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System 800xA Training

Exercise 16.1 BDM - Creating I/O Boards

16.1.1 Description
Create additional hardware I/O modules using basic functionality of the Bulk Data
Manager. This is a first introduction to BDM.

16.1.2 Legend
> Indicates when you go from one menu to a sub-menu
Italic Indicates object and file names
“ “ Indicates dialog box buttons, tabs, menus etc.
Bold Indicates important topics
Indicates start/explanation of student activity

Exercise 16.1 - 1
T315H-16 Exercise 16.1 - RevE.doc

16.1.3 Exercise Steps

 Open the BDM from the Engineering Workplace.

NOTE! The Control Project must be reserved in the Control
Builder to be able to perform this operation.

 Resize the BDM window and the Engineering Workplace window so that both fit on
screen. You need this for the drag & drop operation.

 Drag & drop a Control Structure aspect to setup a data area in the BDM.

 Drag & drop the I/O board (AI810) into the data area at the second row.

 Disable the option “Show path” in source column. Re-perform the export from
Engineering Workplace to observe the results. See the differences


Exercise 16.1 - 2
System 800xA Training

 Modify the second row in a way that you create in total 4 new AI810 boards changing
the object identification.

 Apply the changes from BDM to the Aspect Directory.

 Check the result in the Control Structure.

Exercise 16.1 - 3
T315H-16 Exercise 16.1 - RevE.doc

Exercise 16.1 - 4

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