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5 Powerful


1. Get Career Development Suggestions

I want you to act as a career coach. I will provide my
resume and 3 links to jobs I am interested in. Based on
these jobs and my resume, provide personalized career
development suggestions. Include suggested courses or
certifications along with a percentage on how likely
implementing the suggestion would help me get the job
in table format. Here are the 3 jobs: <paste 3 job links>
Here is my resume: <paste in all text from your resume>

2. Consider New Roles you May Already be
Qualified For

I will provide my resume. I want you to list 10 roles I am
qualified for based on the experience from my resume,
rank them, and provide a percentage based on how
likely I would be to get that job. Put it in table format
along with an explanation for each. Here is my resume:
<paste in all text from your resume>

3. Improve Your Resume with Measurable

Act as a professional resume writer and provide
quantifiable outcomes using these bullet points from my
resume. Here is the job title and bullet points: <paste in
your last job title and bullet points from one of your roles
on your resume>.

4. Optimize your LinkedIn ‘About’ Section

Based on my job experience on LinkedIn, write an
“About” section for my LinkedIn profile. It should be
unique, highlight my experience, and be optimized to
grab the attention of recruiters looking at my profile.
Here is my LinkedIn profile: <link to your profile>

5. Prepare for a Job Interview

I will provide you with a job description and
my resume. I want you to provide a list of 5
interview questions I can likely expect from
the interviewer whose job title is <if known,
insert interviewer’s job title>. Generate the
interview questions and then tell me which
skills to emphasize in my responses in table
format using a conversational tone. Here is
the link to the job description: <paste link> .
Here is my resume: <paste in all text from
your resume>
I will provide you with a job description and
my resume. I want you to act as the
interviewer whose job title is <if known, insert
interviewer’s job title>. Provide a list of 5
interview questions I can likely expect from
the interviewer. Generate the interview
questions then I will respond to each question.
Provide an evaluation of my responses to
each question. Here is the link to the job
description: <paste link> . Here is my resume:
<paste in all text from your resume>

And what about

Do you have any genius prompts or want to
share your opininion? Give us a feedback in the


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