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As I listened to my fellow classmates discussing several events that was happened in Europe,
American countries and Asian countries during the 19 th century, I have noticed and learned
that there was several wars happened and it is because of political ambitions, economic
interests, ideological and religious differences, ethnic and tribal conflict and especially
territorial disputes.

Wars in Europe including the Napoleon Bonaparte and the Napoleonic Wars on (1799-1815),
Revolutions of 1848 and many more historical events that was happened during the 19 th
century. In America the War of 1812 on 1812-1815, The burning of White House during the
year of 1814, The treaty of Ghent was signed on 1814 but take into effect on 1815, The Indian
Removal Act of 1830, Enslaved people on 1840, American-Mexican war on 1846, California
Gold Rush on 1848, and The Spanish-American War. And during the 19th century, several
significant historical events took place in Asian countries like Opium Wars (1839-1842, 1856-
1860), Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864), Philippine Revolution (1896-1898) and many more
historical events. But this events doesn’t stop Jose Rizal to visit these countries. He continues
to travel and learn many things.

The voyage of Jose Rizal through Europe, American countries, and Asian countries was a
significant chapter in his life that greatly influenced his thoughts, beliefs, and actions as a
national hero of the Philippines. In Europe, Rizal's exposure to different cultures, ideas, and
political systems broadened his perspective and shaped his nationalist sentiments. He studied
medicine, immersed himself in the arts and sciences, and engaged in intellectual discussions
with prominent scholars and thinkers. This exposure fueled his desire for reform and
contributed to his development of the concept of national identity and patriotism. In his
journey through American countries, Rizal witnessed the vast disparities between the
colonizers and the colonized. He observed the struggles and injustices faced by indigenous
peoples, which deepened his understanding of the consequences of colonization. It further
reinforced his determination to fight for the rights and freedom of his own people. When Rizal
traveled through various Asian countries, he witnessed the effects of colonial rule on Asian
societies. This experience strengthened his belief in the importance of solidarity among Asian
nations and the need for unity against foreign oppression. He also saw the potential for
progress and modernization in these countries, which inspired him to envision a brighter
future for his own nation.

Overall, Rizal's voyage through Europe, American countries, and Asian countries had a
profound impact on his intellectual, social, and political development. It sparked his passion
for reform and cemented his commitment to achieving independence and justice for the Filipino
people. His experiences abroad played a crucial role in shaping his ideas and strategies,
making him an influential figure in the fight against colonialism and an inspiration to
generations to come.

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