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Mohamed Hamdy Elwan

ID: A00409549

The customer experience strategy

exceptional in developing long-lasting relationships with the purchasers.
You will be overwhelmed to know that Apple’s success is not about
making money but about earning the trust and loyalty of its customers.
Apple focuses on super-persuasive marketing for building strong Apple
customer engagement. Building an effective Customer engagement is a
subjective matter, but buyers love Apple products and become loyal
customers. Apple products speak for themselves, so they have kept the
marketing and visuals simple but appealing.
Apple has created a compelling customer experience strategy to deliver
top quality products and generate irresistible customer satisfaction. The
company is at the peak of success because it brings the best customer
experience through its innovative software, hardware, and planning great
products every year.Customer experience during the whole customer
life cycle is all that matters and Apple is very clear with that. Once,
you are inside an Apple Store, you can feel the brand value through
their store design.Its store experience is simply unique and
informative, that provides an experience worth cherishing every time
you visit an Apple store. This draws the customers even more to

Traditionally, people used to rely on word of mouth recommendations.

Now, instead of asking friends, and family, when people want to find local
businesses they usually turn straight to search engines. Since over 90% of
all search engine traffic goes through Google, having a Google My
Business account is the first step to getting on your target audience’s
radar. Correctly optimizing your profile with the correct contact details,
photos of your business, opening hours, and a list of services will help
your business be more visible to its target customer base. 

6 Ways of using Google Business to boost customer experience :

1) Use customer reviews to improve your business offering.

2) Make it easier for customers to contact you.
3) Include attributes and special features.
4) Use messaging tools for customer centric communication.
5) Uncover customers insights.
6) Use the booking tool for easy reservations.

How APPLE apply CRM:

Top 4 ways Apple uses CRM:

1) Knowing its customers.

It’s an ambitious aspiration, but one that Apple follows through on.
Apple’s consistently high NPS (Net Promoter Score) ratings
indicate that it’s remarkably good at retaining its customers.
Research recently reported that Apple’s operating system, iOS,
had loyalty rates of around 89%.

2) Anticipating customer needs.

It’s clear Apple’s understanding of its customers runs deep. Yet,

paradoxically, Jobs was famously opposed to market research.
Rather, Apple’s intimacy with its customers has traditionally
stemmed from the company’s empathy with their pain points and

3) Stores focussing on customer experience.

Apple’s use of CRM in-store is a testament to its long-term

mentality. An immediate sale is good, but an ongoing relationship
with a customer is more profitable. By foregoing conventional sales
tactics, Apple’s shops create value by encouraging browsers to
love and appreciate the benefits of having an iPhone, an iPad, or
the latest Apple Watch.

4)  Branding that speaks to a generation.

Whether you buy into its products or not, Apple’s pull is
undeniable. Boasting one of the most iconic and instantly
recognisable brands in the world, it draws huge queues at product
launches, while thousands of user-generated videos online are
dedicated to ‘unboxing’ Apple devices.
How GOOGLE apply CRM:

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It’s a

standalone tool that helps you organise your data , automate your
processes, and ultimately grow by providing a platform for maintaining
long-term client relationships. The list of features typically associated
with a CRM platform is long and growing. There are so many
platforms out there and each is slightly different from the last .

1) Client data organisation and centralisation.

2) Communication history.
3) Team alignment and management.
4) Centralisation of communication channels.
5) Analytics and automated reports.
6) Lead and customer segmentation.
7) Bulk marketing automation.
8) Automated reminders and follow-ups.
9) Management of user roles and permission among team
10) Sales pipeline and deal tracking
How customers are affected by APPLE CRM

The company has been using a customer relationship management

strategy in its customer service sections since its establishment. This
involves contacting clients who have utilized their products via emails to
evaluate the clients’ feelings when interacting with the Apple staff. To
sustain a long-term connection between the company and its customers,
Apple has been utilizing CRM in its retail sector. Their approach is to
educate and inform the consumers about the benefit of having their high-
end products rather than being focused only on marketing their

Teaching the clients to about the advantages of having a product like an

iPhone is a core point of the company’s strategy. The company attracts
customers with its product features and making them want an Apple
product at all times. Apple has also used customer relationship
management comprehensively by allowing direct interaction thus,
enhancing their brand cognizance in the market (Kumar and Reinartz,
2018). Focusing on CRM-based marketing and targeted emails has
created a life experience amongst Apple customers instead of simply
purchasing. Service delivered by third-party resellers does affect the
firm’s reputation. Apple decided it was not contented with this trade-off
and resolved to move its services in-house. This has since let Apple
refine over every part of the client experience.
How customers are affected by GOOGLE CRM

Your marketing and sales teams can use the information

gathered from your CRM to improve customer experience and
service. Having data on your clients’ ages, locations, genders,
hobbies, and interests, you can design more cost-efficient
marketing campaigns and sales that target particular customers.
This insight into your customers’ needs and behavior will show
you the best ways to get the most relevant information on your
company and your products to the right client groups. This will
improve your clients’ experiences with you and your business.

The marketing and sales departments of your company can use

CRM data to target your promotions to the right audiences.
Emails can be sent to certain customers, sales on specific
products can be marketed to the customer segments most likely
to purchase these items, promotions can be designed to focus
on your client groups, and can also be executed at the right
time. In these ways, your customers’ satisfaction with your
company will grow, and so will your sales. In fact, 74% of
businesses using CRM report that their customer relationships
are stronger through good customer experiences and that is a
powerful marketing tool they use to help build their businesses.
In 2019, CRM usage increased from 56% to 74%, so it is easy
to see that it is one of the most popular tools available to
businesses today. CRMs, like HubSpot, help numerous
businesses gain customers, become more organized, and grow
their profits. It also strengthens companies’ relationships with
their customers, creating positive customer experiences, which
is key to growing your business.
How APPLE use CRM to deal with its customers touch points

1) A clean , easy to navigate website

2) Packaging.
3) Demo units in stores.
4) The number of employees , attitudes and training of
employees in store.
5) The cleanliness of the stores , no clutter and consistency of
6) Store locations.
7) The genius bar.
8) One to one.
9) Acknowledgment of appointments.
10) Staff collaboration.
11) Short wait time for check out.
12) Personal set-up.
13) In store classes.
14) Guest speakers and in store events.
15) Rebate receipt acknowledgment.
16) Software development kit.
17) Questionnaires on satisfaction.
18) When you call the iBooks Author support line , Apple
first gets your phone number & Apple ID.
How GOOGLE use CRM to deal with its customers touch points

Customer touchpoints are the various stages or points where your brand
interacts with customers from start to end. 

Let us consider this example. Somebody saw an Ad for new sports

shoes online, they visited the brand’s website for details, checked
reviews on some customer reviews website, contacted your support or
service rep for the address to a local store, and bought it. 

The purchase was made at your physical store, but the journey started
online with an ad and went through various mediums. This is why all
your customer touchpoints are important and designed to serve the
customers right. Based on which phase of the customer journey your
customers are in, customer touchpoints are divided into 3 buckets:

 Before purchase
 During purchase
 After purchase
APPLE Customer loyalty and satisfaction methodologies

Apple has established itself in the eyes of the client as a proponent of

the innovative technologies responding promptly to the needs and
desires of the audience.  Since 2007, Apple is one of the first companies
to introduce the NPS system. Since then, all employees support this
system, and the corporation performs daily actions that promote
customer loyalty to the brand. The trust of the team and all customers of
the company was obtained using

4 key tactics of NPS

1. Experience working with clients

2. Listen to customers
3. Quickly close cycles
4. Engage all employees using NPS
GOOGLE Customer loyalty and satisfaction methodologies

But for the first objective it's poorly presented in companies' metrics to
track. This is partly because measuring customer satisfaction is not as
straightforward as e.g. measuring revenue streams or website visitors,
making it hard to set up clear goals.
There are, however, some great methods and metrics out there
designed for exactly this purpose. Let's go through some that you can
apply in your business today.

1) Customer Satisfaction survey.

2) Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT).
3) Net Promoter Score (NPS).
4) Customer Effort Score (CES).
5) Social Media Monitoring.
6) Things Gone Wrong.
APPLE Customer retention methodologies
Apple is a company with 510 retail stores and more than 137,000
employees in numerous countries across the world. Keeping such a
large number of people happy and loyal may seem an impossible task.
Even more so in a world where voluntary employee turnover
has risenyear-on-year for the last decade, according to the U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics.

But against these odds, Apple has managed to ensure that their large
global workforce, which includes a dispersed legion of frontline
employees at their retail stores, remain engaged and loyal . 

What’s their secret? 

1) Unite employees around a strong vision and mission.

2) Don’t undervalue any individual and stay in tune with employee
3) Keep people informed.
4) Choose the right employees to begin with.
5) Continually train and develop employees.

GOOGLE Customer retention methodologies

According to, only 32% of customers actually order for a
second time over the course of the first year. In other words, most new
customers drop off after the first sale. In fact, according to Our Social
Times, 70% of companies say it’s cheaper to retain a customer than to
Using advertising to retain your existing customers:

1) Launch strategy- Build brand awareness among existing

2) Provide seasonal offers.
3) Entice your customers to return to your website with customized
4) Cross sell related products.
5)  Reduce shopping cart abandonment.
6) Dynamic remarketing using product listing ads.
7) Increase average order value.
8) Build a fan base on Facebook.
9) Use Facebook dynamic ads.
10) Build engaged customers using promoted posts.
APPLE Effect of CRM on acquiring new customers

When Apple finally started a Twitter account, they channeled the same
helpful voice you’d expect to find if you stopped by the Genius Bar or
called their customer support.

In this way their reputation for outstanding customer support expanded

seamlessly into a new channel.

Every customer response tweet acknowledges the problem, expresses a

desire to help, and quickly points people in the right direction.

Apple doesn’t use generic responses. They vary, and you can always
tell they’re written by a real human

With all the customers Apple has, their support account must get
thousands of tweets a day. It would take a team working 24/7 just to
keep up… and they’d still probably fall behind on the international
Apple doesn’t want angry customers getting even angrier when they
have to wait 12 hours for a response. That’s why their Twitter account is
careful about managing expectations This simple language (5am to 8pm
operating hours) is all it takes. Now anyone who messages the account
understands exactly why their question might not be answered right
away. You can do this too!
GOOGLE Effect of CRM on acquiring new customers

1. A CRM system consists of a historical view and analysis of all the

acquired or to be acquired customers. This helps in reduced
searching and correlating customers and to foresee customer
needs effectively and increase business.
2. CRM contains each and every bit of details of a customer, hence it
is very easy for track a customer accordingly and can be used to
determine which customer can be profitable and which not.
3. In CRM system, customers are grouped according to different
aspects according to the type of business they do or according to
physical location and are allocated to different customer managers
often called as account managers. This helps in focusing and
concentrating on each and every customer separately.
4. A CRM system is not only used to deal with the existing customers
but is also useful in acquiring new customers. The process first
starts with identifying a customer and maintaining all the
corresponding details into the CRM system which is also called an
‘Opportunity of Business’. The Sales and Field representatives
then try getting business out of these customers by sophistically
following up with them and converting them into a winning deal. All
this is very easily and efficiently done by an integrated CRM
5. The strongest aspect of Customer Relationship Management is
that it is very cost-effective. The advantage of decently
implemented CRM system is that there is very less need of paper
and manual work which requires lesser staff to manage and lesser
resources to deal with. The technologies used in implementing a
CRM system are also very cheap and smooth as compared to the
traditional way of business.
6. All the details in CRM system is kept centralized which is available
anytime on fingertips. This reduces the process time and increases
7. Efficiently dealing with all the customers and providing them what
they actually need increases the customer satisfaction. This
increases the chance of getting more business which ultimately
enhances turnover and profit.
8. If the customer is satisfied they will always be loyal to you and will
remain in business forever resulting in increasing customer base
and ultimately enhancing net growth of business.
APPLE Effect of CRM on marketing and sales

Apple is one of the most innovative companies globally, so many of its

products are loved by consumers. It is the most admired brand globally,
with its products being the most desired. Apple is a brand that is admired
for many reasons, and one of them is how it has managed to keep up
with the times and deliver products that make people’s lives easier.
Apple has positioned itself to add a human layer of advocacy to its
marketing strategy.

Apple Fanboy/ Fangirl is a term coined by the website Mashable to

describe the extreme enthusiasm and love of Apple products that is so
strong that it crosses the line between obsession and cultism. Although
Apple has never been shy about being aggressive about its marketing,
the company does not market its products like other companies.  People
obsessed with Apple products are also very loyal to the company. They
love Apple products because Apple products and recommend them to
their friends

Influencer marketing is a powerful way to connect your brand with

customers and build a deeper relationship; this is a new technique
gaining popularity in marketing and advertising. It involves attaching a
brand’s customer base with people already influential in the community.

Influencers can be in the form of bloggers, influential Facebookers, or

even Instagrammers. Influencer marketing is a powerful way to build
strong relationships with your customers
GOOGLE Effect of CRM on marketing and sales
Having established the importance of CRM as a business management
technology solution with a major impact in the field of marketing, and
especially on entrepreneurial marketing, it is important to identify the
marketing approach that is most closely aligned with the CRM customer-
centric management theory. This marketing approach is used in this
study to ensure that the results are consistent and relevant for future
studies. Of all current theories and trends in marketing, the definition of
relationship marketing (or relational marketing) is of greatest interest
because of its close match with CRM objectives. Specifically,
relationship marketing is defined as the integrated effort to identify and
maintain a customer network, with the aim of continually reinforcing it for
the benefit of both parties, through individualized contacts and
interactions that generate value over time.

 is based on segmented or customized marketing,

 tries to generate long-term benefits,
 represents a commitment to the development of a mutually
beneficial relationship continued over time,
 is based on continuous improvement and the creation and
contribution of value to the client,
 orients and coordinates the entire company toward the client,
 requires complex and continuous internal marketing,
 directs the training, motivation, and evaluation of employees
toward increasing customer satisfaction,
 seeks customer satisfaction with each relationship through an
emphasis on customer service
In my opinion APPLE is the best in enforcement CRM

Apple built its reputation by breaking the rules and flaunting conventions
of how they were “supposed” to handle marketing and business. Even
though all the other tech companies were expanding aggressively into
social media, Apple refused to be swayed by the latest hot trend.

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