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Electrical insulator materials is a nonconductor of electricity No material is perfectly insulating , however, and for practical purposes an insulator is a material which limits the flow of current through it to a value small enough to be ignored. Ce Hel Ugale Lebel Mall Bah 6 Si Leni: Ada go cglf AU jhell SaLall J gas lganid Sala) Saal 328 — Gas- Insulators Insulator behavior of gases Dial 39) =< /n_gascinsulated sep. bet ey AL as ve voltage the formation of high conductivity path giving oar breakdown zee two conditions: a>) The production of electrons in the gap by emission from tion ¥ the cathode or , in extreme cases , by cosmic radia ee et Smee: le = “tyes Cs b>Multiplication of the charge by various process of. ultimately , — — Loe ionization leading to current growth and , breakdown. w\3) wae Ionization process of insulating gases Gye age Gey ey LL We Os pplieY danny pd jal (ES) gibsveSll Dell 32 353 seal Ly SWS JU pe (Breakdown) , J3tell Logit asl) gas Les cyasballl Gy J je! Les! cl Lede Cull GUT ae ae es (2 impact ionization by ¢ clertron ee _suppose electrons are soahat introduced into the gap between an-anode and cathode. At low applied fields they are accelerated towards the anode, they make elastic_ else \ collisions with the molecules (or atoms)of the gas. * We = Jé Each ionization process not Fr ony a positive ion which oe drifts towards iS cathodes but also a ve electron a) » 2° capable of Pro ie yet ‘more ionization) Now, two Trs—es—e4r wld) electrons are Capable of gaping preety in anes field to ionize further molecules and so an electron Evatiocha is generated as the applied voltages is raised higher. a. 5 ee ee cee _b- Photo ionization: Mos! i t excited molecules (or atoms) have a life time in t the region of 10°s before they return to their origin( stable- state) with the Consequent emission of photon, This low energy | photons may Ee ait an outer ection from _ another molecule but high energy photons, such as cosmic Tays,, may cause photoionization from a much deeper energy level within the molecule. & Photo ionization process is presented as AY AS hy > A? +07 = *<* 4* Excited molecule. ~. ay: Photo energy. Ar syles 53 os! C- Negative-ion formation (Decay by attachment): Se Some gases can readily attach to electrons to form —ve ions of Ay > as low mobility. ee om Aare C249 Electron capture may occur by either of two mechanisms : @ Firstly : me Dissociative attachment can take place and the process ———$$<—<—<————<— is expressed in reaction form by: S (y)+ E047) vinstabte 0%) +(9)"! —S—— ars ia Secondly: collision to form stable —ve ion this is represented by. (xy)+8 SBe> (xy) stabie +(B)+ energy X: Carbon or Sulphur atom. Y: Fluorine or Chlorine atom. a-Thermal ionization: At higher temperature the free electrons have thermal energy enable them to collect with the atom and generating the breakdown Theory of Townsend Townsend defined a coefficient a to represent the average number of ionization collisions produced by an electron moving unit distance in the direction of the applied field . 4 suLll GLeslLoill Luu sill aaell 2 (First Townsend mechanism) wlaall oles Jom dala (yy SIV! 4S yo (ye ASL It is readily, shown that if n(o))primary electrons set out from the cathode, which is at a distance (d) from the anode , then , due to ionization ,the number n(d) of electrons arriving at the anode is given by: & n(x)=n(o)exp (ad)- If we consi nsi ay der n(0) as the number of electrons released from the cat hode per cm , the equation(1) can be rewritten as dew & ai ev Variation of Townsond current with spacing: (1) secondary amplification showing 7-process; (2) primary amplification (eprocess); (3) process; (4) attachment process Gop spacing (4) Nine deal =; 0 Variation of Townsend Current with Space. War lirinr Me 2i Y (1),@)y-process secondary amplification). 2) oe ae aclificaton) a Blab Owe; (4 process(primary amplificati fhe ( (4): Attachment process. » First Tounsend mechanise; Vi Flow towards the Field with 40m ee BSI OLS NS ee Capea gt SLI gdb ipaLiall ELEY! Cy) 99.5 (Gales 32 98) ales any wll (cr) 2255156 — (Second Townsend _mechanism): is the main number of PP “electrons released per positive ion incident on the cathode . eae AB B) Wi! Oba 08) 248 5 oat eid cy SIV! 225 45 :(y) ced oa xl If both {primary/ and {secondarjiyelectron emission are occurring , the current following through the gas obeys the ga) plead Lai 2 siLSll ele equation: 3 expad I(d) = (0) — @)=10) en aial If the term y(expad-1) towards unity I(d) will rise rabidly towards infinity. The Townsend criterion for breakdown occurs when: y(exp(ad)- ii (the maximum current producing at breakdown occur) As exp(ad) will be very large. The yexp(ad) ~1 represents the condition such that the current becomes self-maintaining. —~ Liquid- Insulators >> Breakdown in liquid nee Ag 1-Water: an electric , field will cause globules of water suspended in the oil to elongate in the field direction, at critical field, they become unstable. Breakdown channels is representing the propagation from the ends of the elongated globule to produce total breakdown . Total B.D. 2- Bubbles: A second mechanism of failure has also been proposed for commercial liquids .It is feature are somewhat akin to the " globule process" except that it involves gas bubbles rather than ae globu null The bubbles may be formed by a gas pockets in Pits or tikes on the cathode surface , a5 the breakdown strength of gases is much lower than that of liquid. This causes a discharge inside the bubbles, which can chemically deZrade the liquid, producing in turn more vapour and so the bubbles pre yearly it bridges the whole gap ah and complete discharge ensues. eas ie. (A 3. }- Suspended partical mechanism ; as with compressed gas (sepa wurities play a major role of insulating liquids in services, Dust particles, always remain in the liquid when electrical field E is applied, these particles are polarized, A force will act on the particle driving it towards the area of maximum electric stress between the electrodes.,For a spherical particle of radius r the magnitude of the force F was given by Abraham & Becker as: sre 1 37 £6 LJirade? Yee Del +e: Olan, ore hal) Saban iba! Ayala e=Partical permitivity = liquid permitivity For conductor (¢ =) SSRs canny (Lele cea gl) Bill ois gi Cap hye Glqueal Oars “gall Sg le Lip JS Cal fe 7 Dg =00 (eal! Ayala o) Le fy lal GaLEI— Electrical Properties of an insulating liquid The electri i ectrical properties that should determine the performance of a liquid as a dielectric are: <——S1- Its ability to withstand breakdown under electric stress, JH Ala oda y Lagi) a Leila gla il Sigil ph Aexincall Sasa 3h gall SNe ABD Legh 3h JSt3 ci jLall 559 5 50 Leis) Ade a yal Liquids can be divided into two types Polar Non-polar Water Oil Permittivity (¢): it is a measure of the ability of a material to be polarized by an electric field. The permittivity of non-polar liquid is independent of frequency and having relative permittivity between about 2&2.5, but for a polar material it can change markedly with frequency. For example, at 50Hz water has An insulating material with dielectric losses can be. epresented by either a series or a parallel combination of resistance and capacitance provided the voltage applied to the material is sinusoidal. The resistance simulates the loss in the material and the capacitance simulates the ideal dielectric. at Series and parallel equivalent circuits of dielectric with loss ted ™ eb — tw Vv Ss = ‘The loss angle 8 ; Ty is the in-phase (loss) component of the current and Ly is the ' “ quadrature component of the current: ~~ stan = 2% ana cos =. q z\~ Ix For small values of 6, 1 Zy and tan 5 ~ €os6. For the series equivalent circuit ‘ Wy tans and forthe parallel equivalent cgi ~ Stun = sistivity is greater than sulating liquids harges where the breakdown or molecular many early investigators ‘-called intrinsic electric strength. acteristic of the liquid itself and would involve an electronic mechanism of failure. AS BDV GES BD Spe; Le pill oS oe We she NAzS (le Ladle GE) yc Volume abies Ha deal SS Vy Qe Cu} A B.D, Se Lae seobil Cal) 0 Las GS call pgs GS Io CS ie pay ay QU RN US 2. S=ALSY! gE Hal! Solid - insulators Classification of solids Solids Organic Inorganic Synthetic polymers —— apes Agclinall Cl jad gill 1- Organic Ua_general, organic materials, that is those which have been, produced from either vegetable or animal matter( paper, wood, waxes). They are easy to apply to equipment and they are all good insulators. A disadvantage,, is that their mechanical and electrical properties almost always deteriorate r rapidly ifthe temperature exceed about 100C*} IPI Rips 2- Inorganic Inorganic solids are very good i ingyla rs. eure most important be! f this grou babl Hine ARE (ceramics Inorganic members o! group are probably 2! 2 materials are distinctly different from organic substance . as a rule they do not show any appreciable fall in either mechanical or electrical quality at 100C®, until 250C°, because of their compact physical structure they be neat do not absorb oil or varnish. 3- Synthetic polymers Gey The group of synthetic polymers embraces all polymeric materials which have been produced by industrial methods properties of polymers: S$ (KV/em) is high. B.D le dean, gland gobi ¥ 13), Alle Gilalgal deat SI aa 1+ Elect cal sHyenght —~2- Low PF. ( tan Lasse angle ) —~.. 3- High resistivity. ( G2 9) ~~. 4- Low permittivity(€). “ 1-Breakdown in solid _) The variation of electric strength with time of applied stress is shown in the following Fig. Variation of electric strength with time of applied stress Log fim lps) (ee Fig E.S V, Log time Soe So NG JeIntrinsic = 3a Lg) ¢ Ae mechanism of intrinsic breakdown of solid is an electronic | J Phenomenon and is completed in a very short time of the order of 107s, __| Ifa strength depend on the chemical composition and dielectric | Properties of a material it is known as its. intrinsic electric | strength(IES){Where, IES obtained under impulse voltages of short duration and the highest working stress of dielectric solids in service is only about 200K V/cm. (0.2MV/em)\ \ 1p ; 2- Electromechanical breakdown — (The similarity in the variation with temperature of both the electric Shoe Ware strength and Young's. modulus of elasticity-¥_for several polymers led_ stark and"Garton to propose an elettromechanical mechanism of BD for these material under direct voltage (V) an electrostatic compressive stress is developed in a dielectric because of attractive force between the electrodes. sak Lyi die le (SStay gS! bai 5a 3) 3.8 Gs sie he! dues hgeai Aine gf Balad) StS} | Blectrostatic compressive strength Sst Si blcs¥i ib S| Mechanical compressive strength Steal Lay! 5a oy, d.: inintial thickness. d: total thickness. ¥f Young's Modulous of elasticity. ( d/de> 0.6/2) Jest) BD. dos (0.6) ce Sd /ds I. e $5.V de me OC = yin Tf ae . eh oe es ay [d n+] ley ( 8 == ct). |n dev 2d) oD j k Sot nF nad] 3- Streamer BD, — By the non-uni yy niform fields , the stresses can promote local sparks along the surface of the insulation » even when the conductor voltage is not sufficient to cause-comphte flashover to any nearby edrthed frame. The corona(spark) causes a’gradual deterioration of the ifsulator surface by several process. x a Where. the dielectric slab is tested between sphere—plane electrodes. Of applying a voltage } between the electrodes a fraction ¥; of the voltage appears eros the ambient, and at a distance\x from the point of con- tact its value is given epacecingntety ic — : aS eye where di and ds represent the edia 1 and 2 Shown in Fig. below .e, and 22 are their respective permittivi- tics. The gaseous ambient medium will be of loy tivity than the specimen and will consequently expenié electric stress. As a result the ambient will breakdown the intrinsic sixength of the solid is reached. A charge posited at thtsite on the/surface of the specimen on whit the discharge falls ash ig.below, and grossly distorts the Jocal field. The charge from breakdown of the ambient me~ dium thus essentially transforms the initially uniform field Conditions to non-uniform ones such as are found in a point— lane arrangement, The charge concentration at the tips of Biecharge channel has been. estimated to be sufficient to give Shoo to local fields of the order of 10 MV/cm, which is much higher than the intrinsic breakdown field. A local breakdown ‘at the tips of the discharge i roxe, and complete : AW DSas ech (dj) Eb EY! sew Bol Aughinsiohlas Lg cs ae Ay Sad) acd? BU Supienyy fo! a GP HANA GU ds rp3! Bysu Wa) ajo / LU ASEULDWy1a)5 pay | Py byt! Lay Aly! Aled sy ahebl » Py! dl apt! Ag) BU) jh ur | ) } Main power dissipated W=$.CV”tan5 P 2 o. isthe frequency ofthe applied volt. Energy losses are much greater under AG , than DC. This ener is dissipated as heat which riséhe temperature of the dielectric \ ‘The thermal balance diagram illustratin the principle of thermal B.D in a solid is shown below. Theamal balace dag isting te rin of thermal breakdown in sd Genera neration,W Dissipation thot heat ‘The straight line H represents the heat that is dissipated from the surface of the solid to the ambient atmosphere. The heat inside the solid is removed by conduction to the surface and then by convection etc. to the surrounding medium . e of conductor d in the cable for a rang! W): represents the heat generate temperature. f W, with H represents @ stable operating he heat generated is balanced e is increased the heat curve The intersection 0! temperature 0, in the solid because # by the dissipation of heat, when the applied voltag' rises to W2 , where the stable temperature is 0. the 0 B.D. when the voltage is increased sut ssipation line H at the critical temperature e system becomes ch that the unstable, leading t curve for W; touches the heat di 63. BU pete ol Lali! JS) W1,Wo, W3 hiatal cana Cy 5 S5tM! Gye 15) IMs \eaKolown occuve lu (cepa bs) He el e be Voids oN CaVikies 3 4 gz fog 63 ge 3 Os Thermal balance diagram illustrating the principle of themal breakdown nao Tombiert Fy cdsbs 91 V (hae 25h c! OVNS chs. 6 9A 29-70) 4.0 oF era ee co a eat cal discharge across an 5-Erosion breakdown — One of the mo: oltage cables, can be an electri especially in high y void in the insulating material. gids or cavities as they internal gap oF ally filled with air oF other gas Whose are often called. The voids are Ben°° permittivity and dielectric strength Jess than for the solid. re ag ca

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