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Assembly and maintenance instructions Version: MS 11 16 TVA/E

“Cooling Tower”
TVA Series Revision: 01
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- translation of the original instructions -


DECSA S.r.l.
Via Cappelletta, 1 -27058, Voghera (PV) Italia

Phone +39 0383 69411

Fax +39 0383 62244
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Assembly and maintenance instructions Version: MS 11 16 TVA/E
“Cooling Tower”
TVA Series Revision: 01
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1 GENERAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 11

1.1 Manufacturer’s details ...................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Manual identification data ................................................................................................................ 11
1.3 Identification data of Cooling Tower ................................................................................................. 11
1.4 Instructions for customer care intervention request ......................................................................... 12
1.5 Instructions for spare part request ................................................................................................... 12
1.6 Function of Cooling Tower ............................................................................................................... 13
1.7 Intended use of the Cooling Tower .................................................................................................. 13
1.8 Non-intended uses ........................................................................................................................... 14
1.9 Safety provisions .............................................................................................................................. 14
1.10 Disclaimer ......................................................................................................................................... 14
1.11 Warranty ........................................................................................................................................... 15

2 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................... 16
2.1 General information .......................................................................................................................... 16
2.2 Directives and Harmonised Standards ............................................................................................. 17
2.3 Definitions and main theoretical principles ....................................................................................... 18
2.4 General description of DECSA TVA series Cooling Towers ............................................................ 21
2.5 Technical features of TVA Cooling Towers ...................................................................................... 22
2.5.1 Containment casing .......................................................................................................... 24
2.5.2 Water collection basin ....................................................................................................... 27
2.5.3 Fan protection grids .......................................................................................................... 28
2.5.4 Axial fans .......................................................................................................................... 29
2.5.5 Evaporative wet deck fill ................................................................................................... 30
2.5.6 Water distribution system and spraying nozzles .............................................................. 31
2.5.7 Drift eliminators ................................................................................................................. 32
2.6 Operating principle ........................................................................................................................... 33
2.7 Overall dimensions per model .......................................................................................................... 35
2.8 Technical data per model ................................................................................................................. 44

3 SAFETY ................................................................................................................................................... 54
3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 54
3.2 Duties of the Safety Officer .............................................................................................................. 55
3.3 Duties of personnel that interact with the Cooling Tower................................................................. 55
3.4 Safety solutions adopted: general remarks ...................................................................................... 56
3.5 Nature of potential hazards .............................................................................................................. 58
3.5.1 Potential shock hazard...................................................................................................... 59
3.5.2 Potential risk deriving from interference with other electric devices ................................. 59
3.5.3 Potential exposure to lightning hazard.............................................................................. 60
3.5.4 Potential risk of crushing and shearing of the upper limbs ............................................... 60
3.5.5 Potential risk of dragging .................................................................................................. 60
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3.5.6 Potential risk of cutting and abrasion ................................................................................ 60

3.5.7 Potential risk of microbiological contamination ................................................................. 61
3.5.8 Potential risk of falling from heights, for the maintenance operator ................................. 61
3.6 Residual risks and behavioural rules ............................................................................................... 62
3.7 Access procedures ........................................................................................................................... 65
3.8 Lighting of the installation area ........................................................................................................ 66
3.9 Operator's workplace ....................................................................................................................... 66
3.10 Warning plates ................................................................................................................................. 67

4 HANDLING AND TRANSPORTATION .................................................................................................. 71

4.1 Handling the components of the Cooling tower ............................................................................... 71
4.2 Lifting and handling towards the transportation vehicle ................................................................... 72

5 INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................................... 77
5.1 Localisation: general guidelines ....................................................................................................... 77
5.2 Free air circulation ............................................................................................................................ 79
5.3 Mist formation ................................................................................................................................... 82
5.4 Resting surface ................................................................................................................................ 84
5.5 Unloading from the transportation vehicle........................................................................................ 86
5.6 Assembly of the modules ................................................................................................................. 87
5.6.1 Fixing of the upper module to the lower module ............................................................... 87
5.6.2 Assembling ladders and walkways (optional group) ......................................................... 92
5.6.3 Electric and water connections ......................................................................................... 93
5.7 Sealing leaks .................................................................................................................................... 94
5.8 Water connection ............................................................................................................................. 95
5.9 Electric power supply line ................................................................................................................. 96
5.10 Connecting the motors ..................................................................................................................... 98

6 USE AND ADJUSTMENT ....................................................................................................................... 99

6.1 Commissioning ................................................................................................................................. 99
6.1.1 Before ignition of the fan motors and inlet of water .......................................................... 99
6.1.2 Water inlet into the basin ................................................................................................ 100
6.1.3 Starting the fans .............................................................................................................. 101
6.2 Seasonal start-up ........................................................................................................................... 102
6.3 After 24 hours of ordinary operation with system loaded ............................................................... 104
6.4 Start-up after a seasonal period of pause (< 6 months) ................................................................ 105
6.5 Control panel .................................................................................................................................. 106

7 CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................ 107

7.1 Frequency of interventions ............................................................................................................. 107
7.1.1 Washing the water collection basin and water filter ........................................................ 108
7.1.2 Vibration checking........................................................................................................... 109
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7.1.3 Nozzle inspection ............................................................................................................ 110

7.1.4 Inspection of evaporative wet deck fill ............................................................................ 111
7.1.5 Checking bleed water ..................................................................................................... 112
7.1.6 Regular activation of fan and water recirculation pump.................................................. 113
7.1.7 Adjustment of valve and water level ............................................................................... 114
7.1.8 Emptying the basin ......................................................................................................... 115
7.2 Lubrication of the motor ................................................................................................................. 116
7.3 Illustrated spare parts list ............................................................................................................... 117
7.3.1 Drift eliminators ............................................................................................................... 118
7.3.2 Nozzle header gasket ..................................................................................................... 119
7.3.3 Nozzle header and spraying nozzles .............................................................................. 120
7.3.4 Air inlet grids ................................................................................................................... 121

8 TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................................................................... 122

9 DISMANTLING ...................................................................................................................................... 124
10 ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................................................... 126
10.1 Accessory list ................................................................................................................................. 126
10.1.1 Accessories for the motor ............................................................................................... 127
10.1.2 Antifreeze heater............................................................................................................. 128
10.1.3 Heating mesh .................................................................................................................. 128
10.1.4 ON/OFF switch ............................................................................................................... 129
10.1.5 Junction box .................................................................................................................... 129
10.1.6 Level check device.......................................................................................................... 130
10.1.7 Vibration switch ............................................................................................................... 131
10.1.8 Water automatic bleed .................................................................................................... 131
10.1.9 Water treatment system .................................................................................................. 132
10.1.10 Axilent and Axilent Plus fans .......................................................................................... 133
10.1.11 Walkway and access ladder ........................................................................................... 134
10.1.12 Control panel ................................................................................................................... 135

11 ANNEXES .............................................................................................................................................. 138

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Before carrying out any operation on or with the Cooling Tower, all the instructions, procedures and
warnings described in this Instruction Manual must be read and understood.



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The Cooling Tower of the TVA series is partly completed machinery because it is supplied without an electric
power supply circuit and without electrical control and safety devices.
Therefore, this assembly and maintenance manual does not include the instructions for use (description of
machinery controls); it includes exclusively the directions for a proper installation and use.
The realization of the electrical and water systems in compliance with the standards in force in the country of
installation are to be accomplished by the Purchaser, as well as the connection of the partly completed
machinery itself to the power sources by equipping it with suitable control and safety devices.
The use of the Cooling Tower before its incorporation into the plant of destination and consequent
CE certification is forbidden.
The Purchaser shall also arrange the subsequent drawing up of the documentation to be enclosed in the
present Manual in order to provide the assigned staff with the instructions for a correct use of the Cooling

Correct installation and subsequent good operation of the TVA series Cooling Tower will depend on the
scrupulous and sensible observation of the instructions laid out in the present document.
DECSA S.r.l. owns all intellectual property rights in the content of this Manual. Any reproduction thereof, in
whole or in part, is prohibited without the prior written permission of DECSA S.r.l.
DECSA S.r.l. reserves the right to modify, with no prior notice, the characteristics of the Cooling Tower
presented in this document.


The information included in the present Manual aims at providing operating instructions for the Cooling
Towers belonging to the TVA series as intended by the proposed project. It also aims at providing
instructions relevant to transportation, handling, installation, commissioning, adjustment and use, training of
personnel, safety, maintenance interventions, ordering spare parts, and troubleshooting if any operational
failures should arise with the TVA series Cooling Towers. The main technical characteristics of the individual
models manufactured by DECSA S.r.l. are also outlined.
However, in terms of conditions of use, risk assessment and accident prevention, the content of the Manual
cannot be a substitute for the users’ experience.

Before operating the Cooling Tower, read carefully these instructions and strictly follow
It is mandatory for operators and maintenance personnel to read and understand all the
instructions contained within this Manual.
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 The Person in charge of installation and first commissioning of the Cooling Tower
 The Production or Factory supervisor
 The Safety Manager
 The Operator of the Cooling Tower
 The maintenance technicians

In this Manual, the word “Purchaser” refers to the natural or juridical person that has possession of one
Cooling Tower of the series TVA and/or has the power to take decisions with regard to its actual utilization.


The present Manual must be kept together with the Cooling Tower for its entire life cycle, even in case of
conveyance or sale to third parties.
For a proper safekeeping, please keep the manual in a protected and dry place, sheltered from dust and
sunbeams. A copy of this Manual should be made available to the operator and the maintenance technician.
Do not remove, add or modify any part of the Manual: only the Manufacturer is entitled to make any


The Manufacturer declares that this Manual reflects the status of technology at the time of selling the TVA
series Cooling Tower, and it cannot be considered inadequate after subsequent updates made on the basis
of newly acquired information.
The Manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the production and relevant documentation, without
being bound to make changes to the previous production and Manuals, except in exceptional cases relating
to the health and safety of persons and property.
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This instruction manual consists of 11 chapters, each relating to a specific topic:
 Chapter 1 ⇒ General information
 Chapter 2 ⇒ Technical description and operating principle
 Chapter 3 ⇒ Safety regulations, prescriptions and prohibitions to be observed, residual and
potential risks
 Chapter 4 ⇒ Handling and transport
 Chapter 5 ⇒ Installation
 Chapter 6 ⇒ Use and adjustment of Cooling Towers.
 Chapter 7 ⇒ List of maintenance and cleaning interventions
 Chapter 8 ⇒ Troubleshooting
 Chapter 9 ⇒ Dismantling of the Cooling Tower at the end of its life cycle
 Chapter 10 ⇒ List of optional accessories to be installed on the Cooling Tower
 Chapter 11 ⇒ Annexes to the Instruction Manual (to be considered as an integral part of the manual

The upper part of the page includes the information to identify the Instruction Manual.

Warnings and pieces of information have each been inserted within the most appropriate section and
are not repeated elsewhere. For this reason, the manual must be read first entirely and in sequence,
from beginning to end, and all such information must be understood and kept in mind. Afterwards,
only the required paragraphs can be referred to.
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The graphical symbols used in this manual to point out precautions or warnings that must be observed are:

It is MANDATORY to carry out the operations and/or comply with the actions marked by this

It is PROHIBITED to carry out the operations and/or pursue the actions marked by this

It indicates an action or behaviour likely to cause damage to property or persons.

This highlights important information which must be read with the utmost attention.

Hereunder is a list of the graphic symbols used in this manual in order to make reading easier, and
understanding of certain significant parts of the text more immediate. Each symbol (ISO 7000) is identified by
its related image, code number and meaning.




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The following enclosures are integral parts of the manual [ Chapter 11 – ANNEXES]:
 Layout
 Foundation drawing or Bearing Points drawing
 Wiring diagram
 Water diagram
 Documentation concerning the main trade parts

A detailed list of the documentation supplied with the machinery is enclosed with the
“Consignment Letter”. We recommend to sign the appropriate copy as a receipt of
consignment and to send it as soon as possible to DECSA s.r.l. - Documentation
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1.1 Manufacturer’s details

DECSA S.r.l.

Via Cappelletta, 1 – 27058, Voghera (PV) Italia

Phone +39 0383 69411

Fax +39 0383 62244


1.2 Manual identification data

The identification code of this Manual is featured on the header of each page: this code is required when
purchasing additional copies of the Manual.

1.3 Identification data of Cooling Tower

A plate fixed by DECSA S.r.l. to each Cooling Tower of the series TVA features the identification data:

The Purchaser of the Cooling Tower must make sure the plate is never removed from the
Cooling Tower and the featured data are always clearly legible.
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1.4 Instructions for customer care intervention request

For any and all information relevant to:

 use
 maintenance
 installation
you can contact DECSA After Sales Service:

DECSA S.r.l.

Servizio di Assistenza Tecnica

Via Cappelletta, 1 – 27058, Voghera (PV) Italia

Phone +39 0383 69411

Fax +39 0383 62244


Any inquiry or request for assistance submitted to the After Sales Service must indicate the
data featured on the Cooling Tower identification plate.
( Section 1.3 - Identification data of Cooling Tower)

1.5 Instructions for spare part request

The parts subject to normal wear and tear require periodic replacement. Whenever ordering spare parts,
make sure they can be clearly identified by submitting the relevant info, such as: code number featured in
the diagrams, ID data featured on the physical label, any reference code mentioned in this Instruction
Manual, etc.

Requests must be sent to:

DECSA S.r.l.

Ufficio Ricambi

Via Cappelletta, 1 – 27058, Voghera (PV) Italia

Phone +39 0383 69411

Fax +39 0383 62244


To maintain the safety conditions expected by the Manufacturer, ORIGINAL spare parts
must be purchased at all times.
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1.6 Function of Cooling Tower

The partly completed machinery named “COOLING TOWER” of the series TVA has been designed and
constructed for performing the following function:
Cooling of water by means of air flow from axial fans, according to the data specifically confirmed in
the Purchase Order by the Buyer and included in Section 2.8 – Technical data per model.

1.7 Intended use of the Cooling Tower

The Manufacturer’s intended use is that defined as “Cooling Tower function”, with the performance,
characteristics, and limitation details listed in Chapter 2 - TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION and according to the
use, adjustment, maintenance and cleaning procedures described in the present Manual.

In detail:
 The features regarding the electric and water supplies must remain constant through time.
 The performance values for each model of the series TVA (flows, maximum and minimum
temperatures, pressures, etc.) shall be observed.
 All the provisions concerning the safety of persons and Cooling Tower must be strictly observed. Always
comply with both the procedures described in this Manual and the safety provisions of the directives and
standards in force in the Country where the machinery is installed.

Should that not be the case, the Purchaser shall be charged with both civil and criminal liability in relation to
any improper use whatsoever.
All uses which are not specifically described herein are to be considered INCORRECT USES.
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1.8 Non-intended uses

Any use of the Cooling Tower not described in this Manual must be regarded as “not intended” by the
Manufacturer. In particular, the requirements of ATEX Directive have not been complied with and for
this reason it is forbidden to operate the machinery in environments where there is the risk of
explosion and/or fire.
In particular, the Cooling Tower must not be used if the guards provided by the Manufacturer are not in
place, or if the safety devices are not installed, not connected, not adjusted, deliberately excluded, or
otherwise inefficient.

1.9 Safety provisions

All general information concerning safety and accident prevention has been collected in Chapter 3 -
SAFETY. The information refers to the use, installation, cleaning and maintenance of the machinery.
The general safety provisions are not repeated in any of the other chapters; therefore, before carrying out
any operations, make sure you fully understand them.
Please do not hesitate to read them again or contact DECSA After Sales Service if you are in doubt.

1.10 Disclaimer

DECSA S.r.l. declines any liability arising from the misuse or not reasonably foreseeable use of the
Cooling Tower, use of non-genuine spare parts and from any modification or tampering whatsoever
(mechanical, electrical, electronic parts and safety components).

The responsibility for scrupulous application of the safety provisions lies with the Head of the Prevention and
Protection Service(1) (Italy) or a similar professional figure provided by the laws in force in the country where
the Cooling Tower is to be installed. The Head of the Prevention and Protection Service must also make
sure that the personnel entrusted with the use of the Cooling Tower hold the qualifications to carry out the
required task, are knowledgeable about the instructions described in this Manual and about the general
safety provisions applicable to the Cooling Tower of the series TVA.

Failure to observe the safety rules may cause personal injury and may damage components
of your Cooling Tower.

(1) RSPP, in Italian stands for Head of the Prevention and Protection Service; it refers to the health and safety professional (safety
officer) appointed by the Employer to manage and coordinate the prevention and protection service (SPP), which consists in the
people, the systems and the equipment inside or outside the company, all having the purpose of preventing and protecting the
workers against risks in the workplace (art. 2 lett. l of D.Lgs. 81/2008 - Italian law).
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1.11 Warranty

The warranty is valid for 12 months as from the date of commissioning of the Cooling Tower, and, in any
case, for not over 18 months from date of shipment. The warranty is valid only if the defects will be
communicated to DECSA S.r.l. within 8 days from the date of discovery. The warranty is limited to any
defective parts ex-works of the Supplier and is subject to the acknowledgement of the defect by the Supplier
or an authorized After Sales service centre. Any expenses relating to disassembly, reassembly and shipment
will be charged to the Purchaser. Any defective parts will be replaced and/or repaired by the Supplier, who
will be relieved of any further liability; the Purchaser waives any and all damage or expenses claims, with this
including the expenses arising from impossibility to use the equipment for the time required for the repairing
of the defective parts.
The warranty is not applicable:
 to those parts that are subject to normal wear
 if the faults are ascribable or mainly ascribable to:
• improper use of the equipment
• modifications or repairs performed by the Buyer
• use of improper lubricants
• equipment overload of work
• incorrect installation of equipment
• other similar cases

The electric motors are not covered by the warranty in case of faults caused by voltage variations, unless the
Purchaser can demonstrate the necessary precautions have been taken in order to avoid this possibility.

The Supplier owns the defective parts that have been replaced.

The warranty is applicable only if the Purchaser has isolated the Cooling Tower as soon as the damage has
been detected.

The warranty and DECSA S.r.l. liability shall lapse in case any modification or tampering whatsoever
is carried out on the Cooling Tower or in the event of misuse.
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2.1 General information

The technical description of the main components of the Cooling Towers of the series TVA has been set out
in this chapter in a deliberately simple form, in order to provide operators and maintenance technicians with
the technical knowledge of those parts they will have to interact with for a proper and safe use and

The documentation provided by the Suppliers of commercial parts has been attached to the present
Instruction Manual: in order to acquire a complete and overall view of the technical aspects of the Cooling
Tower, also said documentation should be referred to and carefully read.
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2.2 Directives and Harmonised Standards

The Cooling Tower has been designed and built to be incorporated in a plant in which it will be used to cool
process water by means of a current of air blown by axial fans.
The Cooling Towers of the series TVA have been designed and constructed in compliance with the following
directives and harmonised standards:

2006/42/EC Machinery Directive Annex I – Points:
- 1.1.1; 1.1.2; 1.1.3; 1.1.5
- 1.3.1; 1.3.2; 1.3.3; 1.3.4; 1.3.7; 1.3.8; 1.3.9
- 1.4.1;; 1.4.3
- 1.5.1; 1.5.2; 1.5.10; 1.5.13; 1.5.15; 1.5.16
- 1.6.1; 1.6.2; 1.6.4; 1.6.5
- 1.7.1 General part; 1.7.2; 1.7.3; 1.7.4

2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive

2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive


UNI EN ISO 14120: 2015 Safety of machinery - Guards - General requirements for the design and
construction of fixed and movable guards

UNI EN ISO 12100: 2010 Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment and
risk reduction

UNI EN ISO 13850: 2015 Safety of machinery - Emergency stop function - Principles for design

UNI EN ISO 13857: 2008 Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being
reached by upper and lower limbs

CEI EN 60204/1 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines

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2.3 Definitions and main theoretical principles

The main theoretical principles of the plan and some definitions mentioned in the Instruction
Manual are included in this section in order to make understanding of the text more

The wet-bulb temperature is the temperature of water under equilibrium conditions of convective exchange
with air in turbulent flow fully developed.
Absolute humidity is determined by both wet-bulb temperature and dry-bulb temperature.

Absolute humidity “X” can be calculated by dividing the mass of vapour by the mass of dry air in a mixture of
dry air and water vapour. Specifically, it indicates the mass (kg) of water vapour present in 1 kg of dry air
under a given condition of temperature and relative humidity.

Relative humidity “UR” is used for measuring the humidity present in the air. It is defined as the ratio of the
partial pressure of the water vapour in the gaseous mixture of air and water vapour to the saturated vapour
pressure, (expressed as a percentage). A relative humidity of 100% indicates that the gaseous mixture
contains the maximum quantity of possible humidity for the given temperature and pressure conditions.
Relative humidity can also be defined as “the quantity of water vapour present in the air in proportion to the
saturation point”.
The vapour quantity that can be contained by an air mass decreases when the temperature decreases: it
becomes nil at -40 °C (= 233.15 K).


Latent heat (associated with a thermodynamic process) is the quantity of thermal energy necessary for the
phase transition (or state of matter change). For the transition from the liquid phase to the gaseous phase,
the necessary heat is the latent heat of evaporation (for H2O it corresponds to about 600 kcal/kg = 2.4
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A Cooling Tower is a gas-liquid heat exchanger in which thermal energy is released from the liquid phase to
the gaseous phase, thereby reducing the temperature of the liquid. In most cases, the gaseous phase is
made up of air or water vapour and the liquid phase of water of various types. Heat exchange can be
obtained by means of:
 contact between the phases ⇒ Cooling Tower
 surface in a tube heat exchanger, plate heat exchanger or other ⇒ Cooling Coil.

There are different types of Cooling Towers:

 induced draft, with induced draft fans
 forced draft, with forced draft fans
 counterflow, with countercurrent of water and air
 crossflow, with crossflow of air and water
but all of them work based on the same principle.

The most used type is the counterflow Cooling Tower (forced draft or induced draft), which ensures greater
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The Cooling Tower has a greater efficiency compared to a traditional radiator as the direct thermal exchange
causes water evaporation and makes it possible to use the latent heat of evaporation.
The reference parameter is not the ambient temperature, but the wet-bulb ambient temperature, i.e. the
temperature that can be determined from the ambient temperature and the relative humidity thanks to a
psychrometric chart.
The wet-bulb temperature is usually about 4÷6 °C (or more) lower than the ambient temperature: a Cooling
Tower allows cooling water at a lower temperature than the ambient temperature.
The use of the latent heat of evaporation greatly increases the efficiency, on the average, for every kg of
water that evaporates there is a thermal loss of 600 kcal/h (average value). From the analysis of this
process, it can obviously be assumed that a Cooling Tower consumes water: its circuit is therefore an “open
circuit” as there is a constant consumption of water, connected to the dissipated thermal power.

It is the mass of air suctioned by the fans and then conveyed into the Cooling Tower.

Exhaust air is the mass of air which, after having been in contact with the water to be cooled, by absorbing
part of its thermal energy and collecting part of the evaporated water, is rejected into the environment.
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2.4 General description of DECSA TVA series Cooling Towers

Among the most interesting solutions adopted for TVA series Cooling Towers are the following:

The maximum depth of the majority of the TVA series Cooling Towers, as it is ≤ 2.30 m, excludes the
necessity to employ exceptional vehicles for transportation of oversized items, as it is within the maximum
dimensions for transportation with ordinary vehicles. These models may be transported already assembled,
using ordinary and not low-floor trucks. On the other hand, some models presenting higher depth than the
ordinary dimensions (maximum depth = 2.98 m), require transportation with special vehicles, with no need to
be escorted. To carry out transportation it is necessary to reduce the Cooling Tower height, therefore it is
divided into two modules: the “basin section” alone makes up the lower module, the “fan section” and
“exchange section” make up the upper module.
Also for sea shipment transportation the dimensions of the TVA series Cooling Towers do not create any
particular problems: the majority of models may be included into an ordinary container, whereas the models
presenting larger dimensions are divided into various modules, thus eliminating any transportation problems.

Further information Chapter 4 - HANDLING AND TRANSPORTATION

Besides designing and accomplishing a Cooling Tower of optimum performance, other important objectives
of the present project were also achieved:
 the equipment presents easy maintenance characteristics
 specific functional features have been adopted (for example: inspection openings)
 protection of metal parts from internal and external corrosive agents
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2.5 Technical features of TVA Cooling Towers

The main components of all the TVA series Cooling Towers are shown in the images reproduced in this and
the following pages:

F 2.1 - Components of TVA series Cooling Towers (sample image)

1. Containment casing
2. Motor for fan rotation
3. Axial fan
4. Water collection basin
5. Air suction from the external environment

The main components remain the same for all the Cooling Tower models, whereas the number of fans varies (from “1” to “3”)
according to the model purchased ( section “2.8 – Technical data per model”).
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F 2.2 - Position of drift eliminators (sample image)

1. Drift eliminator position

2. Drift eliminator
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2.5.1 Containment casing

The external containment casing is a self-supporting fibreglass monocoque structure, but the models
presenting larger dimensions have an internal supporting structure made of galvanized steel with external
fibreglass panels. All the panels have reinforced edges to make the unit sturdier and are assembled with
bolts. Tightness between panels is ensured by an adequate sealant which maintains its permanent elasticity.

F 2.3 - Containment casing: detail (sample image)

1. Galvanized bolts
2. Panel reinforcing edges

To prevent problems deriving from the water circulating within the Cooling Tower, a stainless steel internal
supporting structure can be required.
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In the image that follows a sectional view is provided of the superficial internal and external treatments:

1 External surface
2 Internal surface

The various models of Cooling Towers covered by this manual are not given the DECSAPROT protective
treatment unless specifically agreed in the supply contract.
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When observing the right and the rear side of the Cooling Tower, the headers for connection to the water
lines and the hole for insertion of the electric immersion heater can be seen, the function of which is to
ensure that the temperature of the cooled-down water does not fall below the freezing value.

F 2.4 – Right side (with respect to the operator side) – Sample image

1. Bottom drain
2. Overflow
3. Water make-up
(maximum pressure 2 bar)
4. Cooled water outlet
5. Inlet of water to be cooled

The image above illustrates an example of flanges already assembled and ready to be connected to the

Further information:
Please refer to the specific drawing (enclosed) relevant to the TVA series Cooling Tower.
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2.5.2 Water collection basin

The water collection basin at the bottom of the module consists of fibreglass panels, assembled with
galvanized bolts. Between the panels there is a strip of butyl rubber; subsequently the joints are sealed with
appropriate silicone. The basin is complete with connections for make-up water intake, for the overflow and
the drain. There is a by-pass between the supply pipe to the water distribution system and the overflow, to
enable continuous draining of part of the water for cooling down the Towers, thus ensuring control of salt
concentration in the circuit.

In the following image the “basin section” is pointed out with a red arrow.

F 2.5 – Basin section (sample image)

When installing the Cooling Tower, it is possible to apply a manual valve onto the drain, which enables
complete drainage of the water present in the basin, making it possible to carry out maintenance and
cleaning operations, as well as shutdown of the system at certain periods of the year.
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2.5.3 Fan protection grids

The area for air discharge into the environment is protected by grids which prevent accidental contact with
the axial fans.
These grids are considered “fixed guards” [definition taken from the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC:
section 3.4] and are therefore kept in place by mechanical fastening devices (screws) and are not fitted with
a safety micro-switch: they must never be removed when the Cooling Tower is in operation.
The number of protection grids varies according to the number of fans installed on each model of Cooling
Tower ( Section 2.8 - Technical data per model).

F 2.6 - Fixed guards: protection grids (sample image)

1. Protection grids
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2.5.4 Axial fans

For air circulation appropriate axial fans are used (in variable number according to the Cooling Tower
model), each one equipped with its own drive motor.

F 2.7 - Upper module: axial fan and motor (sample image)

1. Axial fan
2. Motor
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2.5.5 Evaporative wet deck fill

The evaporative wet deck fill consists of a PVC honeycomb structure composed of modules mounted on a
metal supporting frame. The honeycomb structure with vertical grooves ensures a low pressure drop in the
air flow and eliminates the possibility of stagnant water. The wet deck fill is suitable to temperatures below 60
°C, resistant to decomposition from biological or fungal attack, and is self-extinguishing.

F 2.8 - Evaporative wet deck fill

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2.5.6 Water distribution system and spraying nozzles

The cooling water is conveyed inside the Tower by a distribution system consisting of polypropylene pipes
and of nozzles made with a special rubber compound (EPDM). These nozzles do not require any gasket and
may be removed and re-applied without the use of any tool, thus making it easy to carry out any required
maintenance interventions. Thanks to the dimension of the water outlet hole, the nozzles cannot become

F 2.9 – Water distribution system

1. Evaporative wet deck fill

2. Pipe for distribution of water to be cooled
3. Nozzles for spraying water on the evaporative wet deck fill

Water pressure onto the nozzles Section 2.8- Technical data per model
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2.5.7 Drift eliminators

The drift eliminators consist of thermoformed and appropriately assembled PVC layers, to form a honeycomb
structure, the function of which is to prevent the air flow inside the Cooling Tower from dragging water drops
towards the exterior. The drift eliminators are assembled between the water distribution system and the fans.
The geometry of the channels ensures low pressure drops.

F 2.10 – Drift eliminators (sample image)

1. Drift eliminator position

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2.6 Operating principle

The Cooling Towers for air-conditioning are normally chosen according to the standard water temperature:
conventionally a tower water inlet temperature of 35 °C and an outlet temperature of 30 °C are assumed.
The temperature differential is thus 5 °C. In any case, the minimum water outlet temperature will never be
less than the wet-bulb temperature of the outside air plus 2÷3 °C. The tower is chosen in reference to the
thermal power to be dissipated and the external design wet-bulb temperature. In this regard, it is, however,
necessary to also consider possible brief increases in temperature that may occur in the summer, in the
period of maximum cooling demand. To prevent a risk of overload of the refrigeration groups, the choice of a
Cooling Tower is usually made for a wet-bulb temperature of approximately 2 °C higher than the designed
one, relative to the place of installation. This feature, besides preventing overload conditions, enables
reduced consumption of energy in the refrigeration group.
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The diagram shows the functional areas of the Cooling Tower, with a brief description of their function.

1. Inlet of cold air into the Cooling Tower, suctioned from the external environment.

2. Wet deck fill: area in which thermal exchange between hot water and cold air + sprayed cold water takes

3. Drift eliminators: small water drops transported by the mass of hot air are recovered and made to fall back
into the Cooling Tower.

4. Axial fans and release of hot air and water vapour into the environment.
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2.7 Overall dimensions per model

In the tables that follow, the overall approximate dimensions of the TVA series Cooling Towers are featured.
In detail, for each model the following data are listed:
- Model
- Height of evaporative wet deck fill
- Overall dimensions (depth “A”, width “B” and total height “H”)

Overall dimensions

Height of wet deck

A (width) B (depth) H (height)
TVA model fill
[mm] [mm] [mm]
10-10 300 910 910 2440
10-12 600 910 910 2440
10-15 750 910 910 2440
10-19 300 1190 1190 2650
10-21 60 1190 1190 2650
10-25 900 1190 1190 2650
10-31 300 1800 1500 2900
10-36 300 1800 1500 2900
10-42 600 1800 1500 2900
10-46 900 1800 1500 2900
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Overall dimensions

Height of wet deck

A (width) B (depth) H (height)
TVA model fill
[mm] [mm] [mm]
11-62S 300 2470 2170 4000
11-78 600 2470 2170 4000
11-90 600 2470 2170 4000
11-96 900 2470 2170 4000
11-94S 300 3670 2170 4000
11-126 600 3670 2170 4000
11-138 600 3670 2170 4000
11-152 900 3670 2170 4000
14-86S 300 3670 2470 4850
14-104S 600 3670 2470 4850
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Overall dimensions

Height of wet deck

A (width) B (depth) H (height)
TVA model fill
[mm] [mm] [mm]
14-116 600 2770 2470 4250
14-124S 750 2770 2470 4850
14-124 750 2770 2470 4250
14-134S 900 2770 2470 4850
14-134 900 2770 2470 4250
14-105S 300 3670 2470 4850
14-112S 300 3670 2470 4850
14-144 600 3670 2470 4850
14-149 600 3670 2470 4250
14-161S 750 3670 2470 4850
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Overall dimensions

Height of wet deck

A (width) B (depth) H (height)
TVA model fill
[mm] [mm] [mm]
14-171S 900 3670 2470 4850
14-171 900 3670 2470 4250
14-183 900 3670 2470 4850
19-127S 300 3670 2970 4850
19-142 300 3670 2970 4850
19-180 600 3670 2970 4850
19-202 600 3670 2970 4850
19-216 900 3670 2970 4850
19-179S 300 4870 2970 4850
19-233 600 4870 2970 4850
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Overall dimensions

Height of wet deck

A (width) B (depth) H (height)
TVA model fill
[mm] [mm] [mm]
19-253 750 4870 2970 4850
19-281 900 4870 2970 4850
19-196S 300 5470 2970 4850
19-207 300 5470 2970 4850
19-271 600 5470 2970 4850
19-292 750 5470 2970 4850
19-304 900 5470 2970 4850
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Overall dimensions

Height of wet deck

A (width) B (depth) H (height)
TVA model fill
[mm] [mm] [mm]
21-123S/CT 300 4940 2170 4000
21-157/CT 600 4940 2170 4000
21-180/CT 600 4940 2170 4000
21-193/CT 900 4940 2170 4000
21-189S/CT 300 7340 2170 4000
21-253/CT 600 7340 2170 4000
21-277/CT 600 7340 2170 4000
21-305/CT 900 7340 2170 4000
24-210S 600 5540 2470 4850
24-231 600 5540 2470 4250
24-284S 750 5540 2470 4850
24-248 750 5540 2470 4250
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Overall dimensions

Height of wet deck

A (width) B (depth) H (height)
TVA model fill
[mm] [mm] [mm]
24-268S 900 5540 2470 4850
24-268 900 5540 2470 4250
24-241 300 7340 2470 4850
24-289 600 7340 2470 4850
24-299 600 7340 2470 4250
24-323 750 7340 2470 4850
24-340 900 7340 2470 4250
24-340S 900 7340 2470 4850
24-367 900 7340 2470 4850
29-361 600 7340 2970 4850
29-400 600 7340 2970 4850
29-433 900 7340 2970 4850
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Overall dimensions

Height of wet deck

A (width) B (depth) H (height)
TVA model fill
[mm] [mm] [mm]
29-359S 300 9740 2970 4850
29-466 600 9740 2970 4850
29-506 750 9740 2970 4850
29-553 900 9740 2970 4850
29-415S 600 10940 2970 4850
29-585 750 10940 2970 4850
29-608 900 10940 2970 4850
31-380/CT 600 11010 2170 4000
31-415/CT 600 11010 2170 4000
31-458/CT 900 11010 2170 4000
34-434 300 11010 2470 4850
34-449 600 11010 2470 4250
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Overall dimensions

Height of wet deck

A (width) B (depth) H (height)
TVA model fill
[mm] [mm] [mm]
34-484 600 11010 2470 4250
34-510 750 11010 2470 4850
34-510S 900 11010 2470 4250
39-551 900 11010 2470 4850
39-649 900 11010 2970 4850
39-549S 300 14610 2970 4850
39-699 600 14610 2970 4850
39-759 750 14610 2970 4850
39-844 900 14610 2970 4850
(3) The maximum temperature of the exchange surface varies according to the material of the evaporative wet deck fill:
(2) The weights of the single modules of the Cooling Tower are featured on plates fixed on the modules.

10-10 10-12 10-15 10-19 10-21 10-26 10-31 10-36 10-42 10-46 11-62S 11-78
80 °C with PP wet deck fill
55 °C with PVC wet deck fill

Description Measuring unit


Maximum width mm 910 910 910 1190 1190 1190 1800 1800 1800 1800 2470 2470

Technical data per model

Maximum depth mm 910 910 910 1190 1190 1190 1500 1500 1500 1500 2170 2170

Maximum height mm 2440 2440 2440 2650 2650 2650 2900 2900 2900 2900 4000 4000

Weight of the heavier section kg - - - - - - - - - - 1210 1240

Total weight in empty

kg 180 190 200 280 290 300 360 380 410 420 1385 1415

Assembly and maintenance instructions


Total weight during operation kg 420 430 450 700 710 730 1120 1140 1170 1190 3540 3570

“Cooling Tower”
Air flow rate m3/s 2.80 2.72 2.72 5.15 4.84 4.84 8.22 9.36 9.36 8.79 15.87 16.92

TVA Series

Water pressure on the nozzles bar (kPa) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50)

Maximum pressure of the water

bar (kPa) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200)
line for level restoration

Maximum temperature of the

°C 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80
exchange surface(3)

Motor and pump nominal 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3
voltage phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases

Nominal voltage of services V 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

Printed on:
Frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Power of each motor No. x kW 1.1 1.1 1.5 2.2 2.2 3 2.2 3 4 4 5.5 5.5

Power of electric heater (min.

No. x kW 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x3 1x3
temperature: -10 °C)

MS 11 16 TVA/E
Power of electric heater (min.
kW 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x1.5 1x2 1x2 1x2 1x2 1x4 1x4
temperature: -20 °C)

44 of 138
Electrical insulation of the
Class F F F F F F F F F F F F

Protection degree IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
(5) The maximum temperature of the exchange surface varies according to the material of the evaporative wet deck fill:
(4) The weights of the single modules of the Cooling Tower are featured on plates fixed on the modules.
11-90 11-96 11-94S 11-126 11-138 11-152 14-86S 14-104S 14-116 14-124S 14-124 14-134S
80 °C with PP wet deck fill
55 °C with PVC wet deck fill

Description Measuring unit


Maximum width mm 2470 2470 3670 3670 3670 3670 2770 2770 2770 2770 2770 2770

Maximum depth mm 2170 2170 2170 2170 2170 2170 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470

Maximum height mm 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4850 4850 4250 4850 4250 4850

Weight of the heavier section Kg 1270 1280 1920 1940 1990 2020 1630 1650 1700 1760 1710 1810

Total weight in empty

Kg 1445 1455 2180 2200 2250 2280 1850 1870 1920 1980 1930 2030

Assembly and maintenance instructions


Total weight during operation Kg 3600 3610 6380 6400 6450 6480 5350 5370 5420 5500 5450 5550

“Cooling Tower”
Air flow rate m3/s 19.05 18.00 24.61 26.69 29.87 28.58 22.45 22.45 24.50 24.50 24.50 25.17

TVA Series

Water pressure on the nozzles bar (kPa) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50)

Maximum pressure of the water

bar (kPa) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200)
line for level restoration

Maximum temperature of the

°C 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80
exchange surface(5)

Motor and pump nominal 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3
voltage phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases

Nominal voltage of services V 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

Printed on:
Frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Power of each motor No. x kW 11 11 7.5 11 15 15 5.5 7.5 11 11 11 15

Power of electric heater (min.

No. x kW 1X3 1X3 1X4 1X4 1X4 1X4 1X4 1X4 1X4 1X4 1X4 1X4
temperature: -10 °C)

MS 11 16 TVA/E
Power of electric heater (min.
kW 1x4 1x4 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5
temperature: -20 °C)

45 of 138
Electrical insulation of the
Class F F F F F F F F F F F F

Protection degree IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
(7) The maximum temperature of the exchange surface varies according to the material of the evaporative wet deck fill:
(6) The weights of the single modules of the Cooling Tower are featured on plates fixed on the modules.
14-134 14-105S 14-112 14-144 14-149 14-161S 14-171 14-171S 14-183 19-127S 19-142 19-180
80 °C with PP wet deck fill
55 °C with PVC wet deck fill

Description Measuring unit


Maximum width mm 2770 3670 3670 3670 3670 3670 3670 3670 3670 3670 3670 3670

Maximum depth mm 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 2970 2970 2970

Maximum height mm 4250 4850 4850 4850 4250 4850 4250 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850

Weight of the heavier section kg 1770 2120 2140 2190 2250 2350 2390 2480 2520 2250 2670 2770

Total weight in empty

kg 2000 2400 2430 2500 2480 2580 2620 2710 2750 2990 3100 3210

Assembly and maintenance instructions


Total weight during operation kg 5520 6955 6985 7955 7080 7180 7220 7310 7350 8350 8470 8570

“Cooling Tower”
Air flow rate m3/s 25.17 27.22 31.79 30.91 31.79 31.79 31.79 31.79 34.42 32.96 37.28 38.36

TVA Series

Water pressure on the nozzles bar (kPa) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50)

Maximum pressure of the water

bar (kPa) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200)
line for level restoration

Maximum temperature of the

°C 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80
exchange surface(7)

Motor and pump nominal 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3
voltage phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases

Nominal voltage of services V 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

Printed on:
Frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Power of each motor No. x kW 15 7.5 11 11 15 15 18.5 15 18.5 7.5 11 15

Power of electric heater (min.

No. x kW 1x4 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x5 1x6 1x6 1x6
temperature: -10 °C)

MS 11 16 TVA/E
Power of electric heater (min.
kW 1x5 1x6 1x6 1x6 1x6 1x6 1x7 1x7 1x6 1x6 1x6 1x7
temperature: -20 °C)

46 of 138
Electrical insulation of the
Class F F F F F F F F F F F F

Protection degree IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
(9) The maximum temperature of the exchange surface varies according to the material of the evaporative wet deck fill:
(8) The weights of the single modules of the Cooling Tower are featured on plates fixed on the modules.
19-202 19-216 19-179S 19-233 19-253 19-281 19-196S 19-207 19-271 19-292 19-304 21-123S/CT
80 °C with PP wet deck fill
55 °C with PVC wet deck fill

Description Measuring unit


Maximum width mm 3670 3670 4870 4870 4870 4870 5470 5470 547 5470 5470 4940

Maximum depth mm 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2170

Maximum height mm 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850 4000

Weight of the heavier section kg 2970 3070 3350 3650 3800 3900 3850 4200 4350 4450 4550 2600

Assembly and maintenance instructions

Total weight in empty
kg 3300 3400 3750 4050 4200 4300 4350 4700 4850 4950 5050 2860

Total weight during operation kg 8770 8870 10850 11050 11200 11300 12500 12850 13000 13100 13200 7660

“Cooling Tower”

Air flow rate m3/s 39.46 40.54 46.79 49.70 49.70 52.62 51.04 54.25 57.46 57.46 56.73 31.74

TVA Series
Water pressure on the nozzles bar (kPa) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50)

Maximum pressure of the water

bar (kPa) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200)
line for level restoration

Maximum temperature of the

°C 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80
exchange surface(9)

Motor and pump nominal 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3
voltage phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases

Printed on:
Nominal voltage of services V 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

Frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Power of each motor No. x kW 18.5 22 15 22 22 30 18.5 22 30 30 30 5.5

Power of electric heater (min.

No. x kW 1x6 1x6 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x5 2x5 2x5 2x5 2x5 2x3
temperature: -10 °C)

MS 11 16 TVA/E
Power of electric heater (min.
No. x kW 1x7 1x7 2x5 2x5 2x5 2x5 2x6 2x6 2x6 2x6 2x6 2x4
temperature: -20 °C)

47 of 138
Electrical insulation of the
Class F F F F F F F F F F F F

Protection degree IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
(11) The maximum temperature of the exchange surface varies according to the material of the evaporative wet deck fill:
(10) The weights of the single modules of the Cooling Tower are featured on plates fixed on the modules.
21-157/CT 21-180/CT 21-193/CT 21-189S/CT 21-253/CT 21-277/CT 21-305/CT 24-210S 24-231 24-248S 24-248 24-268S
80 °C with PP wet deck fill
55 °C with PVC wet deck fill

Description Measuring unit


Maximum width mm 4940 4940 4940 7340 7340 7340 7340 5540 5540 5540 5540 5540

Maximum depth mm 2170 2170 2170 2170 2170 2170 2170 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470

Maximum height mm 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4850 4250 4850 4250 4850

Weight of the heavier section kg 2620 2640 2660 3800 3840 3940 3320 3280 3380 3500 3400 3600

Assembly and maintenance instructions

Total weight in empty
kg 2880 2900 2920 4200 4300 4350 4550 3700 3820 3940 3840 4040

Total weight during operation kg 7680 7700 7720 10200 10300 10530 10550 10700 10820 10940 10840 11040

“Cooling Tower”

Air flow rate m3/s 33.84 38.10 36.00 49.22 53.38 59.74 57.16 44.90 49.00 49.00 49.00 50.34

TVA Series
Water pressure on the nozzles bar (kPa) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50)

Maximum pressure of the water

bar (kPa) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200)
line for level restoration

Maximum temperature of the

°C 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80
exchange surface(11)

Motor and pump nominal 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3
voltage phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases

Printed on:
Nominal voltage of services V 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

Frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Power of each motor No. x kW 7.5 11 11 7.5 11 15 15 7.5 11 11 11 15

Power of electric heater (min.

No. x kW 2x3 2x3 2x3 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4
temperature: -10 °C)

MS 11 16 TVA/E
Power of electric heater (min.
No. x kW 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x5 2x5 2x5 2x5 1x45 2x5 2x5 2x5 2x5
temperature: -20 °C)

48 of 138
Electrical insulation of the
Class F F F F F F F F F F F F

Protection degree IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
(13) The maximum temperature of the exchange surface varies according to the material of the evaporative wet deck fill:
(12) The weights of the single modules of the Cooling Tower are featured on plates fixed on the modules.
24-268 24-241 24-289 24-299 24-323 24-340 24-340S 24-367 29-361 29-400 29-433 29-359S
80 °C with PP wet deck fill
55 °C with PVC wet deck fill

Description Measuring unit


Maximum width mm 5540 7340 7340 7340 7340 7340 7340 7340 7340 7340 7340 9740

Maximum depth mm 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 2470 2970 2970 2970 2970

Maximum height mm 4250 4850 4850 4250 4850 4250 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850

Weight of the heavier section kg 3520 4220 4360 4320 4520 4600 4780 4860 5480 5630 6030 6600

Assembly and maintenance instructions

Total weight in empty
kg 3880 4800 4940 4900 5100 5180 5360 5440 6350 6500 6900 7400

Total weight during operation kg 10880 13910 14050 14010 14210 14290 14470 14550 17100 17250 17650 21600

“Cooling Tower”

Air flow rate m3/s 50.34 63.58 61.82 63.58 63.58 63.58 63.58 68.84 76.72 78.92 81.08 93.58

TVA Series
Water pressure on the nozzles bar (kPa) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50)

Maximum pressure of the water

bar (kPa) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200)
line for level restoration

Maximum temperature of the

°C 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80
exchange surface(13)

Motor and pump nominal 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3
voltage phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases

Printed on:
Nominal voltage of services V 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

Frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Power of each motor No. x kW 15 11 11 15 15 18.5 15 18.5 15 18.5 22 15

Power of electric heater (min.

No. x kW 2x4 2x4 2x5 2x5 2x5 2x5 2x5 2x5 2x6 2x6 2x6 4x4
temperature: -10 °C)

MS 11 16 TVA/E
Power of electric heater (min.
No. x kW 2x5 2x4 2x6 2x6 2x6 2x6 2x6 2x6 2x7 2x7 2x7 4x5
temperature: -20 °C)

49 of 138
Electrical insulation of the
Class F F F F F F F F F F F F

Protection degree IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
(15) The maximum temperature of the exchange surface varies according to the material of the evaporative wet deck fill:
(14) The weights of the single modules of the Cooling Tower are featured on plates fixed on the modules.
29-466 29-506 29-563 29-415S 29-585 29-608 31-380/CT 31-415/CT 31-458/CT 34-434 34-449 34-484
80 °C with PP wet deck fill
55 °C with PVC wet deck fill

Description Measuring unit


Maximum width mm 9740 9740 9740 10940 10940 10940 11010 11010 11010 11010 11010 11010

Maximum depth mm 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970 2170 2170 2170 2470 2470 2470

Maximum height mm 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850 4000 4000 4000 4850 4850 4250

Weight of the heavier section kg 7200 7500 7700 8300 8600 9000 4680 4830 4930 6470 6410 6710

Assembly and maintenance instructions

Total weight in empty
kg 8000 8300 8500 9300 9600 10000 6500 6540 6640 7400 7540 7640

Total weight during operation kg 22000 22300 22500 25600 25900 26300 19100 19160 19260 23765 23700 24000

“Cooling Tower”

Air flow rate m3/s 99.40 99.40 105.24 114.92 114.92 113.46 80.07 89.61 85.74 95.37 92.73 95.37

TVA Series
Water pressure on the nozzles bar (kPa) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50)

Maximum pressure of the water

bar (kPa) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200)
line for level restoration

Maximum temperature of the

°C 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80
exchange surface(15)

Motor and pump nominal 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3
voltage phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases

Printed on:
Nominal voltage of services V 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

Frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Power of each motor kW 22 22 30 22 30 30 11 15 15 11 15 15

Power of electric heater (min.

No. x kW 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x5 4x5 4x5 3x4 3x4 3x4 3x5 3x5 3x5
temperature: -10 °C)

MS 11 16 TVA/E
Power of electric heater (min.
No. x kW 4x5 4x5 4x5 4x6 4x6 4x6 3x5 3x5 3x5 3x6 3x6 3x6
temperature: -20 °C)

50 of 138
Electrical insulation of the
Class F F F F F F F F F F F F

Protection degree IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
(17) The maximum temperature of the exchange surface varies according to the material of the evaporative wet deck fill:
(16) The weights of the single modules of the Cooling Tower are featured on plates fixed on the modules.
34-510 34-510S 34-551 39-649 39-549S 39-699 39-759 39-844
80 °C with PP wet deck fill
55 °C with PVC wet deck fill

Description Measuring unit


Maximum width mm 11010 11010 11010 11010 14610 14610 14610 14610

Maximum depth mm 2470 2470 2470 2970 2970 2970 2970 2970

Maximum height mm 4850 4250 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850 4850

Weight of the heavier section kg 6830 6900 7020 9100 9900 10800 11350 11650

Assembly and maintenance instructions

Total weight in empty
kg 7760 8030 8150 10200 11000 11900 12450 12750

Total weight during operation kg 25200 25900 27100 26500 27300 28200 28750 29050

“Cooling Tower”
Air flow rate m3/s 95.37 95.37 95.37 121.62 140.37 149.10 149.10 157.86

TVA Series
Water pressure on the nozzles bar (kPa) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50) 0.5 (50)

Maximum pressure of the water

bar (kPa) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200) 2 (200)
line for level restoration

Maximum temperature of the

°C 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80 55 / 80
exchange surface(17)

Motor and pump nominal 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3 400 / 3
voltage phases phases phases phases phases phases phases phases

Printed on:
Nominal voltage of services V 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220

Frequency Hz 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Power of each motor kW 18.5 15 18.5 22 15 22 22 30

Power of electric heater (min.

No. x kW 3x5 3x5 3x5 3x6 6x4 6x4 6x4 6x4
temperature: -10 °C)

MS 11 16 TVA/E
Power of electric heater (min.
No. x kW 3x6 3x6 3x6 3x7 6x5 6x5 6x5 6x5
temperature: -20 °C)

51 of 138
Electrical insulation of the
Class F F F F F F F F

Protection degree IP 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
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Containment casing Galvanized steel plate Z725
Colour code for external varnish (upon request) RAL 5014 (may vary)

Sound pressure level Lp measured at the standard speed 5m 76 dB(A)
Sound pressure level Lp measured at reduced speed
5m 64 dB(A)
(half air flow rate)

Vibrations detected at the operator's There are neither operator's workplaces on the machine nor
workplace activities foreseen for the operator/maintenance technician to be
performed on the machine during normal operation. Evaluation
and measurement of the vibrations transmitted from the Cooling
Vibrations on the machine Tower to the staff assigned are therefore not needed.
( Section 3.9 - Operator's workplace)
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Parameters for the water used by TVA Series Cooling Tower

Parameter Material
HDGS Z-725 DecsaProt FRP AISI 304 AISI 316

PH 7÷9.2 6.5÷9.5 6.5÷9.5 6.5÷9.5 6.5÷9.5 6.5÷9.5

Total hardness (CaCO3) 50÷650 mg/l 50÷800 mg/l 50÷800 mg/l 50÷800 mg/l 50÷800 mg/l 50÷800 mg/l

Total alkalinity (CaCO3) < 550 mg/l < 650 mg/l < 650 mg/l < 650 mg/l < 650 mg/l < 650 mg/l

Total dissolved solids

< 1600 mg/l < 2100 mg/l < 2100 mg/l < 2100 mg/l < 2100 mg/l < 2100 mg/l
Total suspended solids
< 25 mg/l < 25 mg/l < 25 mg/l < 30 mg/l < 30 mg/l < 30 mg/l

Chlorides < 250 mg/l < 300 mg/l < 300 mg/l < 300 mg/l < 350 mg/l < 350 mg/l

Sulphates < 250 mg/l < 350 mg/l < 350 mg/l < 350 mg/l < 350 mg/l < 350 mg/l

Conductivity < 2400µS/cm < 3000µS/cm < 3300µS/cm < 3300µS/cm < 3300µS/cm < 3300µS/cm

Free chlorine
< 1.2 mg/l < 1.2 mg/l < 1.2 mg/l < 1.8 mg/l < 1.8 mg/l < 1.8 mg/l
(continuous chlorination)
Free chlorine 5÷15 mg/l 5÷15 mg/l 5÷15 mg/l 5÷15 mg/l 5÷15 mg/l 5÷15 mg/l
(discontinuous chlorination) max 6 hours max 6 hours max 6 hours max 6 hours max 6 hours max 6 hours

To make it easy to read and interpret data relevant to the water treated, it is reminded that water hardness is
usually expressed in French degrees (°f): one degree represents 10 mg of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) per
litre of water (1 °f = 10 mg/l = 10 ppm - parts per million). Usually, water is classified based on its hardness:


7÷14 °f SOFT 32÷54 °f HARD

14÷22 °f SLIGHTLY HARD > 54 °f VERY HARD

Water quality check is a fundamental activity to optimise performance of Cooling Tower: the
formation of deposits and encrustations reduces heat exchange. It is advised to refer to a
specialised firm in water treatment, to obtain more specific technical instructions.
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3.1 Introduction

Notwithstanding the following precautions:

 Cooling Tower have been designed according to the most recent technical information, so they can be
used in utmost safety by trained and qualified personnel;
 Personnel in charge of operating them must be adequately instructed on the general (in force in the
Country of installation) and local (valid for the site of installation) safety regulations;

it is reminded to all staff that heedless behaviour, overconfidence with the operational and maintenance
procedures, failing to observe safety regulations, as well as inexperience may be the cause of damages and
accidents to people and objects, some of them of serious entity.

Therefore, operators and maintenance people are requested to interact with the Cooling Tower in the
following manner:
 only after having carefully read and understood the contents of the whole “Instruction Manual” and of
the enclosed documentation,
 with the awareness that individual attention is fundamental for personal protection and safety of the
Cooling Tower: no safety system or code of practice can guarantee absolute safety if interaction with
the Cooling Tower is not carried out in a professional, heedful and scrupulous manner.

DECSA S.r.l. will not accept liability for any reason in the case of accidents or damages to
people or objects, deriving from failing to observe:
• the provisions laid out in the Instruction Manual,
• the behavioural rules for the use of the Cooling Tower, laid out by DECSA,
• the behavioural rules for the use of the Cooling Tower provided by the RSPP(18) (Italy)
or by a similar professional figure whose role is provided for by the regulations in force
in the Country of installation of the Cooling Tower,
• the safety regulations in force,
• the indications and instructions by the suppliers of commercial components for the
manufacturing of the Cooling Tower.

(18) RSPP, in Italian stands for Head of the Prevention and Protection Service; it refers to the health and safety professional (safety
officer) appointed by the Employer to manage and coordinate the prevention and protection service (SPP), which consists in the
people, the systems and the equipment inside or outside the company, all having the purpose of preventing and protecting the
workers against risks in the workplace (art. 2 lett. l of D.Lgs. 81/2008 - Italian law).
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3.2 Duties of the Safety Officer

The main obligations for the person responsible for safety are as follows:

Circulation of safety information • transport and handling

• installation and commissioning
the information included in this Manual • adjustment, operation and cleaning
must be disclosed to all personnel in • maintenance
charge of: • final dismantling and disposal

• staff members accessing the machine must be skilled and trained

• access to "danger zones" must be permitted to authorized
Monitoring and supervision
personnel only
• all staff members interacting with the Tower must be considered
all information and code of practice
"exposed person"
provisions must be observed by the staff
• operators must be especially knowledgeable on the machine
interacting with the Cooling Tower:
intended use, misuses, limitation of use, process materials and
performance limits

The definitions of danger zone and exposed person are laid down in Annex 1 of Machinery Directive
2006/42/EC, Chapter 1: “Essential health and safety requirements”, section 1.1.1: “Definitions”. These
definitions are quoted here below:

«Danger zone», any zone within and/or around machinery in which an exposed person is subject to a risk to
his health or safety;
«Exposed person», any person wholly or partially in a danger zone.

3.3 Duties of personnel that interact with the Cooling Tower

Operator has the obligation to immediately notify his supervisor of any anomalous
condition detected on the Cooling Tower, making it possible to take timely
action before the anomaly turns into a hazard.

Maintenance operator must keep the Cooling Tower under adequate preventive maintenance, entrust
any repair interventions to qualified personnel and always use original spare
The provisions laid out in the Instruction Manual and in the enclosed
documentation with regard to the competence required to carry out
maintenance activities must be observed.
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3.4 Safety solutions adopted: general remarks

DECSA S.r.l. has carefully evaluated, during the designing phase, all possible hazards; it has therefore
accomplished all TVA series Cooling Towers in such a way as to safeguard the operators’ health and safety,
but while ensuring a valid response to functionality needs and high performance.

To this end, the logic developed by DECSA S.r.l., for a safe interaction between Cooling Tower, personnel
and work environment, is summarised in the following diagram:

F 3.1 - Logic for safe interaction with the Cooling tower

Machinery guarding:

+ =
mechanical, Codes of practice for Staff and Cooling
electrical, functional, staff members Tower safety

Two types of machinery guarding have been used on this machinery, “fixed” and “interlocking movable”, and
hereunder is the relevant definition taken from Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC \ Annex 1 \ Chapter 1:
“Essential health and safety requirements”, section 1.4.2: “Special requirements for guards”.

[…] Fixed guards
Fixed guards must be fixed by systems that can be opened or removed only with tools.
Their fixing systems must remain attached to the guards or to the machinery when the guards are
Where possible, guards must be incapable of remaining in place without their fixings. Interlocking movable guards

Interlocking movable guards must:
- as far as possible remain attached to the machinery when open,
be designed and constructed in such a way that they can be adjusted only by means of an
intentional action.
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Interlocking movable guards must be associated with an interlocking device that:

- prevents the start of hazardous machinery functions until they are closed
- gives a stop command whenever they are no longer closed.

Where it is possible for an operator to reach the danger zone before the risk due to the hazardous
machinery functions has ceased, movable guards must be associated with a guard locking device
in addition to an interlocking device that:
- prevents the start of hazardous machinery functions until the guard is closed and locked,
- keeps the guard closed and locked until the risk of injury from the hazardous machinery
functions has ceased.

Interlocking movable guards must be designed in such a way that the absence or failure of one of
their components prevents starting or stops the hazardous machinery functions.

It is absolutely forbidden to remove, tamper with or deactivate in any way the safety guards
and devices, if not just for the time strictly needed to carry out special maintenance/repair
operations, following the safety procedures required for the intervention being carried out.

All guards and safety devices must be kept in perfect working order, to ensure such
operating efficiency as provided by DECSA S.r.l. It is mandatory to regularly check the
presence and adjustment of the fixed guards, the operation and efficiency of all safety
systems, the devices and services (emergency buttons, micro-switches, filters, etc.). In the
case of any damage, they must be immediately repaired or replaced.
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3.5 Nature of potential hazards

The Cooling Towers present potential hazards of different natures, which, even though they have been
removed during the designing and manufacturing phases, are stated in the present Instruction Manual. The
aim is to provide information to personnel in charge of the operation and maintenance, in order to fully
understand the Cooling Tower characteristics and the potential sources of hazard which may occur in the
event that, for unforeseeable reasons, one or more solutions adopted should prove ineffective.


 Shock hazard
 Risks deriving from interference with other electric devices
 Risks from exposure to lightning


 Risk of crushing or shearing of the upper limbs
 Risk of dragging
 Risk of cutting or abrasion


 Risk of formation of bacteria, fungi and micro-organisms inside the water collection basin; spread of the
same in the environment.

For each one of the risks indicated above, CAUSES and SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS IMPLEMENTED BY
THE MANUFACTURER are laid out in the following paragraphs.
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3.5.1 Potential shock hazard


The use of electricity for the power supply of axial fan motors and heating elements
requires strict observation of Directive 2014/35/EU (“LOW VOLTAGE” Directive).
All electrical components used for the accomplishment of the TVA series Cooling
Towers have been selected by DECSA S.r.l. and are accompanied by technical
product specifications and by relevant certificates released by the Suppliers.

All the constituent parts of the Cooling Tower must be connected to a grounding

In general, in the design and manufacturing phases, the possibility of a potential

Power supply formation of electrostatic charges should be considered; in the case of the Cooling
with electricity Tower, this occurrence could be excluded by the presence of the equipotential
protection circuit.

Before commissioning/start-up of the Cooling Tower, all electrical equipment

must undergo a functional test & trial. In particular, the following must be verified:
• Insulation degree
• Resistance to ground
• Proper performance of push buttons, selector switches and emergency stop
mushroom-head push buttons
• Protection degree IP of electrical cabinet
• Current draw according to the nominal data

3.5.2 Potential risk deriving from interference with other electric devices


Every electrically supplied device presents the potential risk of interference with other
electric devices, which may cause its faulty operation, or it may be susceptible to
Electromagnetic interference interference and then operate abnormally. During the design and manufacturing
phases, the provisions of Directive 2014/30/EU (“ELECTROMAGNETIC
COMPATIBILITY” Directive) have been observed.
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3.5.3 Potential exposure to lightning hazard


Since the installation of the Cooling Tower may be located on the top of considerably
high buildings, the potential risk of exposure to lightning must be considered. The
Installation at the top of grounding system should guarantee the discharge of electrical power conveyed by
buildings lightning. However, it is advised to carefully evaluate the possibility of implementing
further solutions, according to the frequency and intensity of storms in the installation

3.5.4 Potential risk of crushing and shearing of the upper limbs


The presence of axial fans represents a potential risk of crushing and shearing of the
upper limbs, in the unfortunate event of introducing hands inside the fan operation
Rotating mechanical parts
To prevent accidental contact, the openings to access the various fan compartments
are protected by fixed grids, kept in position by screws. The use of the Cooling Tower
without the protection grids assembled and fastened is forbidden.

3.5.5 Potential risk of dragging


The presence of axial fans represents a potential risk of dragging if contact is made
with the fans.
Rotating mechanical parts To prevent accidental contact, the openings to access the various fan compartments
are protected by fixed grids, kept in position by screws. The use of the Cooling Tower
without the protection grids assembled and fastened is forbidden.

3.5.6 Potential risk of cutting and abrasion


All accessible parts of the Cooling Tower, as well as its components are devoid of
Presence of sharp angles
sharp angles and edges, abrasive surfaces, etc., where compatible with their specific
and edges, etc.
functions, which may cause cuts, abrasions or other wounds.
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3.5.7 Potential risk of microbiological contamination


The presence of water and vapour inside the collection basin may promote formation
of micro-organisms which are dangerous for human and animal health if inhaled or
swallowed. During the designing phase, the necessity of equipping the Cooling Tower
with wide openings to access the water collection basin has been considered (by
removing the suction grids), to make it easier to carry out the frequent cleaning
Formation of bacteria, fungi
operations which represent the best solution in reducing the risk of micro-biological
and other micro-organisms.
proliferation to a minimum.

Further information Chapter 7- CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE

3.5.8 Potential risk of falling from heights, for the maintenance operator


The presence of a maintenance operator on the top of the Cooling Tower, implies a
Fall from the top of the
potential risk of fall from such a height. As established during the design phase, the
Cooling Tower during
Cooling Tower must be equipped with a perimeter walkway fitted with guardrails and a
ladder for safe access to the upper part of the Cooling Tower.
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3.6 Residual risks and behavioural rules

Residual risks are defined as all potential risks associated with a machine which cannot be removed either
during the designing or the manufacturing phases because:
a) they depend on the nature of the machine itself
b) their removal would prevent the correct operation of the machine

Therefore, the only way to protect people and objects from potential damages derived from residual risks is
by following the behavioural rules laid out:
 in the Instruction Manual
 by the Head of the Prevention and Protection Service
 by the regulations in force regarding safety in the working place

Furthermore, all personnel interacting with the Cooling Tower are reminded that attention as well as
responsible and professional behaviour are essential elements in carrying out any task involving interface
with machines, regardless of the instructions provided by the Manufacturer and of the regulations in force.
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Residual risk Operation / Intervention Behavioural rule

Risk of biological nature:
Contact by inhalation or accidental This risk may present itself during the Use suitable PPE(19) (mask, goggles,
swallowing of water contaminated maintenance or cleaning operations gloves, etc.) according to the
by micro-organisms which have requiring access to: instructions given by the RSPP(20)
formed in the pipes, in the collection • water collection basin (Italy) or by an equivalent
basin, or in parts where stagnating • wet deck fill professional role (foreign countries).
water, humidity, water vapour are • drift eliminators
present. • axial fans Arrange for regular interventions to
be carried out by firms specialised in
• stationing in an area surrounded by
the treatment of water.
discharge air coming from the
Cooling Tower.

Risk of biological nature:

Contamination, through the The discharged air may contact other Install the Cooling Tower in such a
discharged air, of other ventilation ventilation systems either of the way that its discharged air is not
systems. building where the Cooling Tower is directed towards the suction section
installed, or in other nearby buildings. of other ventilation systems.

Risk of chemical nature:

Contact due to inhalation or This risk may present itself during the Use suitable PPE (mask, goggles,
accidental ingestion of water maintenance or cleaning operations gloves, etc.) according to the
contaminated by any chemical requiring access to: instructions given by the Head of the
agents in the water to be cooled. • wet deck fill Prevention and Protection Service
• water inlet and outlet pipelines (Italy) or by an equivalent
professional role (foreign countries).

Further information:

Risk of mechanical nature:

Slipping or tripping in the area This risk may present itself when Always keep the area surrounding
around the Cooling Tower walking around the Cooling Tower the Cooling Tower clean and clear.
area, in the event there are objects,
working tools or foreign items
inadvertently left there, forgotten or
not removed.

(19) Personal Protective Equipment

(20) Stands for Head of the Prevention and Protection Service
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Residual risk Operation / Intervention Behavioural rule

Risk of mechanical nature:
Fall of objects from above. During the operations of Do not place objects or working tools
maintenance, cleaning or general on the Cooling Tower. Remove any
control, it may occur that objects or foreign objects which have been left
tools are left behind on the horizontal there.
surfaces of the Cooling Tower. The
vibrations of the structure during
normal operation may cause these
objects to fall, hitting the people
working below.

Risk of mechanical nature:

Accidental contact with fans in During the operations of Cut off electric power supply before
motion. maintenance and cleaning, after removing the protection grids and
removing the protection grids, in the access the axial fan compartments.
case of not removing electric power
supply, there is the risk of shearing
and dragging by accidental contact
with the rotating fans.
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3.7 Access procedures

Normal access to the Cooling Tower is arranged only on the ground level, from all sides surrounding the
Cooling Tower. Any adjustment/maintenance operations needed for the upper part of the Cooling Tower
must be carried out by using suitable equipment complying with the safety regulations, which enable
reaching all components installed on the top of the Cooling Tower in complete safety. Upon request, the
Cooling Towers can be equipped with optional access structures to the upper part: a ladder with fall-
prevention caging allows access to a walkway fitted with fall-prevention guardrails fastened to the Cooling
Tower, on the side with inspection window.

- Access to the walkway (if present) must be allowed only to authorised maintenance
operators and with the Cooling Tower not in operation.
- The maximum admitted load on the walkway is 200 kg, corresponding to the presence of
two maintenance operators equipped with small working tools. The presence of more
than two people at the same time on the walkway is not allowed, nor of other loads
whose overall weight exceeds the one specified (200 kg). It is forbidden to climb to the
roof of the Cooling Tower: its horizontal surfaces are not made to be walked on.

The TVA Series Cooling Towers are equipped with specific openings for internal inspection;
these openings are closed by means of fixed guards, which must always be in place during
ordinary operation of the Cooling Towers. Opening these fixed guards can only be done
after having stopped the Cooling Tower and disconnected it from the electric power supply
(electric power supply cut off). The main switch I/O must be padlocked.
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3.8 Lighting of the installation area

As this is partly completed machinery to be incorporated into a plant operating outdoors, the Manufacturer
considers ordinary daytime environment illumination as more than sufficient to be able to use the Cooling
Tower in safety conditions, and therefore it does not require any illumination system.
In the case the Purchaser considers it appropriate to install a lighting system for the illumination of the
installation area, he should refer to a qualified technician to design and accomplish such a system according
to the laws in force in the Country where the Cooling Tower is installed.
The Manufacturer, DECSA S.r.l., will not accept any liability for damages to people and/or objects deriving
from the lighting system not correctly designed and installed.

3.9 Operator's workplace

The Cooling Towers produced by DECSA S.r.l. do not require the constant presence of any staff during their
ordinary operation, and therefore no specific working stations are arranged for. The presence of an operator
is necessary only during the start-up of the system, and in the area arranged for installation of the Electric
Panel and the machine Control Panel (to be done by the End User).
No other work station around or on the Cooling Tower (on the walkway where supplied) must be occupied by
the operator during ordinary plant operation (incorporation into a manned plant is not foreseen).

Access to the Cooling Tower and/or stationing on the walkways or on the access ladder (if
provided) are only for authorised maintenance personnel, and must only occur with the
Cooling Tower not in operation, disconnected from the electric power supply, and only for
the time absolutely necessary to carry out the maintenance procedures.
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3.10 Warning plates

Warning plates are applied onto the Cooling Tower by DECSA S.r.l., to point out mandatory courses of
action, prohibitions and potential dangers deriving from the use of the Cooling Tower.
The meaning of these plates is summarised in the following table, and their position is shown, as an
example, in the images shown in the following pages.

It is forbidden to remove the warning plates present on the Cooling Tower.

In the case of detaching of one or more of the plates, their position, as intended by the
manufacturer, must be promptly restored.

Plate Meaning

The operator and/or the maintenance workers must wear the personal
protective equipment (PPE) supplied by the Safety Manager in the place
where the Tower is installed and operates.

Only appointed and authorised operators and maintenance workers are
allowed to access the areas marked by this plate.

It is forbidden to remove the safety devices and guards present on the Cooling
Tower, if not for the time that is absolutely necessary to carry out specific
control/maintenance operations, and only after having disconnected the
electrical power supply to the Tower.

It is forbidden to operate on the machine or its parts whilst in motion.
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It is forbidden to climb and/or walk on the surfaces marked by this symbol.
Placing working tools or other objects on surfaces marked by this symbol is
also forbidden.

It is forbidden to carry out any operation (maintenance, cleaning, checking,
etc.) in the areas marked by this plate, if electric power supply has not been
previously cut off from the machine.

Pay attention when walking or stopping near the machine or under the
perimeter walkways (if present); lack of attention or leaving objects behind in
the upper areas of the machine may cause their falling down.

Pay attention when accessing the upper section of the machine using
scaffolding, ladders and/or workbenches (or using the optional ladder for
access to the perimeter walkways).

Pay attention to any stagnating water in the machine lower basin or in the

Pay attention when interacting with and accessing electrical boxes; disconnect
power supply before carrying out any intervention.

Pay attention when carrying out operations of opening /removal / repositioning
and closure of the fixed guards, such as for example, the axial fan protection
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In the following images the approximate positions of the plates applied onto the Cooling Tower are shown.

NOTE: The images shown are examples of application; the number and arrangement of the plates are not
binding and they may vary according to the Cooling Tower model.

The plate is fastened on the

external walls of the upper
module, along the walkway

These plates are fastened onto

the axial fan exhaust outlets.
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These plates are located on the perimeter


This plate is applied on the electrical
junction boxes and on the live parts.

3 This plate is located on the not walkable

surfaces (roof)

Because of the incorporation of the Cooling Tower into the plant, in which it will be
integrated, the Buyer shall perform a risk assessment of the plant and apply the
appropriate safety plates, where required (e.g.: "high voltage" warning sign on the
terminal boards of electric motors).
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4.1 Handling the components of the Cooling tower

The TVA series Cooling Towers are usually dispatched and transported in two separate modules:

A. Lower module consisting in:

• Basin section

B. Upper module consisting in:

• Fan section
• Exchange section

The TVA series Cooling Towers models 10-10, 10-12, 10-15 are dispatched fully assembled.

All optional accessories, if any, which have been established during the contract negotiation phase (e.g.
external ladders, guardrails, etc.) are sent disassembled and separate from the Cooling Tower.
The Cooling Tower is dispatched to the installation place disassembled, and therefore DECSA S.r.l. also
supplies a special strip gasket, of sufficient length to guarantee its use along the whole perimeter of the parts
coming into contact, besides all the bolts necessary for assembly of the two sections. These items are
properly packaged.
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4.2 Lifting and handling towards the transportation vehicle

The TVA Series Cooling towers are equipped with lifting lugs fastened, by means of bolts, to:
a) side of the lower module (for lifting the “basin section”, F 4.1).
b) top of the upper module (for combined lifting of “exchange section” + “fan section”, F 4.2).

F 4.1 – Lugs for lifting the lower module

A. Basin section
On each side (long side) of the “basin section” there are 2 or 3 lifting lugs (the number varies according to
the individual Cooling Tower model).

F 4.2 – Lugs for lifting the upper module

B. Exchange section
C. Fan section
At the top of the fan section there are 4 lifting lugs.
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For lifting, proceed as laid out here below:

1. Fasten a metal rope/chain to each seizing point, long enough that, when seizing the two free ends of two
adjoining ropes/chains, and connecting them to a metal ring, a triangle is obtained with the apex angle
having a width of less than 120° ( 3, F 4.3).

2. Couple the metal ring mentioned in item 1 above, with the transversal fixed lifting beam ( 2, F 4.3).

3. The transversal fixed lifting beams must be coupled to the longitudinal fixed lifting beam ( 1, F 4.3).

4. Use a lifting device (crane, bridge-crane, etc.) with a capacity suitable for lifting the Cooling Tower (see
Section 2.8 – Technical data per model).

Before installing the Cooling Tower on the raised floors of a building and/or on the top of a
building, ensure that the load capacity of the floor in the installation location is sufficient to
sustain the overall weight when the Cooling Tower is in operation (see Section 2.8 –
Technical data per model). Furthermore, if the place of installation is located in a seismic
area, the advisability of obtaining a specific certification should be considered.

Before lifting the Cooling Tower, verify that the working loads of the metal ropes, chains and
lifting and transport means are adequate for the overall weight to be lifted ( Section 2.8
- Technical data per model).
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F 4.3 – General diagram for Cooling Tower lifting

A Exchange section
B Fan section
C Basin section
1. Longitudinal fixed lifting beam
2. Transversal fixed lifting beams
3. Ropes/chains forming a triangle with apex angle < 120°

The lifting of the Cooling Tower must take place through the use of three lifting beams: one placed
lengthways and one/two transversally, based on the component to be lifted. The chains must be coupled to
the lifting beams as shown in the general drawing shown above.

Only authorised and expert personnel may carry out lifting and handling of the modules
making up the Cooling Tower.

Access to the area where lifting and handling operations are carried out is forbidden to
unauthorised persons.
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The module to be lifted must be placed parallel to the truck which is to be used for
transportation, and the whole area where these operations are performed must be clear of
foreign objects. Nobody should be present in the area of lifting and handling of the module
after the chains have been attached.


After having moved the module very slowly, avoiding any oscillations, check alignment with
the truck loading platform: the staff in charge of checking these operations must avoid
positioning parts of their own body under the lifted module or between the module and the


On the truck loading platform there must not be any foreign objects: their presence may
cause instability of the load or create damages to the loaded module of the Cooling Tower.
If necessary, use appropriate wooden supports to prevent the module of the Cooling Tower
from sliding on the platform of the truck during transportation.


When the module is entirely loaded into the truck and the load is balanced, all ground staff
must keep away. It is then possible to slowly lower the crane arm, in such a way that the
chain tension is gradually released. During the phase of releasing the chain tension, check
that the load does not become unbalanced towards one side of the truck. When the chain
tension is completely released, it is possible to go near the truck and remove the chains
from the lifting lugs.
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The seizing points fitted on the modules have been designed and manufactured for handling
loads on the ground and lifting them from the ground to convey them to the transportation
vehicle (truck), which means for a short distance, with minor lifting from the ground and for
short periods of time. In the event of lifting loads from the ground up to the top of
buildings where the Cooling Tower is to be installed, it is forbidden to use the seizing
points: suitable platforms and restraint systems must be used, instead.


After having placed the modules onto the truck loading platform, they must be fastened with
ropes or belts hooked onto the seizing points available on the modules.
The image above illustrates an example of final configuration of the load on the truck, and
the arrows indicate the position of the seizing points.
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5.1 Localisation: general guidelines

Operation of the TVA series Cooling Towers is not affected by either the direction or the intensity of wind, as
the air discharge is directed vertically and the discharge speed of the air is higher than its intake speed.
However, it is advised to take some precautions to prevent risks deriving from air circulation. The saturated
air exhausted must be freely dispersed in the atmosphere: should any of this air be recycled, the efficiency of
the Cooling Tower would be compromised. The air is the dispersion means for the heat extracted from the
water: to optimise performance of the Cooling Tower, the objective of correct installation must be that of
providing conditions for a perfect air circulation; for this reason, the main rules to observe are as laid out here

1. Do not install the machinery near exceedingly high obstacles, which

would impede dispersion of air into the atmosphere.
see drawings in § 5.2
2. Do not apply roofs or other coverings.

3. Do not obstruct air inlet in the fan suction area.

4. Do not install the machinery near extractor fans of any type (hot air,
kitchen fumes, or similar).

5. Pay attention to the dominant winds: they increase the risk of recycling the exhausted air as they tend to
push the discharged air flow downwards. Furthermore, the action of the wind produces a depression area
in correspondence to the opposite wall of the one involved.

6. Evaluate any free spaces which must necessarily be provided, especially on the sides: both water intake
connections and safety equipment (ladder, walkways and guardrails) require, in fact, ample spaces to
enable maintenance interventions without creating any obstacles which may interfere with the activities of
maintenance personnel.

During the design phase of the cooling system, the parameters to be taken into
consideration for the choice of the Cooling Tower are summarised in the following table.
Before proceeding to installation, verify that the characteristics of the Cooling Tower are
coherent with the parameters evaluated during the design phase and that such parameters
have not undergone significant variations during the time elapsed between the design of the
system and its realization.
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T 5.1 – Evaluation parameters, for the choice of model, subject to possible change before installation

Parameter Evaluations
Presence of free spaces around the Cooling Tower, to make maintenance
interventions easy.
Presence of obstacles for free circulation of the air exhausted and of the air

Latitude Seasonal weather conditions (external temperatures, humidity, etc.).

Protection from frost Low environment temperatures.

Substances used to treat the water, if any, and their action on the materials
Water treatment
used for manufacturing the Cooling Tower.

Environment noise Impact of noise pollution with respect to the area of installation of the Cooling
levels Tower.

It should be noted that in order to make it possible to install scaffolds, needed for the assembly of
the three sections which make up the Cooling tower, it is necessary to leave a free area, with a width
of at least 1500 mm, all around the tower.
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5.2 Free air circulation

The Cooling Tower must not be installed near a wall with a height equivalent to or higher than the Tower, in
order to avoid the possible recycling of exhausted air, as shown in the following picture.

In the event it is not possible to place the Cooling Tower in a different position, to decrease the recycling
effect of the exhausted air, it is advised to use a suction hood, to raise the expulsion point beyond the height
of the obstacle.
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Moreover, the presence of roofs or other coverings which may impede free release into the environment of
the exhausted air must be avoided. The presence of this type of obstacle would cause a considerable
decrease in efficiency of the Cooling Tower.
Particular physical characteristics of the Cooling Tower installation area may require a pipe for air outlet.

In the case of Cooling Towers with axial fans (TVA series) it is appropriate to channel the
exhausted air with a vertical pipe. The solution with a vertical/horizontal pipe is not advised.

Vertical pipe Vertical/horizontal pipe

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In both cases, it is necessary to arrange the pipes in such a way as not to create obstacles for the air flow,
and to provide windows/doors for inspection/access inside the Cooling Tower. In the case of doubts or need
for further information, please contact DECSA Technical Department.

The following table shows the minimum and maximum admitted values for positioning of the Cooling Tower,
according to the installation conditions, as shown in the pictures above:

Symbol Meaning Measurement Measuring unit

dmin. Minimum distance of Cooling Tower from the wall at the back 1500 mm
dasp. Minimum distance free of obstacles for air suction 2500 mm
Hmax Maximum admitted height difference 1700 mm
T 5.2 – Parameters for positioning of the Cooling Tower

The diagrams shown are, of course, an example of some of the various installation modes
for the Cooling Towers: it is impossible to provide exhaustive instructions on all possible
ways to install the Cooling Towers in the Instruction Manual.
For further specific information, please contact DECSA Technical Department.
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5.3 Mist formation

During their normal operation, the TVA series Cooling Towers, especially in some periods of the year
(typically winter or autumn), may create mists.
To check what conditions generate this phenomenon, it is useful to refer to a psychometric diagram, as
provided in the following instructions:

1) Indicate with A the point representing the conditions of the air suctioned by the Cooling Tower.

2) Indicate with B the point representing the conditions of the air in the area of release into the environment.

3) Joint points A and B: if segment AB is beyond the saturation curve, the wider the area between the
segment and the saturation curve, the higher is the probability of mist formation.

⇒ Verify the temperatures of the location and the Cooling Tower operating conditions: if mist
formation is probable, install the Tower in such a way that any potential mist produced does not
represent an obstacle and does not become the cause of complaints (for example if near busy
roads, residential areas, etc.).
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F 5.1 – Example for determination of the probability of mist formation at outlet of the Cooling Tower

A = conditions of the air being suctioned

B = conditions of the exhausted air
Light blue area = conditions for possible mist formation
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5.4 Resting surface

Before installing the Cooling Tower, it must be ensured that the designated resting surface can support the
weight of the Tower in operation, i.e. the weight of the Cooling Tower plus the weight of the water contained
in the collection basin.

Further information Total weight during operation: Section 2.8 - Technical data per model

The TVA series Cooling Towers do not usually require any specific resting structure: it is sufficient that the
surface is perfectly horizontal. In the case of placing the machinery onto profiles, its frame must be of a
closed type.


In the case of installation of the Cooling Tower above areas where the absence of vibration and noise is
required (for example: hospitals, hotels, etc.), a closed frame must be installed between the Cooling Tower
and the anti-vibration units (not supplied by DECSA S.r.l.); the dimensions of this closed frame must be such
as to sustain the weight of the Cooling Tower in operation. Please contact DECSA Technical Department to
obtain the necessary information for correct dimensioning of this frame.
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In the event of exposure to strong wind activity, as is often the case, since the Cooling Towers are frequently
positioned in open spaces at the top of buildings, it is necessary to anchor the Cooling Tower to the ground,
by means of steel ropes, which can be fastened onto the seizing points located on the top of the structure.

F 5.2 – Lifting lug and ropes for anchoring

1. Lifting lug, to be used also for fastening of the anchoring ropes

2. Ropes for anchoring to the ground
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5.5 Unloading from the transportation vehicle

 Unload the modules from the means of transport and rest them on the ground in the area arranged for
final installation of the Cooling Tower, using the seizing points shown in figures F 4.1 and F 4.2.
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5.6 Assembly of the modules

5.6.1 Fixing of the upper module to the lower module

1) Rest the lower module onto the surface intended for installation (level and horizontal surface).

2) Check that the contact edge with the “exchange section” has not undergone damages during

3) Clean the edge thoroughly.

4) Cut a sufficient amount of sealing tape (butyl rubber) to cover the contact edge; remove the protective
film from one side of the tape and make it adhere to the upper edge of the “basin section”, pressing

5) Remove the protective film from the upper side of the sealing tape and pierce the tape in
correspondence to the holes present on the edge.

6) Position the sealing rod on the tape, in the area between the holes and the internal part of the section,
as shown in the following image.
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F 5.3 – Sealing

1. Sealing tape
2. Sealing rod
3. Edge of the “Basin section”
4. Edge of the “Exchange section”
5. Fastening screw + bolt

7) Check that the contact edge of the “exchange section” with the “fan section” has not undergone
damages during transportation.

8) Lift the upper module consisting of the “fan section” and the “exchange section”, using chains fastened
onto the arranged lugs and position it correctly on the lower module by means of the metal pins inserted
into the holes next to the four corners.
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F 5.4 – Centring the “exchange section” on the “basin section” by means of metal pins

1. Metal pins for centring, arranged on the sides of the corner

2. Sealing rod
3. Sealing tape

If the holes of the two edges were not aligned, the upper module might have been placed in
a not perfectly horizontal position, or it may have been seized in an incorrect manner for

If necessary, it is possible to widen the holes, in order to obtain their proper alignment,
making it easier to introduce the stem of the fastening screw. Before making any hole larger,
remove the sealing tape.

During the centring phase of the two modules by means of the metal pins, never place your
hands between the two edges.

9) When the holes are perfectly aligned and the load is not unbalanced, all the ground staff in charge of
these operations must keep off the unit.
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10) Lower the crane arm slowly, so that the tension of the rods decreases gradually. Check that in the chain
tension releasing phase the load does not become unbalanced on one side. When the tension of the
chains is completely released, it is possible to approach the unit and remove the chains from the lugs.

At the end of this operation, the arrangement of the three sections will be like the one shown in the image

F 5.5 – Correct positioning of the upper module on the lower module

1 Lower module
2 Upper module
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11) Insert the screws and tighten the nuts.

12) Fasten the two modules with the nuts, along all the conjunction perimeter, in all points arranged by the

F 5.6 – Highlight of the position of the fixing bolts

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5.6.2 Assembling ladders and walkways (optional group)

The ladder and walkway group is optional and it is therefore not present in the ordinary
supply of TVA series Cooling Towers. Relevant request for this equipment should be made
when purchasing the partly completed machinery.

If installing walkways, ladder, perimeter guardrails between the “exchange section” and “fan section” is
arranged by contract and stipulated between the parties, these will be installed only at the end of the
assembly procedures of the two sections that make up the Cooling Tower.

Fasten the guardrails to one another using the relevant clamps supplied.
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5.6.3 Electric and water connections

Carry out electrical and water connections as instructed by the Manufacturer.

The following image shows the right side of the Cooling Tower (pump side) and the coupling points with the
water connection.

1. Bottom drain
2. Overflow
3. Water make-up
(maximum pressure 2 bar)
4. Cooled water outlet
5. Inlet of water to be cooled

Further information:
Section 5.8 - Water connection
Section 5.9 - Electric power supply line
Section 5.10 - Connecting the motors
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5.7 Sealing leaks

All sealing of the panels making up the Cooling Tower are carried out by DECSA S.r.l. before delivery of the
unit to the Purchaser. However, both during the lifting phases and transportation it is possible that some of
the sealed sections undergo alterations or changes which may cause water leakages during operation of the

To prevent these water leakages, proceed as outlined here below:

1. Visually check the integrity of the sealed parts.

2. Sealing of the junctions must always be carried out in the internal part.

3. The surfaces to be re-sealed must be cleaned to remove any remains of material previously used, and
grease must be accurately removed with an appropriate product.

4. Evenly seal a section which is far larger than where the leak has been found: use an appropriate
extruder, avoiding excess application of product.

5. Do not operate the Cooling Tower for at least 24 hours. In the case of potential rain, protect the Cooling
Tower with plastic tarps.

Use a non-acetic, single-component sealant: read and follow the instructions on the product
Technical Specification sheet carefully.
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5.8 Water connection

For proper installation, some general regulations must be observed:

 All inlet and outlet pipes must be sustained by their own specific supports: it is forbidden to use the
structure of the Cooling Tower or any other of its components as a support for the external pipes.

 The Cooling Tower must be installed at the highest point in the water circuit to prevent emptying of the
system when the pump is not running; alternatively the following must be fitted:
• a check valve onto the fitting on the water outlet from the Cooling Tower
• an air-relief valve for water circulation system

 Position the water-circulation pumps at a lower level than the water collection basin of the Cooling

 The sizing and laying of the pipes must be carried out taking into account their expansion.

 Before tightening the bolts of the flanged connections, verify alignment and coplanarity of each flange.

 In case of installation of 2 or more Cooling Towers, the pipes must be designed and installed in such a
way as to balance the following:
• the pressure drop of the various branch pipes
• the load of the process fluid on the individual Towers
Arrange sluice gates for each Cooling Tower installed, in such a way as to enable independent
maintenance interventions for each of them. These sluice gates may also be used to balance any
alteration of the water flow rate in the pipes.

 The maximum pressure of the water line for water level make-up must be as indicated in the technical
data table ( Section 2.8 - Technical data per model).

 The max. operating pressure at the fitting on the water inlet must be that indicated in the technical data
table ( Section 2.8 - Technical data per model).

Pressure values which are higher than indicated may damage the water distribution system
inside the Cooling Tower.
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5.9 Electric power supply line

The Cooling Tower is partly completed machinery, which can be equipped with an electrical panel supplied
as accessory.

The procedure of connecting the partly completed machinery to the electric power supply
provided by the purchaser must be carried out by qualified and specialised technicians, in
compliance with the relevant regulations in force.

For correct connection:

1. Verify the integrity of the electric cables used.

2. Choose the minimum cross-section of the cables based on:

• voltage
• power installed
• distance of the user from the electric power source (the data shown in the table refer to cables used
for short sections. The operator in charge of installation will have to calculate any voltage drops due
to the length of the cables used and employ cables of suitable cross-section).

Motor power (kW) Cable cross-section Motor power (kW) Cable cross-section
(mm2) (mm2)
0.09 1.5 4 2.5
0.12 1.5 5.5 4
0.18 1.5 7.5 4
0.25 1.5 9 6
0.37 1.5 11 6
0.55 1.5 15 10
0.75 1.5 18.5 10
0.9 1.5 22 16
1.1 1.5 30 25
1.8 1.5 37 25
2.2 1.5 45 35
3 2.5 55 35
T 5.3 – Minimum cable cross-sections according to the electric motor power
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3. A thermal-magnetic circuit breaker must be installed upstream from the power supply line for the Cooling

4. Verify that the electrical data of the power supply line (voltage and frequency) are consistent with the
rating plate data of the Cooling Tower.

5. Verify that all electrical cables are well connected, and fastened in such a way as to avoid their accidental
tearing, disconnection or damage.

6. Verify that the grounding connection is performed correctly.

7. For operation in winter, electric heating elements must be installed in the water collection basin: these will
have to be equipped with a safety thermostat. This is to prevent the water from reaching freezing

8. Electric power supply to the heating element must be:

• separated from that of the electric motors of the fans and of the pumps
• controlled by an independent thermostat (not included in DECSA S.r.l. supply)
• adequately protected from short circuits

The bulb of the control thermostat of the heating element will have to be positioned:
• near the bottom of the water collection basin
• as far as possible from the heating elements
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5.10 Connecting the motors

The characteristics of the motors installed on the TVA series Cooling Towers in terms of insulation class and
protection level as laid out in Section 2.8 - Technical data per model, are such to ensure operation even
when they must operate in humid environments. However, the following is to be taken into account:

In the case of operation with inverter, it is necessary to verify that the number of revolutions of the motor-
ventilator group is within the designed values: in the case of doubt contact DECSA After Sales Service.

Never start-up a motor driven by an inverter without knowing the maximum admitted number
of revolutions for the fan: the risk is to cause serious damage to the fan!
Furthermore, before commissioning, verify what the resonance speed is and ensure that this
speed is never reached.

To limit wear and tear of the motors, the advised maximum number of start-up procedures
per hour is: 5

Before commissioning the Cooling Tower, carry out a trial of the electrical system. Fill in the
test & trial form with a description of the checks carried out, the outcome, identification of the
person in charge, signature and date. Keep the Test & Trial Form in a safe place with the
technical documentation relevant to the whole Cooling System.
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6.1 Commissioning

Being the Cooling Tower of the TVA series partly completed machinery, it must not be
operated until it is incorporated into the machinery/plant for which it was designed and the
CE certification attesting conformity of the final machinery/plant with the Machinery Directive
requirements is issued.

For safe operation of the Cooling Tower, after its installation a number of checks must be carried out,
following the procedures outlined here below:

6.1.1 Before ignition of the fan motors and inlet of water

1. The float valve, located on the water line for water level make-up is usually locked to avoid damages
during transportation: check that it has been unlocked.

2. Check that inside the Cooling Tower (water collection basin, fan housings, etc.) there are no foreign
bodies or working tools left behind by accident during the installation phase. Verify that thorough and
proper cleaning of the internal parts is carried out, to avoid circulation of solid remains which may obstruct
water circulation.

3. Visually check that the water and electrical lines do not present malfunctions or evident damages.

4. Visually check that the ladder, walkways and perimeter protection guardrails, positioned at the top of
the Cooling Tower, if applicable (optional), are correctly installed and fastened.

5. Check that all the protection grids and access doors are correctly positioned and fastened by means of
the relevant mechanical locking devices.
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6.1.2 Water inlet into the basin

1. Deliver water into the collection basin.

2. The float valve must shut completely when the water level in the collection basin is at the overflow drain

- Adjustment of the level takes place as outlined here below:

• Loosen the bolt fastening the float onto its rod.

• Adjust the position of the float along the rod, in such a way that the valve shuts completely once the
desired water level is reached.
• Tighten the bolt that fastens the float to its rod.

Avoid at any rate, that the water level in the collection basin is lowered beyond 10 cm from the overflow
drain connection, to prevent the risk of cavitation of the pump, with consequent decrease of the amount of
water sprayed, as well as fast wear and tear of the pump impeller.

- Adjustment of the counter-pressure exercised by the valve on the tap takes place as outlined below:

• by moving the float and making it slide along its rod, the counter-pressure exercised on the water at
inlet increases.

3. Visually check that there are no water leakages.

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6.1.3 Starting the fans

1. Start the fans (start-up of the fans must always take place after having started the pump of the water to
be cooled).

2. Visually check that the fans rotate in the correct direction.

⇒ If rotation is opposite to the one expected, stop the motors. The phases have been reversed during
connection to the motor power supply line.

3. The water level in the collection basin must not be too low, because there may be the risk of re-suctioning
of air by the pump, with consequent quick wear and tear of the water pump impeller. The phenomenon of
air re-suction may be acknowledged by detecting an intermittent noise of air discharge through the
water spraying nozzles. This phenomenon must be considered as normal during commissioning of the
Cooling Tower, as it is caused by bleeding of the air contained inside the pipes. Should this, however,
continue, a potential re-suction of air in the pump connection should be considered: stop the system and
check the water level in the basin.

4. In the case of abnormal vibrations of the moving parts, stop the motors immediately and contact DECSA
After Sales Service.

Further information Section 1.4 – Instructions for customer care intervention request
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6.2 Seasonal start-up

For correct first start-up or seasonal start-up, follow the procedure outlined here below. For a thorough
understanding of the operations summarised in the table below, all information laid out in the previous pages
of the Instruction Manual must have been read and understood.

1. Checking the Cooling Tower general conditions

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock
Biological / Chemical Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).

2. Cleaning and washing the suction grids, the water collection basin and the water filter

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock
Biological / Chemical Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).

3. Adjusting the float valve and the water level

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock
Biological / Chemical Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).

4. Check that the spraying nozzles have not been obstructed by deposits or encrustations

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock
Biological / Chemical Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).
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5. Check that on the external pipes of the evaporative wet deck fill there are no evident traces of
deposits or encrustations.

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Biological / Chemical Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).

6. Checking and adjusting the bleed water

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

The bleed pipe is fitted with a valve which should be adjusted
according to the water conditions: based on periodical observations
and data collection, the best position of the valve should be
Biological / Chemical identified, to avoid encrustations and to keep water consumption at
low levels.

Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).

7. Checking for abnormal vibration and noise

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock

8. Checking electric voltage and electric motor absorption

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Carry out checks from the control panel and NOT directly on the

9. Checking the tightness of the fastening bolts on the motors and the protection grids

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock

10. Periodic start-up of the fan and checking rotation direction

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Visual inspection with protection grids fastened.
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6.3 After 24 hours of ordinary operation with system loaded

Once 24 hours of ordinary operation under load have elapsed, check status of the Cooling Tower:

1. Visual check of water level

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Biological / Chemical Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).

2. Visual check of the spraying nozzles: they must be neither completely nor partially obstructed
by deposits

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Biological / Chemical Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).

3. Visual check of the evaporative wet deck fill: there must not be any traces of deposits or other

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Biological / Chemical Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).

4. Check to exclude presence of abnormal vibration or noise

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

In the case an intervention is needed, the motors must first be
Mechanical stopped by placing the electric power supply switch to the “O”
position and locking it.

5. Verify correct tightening of the locking screws of the motors and of the protection grids / panels

Nature of the residual risk Action to take

Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock
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6.4 Start-up after a seasonal period of pause (< 6 months)

After having left the Cooling Tower inactive for a long period, for example, because of seasonal stop or at
any rate for a period shorter than 6 months, before starting-up the system again, an overall check of the
conditions of the Cooling Tower must be carried out:

1. Overall check: status of sealing, electrical cables and relevant connections, protection grids.
Resume ordinary status of the Cooling Tower.
Nature of the residual risk Action to take
Biological / Chemical Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).
Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock

2. Visual check of correct operation of fans, correct direction of rotation, and constancy in the
rotation speed.
Nature of the residual risk Action to take
Visual check with protection grids assembled and fastened.

3. Cleaning and washing of:

• suction grids
• wet deck fill
• water filter
• water collection basin
Nature of the residual risk Action to take
Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock
Biological Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).

4. Close the water make-up valve and drain the relevant pipe.
Nature of the residual risk Action to take
Biological Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY).

5. Grease the fan shaft supports.

Nature of the residual risk Action to take
Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock
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6.5 Control panel

Each Cooling Tower must be connected to its relevant electric panel for power supply and system control.

Designing and constructing the control panel are done by the Purchaser. The control panel
must be designed and cabled according to the specific Cooling Tower model and the
optional accessories supplied; this must be fitted with a door containing a lock, to prevent
access to the controls by unauthorised personnel.

IMPORTANT: The key for opening the access door to the controls must be kept by the operator in charge of
running the system.

The Control Panel is to be positioned near the Cooling Tower, at a distance of about 5 metres, to enable the
person in charge of running the Tower to visually check the operational area during the start-up procedures.

If agreed during the contract negotiation phase, the partly completed machinery may be
equipped by DECSA S.r.l. with its own control and command panel ( Chapter 10 –
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7.1 Frequency of interventions

Although the Cooling Towers are simply built, they usually undergo heavy operating conditions, due to their
location which is, usually, outdoors. The TVA series Cooling Towers have excellent protection against
weather conditions, being entirely manufactured with top quality hot-dip galvanized steel plate, further
protected by epoxy resin based enamels (optional treatment). All the electric motors and supports for the
fans are of special construction, in consideration of outdoor installation. Maintenance operations are
therefore reduced to the least possible. Good operation of the Cooling Tower over time requires, however,
some maintenance and control operations. In this chapter the main operations which must be carried out
regularly are listed: the suggested frequency may undergo variations, even considerable ones, depending on
the particular conditions where the Cooling Tower operates.

§ Operation Monthly Every 6 Yearly

7.1.1 Washing the water collection basin and water filter
7.1.2 Vibration checking
7.1.3 Nozzle inspection
7.1.4 Inspection of evaporative wet deck fill
7.1.5 Checking bleed water
7.1.6 Regular activation of the fan
7.1.7 Adjustment of valve and water level
7.1.8 Emptying the basin
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7.1.1 Washing the water collection basin and water filter

Frequency: Monthly

Safety: • Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock it.
• Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY)

Procedure: • Empty and rinse the basin until all impurities have been removed.
• Wash the pump filter, removing it if necessary.
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7.1.2 Vibration checking

Frequency: Monthly

Safety: • Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock it.
• Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY)

Any damage to the fan or to the electric motor may cause vibrations to the Cooling Tower. If this occurs, stop
the Cooling Tower immediately and check causes for the vibrations. The water recirculation pump must also
be checked regularly.
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7.1.3 Nozzle inspection

Frequency: Monthly

Safety: • Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock it.
• Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY)

Procedure: • Check each nozzle: there must not be any obstructions or encrustations by foreign
substances and all nozzles must spray in a full and continuous way.
• If necessary, remove any nozzle requiring interventions, and carry out cleaning or

Removal of the nozzles does not require particular tools as they are made of rubber and can
be disassembled by pulling them outwardly (F 7.1) while at the same time making them
rotate alternatively, slightly clockwise and anti-clockwise. Hold the PVC header in place
when doing this operation.

• Re-assembly: wet the collar of the nozzle before re-placing it in its position.

F 7.1 – Nozzle maintenance

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7.1.4 Inspection of evaporative wet deck fill

Frequency: Monthly

Safety: • Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock it.
• Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY)

Procedure: • Visual check of the status of the evaporative wet deck fill

As encrustations are formed due to bad water quality and/or irregular spraying, a frequent
check of the evaporative wet deck fill may save great problems to the Cooling Tower:

Even encrustations ⇒ treatment of the water not sufficiently effective

Localised encrustations ⇒ one or more nozzles do not spray correctly

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7.1.5 Checking bleed water

Frequency: Every 6 months

Safety: • Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock it.
• Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY)

Procedure: • The bleed pipe is fitted with a valve which should be adjusted according to the water
conditions: based on periodical observations and data collection, the best position of the
valve should be identified, to avoid encrustations and to keep water consumption at low
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7.1.6 Regular activation of fan and water recirculation pump

Frequency: Every 6 months

Safety: • Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock it.
• Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY)

Procedure: • In the case of long periods of inactivity, the fans must be regularly activated to avoid
excessive drying out of the bearings and gaskets.
The pump must also be started regularly to prevent arising of situations inside it, which
could prevent it from starting up when putting the Cooling Tower back into use.
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7.1.7 Adjustment of valve and water level

Frequency: Every 6 months

Safety: • Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock it.
• Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY)

Procedure: • Loosen the bolt that fastens the float to its rod.
• Adjust the position of the float along the rod, in such a way that the valve shuts completely
once the desired water level is reached.
• Tighten the bolt that fastens the float to its rod.
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7.1.8 Emptying the basin

Frequency: Yearly

Safety: • Place the electric power supply switch in the “O” position and lock it.
• Use adequate PPE ( Chapter 3 – SAFETY)

Procedure: • Close the valve for water inlet into the spraying nozzles.
• Close the valve for inlet of make-up water into the basin.
• Open the drain valve.
• Let the water at the bottom flow out.
• Enter the basin through its relevant opening, clean the walls and the bottom of the basin
with clean water and, if necessary, use cleaning products to remove deposits. Follow the
instructions provided by technicians specialized in the treatment of industrial containers for
water storage.
• Close the drain valve when cleaning is completed.
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7.2 Lubrication of the motor

For motor maintenance details, please refer to the documentation provided by the motor Supplier.
However, to make it easier for information relevant to maintenance of the Cooling Tower to be passed on,
the following summary table is provided:


from 0.55 kW (L80) to 22 kW (L180) from 30 kW (L200) to 45 kW



OPERATIONAL LIFE: The bearings are fitted with an automatic grease disposal device.
30000 hours The bearing chambers must be previously filled with grease up to
no more than half of their capacity, because an excessive
amount of grease would cause high operation temperature.

The refilling may be carried out through the grease nipple fitted
on bearing covers located on both sides of the motor. Clean the
grease nipple before refilling.



Motor at 1500 rpm (50 Hz) Motor at 1800 rpm (60 Hz)

Refill every: Refill every:

1500 hours 1500 hours

or or

6 months 6 months
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7.3 Illustrated spare parts list

The parts not indicated in this section (for example: motors, fans and recycling pump) shall be
assembled only by DECSA s.r.l. service staff.
If needed, contact the After Sales Service using the contact details indicated in section 1.4 -
Instructions for customer care intervention request.

The following table shows the spare parts that can be requested to DECSA S.r.l. and assembled on the TVA
series Cooling Towers by the purchaser's maintenance personnel.

Ref. Description Existing qty Recommended qty

7.3.1 Drift eliminators 21 6

7.3.2 Nozzle header gasket 6 2
Nozzle header 6 2
Spraying nozzles 66 20
7.3.4 Air inlet grids 27 8
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7.3.1 Drift eliminators

Position: The drift eliminators are assembled between the water distribution system and the fans
(see figure F 7.2).

Staff assigned: 1 mechanical maintenance technician

Equipment: Fixed box wrench 17 mm

Disassembly/assembly procedure:
1) Place the electric power supply switch ( section 6.5 - Control panel) in the “O” position and lock it.
2) Unscrew the 4 nuts from the stud bolts that fix the window to the fan section and remove the window.
3) Remove the drift eliminators from their housings (F 7.2) and extract them through the window.
4) Insert the new drift eliminators through the window by observing the previous arrangement.

F 7.2 – Drift eliminator position

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7.3.2 Nozzle header gasket

Position: The gasket is fitted at the end of the nozzle header, as in picture (F 7.3).

Staff assigned: 1 mechanical maintenance technician + 1 assistant

Equipment: 13-mm wrench

Disassembly/assembly procedure:
1) Place the electric power supply switch ( Section 6.5 - Control panel) in the “O” position and lock it.
2) Remove the screws that fasten the protection grid located on the upper part of the fan cylinder and remove the grid
( 2.5.3 - Fan protection grids).
3) Go into the fan section passing through the fan blades.
4) Place one's feet on the fan supporting crossbars and take a position of stable equilibrium by having one hand on a
5) Remove the drift eliminators ( Section 2.5.7 - Drift eliminators) with the free hand.
6) Enter inside the “exchange section”, placing one's feet carefully on the wet deck fill.
7) Unscrew the screws of the U-brackets holding the secondary headers (PVC) and remove the headers.
8) Replace the gaskets placed on the main header (F 7.3).
9) Put the secondary PVC headers back in place and fix them with the U-brackets previously removed.
10) Go back into the fan section, by placing one's feet on the fan supporting crossbars and take a position of stable
equilibrium by having one hand on a support.
11) Put the drift eliminators back in place.
12) Exit the fan section.
13) Reassemble the fan protection grid and lock it with the clamping screws.

F 7.3 – Nozzle seal: detail

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7.3.3 Nozzle header and spraying nozzles

Position: The water distribution system, composed of a header and spraying nozzles, is fitted
between the wet deck fill and the drift eliminators, as in picture (F 7.4).

Staff assigned: 1 mechanical maintenance technician

Equipment: 13-mm wrench

Disassembly/assembly procedure:
1) Place the electric power supply switch ( Section 6.5 - Control panel) in the “O” position and lock it.
2) Remove the screws that fasten the protection grid located on the upper part of the fan cylinder and remove the grid
( 2.5.3 - Fan protection grids).
3) Go into the fan section passing through the fan blades.
4) Place one's feet on the fan supporting crossbars and take a position of stable equilibrium by having one hand on a
5) Remove the drift eliminators ( Section 2.5.7 - Drift eliminators) with the free hand.
6) Enter inside the “exchange section”, placing one's feet carefully on the wet deck fill.
7) Unscrew the screws of the U-brackets holding the secondary headers (PVC) and remove the headers.
8) Replace the nozzle headers and/or the spraying nozzles (F 7.4).
9) Go back into the fan section, by placing one's feet on the fan supporting crossbars and take a position of stable
equilibrium by having one hand on a support.
10) Put the drift eliminators back in place.
11) Exit the fan section.
12) Reassemble the fan protection grid and lock it with the clamping screws.

F 7.4 – Water distribution system: detail

1. Spraying nozzle
2. Nozzle header
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7.3.4 Air inlet grids

Position: The air inlet grids are located in the basin section, as in figure (F 7.5)

Staff assigned: 1 mechanical maintenance technician

Equipment: 13-mm wrench

Disassembly/assembly procedure:
1) Place the electric power supply switch ( section 6.5 - Control panel) in the “O” position and lock it.
2) Unscrew the screws fastening the crossbar that fixes the air inlet grids.
3) Remove the air inlet grids (F 7.5) and strictly respect the direction of the air inlet ducts in the Cooling Tower (not to
swap the air inlet grids when reassembling).
4) Wipe off any dirt from the lower support.
5) Place the new air inlet grids in the correct assembly direction (see point 3).

F 7.5 – Position of air inlet grids

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To make it easier to find the main causes for an operation failure, in this chapter the most probable failures
that can occur during the operational life of the TVA series Cooling Towers are listed:


a) Absence of power supply to the motor. a) Check sound conditions of the electric
system. If necessary, repair it.

The fans fail to rotate b) The motor is seized up. b) Reset the motor.
See documentation related to the motor.

c) The fan is seized up. c) Reset the fan.

a) Fan impeller not balanced correctly. a) Check the impeller. If necessary, balance it.
The fans rotate, but vibrate.
b) Coupling loose.
b) Tighten well the coupling on the shaft.
a) Rotation direction of the fans is a) Check electrical connection.
Air flow rate at the fan outlet is
reversed. If necessary, fix the connection to resume
normal rotation direction of the fans.
Metal noise coming from the a) The impeller hits against the casing. a) Repair the casing or the impeller.
a) Bearings damaged. a) Replace the bearings (contact the motor

The motor is noisy. b) If the noise is of a magnetic type, the b) Replace the motor.
motor is defective.

c) A phase is missing. c) Check connection.

a) Motor defective. a) Repair the motor (contact the motor
The motor is overheated.
b) Incorrect electric power supply. b) Check power supply.

c) Overload. c) Check transmission.

One or more nozzles fail to a) Obstruction. a) Remove the obstruction.
spray. See §7.1.3 - Nozzle inspection.
One or more nozzles spray a) Partial scaling or obstruction. a) Clean the nozzles involved.
unevenly. See §7.1.3 - Nozzle inspection.
The evaporative wet deck fill is a) The circulating water causes scaling. a) Treat the water.
evenly scaled.
The evaporative wet deck fill a) Water distribution is not even. a) Intervene on the nozzles to make water
becomes scaled in some areas. distribution even.
a) Scaling of the evaporative wet deck fill. a) Remove scale from the evaporative wet
deck fill or replace it.
Cooling of water is insufficient.
b) Fan capacity reduced.
b) Check operation of the fans.
a) Drift eliminators not correctly positioned. a) Position the drift eliminators correctly.

b) Spraying nozzles turned upwards. b) Rotate the nozzles in such a way that they
Water comes out from the drift
spray water downwards.
c) Excessive air flow rate. c) Reduce air flow rate by decreasing the
Water comes out from the plate a) Damage to the joints during a) Restore tight condition.
joints. transportation or installation. Section 5.7 - Sealing leaks.
A lot of water comes out of the a) Float valve open too wide. a) Lower the float.
overflow drain.
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The water level in the basin is a) Float valve too closed. a) Lift the float.
far below the overflow.
Suction of water from the basin a) Level of water too low. a) Adjust the valve. Lift the float.
and of air (cavitation).
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At the end of the life cycle of the Cooling Tower, the most opportune measures must be taken to dismantle it
and dispose of its various parts.

Observe the relevant regulations in force in the Country of installation.

To supplement these regulations it is advised that the following should be considered “special materials” and
disposed of appropriately:
 lubricants and refrigeration fluids
 various filters
 pressure containers
 batteries and accumulators
 cathode-ray tubes and liquid crystal displays
 rubber parts
 electronic boards and components

With regard to disposal and recycling, it is advised that the following items should be separated:
 plastic and synthetic material (structural, relevant to components or plants)
 electrical material (cables, motors, transformers, etc.)
 metal material (structure, guards, etc.)

Before proceeding to dismantling, it is mandatory to disconnect the Cooling Tower from the
water supply circuit and the electric power supply line.
Read Chapter 4 - HANDLING AND TRANSPORTATION which includes the necessary
information for lifting the components of the Cooling Tower.

Pack adequately the disassembled parts, according to their individual mass and characteristics: handle them
with the utmost care. Fasten a plate on each package stating the mass, the contents and any other
necessary information for transportation.
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For disposal of the components, the parts must be taken to relevant selective waste collection points
according to the material they are made of:


Component Material Component Material

Drift eliminators PVC Wet deck fill Steel

Pipes for water distribution PVC Axial fans Aluminium

Spraying nozzles EPDM Motor winding Copper

Float of the valve for water make-up PVC Motor casing Steel

Nozzle header PP Panels Fibreglass

Nozzle header gasket Rubber - -

Air inlet grids PP - -

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The present chapter lists and describes the accessories which may be applied to the Cooling Towers
manufactured by DECSA S.r.l. upon specific request from the Purchaser.

The accessories installed in the Cooling Tower are those established during the contract
negotiation phase. For these accessories DECSA S.r.l. will provide the necessary documentation
to identify the technical data relevant to a specific part, as well as any procedures for their correct
installation, adjustment and maintenance. The documentation available is provided in Chapter “11
– Enclosures” of the present Manual.

10.1 Accessory list

Ref. Accessories
10.1.1 Accessories for the motor
10.1.2 Antifreeze heater
10.1.3 Heating mesh
10.1.4 ON/OFF switch
10.1.5 Junction box
10.1.6 Level check device
10.1.7 Vibration switch
10.1.8 Water automatic bleed
10.1.9 Water treatment system
10.1.10 Axilent and Axilent Plus fans
10.1.11 Walkway and access ladder
10.1.12 Control panel
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10.1.1 Accessories for the motor

The motors installed in the Cooling Towers and their relevant accessories are chosen based on the
Purchaser’s operational needs, and according to the installation location of the Cooling Tower. In particular,
the following motors and accessories can be installed:
• Double-speed motor (Dahlander) to enable operation at two different rotation regimes (full load or
reduced load).
• Atex motor: explosion-proof motor for operation in environments subject to risk of formation of
explosive conditions.
• Motors with 50 Hz or 60 Hz frequency and power supply voltage, even different from 400 V,
according to the location of installation.
• The motors may be supplied with power supply cables (not wired) or with appropriate connection
terminal board installed on the motor itself.
• PTC probes (for operation with inverter).
• Tropicalization: protection device for operation in areas undergoing harsh weather conditions
(hot/cold and humid).
• Anti-condensation heaters: they prevent the formation of condensation in the winding when the
motor is operated at low temperatures.

In the table below the types of anti-condensation heaters that can be applied to the motors according to their
sizes are listed.

Motor size Anti-condensation heater Voltage / Frequency

Sz. 90 P.25 W, qty 1 220 V 50 Hz
Sz. 100 P.25 W, qty 1 220 V 50 Hz
Sz. 112 P.26 W, qty 1 220 V 50 Hz
Sz. 132 P.26 W, qty 1 220 V 50 Hz
Sz. 160 P.21 W, qty 1 220 V 50 Hz
Sz. 180 P.21 W, qty 1 220 V 50 Hz
Sz. 200 P.26 W, qty 2 (optional P.55 W, qty 1) 220 V 50 Hz
Sz. 225 P.26 W, qty 2 (optional P.55 W, qty 1) 220 V 50 Hz
Sz. 250 P.26 W, qty 2 (optional P.55 W, qty 1) 220 V 50 Hz
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10.1.2 Antifreeze heater

The antifreeze heater (F 10.1) is fitted at the bottom of the water collection basin, to prevent the risk of water
freezing when the Cooling Tower is installed in low temperature areas (outdoor installation in very cold
winters). The antifreeze heater can have a variable power from 1 kW to 8 kW (400 V / 3 phases / 50 Hz),
according to the temperature of the installation location. It is equipped with safety thermostat to prevent
temperature peaks from jeopardising the integrity of the gasket and of the PVC box.

Heater control thermostat

The antifreeze heater (F 10.1) may be fitted with a thermostat to control ignition and shut-down of the heater
according to the temperature set (for example: by setting the thermostat to 4 °C, the heater is turned on
when the water temperature falls below the set value, and is turned off when the temperature rises above
such value).

F 10.1 – Antifreeze heater

Heater Thermostat

10.1.3 Heating mesh

The heating mesh is fitted on the cylinder of the axial fans, to prevent possible frosting of the water vapour in
contact with the metal surfaces (solidification of the vapour)
The resistance (70 W/m – 230 V / 1 phase / 50 Hz) is provided with a safety thermostat.
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10.1.4 ON/OFF switch

This is a disconnection device from the electric power supply. It is installed on board the machine and
enables the removal of electric power supply from the users connected to it, to be able to safely carry
out maintenance operations to the Cooling Tower. The switch can be locked in the “O” position (OFF).

F 10.2 – ON/OFF switch

10.1.5 Junction box

This is installed on board the machine, and it allows distribution of the terminal boards to the various
users, enabling an easier power supply to them.

F 10.3 – Junction box (example)

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10.1.6 Level check device

This is a single or four-probe electronic device for water level check inside the basin. It is a “simple contact”
which can send an alarm message and/or activate auxiliary units connected to it (for example, water make-
up with solenoid valve).

F 10.4 – Level check device


Casing ABS 110 x 110 x 65

Casing Casing ABS 160 x 118 x 75 IP56 -
Polyolefin-coated electrodes Polyolefin-coated electrodes Body in brass – Seals in NBR – Core
1 point of contact intervention 3 points of contact intervention
Intervention points -
Male threaded 3/8” Female threaded 2” Female threaded 1” – 2”

Connectors PG07 PG07 DIN 43650 – PG09

Absorbed power 5 VA 5 VA -

10-60 mS - calibrated at 20 mS. 10-60 mS - calibrated at 20 mS.

Sensitivity -
Adjustable with internal trimmer Adjustable with internal trimmer

Maximum voltage 24 V- 230 V – 50-60 Hz 24 V- 230 V – 50-60 Hz 24 V- 230 V – 50-60 Hz

Temperature range -20 °C / +50 °C -20 °C / +50 °C -10 °C / +50 °C

Power supply to
22 VAC 22 VAC -
Specific weight of
³ 0.7 ³ 0.7 -

Min/max pressure - - 0.1 bar / 10 bar

Closure time 1 bar - - 3.5 s

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10.1.7 Vibration switch

This is an electro-mechanical device for detection of the vibration intensity. It is installed near the rotating
parts, it consists of a simple contact which can send an alarm signal or remove continuity to the motor power
supply circuit, when the vibration level detected by the device exceeds the value set on the device itself
(adjustment of sensitivity).

F 10.5 – Vibration switch

10.1.8 Water automatic bleed

This is a device to control concentration of salts dissolved in water. It mainly consists of a conductivity probe
(F 10.6) which detects water conductivity (linked to the concentration of salts contained in it), and of a
programmable controller (F 10.7) which reads and analyses signals sent by the probe. In the event the water
conductivity level detected by the probe is beyond the threshold set by the controller, an electro-activated
valve is prompted (F 10.8) to enable bleeding of part of the water present in the Cooling Tower basin. In this
way, the water level in the basin decreases progressively until it activates the automatic device for water
make-up in the Cooling Tower, with consequent restoration of the correct water level and decrease of the
degree of concentration of the dissolved salts.

F 10.6 – Example of conductivity probe F 10.7 – Example of programmable F 10.8 - Example of electro-activated valve
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10.1.9 Water treatment system

This a system for treatment of water used in the cooling process of the Tower. It enables appropriate dosing
of relevant products inside the Cooling Tower (biocides and/or solutions for control of water characteristics,
such as pH, hardness, salt concentration, etc.) with the aim of maintaining the desired water characteristics
constant over the time. This system usually consists of a WTC (F 10.10), a pulse-sender Meter (F 10.11), an
electro-activated valve (F 10.12). In picture F 10.9 the diagram of an example of water treatment system is

F 10.9 – Example of water treatment system

F 10.10 – Example of WTC F 10.12 - Example of electro-activated

F 10.11 – Example of pulse-sender meter
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10.1.10 Axilent and Axilent Plus fans

Instead of a standard fan, the Axilent fan (F 10.13) and the Axilent Plus fan (F 10.14) enable noise reduction
to 6 db(A) and 12 db(A) respectively, although they have reduced powers installed with respect to its
homologue centrifugal Cooling Tower.
These optional items require the adoption of an angle transmission with reduction ratio reaching up to 5:1,
and service factor equivalent to 2.

F 10.13 – Axilent fan

F 10.14 – Axilent Plus fan

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10.1.11 Walkway and access ladder

A walkway is usually installed on the Cooling Tower on the side fitted with inspection window, so as to carry
out in safety the inspection and/or maintenance operations for the components located on the top of the
Tower (for example motors, fans, etc.). The walkway is equipped with guardrails, and is reached by means of
a ladder fitted with safety cage.

Maximum overall load of the walkway: 200 kg (corresponding to two maintenance operators
plus small working tools).
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10.1.12 Control panel

The Control Panel supplied by DECSA S.r.l. includes all the commands needed to control the Cooling Tower
operation, and other accessories. The image below shows an example of the Control panel of TVA partly
completed machinery made by DECSA S.r.l.

1 Emergency stop mushroom-shaped button

2 Control panel protected by lockable door
3 Door lock
4 Key for opening/closing of the access door to the controls
5 Inverter (Danfoss VLT HVAC Drive)
6 Holes for fastening of the support of the control panel onto
the floor
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Pos. Name Description

Main switch for electric power supply to the machine
(lockable) I = machine powered
O = machine disconnected from electric power supply
2 FAN 1 IN OPERATION A white pilot light indicates that fan 1 is in operation.
3 FAN 2 IN OPERATION A white pilot light indicates that fan 2 is in operation.
4 AUX 24 VDC VOLTAGE PRESENCE A white pilot light indicates presence of 24 VDC for auxiliary systems.
A white pilot light indicates that the electric heaters for water heating
are in operation.
A white pilot light indicates that the pump for water spraying onto the
wet deck fill is in operation.
An orange pilot light indicates that the left-hand side fan (access
ladder side to the walkway) is not operating due to a fault condition.
An orange pilot light indicates that the right-hand side fan (pump
side) is not operating due to a fault condition.
Blue button to resume conditions of ordinary operation after an
emergency stop.
HEATERS NOT OPERATING (FAULT An orange pilot light indicates that the heater is not operating due to
CONDITION) a fault condition.
SPRAYING NOT OPERATING (FAULT An orange pilot light indicates that the pump for cooling water
CONDITION) spraying is not operating due to a fault condition.
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Pos. Name Description

This two-position switch is active only when switch 14 is in MAN

12 FAN 1 (ON – OFF) switch
ON = Manual ignition of the left fan
OFF = Manual shut-down of the left fan
This two-position switch is active only when switch 14 is in MAN
13 FAN 2 (ON – OFF) switch
ON = Manual ignition of the right fan
OFF = Manual shut-down of the right fan
This three-position switch enables choice of operation mode for the
two fans:
14 FAN switch (MAN – O – AUTO)
MAN = Manual operation, controlled by switches 12 and 13
O = Operation of the fans deactivated
AUTO = Automatic operation
This three-position switch enables choice of operation mode for the
heaters for water heating:
15 HEATER switch (MAN – O – AUTO)
MAN = Manual operation
O = Operation of the heaters deactivated
AUTO = Automatic operation
This three-position switch enables choice of operation mode for the
pump for cooling water spraying:
16 SPRAYING switch (MAN – O – AUTO)
MAN = Manual operation
O = Operation of the pump deactivated
AUTO = Automatic operation
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The present chapter includes any annexes, produced by DECSA S.r.l., which must be considered as an
essential part of the Instruction Manual. Some of these annexes may already have been previously
forwarded to the Purchaser, when delivering the Cooling Tower: the enclosed copy should not be intended
as a change or an update, but the completion of the Manual, to facilitate the availability of information sought

Moreover, any documentation provided by the Suppliers of trade parts (for example: electric motors, etc.),
which are forwarded to the Purchaser by DECSA S.r.l., must also be considered an essential part of the
present Instruction Manual. For a detailed list of the supplier documentation see the Consignment Letter.

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