Level 3.2 - Mr. Helmy - Reading & Grammar - Term 2

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- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Vocabulary – Level 3.2

No. Word Meaning No. Word Meaning

1. painting ‫ رسم‬- ‫لوحة‬ 8. reply ‫ يجيب‬--‫يرد ي‬

2. art ‫الفن‬ 9. cross ‫يعبر‬

3. building ‫ مبنى‬10. carry ‫يحمل‬

4. museum ‫ متحف‬11. dry ‫جاف‬

5. meeting ‫اجتماع‬- ‫ مقابلة‬12.

6. prefer ‫ يفضل‬13.

7. sunset ‫غروب الشمس‬

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

The Past Simple Tense

We use the past simple tense to talk about actions or a story happened and finished in the past.

.‫نستخدم زمن الماض ي البسيط للتعبيرعن أحداث أو قصة وقعت و انتهت بالماض ي‬

Form: How to make a past sentence!

Positive : Subject + (Past Verb) + …………… .

Negative: Subject + didn’t + Infinitive Verb (Base Form) + …………… .

Yes/No Question: Did + Subject + Infinitive Verb (Base Form) + ……………. ?

Positive (+) Sentence Negative (-)Sentence Yes/No Question

Subject + Past Verb + …….. . Subject + didn’t + base form Did + subject + base form + …. ?
Ahmed watered the plants. Ahmed didn’t water the plants. Did Ahmed water the plants?
Saif washed the car. Saif didn’t wash the car. Did Saif wash the car?
Sara finished her homework. Sara didn’t finish her homework. Did Sara finish her homework?
I went to the club. I didn’t go to the club? Did you go to the club?
They visited London. They didn’t visit London. Did they visit London?
We wrote the lesson. We didn’t write the lesson. Did you write the lesson?

.‫الركن األول في الجملة هو الفاعل ويمكن أين يأتي على شكل ضمير فاعل أو اسم أو عبارة وهي مجموعة كلمات مع بعض تشكل الفاعل‬ 

Subject Pronouns Nouns Phrases

Ali – Ahmed – Maryam – Fatima – My friend – My father and mother –
I – He – She – It – You – We – They The school – The teacher – The boys My friend and I – My family – My
– The friends – The computer grandfather – Ahmed and Ali
‫ ال ررركن ال رراني ف رري الجمل ررة ه ررو الفع ررل والفع ررل يج ررب أا يك رروا ماض ر ي كفع ررل ف رري التص ررريف ال رراني م ررع مراع رراة أا ه ررا ن رروعيا م ررن األفع ررال وهم ررا األفع ررال‬
.‫ يجب التركيزعلى شكل الفعل في المضارع و شكله في الماض ي‬.‫الم تظمة كالقياسية واألفعال الغيرم تظمة كالغيرقياسية كما موضح بالجدول‬

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

No. Present Past No. Present Past
1. play played 1. go went
2. visit visited 2. fly flew
3. watch watched 3. make Made
4. help helped 4. write Wrote
5. cook coked 5. eat ate
‫ التكملة ربما تكروا مفعرول أو مكراا أو زمرن‬.‫بعد كتابة الفاعل ثم يليه الفعل في الماض ي نأتي بالتفاصيل أو المعلومات لتكملة الجملة وتقديم معنى مكتمل‬ 
.‫ وهذه التفاصيل والمعلومات يمكن أا تكوا ك يرة أو قليلة حسب الجملة والمعنى‬.‫أو أي تفاصيل أخرى تكمل المعنى‬

Object Places Time Others

A cake to … / in … / at … yesterday with my friend
A lesson the class / the room /with …. last Friday/………….. with my family
A song / the house / the club / the last week / ……. by bike
The room hospital / ………. In the past ………..
……………… 3 days ago ……….

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Key Words:
 I went to club yesterday with my friends.
yesterday ‫أمس‬

 In the past, I travelled to London with my family.

in the past ‫في الماضي‬
 My father bought this car in the past.
 I had an ice cream with my friends last weekend.
Last …………. ‫السابق‬/‫الماضي‬

 Once, I drove the car to the shopping mall.

Once, ‫ذات مرة‬

 One day, I studied English with my friends.

One day, ‫في يوم ما‬

two years ago 3 weeks ago

‫منذ‬  I visited Japan four years ago.
 Two weeks ago, I went to the cinema.

Online Quizzes: Click on the links:


Yes/No Question: Did + Subject + Infinitive Verb (Base Form) + ……………. ?

Examples Question Yes No

 I studied English yesterday. Did you study English Yesterday? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
 She finished her homework? Did she finish her homework? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.
 We visited the museum. Did you visit the museum? Yes, we did. No, we didn’t.
 The boy washed his hands. Did the boy wash his hands? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

Wh- Question: Wh-Question Word + did + Subject + Infinitive Verb (Base Form) + ………. ?

Examples – (Sentences) Questions Short Answers

Where did you go? To school.
 I Went to the school at 7 o’clock by bus. When did you go to school? At 7.00 o’clock.
How did you go to school? By bus.
What did they do last month? They travelled.
 They travelled to London last month. Where did they travel last month? To London.
When did they travel to London? Last month.

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

More Examples – (Sentences):

Example (1) Example (2)

 I played.  My father went shopping.
 I played football.  My father went shopping by car.
 I played football yesterday.  My father went shopping by car yesterday.
 I played football yesterday with my friends.  My father went shopping by car yesterday
 I played football yesterday with my friends in with my mother.
the club.
Example (3) Example (4)
 He studied English.  She cooked lunch.
 He studied English yesterday.  She cooked lunch yesterday.
 He studied English yesterday in the class.  She cooked lunch yesterday for her family.
 He studied English yesterday in the class with
my friends.
Exercises 1: Fill in the missing verbs. Use the simple past form of the verbs in brackets.

1) Yesterday I ______________ to school by bus. (go)

2) Last year, we _______________ in London. (be)
3) Ahmed ________________ his friend a few minutes ago. (phone)
4) They ______________ very happy. (be)
5) I ___________ her yesterday. (see)
6) He ________________ the books. (take)
7) Maryam ___________ her homework in the evening. (do)
8) Last night, Sara and Amal ______________ TV. (watch)
9) Yesterday, my mother _______________ shopping. (go)
10) Last week, I ______________ my bike. (fix)

Exercise 2: Find the negative form of the following sentences.

 He played football. He didn’t play football.

 She went to school. _______________________________________________

 I saw her yesterday. _______________________________________________

 Abdullah did his homework. ____________________________________________

 Ahmed cleaned his bike. _____________________________________________

 John phoned his parents. ___________________________________________

 The kids watched TV. ____________________________________________

 We bought a lot of things. __________________________________________

 They played chess. ______________________________________________

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy
Exercise 3: Write Yes/No questions.

 Amna went shopping. Did Amna go shopping?

 Malak saw Tom yesterday. ___________________________________________?

 The children watched TV. ___________________________________________?

 The kids did their homework. _________________________________________?

Exercise 4: Fill in the missing verbs. Use the simple past form of the verbs in brackets.

Be careful: sometimes you need the negative form.

 Last night I ________________ (go) to the club, but I ___________________ (not go) to
the cinema.
 I ____________ (see) elephants when I ___________ (be) in Africa last year, but I
 _____________________ (not see) any giraffes.
 Peter _________________ (phone) his parents a few minutes ago.
 Last week Ben _______________ (want) to buy a new computer, but he
_______________________ (not find) any.
 Yesterday, Omar _________________ (play) chess with his friend Hamad. Omar
_______________________ (not win), but Hamad _______________ (win).
 Yesterday, Saif ___________________________ (not catch) his school bus, so he
_______________ (go) to school by bike.
 Last year, Ahmed and his family _______________ the summer holiday in France. (spend)

Exercise 5: Choose the correct past verbs.

Ahmed and Omar ________________ (stop – stopped - stopping). They ____________

(looked – look - looks) into a small, dark street. First, they ____________________ (don’t hear –

doesn’t hear – didn’t hear) anything, but then Ahmed ____________ (heard – hears - hear) a

loud noise. “Over there,” he ___________ (said – says - say), and he ______________ (points –

pointing - pointed) at a small gate between the houses. The two men ______________ (are

watching – watches - watched) the gate for a few minutes, but they _______________________

(didn’t see – don’t see not see) anything. After a few minutes, they ___________ (see – saw -

seen) a little grey dog running away.

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy
Exercise 6: Rewrite the verbs correctly.

Last month, we ___________ (do) a project about the USA. First, we all __________ (go)

to the library to find information. I ____________ (read) some interesting things about the

history of the USA. Rashid ____________ (study) a text about New York. Other pupils

________________ (write) about Hollywood. Yousif and Khalid ________________ (collect)

some photos. Our team _______________ (draw) pictures for a comic about the famous places in

the USA. We __________________ (finish) our project in a week.

Exercise 7: Rewrite the verbs correctly.

Last year we __________________ (travel) to Italy. We ___________ (meet) lots of

tourists there. We ________________ (stay) at a big hotel. Everyday, we __________ (go) to

the beach. One day, I _______________ (hear) an English family near us. I _____________

(make) friends with the boy. He ____________ (speak) a little Arabic. We often ____________

(talk) in English.

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Questions – Wh- questions

No. Word Meaning No. Word Meaning

1. Question ‫ سؤال‬17. How ‫كيف‬

2. What ‫ ما – ماذا‬18. How old ‫كم للعمر‬

3. What kind ‫ ما نوع‬19. How many ‫كم للعدد‬

4. What type ‫ ما نوع‬20. How much ‫ كم للكمية‬/‫كم للسعر‬

5. Who ‫ َمن‬21. How often ‫كم عدد المرات‬

6. Which ‫ أي‬22. How many times ‫كم عدد المرات‬

7. When ‫ متى‬23. How long ‫كم طول المدة الزم ية‬

8. What time ‫ متى‬/ ‫ ما الوقت‬24. How long ‫كم طول المسافة‬

9. On which date ‫ في أي تاريخ‬25. How tall ‫كم طول‬

10. On Which day ‫ في أي يوم‬26. How deep ‫كم عمق‬

11. In Which year ‫ في أي س ة‬27. How good ‫ما مدى اإلجادة‬

12. Where ‫ أين‬28. How far ‫كم بعد‬

13. In which ……….. ? ‫ ؟‬........ ‫ في أي‬29. How wide ‫ كم اتساع‬/ ‫كم عرض‬

14. Whose ‫ لمن – ملك من‬30. How high ‫كم يبلغ ارتفاع‬

15 Why ‫ لماذا‬31. How heavy ‫وزا‬/‫كم يبلغ ثقل‬

16. For what reasons ‫ ألي أسباب؟‬32. How fast ‫كم سرعة‬

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Exercise 1: Fill in the correct question word.

No. Questions Answers

1. _______________ sits next to Ali?  Ahmed.

2. _______________ do you live?  in Dubai.

3. _______________ is Ahmed?  He is 15 years old.

4. _______________ is your birthday?  It is on 15th, April.

5. _______________ didn’t you come to school yesterday?  Because I was ill.

6. _______________ are you going?  I'm going to my friends

7. _______________ much is the shirt?  It's twenty dollars

8. _______________ is your name?  Abdullah

9. _______________ does the restaurant open?  It opens at six o' clock.

10. _______________ are you going to order?  Fish and chips.

11. _______________ do you live?  I live in Canada.

12. _______________ does Ahmed goes to work?  He drives to work.

13. _______________ old are you?  I’m twelve.

14. _______________ is that?  It is a butterfly.

15. _______________ is my phone?  I think it is on the table.

16. _______________ do cows and goats eat?  They eat grass.

17. _______________ is your best friend?  Maryam is my best friend.

18. _______________ do you usually go to work?  At seven o’clock.

19. _______________ is your name?  My name is Khalid.

20. _______________ are you at home today?  I feel sick.

21. _______________ day is it?  It is Monday.

22. _______________ can I start work?  You can start now.

23. _______________ are you late?  My car is broken down.

24. _______________ time is it?  It is ten o’clock.

25. _______________ long did you stay in Turkey?  Ten days.

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy
Online Quizzes: Click on the links:

 https://wordwall.net/resource/3762890/question-words

 https://wordwall.net/resource/51831/question-words-quiz-elem

 https://www.grammarbank.com/wh-questions-worksheets-dd3.html

Prepositions of Place: at, in, on

 At – A preposition of place which is used to discuss a certain point
 In – A preposition of place which is used to discuss an enclosed space
 On – A preposition of time which is used to discuss a surface

Place: at, in, on

at in on
at the bus stop in London on the wall
at the corner in the garden on the floor
at the top of the page in the building on page
at the crossroads in the box on the ground
at home in the house on a bus
at school in the middle on a plane
at the top in the street on a train
at the bottom in the sky on the horse

Online Quizzes: Click on the links:

 https://wordwall.net/resource/15166525/english/preposition-of-place
 https://wordwall.net/resource/5446639/prepositions-of-place
 https://wordwall.net/resource/2802539/prepositions-in-on-under-next-to-over
 https://wordwall.net/resource/27740449/angielski/prepositions-in-on-under-next-to-over
 https://wordwall.net/resource/2802539/prepositions-in-on-under-next-to-over

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Reading Exercises

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Reading Exercises

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Reading Exercises

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Reading Exercises

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Reading Exercises

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

- Trimester: 1

Grammar & Reading Review – Term 2 – Year 2022/2023

Learn Smart Level EN 3.2 – 7 Access & 6 General Teacher: Helmy Youssif
Easy English with Mr. Helmy

Mr. Helmy Youssif With my best wishes 0509770714

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