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Social Movement

Social movement is defined as the collective effort of individual or group to project social
change. We can say that social movement is a type of group action. There are large group of
people that focus on specific political, social and cultural issues, in other words they carryout,
resist or undo a social change.
A social movement is a group of people who are connected having common interest to bring
about a social change. They may be highly discontent with the social system. A social
movement is often in an association with SMO`s (Social Movements Organizations)
Social Movement Role/ Function in society
Social movement are highly organized like Civil Rights or semi spontaneous like the
women’s march. They both have a same goal of raising awareness and usually have some
agenda in their mind. That agenda could be simply raising awareness for greater change in
society. Whether the change could be in a legislation or a change in the way of people think.
Transgender Rights Movements in Pakistan
The Trans rights movement in Pakistan was launched by Almas Bobby (a transgender
women) she said “Transgender are also a human, we are also a part of this society it is not our
fault to born like what we are, why we treated like an animal?” They started fighting in
different cities for their rights. Forgotten people and Equal eye were the major slogans of
their movement. A 19 years old transgender girl Maya was killed by her father in Nowshera
because of her gender. After that transgender community started protesting for their rights
with the slogan we are not even safe in our home but sadly police could not found out the
murderer of Maya. They said, people abused us on work places, they forced us to work as a
dancer or a beggar. Parliament of Pakistan passed a law in 2018 for the basic rights of
transgender but discrimination remains same.
Stages of Social Movement
Social movements are based on life cycle: they are created, they expand, they achieve either
success or failures and eventually they break down and no longer exist.
There are 4 stages of movement 1) Emergence 2) Coalescence 3) Bureaucratization 4)
Emergence: This social movements start with the feeling of discontent among people who
may feel deprived, discriminated in society on the basis of economic and political spheres. In
this stage some people mobilize and guide people to take an action in order to express their
demand and change their system.
First stage is the emergence or birth of the social movement. This is the initial stage
where foundation of the movement takes place. At this stage some people emerge as leaders
who organize and guide people to take action in order to express their demands and to change
system. People become aware of issue; spread the awareness through social media.
Widespread discontent occurs and leaders are emerged
Example King John of London violated a number of ancient laws and customs by which
England had been governed, his subjects forced him to sign the Magna Carta or The Great
Charter of what later became HUMAN RIGHTS that included the right to own and inherit
property, cut down of excessive taxes, forbidding of bribery, misconduct etc.
 In a nut shell, People become aware of the issue, leaders emerge, no action is yet
taken and participants may be happy or unhappy at this stage
Consolidation or Coalescence: In this stage, the member of movements or participants
organize themselves and start raising awareness among the people regarding the issues
concerned. Raising of awareness may also include mobilizing resources involving strategies
like media campaigns to spread the issues among the people.
 People join together, organize the plan of action, recruits’ members, gets resources,
publicize the issue to raise awareness and are strategic in their outlook.
In this stage, people organized into groups, publicize the issue and overcome the obstacles.
For example, American Civil Rights Movement at this stage, they started campaigns,
organized members and boycott certain areas
Bureaucratization: At this stage the movement becomes formally organized. Now it
acquires structure of bureaucracy with clearly defined roles and responsibility. The leaders or
members who initially led the movement now are formally chosen on the bases of their
qualification and eligibility
At this stage, movement start to make strategies to perform their function well. Now they not
only rely on rallies and campaign but also on skilled and trained staff. For example, Gay
Rights Movement after raising the issues, overcome the obstacles and worked with the
trained members, now working for the gay rights.
 The movement no longer requires grass root volunteerism, it is bureaucratized by
establishing its own set of rules and procedures usually with paid staff

Death or Decline of Social Movement: Even if this movement may run for years still it has
come to an end. It doesn’t disappear without a logical conclusion. Decline doesn’t mean the
end of the social movement it can take any form: it could be a success or failure.
 When people adopt a new movement, it brings about a change or when people no
longer take interest, the movement falls into decline stage
Decline does not mean failure. When a movement starts, people move into a new movement then that
movement will successful in their mission and bring a change in the society and thus decline. When
people avoid or do not take the issue seriously then the movement fails to accomplish their goals and
also falls in a decline stage. For example, Women’s Suffrage Movement after accomplished their
goals decline. Four forms of decline stage;
Repression: Movement can also be repressed when it becomes the source of threat for
existing structure, the state or authority use force to repress the movement by arresting
members, imprisonment or censor over media. In this way repression can bring end to the
Co-operation: To divert movement pressure, At times people in power or authority may try
to weaken the movement by offering the leader of the movement some lucrative position and
buy their interest. This can weaken the movement strength
Success: When a social movement declines because it was successful. The cause or issue for
which they fight might be accepted. Laws may be passed to ensure the demands
Failure: When a social movement declines because there was some sort of failure in the
organization. The movement may run for years without any output
CRUX: Firstly, a movement emerges out of nowhere with a variety of reasons behind it.
They can coalesce (combine) and make a proper perspective behind the ideals. In the
next step, the movement establishes their own set of rules and procedures as it becomes
bureaucratized. After bureaucratization the movement can either succeed or fail, get its
members restrained by the authorities or become acceptable into mainstream. At last,
people transform a particular agenda of social movement to make it suitable according
to the standard of lifestyles and rituals. But the movement decline varies from case to
case of any movement. One of the most common reason is that the movement success is
often I'll-defined because of the goal of the movement might change.
Social movements and solidarity:
In social movements people relate to each other by their same interests in some issues and
from their actions to cope up with the situations. Also, when an organized group or some
people act for those who are not in position to take stand for themselves, solidarity exist
among them.
Application of Examples on different stages of Social Movements.
Example: Social movement of Aurat March in Pakistan to support women who face violence
and harassment in different aspects of their lives. They not only protest for themselves but
also for those who were not able to take a stand. They show solidarity by their slogan “Hum
Stages of social movements:
In this stage people understand the problem in their society by feeling it unsatisfying and
offensive or by getting information about an issue. They may be unhappy with some strategy
or social condition but have not taken any particular action against it.
Example: Emergence of Aurat March movement exist when a lot of girls are being harassed
in different areas of life and they actually address this issue and when women who became
indirectly or directly victims of violence get awareness of their rights and knowledge about
the actual issue.
In this stage people complain about the problem to each other or in their groups without any
support of an organization. People get the actual sense of who and what is responsible for the
issue. Group starts to reach others in order to get many people addressing the same issue.
Example: Coalescence of Aurat March exist when girls who face harassment and who
become victim of domestic violence finally get the courage to break the silence and speak in
public about their issues, either through social media or complaining to their family.
In this stage, a complete organization is formed against some social issues and is responsible
for making decisions and further procedures of the movement. Here social movements
change into political force.
Example: After getting a lot of complains about women harassment issue in society, some
women organizations decided to arrange a protest called Aurat March to raise voice against
this social evil. First Aurat March was organized by Women democratic front, Women action
forum and others on 08 March 2018. This march was initialized by lady health workers and
included members from different women rights organizations.
Social movements fall into decline stage when people no longer seriously take the problem or
when they adopt a new movement. Some movements decline after their complete success.
Sometimes due to malfunctioning of the organization, movement become weak and did not
effectively express its main agenda.
Example: Aurat March movement was not able to produce a strong impact through the
protest and the march has faced intense criticism, especially online. Movement was declined
because many slogans used in protest were criticized and it seemed like the organization was
diverting from the actual agenda.

Some Examples of Social Movements

1. The Human Right Movement 2014 Or Equality Marriage Campaign: Advocates

for LGBT civil rights. Has been active for thirty years and claim more than a million
2. 9/11 Truth Movement: Claims that within the United States government were
directly responsible for the September 11 attack.
3. Alternative Movement Mother against Drunk Driving: Specifically, against the
drunk driving.
4. Animal Right Movement: At first intended to stop bull baiting in 1800 and then
again beringed up in 1886 in United States.
5. Anti-Psychiatry: Claims psychiatric treatment is more often damaging than helpful
to patient.
6. Anti-War: Against the use of military force, paintings or work of art during the
7. Children Right Movement: Meanly against child Labor started during World War
8. Feminist Movement: Chinese Revolution 1911 claims the reproductive rights, equal
pay, domestic violence, sexual harassment.

Some Social Movements in Pakistan

1. East Punjab Movement: Due to over population and limited sources split the Punjab
in to provinces
2. Karachi province Movement: Claims that due to large population of Karachi
3. Free Media Movement in 1990: Claim for independence that was resisted during
Zia-ul-haq’s time.
4. Independent Judiciary Movement or Lawyers movement in 2007: Nawaz shareef
begun the movement that the decision of the judiciary should not be influenced by
5. Pashtun Tahafus Movement: Claims for the peace and prosperity of Pashtuns

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