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Bijimol rajan.
B.Ed Student (Physical Science)
Mount Carmel College of Teacher Education for Women, Kottayam

The present article entitled Use of soft drinks and its effect among high school students of
kottayam” is based on a survey carried out with objective to assess the awareness of soft drinks
among School Students. A sample of 56 students from Mount Carmel Girls H.S.S of Kottayam
district was selected for the study. The data was collected using a questionnaire prepared by the
investigator. The major findings of the study indicate that most of the students are aware of the
causes of Soft drinks and its adverse effects on human beings and their health.But they do not
know what methods can be taken to control this issue . Students should be empowered to take
actions to avoid the use of soft drinks.
Key word: Soft Drinks


Health is a real wealth. We should take care of it on daily basis we should eat right and healthy, practice
necessary exercise and follow healthy life style to always remain fit. Good health is the clear reflection of
our disciplined life style and healthy food habits. Today man is constantly exposed to a variety of toxic
chemicals primacy due to changes in the life style. The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe
and the environment we live in are contaminated with toxic man made compounds.
Progressive globalization of the food supply and increase in food intake such as snacks, fast food and
soft drinks typically from a significant part of daily life. Eating habits have a direct relation with obesity ,
diabetes, cancer and hypertension.
The consumption of soft drinks was found to have increased dramatically over the part several
decades. The greatest increase in soft drink consumption has been among children and adolescents. Some
commercial soft drinks are high in sugar content and acidity. Soft drinks include Carbonated drinks, juices,
bottled water , sports and energy drinks. It have many health problems. Large amount of sugar, artificial
sweetness and food colors in soft drinks are caused into obesity and increase chances of diabetes. Soft
drinks have a higher risk of cancer disease and liver damage problems.
Soft drinks are called soft in contrast with ‘hard’ alcoholic drinks. It is the proven fact that
today children mostly prefer soft drinks than ordinary fruit juices. The present study provide a
comprehensive analysis of the consumption of soft drinks and its effects among high school students of


 To study soft drinks consumption and frequency among adolescent.
 To know the influence of adolescent in promoting the intake of soft drinks.
 To determine whether students are aware of the healthy hazards caused due to soft drinks
 To understand whether students are aware of the chemicals, preservatives and artificial flovaring
present in the soft drinks.
 To determine whether students are addicted to the soft drinks.

 To know whether the consumption of soft drinks cause any health problems to the students
The study investigation carried out using survey method. A questionnaire containing 23 questions
related to Consumption & soft drinks, its impact on human- health and the 7 soft drinks awareness 9
students about the side- prepared after the analysis. 9 solution related chapter in the Basic Science
textbooks (SCERT) & standard VIII. The name of the chapter ‘ Solutions ‘.The through offline mode. The
chapter questionnaire was administered The printed questionnaire was among the students Kottayam. The
sample consisted 56 students OF Mount Carmel G.H.S.S ,Kottayam.The data obtained then analysed and
interpreted to reach the Conclusion


The study aimed to the acquire a greater understanding of soft drinks and its effects among the
use of soft drinks and its effect among high school students of Kottayam.The study conducted
among the 9th standard students of Mount Carmel G.H.S, Kottayam The Sample consisted of 56
The findings of the survey was shocking that the respondents like soft dunks, nome q them 100%
dislike it

Among the 53 respondents 5:7% consume soft drinks daily, 32% weekly, 49% monthly and
13.3% annually. The pie diagram showing the consumption rate of respondents given below fig 1

fig1: pie diagram showing the percentage of soft drink consumption rate of students.

Advertisement help 37.77. 9 the respondent to choose their soft- but 62-37% of them do not
depend on advertisement for their soft drinks.

About 49% 9 the respondents like to have regular cola 45.3% like fruit juice and only 1.9% like
Energy drinks. 3.8% choose other dunks .The diagrammatic while at the same time orientation
showing the preference of soft drinks of respondent in Figure 2

Figures 2: Pie diagram showing the percentage of preference of type of soft dunks of the student

About 11.3% of the respondents dink same soft drinks every time but most of them ie 88.7%
always choose variety of soft drinks 84.9% the students do not buy more than one canned soft
dunks at a time. 60.4% of the students like Soft drinks all flavor and they think that consuming
soft ducks gave energy. Among the respondents 95.1% of them think that consuming soft drinks
have a relaxation effect about 94.3% of them said that soft drinks au Almost 96-2%. not the
respondent know that high level. soft dunk consumption and to diabetes, remaining 33% know
about the same. Then 15.1% of the students do not know that high level of soft drink
consumption dental closing away about at the same time 84.9% 9 them this fact. Similarly 54.7%
read to all the students healthy do not know that high level of soft drink consumption lead to
overweight but remaining 45.3% of them are aware that overweight. From the result it was clear
that the students 94.3% are concerned about the artificial flavoring in soft dunks and 92.5% of
them know that chemicals are added Particles from settling down.
Almost 96.2% of the students are concerned about the soft drinks but they get templed to dusts
the soft drinks after having it once. Amazing the respondents 52.8% do mot read the ingredient
list on the soft drink bottle of them read the ingredient list

From the result, it was clear that 86.8% 9 didn't face any health problems due to the them were
affected consumption The The students consumption of soft dunks but 13.2/ by some health
problem. due to it pre diagram showing the percentage of students what face health problems due
to the consumption of soft drink is given in Figure 3.

figure: Pie diagram showing the percentage of students affected by health problems due to the
consumption of drinks.
Almost 92.5% of the students didn't attend class on them any awareness the bad effect of soft
dunks but- a small number attended such awareness class.From the result it was clear that 98.1%
9 student think that they should stand against the unhealthy practices caused down by the soft
drink Companies.


The results of the study revealed that the respondent enjoy drinking soft drinks even though are aware
about its side effects. In this study use of the students among high school students 9 kottayam town was
analyzed The study clearly showed that use of soft drinks increasing among children different choice of
soft dunks and choose these dunks with the help use of soft They have So mu them advertisement.
Majority the student in the survey know that high level of soft drink consumption lead and to diabetes,
dental erosion know that this consumption lead to overweight They are concerned about the preservatives,
chemicals and artificial flavoring. Even though some read the ingredients of soft dunk survey showed that
they get addicted to the soft drinks after having it once and a affected by health problems due to the
consumption q soft dunks and hence majority of them think that they should stand against the unhealthy
practices carried down by the soft dunk Companies.

Soft drink has serious impact a human health Most 9 the students know its side effects but the taste,
ingredients used in it made the children to use it regularly, so the awareness about the toxic side of high
level consumption of soft drink should be strengthen among the students and parente help them to reduce
or avoid the that may use of soft drinks.


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hipst enim. $) SCERT Basic Bence. text book, standard 8

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