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Suggested answers to Exercise,

Reading to learn and Cross-topic

Ch 11 Cell cycle and division
Section 11.1
Level 1 (p. 11-30)
1 A

Level 2 (p. 11-30)

2 A

Section 11.2
Level 1 (p. 11-30)
3 D

Level 2 (p. 11-30)

4 C

5 DSE Bio 2014 IB Q3

Level 3 (p. 11-31)

6 A 7 C

8 a Chromosomes are not visible in the cells at interphase. 1

b The relative time the cells spend in interphase:
 24 hours
= 20.4 hours 1
c i Yes
The percentage of dividing cells in tissue X is much higher than that in tissue Y. 1
This means cells in tissue X are dividing more often than those in normal tissue. 1
ii Without DNA replication, cells cannot divide. 1
This stops the formation of new tumour cells. 1

Section 11.3
Level 1 (p. 11-32)
9 B
Level 2 (p. 11-32)
10 A

11 a Meiotic cell division 1

Homologous chromosomes paired up. 1
Crossing over has occurred between non-sister chromatids. 1
b Meiotic cell division reduces the chromosome number in the daughter cells to half. 1
The diploid number of chromosomes can be restored when the male gamete and the female gamete
fuse during fertilization. 1
This allows a species to preserve a constant number of chromosomes from generation to generation.

12 DSE Bio Sample Paper IB Q4

Section 11.4
Level 1 (p. 11-33)
13 C 14 B

Level 2 (p. 11-33)

15 D 16 C 17 D 18 C

Level 3 (p. 11-34)

19 D

20 DSE Bio 2015 IB Q2

21 DSE Bio 2012 IB Q11

Reading to learn (p. 11-35)

1 If homologous chromosomes fail to separate, the two members will go to the same daughter cell, forming a
diploid gamete. 1
2 The gamete-producing cells of a triploid plant contain three sets of chromosomes. 1
The chromosomes cannot pair up and separate during meiotic cell division. 1
3 Only mitotic cell division is involved in the development of the plants. 1
Cells produced by mitotic cell division are genetically identical to the parent cells. 1

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