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5,000 Most-USED SHORTHAND FORMS The 5,000 Words of Highest Frequency as Compiled by DR. ERNEST HORN Classified by John Robert Gregg According to the Lessons in the Gregg Shorthand Manual Anniversary Edition THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO LONDON TORONTO Copyright, 1931, by ‘Tre Grece PUBLISHING COMPANY SHORTHAND PLATES WRITTEN BY WINIFRED KENNA RICHMOND Printed in the United States of America FOREWORD The following list of the 5,000 words of highest frequency is taken from “A Basic Writing Vocabulary—Ten Thousand Words Most Commonly Used in Writing,” compiled by Ernest Horn, Ph.D., Professor of Education of the University of lowa, and Director of the University Elementary School. These words were selected from 5,136,816 running words taken from the vocabularies of business correspondence; of personal letters from all parts of the country, including the vocabulary of letters of people of more than average literary ability; of well-known. writers; of letters printed in magazines and metropolitan news- papers; of minutes, resolutions, and committee reports; and of excuses written to teachers by parents. It is interesting to note that in this list of 5,136,816 words the word the occurs 560,601 times ; and 519,583 times; a 359,119 times ; be 147,612 times; and all 91,568 times. One of the principal factors that should be- considered in the teaching of shorthand is the probable future importance of words in the writing done in life outside of school. If the teacher would strive to drill the pupils on the group of high- frequency words in each lesson until these words become auto- matic—and they may be made more interesting by drilling on them in context rather than singly—the pupil will have a writ- ing vocabulary of more than 90 per cent of all that he is likely to be called upon to write. We wish to extend our thanks to Dr. Horn for his permis- sion to arrange this list according to the Gregg Shorthand Manual. THE Grecc PUBLISHING COMPANY. CHAPTER I UNIT 1 2. The consonants are arranged in pairs, according to their affinity of sound, and are distinguished by a difference in length: la . lL go a 1 not — ling lam —— Ll good -—> lor lan . 2 hay } 1 the ai 1 are Le Lhe ° Ltheir 7 lat a 1 hour le 1 there a ‘eean-eeeeeeet 11 ro) Jwell 1 cannot —+~— Lin a Lwill fl ling leant —-v L it a 1 would 1 eye Oo 1 more = =—— 11. Circles Joined to Single Strokes. At the beginning or end of a single curve, the circle is placed inside the curve: Sache 25 5S glee ——_» 3hil = ¢__— 4acre o~ 2 gry —o 2hurry cs 2air = QU Lhair Qe 2il =e Sear a Lhear i Skey > ing 2 eee 1 her we 2hy «2 : Sang 4gay -—D Lhere 9 3uce 77 1 2 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS (Chap. 1 12, At the beginning or end of a single straight stroke, the circle is written with right motion: 1 add Lhad Lhim = -— 2 a oO 1 hat oe 3 hit + 2 aim Qhae 4knee —« rae Lhead lmy —o oA Sing 1 day 3 heat ca 1 me _— i Let Shem ¢— a ca Qing 3 hen - UNIT 2 14, Circles Between Strokes. Where an angle, or a point, is formed at the junction of consonants, the circle goes outside the angle: Zeake go 5 drama 5 lame W -2— 4ealm —p— 2 dream Sten Leame -—g— S drill “3 timit, a Scane -a 3 gain = -—o- 2 mad 5 canning —o: time made 3 cat gw 4 gate -—o 3 maid 3 cattle Lge = 1 make —~7 1 chim —-__e— 3 Has ae 2 tat ea, sen eee 2 green 1. 3 men —<—s 2 cream —s— 3 ken > Smat —@ 4 dairy 4 kick a5 S mate 2 dark 1 ie ae 3 meal __—e_— baie 4knit 3 meat Unit 2) 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 3 1 meet = —_« 4 neat ar 4 rare ca 4 aoe SHEEEEER Berea EeeEEeet 3Brear | Cae lmet 1 need a Stal 2 — 3 mid i Stale 2 2middle_-— 4 rail CQ 3an 2mik —e + train Co 2 team A 2 mill 2 _- Petites 1 gain ae Snail -Q 3 ran 2 5 turkey 2—-> _15. Where straight strokes and curves join without an angle, or where wo similar curves join without an angle, the circle is placed inside the curve: 3 attack o7_ 1 lady 1 ready 4 dig Qhid oO 1 ted 4 dread Llae . 2 2 retail -2—~ 4 greet. — Qlead = > 3 rid Sing sine sheadache 23S take oe -ing 5 hucried <9 L married 2-2 ticket. 2 lading 2 Lrate 3 reat A ing Sing bread Ling 16. Some vowels are so obscure or neutral that they are omitted when they do not contribute to speed or legibility. Any vowel which does not contribute to the legibility of an outline may be omitted if its omission gives a more fa- cile outline: 4 career, —~2— lerror e~~ S nickel ~~_— 4 eager 7-1 5 mayor ——@- Ltaken 7 3 metal —«——~ 4 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS — [Chap. I 17. Between straight strokes in the same direction the circle is written with right motion: 3 data ee 4 enemy ge—> Lman —o— 3 deed a 4 linen (=~ 1 mean —2- Bing 2 main ——~- 18. Between opposite curves the circle is turned back on the first curve: 5 creek —.> 2 lake Ca 5 reckon Ge 3 guilty —e__~ 4 league — 3 track =~ 3 kil = ee 2leg Strick ~-~7 3 lack Ci 5 liquor ——-2— 4 wreck C25 Brag ug 23-24. BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS AND BUSINESS ABBREVIATIONS Lang ppt Lthem = 1 be 1 his > then Ling ; 1 but lis , 1 they c 1 by CO 1 market ——_ this = OD 1 desire Lo 1 Mr. wr lito 1 v4 1 too, 1 two lend ? 1 Mrs. ___- 1 was € ded, ding Tee : 1 great = - e 1 with a 1 hand 1 sir « 1 without <~ Sing 7 L handle <-— an eee L you 4s, Ling lth = @ your Unit 3] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 5 UNIT 3 26. By blending d and into one long stroke the syllables ted, ded, det are expressed: 2 added ve 2 detail ee 2 needed ae 2 dead ae 3 hated x 1 today ae 4 debt At 5 headed a 3 treated 2 limited” 27. By blending m and » into one long stroke the syllables men, mem are expressed. [n addition to men, mem this blend represents similar sounds, such as min in minute, mun in money: 4 eliminatee__»—z¥ 1men ___— 2 minute __—« l many _——e 5 mend Hees 1 money > 2 meant ____* 4 mental —————~_ 1 month _____>- 3 memory ———-» 3 minimum____s 1 remain ue Bung 29. BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS 4 alike Q_O Ldae L those = ding ; 1 all < 1 did 1 time 1 any = lino 7 2 truth ~~ 3 aware QU 1 like Oo 1 were we ting v ene ein Llitle = > Evo 1 could 2 meantime teeter Mesure 7 a L where Q- 1 other a Il 34, The consonants in this chapter are p, b, f.v, ch, j.shs P 3 appeal CO Zam ooze 2 cammaien ay 2 cap “2 5 cape “ 4 clipping Mt 5 crépe 5 damp 2 deep 4 grip 1 happen Sing 4 happier 1 happy 5 heap ee 4 lamp 3 lap 5 lip occ c € G a ee Wo a CHAPTER UNIT 4 3map = —7? 2 nap 3 pack x apie 2pair 3pan f 5 parade G0 2 park 6 - 4 parlor @4 1 pay 6 ing 2 pen a 4 penny GC 2 pick — 4 3-ed, 5-ing 3 picnic Gu 2pige C—O 2pn £ 3 pity Ce 4 rapid 2 3 rip ¢ 6 3 up C 1 trip ite B 1 baby 1 back 2 bag 4 bake 5 bare 4 bargain 3 barrel 3 bat - 3 battle aby 3 beach 5 bean 2 bear ung 2 beat Sing 3 bee 3 behalf DA SYA PS Oy Unit4] 5) 3bll CL 3b Co 2 bet Z 3 bid CO 1 bit L 4 buried C~ 5 cabin Co Sdebit © C 3 habit C 4 ribbon eee 2 affair oP 5 calf 1 factory A 2 fail ot VER ok 5 fame oa 4fare od 4 farewell a2 1 fat a 5 fatal jy 3 fate lfear 42 3fed =~ 3 federal 1 fee 2 2 fed = 2 Lfeel = 2 Ling 1 feet (204) 2 fell oo lft 2 3 fever 1 fill 2-ing 1 finish doing 3 fish 4-ing 1 fit 2 gift 4 grief 1 half 1 if 2 laugh 4ing 5 leaf 1 left 5 lift 3 relief S tariff 27 5 welfare Se Vv 4 avail zt 4 driven CICS vee MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 7 1 even 1 evening 7 3 evil et 3 grave 2 heaven TS 5 heavier 2 ; 2 heavy Vy, ‘tne 7% 4 level Ack es 3 navy yal 4 relieve 4d See S vague 25 3 vain 3 valley 2, 5 vary Sted 4 velvet <, 4 victory ZL ch 2 attach l-ed, 2-ing q 2 catch vi 4 chain 5 channel A_— 5 chat A 2 cheap 6 8 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS = [Chap. 11 Lcheck J Sh 2ing 7 3 chicken A- 1 age TEE 2 chief 3 edge 3 garage ——ep Leach ~/ Seem Z- 1 machine 2 2 kitchen —y 5 jade L 3 shade A 3mach 70S inl é_ pe 3 peach 5 jelly all eee ; 2 shape 6 4 ranch 5 magic S sharp “6, Lreach oy 1 page P 1 she / ting 3k + 3 range od : oa Pal igi shee Vtcach eal pene ae oe ling 5 tragedy 4 wretched 5 shell = €_— 37. Prand Pl. In writing pr and pl, start to the left: : Pr 1 pretty 2 plain Co 5 plane 3 cheaper PI 1 plan 1 paper 4 apple C 2 hae Ce 2pry © 5 chapel lpay Co ser 5 mapl 2-ed, 2-ing 4 preach Ge ple 4 pledge SY . 5d . Br and BI. In writing 47 and 4/, start down, thus: 3 brick = C, 3 neighbor 4 ae 2 bridge ¢ BI ( 2 branch 7 3 brief G 1 able ai aie ae 4 chamber L black = Co, iia 2 labor Peat 2 break oO © Coe ing 5 2 member aC label rae Unit 5} 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 9 39, Fr and Fl. In writing the combinations fr and f, the angle is rounded to give fluency. The motion is just the same as in writing a part of the longhand : Fr Fl 3 frame Co— 2 fresh on 4 flag € 4-7 1 free Ga 4 freshman Cy 2 flat Co 4 French by 5 freshmen Co 4 flesh = C_y 41, BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS Vabout (~ form 2 — 1 over ee later 9 thee DP 1 people I been = Tae 4 platform C_o7 eee Gee 2 bound “CO Teh eee Cee sean tele Se /y buch Tis, 1 ever 1 never L should = 1 for ? seem ee f Twhich — / UNIT 5. 49. Initial and Final S. 1. Before and after p, 6, r, and /, and after, d, n,m, and o, the left s is used: Before P After P 2 pass 2spare 6 3 heaps (7 ae 4 speed C~ 3 helps Ky popedae: 3 pel qa 4 lamps ey 5 peas 5 split C= 5 lips yr 1 piece 3 spread Co~ 4 maps art 4 puts NANA DT 10 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS = [Chap. 1] 2 space é 5 mercy ——e¢ 1 oy a i Ng 4 trips 4 neighbors a Dee After B 3 nurse << 3 silly e_2 7 2 ours 1 5 babies & alee 1 Beet! Kr 3 base c Spain Ge Aace 1 busy 1 papers 2 slip i>, Before R 5 phrase “Co 3 nes 3easier = € 5 players C_or After L =o After R 3 praise sl aod lee 4acres ~< 2 press CG Al cittes cL 2 affairs oZe eZ ae ~e 4 barrels 4 bears a 7 Sting we 1 class + 4 brass CG 2 series ee 2 details Qeray ~2 eee el feds 2 i ldress © 3tracer A 2 glass —_@ Pies deere 2trees AS 3 hills | <_< atest Before L. 3lae 4 factories AM 3 asteep Cy 3lay —¢ SoU HEEL S ceiling «__; 3 lease WC _¢ 4 fierce seed} Scellar €_W 1 less wee +t le 4 sail 6 3 likes a reeze Sing 6 4 meals _—e__¢ ‘grace VE oe 3 mills _-e_« 2 salai 7 Sere Spy 6 4 palace 62 1 members 1 sale gé_ 1 place Ce 4 memories -—%_» 4 seal = €_ Ding Unit 5] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS ll 3 plays Ce 3 ends 4 2hence te 3 release ee Lhands 2% 3 illness @__-e Sed f ; {omlettte tote 3 heads a 4 immense _—; Ssells €_¢ 2 ladies Sknees eg After T 4 leads 3 machines _> ~~ 2 needs LO 3 man’s 4 countries “4 sistas Au Spads YX 1 means vr 5 debts Oo“ Breads 4 men’s 5 eats a 4 shades 3niece 5 fits - 4 today’s ws 3 one’s a 2 gers 9 After N 4 pains A 4 gifts - 5 brains C 3 patience 3 habits te 4 cans or 5 pins 5 hats x L chance A 1 plans C_a L its 4 3 chickens A>, 5 prince Cex 2 meets _—v* 1 dance eae setts 1 minutes “5 darks. ee 3 plates C_e< 2 fancy ~ 4 vacancy 2 rates = Lot 3 fence 2 4ies 2 sheets S finance 22>¢ After M 3 tickers “7% 4 glance -—_e 2 claims —_2— After D 3 goodness -—¢ Ll comes 1 4pids C4 2 happens © 3 dreams “~** I days an 2 happiness (2 - 4 enemies -e—e 5 deeds 5 heavens 2 forms 2 12 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS — [Chap. I] 4 frames Cae 3 games ——" >= 4 1 mass miss Sing ee —e 2. Inall other cases the right s is used: Circle las 9 4 case I 2 easy a 5 essay 2 1 has 9 1 say oe ling 3 sea ? 1 see 2 2-ing, 4-5 K 5 breaks G 1 case oO 2 checks “44 4 escape ” 5 keys 3 l makes —o7 4martks _-@-z 5 sack a 5S sacred Pro 2 sake oa 3scale »Q_~ ‘S scare ra 5 3 5 5 3 4 BER Rw raw ne > ape scarf scheme scrap screen secret seek 4ing sick skating sketch skin takes G bags eggs gas oes T goods guess Sing legs N hasten. sane D MIT ATS amare \ “9 “3 “9 we? a > sanitary ~~ 1 times 3 scene on 4s scenery ~~? seen > senate ao sense ot 4 1 4 1 3 sickness poe 4 sin a 1 since 2t 5 snap a M 4 cement ——~“ 1 same a 1 seem oe Les, 5-ing T 5 astray Qe 1 city “ 21es 2 east x S happier 4 haste y L history 7 5 prettiest, C-3~ 2 sat a Unit 5} 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 2 seat QY 3 studied a 5 peaches ts 7 He a lst reaches een aud 7 5 teaches % 2 sit Y bonis in I Ding f Bsed Sa J 4 staff F 3 stage te 1 face 2 pages oe 2 samp oo ies - 5 rad 5, 2-6 re 1 stay 5 phase Ding, 4s 2 stayed oo 2 safe ¥ 4 dishes 3 steady algatery tee 4 sash ? 3 steam A Vv 3 ships J 2 steel A 5 canvass i, s 2 step ; 3s. ‘Sing - ; leaves 9 i 4 cease y es save meee stiff f Z hs 2 straight ~~ asia Sscized 4 ais ae Pee wie Th 4 sleeves 4 stream) +4 aa A 1 these a 5 stretch jae t 3 branches G, U 2ing, 3-ies 2 changes /” 1 yours 9 51. S Between Strokes. When a circle vowel immediately precedes s be- tween strokes, treat the s as belonging to the preceding consonant; if the circle follows the s, the s should be treated as if it belonged to the following conso- nant: 3 basket “L 2 desk a 2 fast g Bat og 5 dresser. 4 gasoline —D , 3 guest — Schest ff 5 fascinating 37. 4s at 14 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS = [Chap. II Least = Ce 3 medicine ~~ 4 task 2 lesson Ce 4 mystery ay 3taste & 2 Tisten 3 pencil GQ 4 vast Ww, Sistening ec, AK es 1 Bis , 52. The Ses Sign. The ses sound as heard in faces, basis, races, cases, cen- sus, etc., is expressed by joining the two s signs as a blend: 4 analysis o@_—y 3 dances 2 4 passes & 1 basis 3 dresses 7 2 pieces leases = -@ Sfaces 1 places Cir 3 chances 4 5 finances 27 2 classes 1_y 4 glasses —_p 53. BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS Lagain Tmust 1 such J 1 against. 7—. Lothers thing 6 thing L always <__<¢ 1 part G Lthinking 3 4 apart = 2 parties 2 thinks = @ 1 because lpaty G 3 thorough 7 1 cause 7 Ly L business 1 public lthree = 4 D 3 publish 7 1 far 2 publication Lunde”, I favor 4s 3 favorite 5 publishing Lwork = Ling, 2s 1 first 7 1 says See 2 system T matter —o Lsome 2 54. The suffix thing is expressed by a dot in, the following words: l anything —~, leverything 1 something 2—> Unit 6) 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 15 55. Plurals of Brief Forms. The plurals of brief forms ending in s are formed by adding another s of the same motion, thus: 3 businesses 3 causes 7 3 desires Note: The plurals of brief forms not ending in + are given with the primi- tive forms, UNIT 6 57. The Letter X. When x occurs at the end of or within words, it is expressed by s slightly modified in slant, thus: 2 fix < 4mix ae 3taxces A 5 maximum __e____ 3 tax & 58. The suffix shun (sion, tion) is expressed by sh: 1 action a 5 generation 4 registration 45 ; : 3 affection 2, 1 mention ____, 2 relation 7 sant 2s 3 affectionate 4 5 mission —__p 2 section 25 Bs 2 election «25 3 missionary —¢ , 3 fashion DP aantontete eee 3B session 77 5 federation I national 2 1 vacation A S fiction 2, 5 physician 7 4 vision / 59. The Past Tense. The past tense is expressed by ¢ or d: 1, After abbreviated words a disjoined ¢ placed close to the preceding char- acter is used to express the past tense, thus: 2 selection <7 2 caused py, 2 favored a2 4 pared = 2 changed / 4 formed 2 2 published C 2 desired «/“ liked 2 Ishipped &, & 16 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS — [Chap.1I 2. Inall other cases join ¢ or d if a distinctive and facile joining is possible; otherwise, disjoin ¢ (as in glared, tapered) to express the past tense, thus: Joine 2 based & 3 handed < lL passed = 4 blessed (Cy 2 helped I placed Ce 2 checked A” 3 laughed YY 3raised = 3 dressed ~~ 2 marked _@v 1 reached ey. 1 finished 3, 1 mentioned >“ 3 saved 4 fitted ~ 2 missed __gy Straced A 2 fixed x 3 mixed = __¢y 2 visited 3 guessed ——p 3 packed AV 2 worked 7 y Disjoined 1 dated “x 3 figured .A7—~ 4 scared »+Q7 5 feared 22, 4 remained U2—> 60. BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS 1 also g 1 let we 3 presents Cy i 1 another 7 Tilcaurteeteeete 1 soon 1 beg ea 1 morning ——, 1 still 7 ing Sbegeed 2 name 1 tell , Sing Qing 1 between 2named co, 2 tells 7 1 big (oe 1 next Loe 1 till 7 lgave —p Seer CH 1 until 7 give > Sehr hee EEE L woman 2—— Ling, Ln 4's l gives ——> 1 present Cc 2-ed, 4-ing 1 got avy w presentation G Unit 6] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 7 61. A brief form is frequently used as a prefix or as part of another word, as illustrated in the following: 1 ago oo 2 forgive (170) 2—» 1 almost oe 2 forgot (170) 2—~ Janyone 3 formal 2 began (5 3 income 1 begin (— 1 increase Ling, 3s Eee 2d, 5-5. 4 candidate (80) 3 increasing ——~e, 2 candy (80) pane 1 inform (106, 129) itt 4 informal (129) pee 5 informs 2 1 instead ae 3 overcharge (214) / 4 overcome (214) “2. 4 undertake (214) 277 2 welcome =~ _—___ CHAPTER III UNIT 7 65. THE 0-HOOK i) Sknock + S ballot 6. Fey eataneessatt 2 ea Gant 3 lodge ae 3 bottle fj 1 loss 4 1 box a Lost Vy 3 clock => Te a 5 closet. —~—»- 4 mob a 2 coffee _ 2 model PEE ee EEEEEE 5 consolidated -¢ 4 3 occur, 2 dog Tate a 5 folly <- 1 off , 5 frost Cy 5 offense 2 4+ gossip 5 offset Z 2 how Loften “2 2 Reopiat a 4 opera Cp 1 hot 2 operation & 1 job / Rpcket Cy 5-5 5.5 4 jobbers lA 4 possess 4 jolly MeHg oe late Ss 18 Srod 3 shock = 25 Seed 2 shop é ding, Ss 4 shot oe 4 solemn ¢__»— soft 3 5 3eolid @_-~ 1 sorry as 3 spot & 2 top 2’ volume oe 3s Aw 3 abroad C7 2 ball ft 3 baseball é 3 basket ball by L bought 4 broad OZ Hedge ll Care Unit 7) 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 19 2 caught 2” 5 bone LC 3hoped ¢ 5 caution 4 bore C 3 hose f 5 clause + _ + 3 borrow 2 hotel zA——~ 4 cough See ; temph gh te c Seti 2 broke CL, V know | 2daw 2 broken 2 toad +” Zing 3s, 4ed 4 fought Z, S chose ¢ epee 4 jaw Z 4 chosen ¢ 3 lowest» llaw We 1 close s,t Blelde 3-5 -ing, 5-5 —_—+ lought 2 closed 4“ 4 narrow _OL 5 pause C S closer —~_4_ l no ans 2 raw a 3coach -¥ 3 nose aa 5 salt hy 3 coast vy 1 note coy 1 saw é 2 coat vv 1 basta 4 sought — 7 Sera 2d, 45 S straw Fathead 3 notion a 4 oats eas 1 talk “o ee 2-ing, 3-5 A 5 obey Ltalked = ~~ 1 fellow 2b, ; 3 E ty 25 : 4 ocean , 9 taught S frozen Cy 1 open c 4 withdraw Ling, 4-5 5 globe coat ahaa i Oo 4 grocery —<*t, : eae 4 2 auto “ 3 gross -—1y [ pve ; owes 3blow Ce BeBe 2 Sing C 4 hero” die erphone 2 boat 4 pillow @_~ 5-5 1 hope C 4 bolts , Ling, 2- 4pole = _- y 8 3 porch 2 portion y 1 post ¢ 4 posted “ 3 potatoes oot 3 poultry (~~ 5 prose GQ 3 protection C77 5 remote W»—-~ 1 road 4 rae a 5 rope +t 3 rose +t 4-5 3 row a 2 sew 2 Zing sieved 5 shadow 4 shore ae 1 show > é J-ing, 2-5 2 showed 0 lshown 2 slow Ce 3 smoke 2—~— S-ing 2 snow a 4-ed, 5-ing 1 so 2 4 soap é 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS [Chap. Il 5 sober 5 sole 5 solicit S-ing 4 solo 3 sore 3 sorrow 2 soul 3 stove 5 stroke 5 toe 1 wrote POS (ECE (On 4 zero 67. O-Hook Modified. To avoid an unnecessary angle the slant of the o-hook is modified slightly before m, m, r, and /, thus: N 1 alone Q_—— 5 blown Sdawn 2 drawn 3 grown ~~ 1 known = —— Slawn (Ce 2 loan Ce Se 4 nonsense ea, 1 on — 1 own - Ses 3 stone oe 5-5 4 thereon (201)47~ 4 tone ce M 5 diploma “C-<-o 1 home ce 4s 3 homesick <>, 4 omit se Qed 5 romance Uz——e R Sadore ec oe 1 door 2s : 5 horror = <+— 2 horse ae 3-5 5 horseback < 2 lower ns 3 moral —~~_— 2 nor —“? 3 score 3 collar —<_— 5 holy ¢ 7 1 Heil xa 1 college pare 4 réle ale Lstory x 5 dl 3 rofl <_ Bies Suing, Ss 5 tore a 3 golf —~—y 4 tall ~A— 4ton 4 2 hall = <_~ lwhole = <_—~ 4 haul = <_— 5 wholesome <2 69, BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS 3 belies = CO 1 gil 1 situation 77 1 believe Tad Lsmall = .—. 3-d,4-ing 5 believes 5 gladness ——_-e 4 so-called 2-2, 1 call cE 1 order 1 1 —o ~ -ing, 2-5 -ing, 1-s on S) SANE lealled --, 1 ordered 1 stated we 5 coarse —< 1 possible ~ 1 told “ 1 course = —~< 1 possibly ¢~ 1 upon c 3 courses —y 1 burpose & 1 etn a 1 doctor ~~ 2 recall = Ly 1 wanted 4s Taal ) 1 during lreceive Ug 1 went ling, 45 2 estate I received Og 1 general 1 several 7 UNIT 8 71, The circle is written with left motion to express r following the vowel: 1. Before straight strokes: lam o— 2army a~ 2 art o 3s Ss 22 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS [Chap. HII Gegeateerek Lbeard = 3 Seamed a Lheart 5 : 4 hearty 7 2. After straight strokes: 5 auditor a 4 harder oe 1 better o 2 honor o- 5 bitter - 4 it b 3 cashier a 1 later to 5 cedar x“ Latter = 2” 2 chair “1 leader é 5 ledger 3 ch “ 4 maj 7) 2 ZA. 2 chapter 1 manner ———* 2 daughter 3mar 4 debtor 2 mere ——* 4 Easter 9% pe 3 minister ___@* 3 editor 2 motor —~” 5 elevator 2 1 near ~ 5 factor a? 3 nearest sy 5 flatter Co” Softener 2 4 grammar —2—= 3 owner co 3. Between straight strokes in the same direction: 5 dared 1 start i bine 3 dirty a 1 started Lhad CO” 3ham GG 4 harmony G—~ 5 partner 77 5 pastor & 4 preacher 4 reader 2 register 3 vevierea% 4 senator gy 2 share 6 1 sister v 4 soldier 2__ Susi 27 4 star wo 4 steamer 7 1 teacher LZ 4 tear 7 3 visitor 5 starts we Unit 8) 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 23 72. It is generally more facile to use the circle for the obscure vowel sound heard in uras in church, murmur, urge, hurt: 1 church f 2 hurt YY 3 urge tes 5. 74. ‘The letter s is added to a final left-motion circle on straight strokes by changing the cjrcle to a loop: 3chairs ff a aeel tel teachers / Ee 5 daughters Lf 3 sisters ees L 3 manners > - 3 soldiers sz Bal x 5 ministers oe 4 stairs S owners <= 4 stars 75, BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS 1 above ie 1 deal 7 Lopinion = ding Bs Hees dear 3 preparation 1 book LC 1 dearest 2 prepare ¢ - 2-d, 3-ing 4 booked Cy leither 1 rather 2 booklet (6 2 importance —- 1 real i : hatred ce 1 important — 5 recollect ise snns7 capital 4 ; 1 Lregard 1 children € Pete ling, 4-ed 7 4 ‘ 1 kept Z 3 regardless 2, Bed ting dove FD B subiece t gollection xy Dang, 3 1 acether 7 1 company ae FZ 1 yesterday = 9~ Bes, 3s 1 necessary 76. After abbreviated words and words ending in a left-motion circle on straight strokes, a disjoined r expresseser, or, thus: 3 dealer ~~ 4 nearer —e_ 5S worker = 3 dealers. 5 publisher é 4 workers 2 4s “ 24 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS [Ghap. IT When the forms are distinctive, the r is joined, thus: 4 bigger C—O B lover 3 smaller 2a 2 greater A receiver J When a brief form ends with the last consonant of a word, the left-motion circle is used to express or, er after straight strokes: 2 former 2. lL longer ~~ 2 sooner 2 UNIT 9 78. The left-motion th is used before and after 0, 7,1. In other cases the right- motion th is used: oO R 3 throw a+ 1 although <” aoinn © then ae 3 author ~~ 2 birthday (~ L of 1 both 4 breath L health = ¢_7 2 cloth =A 2 earth aa 5 healthy ¢_ 2es, Ang 4 thread ieriisbeney S wealth 7 Lthough 4 thei ret Ene 1 thought -% 3 throat ~~ 2s In all other cases the right-motion th is used: 3 bath 1 months ___-* 4 thence 7 Sing 5's " 2 death “S path of 4 thick = 2 faith = 2 Steth 3 thin 3 forth = 2 2 theater 2 method — ia 4 theme 35 Unit 9] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 25 80. The prefixes con, com, coun, cog, followed by a consonant, and can when followed by # or d, are expressed by &. The suffix /y is expressed by a small circle; ily and ally, by a loop: 3 orderly ~~ Gon Ly 5 conception 3 affectionately 2>, 3 partly 3 concrete oe 5 barely & 4 plainly C2 5 confer 2 5 briefly G 5 presently Cr 2 conference 4 chiefly y 3 rapidly 3 confess 2 3closely ~;z Srarely 2» 4 conscience 7, 3 deeply A 3 safely 5 consolation ap } garly eo 4 slowly wy 2 convention 2 fairly od 3 wholly <_~ 5 ccnvey 4, 2 gladly -—~_> lly 4 conviction o {epreatiyseeecs 2eaily 7 4 convince ey 1 hardly oO IV family —~— Com 5 immensely 2-——s 4 happily 6° 5 compel 2 lately <2 heartily 37 4 compensation >>> 3 lonely =e 3 mecessarily ca G 1 lovely Zz 2 readily we 1 account 5 mainly cose 4 steadily aleomene Smanly 9 ae Ally | Sue = monthly ——e— getierally uA nee = 2 4 aes eat 1 only Be 4 materially —3? candidate (61), St z il lier candy (61) —~ i} 26 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS [Chap. III 81. In words beginning with comm or conn, the second m or n is written thus: 4 commence ———z 3 commerce cee common = 3 comment ———“ — 4 committed — 5 commonplace 4s ee 82. After a circle vowel, /y is written on the opposite side from the vowel, thus: 2 daily Vee 2 likely <2 I nearly - 3 formerly 2-6 2 merely —- I really ve 4 freely Ce 3 namely oO 83. To express the plural of brief forms ending in a circle and of some words ending in a loop, a slight change is made in the manner of joining s, thus: 4 families 22> 1 letters Cue 1 regards ce 2 favors 2 names os 88. BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS 1 agree 1 express é 3 represented, 2d,55 7 Ded, Sing ey 7 Lalready 2 expression qj Seattle : ; Dak oe Tea CT speak C Dee 5,4 flour azine ts ake + 3 flower C_. 4 speaker c 1 committee 3” 2s 1 special c 4 1 future 7 Sly ¢ enter 1 immediate -—> speech 2 complaine Le ledge _- —¢ Valuation q 1 complete 2 1 office 4 ove a ly, 4-ing 3s -d, 2 completed > 3 oicer Z 4 weakness oe E co -5 1 k 4 completion F 2 official wie Jy, 2weak 4 employ As 1 ks Sed CS represent S (a 5 employee 3.s, doing 3s C= 5 representation + CHAPTER IV UNIT 10 91. THE 00-HOOK ou 5 mysterious ey 5S uneasy age 3 blood Co” Lonce ae 4 unhappy = 5 bluff G 3 oven Z 0 5 bud 4 2 plus Cc, 3 upper Co 3buter 3 production“ 7S upset 4 chorus ey 3 reduction "4 upstairs (7 lup L couple —Z 2 rch zs ! a os 3 cup nl utter se C A 1 cut oy 3 rubber 4 utterly 3-ing, 4-5 2 a 00 4 deduction nan Fc coo Ldocs = 7 Pe, Sear eeeee 1 dozen Zé 5 status oe 2 foot 4 2 a dea! A ae ; football ee are Spal GE 3 dull Sing 3 dust we 2 supper é 2 sugar 4 1 fur a a 7 Ltook = 7 7 4 tough a 00 B3honey de ee 3 jesus Cy oe 5 accrued 2 luck = 4 ugly 2 5 blew ay 27 28 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS [Chap. 1 4 bloom cit 2 fruit = Ce 3 shoe 4 5-1 1 blue Cc 4 gloomy ——-2—» 5 shoot wv 5 boots 4 grew Sthrew +~7 é 2 group 1 through ~7 5 coupé zs gr “Ye Screw > Eee eeebe Eee Stool ~-— 5 1 do “a 2lose 7 S tooth = -ing ting 5 drew Za 5 pool habe 5 troops “|G 2 food = 2 5 rheumatism —¢— Ltrue <7 tool a 3 roof uy lwuly 2 3 : i 3 route 7% 1 who a 3 foolish 2, eal vet 5 routine ooo 93. The combination us is written without an angle at the beginning of words, or when it follows a downstroke or &, g, as in us, shoes, campus, cousin, ete.: 4 bus 4 4 conscious 3 precious G. 3 campus oy 2 cousin 2. 3 religious ‘s ae 2 choose 3 desirous. 7 2 shoes 4 5 conscientious a) 5 fuss vA lus 2 94, The 50-hook Modified. To avoid an unnecessary angle, the 30-hook is tured under after , m. It is also turned under after & or g if followed by r or 1 afternoon 2 3 famous >> 2 none (125) —a— 5 tee (206) s2—— 4 forenoon 2 2 noon = Gee istmanpdcte tH 3 nut uA cpt 2 moon ——a— 4 smooth 2—7- 3cool =~ 2 mud 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 29 95. BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS Unit 11) 1 care oO 3d 4cares 3p learried GL S carrier 4 carries - . leary -o 2ing 1 charge 1-5, 3-ing 1 charged L 1 clear WS 4-ed, 5-ing 3 clearly —-__e 1 enough 1 especially C 1 expect 2-4ng, 4-5 4 expectation ( Ss 1 expected 2 force 3 forced 5 forces 1 full 1 fully 5 governed 1 government \) NOX! \ io 1 look oy eee Ling, 2-5 fe 1 looked ws L number —+— 25, deed. 7 4 overlook (214) ——~ 7” 1 position 3s UNIT 11 1 purchase 3-ing, 3-5 1 purchased 5 purchaser Arr 1 question -s 5 questionnaire 7, 1 remember a Sed, 5-ing 5 remembrance + ——~+ 1 school nS 2-5, 5-ing 5 skill rr 1 sure 4 1 surely 3} 1 usual 7 2ly 1 wish 7 Les, 2-ing 2 wished v 97. By pronouncing the following words slowly it will be found that w has the sound of 00; therefore w is expressed by the 00-hook : 4 underwear (214) <2 wages wagon 9 waist Zz wait oe Ling gar w Hwee waited aw wake 1 walk oo 2-ing, 4-5 3 walked 2-v 3 wall we 4s 2 wash q Bing 3 washed we 1 waste e S-ed 2 watch 7 Bing, 5S-ed 1 water v7. Ss 5 wave 1 way 2s 1 we 2 wear 3-ing, 5-s 3 weary 3 wed 2-ing 2 2 oe as x 30 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS (Chap. IP 3 weigh 2 5 whistle ae xr 5 wicked 1 n 5 weigh wicke women 2— weighed wo ra a 2 yeight 5 widow S 3 wood - 5 woke a s : Bs 2 wet x acadt 3 prolate 4 wheat x eal 3 wore we 3whel c_- —¢ witness, © 7" 3 worn a 5s 99. W within Words. In the body of a word it is more convenient to expres, w by a dash placed beneath the vowel following: Sidwell = ~~ 5 queen a 5 quilt eee 3 equipped ye 3 queer ~~ 2 quit vr 4 hardware on 2 quick 1 quote — Bly a 2d, 2-ing 4 quarrel = -ce_— 3 square ro In writing sw and a circle vowel, as in sweet, swim, swell, the hook for w i& preferable to the dash: 4 swear ae 1 sweet xy 3 swell a 3 sweater 3” 5 sweetness 37 4 swim Epo ing 100. A Before W or H. In words beginning with a-h or a-w the dot, placeg on the line close to the next character, is used to express a: 2 ahead em 2 awaiting x 1 away ) 3 await DD 4 awake val 102. BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS 1 accept 1 bring 2 explained — C Ded ding 7 ding ss : - 3 acceptance ore 3 duties 2 explanation 5 bodies 0 2 duty Pa Hae 2 ding, 4-5 Z 2 body 2explin C- 4 fallen Bing, 4s Unit 12] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 31 3 false ¢ 2 natural ~g+—~ 2 reported Hee 1 follow. 2 2 naturally 3-7 S reporter Ling, l-s Lnature gs We Ce 2 followed = 2 ; de Bin = 1 particular Ff leup e ¢ 1 further 2 4s v Suppose 3 furthermore 2— ‘| Particularly Lwheher 9 L gone 7 Remark) 5-2. whose a 1 house 3 3 replied x 1 word oe 5 housekeeping # 1 reply a aed ld ousel ” 22 Ling, sO Sy 2 houses P 1 report 1s,3ing OC UNIT 12 104. Y has the sound of long e, as in yacht, yoke, and when followed by a hook vowel is expressed by the small circle. Ye, as in year, yet, is expressed by a small loop; ya, by a large loop: 2 yard ee 5 yearly ~ 1 yet a 2-5 1 year ~ 2 yellow = ~~ 3 youth om Les, 5 105. The sound ng, as in ring, rang, is expressed by » written at a slightly downward slant: 5 angle on Shang as 3 sing — 3 4ing 3-ing angry o~ 5 hung eet 2 song eu 4 finger 2. 4 hungry : 1 sake CL 4 fingers 2 3 king Poe 4 string cae 4 gang ae ? yng iaE 5 swing aA 5 gingham —o,,— 5 sang eat 1 wrong eee Vk (sounded ngk), as in bank, rank, is expressed by a longer stroke on the same slant: 4ankle = co, 4 banker 1 blank Gan Lbank 2 banque Ae dank 355, 3ing Sung 32 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS [Chap. 8 3 frank CQ 3 pink Le 4 tank co 3 frankly C2_, 4 rank <2. 2 uncle cee: 3 ink oo 4 sink at 106. The vowel is omitted in the prefixes en, in, un, em, im when the pr is followed by a consonant; when a vowel follows the prefix the initial v« is retained. Ex is expressed by es: The suffixings is expressed by a left s, and ingly by a small circle substitute for the ing-dot: En Un 5 exhibition C 5 enforce 5 unfair 1 expense ms cee eee 3 engine 7 5 unlike <2 5 expiration @ 4 engineer 5 unwilling —___. Ings Aing va I 7 a 4 engineers m 5 dealings Saar Z 1 imposible —> 4 evenings In 7 5 impress 2 feelings -2_4 2 inch i inch 4 impressed 4 greetings 1B 4 indebtedness eZ, 2 impression —~ 2 meetings __-¢# indeed YY 5 impulse 5 mornings ——— 5 infer Ex S openings © 5 inferior i 3 coe O— 4 savings yA 5 infinite 5 exceed a 1 things é 1 inform (61, 129) 5 3 excess Ingly 4 oes 4 excessive SZ 2 exceedingly »~* 4 install aoe 1 gichange Z 2 lovingly ore Hea 5 seemingly 5 installation n_f Unit 12] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 33 107. The negative forms of words beginning with n or m are distinguished from the positive forms by inserting the initial vowel in the negative forms: 4unknown 2e— 3 unnecessary + 109. BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS 1 along Qe 3 correction -—+ 1 return ue 5.5 Ling, 3-5 1 among —— 3 correctly = =—~+ l returned = > 1 ee a oO 1 effect 2 1 strong A > reer 4-5 2 strengt) 3 answers ot 1 sffore 2 3 stronger ~*~ 1 bill a 4 stron; ne . zest 2 Les, ing lel 2 billed Cc ; i AES 3 strongly 3 201 3 built eee ye 1 thank co | ear et Heron 2 S thanked =~ “3 ‘ ; 4 carload on thanking = | character 3-4 2 friendly c 1 thanks @ 5 . Stepmmminicaied ote eee ay, hing : yes a 2 communication 3 lists See ae 5s 1 long CL younger 1 correct —_— Sing “et 1 recent os ly CHAPTER V UNIT 13 sounds uttered in rapid succession. The diphthongs are thercfore expressed joining the circles and hooks representing the vowel sounds of which the dipth- thongs are composed: 112, A pure diphthong is the union in one syllable of two simple wy ie U 1 view 1 enjoy, . 3s 2ed,2ing 77 4 confusion 2 2 join Z Ow 2 cute a 2 joy i 5 blouse 1 few 2 De 3 noise —t S fewer = cow : 7a 2 oil a 3 moutl wr 4 fuel ae ; era € 3 funeral An : Hee ee S royal = aR tcom 2 graduate ve mere a ding, 5s 4 plow Ces 4 graduated 3 wy ? Sal oe 4 powder fo oo 4 3 graduation —— voice , 4 scout oo 4h I : nt : 4 shower = A- mabe Co ree ree tae eae 4 humor a i 2 applied Cx 5 situated Set aeH ee 4 arise og 5 ieee ete Ce 4 authorize “© 4 uniform 9p 1 boy CO 3 authorized ~Y% 4 unit of Les, 5's 1 buy 5s 2 choice o Zing 34 Unit 13] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 4 buyer 5 choir Qe 3 climate >~A_e eo 5 climb = ~A_e— 2 comply B:ing, S-ied “Ce 5 confine 4 crime 2 cry S-ing 2 die 4ing 2 died 4 dine 3-ing 2 drive 3-ing 2 dry 3 excited 3 exciting 1 eyes 2 fight 3-ing J file L-s, 3-ing 2 final 2 finally oe 1 fine > 1 fire el 2 fly ting, ies 4 fry Pe Rit 2 good-bye 4 guide “he 3 height 1 high 2 higher 4 highway 5 hire 5 hired 2 ice 2 iron 5 ironing 5 ivory 4 knife 2 library 4 license 2 lie 3s 4 lying 1 mine 5 minor 1 nice 2ly 5 nicer 3 oversight (214) 9 2 pie 6 4 pile é&_ badd CCIAWNTT oh hg ton 4 galvanized “BZ 4 pine A a 2 pipe 1 price Iles, 3-d 5 primarily 3 primary 3 prize 1 realize 3d 5 retire 5 retired 2 ride 2-ing, 5-5 3 rise S-ing 5 rye 5 shine S-ing 3 sides 2 sight 1 sign 4-5, 5-ing 1 size 2-5 5 sized 4 slide 3 spite style 5 styles supply 2-4es, 4-ing supplied APOE RARE ENTER RL OP Pom ww tie Ad 36 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS — [Chap. i oO 2 trial r2— 5 vice yo Ra 1 try re 5 vital Po 4 tiny &- L ae a 1 white x @ x x 3 tire a 2 twice 2 wide 1 tired pe 4 wine ‘ype 5 tires gL 55 fe 2 wise g 4 utilize 114. For convenience, long i is expressed by the large circle in the follow- ing words: 3 alive A 3 lively Sf 2 mighty 2" 1 life Zp Diives oa 1 quite oe 1 line ae 1 might ee 4 idle i aaa 1-s, 4-ing 115. BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS allright 9 2 kindness we 2 require 5 appoint ’ 1 light Ce 1 Saag Qed 3-5, 5-ing 7 3 aside o 5 lighted Ce 1 right Bawhile -Q_- Slighter 2 134 E J de 2behind =» mankind > 3 atnile 1 find 2 4 midnight "bing fs safes f Ding, 3s : 1 thousand 4 fortnight 72 2 oe eee ; 3s . use 1 how o 1 night oe 1d, Ling age 2s 4 uses 3 inquire (227) 2 outfit 4 ; 3-ing, 4d 5-5 1 while 1 inquiry -o 3 outline = =t_a 1 why io] 2 inside a 2 outside og 1 wire ; oOo ‘i 5, Sing 1 kind D 1 point z 2 write we 3s ee é Ling, 3-5 2 kindest QZ Met 1 writer ae Unit 14] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 37 116. When word forms end with the diphthong i, the double circle is used to express the diphthong and the termination ly: 2 highly é 1 kindly 2 5 rightly se UNIT 14 _ 118. Ina few words, vowels follow one another consecutively without form- ing diphthongs, as in poem, radio, showy. In such words the signs for the sounds are written in the order in which the sounds occur: 2 poem a 3 poet ce 5 poets & 3 poems Gut 3 poetry Oo 3 radio 119. Any vowel following the diphthong i is expressed by a small circle within the large circle: 3 prior @ 2 science oa 5 via a 120. Short i followed by a, as in mania, is expressed by a large circle with a dot placed within it; e followed by the large circle vowel, as in create, is expressed by a large circle with a dash within it. These distinctions are seldom necessary, however: 4 gee 2" 2 piano A 5 radiator 4 initiation y 5 pneumonia —-——» Serial = <@_ 121. When two vowels not forming a pure diphthong come together, the minor vowel may be omitted: 4 companion — 1 idea ae 4 ruin reese 2. 4 cruel Zen ideal 3 theory wa 3 geni 45, i ID genius 2 quiet oe 5 triumph 3 genuine Aly For convenience in writing many common words, the circle may be omitted in the diphthong u, as in new, due, music: 4 amuse 1 due 1 knew a 4d, ding “9 Daly, Aes 2 avenue 1 issue 4 1 music aunt 4-5, Sing 2burean 2 issued oH ae ef “5 38 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS {Chap.V 3 overdue (214) x 3 renewal «+e ‘5 strenuous ~*7 5 3 reduce 7g hewed es it w 3d, ing 3 a 4 renew aw 4 revenue 5 suited 122, BRIEF FORMS FOR@COMMON WORDS 2 across oo 1 oe _ 2 respect led, l-ing 2-fully, 4-5 1 address Ses, ding ae 3 enclosure = _—2_ 5 respected = Ve 1 addressed 1 mail —S 4 respective ve, 1 ad J? Led, 2-ing 0 4ly 2 7 vantage 2 abject 2 strange Vi, larrange Q0 3 objection ( 5 strangely I-ment, 4-ing 4 2 arranged On ‘chaise é 4 stranger 7. 2 arrangements O@ 1 oe at ' throughout a Lconsider 3 Bring, 4s trust l-ation, 2-ing 1 pleased = Cz Ling ) 2 considered 7 1 various Z, 2 progress C_——~ 2 dollar oa Sing T wonder ls 4 progressive 2-ing, 3-ed UNIT 15 124, In the body of a word short w and ow are omitted before and m, and short 2 before straight downstrokes: Short U 5 bungalow (Ct 3 handsome <2 5 alumni Qa 3 unt —~_— 2 judge 8 Ling, 5. 5 apron eC 1 done ee 3 jump _ L, 5 aie Sdunk “4 Fal terete BTU TES dumbiss= 7-111 3 lumber —zv 5 brush C 1 fun 2 5 lump 5 budget 1 funny 4 eet 2 Tunch 4 gun —~ breant/A 2 bunch 4s 3 luncheon __7 Unit 15] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 39 3 pump Cy 5 sunset ae Ow 1 rely Se Bsunshine 2 brown C 2 rush. . a 2 eo os 4 crown 7 Bed, 4i 5 Bosna ete teed ALrbngue tere 1 down Bee 2 - 1 touch 7 4 gown a a S-es, S-ing 1 town co Lsummer 2. 4 touched : 6 2 sun rs 3 trunk — towns 125. Between two horizontal straight strokes ow is indicated by a jog, but # inserted: announce o~r 3 announced o~e~ 2 none (94) 4 126. The w is omitted in the termination sume: assume = D_ 4 assumed 2 2 presume G_ ding 127. The syllables per, pro, pur are expressed by pr; the syllable ble, by b; ple, by (in the words given below only); ment, by m: aes nu Per 3 approve 3 proportion 2 per Cc 4 process G 4 prosperous j perform i 2 prove perf G___ 5: procession G prove G performance 4 profession Cc proven SG 5 4 4 1 perhaps 4 professional 4 provision ; Ss 2 permit Cl» _3 professor S 4 4 4 5 ae purple cL permitted C profit G Ble ersuiade 2 promise C—e 3 acceptable 4d oo 3s, Sing ¢ 7 2 promised = C—e 4 adorable + 5 promotion C_—, 2 agreeable 4 approach 7 1 proper appropriate “© 2ely ce oe w amiable ov 40 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS — [Chap.V ny 1 available terrible G 5 element = «_»—— 5 Bible : 25 terribly € 5 elementary o_+—~ en 4 cable ba a uous T 4 employment 3 desirable a Se enjoyment 2 double Cx (129) C enrollment Zi 5 durable valuable G equipment 2 visible : ee excitement y—— 5 5 1 5 enjoyable 2 2 oe ly Ple 4 experiment OF 3 ample ov 4 er ae 5 1 1 w wn 5 fecbte sm 5 oe 3 example = J—z installment 4 — TC judgment / sample 2-5 moment a simple “7— rae 4 horrible nN 4 humble “Tv C 4 liable E Ment payment 3 miserable "a g oe 3 noble C 2 agreement punishment 2 payable 0 4 amusement SZ 4 sequirement (227) = Ht & 3 announcement 4~<___— Ls 3 profitable 3 apartment (2— settlement 7 3 reliable oy ar bine oe pias -s 3 remarkable <7 CS aachment ep Tee 4 respectable Cee 7 4 basement oS 3 sensible C 4 supplement C_»— 3 commencement +——e__— 2 suitable 2 treatment ~*7 2 oe 0 nN simply “7 5 monument ———2—_ 1 AU 3 compliment 4s 4 document “~~ 5s 128. When pro occurs before an upward character or &, it is more conven- ient to insert the vowel, as in: 3 produce C7 | 3 produced G~* — 5 produces CS 4-ing Unit 15} 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 41 129. Two or more simple prefixes may be joined: 5 compromise t_e 1 inform (61, 106) 5 uncomfortable Ss 2— (127) aa S conform 5 ; : feonnat 2-5 unexpected te 130, BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS i S accord ,—3director, =“ — 2 problem a Ling 3 2s 1 accordance 2 excellent 2g 2 proof G 2 accordingly ,—. 1 except eS ebee ding ed 1 bad C 2 exception Lreget, 2 2 badly (+ fo f Bung, Sed Oo 4 exceptional regular ug 1 bed A Bly 4 exceptionally f 5 bedroom (7 nN satisfaction 77 2 organization &—> ; ‘i eee 2 satisfactorily 7~ 2 confidence 4s en ? 4 organize <->} satisfactory 7 considerable . Z 2 perfect G 2 satisfy r 2 considerably oy Died 8 correspond 7 5 perfection G 2 serious ag -ence, ding 1 2 serious! pe pen 'G ee ‘| Ling, oe 2 personally GC se eo covere , eat ae 2 persons G 2 stopped rec 3 probable T success 45 Dy 2 direction 4-5 probably Cs 4 unsatisfactory 5 CHAPTER VI UNIT 16 133. BLENDED CONSONANTS -nt, -nd; -mt, md: Mt 2 paint & 4 talent po 4applican Ci gn EM 4 A) 2 aunt avy S painter = & 4S violent aw 3 5 Lo” 2 1 a 1 vacant voluntary 2 cent 2 parents 62% 2s per cent (206) G? 3 century are aat S-ies ie plant C2 Scien -~_#? lant oa planted = C_- winter Na around = 3 consent = 3 rs igned 3 correspondent —¢_) plenty C2? assigne : back; 2 count 7) ackgroun 4 1 2 3 1 2 prevent J, : stitlica 1 Sevens AG ad . 4 binding Qeurrent ad 2 print wie S-ing, 5-5 Te 4 blind CY 2 event 2 printed 3-5 2 bond 5 faint a 2 rent eee 2-5 5 5 5 1 5 1 front é? rental 2 os 3 grant Lo? rented ina fae Sing restaurant ne? 3 cleaned —\_27 3 granted 4 hunt a? ding 4 5 3 a ae 4 confined Dp 4 4 sentiment 2% # consigned ay - dined 3 inventory ee 4 am roa 3 joint 0 42 Unit 16) 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS B 3 fond 2 5 offended ry 5 surrounding «—7* 1 found J 3 outlined ew 5 trained pw 3 fund 2 3 owned eee S wander 2-7 3cdned oo? 4 phoned =24 2 wind 2 S grind —e/ 2 planned ce? 2 yindow 2” 1 ground 7 5 profound Z 5 wounded Ae : : 4 island @_o7 3 rained Mt Ses Lo, 20nd eee aa 3 joined sata pipet 7 ei 5 kindred eee fee oy) 4 promptness C_”~ 4 sand lland ¢§_ 2? at 4-5, 5-ing vee 1 second Ele we 4 2 seconded 3 5 landlady_ Md 2 ashamed Lv 5 claimed SP 4 dreamed 4 wu \ aie, 5 eee te 1 signed S$ landscape 242 yung! 3 Taundry es ded ie remedy seemed 5 lend eee : ‘ed 4 lined xv eee 134. At the beginning of words, short e and short / are omitted before these blends, as in entry, empty, induce, etc.: Zempty 7 4 induce 74 5 indulge 4 entry po amah 136. The Ld Combination. The combination /d is expressed by giving / a swinging upward turn at the finish: 2 build (J — S childish £4 4 detailed Ling 3 buldings C7 leold =. _/ — S compiled @ _) 1 child & 2 — 3 compelled to 2 failed od 7 trimmed a4 2field 27 4 holds = ¢_* 2 fied 3 household 7 <_7 L filled 22 7 4 installed = 4.. 7 S folder 2 *~ Skilled = -@__J 2eold -—~_/ ‘tmild _o_/) 3 golden —x__7 lL old —? 2 handled ya 2 older ¢@_ Theld <7? 3 pulled 4D lhold 23 S rolled <7 shite, 2 Ssailed = @_Y 137. DAYS AND MONTHS Days 1 Saturday 1 Sunday Months 1 Monday _-2- 1 January A 1 Tuesday 4 2 February é 1 Wednesday ae 1 March _- 1 Thursday =< 1 April C 1 Friday fe 1 May oe 138. BRIEF FORMS FOR C MMON 1 acknowledge > 1 draft 3d, 3-ing 3 acknowledgment_,~——2 enable Z 1 allow a 1 entire oe Led, 3ing 2 allowance Q_-* ~~ Lentirely = Lattention = 7 2 individual A 1 copy soy 2 3 usteial 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS [Chap. VI 4 scheduled we 2 settled 4 shoulder 4_-7~ 1 sold a S spoiled 7 5 stockholders wa 5 thrilled 4 tickled © <7 2 wild a 4 yield ~/ 1 June L 1 July LZ 1 August - 1 September é 1 October ~~ 1 November 1 December ZZ WORDS 4 industry =~ 1 invoice 5 invoiced 2 2 invoices Z. 3 obligation Be 1 oblige 1d Unit 17) 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 45 Boutsanding G7 2 remit, 2 — 4 stockings : < -ed,5-ing ; et ad 1 remittance *— : stocks %Y receipts 4.5 suggest 1 refer é 1 stand ae fing, 5 / f 2 2 suggested = 7 ine4s = 7 e Treferente 4 standpoint 2 suggestion / 4s 2 stands a 25 L referred cy 1 stock ie 1 unable 7 UNIT 17 140, JENT-PENT, DEF-TIVE BLENDS Jent Def 2 endeavor 0 4 gentle CA 4 defeat 2, re Sed Pent . 5 defend eee 2 happened ©) 4 defense QD. 5 motive wv) 2opened (/ Sdevote C2 4native 62 4 pending () 3 devoted om 5 negative _~—Y) Vgpend 4 divide DP” — 3 positive 7) Aon sly J spent oO 4 divine Co. 2 representative wy 1 division — Cq 35 143,,BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS 1 agent 7 Lgrediy |S diferenty GQ 3s Qed, ing 2 altogether <7 S creditors’ —e, ee 7 3 apparent GC? 3 credits — ets Qly 1 definite Q 4 indefinite 3 foe al 2 deliver ait ; Led 2 influence Sit Cte ies 3 approximate CG sdittee =D instances > ly lent 2 beauty 1 difference. ©) Ss 46 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS [Chap. 1 2 instant a 3 movies 4 remove ; ; 3d, Si 2 mistake panne: 2 quality 7 2 responee! 4 ae _~ — 2aualities = Sibe 2d, Qing 2 railwa 35, 4ing 2 movement ——2—— ES Eeeeeaippinie c : Sremoval Jae 3s 4 movie oF 1 tomorrow Cit UNIT 18 145, The vowel i omited inthe syllables be, de, re, dis, and mis: Re 5 revenge 5. behavior x Tee 2 review 7 5 behold CU 2 Pepe a 3 revised 2 3 belong (201) C3 reception 5 revision x, ee 4 Pes on, ‘ged 7 recital go 5 ehciae 2 below a Preteen eit ¢ Ae S refrain GS discharge 2s 5 refreshments 4 discover a) De Dretind = Gog Bed y 5 discretion “* 4 debate gL 5 rejoice A disease 4 decenm 2 alent Sai + isgrace 2 decision TF 2 verlnce 4 dis . Slike Ldelay ent C0 ; Qed yes republic 3 dispatch 1 department (223 ree et . 3 display C2 2 depend 5 resign C Mis 3s, ding hed ao . 3 depot at 5 resolved 5 misery = —<, 3 design = -@ 5 respond ore Smisaid za Sed S despair Unit 18] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 47 150. BRIEF FORMS FOR COMMON WORDS 2 acquaintance 5p 1 hundred (204) <7 2 Rewspaper > 2 acquainted 32g 4 hundreds 2“ 2 decasion i 5 advertise 3 improve = —@_ erin ling, 4 2 3-d, 4-ing 3 occasional =z 3 advertisement ae improvement —t eee 1 catalogue ~~ 4 inspect (227) pleasure 3s iS 2 determine <—— 2 inspection (227) 7 2 previous 3 : 31 2 difficult D2 L insurance 2 pias a“ 2 difficulty C2, 4 insure 7 ee eee Bes : 1 education ~~ etre ater 5 hcorded ae 3 educational “<——_! merchandise yf ; ? 2 sufficient 2 nevertheless 34ly 1 envelope Z 35 0 Het CHAPTER VII UNIT 19 153, TEN-DEN, TEM-DEM BLENDS Ten Br 4 fountain = 2 5 obedient ~ Lattend 2 goten = -—-Y"_— 4 residence. -* eee ele . 3 mountain (3 sudden 2 attended ee ene teie eeeeteed leone Cale 4 beaten 5 satin a 5 wooden of 2 bulletin 4 straighten >, Tem 4 button C- 3 eel a“ 2 attempt rane 3 captain ee Stennis C Pea eiea oa 5 contented ~~ 4 tent a 2 bottom CG S continent ~~ 1 tonight om 5 costume 4 L continue ~~ 1 written 7 4 esteemed ae 4-5, S:ing 2 continued. 2 estimate 3 continuous 7 Den 4 estimated oe 3 cotton a 4 audience = /* 1 ie o. 5 countenance -/~, 2 danger TF liuatid OX 4 discontinue 4 deny (aM ete vac 4 i ee ae 2 distance 1 a 5 temper Sdn 2 dence «= FZ temple ao 2extension 7 5 maiden = 4 temporarily Oo 48 Unit 20] 3 temporary ie Dem 5 tempted 3 freedom CL 4 timber 5 kingdom a 5 victim a 3 eter ete 155. The syllable tain, as in maintain, attain, is expressed by ten: 5 attain oO 3 contain 2-ing, 3-1 ae 35 2 contained (156) 3 maintain 2 obtain Sing oe) 5 maintained —— 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 49 3 medium 3 seldom 4 wisdom Oe yO Va 2 obtained 2 retain ee 5 retained (156): 156. Where it is possible to use either sen-den or ent-end, as in intention, the right-motion blend is given preference: 2 contained (155) 2 content % att 2 extent re Sintense _/~ 2 intention = _(” 4s ate 4 intimate UNIT 20 tf 5 retained (155) 3 sentence of 3 patent 161. A circle or loop is written with the left motion to express r following the vowel aes downward character and a forward straight stroke: 3 adjourned 3 barn 3 bird 3-5 4 burden 3 burn S-ing 4 burned 5 burnt QANDN 2 chairman G—o- Scham = Zing 5 expert é 1 farm os sing, Ses 3 farmer 6 2 farmers = Go 3 journey Z 2 pardon en 1 period ~ $ 4 pertaining § €~* 3 repaired 5 shirt f, 5s Z 4 virtue Ses 50 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS (Chap. VI 163. Between a horizontal and an upward stroke the circle is turned with a left motion on the upward stroke to express r following the vowel: 1 card oD garden oy merit _—_ 2s 45 4 courteous = 3 2 guarantee -—<>/ 2 skirt oy 2 courtesy es 3 guard ow, 4 smart er 5 4curain ~~. guardian —_ 1 standard y-7 Ss 164. Before straight lines, s in ser, cer, sar, and th in ther, thir, may be writ- ten contrary to the usual method of joining to express r: 5 absurd 3 concert =e 3 search - 5 blizzard Cy 4desert =“ — 3 sermon &_ 2 concern 5 insert 5 thermometer *—>— Tim S Ee = j 2conccmed zg, 4 research 1 third 165. R Omitted. In many words containing ar, er, or, ir, the r is omitted: ar 5 confirmed eo 3 reserve of 1 large al 2 conversation 3 reverse 2 3 largely SY 3 deserve Ze) 4 servant Z 2 larger a 5 deserved ZL ead 2p ; 2d, 2-ing Smarch 45 2 fm 2 ee J 5 margin Tz 1 learn eee e 3 southern 927 7 Bing : 2ieamed =A surface 3 ascertain F 4 nerve 5 surplus C_, 1 certain x 45 a7 : Ly 2 nervous Z apres Ce. Sete eed peeterve vy 4 survey oy 4 confirm fgg eee a 5 reservation 7 2 term Ls Unit20] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 51 1 tun rv 4 dormitory “5 resources. -y ae 1 Sie pee 4 export 1 sor & . 5 gorgeous 4 uncertain 3 source é 1 university a 5 indorsed wy 5-5 university : 3 sport é Hace (C) 5 indorsement *— * Sy 4 Y 3 lord CX 3 storm ae verse 4e5 5 mortal ~~ 2 Palas -5 Or 2 normal = -——~_~ 5 unworthy 7 3 assortment %>~ — 2 north ~ 1 war 0 1 board 3 northern 9 1 warm — 4-5, S-ing ter staan” (7 Sorchard = & — Vatrant a? 3 born “L 3 orchestra 32 2 worry = 4 cord YY 4organ =~ og Sing, 4 9 worrles 3 cordially 5 port € ; 7 ii 5 worries ge corn oe 2 quarter ¥ 2 worse Q 2 corner re 4-5 5-5 5 resort wy 2 worst v 2 court “yY 1 worth oe 45 ay 166. The syllables tern, dern are expressed by ten: 2 attorney 5 eternal 2 paten fo 4 attorneys 67 3 fraternity Con 4 patterns go 3 eastern y — 2modern 2. western a 168. The Syllable Ther. The syllable ther, as in either, other, is conveniently expressed by the sign for th: 2 bother C 1 father 2 2 leather =? Sbothered Gr 4 Faber rs mother a 1 brother S-ing 3's, Ses 35 4 gathered =~ ov 2 neither co 3 farther = S hitherto #7 l weather 77 52 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS [Chap. VII 170. The prefixes for, fore, fur are expressed by f. The suffixes ful and ify are expressed by f; self by s; selves by ses; and age by j: For 2 foreign 2 3 forever 2) 1 forget Ly» 2 forgive (61) 2—» 2 forgot (61) 2—v 2-ten Fur 4 furnace z£ 1 furnish 2-ed, 2-ing 2 furniture 2~~ Ful L beautiful G 1 eeetul careful bly ? 3 cheerful b 4 dreadful ad ‘y 4 faithful = 9 By 5 fearful 3 grateful —1Y 3 helpful & 4 hopeful Ff 4 painful aA 4 powerful 5 Co 4 7 v2) 5 gratifying —¢) Y) ae ot 4 zw yy os 2 5 4 carriage 4 cottage 4 3 courage 3 darace 07 5 discouraged AG 5 encourage 5 4ing, 5-d / encouragement 5 garbage ee 4 image “7 3 manage Bmentdd 1 manager 3 marriage —of 2 message 4as ay 1 package 3s 4 passage EB 3 patronage a, 4 percentage 3 Storage a 5 tonnage Le, 4 village 5 voyage p CHAPTER VIII UNIT 22 174. When slightly enunciated, ¢ is omitted at the end of many words: After S 2 adjust ve S-ing 1 adjustment 5 artist of 1 best C 4biggst > 2 breakfast 3 chemistry —s—¢_, 4 consist ding 5 consistent QD 4 consists 4 3 contest 1 cost 2 costs 4 dentist 1 earliest 3 earnest f4e ads 4 earnestly 4 exist 4ing existence w 5 exists 3 finest 4 forest 5 hardest 5 harvest 2 highest 2 honest 3ly 3 honesty 5 injustice 2 insist 3 investment 1 just 2 justice 3 justified 3 justify 4 justly 53 NX SRA IN ERE ES 3 largest 2 latest 5 longest 5 modest 4 nicest 5 northwest 5 oldest 1 past protest 2ing 4 1 request 3 requests 1 rest Sing sweetest - 2 test 4-5 5 unjust 2 west 4 youngest 54 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS [Chap. VIII 175. T omitted after kh, p, den: K 2 exact > Den Vy. 1 ace oO 1 fet ao 4 competent we ing -$ ata a 3 product Oo 3 serene cam aan 4 affect 2 3s 4 evident 4 project M4 2ly Zeonduct ger Ae Sineldent ay 4 contact FO cece «4 incidentally 5 ~ 4 deduct Sina 1 president. C,— S-ing 1 4 strict Peo 5s Sdefect (2, Bly 5 resident cy 4elect P 2 student 7 4 adopt ot 2s UNIT 2B 178. When slightly enunciated, d is often omitted: 5 amendment ———_—_- 4 dividend 2 recommend ——____ C ett 3-ed, 4-ing 2 beyond 2 oe 2 recommendation ing 4a 3 command —<- 2 oe Be 3 remind oe s ing, 5-5 4, 5 compound 1 mind ee 4 tremendous eT 2 demand oe pence eee der po (208) 4 diamond ee 180. D is omitted when it immediately precedes m or 0: L 5 admirable Sa 2 admit oor 5 adventure 4 admiration j—S2 3 admitted ee 181, In the words admire, advice, advise, advance, coming under this rule, the initial vowel also is omitted to facilitate phrasing: 3 admire 9 _o 1 advice 1 advise 4d t l-ing, 3-5 ” z 1 advance iy 2 advisable 7 1 advised ey 2-d, 5-ment Unit 23] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 55 182. Where the last letter of a primitive form is omitted, the past tense is indicated by a disjojned 1, thus: 5 adapted ol 3 exhausted zu 5 pretended CA ~ 3 adjusted Z 2 extended Y © 4reminded 2p 2 adopted oe 5 insisted +t 1 requested 2 5 consisted 2imtended ~ 4 rested ce S disgusted 7% Stated 2 183. Less is expressed by J; sub by a joined s: Less 3 needless 5 worthless. y7—~ Scareless -o_- —Srestless «= g Sub 5 helpless <_ Lunless «2 submit, + Ded 4 © fapelenatt@ te 13! weeleset ft iat tts agence 1 CHAPTER IX UNIT 25 THE ABBREVIATING PRINCIPLE 193, Short Words. In a small but useful group of common words the form stops with a diphthong or a strongly accented vowel: 5 abuse 3 delight = ar S loyalty = Saccused 5 0 delightful 3 operate Co S appetite (@ 4 desperate Co 4 peek or 2 arrival Qe 1 doubt S perceive CG Parrive = OF 4 Qouttl FS polite Cg Larived 9, 3 doubtless “7° 1 poor o 2 became engage = =D reval 2 bright G 3 engagement — 2-5 een 4 clouds ->A_w qo aa 2 private Cp cloudy A | ee eo 5 procedure Cy combined 2 proceed Gq 5 frightened g conceive rightened Co Seed, +5 4 4 ‘ Cc Fg glory + 5 proceeding Cy 5 confused ts a lgrde =e 2 proud G 2eowd =e 2s, Sing ~ ; ted 2 hesitate 9 2 provide 5 cure fad He 2d, 3:ing : /e 3 invite 4 provides 1 decide 2d, 5-ing 4 ld 4 loud 3 pure 4 decidedly “© eo Sloyal C9 5 purely 4 Unit 25] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 57 3 refuse 2 slight Ce 4 strikes re bd 7 ; S related ce 2 5 slightest ¢«_g 1 trade rf drelating eo 3 slightly ¢_o 5 undecided Ye 3 repeat 4 2 south ? 2 undoubtedly ieee 3 stood ” 4united = ay 1 sincerel 3 strike ne sincerely 4g sme 195. Long Words. If there is a longhand abbreviation it is generally used, if it furnishes a distinctive outline, as in the words amount (amt.), A pril (Apr.). palance (bal.), memorandum (memo.): 1 amount letc. “ 1 paid C Ding, 2s . 5 amounted 2 fob. a 2 prepaid Lbalance GS magazine (= 5 PS. G 2 degree 1 memorandum ———+ 2 railroad ~~ + +5 L discount pine: + 1 street a 35 S discounts * 3 0.K. ~~ 3unpaid 7 196, Write through the accented syllable if the outline is distinctive: 4 accustomed oy. 4 brilliant 2 cooperate 1 cooperation + 5 ambitious 3 cabinet L > coniticate Gy 3custom = 4 anxiety 2S Bes 45 Lanxious o° 2 Christmas -_¢ S customary 2, 5 anxiously o~. 3 clever 1 customer 2. ae 2,5 3 arithmetic 0” 4 collateral cee 5 delegates “—* 4 assembly Q- 2color = x__-_5 delinquent 5 balanced Seed, 3 2 deposit 1 convenience 7 \ 2 4-ed, 5-5 lances (| asavenlent 9 2daclop OC Sly S-ing, 3-ed 58 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS — [Chap. 1X 3 development~(__—-2 language 2 3.principle = Ce 5-5 3-s,2 principal 5 elaborate sae 2 fength es 2 privilege 3 establish 2 liberty 4 refrigerator 3-ed, S-ing 4 ( : 4 establishment ae 4 magazines __>,—> relative Ue { Sly 4 establishments x 2 master = 2 reunion 2 familiar —2-< Gr9 masters — 5 reverence TS. tea 5 moderate 4 ridiculous ~*~ Suly 2 mortgage ——~ 2 triver S geometry : 4 novel 5 scientific Zn 4 gratitude -7o 1 offer 1; ingl 5 gymnasium 2 Zins senate ap 2 husband = 7 Sonera eee ‘pee 4 ignorance ~— ! gyjginal J, 4 struggle |= ~——~ 4 ignorant 4 philosophy “2, 3 suffer d 5 illustrate «_, Bed, Bing 4-d, Sing I pleasant = C_~ 3 travel 5 illustration «yz 1 poli tae : : 4s demi 3 traveling imagination + if 2 popular & 5 unanimous “o~ 1 imagine : 4d 7 5 poverty A 2 union a incapabl incapable Jo oa 4 unpleasant Ce oa 1s 2 inconvenience 3d 2 5 vulgar 5 prejudice : 4 preliminary UNIT 2 198. Write through the consonant following the accented syllable, if writ- ing through the accented syllable does not give a sufficiently distinctive form: 2 absence C 3 accident 55 4 adequate 7" 2 absent Ss Peete 3 absolute t 4 accomplish 37 3 administration s— lly Bed 4 marvelous ey Unit 26] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 59 saffidavit YD 4 delicate 1 material 3 is 5 5 algebra a 4 delicious 5 melancholy eo 4 animal -— 1 duplicate Sete 1 epprotete 1 enormous «=—— 5 miscellaneous —___ 1-d, Sing. 4 enthusiasm 5 mischief 2 appreciation 5 entitle : 2 5 artificial 7 2d prea Eee i 3 essential 2, 3 numerous —«— ] association g ‘i rit vious 4 mosphere gt Sgtercle z-5 obou (; 4 frequent Cat oer - 2 ordinary = 7 4 handkerchief 4-ily ; 3 pamphlet “> Be 5 incorporated —> 2 edition 3 permission C—> 3 combination 5 estimation x 4 petition J 2 commission C 3 foundation 27 2 quotation v Seer iitati a Bee 4 competition ace 5 recognition _—_, L condition 7 information 5 1 gation a Ls 2 invitation eed y 4 confirmation Ss ay BZ 2 7 stationery 4 definition ZY” notation arg en UNIT 27 201. A number of compounds may be obtained by joining brief forms: 2 anybody 7 L herewith = + 5 thereof “ 3 anyhow Cg however, «74 thereon (67) 1 anyway go 2 inasmuch 5 thereto a 2 anywhere _o- 2 nobody Z 1 whatever J 3 belong (145) (_~ 2 somebody 5 whatsoever ed, ing 3 somehow oe wy 3 elsewhere (109), _g 2 whenever 1 everybody 2 someone +—= 4 whereabouts v 5 everyday fo 4 ee aber a 3 2 everyone 2 2 somewhat 12“ —§ whereby 3 everywhere G2 2 somewhere «0 3 wherein C 4 hereafter oy 5 thereafter f 3 wherever oA : 5 hereby w 3 thereby ( 4 whoever 3 hereto ad 1 therefore Y L within a 3 heretofore 7 4 therein van Unit 27] 5,000 MOST-USED SHORTHAND FORMS 61 203. IRREGULAR COMPOUNDS 4 meanwhile > 1 otherwise, 3 Thanksgiving >. 204. FIGURES, ETC. 4 bushel C 5 gallons -— 1 o'clock = 3 feet ) 1 hundred (150) _- 2 pound (178) ¢ 3 gallon 3 million = 2 pounds (178) S-s

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