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“Reflection of Group Presentation”

Course Code: ENG318

Course Title: English of Law
Session: Evening
Lecturer: Chhim Sopheak

Prepare by: Sao Kimhoa

ID: 60210391
Major: English Languages and Literature
In this term, there are many groups that doing presentation in class of ENG318.
The course title is English for Law. Since the start of the class, the lessons that I have learned
are much more interesting because this course is study about law. As literature student I feel
so heavy about this course because it has many vocabularies that surprise me since the day, I
start the class. For this reflection I will focus on the presentation that my classmate had
presented in the pass months. In this essay I will describe what part that I have learned from
their topic. which part of presentation that I agree or disagree when they presented. I will give
my recommendation to the group that I had interested in. Therefore, I will tell you some
materials that help me to learned this course more effectively.
Since there are many groups that had presented in the class. I will include some of
the specific point that teach me. For the first point is a bout the traffic law. This topic was
presented by sister Heng Thary and sister Thorng Phanet. In their slide, they had mentioned
the law of traffic in Cambodia. In Cambodia, they have 2 such as roads with 2 traffic directions
and one traffic direction. There are many factors to cause traffic, during fast driving under
alcohol, using the phone, failure to understand traffic sign. These points can really cause traffic
if the driver doesn’t obey these rules. And to reduce traffic accidents in Cambodia, the people
should travel less, obey the traffic law, and drive with responsibility. Also, they also include
some sign of traffic that teach me some more of traffic lesson in Cambodia.
Apart from the traffic law, I also learned from another group. Their topic is bout
Law on spouse ‘property division. Their topic so interesting. I never know about this law
before. They include how the spouse divide their property when they divorce. They also
mention about the type of property such as common and separate property. Common property
refers to any property acquired during the marriage by one or both spouses. About separate
property is the property that belong to one of the spouses alone such as property held by spouse
prior to marriage, property acquired by gift, succession or testamentary gift and property
obtained as the consideration for disposing of property. These are the type of property.
Moreover, they also include how the spouse divide their property after divorce. There are three
factors to follow. First, the principle of Equity. Second, the principle of 50% each. And the
third one is household work is equaled to outside work. More than this they also talk about the
depts. For the depts, they divide it into three way. The dept before marriage, during marriage
and after divorce. For the dept before marriage are all the dept the dept that party has borrow
from the creditor must pay it back before marriage or after marriage. During marriage, if the
spouse has dept, they must help each other to pay that dept to those creditors by using common
property. And for after divorce, there are two point for respond. One for livelihood and another
one for advantage. So, these are all the points that I had learned from their presentation.
Furthermore, I also learn about ASEAN Law. The group provide many information
that I never known before. As I know ASEAN stand for The Association of Southeast Asian
Nations. That had 10 country as members. was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok,
Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by the Founding
Fathers of ASEAN: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. ASEAN is a
regional grouping that aims to promote economic and security cooperation among its ten
members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The declaration about human right of ASEAN is civil and
political right, general principle, the economic, social and cultural right, the working rights,
right to development, right to peace and cooperation in the promotion and protection of human
rights. These are the right in ASEAN that the group had mention. I will include the law in civil
and political right under ASEAN law. For every inherent person shall be protected by law. The
right of liberty and security. No person shall be held in servitude or slavery and no person shall
be subject to torture or to cruel treatment or punishment.
Since all the group presentation had done such a great job. I have no point for
disagree because they had presented it well. They also had reference and include it with many
information that can’t be disagree. They also mention that if I had any doubt, I can ask them
for instant. To be honest I had no disagreement for their topic since they choose it quite
interesting. Every speech that they include when they presenting are easy to understand. Their
teammate really builds a great work in every topic.
I also want to give some recommendation for them about the slide and how they
use their language in presenting. The group of traffic law will speak more English language
than Khmer. I know the topic is a bit though but I hope they will improve it more. Also, the
group of ASEAN law, they also done such a great job. But I hope they will include the most
specific about the law of ASEAN. It seems like they present about ASEAN in general more
than law of ASEAN. Anyway, it also a big help for me to witness this kind of knowledge. Also,
about the group that present of the law on spouse’s property division, I hope they include more
slide to be understandable for me. Their topic is interesting but it just little information that I
can know about that. I recommend them to add more information of their topic since their slide
a bit short.
There are several materials that help me for learning this course more effectively.
As study law, text book is the useful material that can help me to find more lesson in this
course. I can use it to find more lesson during this term. I also use library to do some research
about my presentation topic. Furthermore, computer also include in my study material. Since,
I use it for doing some research in online, making my slide presentation and making document
that include in this class assignment. To learn this course more effectively the student must
read more and do more in research. I hope I can get do some more research in this course since
the knowledge of law every student must learn about this. It will help them for the future if
they know how to learn this course more effectively.
In conclusion, this reflection had spoke many points of the class. For the group
presentation really help me a lot. In each of the group had give such a good information about
law, general knowledge that I never study before. I love how they group together and include
all their knowledge in one group to present in the class. As I had learned so far, I will stock the
lesson that I have learned to do in my daily life experience and use it wisely. I really appreciate
all their hard work during this class. Big respect for every student that try their best to present
all their topic. Thank you.

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