment.

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Participation in this bidding procedure is open to Zimbabwean bidders only.

Origin of Goods
All goods and related services must have as their country of origin an eligible country, as specified in
the Special Conditions of Contract.
Technical Criteria
The Technical Specifications Sheet details the minimum specification of the goods required. The
goods offered must meet this specification, but no credit will be given for exceeding the specification.

Bids should be priced in USD. The currency of evaluation will be USD. Payment to be
made in ZWL at the prevailing interbank rate.

Award of Contract
The lowest evaluated bid, after application of any additional evaluation criteria, including any margin
of preference, which is substantially responsive to the requirements of this bidding document will be
recommended for award of contract. The proposed award of contract will be by issue of a
Notification of Contract Award in terms of section 55 of the Act which will be effective until
signature of the contract documents in accordance with Part 3: Contract. Unsuccessful Bidders will
receive the Notification of Contract Award and, if they consider they have suffered prejudice from the
process, they may within 14 days of receiving this Notification, submit to the Procuring Entity a
Challenge in terms of section 73 of the Act, subject to payment of the applicable fee set out in section
44 of and the Third Schedule to the Regulations.

Right to Reject
The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Bids or to cancel the procurement
process and reject all Bids at any time prior to contract award.

Corrupt Practices
The Government of Zimbabwe requires that Procuring Entities, as well as Bidders and Contractors,
observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of contracts. In pursuit
of this policy:
1. the Procuring Entity will reject a recommendation for award if it determines that the Bidder
recommended for award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive or coercive practices in competing for the Contract or been declared ineligible to be
awarded a procurement contract under section 99 of the Act;
2. the Authority may under section 72 (6) of the Act impose the sanctions under section 74 (1) of the
Regulations; and
3. any conflict of interest on the part of the Bidder must be declared.

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Site Visits

Site visits are mandatory and all bidders must schedule a site visit with the contacts listed
Lot Project Location and Site Access Date / Time Contact Persons
The project is accessible by travelling 12/05/2023 Eng Masasire
25km from Bindura to Shamva then turn @0900hrs Mobile:0715465714/
left to Madziva college direction for 0772669335
6km and turn right where you will travel Jarachara T
2a Chipoli D for 20km to the site. Mobile: 0773469173
The project is accessible by travelling 12/05/2023 Eng Musira
30km from Bindura to Glendale, then @1100hrs Mobile:0714900697/
proceed along the Chiweshe road for 0775322253
about 60km and turn left at Bare turn off Murira G
2b Gwingwizha to travel around 7km to the scheme. Mobile:0773258185
The project is accessed by travelling 14/05/2023 Eng Chimedza
145km from Bindura to Guruve @1200hrs Mobile:0712122877
Mudhindo turn-off, then turn left and /0775065361
travel for about 40km to the project site. Takadiwa E
2c Velvekia /0787362415
The project is accessed by travelling 13/05/2023 Eng Matekwe
70km from Bindura along Bindura- @0900hrs Mobile:0714481852
Mukumbura highway then turn left after Zingwena P
Ruya river bridge. Travel another 50km Mobile:0712956550/
and turn right at Centenary turn off. The 0773351509
2d Everton scheme is about 1km from the turn off.
The project is accessible using the 15/05/2023 Eng Chimedza
Mazowe-Kanyemba highway up to @1000hrs Mobile:0712122877/
Mushumbi then travel north on Chikafa 0775065361
highway for 30km to the site. Munhangu O
2e Nyambudzi /0714628336
Kachuta. The project is accessed by using the 14/05/2023 Eng Chapangara
Harare-Mvurwi-Guruve highway up to @0900hrs Mobile:0715452261/
Guruve. Turn left at Guruve- Kachuta 0774039797
road and travel 60km to reach the Muzondo T
project. Mobile:
Zingwena P
2f 351509
Chimhanda The project is accessible by travelling 13/05/2023 Eng Matekwe
69km along Bindura-Mukumbura @1200hrs Mobile:0714481852
highway turning right at Rushinga turn Hwati G
off then travel a further 80km to Mobile:
Chimhanda township passing Rushinga. 0714627541/0773835937
A right dust road after Chimhanda
2g Township takes to the project

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Bid Submission Sheet

{Note to Bidders: Complete this form with all the requested details and submit it as the first page of
your Bid. Attach the completed Statement of Requirements and any other documents requested in
Part 1. Ensure that your Bid is authorised in the signature block below. A signature and
authorisation on this form will confirm that the terms and conditions of this Bid prevail over any
attachments. If your Bid is not authorised, it may be rejected. If the Bidder is a Joint Venture (JV),
the Bid must be signed by an authorized representative of the JV on behalf of the JV, and so as to be
legally binding on all the members as evidenced by a power of attorney signed by their legally
authorized representatives.
Bidders must mark as “CONFIDENTIAL” information in their Bids which is confidential to their
business. This may include proprietary information, trade secrets or commercial or financially
sensitive information}.

Procurement Reference Number:

Subject of Procurement:

Name of Bidder:

Bidder’s Reference Number:

Date of Bid:

We offer to supply the items listed in the attached Statement of Requirements, at the prices indicated
on the attached Price Schedule and in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in your Bidding
Document referenced above.
We confirm that we meet the eligibility criteria specified in Part 1: Procedures of Bidding.
We declare that we are not debarred from bidding and that the documents we submit are true and
The validity period of our bid is: ……… {days} from the date of submission.
We confirm that the prices quoted in the attached Price Schedule are fixed and firm for the duration of
the validity period and will not be subject to revision, variation or adjustment.
Bid Authorised by:

Signature …………………………….. Name: ……………………………………

Position: …………………………….. Date: …………………….……(DD/MM/YY)

Authorised for and on behalf of:

Company ……………………………………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………


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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.


Name of Bidder:

Bidders Reference Number:

List of Goods and Price Schedule:

Lot 2a Chipoli D Irrigation Scheme

Currency of Bid: USD
Bill of Quantities of an 80 Ha centre pivot irrigation system for Chipoli D
Item Description Unit Qty U/Cost T/Cost
2a1 Bill No.1Pump Station
2a1.1 Flexible tyre coupling fena flex FFX90
and pump flange with tapper lock to each 1
couple on pump shaft
2a1.2 Servicing of pumping unit lump 2
2a1.3 Desilting of sump and finishing of
lump 1
outstanding works
2a1.4 Rehabilitation of bush pump no 1
2a1.5 160mm suction basket with foot valve each 2
2a1.6 Labour lump 1
2a1.7 Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary
2a2 Bill No. 2 Centre Pivots
2a2.1 Supply and install 80 Ha centre pivot
no 1
complete with all accessories
2a2.2 Mainline and Headworks    
2a2.3 200mm Steel pipe to be fabricated on
m 6
2a2.4 200mm Butterfly valves complete with
no 1
nuts and bolts
2a2.5 200mm Gooseneck flanged both side no 2
2a2.6 250mm mPVC pipe length 4
2a2.7 200mm mPVC pipe length 4
2a2.8 315-250mm reducing no 1
2a2.9 250-200mm reducing no 1
2a2.10 200mm TCP/TBRP coupled with bolts
no 1
and nuts
2a2.11 3mm rubber gasket m 2
2a2.12 solvent cement litres 1
2a2.13 200mm steel pipe flanged both sides
m 3
with nuts and bolts
2a2.14 Air release valve no 1
2a2.15 Construction of Toilets- pit latrines no 3
2a2.16 M24*100 bolts and nuts each 20

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.
2a2.17 M24*210 bolts and nuts each 40
2a2.18 Trenching (1m*1m) and Back filling m 900
2a2.19 Labour lump 1
2a2.20 Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Item Description Unit Qty U/Cost T/Cost

2a3 Bill No. 3 Electrical
2a3.1 Transformer oil litres 20
2a3.2 Transformer cage for 315Kva transformer no 1
2a3.3 90mm2 Armoured Cable 4 core m 40
2a3.4 50mm2 Armoured Cable 4 core m 900
2a3.5 Labour lump 1
2a3.6 Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary

2a4. Summary of bills for Chipoli D Irrigation Scheme

Bill Description Amount (USD)
1 Pump Station
2 Centre Pivots
3 Electrical
Add 10% Contingency
Add 14.5% V.A.T.
Grand Total

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Lot 2b Gwingwizha Irrigation Scheme

Bill of Quantities of Gwingwizha irrigation Scheme
Item Description Unit Qty U/Cost T/Cost
2b1. Bill No.1 Pumping Unit
2b1.1 Pump Q=103.2m3/h H=59m complete
fixed on a concrete base coupled to a 40,
2 pole motor complete with a 40 HP VSD
starter box, suction and discharge fittings
to adapt to a 6 inch suction steel pipe and
6inch steel delivery line. Fittings for the lump 2
pump assembly are eccentric and
concentric tappers, priming pump, 6 inch
cast iron gate valve, 6 inch non-return
valve and a 10-bar glycerine filled
pressure gauge
2b1.2 Pump Q=51.6m3/h H=35m complete fixed
on a concrete base coupled to a 10 HP, 2
pole motor complete with star delta starter
box, suction and discharge fittings to
adapt to a 5inch suction steel pipe and
5inch steel delivery line. Fittings for the lump 2
pump assembly are eccentric and
concentric tappers, priming pump, 5 inch
cast iron gate valve, 5 inch non-return
valve and a 10-bar glycerine filled
pressure gauge
2b1.3 Labour lump 1
2b1.4 Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary
2b2. Bill No. 2 Infield equipment
2b2.1 6 inch steel flanged gooseneck complete
each 3
with bolts and nuts
2b2.2 5 inch steel flanged gooseneck complete
each 2
with bolts and nuts
2b2.3 160mm Butterfly valve complete with
each 2
bolts and nuts
2b2.4 5 inch Butterfly valve complete with
each 1
bolts and nuts
2b2.5 160mm steel to MPVC VJC each 3
2b2.6 5 inch steel to MPVC VJC each 2
2b2.7 160mm MPVC pipe class 6 meters 1200
2b2.8 125mm MPVC pipe class 6 metres 300
2b2.9 6-5 inch flanged steel Tee fabricated on
each 1
2b2.10 6 inch cast iron gate valve each 1
2b2.11 12ha Fixed Centre Pivot c/w accessories each 3

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Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Item Description Unit Qty U/Cost T/Cost

2b2.12 12ha pivot centre construction each 3
Subtotal carried to summary
2b3. Bill No. 3 Electricals
2b3.1 100KVA transformer each 1
2b3.2 HT Line construction metres 300
2b3.3 175
16mm2, 4 core armoured cable metres
2b3.4 Labour lump 1
2b3.5 Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary

2b4 Summary of bills for Gwingwizha Irrigation Scheme

Bill No. Description Amount (USD)
1 Pumping Unit
2 Infield Equipment
3 Electricals
Add 10% Contingency
Add 14.5% V.A.T.
Grand Total

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Lot 2c Velvekia Irrigation Scheme

Bill of Quantities of Velvekia Irrigation Scheme
Item Description Unit Qty U/Cost T/Cost
Fittings and accessories for 5*20ha Center pivots
2c1. Bill No. 1 Mainline Fittings
2c1.1 160mm PVC class 9 m 2100
2c1.2 6’’steel pipe for gooseneck incl 6’’hook and
each 6
2c1.3 6’’ VJ coupling each 3
2c1.4 6’’ butterfly valve each \3
2c1.5 Rubber gasket M2 3
2c1.6 160mm Pvc 22.5 deg end each 1
2c1.7 160mm steel pipe + 3*table D flange m 6
2c1.8 Trenching and back filling of 1000m3
m 2100
2c1.9 160mm Pvc -150mm steel reducing VJ
each 3
2c1.10 6’’ aluminium pipes lengths 15
2c1.11 160mm PVC class 9 m 2100
2c1.12 6’’steel pipe for gooseneck incl 6’’hook and
each 6
2c1.13 6’’ VJ coupling each 3
2c1.14 6’’ butterfly valve each 3
2c1.15 Labour lump 1
2c1.16 Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary
2c2. Bill No. 2 Infield equipment
2c2.1 HT line m 1000
2c2.2 25mm2 4 core SWAN m 1100
2c2.3 50mm2 4 core SWA m 100
2c2.4 ZESA connection fee for 1 transformer $ 1
2c2.5 Labour lump 1
2c2.6 Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary
2c3. Bill No. 3 40 ha Centre Pivot System & Land Clearing
2c3.1 Supply and delivery of 40 ha Centre
Pivot ha 1
2c3.2 Installation of the 40 hactare Centre
Pivot ha 40
2c3.3 Land Clearing
Subtotal carried to summary

Page 18 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

2c4 Summary of bills for Gwingwizha Irrigation Scheme

Bill No. Description Amount (USD)
1 Mainline Fittings
2 Infield equipment
3 40 ha Centre Pivot System & Land Clearing
Add 10% Contingency
Add 14.5% V.A.T.
Grand Total

Page 19 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Lot 2d Everton Irrigation Scheme

Bill of Quantities of Everton Irrigation Scheme
Item Description Unit Qty U/Cost T/Cost
2d1. Bill No. 1 Pumping Unit
2d1.1 Centrifugal pump with duty (Q=460.0.m3/hr.,
H=70.0m) coupled to an electric motor c/w
VSD, suction and discharge fittings to adapt to
a 300mm suction pipe and 9inch steel delivery
line. Fittings for the pump assembly are Lump 2
eccentric and concentric tappers, priming
pump, 9-inch gate valve, 9-inch non-return
valve and a 10-bar glycerine filled pressure
2d1.2 Construction of a pump house, 2 plinths Lump 1
2d1.3 Labour lump 1
2d1.4 Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary
2d2. Bill No. 2 Infield Equipment 30ha fixed centre pivot
2d2.1 30ha fixed centre pivot Each 1
2d2.2 11kva generator Each 1
2d2.3 Fabrication of 6’’ steel gooseneck flanged both
Each 1
2d2.4 250mm mPVC, class 10(953) lengths 159
2d2.5 6inch steel End Hydrant Each 2
2d2.6 250mm TCP/TRBP complete with bolts and Each 2
2d2.7 160mm mPVC class 10 length 3
2d2.8 160mm butterfly gate valve with bolts and nuts Each 1
2d2.9 Solvent cement Litres 2
2d2.10 3mm Gasket (1m x 1.5m) lump 1
2d2.11 PC15 cement 50kg each Each 10
2d2.12 10’’- 6’VJ Coupling each 4
2d2.13 Fabrication of 10’’GI manifold lump 1
2d2.14 250-250-150mm reducing Tee GI each 1
2d2.15 Mainline trenching and back filling of 3000
m 2400
Subtotal carried to summary
2d3. Bill No 3 Electricals    
2d3.1 Construct and install 315KVA Transformer each 1
including cubicle
2d3.2 16mm2 4 core armoured cable m 1000
2d3.3 35mm 4 core armoured cable m 1800
2d3.4 Construction of a sub station m 1800
2d3.5 Supply ,deliver and construct 11KV /0,4v HT

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Labour lump 1
Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary
2d4. Bill No. 4 Bill of Quantities for 20ha (fixed) Centre Pivot Irrigation system
2d4.1 20ha fixed centre pivot Each 3
2d4.2 11kva generator Each 3
2d4.3 Fabrication of 6’’ steel gooseneck flanged
both ends
2d4.4 Length
200mm mPVC, class 10(581m) 97
2d4.5 160mm mPVC class 10(1075) Length 180
2d4.6 200-200-160 reducing Tee GI Each 1
2d4.7 160mm ETP Each 2
2d4.8 160mm steel pipe/HDPE flanged both
Each 1
2d4.9 160mm butterfly gate valve with bolts and
Each 1
2d4.10 PC15 cement 50kg each Each 50
2d4.11 8’’steel-160mm PVC VJ coupling Each 2
2d4.12 6’’steel-160mm mPVC VJ coupling Each 6
Subtotal carried to summary
2d5. Bill No. 5 15ha (fixed) Centre Pivot Irrigation system
2d5.1 15ha fixed centre pivot Each 1
2d5.2 11kva generator Each 1
2d5.3 Fabrication of 6’’ steel gooseneck flanged
Each 1
both ends
2d5.4 250-250-160 reducing Tee GI each 1
2d5.5 160mm steel pipe flanged both sides(2m) each 1
2d5.6 160mm butterfly gate valve with bolts and
each 1
2d5.7 PC15 cement 50kg each 10
2d5.8 10’’steel-250mm mPVC VJ coupling each 1
2d5.9 10’’steel-160mm mPVC VJ Coupling each 2
2d6 Bill No. 6 Erection of 5000m Perimeter
2d6.1 1.5*7.5mm *2.5mm diamond mesh fence m 5000
2d6.2 2.5m long corner posts each 130
2d6.3 2.1m *34mm Strays /supporters each 125
2d6.4 2.1m long w/section standards each 1250
2d6.5 2.24mm straining wire m 20000
2d6.6 1.6mm tying wire kg 30
2d6.7 M12 Bolts and nuts each 80
2d6.8 50kg PC 15 Cement bags each 40
2d6.9 Quarry stones m3 10
2d6.10 River sand m3 20
Item Description Unit Qty U/Cost T/Cost

Page 21 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.
2d6.11 4.25m wide *1.8m *38mm double leaf
gates each 2
2d6.12 1.2m *1.5m high pedestrian gate each 6
2d6.13 75mm padlocks each 7
2d6.14 Labour lump 1
2d6.15 Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary

2d7 Summary of bills for Gwingwizha Irrigation Scheme

Bill No. Description Amount (USD)
1 Pumping Unit
2 Infield Equipment 30ha fixed centre pivot
3 40 ha Centre Pivot System & Land Clearing
4 Electricals
5 15ha (fixed) Centre Pivot Irrigation system
6 Erection of 5000m Perimeter
Add 10% Contingency
Add 14.5% V.A.T.
Grand Total

Page 22 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Lot 2e Nyambudzi Irrigation Scheme

Bill of Quantities of Nyambudzi Irrigation Scheme
Item Description Unit Qty U/Cost T/Cost
2e1. Bill No. 1 Pumping Unit
2e1.1 Centrifugal electric pump unit (Q=333m3/hr,
H=84m) all ectrical, suction and discharge pipe
fittings on a fixed base. One pump to work on
standby. No 2
2e1.2 3 phase ,50Hz 380V,132/175hp 2 pole electric
motor c/w SDS No 2
2e1.3 140mm PVC (9)mainline lengths 272
2e1.4 95mm2 4Core armoured cable m 90
2e1.5 315mm mPVC (9) mainline pipe lengths 270
2e1.6 250-200mm steel reducer No 1
2e1.7 250mm steel -PVC V J Stepped Coupling (to
suit PVC ) No 1
2e1.8 250mm x1m fabricated steel Gooseneck m 1
2e1.9 250-200mm steel reducer No 1
2e1.10 250mm butterfly valve No 1
2e1.11 Rubber gaskets m2 8
2e1.12 Mainline trenching and back filling of 1125 m3 m 1404
2e1.13 200mm PVC (9) mainline lengths 270
2e1.14 250-200mm PVC reducer No 1
2e1.15 315-250mm PVC reducer No 1
2e1.16 Labour lump 1
2e1.17 Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary
2e2. Bill No. 2 Electricals
2e2.1 Construct and install 315KVA Transformer
including cubicle No 2
2e2.2 16mm2 4 core armoured cable m 600
2e2.3 35mm 4 core armoured cable m 930
2e2.4 Supply ,deliver and construct 11KV /0,4v HT
Line m 1700
2e2.5 Labour lump 1
2e2.6 Transport lump 1
Subtotal carried to summary
2e3. Bill No. 3 Borehole Drilling
2e3.1 Existing borehole capacity testing No 1
2e3.2 Existing borehole equipping with 3 HP electric
submersibles pump and /or an alternative pump
size as determined by capacity test result.
Include all electrical fittings thereof. No 1
2e3.3 Borehole Sitting and drilling No 6
2e3.4 Borehole Capacity Testing No 6
2e3.5 Borehole Equipping (Casing with 180mm PVC  lump  1

Page 23 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.
(10) with electric submersibles
pump ,Q=60M3/hr,H =90m ,three phase and or
an alternative pump size as determined by
capacity test results ( all electrical fittings
included ).These works shall also entail
installation of borehole discharge pipes and
associated fitting (including PVC manifold) that
will connect to the proposed 315mmPVC(9)
mainline that will feed into existing night
storage reservoirs(cost of manifold and fittings
should be included .Boreholes shall be taken as
being 100 metres apart
2e3.6 Labour  lump  1
2e3.7 Transport  lump  1
Subtotal carried to summary
2e4. Bill No. 4 5000m Perimetre fencing
2e4.1 1.5*7.5mm *2.5mm diamond mesh fence m 5000
2e4.2 2.5m long corner posts each 130
2e4.3 2.1m *34mm Strays /supporters each 125
2e4.4 2.1m long w/section standards each 1250
2e4.5 2.24mm straining wire m 20000
2e4.6 1.6mm tying wire kg 30
2e4.7 M12 Bolts and nuts each 80
2e4.8 50kg PC 15 Cement bags each 40
2e4.9 Quarry stones m3 10
2e4.10 River sand m3 20
2e4.11 4.25m wide *1.8m *38mm double leaf gates each 2
2e4.12 1.2m *1.5m high pedestrian gate each 6
2e4.13 75mm padlocks each 7
2e4.14 Labour  lump  1
2e4.15 Transport  lump  1
Subtotal carried to summary

2e5 Summary of bills for Nyambudzi Irrigation Scheme

Bill No. Description Amount (USD)
1 Pumping Unit
2 Electricals
3 Borehole Drilling
4 5000m Perimetre fencing
Add 10% Contingency
Add 14.5% V.A.T.
Grand Total

Page 24 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Lot 2f Kachuta Irrigation Scheme

Bill of Quantities of Kachuta Irrigation Scheme
Item Description Unit Qty U/Cost T/Cost
2f1.1 provisi
2HP Submersible pump 3
2f1.2 500m3 reservoir each 1
2f1.3 75mm hdpe (10) 3mm AC m 200
2f1.4 Centrifugal in line pump Q-18: H-60 c/w
No 1
2f1.5 110mm supply ma m 400
2f1.6 160mm PVC supply line class (10) m 400
2f1.7 160mm end hydrant  No  8
2f1.8 SH3 hydrant top No  8
2f1.9 3 X 0.7 street riser pipe with 4’’ steel saddle No 8
2f1.10 3’’ lateral pipe c/w riser assembly No 16
2f1.11 3’’ lateral plain pipe No 24
2f1.12 3’’ VCE No 3
2f1.13 3’’ FRB No 3
2f1.14 3’’ End caps A1 No 3
2f1.15 4mm nozzle sprinkler c/w No 16
2f1.16 1 X 1m Riser including hook with reducing No
2f1.17 2HP Submersible pump lump 3
2f1.18 Labour  lump  1
2f1.19 Transport  lump  1
Add 10% Contingency
Add 14.5% V.A.T.
Grand Total

Page 25 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Lot 2g Chimanda Irrigation Scheme

Bill of Quantities of Kachuta Irrigation Scheme
Item Description Unit Qty U/Cost T/Cost
2g1.Bill No.1 Pumping Unit
2g1.1 Multistage Centrifugal Pump with duty
139.2 m3/hr @ 71.2m head (coupled a
motor on suitable portable base frame
c/w starter box, suction and discharge
fittings to adapt to 250mm suction pipe
and 200mm steel delivery line. Fittings
Each 2
for the pump assembly are eccentric and
concentric tappers, priming pump,
160mm gate valve, 160mm non-return
valve and 10 bar glycerine filled pressure
gauge.(In a pump shade) (a reputable
brand is preferred).
2g1.2 Labour  lump  1
2g1.3 Transport  lump  1
Subtotal carried to summary
2g2. Bill No. 2 Mainline and fittings
2g2.1 MPVC 200mm, class 9 6m 20
2g2.2 200mm cast iron gate valves each 2
2g2.3 200mm,TRBP&TCP each 2
2g2.4 8” flanged goose neck each 1
2g2.5 8” Non return valve each 1
2g2.6 Solvent cement Litres 2
2g2.7 3mm Gasket m2 1
2g2.8 8” End hydrants each 1
2g2.9 6” steel pipe 6m 1
2g2.10 Trenching (1m *0.8m ) cost per m m 100
2g2.11 Installation cost lump 1
2g2.12 6” Aluminium pipes , m 60
2g2.13 6” to 8” steel goose neck(fabricated on site) each 1
2g2.14 Labour  lump  1
2g2.15 Transport  lump  1
Subtotal carried to summary
2g3. Bill No.3 30 Hectare Centre
2g3.1 Supply and installation of 30 hectare fixed each 1
centre pivot c/w accessories
2g2.2 Labour  lump  1
2g2.3 Transport  lump  1
Subtotal carried to summary

Page 26 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Item Description Unit Qty U/Cost T/Cost

2g4. Bill No.4 Electricals
2g4.1 100 KVA transformer incl. Cubicle and
MCB on H poles SWAN cable (33/0.4 each 1
2g4.2 33Kv HV line, with aluminium
conductor to match existing, including
m 1680
suitable transmission poles approved by
ZESA complete with all accessories
2g4.3 Armoured cable,50 mm m 115
2g4.4 25 KVA transformer incl. Cubicle and
MCB on H poles SWAN cable (11/0.4 each 1
2g4.5 Separate meters ,pivot and pump( 3
each 2
2g4.6 Zesa connection & inspection fee lump 2
2g4.7 Labour  lump  1
2g4.8 Transport  lump  1
Subtotal carried to summary
2g5. Bill No. 5 4050m*Perimeter Fence
2g5.1 2,5mm, 1,8 higb35:d45esh fence on m 4050
2g5.2 2,4 m long w-section standards in
300mm diameter, 500mm deep grade 15 no 810
concrete foundation
2g5.3 provide for 4 strands2.24mm straining
m 16200
2g5.4 provide for corner post at every change
of direction and/ gradient in 400mm
no 50
diameter, 500mm deep grade 15 concrete
2g5.5 provide for 2.1mm * 34mm diameter
no 100
stays/ support at every corner post
2g5.6 4.5m wide* 1.8m high double leaf gates no 4
2g5.7 1.2m wide * 1.8m high pedestrian gate no 4
2g5.8 77mm padlocks no 8
2g5.9 19mm * 1m chain no 8
2g5.10 provide for intermediate post spaced at
no more than 40metres and no less than
no 150
25m in 300mm diameter, 500mm deep
grade 15 concrete foundation
2g5.11 Provide for 2. 1mm * 34mm diameter
no 150
stays/ support at every intermediate post
2g5.12 Labour  lump  1
2g5.13 Transport  lump  1
Subtotal carried to summary

Page 27 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

2g6. Bill No 6 Construction of double pit latrine

2g6.1 cement standard bricks
(230mm*110mm) at 2300 bricks per each 2300
2g6.2 50 kg pc cement at a rate of 8 bags per
bag 8
2g6.3 riversand at a rate of 8m3 per toilet m3 1
2g6.4 pit sand at a rate of 2m3/ toilet m3 1
2g6.5 ¾ stones at a rate of 0.5m3/ toilet m3 0.5
2g6.6 corrugated iron sheets each 5
2g6.7 Labour  lump  1
2g6.8 Transport  lump  1
Subtotal carried to summary
2g7. Bill No 7 Construction of Pump storage house
2g7.1 cement standard bricks
(230mm*110mm) at 3000 bricks per each 3000
pump house
2g7.2 50 kg pc cement bags bag 20
2g7.3 riversand lump  1
2g7.4 pitsand lump  1
2g7.5 ¾ stones lump  1
2g7.6 corrugated iron sheets each 12
2g7.7 doors (2m*2.5m) each 2
2g7.8 Labour  lump  1
2g7.9 Transport  lump  1
Subtotal carried to summary

2g7.10 Summary of Bills for lot 2g

Bill No. Description Amount (USD)
1 Pumping Unit
2 Mainline and fittings
3 30 Hectare Centre
4 Electricals
5 4050m*Perimeter Fence
6 Construction of double pit latrine
7 Construction of Pump storage house
Add 10% Contingency
Add 14.5% V.A.T.
Grand Total

Page 28 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Summary of Lots
2a Chipoli D Irrigation Scheme
2b Gwingwizha Irrigation Scheme
2c Velvekia Irrigation Scheme
2d Everton Irrigation Scheme
2e Nyambudzi Irrigation Scheme
2f Kachuta Irrigation Scheme
2g Chimhanda Irrigation Scheme

Note 1: Lots and packages should be shown as separate items.

Note 2: The description or quantity must indicate the Unit of measure where relevant.

Note 3: Unit and total prices must be for delivery through to the final destination stated in
Part 1

Note 4: VAT to be clear7ly calculated separately.

Note 5: Include any additional costs, such as installation or commissioning.

The price to be quoted in the price schedule must be the total price of the bid excluding any
discounts offered.

Page 29 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.


This is to certify that I………………………………………………………………for and on behalf


visited……………………………….....................................................Irrigation Scheme on


I have carefully examined the site and had previously studied the contract documents.
I have made myself familiar with all local conditions likely to influence the work and cost thereof.
I further certify that I am satisfied with the description of the work and that I understand perfectly the
work to be done, as specified and implied, in the execution of this contract.

Signature of Tenderer…………………………………………………………………

For and on behalf of……………………………………………...................................

Address: .........................................................................................................................

Dated: ............................................................................................................................


Date: …………….....................................

Signature of Procurement Management Unit Member…………………………………


Signature of Engineer/Engineer's Representative…………………………………………


Delivery Schedule

Page 30 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Name of Bidder:

Bidder’s Reference Number:

{Note to Bidders: If the delivery period offered, or any other details, is longer than the one shown on the table
below, the bidder will be automatically disqualified}.

Delivery Date
Required by
Lot Physic offered
Description of Goods Qty
al Unit
Procuring Entity
and applicable
Supply, delivery and Installation of 1 x 80ha
Center Pivot Irrigation System complete with
2a mainlines, electrical components and headworks at
12 Weeks
Chipoli D Irrigation Scheme, Mazowe District.
Supply, delivery and Installation of 3 x 12ha
Center Pivot Irrigation System complete with
mainlines, 100 KVA transformer, 300m LT line,
2b 4000m Diamond mesh, 1,8M high and Pump
12 Weeks
House construction at Gwingwizha Irrigation
Scheme, Mazowe District.
Supply, delivery and Installation of Fittings and
accessories for 5*20ha Center pivots and 40ha
Center Pivot Irrigation System complete with
2c mainlines, 1000m HT Line and site clearing of 40 12 Weeks
ha and headworks at Velvekia Irrigation Scheme,
Guruve District.
Supply, delivery and Installation of 1x 15ha (fixed),
3 x 20 (fixed) ha, 1 x 30 (fixed) ha Centre Pivot
Irrigation system complete with mainlines,
315KVA Transformer including cubicle,
2d 11KVA/0.4V *1800m HT line, 5000m* 12 Weeks
1.5*7.5mm *2.5mm diamond mesh fence and
headworks at Everton Irrigation Scheme, Mt
Darwin District..
Supply, delivery and Installation of 80ha Center
Pivot Irrigation System complete with mainlines,
315KVA Transformer including cubicle, 5000m
2e *1.5*7.5mm *2.5mm diamond mesh fencing and 8 Weeks
drilling of boreholes at Nyambudzi Irrigation
Scheme, Guruve District.
Supply, delivery and Installation of Sprinkler
Irrigation System complete with mainlines,
2f electrical components and 500 m3 reservoir at 8 Weeks
Kachuta Irrigation Scheme, Guruve District.
Supply, delivery and Installation of 1 x (30ha fixed)
Center Pivot Irrigation System complete with
mainlines,25kva & 100 kva transformers
2g 33KV/04 incl cubicles respectively,4050m* 8 Weeks
1.8*7.5mm*2.5mm diamond mesh fence, Pump
house and Double pit latrines at Chimanda
Irrigation Scheme, Rushinga District.

The delivery period required is measured from the date of the signing of the Contract between the
Procuring Entity and the Bidder.

Page 31 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.
The Project Site for delivery of the goods is the final destination: Ministry of Lands,
Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development.

Page 32 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Technical Specification and Compliance Sheet

Name of Bidder:

Bidder’s Reference Number:

The Goods and Related Services must comply with following Technical Specifications and Standards:
[Columns a and b are completed by the Procuring Entity. Column c must be completed by the Bidder to
indicate the full specification of the items offered and their compliance with the specification required (in
Column b)]

{Confirm full specification of items offered
Item Item description and full technical Specification
by Bidder and compliance of items to detail
No required (including applicable standards)
in column b}

Lot 2a

2a2.1 Full brochure with technical literature, brand,

manufacturer and pictures.

2a3.2 Layout drawing, including materials used

Lot 2b

Pump Curves showing duty point and motor data

2b2.11 Full brochure with technical literature i.e. brand,

manufacturer and pictures.

2b3.1 Full brochure with technical literature, brand,

manufacturer and pictures.

Lot 2c

2c3.1 Full brochure with technical literature, brand,

manufacturer and pictures.

Lot 2d

2d1.1 Full brochure with technical literature, brand,

manufacturer and pictures.

2d1.2 Layout drawing, including materials used

Full brochure with technical literature, brand,
manufacturer and pictures.
Full brochure with technical literature, brand,
manufacturer and pictures.

Page 33 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

2d3.1 Full brochure with technical literature, brand,

manufacturer and pictures.
Full brochure with technical literature, brand,
manufacturer and pictures.
Full brochure with technical literature, brand,
manufacturer and pictures.

2d612 Full brochure with technical literature, brand,

manufacturer and pictures.

Lot 2e
2e1.1 Pump Curves showing duty point

2e1.2 Motor data sheets

2e2.1 Full brochure with technical literature, brand,

manufacturer and pictures.

2e3.5 Bolehole Drilling Rig with proof of ownership

Full brochure with technical literature, brand,

manufacturer and pictures.
Full brochure with technical literature, brand,
manufacturer and pictures.

Lot 2f

2f1.1 Pump Curves showing duty point

2f1.2 Layout drawing, including materials used

2g1.1 Pump Curves showing duty point

2g3.1 Full brochure with technical literature, brand,

manufacturer and pictures.
Full brochure with technical literature, brand,
manufacturer and pictures.
Full brochure with technical literature, brand,
manufacturer and pictures.

Technical Requirements

Qualification of Staff

Electrical works

Bidders submit CVs of Class one trade tested

Electrician and Linesmen certificate with at least
five years’ experience on similar assignments

Irrigation works

Bidders submit CVs of an Irrigation Engineer

Page 34 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Degree in Irrigation Engineering or equivalent with

at least five years’ experience on similar

Site Organisation Structure

Method Statement for each lot

Construction Schedule

Programme of Works showing milestones and

timelines and payment schedule


Demonstrate financial capacity by submitting bank

reference letters and financial statements.

Notarised power of attorney

The detailed technical evaluation will examine the technical specification of the items offered in column c and
determine whether this meets the minimum specification in column b. Bidders must complete column c or their
tender will be rejected. Bidders are required to include technical literature to positively support the details
provided in column c.

Declaration by the Accounting Officer

I declare that the procurement is based on neutral and fair technical requirements and bidder qualifications.


Procurement Management Unit

Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and rural Resettlement

Page 35 of 37
Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

Bid-Securing Declaration
{The Bidder must fill in this Form in accordance with the instructions indicated, where it has
been stated in the Bidding Procedures that a Bid-Securing Declaration is a requirement of

Procurement Reference number:

Date: …………………..………….[date (in day, month and year format)]

Bidder’s Reference Number:

To: {full name of Procuring Entity}

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that, according to the terms and conditions of your bidding documents, bids must be
supported by a Bid-Securing Declaration.

We accept that we may be debarred from bidding for any contract with a Procuring Entity in
Zimbabwe for a period of time to be determined by the Authority, if we are in breach of our
obligation(s) under the bidding conditions, because:

(a) we have withdrawn our Bid during the period of Bid validity; or

(b) having been notified of the acceptance of our Bid by the Procuring Entity during the period of
bid validity, we fail or refuse to execute the Contract.

We understand this Bid Securing Declaration will expire if we are not the successful Bidder, either
when we receive your notification to us of the name of the successful Bidder, or twenty-eight days
after the expiration of our Bid, whichever is the earlier .

Signed …………………………….. Name: ………………………………

In capacity of: …………………………….. Date: …………………….(DD/MM/YY)

Duly authorised for and on behalf of:

Company ……………………………………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Corporate Seal (where appropriate)

{Note: In case of a Joint Venture, the Bid Securing Declaration must be in the name of all the
partners to the Joint Venture that submits the Bid.

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Bidding Document for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Related Ancillary
Services at Various Projects in Mashonaland Central Province.

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