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Acta Psychologica 229 (2022) 103696

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Linear correlation is insufficient as the sole measure of associations: The

case of technology use and mental health
Jean M. Twenge a, *, Jessica L. Hamilton b
Department of Psychology, San Diego State University, United States of America
Department of Psychology, Rutgers University, United States of America


Keywords: It is common for psychology studies to rely solely on linear correlation (r) or similar statistics and not include
Mental health other measures of association (such as relative risk, which examines differences in the number of people
Technology use affected). For example, the association between smoking and lung cancer (r = 0.06) could be dismissed as “small”
Effect size
if only linear r is examined, even though 30 times more smokers than non-smokers get lung cancer. Many studies
Relative risk
concluding that associations between technology use and well-being as too small to be of practical importance
relied solely on linear r. We show that, across five datasets, “small” correlations between technology use and
mental health exist alongside practically important risk associations. As there are several valid types of associ­
ation, and characterizing an association based on a single type of a measure – such as linear r or r2 – can be

1. Introduction to do with their use of social media” (BBC, 2019).

Most of these studies relied exclusively on linear correlation (r) or its
Several recent debates within psychology have focused on the size of derivatives such as r2. Linear r measures the linear predictability of one
effects and whether they are large enough to be practically important, an variable from another. However, linear r is only one aspect of the as­
increasingly vital consideration as psychology research moves away sociation between two variables. For example, linear r does not measure
from statistical significance testing and the false dichotomy of the 0.05 other types of associations such as relative risk (RR, the likelihood of
p-value cutoff (Cumming, 2014; Funder & Ozer, 2019). These discus­ occurrence in an exposed group compared to an unexposed group;
sions around effect size have occurred across several different research Andrade, 2015). Relative risk (and a related statistic, odds ratio) is
areas, including the practical importance (or existence) of links between commonly used in public health and medicine to understand the number
the Implicit Association Test and behavior (Greenwald et al., 2015; of people in one group versus another with a certain outcome (for
Oswald et al., 2013), violent video game play and physical aggression example, who develop a disease, die, attempt suicide, fit clinical criteria
(Anderson et al., 2017; Bushman & Huesmann, 2014; Elson & Ferguson, for depression, or are above or below cutoffs on mood or mental health
2014; Prescott et al., 2018), and stereotype threat and performance scales, e.g., Baiden et al., 2020; Petrie et al., 2018; Primack et al., 2021;
(Shewach et al., 2019). Shensa et al., 2020). Linear r and relative risk can be computed from the
Similarly, several researchers have described the association be­ same data, but cannot be directly converted from one to the other as r, d,
tween time spent on technology and mental health as weak or too small t, and binary F can; r and RR measure different aspects of the association
to be practically important (e.g., Berryman et al., 2018; Ferguson, 2017; (similar to area and circumference in the measurement of a circle).
Ivie et al., 2020; Orben & Przybylski, 2019a, 2019b; Przybylski & Because linear r is only one type of association, relying solely on linear r
Weinstein, 2017; Stronge et al., 2019). For example, Ferguson (2017) to gauge practical importance may produce misleading conclusions
concluded that “excessive use of screens is only weakly associated with (Funder & Ozer, 2019; Pearce, 2010; Rosnow & Rosenthal, 2003). We
negative outcomes” on the basis of a linear r of 0.13, which he called give several examples to illustrate.
“very small.” Similarly, Orben et al. (2019) summarized the results of First, consider the association between smoking and lung cancer. In
their study by saying, “99.75% of a person's life satisfaction has nothing 2018, 13.7 % of U.S. adults smoked cigarettes out of a total of 249.6

* Corresponding author at: Department of Psychology, San Diego State University, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-4611, United States of America.
E-mail address: (J.M. Twenge).
Received 28 March 2022; Received in revised form 27 July 2022; Accepted 1 August 2022
Available online 11 August 2022
0001-6918/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
J.M. Twenge and J.L. Hamilton Acta Psychologica 229 (2022) 103696

million adults (CDC, 2020). There are approximately 228,820 new cases race, and grade) correlate r = − 0.07. However, those who exercise 3 or
of lung cancer each year (Seigel et al., 2020), a rate of 0.092 %. Between fewer days/week are 42 % more likely to be obese (BMI > 30) than those
10 % and 25 % (an average of 17.5 %) of lung cancer cases occur among who exercise 4 or more days/week (16.7 % vs. 11.8 %; RR = 1.42). If the
non-smokers, and the rest among smokers (Bhopal et al., 2019). In a highest exercise group (exercising every day, 9.5 % obese) is compared
hypothetical sample of 1 million U.S. adults, there would be 920 lung to the lowest exercise group (never exercising, 17.6 % obese), as is often
cancer cases each year. If 17.5 % of these lung cancer cases occurred done in studies published in medical journals (e.g., Petrie et al., 2018;
among non-smokers, 161 would be among non-smokers and 759 among Primack et al., 2021; Riehm et al., 2019), RR = 1.85, so never-exercisers
smokers, leaving 862,839 non-smokers unaffected and 136,241 smokers are 85 % more likely to be obese than every-day-exercisers. Thus, even
unaffected. According to an effect size calculator for a 2 by 2 contin­ when variables are initially continuous, linear r can be low when relative
gency table (Wilson, 2020), this produces linear r = 0.06, r2 = 0.036 %. risk suggests practical importance.
If we apply the same reasoning used by psychologists describing results To research psychologists trained to rely on linear r, these examples
on technology use and well-being of a similar size, we would conclude may seem shocking – how can data with such low r's have such large
that smoking has little to no practical importance for getting lung cancer relative risks and thus considerable potential for practical importance?
and that 99.64 % of getting lung cancer has nothing to do with smoking. Does this disconnect frequently occur with data relevant to psycholog­
Does this mean people might as well start smoking because it's not ical factors? We address this question in this paper, analyzing five
related to lung cancer? No, because linear r is only one type of associ­ example datasets assessing time spent on technology and mental health.
ation; it does not capture the risk of developing lung cancer based on We focused on studies in the area of technology use and well-being with
smoking. These same numbers produce a relative risk of 29.86 – publicly available data that had been analyzed using only linear r or
meaning that people who smoke are 30 times more likely to develop related statistics and not with relative risk or odds ratios. We began with
lung cancer than non-smokers. Because most smokers don't develop lung three previously published papers on technology use and mental health
cancer in a given year, the linear r is low. However, the relative risk of (Ferguson, 2017; Orben & Przybylski, 2019b; Przybylski, 2014) and
smoking on lung cancer is very high; smokers are much more likely to then added one dataset provided by the authors of a paper that used
get lung cancer than non-smokers. linear regression only (Stronge et al., 2019) and one other publicly
Second, consider the association between getting a COVID vaccine available dataset that had not been examined cross-sectionally in a
and developing the disease. In the Moderna vaccine trial of 30,000 published paper.
participants in 2020, 185 people who received the placebo developed There is considerable precedent in published research for using
COVID-19, compared to 11 in the vaccine group (Loftus, 2020). If we relative risk or odds ratios (a related statistic) to examine associations
assume there were 15,000 participants in each group, 14,815 in the between technology use and mental health (e.g., Kelly et al., 2019; Kim
placebo group did not get sick, and 185 did; 14,989 in the vaccine group et al., 2020; Kremer et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2016; Mathers et al., 2009;
did not get sick and 11 did. This produces linear r = 0.07, r2 = 0.049 %. Messias et al., 2011; Primack et al., 2017, 2021; Riehm et al., 2019;
This r would typically be considered small in psychology and might be Sampasa-Kanyinga & Lewis, 2015; Shensa et al., 2020). For example,
labeled as having little practical value. So was the vaccine ineffective Messias et al. (2011) used odds ratios to compare non-users to those
and of little practical value in 2020? No, because linear r does not reporting <1 h, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, and 5+ h of electronic device use on
capture the risk of developing COVID based on receiving the vaccine or mental health variables in YRBSS. Riehm et al. (2019) used relative risk
not. These same numbers produce a relative risk (RR) of 0.06, or a 94 % to compare non-users of social media to those reporting <30 min, 30
reduction in disease in the vaccine group (an RR of 1 means no effect; min to <3 h, 3 to 6 h, and 6 or more hours of daily use on whether they
RR's above 1 indicate increases and RR's below 1 indicate reductions). met cutoffs for internalizing and externalizing mental health issues.
Thus, the RR indicates substantial effectiveness and practical value, Primack et al. (2021) used odds ratios to compare those in the lowest
despite the low linear r. quartile of social media use to those in higher quartiles of use on whether
Third is the association between wearing a seat belt and dying in a they met a cutoff for depression on a 9-item scale.
car accident. In Pennsylvania in 2014, there were 121,317 reportable However, it is rare for the same datasets to be analyzed using both
car accidents and 1195 deaths. Of those who got in a car accident, 78.7 linear r and relative risk, perhaps because linear r is more commonly
% wore a seatbelt; of those who died, 51.9 % wore a seat belt (Edgar used in psychology and communications and relative risk is more
Snyder and Associates, 2020). Thus, 620 of those who died in car acci­ commonly used in public health and medicine. This might be one reason
dents were wearing seat belts and 575 were not, leaving 94,856 seat belt why researchers in different areas end up talking past each other, with
wearers alive and 25,266 non-wearers alive. These numbers yield r = little consensus around the practical importance of the associations be­
0.07 (r2 = 0.049 %) but a relative risk of 3.43 – so those not wearing seat tween time spent on technology and mental health. Generally, re­
belts are more than three times as likely to die in a car accident as those searchers (including meta-analyses) using linear r have reported weak
wearing a seat belt. Thus, an association that explains less than on half of associations between technology use and mental health (e.g., Berryman
1 % of the variance (which could be characterized as “99.5% of dying in et al., 2018; Ferguson, 2017; Ivie et al., 2020; Orben & Przybylski,
a car accident has nothing to do with wearing a seat belt”) shows a 2019a, 2019b; Przybylski & Weinstein, 2017; Stronge et al., 2019),
tripling of risk when comparing one behavior vs. another. while researchers using relative risk have reported practically signifi­
Fourth, consider the association between gender and suicide at­ cant associations (e.g., Kelly et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2020; Kremer et al.,
tempts among adolescents. In the 1991–2019 Youth Risk Behavior 2014; Lin et al., 2016; Mathers et al., 2009; Messias et al., 2011; Primack
Surveillance System (YRBSS) administered by the Centers for Disease et al., 2017, 2021; Riehm et al., 2019; Shensa et al., 2020). This may be
Control, 5.3 % of U.S. high school males attempted suicide in the past 12 one reason why some observers have concluded that the literature in this
months, as did 10.7 % of females. These numbers produce r = 0.10, but area is inconclusive (e.g., Best et al., 2014; Meier & Reinecke, 2021). We
RR = 2.02, meaning that females are twice as likely to have attempted attempt to provide some clarity by examining the same datasets using
suicide than males. An association that could be dismissed as “explain­ both linear r and relative risk. We focus on cross-sectional studies; thus,
ing only 1% of the variance” shows a substantially higher risk of suicide they can establish associations but not causation.
attempts among adolescent girls.
Fifth, we should consider an example with continuous variables, as 2. Study 1: UK Understanding Society Youth Panel Wave 1
some might argue that linear r should not be used for binary or ordinal
variables (although it often is in psychology, including for studies We first examined the association between electronic gaming and
examining technology use and mental health: e.g., Orben & Przybylski, well-being in the UK Understanding Society Youth Panel Wave 1. These
2019a). Exercise frequency and BMI in YRBSS (controlled for gender, data were originally analyzed by Przybylski (2014), who used linear

J.M. Twenge and J.L. Hamilton Acta Psychologica 229 (2022) 103696

regression and concluded that links between gaming time and well- some of the data in each comparison. Thus, the data may also be
being were “small,” explaining <1.6 % of the variance. We analyze analyzed by dichotomizing the variable (for example, by a median split),
the same dataset using linear r as well as relative risk analyses similar to which includes all of the data in a single comparison (although it also
those in other studies of technology use and mental health, which has the disadvantage of less specificity). We also examined the data this
generally compare the percentage of participants above or below cutoffs way to determine if relative risk still produced effect sizes that seemed
on measures of mental health across levels of technology use (e.g., Kim practically significant when all of the data were included.
et al., 2020; Primack et al., 2021; Riehm et al., 2019). Results. Table 1 presents the original results (r2 from contrast-coded
Method. Participants (n = 4873; 48.5 % female; ages 10 to 15, mean regressions comparing non-users to heavy users), linear correlations and
age = 12.5 years old) reported time spent on electronic gaming (game their associated r2 (expressed as a percent, given the common use of
console and computer gaming) on a typical school day (none, 1 h, 1–3 h, “percent variance explained”), outcomes within usage groups, and
4–6 h, 7 or more hours). Participants also completed two measures of relative risk comparisons. The contrast-coded regressions and linear
well-being to assess externalizing problems, internalizing problems, correlations both produced effects usually considered to be small, with
prosocial behavior, and life satisfaction. The Strengths and Difficulties r2 < 4 % and often <1 %. Yet, compared to non-users, youth who spend
Questionnaire (Goodman, 1997) measured externalizing problems, 4+ h on console gaming (heavy users) are three times more likely to be
internalizing problems, and prosocial behavior. Life satisfaction was low in prosocial behavior (9.3 % vs. 30.6 %, RR = 3.09) and twice as
assessed using a measure in which participants rated happiness on a likely to have high levels of externalizing problems (13.4 % vs. 27.9 %,
scale of 1 (‘completely happy’) to 7 (‘not at all happy’) across the 6 RR = 2.08); see Table 1 and Fig. 1. Thus, although r and r2 appear low,
domains of school, schoolwork, appearance, family, friends, and life as a comparisons using relative risk produce differences that seem practi­
whole. The cutoff for problematically low prosocial behavior on the SDQ cally significant.
is 5 and under (Youth in Mind, 2016). For life satisfaction, internalizing Comparing two usage groups (up to an hour vs. an hour or more),
problems, and externalizing problems scores in the lowest or highest and thus utilizing all of the data, also produces seemingly important
~15 % of the sample were considered high, as this is a common cutoff effects. For example, twice as many light/non-users of console games
for clinical issues (Schalet et al., 2014). The cutoff scores were 5 and (10.5 %) than heavier users (21.4 %) were low in prosocial behaviors. In
under for life satisfaction, 9+ for internalizing problems, and 11+ for addition, 55 % more heavier users of computer games were high in
externalizing problems. externalizing symptoms (see Supplemental Table 1). Thus, seemingly
Analytic Approach. We used the specifications of the original meaningful differences also appear when all of the data are included.
article (Przybylski, 2014): sample weights but no controls. For linear Discussion. Playing video games 4+ h a day is associated with a
analyses to calculate r and r2, gaming hours were recoded as 0 = 0, less substantially increased risk of negative outcomes such as externalizing
than an hour = 0.5; 1 to 3 h = 2; 4–6 h = 5; 7 or more = 8. For relative problems and low prosocial behavior. Yet this the same data, with
risk, we compared non-users to each of the other categories as is identical analytical specifications for measures, weighting, and controls,
frequently done in studies of technology use and mental health pub­ that yielded r2 of 1 % of the variance in Przybylski (2014).
lished in medical journals (e.g., Kim et al., 2020; Messias et al., 2011; Why the discrepancy? Linear r shows how one variable can be pre­
Riehm et al., 2019). dicted from another. However, linear r cannot answer other important
Although the technique of comparing each category of use to a research questions, such as identifying the increased risk of getting lung
reference category is very common, some may argue that it leaves out cancer if one smokes (vs. not) or the increased likelihood of having

Table 1
Electronic gaming and well-being, UK Understanding Society Youth Panel, Wave 1, UK.
Low prosocial behavior Low life satisfaction Internalizing problems Externalizing problems

Console gaming
Linear r
Contrast coded regression (0 vs. 4+), r2 0.74 % 0.46 % 0.90 % 1.2 %
r (r2) − 0.19*** (3.6 %) 0.08*** (0.64 %) 0.05** (0.25 %) 0.17*** (2.9 %)
Relative risk
None 9.3 % (1154) 16.0 % (1146) 11.9 % (1153) 13.4 % (1153)
Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
0.5 h 11.3 % (1614) 12.5 % (1603) 11.1 % (1612) 11.0 % (1610)
1.22 (0.97, 1.53) 0.78 (0.65, 0.94) 0.93 (0.76, 1.52) 0.82 (0.67, 1.01)
1–3 h 19.5 % (1410) 16.0 % (1401) 13.4 % (1411) 16.8 % (1412)
2.10 (1.71, 2.59) 1.00 (0.84, 1.20) 1.13 (0.92, 1.38) 1.25 (1.04, 1.51)
4+ h 30.6 % (297) 23.9 % (299) 14.2 % (295) 27.9 % (295)
3.09 (2.39, 3.98) 1.49 (1.17, 1.90) 0.82 (0.87, 1.65) 2.08 (1.64, 2.63)
Computer gaming
Linear r
Contrast coded regression (0 vs. 4+), r2 0.29 % 0.81 % 0.90 %^ 1.5 %
r (r2) all values − 0.09*** (0.81 %) − 0.15*** (2.3 %) 0.11*** (1.2 %) 0.16*** (2.6 %)
Relative risk
None 13.4 % (654) 14.5 % (649) 8.8 % (654) 11.9 % (652)
Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
0.5 h 12.8 % (1640) 10.9 % (1625) 10.0 % (1636) 10.5 % (1636)
0.96 (0.79, 1.16) 0.75 (0.60, 0.95) 1.13 (0.85, 1.50) 0.87 (0.68, 1.12)
1–3 h 14.1 % (1902) 15.7 % (1886) 13.1 % (1901) 15.1 % (1901)
1.05 (0.88, 1.28) 1.08 (0.87, 1.34) 1.48 (1.13, 1.94) 1.26 (1.00, 1.59)
4+ h 19.4 % (404) 27.2 % (409) 18.9 % (404) 25.5 % (404)
1.44 (1.13, 1.85) 1.87 (1.46, 2.39) 2.12 (1.54, 2.92) 2.13 (1.63, 2.78)

Notes: 1. Contrast-coded regressions are from Przybylski (2014). 2. Linear r's are partial correlations with controls, and r2 are given as percentages (1 % = 0.01, given
the common use of “percent variance explained”). 3. ^ = reported as 9 % in Przybylski (2014); assumed to be 0.90 % given other results. 4. For relative risk cells,
numbers are % with low well-being, (n), relative risk, and (95 % confidence interval). 5. Specifications: Weighted, no controls. 6. RR's with 95 % CI's not including 1 are
in bold.

J.M. Twenge and J.L. Hamilton Acta Psychologica 229 (2022) 103696



% low well being

20 high


Behavior low


Hours a day console gaming

Fig. 1. Associations between console gaming time and low well-being, UK Understanding Society Youth Panel Wave 1.

externalizing problems if one plays video games 4+ h a day (vs. not at about suicide, and making a suicide plan) over the last 12 months.
all). Comparing outcomes between groups using relative risk can do Analytic Approach. Ferguson (2017) analyzed the 2013 YRBSS data
that, and it appears that there is in fact a practically important associ­ using four contrast-coded regressions by dividing total screen time into
ation between playing video games more frequently and negative out­ four groups: abstainers (no screen time), low users (<2 h/day), mod­
comes such as externalizing problems. This was true whether relative erate users (3–6 h/day defined as +/− 1 SD of mean on screen time), and
risk calculations compared each group to non-users or included all of the excessive users (>1 SD above the mean of screen time). We used spec­
data by combining usage groups to make a dichotomous variable. Thus, ifications based on Ferguson (2017): no weighting and the inclusion of
the association between time spent on technology and mental health control variables for gender, sleep, and physical activity.
outcomes can appear small and supposedly insignificant when only We also analyzed the data using the specifications of a previous
linear r is examined, but more practically significant when statistics analysis using a similar dataset (Twenge et al., 2018): examining elec­
more commonly used in medicine and public health are employed. tronic device use separately, including controls for race and grade level
in addition to gender, and following current guidance to exclude
3. Study 2: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System 2013 possible mediators (sleep, physical activity) from the list of control
variables (Rohrer, 2018; Schisterman et al., 2009). The YRBSS measured
In Study 2, we sought to examine differences among effect size electronic device time using the following response choices: None, less
metrics in another large study measuring digital media use and well- than an hour, one hour, two hours, three hours, four hours, and five or
being originally analyzed using linear regression (Ferguson, 2017). more hours.
This study includes several dichotomous measures of depression, For linear r analyses, TV and electronic device use in hours was
addressing concerns about dichotomizing continuous variables. With an recoded as 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. We examined mental health using
ordinal (not continuous) measure of technology use and dichotomous both a summary variable (endorsement of at least one of the three
measures of depression and suicidal ideation, this dataset is an excellent dichotomous depression and suicidal ideation items) and by examining
candidate for the use of relative risk. each dichotomous item separately. Percentage increases for each hour of
Method. The 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System use were calculated by averaging relative risks between consecutive
(YRBSS) collected data from youth from the U.S. state of Florida in 2013. usage levels.
Participants included 6089 adolescents in 9th through 12th grade (ages Results. In the original contrast-coded regressions (Ferguson, 2017),
12–18) who were 51 % female. Participants reported their hours per day the r2 for total screen time and the sum of the depression and suicide
of 1) television and 2) electronic device use. In the original analysis, items was 1.7 %. However, when outcomes are compared between usage
these two items were summed to create a total “screen time” measure. groups using relative risk, 50 % more heavy users of screens than non-
To measure depression, Ferguson (2017) added together three dichot­ users endorsed at least one of the depression and suicide items (see
omous items (feeling sad or hopeless for two weeks or more, thinking Table 2 and Fig. 2). The contrast between the results using linear r and

J.M. Twenge and J.L. Hamilton Acta Psychologica 229 (2022) 103696

Table 2
Screen time or electronic device time and well-being, U.S. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, Florida, 2013.
At least 1 of 3 depression/suicide items Depression (Y/N) Suicidal thoughts (Y/N) Suicide plan (Y/N)

Total screen time

Linear r
Contrast coded regression (0 vs. 7+), r (r)2 0.13*** (1.7 %) – – –
r (r2) 0.10*** (1.0 %) 0.08*** (0.64 %) 0.09*** (0.81 %) 0.07*** (0.49 %)
Relative risk
None 25.0 % (252) 22.2 % (255) 12.1 % (255) 10.4 % (252)
Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
0.5–2.5 h 27.3 % (1633) 23.7 % (1646) 11.4 % (1646) 8.4 % (1641)
1.09 (0.87, 1.37) 1.06 (0.83, 1.35) 0.94 (0.66, 1.34) 0.82 (0.55, 1.21)
3–6.5 h 31.6 % (2248) 26.8 % (2277) 14.2 % (2272) 10.6 % (2257)
1.26 (1.01, 1.58) 1.20 (0.94, 1.52) 1.17 (0.83, 1.65) 1.03 (0.70, 1.51)
7+ h 37.5 % (1150) 32.2 % (1171) 19.0 % (1167) 13.0 % (1155)
1.50 (1.20, 1.88) 1.44 (1.13, 1.84) 1.56 (1.10, 2.22) 1.26 (0.85, 1.87)
Electronic device time
Linear r
r (r2) all values 0.13*** (1.7 %) 0.13*** (1.7 %) 0.13*** (1.7 %) 0.10*** (1.0 %)
Relative risk
None 28.2 % (911) 24.3 % (921) 11.4 % (881) 9.2 % (876)
Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
<1 h 26.4 % (805) 23.3 % (813) 11.6 % (757) 7.7 % (753)0
0.94 (0.80, 1.09) 0.95 0(0.80, 1.12) 1.02 (0.78, 1.34) .83 (0.60, 1.15)
1h 22.5 % (688) 19.8 % (697) 11.1 % (650) 8.7 % (647)0
0.80 (0.67, 0.95) 0.81 (0.67, 0.98) /98 (0.73, 1.30) .94 (0.68, 1.30)
2h 25.9 % (875) 22.7 % (889) 10.4 % (836)0 8.3 % (831)0
0.92 (0.79, 1.07) 0.93 (0.79, 1.10) .92 (0.70, 1.21) .90 (0.66, 1.22)
3h 29.4 % (719) 23.9 % (725) 14.8 % (701) 10.6 % (698)
1.04 (0.90, 1.21) 0.98 (0.83, 1.17) 1.31 (1.01, 1.69) 1.15 (0.85, 1.55)
4h 35.6 % (422) 28.0 % (426) 18.6 % (409) 12.1 % (407)
1.26 (1.07, 1.49) 1.15 (0.95, 1.39) 1.64 (1.24, 2.15) 1.30 (0.93, 1.82)
5+ h 40.5 % (1135) 34.9 % (1154) 20.8 % (1119) 14.2 % (1106)
1.44 (1.27, 1.63) 1.44 (1.25, 1.65) 1.83 (1.48, 2.28) 1.54 (1.19, 1.98)
1 h vs. 5+ h 1.80 (1.54, 2.10) 1.76 (1.49, 2.09) 1.88 (1.47, 2.40) 1.64 (1.23, 2.19)
Mean % increase with each hour after 1 h/day 15.9 % 15.4 % 18.4 % 13.7 %

Notes: 1. Contrast-coded regressions are from Ferguson (2017). 2. Linear r's are partial correlations with controls, and r2 are given as percentages (1 % = 0.01, given the
common use of “percent variance explained”). 3. For relative risk cells, numbers are % endorsing at least one depression item, (n), relative risk, and (95 % confidence
interval). 4. Specifications: Total screen time: No weighting; controlled for gender, sleep, physical activity. Electronic device use only: Weighted; controlled for gender,
grade, and race. 5. RR's with 95 % CI's not including 1 are in bold.

relative risk was also apparent when examining each of the dichotomous time rather than the retrospective reports used in the other datasets.
items separately. Although the r2 for total screen time and suicidal Method. Data for Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) was collected August
thoughts was 0.81 % (“less than 1% of the variance”), heavy users were 2011 to March 2012 from 5023 13-year-olds (51 % female) in primary
56 % more likely than non-users to have thought about suicide. How­ schools (recruited via random sampling; full study details are elsewhere
ever, relative risks for total screen time and making a suicide plan were (Williams et al., 2009)). Participants selected one activity (out of 21 pre-
not significant. coded activities) for each 15-minute period on the time-use diary.
Using specifications based on another previous analysis (electronic Following Orben and Przybylski (2019b), we examined the media ac­
devices only, and controlling for gender, race, and grade) also produced tivities “using the internet/emailing (including social networking,
linear r and r2 often considered low, but notable comparisons between browsing etc.),” “playing computer games (e.g., PlayStation, PSP, X-Box
groups. For example, 44 % more heavy users (vs. non-users) endorsed at or Wii),” “talking on the phone or texting,” or “watching TV, films,
least one depression or suicide item, and 83 % more had thought about videos or DVDs,” which were used to calculate the total number of hours
suicide (see Table 3). that participants engaged in electronic device use. To be consistent with
The dose-response curve for electronic device use shows evidence of Orben & Przybylski, we include only time diaries from days during the
non-monotonic effects with the lowest depression among light users (see school term, and to be consistent with other datasets we included only
Fig. 2), suggesting it may be useful to also compare light users (an hour a time diaries from weekdays (N = 3373). Well-being was measured using
day) to heavy users (5+ h a day). Heavy users were 80 % more likely to the adjustment domains of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire,
endorse at least one depression or suicide item than light users. With which included the sum of items assessing hyperactivity or inattention,
each additional hour of electronic device use beyond one hour, 16 % emotional symptoms, conduct problems, and peer-relationship prob­
more adolescents were depressed, and 18 % more thought about suicide. lems. Depression symptoms over the past 2 weeks were assessed using
Discussion. As in Study 1, smaller linear r's co-occur with substan­ the short form of the Mood and Feelings Questionnaire.
tially higher risks between groups. This was true even when examining Analytic Approach. Consistent with the specifications of Orben and
items that were already dichotomous, suggesting that the discrepancy Przybylski (2019b), weighting was not used and gender and age were
between linear r and relative risk is similar whether continuous vari­ included as controls. Low well-being was defined as those scoring ~15 %
ables are dichotomized or the measure is already dichotomous. above the mean, which was 8+ for depression and 11+ for the SDQ.
Results. As Orben and Przybylski (2019b) did, we found small effect
4. Study 3: Growing Up in Ireland sizes when using r and r2. However, the relative risk of depression was
53 % higher for heavy users (5+ h) than non-users (see Table 3 and
In Study 3, we examined differences between linear r and relative Fig. 3). Each additional 2 h of screen time beyond 1 h was associated
risk in a study using contemporaneous time diaries to measure screen with 20 % more youth high in depressive symptoms or adjustment

J.M. Twenge and J.L. Hamilton Acta Psychologica 229 (2022) 103696


% 1+ depression/suicidal ideaon items 35

device me


Total screen



Hours a day electronic devices/ total screen me

Fig. 2. Associations between electronic device time/total screen time and depression, Youth Risk Surveillance System, Florida, 2013.

Table 3
Total screen time on weekdays and well-being, Growing up in Ireland.
Depression SDQ adjustment problems

Linear r
r (r2) 0.06*** (0.36 %) 0.07*** (0.49 %)
Relative risk
None 12.1 % (367) 14.7 % (368)
Ref. Ref.
<1 h 13.3 % (473) 15.8 % (476)
1.11 (0.78, 1.59) 1.07 (0.78, 1.48)
1–2.99 h 12.9 % (1737) 14.4 % (1740)
1.08 (0.79, 1.46) 0.98 (0.75, 1.29)
3–4.99 h 13.5 % (553) 18.7 % (554)
1.13 (0.80, 1.60) 1.28 (0.95, 1.73)
5+ h 18.2 % (234) 20.6 % (235)
1.53 (1.04, 2.26) 1.39 (0.98, 1.99)
<1 h vs. 5+ h 1.38 (0.97, 1.97) 1.42 (1.07, 1.87)
Mean % increase with each 2 h after 1 h/day 19.7 % 20.0 %

Notes: 1. Linear r's are partial correlations with controls, and r2 are given as percentages (1 % = 0.01, given the common use of “percent variance explained”). 2. For
relative risk cells, numbers are % endorsing at least one depression item, (n), relative risk, and (95 % confidence interval). 3. Specifications: During term, weekdays
only; no weighting; control for gender and age. 4. RR's with 95 % CI's not including 1 are in bold.

difficulties. Values Study (NZAVS). Data were generously supplied by Stronge et al.
Discussion. Orben and Przybylski (2019b) concluded that the su­ (2019). This dataset provides a view of technology use and mental
perior and less confounded measurement of time diaries might explain health among adults using a mental health measure with a well-
why the effects in the GUI were smaller than those found in studies using established cutoff for serious issues.
retrospective reports. However, comparisons using relative risk in this Method. The 2016 NZAVS included complete responses from 18,438
dataset are fairly similar to those found in studies using retrospective participants from a national probability sample of New Zealand adults
reports, suggesting the difference might instead lie in the statistical test (mean age = 49.45, 62 % women). Participants answered an array of
used. demographic questions, two questions about health indicators (average
sleep time and body mass index) as well as estimating the number of
5. Study 4: New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study hours a week they spent on social media, working, doing housework,
looking after children, exercising, using the internet, playing video/
In Study 4, we examined adults from the New Zealand Attitudes and computer games, commuting, watching or reading the news, watching

J.M. Twenge and J.L. Hamilton Acta Psychologica 229 (2022) 103696


% wth high score





Hours a day total screen me

Fig. 3. Associations between screen time and depression/SDQ adjustment, Growing up in Ireland.

TV/Netflix/movies, and volunteering. Participants also completed the included 1818 10- to 15-year-olds (51 % female). To measure social
Kessler-6, a widely used screening tool for serious mental distress that media use, participants responded to the following question, “How
shows substantial concordance with DSM structured clinical interviews many hours do you spend chatting or interacting with friends through a
(Kessler et al., 2003, 2010). Serious mental distress is indicated with social web-site or app like that on a normal school day?” Response op­
scores of 13 or higher (Prochaska et al., 2012). tions included “None,” “Less than an hour”, “1–3 h”, “4–6 h”, and “7 or
Analytic Approach. We used the same specifications as Stronge more hours.” Similar to Study 1 (Wave 1 of the UK Understanding So­
et al. (2019): No weighting and entering all other variables into the ciety Youth Panel), life satisfaction was assessed using the sum of par­
regression equation. To follow current guidance not to include possible ticipant's happiness across the six domains of school, schoolwork,
mediators, we also performed an analysis excluding time use variables appearance, family, friends, and life as a whole. Response options
and the two health indicator questions as controls. ranged from 1 (‘completely happy’) to 7 (‘not at all happy’) and were
Results. As Stronge et al. (2019) also found, there was only a small recoded so higher scores reflect higher levels of life satisfaction. The
correlation between frequency of social media use and mental distress. other measures from Study 1 (prosocial behavior, internalizing prob­
Yet heavy users were 41 % more likely than non-users, and 62 % more lems, and externalizing problems) were not included in this wave of the
likely than light users, to have serious mental distress. When possible study.
mediators are excluded as controls, heavy users were 81 % more likely Analytic Approach. Data were weighted by cross-sectional youth
than non-users and twice as likely than light users to have serious mental interview weight (to correct for sampling biases and make the sample
distress (see Table 4 and Fig. 4). nationally representative) and controlled for age, rural/urban location
Discussion. Not surprisingly, given that they were relying on linear and (for combined analyses) sex. For linear analyses, social media hours
regression and found small Betas, Stronge et al. (2019) concluded that were recoded to none = 0, <1 h = 0.50, 1–3 h = 2, 4–6 h = 5, and 7+ h
the practical impact of social media use on psychological distress is = 8. For relative risk analyses, the cutoff for low life satisfaction was the
“questionable” and that “social media use is typically not a serious risk lowest 15 % (~1 SD below the mean: 4.83 or below). Given a substantial
factor for psychological distress.” However, when comparing usage non-monotonic effect (see Fig. 5), light users (<1 h a day) served as the
groups, the risk of serious psychological distress is notably elevated with reference group for relative risk comparisons.
heavy social media use. Results. Social media use and in life satisfaction produced relatively
low linear r and r2. However, 65 % more heavy users of social media (vs.
6. Study 5: UK Understanding Society Youth Panel at Wave 8 light users) experienced low life satisfaction (see Table 5 and Fig. 5).
With each additional two hours of social media use after one hour a day,
In Study 5, we examined Wave 8 of the UK Understanding Society the chances of a youth being low in life satisfaction increased 28 %.
Youth Panel, a dataset that has not previously been examined cross- Discussion. These results again illustrate that the same data pro­
sectionally in published research. Like the datasets in Studies 1 and 2, ducing linear r's often considered small also produce practically signif­
the measure of time use is ordinal and not continuous. icant relative risks. As in several other datasets, the association was non-
Method. Wave 8 of the UK Understanding Society Young Panel monotonic (consistent with some past research: Przybylski & Weinstein,

J.M. Twenge and J.L. Hamilton Acta Psychologica 229 (2022) 103696

Table 4
Social media use and serious mental distress, New Zealand adults.
Serious mental distress

Linear r
r (r2) all controls 0.05*** (0.03 %)
r (r2) demo controls only 0.08*** (0.64 %)
Relative risk
All controls
None 6.1 % (5385)
<1 h 5.3 % (9755)
0.87 (0.76, 1.01)
1–2 h 5.3 % (2503)
0.87 (0.72, 1.06)
2–3 h 5.3 % (895)
0.86 (0.64, 1.16)
4+ h 8.6 % (421)
1.40 (1.01, 1.95)
<1 h vs. 4+ h 1.61 (1.17, 2.23)
Non-mediator controls only
None 5.8 % (5156)
<1 h 5.2 % (9456)
0.90 (0.78, 1.03)
1–2 h 5.7 % (2415)
0.99 (0.81, 1.20)
2–3 h 6.2 % (863)
1.08 (0.82, 1.43)
4+ h 10.5 % (394)
1.79 (1.32, 2.45)
<1 h vs. 4+ h 2.00 (1.48, 2.71)
Mean % increase with each hour after 1 h/day 29.3 %

Notes: 1. Linear r's are partial correlations with controls, and r2 are given as percentages (1 % = 0.01, given
the common use of “percent variance explained”). 2. For relative risk cells, numbers are % endorsing at least
one depression item, (n), relative risk, and (95 % confidence interval).


% with serious mental distress

All controls

4 Demographic

Hours a day social media use

Fig. 4. Associations between social media time and serious mental distress, New Zealand adults.

J.M. Twenge and J.L. Hamilton Acta Psychologica 229 (2022) 103696


% low in life sasfacon






Hours a day social media use

Fig. 5. Associations between social media time and low life satisfaction, UK Understanding Society Youth Panel, Wave 8.

Table 5
Social media time and life satisfaction, UK Understanding Society Youth Panel, Wave 8.
All Girls Boys

Linear r
r (r2) all values − 0.14*** (2.0 %) − 0.15*** (2.3 %) − 0.10*** (1.0 %)
Relative risk
None 23.3 % (113) 21.1 % (32) 23.0 % (81)
1.54 (1.06, 2.25) 1.27 (0.64, 2.54) 1.76 (1.11, 2.82)
<1 h 15.0 % (763) 17.3 % (372) 13.2 % (391)
Ref. Ref. Ref.
1–3 h 19.3 % (646) 18.3 % (365) 20.4 % (281)
1.30 (1.03, 1.63) 1.07 (0.78, 1.46) 1.53 (1.08, 2.15)
4+ h 24.6 % (296) 26.2 % (195) 21.3 % (101)
1.65 (1.27, 2.14) 1.52 (1.10, 2.10) 1.64 (1.05, 2.56)
Mean % increase with each 2 h after 1 h/day 28.1 % 24.5 % 29.5 %

Notes: 1. Linear r's are partial correlations with controls, and r2 are given as percentages (1 % = 0.01, after the common use “percent variance explained”). 2.
Specifications: Weighted, controlled for age, urban/rural location, sex.

2017). Thus, the association may not be well-captured by an effect size and dismissed as producing only small effects would show substantial
metric such as r (and r2) that assumes a linear, monotonic relationship relative risks if analyzed that way? This is especially important for in­
(though a technique such as LOESS might capture it). vestigations of technology use and mental health as studies on this topic
are published in journals across a variety of disciplines, including psy­
7. General discussion chology, communication, public health, and medicine. If studies pub­
lished in psychology and communication journals rely solely on linear r
Across five datasets on technology use and mental health, linear r's and conclude that the association is small, and studies published in
were at levels often considered small, while relative risk was seemingly public health and medicine journals rely solely on relative risk and
practically important. This has broad implications for psychology conclude that the association is practically significant, results appear
research as a whole: How many datasets analyzed with linear correlation mixed and general conclusions are difficult to draw. Given this state of

J.M. Twenge and J.L. Hamilton Acta Psychologica 229 (2022) 103696

the literature, it is tempting to conclude, as several observers have, that reported without the absolute numbers on which it is based. A relative
studies in this area are inconclusive (Best et al., 2014; Meier & Reinecke, risk of 2 could mean an increase in prevalence from 1 % to 2 %, from 10
2021), perhaps due to biased analysis choices (Orben & Przybylski, % to 20 %, or from 40 % to 80 %, all of which may have different im­
2019a). However, when datasets are analyzed using both linear r and plications for practical importance. Second, decisions for selecting
relative risk, the associations are fairly consistent across studies. Thus, groups must be explained; the necessity of cutting continuous variables
the root of the disagreement across disciplines appears to primarily rest to use relative risk is one of the primary reasons linear r is more often
not in different datasets, measures, or control variables, but in the sta­ used in psychology. In some cases, creating groups to compare is
tistics researchers choose for their data analyses. This is not to say that straightforward: For example, if hours of technology use are measured
relative risk is better than linear r, but that both provide important within categorical survey response categories (“none,” “less than an
information. hour,” etc.), or if well-being measures are dichotomous (e.g., a yes or no
There are also practical implications for therapists, physicians, policy answer to whether a respondent has self-harmed in the last year). Some
makers, and parents who wish to gauge the practical importance of as­ continuous mental health measures have established cutoffs in the
sociations to make well-informed decisions on issues around technology published literature (e.g., a score of 13 or above is indicative of serious
use and mental health (such as, for example, whether heavy technology mental distress on the Kessler-6), while other cutoffs may need to be set
use warrants more careful screening for mental health issues, or, with by other means, such as the commonly used guideline of a score one
assuming some of the causation goes from technology use to low well- standard deviation above (or below) the mean (Schalet et al., 2014).
being, limiting hours of device use to moderate levels). These de­ However, dichotomization does not appear to be the reason for the
cisions might be very different if decision-makers hear that technology discrepancies between linear r and relative risk; as Study 2 showed,
time explains <1 % of the variance in well-being (based on linear r), as similar discrepancies between linear r and relative risk appear whether
opposed to hearing that twice as many heavy users of technology are mental health measures are continuous or already dichotomous. Third,
depressed, dissatisfied with their lives, and/or disinclined to help others even if researchers choose not to use relative risk, including a figure
(based on relative risk). These results suggest that linear r's of ≅ 0.10, showing the data distribution between the primary variables should be
often considered “small,” are often not small in terms of practical standard. Figures immediately reveal non-monotonic (curvilinear) pat­
importance. As an additional example, the association between child­ terns, as well as illustrating the size of differences across groups.
hood exposure to lead and adult IQ is r = 0.11 (Reuben et al., 2017). Of course, correlational studies like these cannot determine causa­
Technology use and mental health are not unique examples of this tion (for example, whether technology use causes depression, depression
discrepancy. Linear r does not capture the substantial association be­ causes technology use, or third variables cause both). Thus, statements
tween smoking and lung cancer, receiving a COVID vaccine and devel­ such as “heavy users are 50% more likely to be depressed” could instead
oping the disease, wearing a seat belt and dying in a car accident, gender note that “depressed people are 50% more likely to be heavy users.”
and suicide attempts, or BMI and exercise. Although the largest dis­ Although several random-assignment experiments have established a
crepancies between linear r and relative risk appear when base rates are causal link between social media use and lower well-being (e.g., Allcott
low (such as lung cancer), they also appear when base rates exceed 1 in et al., 2020), studies of association such those analyzed here should not
10 (such as exercise and obesity and in the datasets analyzed here on be assumed to show the direction of the causal arrow. In addition, more
technology use and mental health). Some have argued that medical research is needed to establish mediators of the link – if heavy tech­
research examples like these should not be compared to psychology nology use does cause depression, why, and how?
examples in terms of effect size (Ferguson, 2009). However, as our re­ In conclusion, researchers need to consider more than linear corre­
sults demonstrate, the discrepancy between linear r and relative risk lation when trying to establish the association between two variables. As
appears when both are used to analyze the same data on psychological the examples of smoking and lung cancer, seat belts and car accident
questions. Thus, this is not just an issue of comparing medical research deaths, and exercise and BMI show, linear correlation can lead one to
to psychological research, but an issue of differences between statistical conclude that associations are not practically important when in fact
tests. they are. Five datasets on technology use and mental health also show
We are not the first to point out the limitations of linear correlation that data with relatively small linear correlations can produce substan­
and percent variance explained (r-squared) as gauges of practical tial differences between groups. It may be time for psychology to
importance. Rosnow and Rosenthal (1989, 2003) provided several ex­ regularly add relative risk comparisons in research.
amples of low correlations that mask large relative risks. In their article Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
on effect sizes, Funder and Ozer (2019) concluded that r2 “allows writers org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2022.103696.
to disparage certain findings that they find incompatible with their own
theoretical predilections.” There is also the matter of which research Declaration of competing interest
question is actually being answered by the data at hand. Linear corre­
lation answers the question: How much can Y predict X among all other J.M.T. has received speaking honoraria for presenting research, has
factors? Given that most studies do not include all possible factors that consulted for law firms and state attorneys general about social media
may influence outcomes (including genetic predisposition), that may and mental health, and receives royaltes from several books, most
not be the research question most studies of behavior and well-being are recently iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less
designed to answer. The relevant research question may instead be: Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy – and Completely Unprepared for
What is the difference in mental health factors between those who Adulthood. J.L.H. declares no conflicts of interest.
behave one way vs. another? Comparing groups using relative risk thus
can provide information that linear correlation cannot.
Given the limitations of linear correlations, research psychology may
want to consider including relative risk comparisons in addition to linear
The authors thank David Stein for statistical consulting. J.L.H. was
r. In this we concur with Funder and Ozer (2019), who recommend that
supported by an Institutional National Research Service Award by the
researchers focus on effect sizes capturing the number of people
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI: T32).
affected. This could be done in addition to reporting linear r or d; thus, it
would add information rather than taking anything away, especially as
each statistic has its strengths and weaknesses. If this recommendation is
headed, some principles should be kept in mind to minimize the po­ Allcott, H., Braghieri, L., Eichmeyer, S., & Gentzkow, M. (2020). The welfare effects of
tential downsides of using relative risk. First, relative risk should not be social media. American Economic Review, 110, 629–676.

J.M. Twenge and J.L. Hamilton Acta Psychologica 229 (2022) 103696

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