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A222 BIS4012 EST


Points: 29/35 Time: 28:20

Name: *

Siti Nur Hananni binti Salmin

Matric no: *


Class/Group *



Part A (Passage 1)

Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words
chosen from the list below the paragraph. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Over the past 100 years, the earth’s temperature has gone up by about 1 degree Fahrenheit.
Some scientists believe the warm temperatures are caused merely by a natural 1) _______ in
the earth climate pattern. Therefore, they believe the 2) _____ will ultimately reverse itself.
Other scientists, however, believe global warming could 3) _____ the earth's climate patterns
drastically. Dr James Hansen, a scientist at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, says the
rising temperatures are 4) _____ the build-up of carbon dioxide other greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere. As the number of greenhouse gases in the 5) _____ increases, so too does
the problem of global warming. Although many gases 6) _____ to the greenhouse effect,
carbon dioxide is the main culprit. Carbon dioxide is released into the air every time a 7)
_____, such as oil, coal and wood, is burned. Therefore, every time a car is driven, or a furnace
is stoked, the greenhouse effect is 8) ______ by that much more.

fossil fuel                           fluctuation                             caused by                   worsened

                  contribute                               trend                                 alter                           

Incorrect 0/1 Points

Question 1: Some scientists believe the warm temperatures are caused

merely by a natural _______ in the earth climate pattern. *


Correct answers: fluctuation

Incorrect 0/1 Points

Question 2: Therefore, they believe the _____ will ultimately reverse itself. *

Correct answers: trend

Correct 1/1 Points

Question 3: Other scientists, however, believe global warming could _____

the earth's climate patterns drastically. *


Correct 1/1 Points

Question 4: Dr James Hansen, a scientist at the Goddard Institute for Space

Studies, says the rising temperatures are _____ the build-up of carbon
dioxide other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. *

caused by

Correct 1/1 Points

Question 5: As the number of greenhouse gases in the _____ increases, so

too does the problem of global warming. *


Correct 1/1 Points


Question 6: Although many gases _____ to the greenhouse effect, carbon

dioxide is the main culprit. *


Correct 1/1 Points


Question 7: Carbon dioxide is released into the air every time a _____, such
as oil, coal and wood, is burned. *

fossil fuel

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 8: Therefore, every time a car is driven, or a furnace is stoked, the

greenhouse effect is ______ by that much more. *


Part A (Passage 2)

Read the following paragraphs and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words
chosen from the list below the paragraph. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Deforestation is also a 9) _____ to global warming. This 10) _____ the greenhouse effect in two
ways. Plants, trees and vegetation 11) _____ carbon dioxide in much the same way that
humans use oxygen. Therefore, as the rainforests disappear, there is less vegetation to
absorb the carbon dioxide 12) _____ by the millions of cars and factories on earth. Periodic
forest fires, whether unintentional or intentional, contributes to further 13) _____, and release
large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This phenomenon of global warming
has caused glaciers to melt, islands to drown, and certain species of wildlife to 14) _____. If
this phenomenon of global warming is left 15) _____, our most cherished natural environment
will soon cease to exist, and we are part of the problem.

exacerbates                            unchecked                              vanish

                           produced                         deforestation                         consume                 

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 9: Deforestation is also a _____ to global warming. *


Correct 1/1 Points


Question 10: This _____ the greenhouse effect in two ways. *


Correct 1/1 Points


Question 11: Plants, trees and vegetation _____ carbon dioxide in much the
same way that humans use oxygen. *


Correct 1/1 Points


Question 12: Therefore, as the rainforests disappear, there is less vegetation

to absorb the carbon dioxide _____ by the millions of cars and factories on
earth. *


Correct 1/1 Points


Question 13: Periodic forest fires, whether unintentional or intentional,

contributes to further _____, and release large amounts of carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere. *


Correct 1/1 Points


Question 14: This phenomenon of global warming has caused glaciers to

melt, islands to drown, and certain species of wildlife to _____. *


Correct 1/1 Points


Question 15: If this phenomenon of global warming is left _____, our most
cherished natural environment will soon cease to exist, and we are part of
the problem. *

Part B 

Read the following sentences and choose the options that show the right error-correction

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 16: Genetic modification is a special set of gene technology that

altered the genetic machinery of such living organisms as animals, plants or
microorganisms. *

is - was

altered - alter

altered - alters

No error

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 17: Globally, the value and impact of genetically engineered food
crops has become subjects of intense debate, provoking reactions from
unbridled optimism to fervent political opposition. *

has become - has becoming

has become - have become

provoking - is provoking

to provoke

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 18: The engineered organisms scientists produce by transferring

genes between species is called transgenic. *

produce - producing

transferring - transfer

transferring - transferred

is called - are called

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 19: In the 1980s a postdoctoral researcher was involved in a

chemical explosion in a laboratory. *

was involved - is involved

was involved - involved

was involved - involving

No error

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 20: He inappropriately mix a strong oxidizing acid (nitric acid) with
organic solvents inside a waste container within a fume hood. *

mix - is mixing

mix - was mixing

mix - mixed

No error

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 21: He walking away from the hood when the reaction mixture
exploded causing a flash fire within the hood. *

walking - was walking

walking - walked

exploded - exploding

exploded - was exploded

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 22: There could have been injuries if others had been in the
immediate vicinity. *

have been - had been

have been - has beed

had been - were

No error

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 23: While health insurance offers paid-for healthcare treatment,

life insurance can help minimise the financial impact that your death could
had on your loved ones. *

offers - offer

offers - offering

can help - can be helped

could had - could have

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 24: A terrible insurance fraud happened in 2018 when a woman

stealing identities of addicts to claim over $175 million for health insurance.

happened - happenning

happened - happens

stealing - stole

stealing - steals

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 25: An example of car insurance fraud is people selling their cars
to chop shops to get the money for parts and then claiming the car stolen. *

is - was
selling - sold

claiming - are claiming

stolen - was stolen

Part C 

Questions 26 to 35 is based on the information in the above graph. Fill in the blanks with the
correct options. 

The graph shows the (Q.26) ______ in the number of people at a London underground station
over the course of a day.

The busiest time of the day is in the morning. There is a (Q.27) ______  between 06:00 and
08:00, with 400 people using the station at 8 o’clock. After this the numbers (Q.28) ______ to
less than 200 at 10 o’clock. Between 11 am and 3 pm the number (Q.29) ______ , with a (Q.30)
______ of just under 300 people using the station.

In the afternoon, numbers (Q.31) ______, with less than 100 using the station at 4 pm. There is
then a (Q.32) ______ to a (Q.33) ______ of 380 at 6pm. After 7 pm, numbers fall (Q.34)
______, with only a (Q.35) ______ again at 8pm, tailing off after 9 pm.

Overall, the graph shows that the station is most crowded in the early morning and early
evening periods.
Will be reviewed


Question 26: The graph shows the ______ in the number of people at a

London underground station over the course of a day. *




Correct 1/1 Points


Question 27: The busiest time of the day is in the morning. There is

a ______  between 06:00 and 08:00 *

sharp increase

gradual rise

steep decrease

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Question 28: After this the numbers ______ to less than 200 at 10 o’clock. *

drop steadily

drop quickly
fluactuate steeply

Incorrect 0/1 Points


Question 29: Between 11 am and 3 pm the number ______ , *

goes down



Correct 1/1 Points


Question 30: ...with a ______  of just under 300 people using the station. *




Incorrect 0/1 Points


Question 31: In the afternoon, numbers ______ , with less than 100 using the
station at 4 pm.  *



Correct 1/1 Points


Question 32:T here is then a ______ ... *

rapid rise

rapid drop

steady rise

Correct 1/1 Points


Question 33: ... to a ______ of 380 at 6pm.  *




Correct 1/1 Points


Question 34: After 7 pm, numbers fall ______ ,  *



Correct 1/1 Points


Question 35: ... with only a ______ again at 8pm, tailing off after 9 pm. *

considerable increase

significant decrease

slight increase

End of practice test

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